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Daily Representative

The Daily Representative 1927 3 July - September

Friday, July 1, 1927
To Mr. and Mrs. B. GODDEN, 71 Robinson Road, 30th June, a daughter.
Dr. WEAKLEY and family thank all friends for their floral gifts and kind words of sympathy during their time of distress.
Saturday, July 2, 1927
Died at Queenstown on the 28th of June, 1927, Thomas MILES, aged 39 years. The widow and relatives wish to thank the Matron and staff and the doctor of the Frontier Hospital for their kind attention to the late Mr. MILES.
DE VILLIERS-ARNOTT.-  Married on the 28th June by the Rev. STOKES, Charl ROCHELLE DE VILLIERS, only son of Mr. C.T. DE VILLIERS, Beaufort West, to Dorothy Joyce, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George ARNOTT, Queenstown.
Estate late James STRACHAN.  No. 14478...
Attorney for Executrix Testamentary.
Wedding Bells
A very interesting wedding, characterised by charm enshrined in a setting of quiet dignity and simplicity, was solemnised at Wesley Church on Wednesday afternoon;  the 29th inst., when Mr. Norman McLEOD, of Port Elizabeth, son of Mr. and Mrs. McLEOD of Cradock, was married to Miss Dorothy Agnes WIGGILL, daughter of Mrs. WIGGILL of Queen’s Drive.  The venerable Church was suitably decorated with winter foliage, the Communion rails being treated with a quietly artistic arrangement of palms.  The bride was given away by her brother, Mr. Frank WIGGILL, of Butterworth, ...
Dordrecht Notes
A popular and very largely attended wedding was solemnised at St. Augustus church on 28th June at 11 a.m., the contracting parties being Mr. Charlie MOORCROFT, second son of Mr. and Mrs. H. MOORCROFT, of Gatacre, and Miss Thelma MAULLIN, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. MAULLING, of Umhlanga.  The ceremony was performed by the Rev. TURNER, Mrs. TURNER ably officiating the organ.  Miss Agnes MOORCROFT, sister of the bridegroom, acted as the bridesmaid. While the duties of best man were ably carried out  by Mr. L. MAULLIN, brother of the bride...
Molteno Notes
A very pretty wedding took place at the Dutch Reformed Church on Wednesday last the 29th inst., the contracting parties being Miss Sara LE GRANGE and Mr. Jacobus MARAIS.  The ceremony was performed by the Rev. F.J. BOTHA, the resident minister...
Monday, July 4, 1927
In Memoriam
HARRIS.-  In loving memory of our wee boy, George Frederick Duncan (Geordie), son of Fred and Florence HARRIS, died 4th July, 1916, age six years.
Thursday, July 7, 1927
In Memoriam
TROLLIP.-  In loving memory of our dear mother Elizabeth TROLLIP, who fell asleep on the 7th July, 1926.
Inserted by her loving children.
MACARTHUR-GILFILLAN.-  Married at Mombasa on the 6th July, 1927, Cuthbert Geary MACARTHUR, of the Game Department, Nairobi, Kenya Colony, late Life Guards and Indian Civil Service, to Isabel Florence Mouncey GILFILLAN, daughter of Mrs. GILFILLAN, of Queenstown.
Married in St. Michael’s and All Angels’ Church, Queenstown, by the Rev. STOKES, M.A., Aileen Joan ROY, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. ROY, “Bona Vista,” Queenstown, to Hector Charles GRANT, of East London, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. J. GRANT, of Queenstown.
Estate late Janet UNDERWOOD (born DUNLOP) and surviving spouse Henry UNDERWOOD, of Queenstown.  No. 13891...
Attorney for Executors Testamentary,
Hexagon, Queenstown
Local & General
Having qualified of M.B., at Howard University, U.S.A., Dr. E.B. NYOMBOLO has proceeded to Edinburgh for the purpose of obtaining an English diploma.  His intention is to remain six months in Edinburgh, and then proceed to Glasgow, where he will practice for about a year.  He intends to return to South Africa early in 1929 for the purpose of opening a practice in Queenstown.
Friday, July 8, 1927
Molteno Notes
The marriage between Mr. Jess VAN ZYL and Miss Clarissa PINNOY, both Moltenoites, takes place on Wednesday next in Indwe at 2.15.  The officiating minister will be the Rev. Rayner SPEIGHT of Molteno and the marriage will be solemnised in the Presbyterian Church, Indwe.
Deepest sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. JENSEN in their sudden bereavement.  Mrs. JENSEN’s mother who has been staying here for some time from the Free State was suddenly taken seriously ill on Wednesday and passed away in the afternoon of Wednesday at 3 o’clock.  She had been very ill for some time, but the end came very suddenly owing to blood pressure and heart failure.  The deepest condolences of the community are extended to the bereaved family.  The funereal took place on Friday morning, the interment service being conducted by the Rev. F.J. BOTHA.
Saturday, July 9, 1927
Local & General
The death occurred this morning of Mr. Henry HUNT, senior partner of Messrs. William HUNT and Company at the age of 76. – Reuter.
Monday, July 11, 1927
HARRIS.-  Died at the Frontier Hospital on 11th July, John Frederick Henry, beloved elder surviving son of Fred and Florence HARRIS, age 18 years 5 months 8 days.

Mr. and Mrs. HARRIS wish to thank the Matron and nurses at the Hospital, also the Doctor, for their devotion to their son during his illness.
Tuesday, July 12, 1927
COETZEE.-  At Queenstown on the 1st July to Mr. and Mrs. J. COETZEE, of Tarkastad, a daughter.  Both well.
July 11th at Duncan Vale Home, Mrs. E.B. WRIGHT (nee Clara STRIPP), Komata Poort, a daughter.
Wednesday, July 13, 1927
Cathart Notes
The sympathy of town and district is extended to the parents and the wife and family of the late Mr. Tom MILES of Ugie, who died at Queenstown at the early age of 39.  The late Mr. MILES was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam MILES, Pink Valley, Cathcart, where the funeral conducted by Rev. Mr. McGAHEY of Queenstown, took place.
In the Estate of the late William Samuel WELCH, No. 61:44, 149:927, and in the Estate of the late Mary Ann Rebecca WELCH (born STREAK).  No. 14158, both of Queenstown...
Attorney for Executor Testamentary.
Thursday, July 14, 1927
EGLETON.-  On the 13th inst., to Mr. and Mrs. EGLETON, a daughter.
Sterkstroom Notes
The late Miss Gwen BATTESON.
News was received in town on Friday last of the death of Miss Gwen BATTESON, eldest daughter of Mrs. And the late Mr. A. BATTESON, which sad event occurred at Johannesburg.  The deceased young lady and her parents were former residents of the town, her mother, sister and brothers afterwards leaving for Johannesburg for their permanent residence.  Both sisters, Gwen and Mavis, were general favourites with our community.  Their charming personality and sunny disposition secured them many warm and sincere friends.  Miss BATTESON’s early demise came as a surprise to many of her local friends, despite her ailing health.  To her bereaved mother, Mrs. BATTESON, and her family the sympathy of a wide circle of friends goes out in the loss they have sustained.
Friday, July 15, 1927
BREMNER.-  Passed peacefully away on 13th July at Dordrecht, Margaret Florence (Peggy) the beloved infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.S. BREMNER, aged three months.
Estate late William Frederick August KUKARD.  No. 14675...
Attorney for Executrix Testamentary.
In the Estate of the late Alwyn Francois JORDAAN.  No. 14116...
Attorney for the Executrix Testamentary.
Saturday, July 16, 1927
Local & General
The Rev. Godfrey S.C. HEATHCOTE, lately Rector of Molteno, died this morning at 5.30 at Queenstown at the age of 66 years and 9 months.  The funeral is fixed for 4 p.m. on Sunday from St. Michael’s Church.  Mr. HEATHCOTE retired only 9 months ago from active service.  He leaves a widow, but no children.  Molteno will be plunged into grief at this sudden collapse.  The deepest sympathy is felt for his bereaved wife.
Wedding Bells
One of the most picturesque and most largely attended weddings of recent years was solemnised in St. Michaels and All Angels’ Church, Queenstown, on the 6th inst, the contracting parties being Miss Aileen Jean ROY, eldest daughter of Mr. J. ROY (Public Prosecutor) and Mrs. ROY of Bona Vista, Queenstown, and Hector Charles GRANT, Railway Tel???, East London, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. J. GRANT, South African Railways at Queenstown...
Monday, July 18, 1927
Dordrecht Notes
Very quiet and very simple was the wedding of Mr. P.J. VAN ROOYEN to Miss Martha SAUER, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C.J. SAUER, at their farm “Hopedale” on Monday afternoon, July 11th.  The ceremony was performed by the Rev. G.J. VAN ROOYEN, brother of the bridegroom...
The sympathy of all will be extended to Mr. and Mrs. W. BREMNER, late of Molteno, whose infant and only daughter passed away on Wednesday the 13th from whooping cough and complications.
Wednesday, July 20, 1927
Sensation at Harrismith
Lad’s body found in donga.
Marks of strangulation
Harrismith, Tuesday.
A sensation is being aroused in town by the discovery this morning of the body of a thirteen-year-old lad named Vernon BUCKLEY, the son of a local farmer, lying at the foot of a donga in circumstances which point to murder.  The lad was missing last night, and on a search being made, his body was discovered with the marks of strangulation on each side of the neck, under the angles of the jaw.  The police are making searching investigations, and a native has been arrested on suspicion. – Reuter.
Thursday, July 21, 1927
At 81 Prince Alfred Street on the 19th July to Mr. and Mrs. K.F. BOHLER of a son.  Both well.
GRIFFITHS-BERRY.-  Married at Wesley Church, Queenstown, on the 20th instant by the Rev. J. Wesley McGAHEY, james Bartlett GRIFFITHS, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. C. GRIFFITHS, Queenstown, to Florence Alma BERRY, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S.J. BERRY, Queenstown.
Local & General
A Pretty Wedding.
The Aliwal North Synagogue (says the Aliwal North correspondent of the “Daily Dispatch”) was the scene of a pretty and popular wedding recently, when the Rev. M.L. COHEN solemnised the marriage of Bessie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. BARWIN, to Louis, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. M. GASMAN, Johannesburg...
Friday, July 22, 1927
SOUTHEY.-  Died at Capetown on the 21st July, Mrs. C.S.E. SOUTHEY, widow of the late J.H.O. SOUTHEY.  Funereal 3 p.m. Saturday at Tentergate, Waverley.
Saturday, July 23, 1927
SCHEIDEL-SCHROEDER.-  Married at Wesley Church, Queenstown, on the 20th inst., by the Rev. J. Wesley McGAHEY, Arthur Harold SCHEIDEL, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. W.A. SCHEIDEL, Cambalala, to Olive Helen SCHROEDER, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. SCHROEDER, Queenstown.
Tuesday, July 26, 1927
LOGIE.-  On the 25th inst. To Mr. and Mrs. Allan LOGIE (nee Olive GOOSEN) a daughter.  Both well.
Wednesday, July 27, 1927
MALLETT.-  At 3 Milner Street, Queenstown, on the 26th inst., to Mr. and Mrs. N.M. MALLETT, a daughter.
Notice to Creditors
In the Estate of the late Philippina Elizabeth GROBBELAAR (born SMIT), of “Glen Wallace,” in the District of Sterkstroom.  No. 15297...
Attorney for the Executor,
P.O. Box 6,
Sterkstroom, C.P.
Molteno Notes
Hearty congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Allan BARRY on the birth of a bonny daughter.  We are pleased that Mrs. BARRY and the infant are both well.
Friday, July 29, 1927
In Memoriam
In loving memory of Charles William THOMPSON, who died of wounds in East Africa on July 29th, 1916.
Saturday, July 30, 1927
In Memoriam
COMMON.-  In loving memory of Andrew Ritchie COMMON, who died 19th July, 1926...
Inserted by his loving Mother and Jean.

Tuesday, August 2, 1927
Local & General
The death has occurred in a Glasgow nursing home of Lady LAUDER, wife of Sir Harry LAUDER. – Reuter.
Wednesday, August 3, 1927
At Queenstown, 31st July, 1927, to Mr and Mrs. W.G. GLENISTER, a son.  Thanks to Doctor and Nurse.
In the Estate of the late Harold Theodore FLEMMER, who died at Nakuru, Kenya Colony.  No. 12903...
Agents for Executrix Dative
58, Burg Street,  Capetown
Friday, August 5, 1927
Sterkstroom Notes
We regret to record the death, which occurred on Saturday evening last, of Mrs. Cecilia G.J. VAN RENSBURGH, wife of our esteemed townsman, Mr. VAN RENSBURGH, in her 74th year.  Deceased and her husband lived at Tarkastad prior to taking up residence here.  We extend our sympathy to the bereaved husband and family.
Saturday, August 6, 1927
At Newtondale, Tarka, on the 6th August, 1927, to Mr. and Mrs. Donald LOVEMORE, a son (Herbert Newton).
Notice to Creditors & Debtors
Estate of the late Catherine McArthur ROSS, Spinster, of Bolotwa, Queenstown.  No. 12245...
Attorneys for Executor Dative

Notice to Creditors & Debtors
Estate of the late Annie Sophia BUTLER, born COLDRIDGE, widow of Queenstown. No. 8372...
Attorneys for Executor Dative
Monday, August 8, 1927
HAYES.-  At the Grey Ville Nursing Home, on Saturday, 6th August, to Mrs. Sammy HAYES (nee Iris MacLEAN), a daughter.
PAUL.-  Died on 7th August, at 17 Milner Street, Mrs. E.H. PAUL, aged 78.
Local & General
Business Man’s Death
A cable reports the death in a nursing home at Glasgow of Mr. James Gordon LOWE, of Durban, a business man well known throughout South Africa.  Mr. LOWE had important dealings in connection with the sugar industry in many parts of the world.  He made annual trips to Mauritius and had travelled to Japan, Cuba, America and Australia.  He was a keen philatelist, and his collection would probably be amongst the most valuable in South Africa.  On one of his recent visits to Mauritius he made and important haul of the rare early stamps of the island.
Monday, August 15, 1927
MURRAY.-  Passed away at the Frontier Hospital on Sunday, 14th August, Mrs. W.G. MURRAY (of Retreat Farm), aged 57 years.
Local & General
Funeral of Mrs. MURRAY.
The funeral of Mrs. Emily Matilda MURRAY, whose lamented death has occasioned such general regret, will take place to-morrow afternoon at three o’clock at the farm Retreat, Bongolo.
Tuesday, August 16 ,1927
Local & General
Fatal Domestic Quarrel.
The sudden death of Merlin FLINT, a young married man who lived with his wife in Chelmsford Road, Durban, was the subject of an inquiry before the magistrate last week when his wife, Victoria FLINT, was present on an allegation of culpable homicide.  The evidence of FLINT’s sister was that when she and Mrs. FLINT returned home late, a quarrel took place between the deceased and his wife and the latter picked up a rose bowl stand and threw it at him, hitting him on the temple.  He fell to the ground from his chair, but picked himself up immediately, bleeding from the nose.  Witness said she heard the deceased go to the bathroom several times in the night, the last time being about 4 o’clock in the morning.  When the coffee was taken to him he was found to be unconscious, lying across the bed.  He was removed to a nursing home and died the same day.  Further evidence was that the parties had come from Capetown and that while there the deceased
had been subject to cerebral haemorrhage.  The inquiry is proceeding.
Wednesday, August 17, 1927
In Memoriam
In loving remembrance of J.W. JORDAAN (Chick), who departed this life August 17th, 1926.
Inserted by his mother, S. JORDAAN.
Mr. and Mrs. BRUYNS thank the doctors and nurses and Rev. DU PLESSIS and friends, who so kindly assisted us in our sad bereavement and for floral tributes.
Local & General
Death of Mr. F.W. BAXTER.
When Frederick William BAXTER passed away at his home in Livingstone Road, Queenstown, recently South Africa lost one of the most respected of its old Colonists, says the “Frontier Post.”  Mr. BAXTER came from Bromley, Kent.  Coming to South Africa in 1882 the late Mr. BAXTER joined the firm of McCABE and Co., Queenstown.  He afterwards started trading at Garry Owen, moving from there to Klipdrift finally purchasing the Askeaton Trading Station in 1890.  There a splendid business and home was established.  Askeaton is one of the best-known trading stations in the Transkei and the late owner was known far and wide amongst the natives and coloured people for his fairness and straight dealing amongst them, and for the kindly advice he was always ready to give them.  In 1884 he married Miss Euphima ANDERSON by whom he is survived, and by their children, four sons and four daughters.  Owing to failing health Mr. BAXTER built himself a home in Queenstown and retired in 1925 from active business.  His health continued to improve in Queenstown until a year ago, when it again failed.  All the members of his family were in attendance at the deathbed excepting Mr. Herbert BAXTER who is farming in Rhodesia.  To Mrs. BAXTER who helped her late husband to build up a successful home and business, and who is equally well-known in the Transkei, and to her children we offer heartfelt sympathy.
Thursday, August 18, 1927
At 37 Prince Alfred Street, on 16th August, to Mr. and Mrs. T.H. NUTTALL, a son (Peter).
In Memoriam
KLETTE.-  In loving memory of our darling Mother, who died 18th August, 1926...
Inserted by her loving children and grandchild, Annie, Sonny and Lukin.
KLETTE.-  In loving memory of our dear Mother (Ida) KLETTE, who passed away at Umtata on August 18th, 1926.
Inserted by her children and her grandchildren.
In the Estate of the late William Arthur DUVILLE, of Queenstown.  No 4798...
Attorneys for Executor Testamentary
Molteno Notes
Deepest sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Willie BROWN, of the farm “Woking,” in the sad loss they have sustained in the passing of their elder daughter, Beryl.  The child was ill for some days with an infection of the throat.  We understand that the trouble developed rapidly, and in spite of all medical assistance procurable the little girl was taken in the early hours of Monday morning.
Friday, August 19, 1927
RIVLIN.-  On the 13th August, 1927, at the Duncan Vale Nursing Home, Queenstown, to Dr. And Mrs. RIVLIN, of Lady Frere, a daughter.
BROWN.-  Passed away at Woking, Molteno, on the 15th inst., Beryl, aged 5 years, the beloved child of Mr. and Mrs. N.N. BROWN.
Saturday, August 20, 1927
In Memoriam
DIXON.-  In loving memory of our dear mother, Elizabeth DIXON, who passed away on the 20th August, 1920.
Inserted by Harry and Annie ROBERTS.

In loving memory of my dear wife and our darling mother Louisa Dorcas THOMPSON, who passed away on 20th August, 1922.
Inserted by Husband and Children.
Silver Wedding
DRAPER-MYBURGH.-  Married at Prieska, on the 20th August, 1902, by the Rev. VAN NIEKERK, George William DRAPER, only son of William DRAPER, to Lizzie MYBURGH, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L.P. MYBURGH, of Prieska.
Monday, August 22, 1927
SIMMS.-  On the 18th inst., to Mr. and Mrs. A. Miles SIMMS, a daughter.  Both well.
Local & General
Local Silver Wedding.
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. J.J. JARVIS, late of East London and now residing in Queenstown, on celebrating their silver wedding to-day, says Saturday’s “Daily Dispatch.”
Wednesday, August 24, 1927
Dordrecht Notes
The news of the death of Mrs. COHEN, wife of Mr. Cyril COHEN, of the Masonic Hotel, cast quite a gloom over the town.  Mrs. COHEN was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. LEVINSON, of Siberia, and spent practically the whole of her life in Dordrecht.  As a girl and right up almost to the day of her death, in spite of the fact of suffering extremely for the last few years, she was ever a bright, happy disposition.  She made friends where ever she went, and there are many who mourn her passing in Dordrecht to-day.  She was laid to rest on Thursday afternoon in the local cemetery amid a large number of mourners and friends.  To her husband and two young children the sympathy of the community is extended and to her only brother, Mr. Ellis LEVINSON, now resident in Johannesburg.
The mortal remains of Mr. G. VAN STAATEN, late of the farm Stormfontein, in the Wodehouse district, were laid to rest in the family cemetery on the farm on Saturday morning.  For the past few weeks Mr. VAN STAATEN has been seriously ill in town and, although at first great hopes were held for his recovery, it was soon evident that he was a victim of a dread of malady which caused great suffering and from which death proved a happy release.  We extend our heartfelt sympathy to Mrs. VAN STAATEN and family.
Cathcart Notes
The deep sympathy of all is extended to Mr. and Mrs. W.T. EALES on the sad bereavement they have sustained by the death of their little daughter, Hilda, aged 4½ years.  Mrs. EALES and family only arrived in Cathcart from Tarkastad a week ago to join her husband, lately appointed to the staff of Messrs. MALCOMESS and Co., Ltd., and the child succumbed to diptheria  after a very short illness.
In Memoriam
In loving memory of Maria BOLD, beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. BOLD, 12, Tylden Street, who passed away at the Frontier Hospital on the 24th August, 1926.
Local & General
Police Officer’s Death.
The death has occurred at Lichtenburg with almost tragic suddenness of Sub-Inspector T.W. TAYLOR, who has been in charge of the police at the diggings for some months.  Despite the fact that he was seriously ill on the day of the rush, Inspector TAYLOR, who on that occasion was acting as staff officer to Colonel BEER, insisted on carrying out his duties and remained at his post until he collapsed about mid-day.  He was removed to the Lichtenburg Cottage Hospital that afternoon and was found to be suffering from pleuro-pneumonia.  On Saturday morning strong hopes were entertained of his recovery, but the same afternoon he took a change for the worse, passing away at 10.30 on Sunday morning.  Inspector TAYLOR was unmarried and 47 years of age and hailed from Scotland.  He served during the Anglo-Boer War and was an old member of the S.A. Constabulary.  He was actually a relieving officer and was appointed to his last appointment after it was decided to organise the special police post at the diggings.  Loved and respected by the men under his command, the South African Police is the poorer to-day by the death of a gallant officer.  By the public and the diggers, too, he was highly esteemed, and he enjoyed a reputation for absolute fairness and impartially.  His great concern was that the Welverdiend rush should be a success.
Saturday, August 27, 1927
DE WET.-  Died at her residence, 100 Prince Alfred Street, on Friday, the 26th August, 1927, Susanna Hendrina DE WET (born LE ROUX), widow of the late P.J. DE WET, of Strydfontein, Bolotwa, and mother of W.F. DE WET, M.P.C.
Local & General
Native Centenarian’s Memories.
There is lying in the Johannesburg Non-European Hospital a native Stephen ANTOOLO, who is apparently 110 years old, judging by historical incidents he remembers.  Born at Umtata, Stephen has spent the greater part of his long span of life as a farm labourer.  He claims that the Xosa were so called because he with other Zulus stole Chaka’s dog Xosa when they rebelled against Chaka and went to the Cape.  Stephen has recollections of the Great Trek, the fight between Piet Retief and the Zulus, and Cecil RHODES at Kimberley, while during the Anglo-Boer War he was a transport driver with the British Army.  He went to the Rand in the days of wagon travel.  Latterly Stephen had been staying with a native missioner at Overton, near Vereeniging, but disagreement between them resulted in Stephen consulting the magistrate.  Stephen was examined by a doctor and given a passage and admission to hospital.
It is with deep regret that we have to announce the death, which took place yesterday afternoon, of Mrs. Susanna Hendrina DE WET, of Prince Alfred Street, widow of Mr. P.J. DE WET, of Strydfontein, Bolotwa, and mother of Mr. W.F. DE WET, M.P.C., and of Mr. Piet DE WET.  The deceased lady was widely esteemed by a large circle of friends, and the utmost sympathy will be extended to the family in the sad loss they have sustained.
Polo Fatality
As the result of an accident on the polo ground at Maritzburg on Wednesday morning Captain R.D. HEMSWORTH, of the Pretoria team, sustained a fractured skull and died the same night at Grey’s Hospital.  He was mounted on a pony which, it is said, had a very weak shoulder.  Moving at a moderate speed, the animal tripped and, because of its physical weakness, collapsed.  Captain HEMSWORTH was thrown, and in attempting to rise was trampled on by the pony and rendered unconscious.  A doctor was summoned and diagnosed the case as a fracture at the base of the skull.  The victim was removed to hospital and passed away at about 9.30.  Captain HEMSWORTH, who was a single man, aged about 40 years, was a Commissioner in the Native Affairs Department, Pretoria.
Monday, August 29, 1927
BARKHUIZEN.-  On 28th August, 1927, at the Duncan Vale Nursing Home, Queenstown, to Mr. and Mrs. J.N.W. BARKHUIZEN, of Queenstown, a son.
In Memoriam
KRUGER.-  In loving memory of our darling baby who died 27th August, 1926.
Inserted by her loving parents.
Tuesday, August 30, 1927
DOMONEY-  Passed peacefully away at the Frontier Hospital on the 29th August, Henrietta DOMONEY, beloved wife of J.C. DOMONEY, age 36 years.
Thursday, August 1, 1927 (Note:  This is the date printed, but it seems it should be September 1)
THOMSON-BIRKETT.-  In Wesley Church, Queenstown, on August 31st, 1927, by Rev. J.W. McGAHEY and Rev. C.K. HODGES, John THOMSON, elder son of Mr. and Mrs. W. THOMSON, of Capetown, to Margaret Agnes (Nessie), only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T.G. BIRKETT, of Queenstown.
Local & General
News was received in town to-day that Mrs. R.H. PRINGLE, of Lyndock, Bedford, died this morning, at the advanced age of 84 years.  Mrs. PRINGLE was in church on Sunday and on leaving the church she slipped on the steps and fell, the accident proving fatal.  Mrs. PRINGLE was the mother-in-law of our esteemed member of Parliament, Mr. Livingstone MOFFAT, who is leaving for Bedford to attend the funeral.
Dordrecht Notes
Mr. and Mrs. K. ANDERSON, of the Stormberg, are receiving the congratulations of their friends on the birth of a daughter on Friday last.
Friday, September 2, 1927
HOLLIDAY.-  To Mr. and Mrs. Leslie HOLLIDAY, Ashby Manor, Queenstown, on 1st September, a daughter.
Notice to  Creditors & Debtors
In the Estate of the late Louisa WILLIAMS
(born GAMMIE).  No. 15431...
L.B. PARSONSON, Secretary, Queenstown Loan,
Trust and Agency  Co., Ltd,
P.O. Box 44, Queenstown
Agent for Executor,
Saturday, September 3, 1927
SPEIGHT.-  On Wednesday, 31st August, to the Rev. R. And Mrs. SPEIGHT, of Molteno, a son (still born).
THOMSON-BIRKETT.-  In Wesley Church, Queenstown, on August 31st, 1927, by Rev. J.W. McGAHEY and Rev. C.K. HODGES, John THOMSON, elder son of Mr. And Mrs. W. THOMSON, of Capetown, to Margaret Agnes (Nessie), only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T.G. BIRKETT, of Queenstown.
Sterkstroom Notes
There passed away at Burghersdorp on Friday a former old and respected resident in the person of Mr. Piet JORDAAN at the ripe age of 81 years.  The late Mr. JORDAAN, who was the father of Mrs. Jess EDWARDS and Mrs. Will MULLER, was resident here for a long time, subsequently moving to his daughter’s home, Mrs. PANSEGROUW, Burghersdorp.
Monday, September 5, 1927
In Memoriam
BEATON.-  In loving memory of our darling, Susan BEATON, who passed away at Kubusie, 4th September, 1925.
Inserted by her mother-in-law.
Tuesday, September 6, 1927
In the Estate of the late William Gordon BUSHELL and predeceased spouse Alwina Matilda BUSHELL (born LYNES), of Queenstown.  Nos. 3857 and 3858...
Attorneys for Executrix Testamentary.
Thursday, September 8, 1927
GUNN.-  On the 8th inst. At No. 5 Frost Street, to Mr.and Mrs.H.C.H. GUNN, a son.
Molteno Notes
Heartiest congratulations are extended to Mr.and Mrs. Owen VICE on the birth of a son.
Saturday, September 10, 1927
PITT.-  At 9 Lamont Street, Queenstown, on the 9th inst., to Mr.and Mrs. F.J. PITT, of Welcome Valley, Imvani, a daughter.  Both well.
LESLIE.-  Passed peacefully away at 104 Ebden Street, on September 10th, 1927, Sophie TOCHER, widow of the late M.E. LESLIE, Sanitary Inspector,Queenstown.
Notice to Creditors & Debtors
Estate of the late Engela Helena PAUL, born PRETORIUS, widow, of Queenstown.  No. 15859...
Attorneys for Executors Testamentary.
Monday, September 12, 1927
TAYLOR.-  Passed away peacefully on the 11th inst., our beloved mother, Adelaide Annie Elizabeth TAYLOR, age 64. Deeply mourned by her sorrowing children and grand-children. Funeral will be leaving the Frontier Hospital at 3.30 p.m.
Wednesday, September 14, 1927
The family of the late Mrs. DE WET wish to thank all friends for the kind expressions of sympathy extended to them during their recent bereavement;  also for floral tributes.
100 Prince Alfred Street.
Molteno Notes
Heartiest congratulations are extended to Mr.and Mrs. Percy MARSHALL on the birth of a son.  We understand that both mother and child are doing well.
Friday, September 16, 1927
Estate of the late John Henry Adolph ARNOLD...
For Self and Co-Executor.
KIDSON.-  At Greyville Nursing Home, on 15th inst., to Mr. and Mrs. H. Victor KIDSON, a son.  Both well.
Saturday, September 17, 1927
Notice to Creditors
In the Estate of the late Anna Elizabeth VAN HEERDEN (born DU PLESSIS).  No.15448...
Attorney for the Executor Dative
Notice to Creditors
In the Estate of the late Petronella Christina Susanna VAN HEERDEN (born ERASMUS) and surviving spouse Johannes Hendrik Petrus VAN HEERDEN.  No. 16015...
Attorney for the Executor Testamentary.
Hexagon, Queenstown
Notice to Creditors & Debtors
Estate of the late Cordelia Florence Emily SOUTHEY, born CRANNEY, of “Teuter Gate,” Queenstown.  No. 16021...
Attorneys for Executor Testamentary.
Local & General
Children Disinherited.
Leaving estate to the value of about
£5,000, Mr. Bentley Skelton WIMBLE, of Johannesburg, who died recently specifically and emphatically excluded his children from any benefits which might otherwise have accrued to them from his property, says the “Rand Daily Mail.”  He bequeathed the whole of his estate to his brother, Mr. Clarence Skelton WIMBLE, and the latter’s three children.  In a codicil dated October 20th, 1922, Mr. WIMBLE directed that £100 be paid to Miss Florence GORDON “out of the first proceeds of my estate.  This I do in token of the loyal services rendered by her to me as housekeeper.”  On April 2nd, 1924, he added a further note to the will, “Sorry I could not leave Miss GORDON more than £100,” he stated, “on account of times being so bad and rents having fallen so much from Sussex House.”  Mr. WIMBLE at the time of his death was 63 years of age.  He was a speculator and lived at Houghton Estate.
Monday, September 19, 1927
PECHEY.- One the 18th inst., at
Duncan Vale Nursing Home, to Mr. and Mrs. S.M. PECHEY, a son.
Passed away peacefully at the Frontier
Hospital on the 16th September, Gordon William Frederick WHITEHEAD, beloved husband of Annie WHITEHEAD, aged 36 years 7 months 6 days.  Deeply mourned.
Local & General
The death occurred last week of Mr. G.W.F.WHITEHEAD, a well-known blacksmith and farrier, who was only thirty-six years of age.  The funeral took place on Saturday from the Roman Catholic Church, Father GATELEY officiating.
Wednesday, September 21, 1927
HUGHES.-  On September 13th, 1927, at Queenstown, to Mr. and Mrs. R. HUGHES, a daughter.  Both well.
Fatal Motor Collision.
A head-on collision between a motor car and a tram occurred in Jules Street, Malvern, late on Sunday night.  Dr. Noel SHAW, of Johannesburg, who was driving the motor car, sustained a fracture to the base of the skull.  He was taken to the Johannesburg General Hospital, where he died shortly after admission.  Dr. SHAW, who was formerly a resident doctor at the Johannesburg General Hospital, was at the time of his death on the staff of the native hospital at the E.R.P.M.  His sister, Mrs. WAUCHOPE, who left Johannesburg on Sunday for Rhodesia with her husband, heard the news of the accident while the train was waiting in Koster Station.  She arranged to return to immediately to Johannesburg.
Thursday, September 22, 1927
Notice to Creditors
In the Estate of the late Susanna Hendrina DE WET (born LE ROUX), of Queenstown.  No. 16022...
Attorney for Executors Testamentary.
Hexagon, Queenstown
Notice to Creditors
In the Estate of the late Emily Matilda MURRAY (born DEWING) and surviving spouse William James MURRAY, of The Retreat,
Queenstown.  No. 16052...
Attorney for Executors Testamentary.
Hexagon, Queenstown
Friday, September 23, 1927
FILMER.-  Passed peacefully away at Cloetedale on 22nd September, 1927, Mr. George FILMER, aged 66.
In the Estate of the late Johanna Maria HAUPT (born HAUPT), formerly of Mowbray, who died at Queenstown on 14th August, 1927. (Estate No. 15765)...
Ventor V. HAUPT,
Executor Testamentary,
71 Pearson Street,
Port Elizabeth
Farmer’s sudden Death
Mr. G.W. FILMER passes in his sleep The sad news was received in town late yesterday afternoon of the sudden and unexpected death of one of Queenstown’s best known and most respected farmers, Mr. Geo. W. FILMER, of Cloetedale, Tylden.  Mr. FILMER motored to Queenstown in the morning, and returned home just before lunch.  He was feeling a little fatigued, but his condition in no way caused any uneasiness.  After lunch, deceased went to lie down as was his custom, and about four o-clock Mrs. FILMER as usual took to his room a cup of tea.  She at once realised that all was not well, and on examination found that Mr. FILMER had passed peacefully away in his sleep.
For many years Mr. George FILMER has been looked upon as one of the district’s most progressive farmers, as he was certainly one of the most popular and highly respected.  Generous-hearted to a degree, he was one of those farmers in the Hilton district who has entered so much into the life of the district, and shared in every movement to bring help and succour to those around him.  He was a tower of strength to the local workers throughout the period of the Great War, and was ever ready to dig deeply into his pocket when anything was wanted for “Our Boys.”  He took an active interest in the produce sale of last week for flag funds, and assisted Mapassa in the noble effort to top the list for the district.  Mr. FILMER a few years ago was elected life member of the Queenstown and Eastern Districts Agricultural Society in recognition of his long and faithful services, an honour he well deserved.  He was only in the middle 60’s.  To Mrs. FILMER and four children the sympathy of all will go out in their heavy bereavement.
The funeral will take place at Hilton this afternoon, when the Revs. C.K. HODGES and J.A. GILLAN will officiate.
Monday, September 26, 1927
JAKOBI.-  On 24th September at 87 Prince Alfred Street, to Mr. and Mrs. P.D. JAKOBI, a bonny daughter.  Both well.
PIETERSE.-  Passed away peacefully at Lytham, Sterkstroom, on Saturday, 17th inst., in her 75th year, Mrs. K.F. PIETERSE, of La Rochelle, Alice,
mother of J.F. PIETERSE.
Estate of the late William Henry BARTLETT...
ELLIOTT Brothers,
Attorneys for Executors Testamentary.
Tuesday, September 27, 1927
Local & General
News has been received in Queenstown of the death of London, on Thursday, of Mr. Edward WHITEAWAY, senior, head of the
shipping firm of Whiteaway and Company, Chiswell Street, London.  This firm has large interests in South African trade, including the local drapery business of The Louvre.
Wednesday, September 28, 1927
MIDDLETON.-  At Duncan Vale Nursing Home on the 27th inst., to Mr. and Mrs. T.O.M. MIDDLETON, a son.  Both well.
Local & General
Motor Fatality.
A fatal motor accident occurred about three miles outside Fort Jackson on Sunday evening, the victim being a coloured man named John CORNELIUS.  Although very few particulars are available, it is understood (says the “Dispatch”) that CORNELIUS and another coloured man were walking to King Williamstown with the object of securing work there if possible, and had got three miles beyond Fort Jackson when John was run into and knocked down by a motor car driven by Mr. BLOOMBERG, of East London.  This was about 6.30 p.m. The services of the municipal motor ambulance at East London were requisitioned, and the injured man was later conveyed in the ambulance to the Frere Hospital, into which institution he was admitted in an unconscious state.  On examination it was found that John had a fractured thigh and other injuries to his head and legs from which he died about half an hour later.
Thursday, September 29, 1927
Cathcart Notes
Death has been busy in our midst lately, removing from amongst us two well-known and respected residents in the district.  On Monday evening at her farm, Hopewell, Waku, Mrs. Julie DICKS passed peacefully away at the advanced age of 88 after a painful illness borne with patient fortitude.  Mrs. DICKS was a worthy descendant of the fine old Albany stock of 1820 British Settlers, inheriting in large measure the sterling character of these early pioneers,  and during her life time was held in the highest esteem by all sections of the community.  She has left to mourn her loss one surviving son and several daughters. The funeral, which took place on Wednesday afternoon and was conducted by the Rev. N.P. ABRAHAM, was largely attended.

The sudden death of Mr. George W. FILMER, of Cloetedale, near Tylden, on Thursday afternoon came as a shock to all who knew him.  His obituary notice has already appeared in the paper, and it can only be added that he will be greatly missed by a large circle of friends and acquaintances by whom he was universally respected.  The funeral, which took place at Hilton Church, and was conducted by the Rev. J.A. GILLIS, and the Rev. C.K.  HODGES, was one of the most largely attended that there has ever been in the district.  The sympathy of all is extended to his widow and family in their sudden sore bereavement.
Sterkstroom Notes
Our sympathy to Mr. J.F. PIETERSE, of Lytham, in the bereavement he sustained in the loss of his aged mother, Mrs. K.F. PIETERSE, of Alice, who passed away at her son’s residence in her 75th year.
Friday, September 30, 1927
WESTERBERG.-  Passed away peacefully at Queenstown, on the 28th September, 1927, Martha C.M. WESTERBERG, age 75 years and 9 months, after a long and patient suffering.

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