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Daily Representative

The Daily Representative 1927 1 January - March

Tuesday, January 4, 1927
Local & General
Congratulations to Capt. J.J. McRAE, formerly District Commandant of Police at Queenstown and now living in retirement at Tylden, on being awarded the King’s Police Medal in connection with the New Year’s honours list.
Wednesday, January 5, 1927
MARSHALL.-  At 44 Prince Alfred Street on the 4th inst., to Mr. And Mrs. D.H. MARSHALL, a daughter.
HART.-  At Queenstown on 4th January, 1927, to Mr. And Mrs. D.G. HART, Everton, a daughter.   Both well.
KING.-  Passed away peacefully at the Malmesbury Cottage Hospital, Linda Alice KING (born ARNOLD), dearly beloved wife of J.H. KING (Elliotdale).  Deeply mourned by her sisters and brothers.
WEBER.-  Passed away peacefully at Queenstown on 4th January, 1927, Andries, beloved husband of Katrina WEBER (formerly of Lady Frere), aged 77 years and 9 months.  Deeply mourned by his sorrowing wife and children.
KRUGER.-  Passed peacefully away on 31st December, 1926, at his home in Lady Frere, Carl KRUGER in his 87th year.
Notice to Creditors
In the Estate of the late Jante MANA and deceased spouse, of Lesseyton, District Queenstown.  No. 12950...
Attorney for the Executor Dative,
“Settlers” from Queenstown
Pretty Free State Wedding
It is a good many years ago now since a not very large body of men trekked up from Queenstown to try their luck at farming in the Orange Free State, in the Thaba ‘Nchu and Dewetsdorp districts;   young sons of farmers mostly, they set off with that keen adventurous spirit of healthy youth, little knowing in those days what difficulties and hardships and struggles lay ahead of them.  Only one or two of them were married when they trekked, but all of them have married since...
There then occurred, in the lives of two of these people, an event of far greater importance than any of the foregoing – a baby girl was born to them.  And now another great event has occurred – the “baby girl” was married in Dewetsdorp on December 30th, and although there have been lots off baby girls born since that day some 20 odd years ago this particular “baby girl” is the very first of all the settlers’ “babies” to get married.
The wedding, consequently, was one of the largest and most popular ever celebrated in the district, and relations and friends came from all quarters of the Union. ..
The Rev. Mr. THORNE, of Wepener,  was the officiating minister, ... Mr. And Mrs. Arthur COCKIN, the parents of Doris, the bride, had provided refreshments on a lavish scale, and “healths” were drunk and many toasts proposed the health of the  bridegroom, Mr. Harold B. HOCKLY, of Roodepoort, Johannesburg, ...
Lady Frere Notes
Quite a gloom was cast over the village on the last day of 1926 when it became known that Mr. Carl KRUGER had passed away.  The late Mr. KRUGER came to South Africa when quite a young man, under the aegis of the British Government, and eventually joined the old F.A.M.P.
After severing his connection with the Police he was employed for a number of years by the late F.H. JONES in Queenstown, and then drifted to Lady Frere, where for many years he carried on business as a trader.
Some years back he gave up trading and for a time lived in retirement in Queenstown, but later on he returned to Lady Frere, where he devoted his time to market gardening.
The deceased gentleman, who was held in very high esteem, was rightly styled the “Father of the Village.”
It was the privilege of the writer to know the late Mr. KRUGER very well for over a period of thirty years, and at no time did he ever hear him express an unkind word  about anyone, and moreover in all his dealings he was beyond reproach.
Though long over the age for retirement from work, the deceased attended to his garden up to a few hours before his death.
The village can ill afford to lose such staunch men of the stamp of the late Mr. KRUGER.  Three of the deceased’s sons served in the Great War, one being killed in France and another taken prisoner there.
Local & General
A Rescuer Drowned.
The new year holiday was marred by a distressing fatality at Illovo Beach on Sunday morning, when, in attempting to rescue a lady bather, who had got into difficulties, Mr. Clifford CARTWRIGHT, aged 45, employed by BUTCHER and Son, Durban, was drowned.  It appears he was paddling on the foreshore with a party when he heard a woman crying for help, and entered the water.   He reached her and was in the act of helping Mrs. MONK, when apparently he was drawn under by the backwash.  Mrs. MONK was ultimately saved by means of a life line.  In the excitement of dealing with the situation it was not noticed that CARTWRIGHT had disappeared as the two were struggling when the remainder of the party went for the life-saving apparatus.  CARTWRIGHT leaves a widow and six children.
Thursday, January 6, 1927
Estate late Ida Augusta KLETTE (born KETTERER), who died at Umtata on 18th August, 1926, and surviving spouse Hermann Albert KLETTE, of Queenstown.  No. 12833...
Attorney for the Executor Testamentary
Friday, January 7, 1927

A very happy wedding was celebrated on Thursday afternoon, January 6, in Wesley Church, Queenstown, when Stanley William DUNN, son of Mr. And Mrs. William DUNN, of “Crofton,” Wynberg, was married to Annie Kathleen (Nancy) HODGES, daughter of the Rev. C.K. HODGES of Queenstown.  The bride had the unusual experience of being married by her own father, assisted by her brother-in-law, the Rev. N.P. ABRAHAM, from Staager, Natal.
The bride arrived at the church at  3 o’clock, and entered on the arm of her brother, Mr. David B. HODGES, M.Sc...
Saturday, January 8, 1927
Local & General
Drowned in Deep Pool.
Arthur CALLAGHAN, a European lad of 16, was drowned at Clairwood, Durban, on Wedesday, in a small but very deep pool of the Umhlatuzan River, in full view of four of his friends.  CALLAGHAN, it seems, had taken a ramble with his chums to the neighbourhood of Mowat’s quarries, Clairwood, and coming to the pool, which is notoriously of great depth, the boy leapt in, sinking in some 15 feel of water.  Again and again he went down, and when at length the poor lad was taken from the water by a native employee from the neighbouring quarries, life was declared to be extinct, and all efforts to restore animation were in vain.
A Missing Man.
Mr. James McDOUGAL, of Madresfield, Westminster, who arrived in South Africa, with his wife and family, about two months ago, has been missing since New Year’s Day.  He rode to the station, on his bicycle, late in the afternoon to buy groceries, evidently with the expectation of finding the store open.  About seven o’clock, it is stated some of his friends walked half of the way home with him.  Next morning, it was discovered that he had not reached home, and his bicycle was found on the station platform.  Persons, who met the night trains, aver that he did not board any of them, and his whereabouts are now a mystery.  Search parties have been organised, and are busy scouring the neighbourhood,  up to the time of writing with no result.  Mr. McDOUGAL was a native of Sutherlandshire, who had been sent out from Scotland, by the Duke of Westminster on account of his health.  His intentions were to leave this week, to try his luck on the alluvial
diggings at Lichtenburg.
Notice to Creditors
Estate late Niyeli DUBAZI, of Mousa.  No. 12858...
Solicitors for Executor.
94, Cathcart Road, Queenstown
Monday, January 10, 1927
Local & General
Congratulations to Dr. H. LEWIS, who has just obtained a Fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh University.  Dr. LEWIS will be back in Queenstown early next month.
Keep and widespread regret was expressed yesterday, when it became known that Mr. G.E. MEADWAY had died in the previous evening at his residence in Berry Street.  He had not been in good health for some time past, but only took to his bed just before Christmas, and such a comparatively sudden end was unexpected.  The deceased was 73 years of age.  He was formerly manager of the local branch of the old A.B.C. Bank, and retired on the absorption of that institution by the Standard Bank.  An ardent cricketer for many years, he maintained his interest in the game to the last, and rarely missed a match at the Recreation Ground.  The funeral took place yesterday afternoon, the service at St. Michael’s Church and at the cemetery being conducted by the Rev. G.F. STOKES...
Deceased leaves a widow and two children (Miss Enid MEADWAY and her brother), to whom the utmost sympathy will be extended.
Tuesday, January 11, 1927
Notice to Creditors
Estate late Walter James CREESER.  No. 13404...
Attorney for Executrix Testamentary.
Local & General
The report of the announcement of the marriage in London of Miss Freda GODFREY, made some weeks ago, proves to be without foundation.
Wednesday, January 12, 1927
Local & General
Drowned in a Tub
The infant daughter of Mr. John LAZZARICH, a prominent Paarl resident associated with the Western Districts Motors, was drowned in tragic circumstances.  It appears that a tub of water was standing at the back of the house, and whilst Mrs. LAZZARICH was inside the baby ran out and fell head first into the tub.  Medical aid was called and artificial respiration tried, but the child, who was only two years old, was dead.
Thursday, January 13, 1927
UNDERWOOD.-  Passed peacefully away on 11th January, 1927, Janet, dearly beloved wife of Henry UNDERWOOD, in her 73rd year.
Wedding Bells
A pretty wedding was solemnised at the Queen’s Drive Synagogue on Sunday last when the nuptial knot was tied between Miss Dora LONG of Queenstown, and Mr. Joseph FLEISCHER, of Ulindi, Mount Fletcher district...
Friday, January 14, 1927
In the Estate of the late Jacobus Wessel VAN DYK, of Lady Frere, Glen Grey.  No 4114...
Attorney for Executor
Local & General
A Fort Beaufort correspondent writes:  Miss Dieudonnee WILSON, who leaves next week to be married to Mr. H.NESS, of Zomba, Nyasaland, was presented with a handsome brass bowl and a brass bell from the Wesleyan congregation...
Saturday, January 15, 1927
In Memoriam
MORGAN.-  In loving memory of our darling who passed away at Fort Victoria, S. Rhodesia, 15th January, 1922.
In the hearts of her loving Dad, Mother and Sisters.
Monday, January 17, 1927
PRESTON-SCOTT.-  Married at Port Elizabeth on 12th January, 1927.  Cecil Jameson PRESTON, eldest son of Mrs. J.C. PRESTON, of Komgha, to Rita, youngest daughter of Mr. And Mrs. James SCOTT, Queenstown.
BAKER-MILLS.-  Married at St. Michael’s and All Angels’ Church on the 12th January, 1927, by the Rev. W.A. GOODWIN, M.A., Stanley BAKER, of “Stratheric,” and Dorothy, daughter of Mr. And Mrs. ELTON-MILLS, “Mimosa,” Queenstown.
Local & General
Died in a Bath.
The Zwartkops mineral baths, some distance out of Port Elizabeth was the scene of a tragic death last week.  A lady visitor, Miss GOOSEN, of Alicedale, expired while in a bath.  The lady had been a fairly frequent visitor at the baths for treatment.  She had, on this occasion, been in residence at the Sanatorium since Friday last.  On Tuesday she was missed, and it then transpired that she was last seen on the previous night.  A search disclosed Miss GOOSEN lying dead in one of the baths.  Medical examination showed that death was due to heart failure.
Wednesday, January 19, 1927
SHAW-WHITSON.-  Married at Wesley Church, Queenstown, on the 18th January, 1927, by the Rev. J. Wesley McGAHEY, Sydney Gordon SHAW to Ethel Maude, daughter of Mr. A. WHITSON, Queenstown.
Thursday, January 20, 1927
Estate late Annie Elizabeth Johanna SCOTT, born STANFORD (No. 13438), and predeceased spouse, Alexander Trotter SCOTT...
Attorney for Executors Testamentary.
P.O. Box 136
Wedding Bells
Wesley Church was filled yesterday afternoon with a large congregation combining the most representative elements of town and country, gathered to witness the nuptials of Mr. Gilbert LARTER, youngest son of the late Mr. And Mrs. A.A. LARTER, and Miss Nora Conolly MILLER, eldest daughter of the late Mr. C.N. MILLER and Mrs. MILLER, Reservoir Road, Queenstown...
Local & General
Child Eats Poisoned Bait.
A three-year-old child, John ZIETSMAN, died on a farm at Greylingstad, a few days ago as the result of accidental poisoning.  The child was on holiday with his mother, and he ate some poisoned bait that had been left to destroy flies.  A doctor was called as soon as the child’s action was discovered, but nothing could be done.  The child was a son of Mr. J. ZIETSMAN, of the South African Railways, Johannesburg.
Friday, January 21, 1927
Estate late Marthinus Johannes JORDAAN, of Sherwood, district of Sterkstroom.  No. 11905...
Attorney for Executor Dative,
Saturday, January 22, 1927
VAN STADEN.-  To Mr. And Mrs. Norman VAN STADEN, 80 Ebden Street, a daughter, on the 19th January.
In Memoriam
HILL.-  In loving memory of our dear son Brian, who passed away 22nd January, 1925.  R.I.P.
HILLS.-  In loving memory of Brian, who died January 22nd, 1925.
Ever remembered by his loving uncles, aunt and cousins.
Monday, January 24, 1927
Notice to Creditors in the Estate of the late Andries WEBER, of Queenstown.  No. 13633...
Attorney for the Executrix Testamentary.
Local & General
Drowned in Three Feet of Water
A tragic discovery was made in the Victoria Park, South End, at Port Elizabeth.  The caretaker of the Park was passing the Park dam, which contains about three feet of water, and noticed a body of a man.  The body was taken from the water and it was found that  life was extinct.  It was later identified as that of an elderly, European, Harry Allen, who on Tuesday disappeared from the house of Mr. W.E. FOXCROFT, where he had been residing and had not been seen since.  Mrs. FOXCROFT received a letter from the deceased yesterday, the tenour of which indicated the deceased’s intention of taking his life.  He leaves a widow, who lives at Aberdeen.
Notice to Creditors
Estate late Annie Alicia PETTMAN (born GLANVILLE), of Queenstown.  No. 13649...
Solicitors for Executor,
94, Cathcart Road,
In the Joint Estate of the late Frederick Herbert FILMER and pre-deceased spouse Florence May FILMER, both of “Newstead,” Division of Queenstown.  No. 13303 and 13302...
ELLIOTT Brotheres
Attorneys for Executor Dative.
Wednesday, January 26, 1927
Weddingbells at Fort Beaufort
A wedding of interest was solemnised at Fort Beaufort on Thursday last, when Miss Marjorie Joyce BALL was united in holy matrimony to Mr. Hector Baden GARDNER.  This wedding was of special interest to Queenstownians, as the contracting couple were both born here, the bride being the only daughter of Mr. And Mrs. John BALL (formerly of Messrs, STEVENSON MITCHELL & Co., of Queenstown, and now of Fort Beaufort) and the bridegroom being the youngest son of Mrs. And the late G.S. GARDNER, of Queenstown...
Local & General
Drowned in a Dam
A drowning fatality occurred on Sunday morning in the Klipdrift dam, a few miles from Potchefstroom, the victim being a nine-year-old boy, names Andries HOMAN.  Deceased was one of a picnic party with his parents and went in to swim with two elder sisters and a girl cousin.  Young HOMAN and two of the girls got into difficulties by stepping into a fifteen feet hole.  HOMAN, senior, rescued the girls who were revived with difficulty, but was too late to save his son.  The body was recovered later in the day by means of a boat taken out from town.
Tragedy at a Funeral
Bertie SMITH, the young son of a policeman at Simonstown dockyard, met with a fatal accident on Monday.  He went with his mother to see the Admiral’s funeral, and at the foot of Red Hill road he ran across the roadway in front of a car coming from Capetown.  The child was knocked down and sustained severe injuries to the head, dying an hour and a half later.  The driver of the car was Mr. H.E.S. FREMANTLE.  The road was crowded with vehicular and pedestrian traffic proceeding to the funeral, and it is stated that Mr. FREMANTLE was o the proper side of the road, and could not avoid running over the boy.  He brought the car to a standstill within four yards of the accident, and is stated to have been travelling at 10 miles an hour.
Died on Bowling Green.
Mr. W.S. MORTON, an old member of the Pretoria City Bowling Club, met his death in tragic circumstances on Saturday afternoon.  He had just achieved a splendid victory in bowls.  As he left the green, however, he collapsed, apparently overcome by the intense excitement of the game and the great heat.  He was found to be dead.  Mr. MORTON was 58 years of age and a retired Assistant Registrar of the Supreme Court, Pretoria.  He was a very popular figure in bowling circles.  Mr. MORTON leaves a widow and three children.
Thursday, January 27, 1927
Death of Border Notability.
We regret to record the death of a well-known and highly-respected Border personage, Mr. H.C. BLACKBEARD, who was a member of the oldest Kaffrarian families, says the King Williamstown paper.  The late Mr. BLACKBEARD was a man of sterling character, retiring and unassuming and greatly esteemed, not only in his own locality where he was outstanding, but among a wide circle of friends.  He has been resident at Fort White all his life and went through the troublous times of the Kaffir War of 1876-8 in which he served, enlisting as a boy of 16 years of age.  Subsequently he served in the Boer War going right through from King Williamstown to Pretoria.  Mr. BLACKBEARD, who was the father of the noted South African tennis players of the same name, was himself a keen sportsman and even in recent years, despite his burden of 60 years, would play tennis with his sons.  He had been ailing for a long time past and it is probable that his death was accelerated
by an accident in which the front wheels of a wagon passed over his legs.  We associate ourselves with the widespread expressions of sympathy with the family of the deceased and Mr. Seymour BLACKBEARD and Miss BLACKBEARD, brother and sister.
Friday, January 28, 1927
On Wednesday last a most delightful wedding was solemnised in the Church of St. Michael and All Angels, Queenstown.   The bride was Miss Mabel BAXTER, of Queenstown, and the bridegroom was the Rev. W.H. WEBB, a popular and highly esteemed former curate of Queenstown, and now curate of St. Thomas’ Church, Durban...
Saturday, January 29, 1927
Policeman Found Shot.
A veld tragedy, having certain mysterious features, has occurred at Beaufort West.  It appears that a mounted police constable names KILIAN, who was recently transferred there from Loxton outstation, has been missing since Monday, and a patrol was sent out to look for him.  His body was found in the bush some four miles out of town.  His horse was tethered to a bush and he was found shot.  An inquest will be held in due course.  Deceased who was about 25 years of age, came from Oudtshoorn.
Monday, January 31, 1927
Local & General
Mr. R. CREWE’s Wedding.
The marriage took place at East London this morning of Mr. Ralph CREWE, only son of Sir Charles and Lady CREWE, and a director of the “Daily Dispatch, Ltd.,” and Miss Elaine COLLIER...

Tuesday, February 1, 1927
VAN DER MERWE.-  At Somerset West on the 30th January, 1927, to Mr. And Mrs. P VAN DER MERWE, a son.  Both well.
Wednesday, February 2, 1927
UNDERWOOD.-  Passed Peacefully away at Grahamstown, on February 1st, 1927, George John UNDERWOOD, age 79 years.
Thursday, February 3, 1927
MORAN-BOLD.-  The engagement is announced of Mr. Willie MORAN, second son of Mr. And Mrs. J.J. MORAN, Molteno, to Miss Mary BOLD, eldest daughter of Mr. And Mrs. J.J. BOLD, Queenstown.
Friday, February 4, 1927
GROWDON.- Died at 56 Berry Street on the 2nd inst., Elizabeth GROWDON, widow of the late W.M. GROWDON, Queenstown.  Aged 87 years and 2 months.
Notice Creditors & Debtors
Estate of the late Nancy Mary Bridget WHITSON, of Queenstown.  (No. 18508)...
Secretary Queenstown Loan, Trust and Agency Co. Ltd.
Agent for Executor Testamentary,
PO Box 44
Notice to Creditors
In the Estate of the late Carl KRUGER and surviving spouse Charlotte Frederica KRUGER (born PETER), of Lady Frere.  No. 13644...
Attorney for Executrix Testamentary
Saturday, February 5, 1927
Local & General
The Late Mr. Henry WHITE.
The funeral of the late Mr. Henry WHITE took place at Bolotwa yesterday afternoon.  In addition to the farmers from all round the countryside, a number of cars had arrived from Queenstown, and when the cortege arrived at the village from the farm there was quite a large gathering present to join the procession to the grave in the pretty little cemetery.  The Rev. B. JOHNSON conducted the service at the graveside, ...
We are pleased to note that Mr. M.J.E. HART, son of Captain M.J. HART, D.C. Police, has been successful in his 2nd year B.A. examination at Rhodes University College, having passed in all the subjects.
Monday, February 7, 1927
BROWN-FIELD.-  Married at Toise River on the 22nd January, 1927, by the Rev. GILLES, Benjamin BROWN, of Queenstown, to Millicent FIELD, of Grahamstown.
WILSON.-  At Fordyce Farm (Combleigh), Queenstown, on the 4th inst., Lieut. Commander George William WILSON, R.N. (retired), in his 34th year, beloved son-in-law of William RUNCIMAN, of Simonstown.
Tuesday, February 8, 1927
TWOMEY.-  At the Mental Hospital on the 6th inst., to Dr. And Mrs. J.C. TWOMEY, a daughter.
VON BROEMBSEN.-  Born on the 5th inst. At 19a Queen’s Drive, to Mr. And Mrs. Denis Walter VON BROEMBSON, of Aruchab Ranch, Outjo, South-West Africa, a daughter.
Local & General
The death occurred on Friday night at the Provincial Hospital at Port Elizabeth of Mr. J.O. PATTERSON.  Since his retirement from the Railway service a number of years ago, the deceased had resided at Redhouse, and was a well-known figure in the city, being a prominent member of the Hospital Board.  Born in 1853 in Scotland, he received his early training on the Scottish railways and came to the Cape to take up the position of Assistant Traffic Manager of the Cape Government Railways at Capetown in 1881.  The deceased was transferred to the Eastern system and in 1892 became Traffic Manager.  Ten years later he assumed control of the Midland system with headquarters at Port Elizabeth – a post which he held at the time of his retirement.
Thursday, February 10, 1927
Local & General
Mr. W.H.S. BASSETT, of the Standard Bank, Queenstown, and Miss L.E.A. HUGHES, formerly of the Louvre, were married in the Wall Street Baptist Church at Capetown on Monday last by the Rev. Charles GARRATT, president of the Baptist Union of South Africa.  The bride had been to England for a holiday and upon her return was met by the bridegroom, when the nuptial knot was tied.
Wife’s Body in Sack.
Having, it is stated, lost all affection for his wife, Tsoana, and wishing to destroy any that she might have for him, George KONJANA, a native living in the Thaba ‘Nchu district, sought the aid of a witch doctor.  He did not leave matters at that, but killed his wife.  Her body was discovered in a weighted sack at the bottom of a pool.
At the Criminal Sessions at Bloemfontein KONJANA was found guilty of murder, and sentenced by Mr. Justice BLAINE to pay the extreme penalty.  He protested his innocence to the end, saying that he had to get rid of his wife – but not by death.  She had died, he said, after being tickled under the arms and then held down on the road by the witch doctor and three others, who gave her medicine.  He (accused) issued a warning, but without avail.  His wife died, and her body was placed in a sack and sunk in the pool.
Friday, February 11, 1927
RICE.-  Died on the 10th inst., at the residence of her son, 30 Komani Street, Jessie RICE, widow of the late A.A. RICE, of Queenstown and Somerset East.
SHAW-PICKERING.-  At the Congregational  Church, Pietermaritzburg, on the 10th inst., Alfred D.N. SHAW, of “Marshlands,” Mooi River, Natal, second son of Mr. Edgar SHAW, Queenstown, to Gertrude Sylvia, eldest daughter of Mr. And Mrs. B.A. PICKERING, “Holmdene,” Highflats and Durban.
In the Estate of the late James Alma William GARRETT, also known as James William Alma GARRETT, and surviving spouse, Mary GARRETT (born SCOTT), of Lady Frere.  No. 3734...
Attorneys for Executrix Testamentary and Assumed Executor
Estate of the late George Edward MEADWAY...
Executrix Testamentary,
19, Berry Street,
Saturday, February 12, 1927
BOWES.-  At Queenstown on the 12th inst., to Mr. And Mrs. ? BOWES, “Lilyvale,” a son.  Both well.
Mrs Willie McKNIGHT is deeply grateful to all friends for their kindness and sympathy in her sudden bereavement.
Monday, February 14, 1927
ELS.-  On the 13th at 34, Prince Alfred Street, to Mr. And Mrs. P. ELS, a daughter.  Both well.
Local & General
Tragedy Mistaken for Comedy.
The tragic story of a man who was drowning, but whose struggles in the water were thought by his friends on shore to be nothing more than playful antics, was told at the inquest at Port Elizabeth on Arthur BARTLETT, who lost his life when bathing beyond Humewood on February 2nd.  Evidence was to the effect that BARTLETT went into the sea with a companion, while two more friends remained in shore.  He swam out about 100 yards beyond the end of the groin running into the sea from the beach.  A passing Indian saw him throw up his hands and reported to BARTLETT’s companions that he appeared to be drowning.  He was told to “go away, the man can swim like a fish.”  After this one of those on shore saw BARTLETT floating on the water, but did not imagine that anything was wrong.  Later he disappeared and his body was not recovered from the sea for several days.  The inquest was adjourned.
Tuesday, February 15, 1927
Local & General
A Police Tragedy.
A shocking tragedy occurred at the headquarters camp of the B.S.A. Police at Salisbury on Thursday night.  The troopers live in separate rooms, two in each apartment, and shortly before midnight Trooper DUNER heard a disturbance and groans from an adjacent room.  On entering he found Dennis GRIFFIN lying on his face on the flooring on the point of expiring, and his roommate, Jonquil FERGUSSON, in a sitting position with a serious wound in the abdomen.  A guard was called out and, upon investigation, it appeared that GRIFFIN had been stabbed clean through the body just below the heart with a service bayonet.  Considerable force was used, as the weapon went through the bed clothes.  There was a lot of blood about.  GRIFFIN, if not already dead when DUNER entered, died in a few seconds.  Both men were but lately joined recruits, having come out to this country under the land settlement scheme, and not being attracted by the prospects, had joined the
police.  GRIFFIN had been in the force about ?? weeks and FERGUSSEN about one month.  GRIFFIN was a native of Nottingham and FERGUSSON came from Sussex.  Both were public school boys and about 20 years of age.  FERGUSSON was placed under arrest by Lieut. MORRIS, of the C.L.D., who was summoned, and his condition necessitated his removal to hospital, where he lies in a serious condition.  No one except FERGUSSON knows what actually happened - whether there was a quarrel or not.  FERGUSSEN had been cinema, and it is presumed that when he returned he found his room-mate in bed.  GRIFFIN being in his pajamas when found and FERGUSSON fully dressed.
Wednesday, February 16, 1927
TENNANT.-  At 47, Prince Alfred Street on the 15th inst., to Mr. And Mrs. Jack TENNANT, a daughter.  Both well.
CAMP.-  Died at 5 St. George’s Street, on the 15th inst., A.E. CAMP.  Funeral will take place from the Wesleyan Church at 5 p.m. to-day.  Sons of England please attend.
In Memoriam.
NICHOLSON.-  In loving memory of our darling mother and grandma who passed away on the 15th February, 1925.
Ever remembered by Billy, Kate and grand-children.
Local & General
Former Mayor’s Daughter Married.
St. George’s Church, Parktown, Johannesburg, was artistically decorated by friends of the bride for the wedding on Saturday afternoon of Miss Kathleen Mary Garcia PEACOCKE, only child of Mrs. PEACOCKE and the late Mr. Arthur PEACOCKE (a former Mayor of Queenstown) to Mr. Frederick Charles WILLIAMS, son of Mrs. M.A. WILLIAMS, of Pershore, Worcester.  The Rev. Walsingham KERR officiated, ...
Thursday, February 17, 1927
MAKIN.-  Passed away at King Williamstown on 16th February, 1927, John MAKIN, brother-in-law of the late Mr. And Mrs. John McKINNON, Queenstown, and uncle to Mrs. SILVER and Mrs Gordon MAYTHAM, Queenstown.
Local & General
The Late Mr. A.E. CAMP.
The funeral of the late Mr. A.E. CAMP took place on Wednesday afternoon from the West End Wesleyan Church, where Mr. CAMP had been a faithful and esteemed steward for several years.  The late Mr. CAMP came to Queenstown some 25 years ago and was a much respected citizen.  Some months ago he happily recovered from a very severe illness, but was left weaker than before, and on Tuesday afternoon quietly passed away at his residence having laid down for a rest and apparently dying in sleep.  The funeral service was conducted by the Revs. C.K. HODGES and J. Wesley McGAHEY...  The late Mr. CAMP was within two months of his 75th year.
Saturday, February 19, 1927
Died at public meeting.
A painful sensation was caused at a public meeting at Colesberg on Friday night.  Messrs.  A.M. CONROY and L.E.H. GERICKE had just finished addressing the meeting in support of the South African Party candidate, Mr. EUVRARD, when the Mayor, Mr. PRETORIUS, mounted the platform together with others to shake hands with the speakers.  All of a sudden Mr. PRETORIUS collapsed, and it was found that life was extinct.  Two medical men were soon on the scene and pronounced that death had been caused by heart failure.
Pretty Local Wedding
An Original Note in Decoration
A unique and original note characterised the wedding of Mr. George Leslie PANTON, eldest son of Mr. And Mrs. James PANTON, of Queenstown, and Miss Agnes WILSON, M.A., of Queenswood School, which was solemnised in St. Columba’s Presbyterian Church on Wednesday.  Miss WILSON is a graduate of Aberdeen University and her decision to celebrate the wedding in the University colours of her Alma Mater – royal blue and gold – resulted in one of the most charming and novel colour schemes that has ever marked any wedding which has taken place in Queenstown during recent years...
Monday, February 21, 1927
In the Estate of the late Helen PEARSON, born CRUICKSHANK, of Queenstown.  No. 12841...
Attorneys for Executor Testamentary
Tuesday, February 22, 1927
CAMP.-  Passed peacefully away on 15th February, 1927, Arthur Elias CAMP, beloved husband of Mary CAMP, 3 St. George’s Street, Queenstown.
In Memoriam
FULLER.-  In loving memory of our dear Mother who passed away on the 22nd February, 1916.
Ever remembered by Mabel and Arthur.
FULLER.-  In loving memory of our dear Mother, who passed away 22nd February, 1916.
Ever remembered by Fanny and Charles.
Wednesday, February 23, 1927
Estate late William Crawford McKNIGHT.  No. 13936...
Attorney for Executrix Testamentary.
FURMIDGE-BILLINGHAM.-  Married at St. John’s Church, East London, on the 21st February, 1927, Norman Lawrence FURMIDGE to Ella Margaret BILLINGHAM (nee BROTHERS).
Thursday, February 24, 1927
Local & General
Bank Teller Found Shot.
A tragic discovery was made a few yards off the Cape Road, about 18 miles from Port Elizabeth, by a coloured woman late on Tuesday afternoon.  She reported to a passing motorist the presence of a European’s dead body in the bush.  Investigations established that the body was that of Charles Matthew THOM, a teller in the local branch of the A.B.C. Bank.  There was a bullet wound in the head and a revolve, one chamber of which had been discharged, was clasped in the right hand.  A pitiful circumstance is that THOM’s wife had been on holiday in Rhodesia and returned to the city only on Tuesday morning.  Her husband was missing from home, and her anxiety at his continued absence led her to make a report at the police.
Friday, February 25, 1927
Local & General
Much sympathy has been expressed to Mr. And Mrs. A. MAKIN and family on the loss of the former’s father, the late Mr. John MAKIN, of King Williamstown, who was a well-known and highly respected resident of that town.
Saturday, February 26, 1927
Queenstown Districts Oldest Inhabitant
Mr. G.H. BARNES of Whittlesea
Reminiscences of 1850 Kaffir war and Hottentot Rebellion
Mr. George Harper BARNES, of Oxton, Whittlesea, who will be 87 on the 1st May next, is the Queenstown district’s oldest inhabitant, and he has been prevailed upon by the ”Rep,” to relate some of his experiences in the stirring days of three quarters of a century ago, of which he and his sister Mrs. EVA who now resides in the Transvaal, are the only survivors.  Mr. BARNES was born at Fort Beaufort and has lived at Oxton for forty-five years.  Here is his story in his own words:-
I was born in Fort Beaufort on the 1st May, 1840, and while still a little boy my parents moved up into the Kat River Settlement (Seymour), where my father opened a trading station.  He also started a wagonmaking and blacksmith’s shop, and went in for agculture.  There were no sheep in the settlement at that time, only boer goats.  There were also no schools, and the only education I received was in my home.  It was a case of working all day and in the evening “Henry, up with your supper and get to your books.”  That meant falling asleep over your books, bumping your head on the table, and having your ears pulled to wake you up.
My. Father’s establishment was just under the rise upon which the large military barracks now stands, and a very large and beautiful barracks it is.  It has a very large square with a sundial in the centre.  There was at the time a regiment of British soldiers there and my father had the contract to supply the troops with bread and meat.  There were only oxen for slaughter at that time, and the officer in charge would not allow them to be shot.  Not a shot was to be fired.  All oxen had to be “pithed.”  It was during the 1846 Kaffir war that my father had the contract.
Not long after the close of that war the troops were withdrawn from the barracks (at that time called Eland’s Post) and were sent to Fort Beaufort.  The British Government put a force of Kaffir Police at Mitchell’s Pass on the way to Ghika’s Kop.  The officer in charge was one Alec CAMPBELL and his sergeant was George BARNES – a namesake of mine – who afterwards became the first marketmaster in Queenstown.
At the outbreak of the Kaffir war and Hottentot rebellion on that fatal Christmas morning the Kaffir police all rebelled and tried to murder CAMPBELL and BARNES.
There was a thick bush close to the station, which they made a rush for and jumped into it.  In doing so CAMPBELL got an assegai through one of his hands.  This police station was about six or seven miles from our house, and just before daylight Captain CAMPBELL came into our home covered in blood.  My mother dressed his hand for him and was then obliged to follow on after my father and brother, who were forced to fly to Fort Armstrong, a British fort.  Not long after CAMPBELL left George BARNES came in.  He had escaped without a scratch.
The two officers were both unmarried men, and a sister of Captain CAMPBELL’s was keeping house for them.  My mother then managed to get one of the Hottentots who had a wagon and oxen to load us up with a little bedding and a few other little necessaries and take us on over to Fort Armstrong.  While waiting for the wagon I can still see two or three of the rebel Hottentots coming into the shop, pulling off their old jackets and waistcoats, and helping themselves to new suites from the shelves.
When the wagon came and our luggage was loaded on it, and we were just starting on our journey, Miss CAMPBELL came in.  She had been in the bush all night with just a shawl over her head.  She then went on with us to Fort Armstrong.
There were very few European families in the Settlement at that time and of course all had to fly to the fort, where we were congregated together.  There were two shops there at that time, one being run by a man by the name of WEBSTER and the other by ANDERSEN.  >From these shops we managed to get some supplies in the shape of food and groceries.
Not long after all the families had reached the for the Kaffirs and rebel Hottentots came down in thousands and attack the place.  The Rev. James REID, of Phillipton, was there on that day and he and the magistrate, who was named WEENHAND, went down to the river below the fort and met the leaders of the rebels and Kaffirs.  After a whole day’s palaven they managed to get these leaders to
ALLOW THE WHITE MEN FIVE DAYS TO ESCAPE                                                                      
Never intending that they should get away.  There were nineteen of them and on the morning of the 5th day a well-known bastard man came to them and asked them what they intended doing, saying, “This is your last day, for to-morrow you are all dead men and you will still be dead men unless you put yourselves into my hands.”  They did not know but what this man was perhaps a rebel and going to lead them into a trap, but he begged so hard, and said that he knew a footpath over the Katberg which would not be waylaid, that they then agreed to put themselves into his hands.  They, of course, did not like leaving the women and children behind, but could not do otherwise.  The meeting-place was then arranged where they were to meet that night between Fort Armstrong and Philliptown, the Rev. REID’s mission station.
It was a dark, rainy night when they arrived, at the rendezvous and found the man waiting for them.  He put them onto the footpath, and it was raining all night, but they got safely over the Katberg and landed in Whittlesea.  They were wet through, and wanted a bottle of brandy and got it from Mr. LOXTON.  This brandy was full of fly-legs and wings and he told them to strain it through their teeth.
Whittlesea was a trading station in those days with three European families – LOXTON, WEBSTER and COLLINS, WEBSTER kept a sort of hotel;  he had eleven sons and one daughter.  This daughter afterwards became Mrs. JEFFERSON, of JEFFERSON And BROWN, lawyers of Queenstown.
The day after the men had left the Kaffirs and rebels came into Fort Armstrong in thousands, and it was not very long before nothing was left in either of the shops.
The Rev. REID had two wagons ready, and loaded up all the women and children with their belongings, took them over to his mission station, and put them all into his church.  They were not interfered with by the Kaffirs and Hottentots.  The only thing that did happen was that on two or three occasions a few rebel Hottentots came into the church and turned up things, looking for men’s clothing, coffee, and sugar, which they did not get.  All the time we were in the church we never saw coffee, tea or sugar.
The British officer in Fort Beaufort got an express to the Rev. REID to feed the women and children, and we got meat, bread and milk.
Some weeks afterwards they managed to get some wagons and got the families over into Whittlesea.  A good strong force from there met them in Diep River and got them safely past Shilo, which was then the principal meeting place for all Hottentots and Kaffirs.
When we arrived in Whittlesea there were besides the Europeans a large force of about four hundred Fingo levies.  There was also a military officer named Captain TYLDEN, with five or six sappers under him.  He had a fort just opposite the Wesleyan Church.
We had nothing but had to draw rations every morning.  Meat was very plentiful in those days – all beef – and cattle were very cheap.  There was one standing price, whether for an ox or for a cow, viz., 30s.  Most of the supplies were got from Fort Beaufort.  My late brother, Dixon, of Kamastone, was a lieutenant in the Fingo levies, which were under the command of Mr. William SHEPSTONE, a brother of Theopholis SHEPSTONE.  He was afterwards the first magistrate at Queenstown.  On one occasion he was sent in charge of some wagons and a good strong escort to Fort Beaufort for supplies, and the only way in which they could get through was round by Tarka, down through the Winterberg, and into Beaufort from the Bedford side.
Whittlesea at that time was frequently being
They had also got an express through to Cradock for a supply of ammunition.  Some of the Cradock men were afterwards called “The Cradock Bricks,” as they volunteered to escort the wagon bringing these supplies of ammunition and other necessaries down.  Whittlesea was surrounded and being attacked on the day that the wagon arrived.  The Cradock men had to fight their way through, but got in safely.  That, I think, was the last day that Whittlesea was attacked.  These “Cradock Bricks” remained in Whittlesea until the end of the war.  Soon afterwards the whole commando from Whittlesea turned the tables on these Kaffirs and rebels, and went over and attacked Shilo.  After driving the Kaffirs and rebels down into the church, which was well fortified with a large brick wall round it, the English found that the Fingoes had started plundering the outhouses and were clearin back to Whittlesea with their plunder.  As they were being left alone they then also had to retire.  That day there was only one white man shot, by the name of John WEBSTER.
The next time they went to attack Shilo they found the place deserted, all the Kaffirs and Hottentots having cleared out.  There were only one very old man and two old women in the place.  All the “Kat River refugees,” as they chose to call us, with most of the Fingo levies, were then moved over and took possession of the station.
There were on several occasions small thieving parties of the Hottentot rebels about, and one evening it was reported that there was a party of rebels up the Oxkraal River and a party was got together to go after them.  My brother Dixon was one of them.  When they arrived at the place where these rebels were it was quite dark, to dark to see them, and they could only hear them talking and fired in the direction from whence the talking came.  My brother had on a pair of white trousers, and he heard one of the Hottentots say “Skiet die man met die wit broek.” (“Shoot the man with the white trousers”).  They did not get him, but they got his horse.  A bullet went right through him just behind the saddle flaps.  The horse carried him back into Whittlesea that night, but was dead the next morning.
There were two small villages names Woburn and Auckland formed to the east of Fort Beaufort and near Alice, where some British settlers were placed.  It has been stated that on that fatal Christmas morning in 1850 all these British settlers were massacred.  That is not correct.  It was stated  at the time of the outbreak that three of these settlers had escaped from Auckland into Alice, and I know that two of them came to Fort Armstrong and were with us there.  One was a Mr. James ARNOLD, who was afterwards father to Mr. Thomas ARNOLD, farming near here.  The other man’s name I have forgotten.
There was no Queenstown at that time but at the conclusion of the war the British Government compensated all those engaged in the campaign with farms.  Queenstown then formed and I remember well the first two or three mud houses that were built.
There was a rather large one just about where Ford’s Studio now is.  There was at that time plenty of long reeds and grass along the Komani River for the thatching of these mud houses.  After we were settled on the farms we were compensated with we could go into this large mud house, kept by Mr. And Mrs. SLADE, and have a cup of tea or coffee and something to eat.  From that time on Europeans began to come in and little cottages sprang up.
The house down on the Hexagon belonging to the late Mr. F.H. JONE was the first bit of an hotel, built by a man named Birch, of Birch’s Nek.
All these refugees, as they called us, had a very hard time of it.  They lost everything in the Kat River settlement and had to go on to these new bare farms without a shilling to bless themselves with.  They received a little help from the Government, and the only thing that did help them on was the cheapness of oxen.  They were then 30s. Each, which enabled the farmer to begin agriculture, that being all that was doing in those days.  The trouble was that there was no market for anything one grew.  The seasons were good then, and one was sure of reaping what one planted.
On the flat between the Kei and the Klaas Smits the grass was up to one’s knees and full of game, mostly springbok.
The conditions upon which these farms were granted were that the grantees had to pay a small quitrent and to muster in Queenstown once a year, mounted and armed.  Most of the arms were the old muzzle loading flint guns.  There were no breach-loading guns in those days.  All the Fingo levies were armed with flint guns.
The strange thing was that we never heard of a jackal in those days;  but there were a good many wolves, and we could hear the blessed things all night.  There were also a few tigers.  I was old enough then to carry my gun and went in with the rest of the farmers each year.
Out of all the families who had to fly from the Kat River settlement at the beginning of 1850 war ther are only two of us left;  a sister of mine and myself.

Tuesday, March 1, 1927
Notice to Creditors
Estate late George William WILSON, of Combleigh, District of Queenstown.  No. 13985...
Attorney for Executrix Testamentary.
Hexagon, Queenstown
Notice to Creditors
In the Estate of the late Hester Johanna GEYER, born GROBBELAAR, of Sterkstroom.  No. 13839...
Dan J. DE WET,
Attorney for the Executor.
P.O. Box 6,
Sterkstroom, C.P.
Wednesday, March 2, 1927
In the Estate of the late Elizabeth Anne BARRABLE (born ALLISON), widow, of Queenstown.  No. 12508...
Solicitors for Executrix.
94, Cathcart Road,
Local & General
Suicide After Scolding
Anna Maria YOUNG, 13 years of age, the step-daughter of Sarel DE KLERCK, of the farm Moedwil, Koster, was found dead in her room.  It is stated that she had opened a letter addressed to a cousin, and after being scolded started crying and went to her bedroom.  Ten minutes later her mother went to the room and found the door closed.  On opening it she saw Anna lying on the bed covered with blood.  In front of the bed on the floor, was a shotgun.  The girl was dead.  The District Surgeon found a wound an inch in diameter on the left breast, practically the whole heart, the left lung and four ribs, being blown away.
Fatal Dynamite Charge.
A.E. GIBSON, sub-accountant of the Maritzburg branch of Barclay’s Bank, was killed on Saturday afternoon at his home in the suburb of Chase Valley.  He was attempting to blast a tree stump on his property with dynamite, and had, it is said, set off a number of charges without effect.  The last one exploded as he was standing talking to his to his neighbours at an apparently safe distance.  A block of timber weighing some 25lbs, was blown from the stump, striking GIBSON at the back of the head.  He dropped dead at his wife’s feet.
Thursday, March 3, 1927
MORUM.-  At Queenstown on the 3rd March, 1927, to Mr. And Mrs. R.L. MORUM, a daughter.
Saturday, March 5, 1927
HEEGER.-  On the 4th inst., to Mr. And Mrs. N.A. HEEGER, 104 Ebden Street, a fine son.
WELCH.-  At 57, Prince Alfred Street, Queenstown, on the 4th inst., Mary Ann, widow of the late W.S. WELCH, in her 70th year.
In Memoriam
MOORCROFT.- In loving memory of my dear father, A. MOORCROFT, who passed away the 6th of March, 1925.
Inserted by Hector.
Monday March 7, 1927
Local & General
Drowned in a Pot.
The death took place on Thursday afternoon of the one-year-old baby of Mr. And Mrs. Theodor ROELOFSZ, of the farm Vlakfontein, states a Koster correspondent.  The child left by a back door unnoticed, and was shortly afterwards discovered by her elder sister to have fallen head downwards into a “preserving” pot of water, which was standing outside the kitchen door.  A doctor was immediately summoned from Koster, but on his arrival he found life was extinct and that death was due to asphyxia caused by drowning.
Boy’s Death from a Dog Bite.
The boy, Charles DEDNAM, who died in the Standerton Hospital from hydrophobia on February 18th, was a son of Mr. Edward H. DEDNAM, of Blesbokspruit, who moved into that district from Frankfort last year.  He was nine years of age and very bright and intelligent, says “The Star.”  Between December 15th and December 20th last year he was bitten by a big dog in the right upper arm.  The dog’s teeth penetrated his clothing and inflicted a small puncture in his arm from which very little blood issued.  On January 6th the boy was again bitten, this time by a meercat, which inflicted deep punctures in his thumb.  He remained normal and healthy until February 14th, when he complained of pains in his upper arm.  The doctor examined him on February 16th, but could not discover anything serious, and considered it a case of neuritis.  Lotion was supplied for rubbing the arm, but the pain continued, although the boy remained otherwise normal.  Nothing
serious was suspected.  On February 17th he remained at home feeling peevish.  He could not eat and had a bad night, suffering from illusions of wild animals and ghosts all night.  The doctor was again called in, but again found nothing unusual and there was no temperature to indicate anything seriously wrong.  The doctor was only then advised of the fact that the boy had been bitten by a dog and later by a meercat.  The boy was thereupon taken into the Standerton Hospital, where the case was diagnosed as rabies.  He became hysterical and very excited and had the greatest difficulty in swallowing even the smallest quantity of water.  He suffered from the same illusions of wild animals and remained in this state until he died, 10 hours after admission into hospital.  The dog, which was a very big and strong animal, died on December 24th with all the symptoms of having been poisoned.
Tuesday, March 8, 1927
In Memoriam
McKINNON.-  In loving memory of Isabella McKINNON, who passed away at Queenstown on the 8th March, 1926.
Inserted by her daughters.
Notice to Creditors
Estate late Janet UNDERWOON (born DUNLOP) and surviving spouse, Henry UNDERWOOD, of Queenstown.  No. 13791...
Executors Testamentary,
Hexagon, Queenstown
In the Estate of the Late Margaret BERRY (born JAMIESON), widow, of Queenstown.  No. 12705...
Attorneys for Executor Testamentary
Friday, March 11, 1927
Molteno Notes
We heartily congratulate Mr. Edward BROWN on his engagement to Miss ROBSON.  Mr. BROWN has the reputation of being a progressive and we are glad that he is continuing to live up to his reputation.
Miss Jess MURRAY, of Edinburgh, the fiancée of Dr. Melvin RAMSAY, arrived recently.  A very hearty welcome is extended to Miss MURRAY.
Wednesday, March 16, 1927
GARDINER.-  At 18 Greet Street, Queenstown, the wife of A.C. GARDINER (nee Myrtle BROWN), a daughter.
Local & General
Death on Tennis Court.
The death of a popular young grid, Miss Sheila GILLINGHAM, occurred in tragic circumstances at Pretoria while she was engaged in a game of tennis.  She was playing on a private court at the corner of Retief and Mitchell Streets, and, when in the midst of a set, collapsed without any apparent warning.  Her friends rushed to her assistance, but nothing could be done.  She was dead.  The body was removed to the mortuary and a post mortem will be held.  Miss GILLINGHAM, who was only 21 years of age, had been employed in the Pretoria Telephone Exchange for the past two years.  Some time ago she suffered from a severe attack of rheumatic fever and was consequently warned by a doctor not to indulge in very strenuous exercise.
Thursday, March 17, 1927
In Memoriam
DIXON. – In loving memory of our dear Father, William Joseph DIXON, who died at East London on 17th March, 1926.
Inserted by Harry and Annie.
Sterkstroom Notes
There will be quite  a gathering of visitors on the 27th inst., the occasion being the nuptials of Miss R. KRUGER, daughter of our esteemed townsman, Mr. P. KRUGER, of the Premier Hotel.
Friday, March 18, 1927
Local & General
Boy Killed by Lightning.
A distressing lightning fatality occurred at the farm Harrisdale, opposite the Kimberley pumping station at Riverton.  A number of children were proceeding home from school when they were overtaken by a storm.  While they were running along a footpath in Indian file the youngest, a little boy of eight years names Frank PITT, who was bringing up the rear, was struck by lightning and killed instanteously.
Saturday, March 19, 1927
FROST.  To Mr. And Mrs. R.H. FROST, Thibet Park, on the 13th inst., a son.  Both well.
Molteno Notes
A very pretty wedding took place at the Wesleyan Church here recently, the bridegroom being Mr. Lorrie Stephens LAWSON and the bride Miss Bertha Elennor BROWN, both of the Cathcart District.  The ceremony was performed by the resident minister (the Rev. Rayner SPEIGHT).  The happy couple left the same evening for Johannesburg, where the honeymoon is to be spent.
Hearty congratulations are extended to Dr. And Mrs. RAMSAY, who left here last Friday as an engaged couple and returned this week having joined the “Benedicts.”  The happy couple were welcomed to their new home in Molteno by their friends, and we wish them a very happy and prosperous life.
Monday, March 21, 1927
Local & General
Old Queenstonian’s Death.
The many friends of Mr. S.C. FLEISCHER will regret to hear of his death at the age of 60, after a short illness and severe operation, at the New Modder Hospital.  The deceased went to the Rand in 1888, and joined the Albu Group at the Meyer and Charlton G.M. Co. As an assistant amalgamator.  Later he was transferred to the Van Ryn Estates, where he remained as manager of the two mills until his death.  He was in the employ of this group for nearly 36 years, and lived for his work.  Almost the last words he spoke were to one of his foremen for whom he sent.  The sudden death of Mr. FLEISCHER came as a great blow to the whole community at Van Ryn Estates, where he was much loved and respected and was never known to have refused assistance when necessary.  Mr. FLEISCHER took an active part in the Benoni Parish Church Council and represented St. Matthews as warden for many years... His hobby was farming and he had hoped some day to live on his small
farm at Putfontein...  Mr. FLEISCHER had two sons who served in the Great War.  The eldest, S.B. FLEISCHER, who was awarded the M.C. and D.S.O., is a mine captain at New Modder;  Lennox, the youngest, served in the Tanks and is residing in Capetown, employed in the Government service.  The deceased gentleman was the eldest son of Mr. And Mrs. Spencer FLEISCHER, who resided in Queenstown in the early eighties, and was the nephew to Mrs. E.B. CHALMERS, Mrs. EATON and the late Mr. William FLEISCHER.  He was a brother-in-law to Mr. R.H. IMPEY, having married his sister May, a past scholar of BESWICK’s school.
Wednesday, March 23, 1927
KRUGER-MIEROWSKY.-  On Sunday, the 27th of March, at the Premier Hotel, Sterkstroom, at 7 p.m., Rae, eldest daughter of Mr. And the late Mrs. P. KRUGER, to David, only son of Mr. And the late Mrs. N. MIEROWSKY.  Supper 8 p.m. at the Premier Hotel.  Relations and friends please accept this, the only invitation.
In Memoriam
HUGHES.-  In ever loving memory of our darling old mother, Katherina Millen HUGHES, who fell asleep on the 23rd March, 1925...
Inserted by her loving sons, daughters and grandchildren.
Friday, March 25, 1927
DAVISON-PENMAN.-  At East London on 23rd March, Arthur Ruscor DAVISON, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Emjanyana, Transkei, son of Mr. And Mrs. T.M. DAVISON, Capetown, to Doris Anna PENMAN, Glasgow, Scotland.
Estate late Alwyn Francois JORDAAN, of Flinksfontein, Sterkstroom.  No. 14116...
Attorney for Executrix.
Box 19, Sterkstroom.
Local & General
The London papers to had by last mail contain the announcements of the death, after a long illness, of Dr. B.J. GUILLEMARD, O.B.E., who died on the 18th February.  Dr. GUILLEMARD spent some years in this country a quarter of a century ago, living in Queenstown, Aliwal North and Rondebosch, where he had many friends.
Monday, March 28, 1927
STRACHAN.-  Died at 5, Milner Street on the 26th inst., J. STRACHAN, age 62 years.
Tuesday, March 29, 1927
HANSEN.-  At 39 Railway Cottage, to Mr. And Mrs. Bob HANSEN, a daughter.  Both well.
Death of Lady VILJOEN.
Caledon, Saturday.
Lady VILJOEN, widow of the late Sir Antonie VILJOEN, died this morning after a lingering illness. – Reuter.
Wednesday, March 30, 1927
A novel Wedding
Married on top of Table Mountain
Honeymoon to be spent on the mountain
Capetown, Tuesday.
“Three thousand five hundred and eighty feet above the city two young people were joined together in holy matrimony to-day, the scene being Maclear’s Beacon, the highest point on Table Mountain.  The contracting parties were Miss Helen McGUFFIE and and Mr. A.D.E.V. MARAIS, both being keen mountaineers.  The bride conceived the idea that a quiet wedding was preferable and what quieter spot could there be than the top of the mountain?  This morning the bridal party of five, including the clergyman accompanied by two coloured men carrying the wedding cake in a box, set out to clamber up the face of the mountain.  At lunch time the marriage was solemnised, bride and bridegroom being dressed in regulation mountain kit.  The happy couple are spending their honeymoon on the top of the mountain. – Reuter.
Thursday, March 31, 1927
Estate late Maria Charlotte BOTHA (born SMIT), of Leeuwkraal, district Molteno...
Attorneys for Executor.

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