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Cape Frontier Times

Cape Frontier Times 1843 2 April - June

Thursday 6 April 1843

Coach and Waggon Makers
Bathurst-street, Graham's Town
The above most respectfully solicit the honor of an Inspection of their Drawings, which are of that peculiar construction affording ease with safety, combining durability with lightness of draught, and introducing the form and style of the most fashionable London carriage.
In calling attention to the uniting the Coach-Building in the same establishment in which the Waggon Business has been for some years past successfully carried on by the late Mr. SHONE, and for so large a share of the public patronage which has been received, they beg to return their grateful acknowledgements, and hope for a continuance of the same, which it will be their endeavour to merit, by paying a strict attention to the use of only the best materials, and a judicious introduction of all improvements consistent with the present roads of the colony.
Wanted, an experienced Smith, who would meet with constant and advantageous employment. Also a respectable Youth as an Apprentice to the above Establishment.

The Undersigned, having now removed to the Stores lately occupied by Mr. J.D. NORDEN, have for Sale a well assorted Stock of New Goods, and expect daily ex "George" a large investment of Winter Goods, expressly selected for this market.

Victoria Coffee and Eating House
The Undersigned begs to inform the Inhabitants of the Eastern Province that he has opened the above Establishment in Church-square, Graham's Town, as a Coffee and Eating House, and for the Accommodation of Travellers generally.
Coffee, from 6 o'clock in the Morning till 9 o'clock in the Evening
Hams, Collared and Corned Beef &c at all hours; Ginger and Draught Beer
Families supplied with any quantities
Stabling for Horses and Outspanning for Waggons

Thursday 13 April 1843

DIED at St.Hiliar's, Jersey on the 10th Dec last, Mrs. HORNSBY, relict of the late Dr. HORNSBY, Resident Surgeon, Royal Artillery.

Thursday 20 April 1843

BIRTH on the 15th inst, at Fort Beaufort, the lady of Captain John MACLEAN, 27th Inniskilliners, of a Son.

It is with severe regret that we announce the sudden death of the Rev G. BOOTH, at Fort Beaufort, on Monday the 17th instant. He made an attempt, we are informed, to preach to his congregation on Good Friday, but was compelled to leave the pulpit before he had concluded his discourse. The disease of which he died is said to have been inflammation of the bowels. He was an excellent man, and a zealous minister of the Church of England.

Thursday 27 April 1843

BIRTH at Fort Beaufort on the 18th inst, the Lady of E.M. COLE Esq, JP, of a Son.

Thursday 4 May 1843

DIED in Graham's Town on Friday 27th April, in her eighteenth year, after a short illness, borne with exemplary fortitude, and Christian resignation to the will of the Almighty, Elizabeth Catherine, eldest daughter of Mr. Carlo BROLI. Her loss will be felt by her afflicted parents and relatives to whom she was ever dutiful, affectionate and sincere. She died, having taken a last affectionate farewell of parents, brothers and sisters, in the full hope of a glorious immortality, leaving those most dear to her to say:
"What time shall end our mourning for so dear a friend?"
Requiescat in pace.

Thursday 18 May 1843

MARRIED on the 10th instant at Bathurst, by the Revd James Barrow, Benjamin BLAINE Esq M.R.C.S. to Letitia Sophia Jessie, Eldest Daughter of the Revd, John Harries WILLIAMS, rector of Llanelieu, Breconshire.

DIED at Cradock on the 26th day of April 1843, M.E. FRANTZ, wife of A. FRANTZ, aged nineteen years and 10 months

Thursday 25 May 1843

DIED at Croft Cottage, near Fort England, on Saturday last, 20th instant, Mrs. Anna Maria KIDSON, Wife of Mr. W. KIDSON, Wine Merchant
Graham's Town, 26th May 1843

(Communicated) Unhappy Occurrence
Beaufort, May 9 1843
A disastrous event occurred in the Nieuwveld, in this Division, not many days ago; the circumstances connected with it are as follows:
A young person of the name of Philippus JACOBS, of between 18 and 19 years of age, who was living with his father, Johannes Stephanus, at Floris Poort, also in the Nieuwveld, and who was about to be married to the daughter of a neighbouring farmer, was unfortunately so severely kicked by his horse on the side as he was in the act of mounting him to return home from the house of his intended, whom he had been to visit, that he died in a few hours afterwards, after suffering much pain.

Thursday 1 June 1843

MARRIED on Saturday last by the Rev J Heavyside, Mr. James Hamilton PARKER, of Graham's Town, to Julia, the youngest daughter of the late Abraham NORDEN Esq of Hammersmith, County of Middlesex.

DIED at Uitenhage on the 25th May, aged 28 years, Helena Catharina, the Wife of Mr. Thos. THOMPSON, deeply lamented by her family and friends.

Thursday 8 June 1843

Graham's Town Infant School
The Affairs of the late Infant School having been brought to a close, and there now being a Balance in hand of about Two Hundred Pounds.
The undersigned, as Trustees, give this Notice that a Meeting of the original Subscribers will be held in the Store of Mr. W. OGILVIE, at present occupied by the Commissioners of the Municipality, at 12 o'clock on Monday the 19th day of June next, to consider in what manner the said sum shall be appropriated.
Subscribers not present will be considered to vote with the majority.
Graham's Town, 1st June 1843.

Thursday 15 June 1843

MARRIED this Morning, June 14th, at the house of Wm. FLEMING Esq, Port Elizabeth, by the Rev F. McCleland AB TCD, Colonial Chaplain, George HORNE Esq, Deputy Assistant-Commissary-General of Her Majesty's Forces, to Elizabeth LAKELAND, second daughter of Robt. LAKELAND Esq of Barnard Castle, County Durham

In the Estate of the late Cornelius Johannes GROBBLER
At the Sale of the effects belonging to the Estate of the late Mr. Richard HUNT in this Town, on Thursday the 29th inst, will be sold certain, a Farm belonging to the above Estate, situated in the Field-Cornetcy of Riet River (adjoining CAWOOD Brothers) a short distance from the Sunday's River, on the Graaff-reinet line of road, Uitenhage Division, measuring per diagram 2233 morgen, 493½ square roods,
R.A. STRETCH, Executor Dative
Port Elizabeth, June 1st 1843.

Thursday 22 June 1843

BIRTH on the 17th instant, Mrs. W. Guybon ATHERSTONE of a Son.
Graham;s Town, 22nd June 1843.

BIRTH at Fort Peddie, June 19th, the Lady of T. SHEPSTONE Esq of a Son.

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