Cape Frontier Times 1843 1 January - March
Thursday 19 January 1843
Port Elizabeth
On Friday the 24th February next, at half past 10am, will be Sold on the spot, the valuable and highly-desirable Landed Property of John THORNHILL Esq, situate at Port Elizabeth, near the new Jetty.
The Property consists of a portion of the Erf No.38, upon which is erected:-
1st a Dwelling House, comprising on the ground floor a passage, drawing room, dining and breakfast-room; four bedrooms, a pantry and a kitchen, and two cellars.
2ndly a substantially built Store. 3-storey, 80 feet by 27, adjoining the Dwelling.
3rdly a Building, detached from the above, 53 feet by 18, being a 2-storey Building, at present used as a Bonding Warehouse.
The whole of the above Buildings are constructed of Stone and Stock Bricks, under a Slated Roof. They are all new, and are well and substantially built, and are now Let at a yearly rent of £380.
To any person engaged or wishing to engage in Mercantile Business at Port Elizabeth the above Property offers advantages which are rarely met with. It is to be disposed of only in consequence of the Proprietor having given up business.
Terms of Sale
One-third Cash and Mortgage Bonds for one-third at One Year, and the remaining third at Two Years; the last two Instalments bearing Interest from the date of Sale: or, at the option of the Purchaser, £500 in cash and the remainder on Mortgages for One, Two and Three Years, bearing Interest with personal security.
Further particulars may be known on application to Messrs BORRADAILES, THOMPSON & PILLANS, Heerengraacht, Cape Town or Messrs W. & J. SMITH & Co, Port Elizabeth.
Thursday 26 January 1843
BIRTH at Graham's Town on Wednesday the 25th instant, the Lady of Charles BELL Esq of a Son.
Thursday 2 February 1843
BAPTISED at Butterworth Mission Station on the 25th Dec 1842, by the Rev H. Pearse, Henry Theophilus West FYNN, son of W.M.D. FYNN Esq, Resident Agent.
Watch and Clock Makers and Jewellers
Respectfully announce to their Friends and the Public that they have just received an excellent assortment of Gentlemen's Patent Lever double bottomed Hunting Watches; Vertical do; Silver curb watch guard Chains. On hand, Silver Soup Ladles, gravy, table, dessert and tea Spoons; Gentlemen's Diamond Rings; Ladies' do; Wedding Rings always on hand.
Graham's Town 1st Feb 1843.
MARRIED at Sidbury by the Rev Mr Thorpe, on the 6th Jan 1843, Mr. John ROODS to Emma, fourth daughter of Mr. Samuel BURRELL, of Klip Fontein, Albany.
Thursday 9 February 1843
DIED at his residence in Graham's Town on Saturday 4th Feb, Myer SCHRYVER, aged 52 years 5 months and 24 days, after a painful and lingering illness of 4 years, leaving a wife, 2 children and a numerous circle of friends to deplore his loss.
BIRTH. Mrs Edward Russel BELL of Graham's Town was safely delivered of a Son on the 7th current; mother and child both well.
Thursday 16 February 1843
The Business of Mutual Conveyancers heretofore conducted under the style of Leopoldus SMIDT, Ferdinandus MACKPARTY, Julia JULIANA and Henry McGEE, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. It is therefore requested that all Claims against the above firm may be immediately presented at Mr. J. BREHM, as last party has engaged to pay his own debt, and debts due to the same to be paid to the undersigned forthwith, on pain of prosecution, in case of delay.
J. JULIANA, for Self and late Co-partners
Uitenhage, 7th Feb 1843.
DIED in Graham's Town on the 3rd instant, Mr. Pierce LOWEN, eldest son of Major LOWEN C.M.R.
Thursday 23 February 1843
DIED at Graham's Town on the Evening of the 22nd instant, Jane, wife of Mr. J.F. KRAUSE, aged 28 Years, deeply deplored by all who knew her. Her illness had been lingering and painful but her dissolution was unlooked for by her family and friends till within a few hours of the melancholy event.
Thursday 9 March 1843
In the Assigned Estate of H. FOREMAN, Trader, of Cradock
All Persons having Claims against the above Estate are requested to forward the same to the Undersigned. A Meeting of the Creditors in said Estate will be held in the Counting-house of the Undersigned on Monday next, at 11 o'clock am.
L.H. MEURANT, Assignee
The Undersigned, recently arrived from England, where he has practised the Profession of Accountant and General Agent, offers his services in the making up and Arrangement of Accounts, and in the transaction of any Business for which an accurate knowledge of Book-keeping and mercantile proceedings generally may be deemed requisite. Apply to Messrs SHEPHERD and HARLEY, High-street or at his residence, Bathurst-street, next door to the premises of Mr. B. ATTWELL.
Thursday 16 March 1843
In the Estate of the late Christoffel Johannes LOMBARD, of the District of Somerset.
All Persons having Claims against the above Estate are requested to send them in to the undersigned for adjustment, within six weeks from this date; and all persons indebted to the same are hereby called upon to liquidate their respective accounts within the above period, as the Estate will be finally closed after that date.
March 16 1843.
Mr. A.W. McMASTER, Surgeon and Accoucheur, respectfully intimates to the inhabitants of Graham's Town and its vicinity that he has commenced the practice of his Profession in all its branches, and trusts by unremitting attention to the inetersts of all who may favor him with their confidence, to obtain a share of public patronage.
High-Street, Graham's Town
March 16th 1843
NB Mr. McM intends shortly to occupy Mr. W. SIMPSON's Premises, Bathurst-street.
Beaufort, March 3rd 1843
It is my painful task to have to communicate the particulars of a horrid deed of self-destruction, which took place here this evening at twilight, by an inhabitant, in his dwelling: and which, no doubt, will hereafter be proved to have been hastened by fear, excessive agony of mind, and remorse of conscience.
This morning the Clerk of the Peace was, for the first time, informed that a person named Jan WILTERS had, on the previous Saturday night, most cruelly beaten and dreadfully ill-used a woman of color who was living with him, and that she had not since been seen, nor had any satisfactory account been given of her. Those few who were at all acquainted with the circumstance were people of color, with the exception of the man's own family: and it therefore in some measure accounts for the event having for some days been kept in the dark; but immediately on the Clerk of the Peace having been made acquainted with the affair, he lost no time in making further inquiries; and so satisfied was he that the unhappy man had been guilty of a most cruel assault – and perhaps of a much worse crime – that a warrant was issued for his apprehension. The senior constable and two others were employed to execute it. They directly proceeded to the residence of WILTERS. He was observed sitting not far from his house; but as the constables drew near, he made for it, and got there before them, and immediately entered. On their arrival they observed him in a front room; but before they could enter, the door was suddenly closed, and they were informed by one of his daughters that her father was not at home. WILTERS being a powerful man, and supposing that he meditated a violent resistance – even perhaps with fire-arms – two of the men were left to guard the house, while the other two went to obtain further assistance. Not long after this, the report of a gun was heard from the house; the window was forced, a light was obtained, and the wretched man was found stretched o his back on the floor of the room, lifeless, with the gun lying across his legs, and in which position it had fallen when he fell. The gun is what is called a hair-trigger, to which he had fastened a strip of tanned skin, which he must have placed under his feet, and the muzzle of the gun under his chin, gave it a jerk, and it thus exploded.
On the district surgeon examining the body he perceived that a bullet had entered the mouth, and gone through the upper part of the head near the crown, and thus through the thatch at the top of the roof of the house; and which proves that he must have shot himself standing nearly upright.
The woman, or her remains, have not yet been found. People were, however, sent today to look for traces. Tracks supposed to be WILTERS' were found, and upon them some spots of blood. It was getting late, and the party returned, but will proceed in search again tomorrow.
It has now been ascertained that the conduct of this wretched man has been very suspicious since Saturday last. He has been observed several times wandering about the country in the vicinity of Beaufort, in the most disconsolate manner, and if reports are to be believed, he must have meditated, in the interval, suicide; and there is scarcely a doubt but that it will be found that he murdered the woman.
This man was once occupied as an agriculturalist in this district, and was in fair circumstances. He has left five unfortunate children, four girls and one boy.
DIED at Graham's Town on the evening of the 11th March 1843, Henry Andrew, second son of Garrison Serjeant-Major Henry DRENNAN, aged 3 years and 6 months.
BIRTH on Tuesday the 14th instant, the wife of Mr. James Cattrell HOOLE of a Daughter.
Thursday 23 March 1843
BIRTH at Burnshill, Kafferland on the 16th inst, the wife of Mr. A. McDIARMID of a Son.
DIED at Burnshill, Kafferland on the 12th inst, of Dysentery, Christina, youngest daughter of Mr. A. McDIARMID, aged 3 years and 11 months.
DIED at Graham's Town on Tuesday morning, the 21st instant, Louisa Eleanor Catherine, only daughter of Francis Henry and Johanna Hendrieka COLE, aged 5 months.
Notice to Creditors and Debtors
In the Estate of Jacobus Adriaan LOUW, deceased, and surviving spouse Johanna Catharina POTGIETER, of the District of Uitenhage.
All Persons having any Claims against the above Estate are requested to file them with the undersigned, No.16 Caledon-street, Uitenhage, within two months from this date; and all persons indebted to the said estate are requested to discharge their debts within the same period.
J.G. LUYT, Executor Dative
Uitenhage Town, 14th march 1843.
Thursday 30 March 1843
Doctor PARROTT may be consulted in all the Branches of the Medical Profession, at his residence in Fort Beaufort, daily; or he will visit Patients in the Country if required to do so.
Fort Beaufort, 21st March 1843.
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