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Daily Representative

The Daily Representative 1927 2 April - June

Friday, April 1, 1927
Notice to Creditors & Debtors
In the Estate of the late Jessie RICE, born ALLAN.  No. 14016...
Secretary, Queenstown Loan, Trust and Agency Co., Ltd., Queenstown,
Agent for Executor Testamentary.
P.O. Box 44,
Notice to Creditors & Debtors
Estate of the late Roselinah Martha (or Maud) MRUBATA, born DONDOLO, of Kamastone, Queensown.  No. 12220...
Attorneys for Executor Dative.
P.O. Box 83, Queenstown
Saturday, April 2, 1927
PIKE.-  Passed peacefully away, at Queenstown, on April 1st, Louisa, the dear wife of W.J. PIKE, Bolotwa, age 61 years.
Mr. PIKE and sons desire to thank the doctor and nurses for their kind and unremitting attention during their trouble...
Actor’s Sudden Death
Johannesburg, Thursday.
The death occurred to-day suddenly of Mr. Tom Hunter NESBITT one of the leading members of Mr. Arthur BOURCHIER’s Coy.  He was playing in “Treasure Island” last night. – Reuter.
Death of famous singer
London, Thursday.
The death has occurred of the well-known tenor singer, Mr. Edward LLOYD.- Reuter.
Local & General
Flying “Ace’s” Fatal Accident.
While riding a motor cycle through a drizzle of rain at night, Stanley F. HOBLYN, of Bartle Road, Durban, collided head on with a tram car proceeding from Umbilo to the town.  He received injuries from which he died while being removed to hospital.  HOBLYN was employed on the tug Sir David Hunter, and was riding home from work when the accident happened.  HOBLYN was a former “flying ace” in France.  In 1917, when forming one of a squadron, bombing Zeppelin sheds in Germany, his machine was brought to ground by an “Archie.”  After a period as a prisoner in Germany he was allowed to proceed to Holland on parole, where he met and married a Dutch girl.  His wife is stated to be on a holiday rip with her little daughter to Holland at present.  Deceased was 29 years of age, and had been in the harbour service in Durban since 1924.
Monday, April 4, 1927
JACKSON.-  At “Waverley,” Green-point, Capetown, on the 3rd inst., to Mr. And Mrs. Frank JACKSON (nee Evelyn GIBSON) a daughter.  Both well.
Tuesday, April 5, 1927
In Memoriam
ORREN.-  In tender loving memory of Everton SINCLAIR, who passed away at Germiston on the 5th April, 1926.
Inserted by Father, Mother, Brothers and Sisters.
Wednesday, April 6, 1927
BREMNER.-  At 42 Ebden Street on the 6th inst., to Mr. And Mrs. W.S. BREMNER a daughter.
In the Estate of the late Alfred Howard James BURNETT, of Queenstown.  No. 12481...
Attorneys for Executrix Dative
Thursday, April 7, 1927
In the Estate of Mary Ann Rebecca WELCH (born STREAK), widow, of Queenstown.  No. 13158...
Attorney for Executor Testamentary.
Sterkstroom Notes
I have to record with regret the death of an erstwhile resident of Sterkstroom, but lately residing with her son in Queenstown, in the person of Mrs. Magdalena POSTHUMUS at the age of 79 years.  The deceased, who was respected and well known by many local residents, was engaged in nursing for 39 years.  The funeral took place here on Tuesday.
Wedding Bells
A pretty wedding was solemnised on Sunday last in the Kerk Saal, being the first Jewish wedding ever to be celebrated there.  The contracting parties were Rea, eldest daughter of Mr. And the late Mrs. P. KRUGER, and Mr. David MIEROWSKY, headmaster of the Port Elizabeth Hebrew School.  The spacious hall was partitioned off to seat the Jewish families, and the other portion was reserved for the happy couple’s non-Jewish friends, ...
Local & General
Mr. E. WILSON, who is well-known in Queenstown, has gone to Australia, the country of his birth, on a holiday trip and will be away for four months...
A Lenten Wedding.
The wedding took place at St. Michael’s Church at eight o’clock this morning of Mr. John BARTLETT and Miss JAY, and subsequently the happy couple left for Port Elizabeth, where the honeymoon will be spent.  The ceremony was a very quiet affair and was conducted by the Rector (the Rev. W.A. GOODWIN).
The late Mrs. N.J. PIKE
Death is depriving Bolotwa of many of its old landmarks, the last being Mrs. N.J. PIKE, who after a long illness, which resulted in total blindness for the last fifteen months, was called to rest on Friday last in her 61st year.  What such a affliction, coupled with her disease, must have meant to one who loved nature in all her aspects, who was devoted to her garden and conservatory, she, and those in daily attendance on her, alone could gauge.  Our deepest sympathies go out to her sorrowing husband and sons.
Friday, April 8, 1927
MARSHALL-MATTHEWS.-  At Wesley Church, Queenstown, on the 6th inst., by the Rev. C.K. HODGES, Raymond, youngest son of Mr. T.H. MARSHALL to Vera, second daughter of Mr. And Mrs. J. MATTHEWS, Pennellick, Queenstown.
Saturday, April 9, 1927
HODGSON.-  At Salisbury, Southern Rhodesia, on the 5th April, to Lieut.-Colonel C.W. and Mrs. HODGSON (nee EDMONDS) a son.
Monday, April 11, 1927
Local & General
Shot by Brother.
A very sad shooting affair took place at Mr. LABUSCHAGNE’s farm, down in the Thorns near Entonjoneni, as a result of which a son of the family, about 22 years of age was killed by his elder brother.  Details are lacking, but as far as can be at present gathered the elder LABUSCHAGNE had been out shooting.  As he was returning home he came across the young brother.  Thinking the gun unloaded he pointed it at his brother for a joke and called out, “Hands up!”  He must have then pulled the trigger.  There was a loud report, and, to his horror, he saw his brother fall at his feet.  On investigation it was found that the poor boy had been shot right through the head and instantly killed.
Tuesday, April 12, 1927
Local & General
The many friends of Miss Gladys ERSKINE, youngest daughter of the late Mr. “Montey” ERSKINE, of Queenstown, and Mrs. ERSKINE, will doubtless be delighted to hear of her recent engagement.  The fortunate bridegroom-elect is Mr. Charles GINGELL, a partner in the well-known Port Elizabeth house of GINGELL, AYLIFF and Co.
Wednesday, April 13, 1927
Cathcart Notes
A very picturesque wedding was solemnised last Thursday at Henderson between Mr. Frank KING, son of Mr. John KING, Rockford, and Miss Doris SHEARD, daughter of the late Mr. Henry SHEARD and Mrs SHEARD, Underchurch...
Thursday, April 14, 1927
Estate late Andrew Ritchie COMMON, of Lady Frere.  No. 11970...
Executor Dative.
P.O. Box 136,
Saturday, April 16, 1927
Silver Wedding.
NOOKS-BELL.-  On April 16th, 1902, at Queenstown, Benjamin NOOKS, of Bloemfontein, to Constance Helen BELL, of Queenstown.
Tuesday, April 19, 1927
KNIGHT.-  At Arbroath Villa, Livingstone Road, on the 18th inst., to Mrs. A.T. KNIGHT, a son.  Thanks to doctor and nurse.
DERMAN.-  At Dr. GRIEVE’s Nursing Home on Sunday, 17th inst., to Mr. And Mrs. F. DERMAN (nee E. WHALE) a daughter.  Both well.
Wednesday, April 20, 1927
HAY.-  At Queenstown on the 19th inst., to Mr. And Mrs. K. HAY, of Birds’ River, a son.
On the 18th instant, to Mr. And Mrs. Harry WARNER, of Lady Frere, a fine girl.  Both well.
Thursday, April 21, 1927
In Memoriam
BRUNSKILL.-  In loving memory of Kivas Richardson BRUNSKILL who died 22nd April, 1926.
Inserted by his friends at Waverley House.
Friday, April 22, 1927
KUKARD.-  Died at Queenstown on the 20th inst., as the result of an accident, W.F.A. KUKARD.
Mrs. KUKARD, son, and relatives desire to thank all kind friends for assistance in their sudden bereavement.
Local & General
Choked by False Teeth.
A verdict of death by misadventure was returned at Hull in the case of John DALES (34), a South African student farmer, who died after swallowing his artificial teeth while eating an apple.  His brother-in-law, Arthur HOLDER, said DALES took an apple to bed to eat.  He complained that the dental plate, on which there were two teeth, was loose, and he apparently swallowed them during the night.  The Coroner observed that it was dangerous to go to sleep wearing small dental plates.
Train Tragedy.
A tragic accident occurred at Klipplaat on Monday night, when a young man named Jack MANSE, aged 26 years, a bridge inspector in the Public Works Department was killed.  He was a passenger from Barroe and must have tried to leave the train while it was still in motion.  MANE thought he was getting off the train on the platform side, when, in fact, it was the side where there was no platform.  He was found lying the track shockingly injured.  On foot was cut clean off just above the ankle and was lying nearby.  The other leg was crushed from the knee to the foot.  There was a staff nurse on the train, who rendered first aid, and a doctor was summoned by phone from Jansenville.  MANSE was eventually carried to a compartment for conveyance to hospital at Graaff-Reinet.  He collapsed and died before the train left.
Friday, April 29, 1927
Sterkstroom Notes
Wedding Bells
A pretty though quite wedding took place in the Dutch Reformed Church on Wednesday last, when two young residents of the town were joined together – Rudolph JORDAAN, youngest son of our former ex-mayor, Mr. J. JORDAAN and Miss Hettie DU TOIT, niece of the local minister, the Rev. C.F. LEYGONIE, who performed the marriage ceremony...
Notice to Creditors & Debtors
Estate of the late Nikiwe MTIMBA (born JACK) and surviving spouse Siteti MTIMBA, of Lesseyton, District of Queenstown...
Attorneys for Executor.

Monday, May 2, 1927
BRUNETT.-  At the Duncan Vale Nursing Home, to Mr. And Mrs. S.R. BRUNETT, a daughter.
In Memoriam
CHARLES.-  In ever loving memory of our darling old mother Delhia CHARLES, who fell asleep on the 2nd May, 1924...
Inserted by her sorrowing husband, daughters and sons.
Estate of the late Henry WHITE, of Qebe Qebe, District Queenstown.  No. 13982...
Solicitors for Executor.
94 Cathcart Road,
Local & General
Mr. George H. BARNES, of Oxton, Whittlesea, celebrated his 87th birthday yesterday.  There was a big gathering of friends and relatives at Oxton yesterday, when Mr. BARNES, who looked hale and hearty, received the congratulations of all.
Tuesday, May 3, 1927
CRICHTON.-  Died at 4 Goldschmidt Street, East London, May 1, George James CRICHTON (Jimmy SEARS) in his 69th year, late of Johannesburg.   Deeply mourned.
Wednesday, May 4, 1927
In the Estate of the late Isabella McKINNON, born KERR, of Queenstown.  No. 11635...
Attorneys for Executor Testamentary.
Thursday, May 5, 1927
WHITNELL.-  Died at 85 Robinson Road on the 4th inst., Ellen WHITNELL in her 60th year.
In Memoriam
In loving memory of my dear sister Isabella BREETZKE who died on the 5th May, 1923...
Inserted by her sister Annie ROBERTS.
BREETZKE.-  In loving memory of my beloved wife, Isabella BREETZKE, who died four years ago to-day.  Inserted by O.C. BREETZKE and Sons.
Saturday, May 7, 1927
GEORGE.-  Died at Harrismith, O.F.S., on the 28th April, Thomas Arthur GEORGE.
Wednesday, May 11, 1927
Cathcart Notes
The whole town was shocked on Saturday to read of the terrible shooting tragedy in Natal which involved with so many deaths.  More especially was this so in view of the fact that one of the victims was Captain G.C. ASHMAN who until quite recently was stationed in Cathcart, where he had been sub-inspector of the police for several years, being promoted towards the end of last year.  The deepest sympathy of all goes out to his widow and children in their very sudden and tragic bereavement.
The death occurred recently in Harrismith of another former resident of Cathcart in the person of Mr. T.A. GEORGE.  The late Mr. GEORGE was manager of the National Bank when it was opened here after the conclusion of the war.  When resident in Cathcart he took a keen interest in many branches of sport and his histrionic abilities were frequently shown to advantage in several local amateur theatricals in which he to part.  Some years ago owing to serious throat trouble he had to give up all work and live in retirement.  He leaves a widow, a daughter of the late Mr. MAGER of Queenstown, and two young children to mourn his loss.
Friday, May 13, 1927
DE WET-ERSKINE.-  Married by Special Licence at Indwe on the 11th May, 1927, Jack, eldest son of Mr. W.F. DE WET, to Gladys, youngest daughter of Mrs. Monty ERSKINE.
Saturday, May 14, 1927
ROMAIN-TUCKER.-  To be married on Thursday, 19th May, 1927, at the Berea Synagogue, Johannesburg, at 6 p.m., Golda, daughter of Mr. And Mrs. ROMAIN, 33 Kapteyn Street, Hospital Hill, Johannesburg, to Reuben TUCKER, of Molteno, C.P.  No Cards.
Monday, May 16, 1927
Local & General
Many will regret to hear of the death of Mr. HIGGS, Mus. B., which recently occurred at Durban.  As a former organist of St. Michael’s Church he did excellent work and displayed considerable talent.
Tuesday, May 17, 1927
MILES.-  To Mr. And Mrs. A.J. MILES, of Ladysmith, on the 3rd May, 1927, a daughter.  Both well.
Molteno Notes
We regret to record the death of Mr. W. STEYN of Weltevrede.  He has been ailing for some time, and came to town where he could be under a doctor’s care.  Much sympathy will go out to all bereaved in their great grief.  The deceased gentleman was one of the oldest members of the Divisional Council.
Wednesday, May 18, 1927
Estate late William Crawford McKNIGHT.  No. 13936...
Attorney for Executrix Dative.
Friday, May 20, 1927
PAINTER.-  Died at Alice on the 16th May, after a long and painful illness, Albert Edgar Sydney PAINTER, of Holloway (England), aged 52 years and 7 months.  Beloved and kind husband of Mrs. PAINTER, Royal Hotel, Alice.
Inserted by his sorrowing wife and children.
Notice by Executors
Estate late Alexander Trotter SCOTT, and surviving spouse, Annie Elizabeth Johanna SCOTT, born STANFORD (now deceased).  No. 180/807...
For self and Co-Executors.
P.O. Box 136,
Fungi Tragedy
Death of seventh victim
Capetown, Friday
The last victim of the mushroom poisoning, Eric FORD, died last night.  He was the last of the seven members of a family living in Oranjezicht who on Sunday consumed a quantity of fungi in mistake of mushrooms, which they gathered on the slopes of Table Mountain.  There are two survivors of the family who did not eat any of the fungi – a three months old baby, who is in the care of the hospital nurses and a little girl, Molly FORD, who had been adopted a few weeks ago. – Reuter.
Monday, May 23, 1927
OTTEN.-  Died at Queenstown on the 20th May, 1927, Mrs. C. OTTEN, formerly Mrs. George ARNOTT, in her 90th year.  Deeply mourned.
Local & General
Queenstown lost one of its prominent sons on Thursday last, when John Eric Carlisle LEACH passed away at his residence in Grey Street at the age of 42.  Born in Queenstown, the son of the late Mr. J.B. LEACH and Mrs. LEACH, now in East London, Eric was best known in Queenstown while his parents lived at Poplar Grove.  He was a keen sportsman, and an expert on the football field and tennis court.  When the Great War broke out, Eric was one of the first to answer the call to arms, and served nearly three years in East Africa.  He was invalided from the Army, and returned to Poplar Grove for a period, but soon returned to his work on the mines in Johannesburg.  He shared the fate of many another by falling a victim to miners’ phthisis, and about a year ago he had to give up work and retired with his wife and family to live quietly in Queenstown.  His life was prolonged by the careful nursing of his wife (also a Queenstonian, and remembered by her
friends as Miss TRENNERY), but the end came last Thursday, when Mr. LEACH passed away peacefully in his sleep.  The funeral took place on Friday afternoon when the chief mourners were Mrs. J.B. LEACH, Mr. Cedric LEACH (brother), Mr. Harry LEACH (uncle) and his son Norman, and Mr. BENNETT (brother-in-law) ...
Wednesday, May 25, 1927
OTTEN.-  Died at Queenstown on the 20th May, 1927, Mrs. C. OTTEN, formerly Mrs. George ARNOTT, in her 90th year.  Deeply mourned.
Friday, May 27, 1927
In Memoriam
MULLER.-  In memory of Willie, eldest son of Mr. And Mrs. L. MULLER, who was accidentally killed on the Railway on May 26th, 1922;  aged 16 years 8 months and 24 days.
Mourned by Dad, Mum, sisters and brothers.
In the Estate of the late George Edward Meadway...
Executrix Testamentary.
Tylden Notes
A further DARGIE-FLETCHER union has taken place.  On Wednesday the 18th inst., Mr. Ivan (Dick) DARGIE, of Elliott, was married to Miss Myrtle FLETCHER, late of Grey Craig, Tylden.  This makes the fourth joining up of these families within recent years.  Mrs. S.J. FLETCHER, Hendham, Tylden, Mrs. Clayton FLETCHER, Dubugella, Tylden and Mrs. Harold FLETCHER, Elliott, are sisters of the bridegroom.  We extend our best wishes to the happy couple.
Saturday, May 28, 1927
PEARSALL.-  To Mr. And Mrs. Sam PEARSALL on the 23td inst., a daughter.
Dank Betuigen.
Ons wil net al die vriende hartelik bedank voor al die hulp en belangmoeder, ook voor kranse.  En in biesonder dank Ds. En Mevr. DU PLESSIS en die dokters.
Mevr. J.L. DE KLERK en kinders.
In the Estate of Elizabeth MAKUNGA (born MAJIYEZI), of Engotini, in the District of Queenstown.  No. 14533...
Attorney for Executor Dative.
Monday, May 30, 1927
In the Estate of the late Agnes Catherine GREEN, born HAEUTLE, of Zeazili, District of Glen Grey.  No. 13530...
Attorneys for Executor Testamentary.
In the Estate of the late James John PRESTON, of Queenstown.  No. R172/650...
Attorneys for Executrix Testamentary.

Wednesday, June 1, 1927
LOXTON.- At Clarmont House, Stutterheim, on the 18th May, to Mr. And Mrs. Perrington LOXTON, twins, a son and a daughter.
Monday, June 6, 1927
LANDMAN.-  At Queenstown on the 6th instant to Mr. And Mrs. J.P. LANDMAN, a son.
Wedding Bells
An interesting and picturesque ceremony took place on Wednesday, the 1st int., at the Queen’s Drive Synagogue, when Miss Rebecca GORDON, second daughter of Mr. And Mrs. M.S. GORDON of this town, was married to Mr. Max HOPPENSTEIN, of Ugie.  The Rev. SHAPIRO officiated, ...
Local & General
Cable news has been received from London announcing the death of Mr. Amos MORUM, one of the founders of Messrs. MORUM Bros., Queenstown.  Mr. AMOS came to this country with his elder brother, Mr. Albert MORUM, and these two started the firm of MORUM Bros.  They were joined later by Mr. Stephen MORUM.  Mr. Amos MORUM left the firm many years ago, and returned to England.  Messrs. Albert and Stephen died in 1912.
Thursday, June 9, 1927
GARDNER.-  Passed peacefully away at the residence of his son-in-law, Dudley MORRIS, Samuel Robert GARDNER in his 84th year.
NIVEN-LARTER.-  Married on the 24th May, in St. Michael’s and All Angels’ Church, Queenstown, by the Rev. W.A. GOODWIN, M.A., James Mavor NIVEN, A.R.C.O., L.T.C.L., younger son of Mr. And Mrs. W. NIVEN, Durban, to Eileen May LARTER, younger daughter of the late Mrs. A.A. LARTER, Queenstown.
Death of Mrs. NEILSON
Widow of High School Principal
Grahamstown, Wednesday.
The death has occurred here of Mrs. NEILSON, widow of the late Principal of the Victoria High School.  Mrs. NEILSON, who came from Edinburgh, had been an invalid of many years.  The end came suddenly.-  Reuter.
Friday, June 10, 1927
Local & General
Congratulations to Mr. Edmond WAINWRIGHT, who to-day celebrates his 89th birthday!  Mr. WAINWRIGHT, who still looks hale and hearty and astonishes his friends by his energy in the garden, where, like old Mr. GLADSTONE, he is never happier than when chopping wood, was born in Lower Albany on 10 June, 1938.  He is a son of Edward WAINWRIGHT, who came to this country with his father in WAINWRIGHT’s Party in 1820.  He married Hetty LOVEMORE on 17th October, 1877, and the happy couple will thus celebrate their golden wedding this year.  They have a family, now living, of seven daughters and two sons.  Mr. Edmond WAINWRIGHT has lived in the Cape Province practically all his life, being associated with Bathurst, Cradock, Somerset East, Adelaide, Middelburg, and Tarkastad, and for some years now has lived in retirement in Queenstown.  Besides being an active farmer, he has also been a diamond digger (1871 and 1872), while he had a good spell at transport riding in the early days of Kimberley.  He first shouldered a rifle in the Kaffir Wars when he was but 15 years of age, and was out again on active services in 1878.  He is particularly fond of his garden, where he spends most of his time.  Mr. WAINWRIGHT is greatly agitated at the effort now being made to displace the Union Jack, under which he has lived all his life, and even now he is prepared to die in its defence!  WESTBOURNE has reason indeed to be proud of its Grand Old Man.
Saturday, June 11, 1927
In Memoriam
WIGGILL.-  In ever loving memory of my dear wife and our beloved mother, Sarah Dolly WIGGILL, who left us 11th June, 1926.
Monday, June 13, 1927
Dordrecht Notes
The engagement is announcement of Miss Martha SAUER, organist of the D.R. Church, and daughter of Mr. C.J. SAUER of Hopedale, and Mr. P.H. VAN ROOYEN, youngest son of Mr. P.H. VAN ROOYEN, Snr., thus uniting two of the oldest and most respected families of Wodehouse district.
Local & General
The death occurred today at Johannesburg of Mr. William G. GOCH, one of the Witwatersrand’s earliest pioneers.
Tuesday, June 14, 1927
Local & General
Senator Arthur FULLER dropped down dead in the Gardens, Capetown, this morning.
Wednesday, June 15, 1927
In the Estate of the late Hannah Matilda LARTER, of Queenstown (No. 11993)...
Attorneys for Executor Testamentary.
Friday, June 17, 1927
Local & General
Golden Wedding.
We offer hearty greetings to Mr. And Mrs. W.A. LANDMAN, who celebrate their golden wedding to-morrow.  After giving up their farming activities, Mr. And Mrs. LANDMAN settled in Queenstown a good many years ago, and have since taken a keen interest in the town’s affairs.  There have been a few benevolent movements which have not had the active sympathy of this genial couple, and if there were more men of Mr. LANDMAN’s broadmindedness there would be less racialism in South Africa.  During the Great War there were few appeals for aid to which Mr. And Mrs. LANDMAN did not respond, and “Wellum’s” enthusiasm over the Springbok Ruby successes in the Old Country showed a sporting spirit which won for him many friends.  We wish many more years of united happiness to Mr. And Mrs. LANDMAN.
Saturday, June 18, 1927
Golden Wedding
LANDMAN-WENTZEL.- 50 years ago.  Married on the 18th June, 1877, in the Dutch Reformed Church, Queenstown by the Rev. S.P. NAUDE, William Adolph LANDMAN and Anna Johanna Maria WENTZEL.  Partnership still going strong at 148, Cathcart Road, Queenstown.
Monday, June 20, 1927
BARNES.-  Died at Ox Kraal Drift on Wednesday, June 15th, 1927, Oswald BARNES, aged 47 years and 7 months.  Deeply mourned.
Local & General
The death occurred at Grahamstown yesterday of Mr. John HEMMING, for many years the faithful servant of the old Cape Government.  He was appointed Magistrate in Grahamstown in 1885, retiring in 1900.  Prior to this he acted in conjunction with John X. MERRIMAN of whom he was a personal friend, in settling troubles in the aative areas.  In 1877-78 he was engaged in the Gcalecka War and was awarded the medal and clasp.  He was nearly ninety years of age, and until quite recently was a familiar figure in the streets of Grahamstown, and was wonderfully erect and alert for his age. – Reuter.
Tuesday, June 21, 1927
Cathcart Notes
Congratulations to Mr. H. McPHERSON and Miss Joey MARAIS, both of Messrs. Malcomess, Ltd., who were married in the Dutch Reformed Church on Saturday afternoon, in the presence of a large number of friends and well-wishers...
Wednesday, June 22, 1927
Local & General
The sad news has been received that Mrs. W.H. WILLIAMS, of Whittlesea, passed away at Kimberley very suddenly yesterday (Tuesday).  Mrs. WILLIAMS was in Kimberley visiting her daughter who has been indisposed, and the news of her death came as a great surprise.  The funeral will take place at Whittlesea at noon to-morrow.  Great sympathy is felt for Mr. WILLIAMS and family in their sudden bereavement.
Thursday, June 23, 1927
Local & General
The death has occurred of Dr. POPE, one of the oldest residents of the town and district and generally regarded as father of Matatiele.  He was district surgeon for many years, and after retiring went back to duty at Addington Hospital, Durban, during the Great War.  He was a member for Victoria East in the old Cape Parliament. – Reuter.
Friday, June 24, 1927
MAGER.-  At Queenstown on the 24th instant, to Mr. And Mrs. E.K. MAGER, a daughter.
Sterkstroom Notes
The news of the death of Mr. Oswald BARNES at Ox Kraal Drift on the 15th inst. Was received with regret among a host of friends in town.  The late Mr. BARNES and his wife, as pro-prietors of that well-known hostelry the Premier Hotel a few years back, won the esteem and respect of our local community and the travelling public for their geniality and courtesy, and, and his demise at an early age is sadly deplored by all.  We tender our sincere sympathy to his widow and family in their bereavement.
Saturday, June 25, 1927
BAXTER.-  Died at his residence 89 Livingston Road, on the 23rd June, Frederick William BAXTER, late of Askeaton, age69 years. – Deeply mourned by wife and family.
Molteno Notes
On the 15th instant a kitchen tea was given as a compliment to Miss Clarissa PINNOY in Wesley Hall.  There was a very large attendance and the large number of gifts testified to the popularity of Miss PINNOY.  The wedding between Miss C. PINNOY and Mr. Jess F. VAN ZYL takes place on the 13th of next month.  We wish the parties all the success and happiness that they desire.
Local & General
Heartiest congratulations to Mr. And Mrs. Raymond BARNES, of Oxkraal, Whittlesea, who celebrated their silver wedding yesterday.
Monday, June 27, 1927
WILLIAMS.-  Died suddenly at Kimberley on 21st June, 1927, Louisa, beloved wife of W.H. WILLIAMS, of Whittlesea, aged 63 years and 10 months.
Deeply mourned.
JORDAAN.-  Elizabeth Jacoba JORDAAN.  Fell asleep on the 25th inst., at 143 Cathcart Road.  Deeply mourned.
In Memoriam
BEATON.-  In memory of our dear father Archibald BEATON, who passed away at Tylden, on the 27th June, 1923.
Inserted by his children and their mother.
Local & General
News was received in town to-day of the death of Mrs. GEDYE, who passed away at Cambridge yesterday.  The body is being brought to Queenstown for burial, and the funeral will take place at three o’clock to-morrow (Tuesday) afternoon from the Wesley Church.  Mrs. GEDYE was the widow of the late Rev. Mr. GEDYE, Wesleyan missioner, who for many years was stationed at Lesseyton, near Queenstown.  Mrs. GEDYE, after the death of her husband, lived in Queenstown for a number of years, but a few years ago she left for Cambridge to make her home with her daughter.  The sympathy of all will go out to her sons and daughters in their sad bereavement.
Tuesday, June 28, 1927
Cathcart Notes
The sympathy of all is extended to Mrs. MANTHE on the death last Wednesday of her son Willie, a young lad of 16 years of age after a short but painful illness.  This is the second bereavement the family has sustained recently, the husband and father having passed away only a few months ago.
The death occurred also on Saturday of Miss Myrtle DICKS, only daughter of Mr. Arthur DICKS, Waku, at the early age of 30.  Much sympathy is felt for Mr. DICKS, his family and relatives, in their sad loss, occurring so soon after the bereavement they sustained after the bereavement they sustained recently by the death of Mr. DICK’s brother.  The funeral took place on Sunday afternoon, being conducted by Rev. J.A. GILLIS of Hilton.
Dordrecht Notes
An engagement of popular and general interest was announced on Tuesday, the 21st, the happy couple being Nurse Minnie VENTER, late of Tarkastad and Mr. J.J. VAN ROOYEN, vice-Principal of the Dordrecht High School...
Local & General
News was received in town yesterday of the death at Capetown of Mrs. E.T. WELLS.  Mrs. WELLS was the eldest daughter of the late Rev. S.P. NAUDE, and was well known in Queenstown.
The death has taken place of Rev. Joseph BACON, Wesleyan Methodist Church Minister of Oudtshoorn, at Blackpool, England, whither deceased had gone, accompanied by Mrs. BACON, in search of health.  Mr. BACON was beloved by his congregation, who mourn the loss of a real friend.  His first appointment in South Africa was Queenstown.
Death has removed another of Queenstown’s sons recently in the person of Mr. Oswald BARNES.  Born in the district in November, 1879, he spent the early part of his life at school, upon leaving which he went into the employ of Messrs. Peacock Brothers Arcade, where he served for several years.  When the Boer War broke out he was among the first to answer his country’s call, and he served as one of the two buglers (the other being Mick BROSTER) to the Queenstown Volunteers.  At Helpmekaar he was wounded and retired for a time to the depot at Queenstown, where he was employed in the Pay Master’s Office, when he recovered he completed the period of the war by serving in the Colonial District Forces.   After several more years spent in Queenstown district he decided to try his luck further north, and spent various periods in Bechuanaland and the Transvaal and finally decided to settle down and make his home at Kopjes in the Free State some years ago.  He was unfortunate enough over a year ago to contract some internal complaint that was unsuccessfully operated upon at the Johannesburg Hospital.  He then came down in December last to the home of his brother at Oxkraal Drift, where, after months of suffering born with great fortitude and cheerfulness, he passed peacefully away among his dear ones on the night of the 1th June at the early age of 47 years.  He was laid to rest in the cemetery at Whittlesea, where a large number of the friends of his youth and friends and acquaintances of later days sorrowfully paid their last respects to him.  The sympathy of all will go out to his sorrowing widow and little son in their great loss.
Thursday, June 30, 1927
McLEOD-WIGGILL.-  Married at Wesleyan Church, Queenstown, on the 29th inst., by the Rev. J. Wesley McGAHEY, Norman McLOED, of Port Elizabeth, to Dorothy WIGGILL, daughter of Mrs. R.M. WIGGILL, Queenstown.
Notice to Creditors
Estates late Malomba MATEZA, of Hackney, No. 14684;  Enock MATEZA, of Hackney, No. 14685...
Solicitors for Executors,
Thursday, June 30, 1927
RIES.-  On 29th June to Mr. And Mrs. Maurice RIES (nee Lily WHITE) a daughter.  Both well.

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