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Cape Frontier Times

Cape Frontier Times 1843 3 July - September

Thursday 6 July 1843

BIRTH on Riday the 30th ult, at the Parsonage, Graham's Town, the wife of the Rev. J. HEAVYSIDE, Colonial Chaplain, of a Son.

Thursday 3 August 1843

MARRIED at the Drostdy House, Graaff-Reinet on the 21st inst by the Rev A Murray, John Frederick Van de Graaf HEUGH, second son of P. HEUGH Esq of Port Elizabeth, to Johanna Elizabeth, eldest daughter of W.C. VAN RYNEVELD Esq, Civil Commissioner of Graaff-Reinet.
Graaff-Reinet, 25th July 1843.

BIRTH at Tarka Post, the wife of J. CALDER of a Daughter.
Tarka Post, July 27th 1843

Murder of B. PALMER and W. BROWN of Bathurst
The following particulars connected with the above Murders have been related to us. The unfortunate men, it seems, rode out together on Sunday week, having no particular object in view, excepting to see that the cattle of the former were safe, but no cattle had, however, been missing. Not much alarm appears to have been excited by their not returning on that evening, as it was thought that some of the cattle might have been missing, and that they were gone on the spur. Hearing, however, no tidings of them on the Monday morning, a party, accompanied by a Kafir herdsman in the employment of PALMER, who had returned home with the cattle as usual on the Sunday evening, saying he had not seen his master, set out to institute a search. The spoor of the horses ridden by the unfortunate men was soon found, and traced in and out of the bush, where a passage must have been difficult of access, till it became at last uncertain; but as the party were proceeding onward in a certain direction, the herd induced them by his representations to continue their search in another direction, after which the party returned home unsuccessful. On the following morning the search was resumed, and the bodies of the murdered men were discovered lying on the ground only about 100 yards from the spot where they had altered their course on the previous day at the suggestion of the Kafir. The bodies presented a dreadful spectacle. There were 13 assegai wounds in the body of PALMER, and it would appear from the situation of some of them that he was struggling with an assassin when he was stabbed or pierced by the assegais of another or others. BROWN, besides receiving numerous assegai wounds, was shot near his jaw-bone, with the muzzle of the gun close to his face, and evidently by a person not used to fire-arms.
The Kafir herd has been taken into custody. The only grounds of suspicion against him at present are – 1st, his having led the party in search of his master away from the dead bodies; and 2ndly, some of his clothes, viz an old cloak, trousers and shirt, having been found stained with blood, in the hut of a native woman in the neighbourhood, who says the man left them with her on the evening of the Sunday (the supposed day of the murder) and borrowed of her at the same time a new kaross.
The unhappy men had, it appeared, off-saddled in a lonely spot covered with bush, about 4 or 5 miles from Bathurst, in the direction of Graham's Town, when the murderous assault was suddenly made on them. The horses have not been found, and one of the saddles only was left behind. The herd is also said to have asked for, or procured a bullet from someone in Bathurst on Saturday evening. A number of armed Kafirs were seen in the neighbourhood of the scene of murder on the day on which it is supposed to have been committed. We are informed, likewise, that a kraal of Kafirs which has long been established in the vicinity, and which is known by the name of David's kraal, has been deserted since the perpetration of these murders.
PALMER has left a wife and a family of seven children to bewail his untimely loss. BROWN had been married about a twelvemonth, and has left a wife and child. He was a constable in Bathurst, had the superintendence of the pound there, and was frequently employed in bringing in Kafir prisoners to Graham's Town. It is thought by some that his connection with the pound, in which Kafir cattle were sometimes impounded, and not liberated without payment of the pound fees, combined with his duties of constable, which he discharged with activity and vigilance, may have been the cause of his destruction. Others think that the murders have been committed by some of Tola's Kafirs, sent into the colony by that chief for purposes of retaliation and revenge: several of whom, by the way, we know were seen in Graham's Town not long ago.
But the whole affair is at present undergoing investigation by the judicial authorities, and when it is ceased we shall not fail to lay the result before the public.

Notice to Creditors
In the Insolvent Estate of Nathaniel RANDALL of Port Elizabeth
All persons claiming to be Creditors under this Estate are required to take notice that the undersigned have been duly elected to, and confirmed in the appointment of Joint Trustees of the said Estate, and that the Master has appointed the Third Meeting to be held before the Resident Magistrate at his Office at Port Elizabeth on Friday the 18th August, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, for the proof of Debts, for receiving the Trustees' Report, and also for the purpose of giving directions to the said Trustees as to the management of the said Estate.
And all persons indebted to the said Estate are required to pay the same to the last undersigned, on or before Friday the 11th August, as proceedings will be instituted against them.
Joint Trustees
Port Elizabeth, 12th July 1843.

Notice to Creditors
In the Insolvent Estate of William HARTLEY the Elder, of Graham's Town, Shop Keeper
All persons claiming to be Creditors under this Estate are required to take notice that the undersigned have been duly elected to, and confirmed in the appointment of Joint Trustees of the said Estate, and that the Master has appointed the Third Meeting to be held before the Resident Magistrate at his Office at Graham's Town on Saturday the 9th September, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, for the proof of Debts, for receiving the Trustees' Report, and also for the purpose of giving directions to the said Trustees as to the management of the said Estate.
And all persons indebted to the said Estate are required to pay the same to the last undersigned at his office in High-street, on or before the 1st September next, or proceedings will be instituted against them.
Edward HAW
Joint Trustees

Thursday 17 August 1843

DIED at Graham's Town on the 14th instant, Isabella DRYDEN, wife of Mr. TUDHOPE, Teacher of the Government School. Sympathising friends will please accept of this intimation.

It is with sincere regret that we record the death of Mrs. TUDHOPE, wife of the Teacher of the Government School in Graham's Town, which took place after a short illness, on Monday morning last. We deeply sympathise with Mr. TUDHOP in his sincere bereavement.

Thursday 24 August 1843

DIED at Graham's Town this day (24th August), Edward FORD, aged 78 years. Deceased was one of the settlers of 1820, and has ever since been resident in Albany, where he has been conspicuous for integrity of conduct, and that independence of mind so peculiar to the British character. His loss is deeply lamented by his family and friends.

Thursday 31 August 1843

DIED this Morning at ½ past 2 o'clock, Jane, the wife of Mr. John MASKELL, after a brief illness of 5 days, aged 44 years, leaving 5 children to deplore the loss of an affectionate Mother.
Graham's Town, 31st August 1843.

DIED in Graham's Town, Augustus Grey Rodney MINNIKIN, son of J.B. MINNIKIN Esq, Veterinary Surgeon, 7th Dragoon Guards.
Graham's Town, Aug 18 1843

We subjoin from an authentic source the following account of this murder, which comprises all the circumstances that are at present known concerning it. We understand that twenty five natives were employed by the Rev Mr GARNER to accompany him to the scene of the murder, of whose exertions that gentleman speaks in terms of the warmest praise – and we hope that the government will remunerate them for their services.
The name of the young Bushman, mentioned below, is Gena, the son of Caba, and he lives with some other Bushmen near the kraal of a chief named Diko. And it is thought that by his assistance (if a reward were offered) some clue might be obtained to the discovery of this treacherous and cruel murder.
On the evening of the 3rd instant, a Hottentot lad, named Andries BARTMAN, arrived at Mr. GARNER's residence in Capai's country, who stated that he had fled from the spot where his master, George DUFFY, had been murdered by three natives. He further stated that Mr. DUFFY left Butterworth with a waggon and twelve oxen, and accompanied by a female, a Hottentot man named Cobus TRUMPETER, his wife, and two children, and himself; that they had been engaged in hunting in the neighbourhood of the upper parts of the rivers Umtata, Tietsa and Tina. Whilst on the banks of the last named river, Mr. DUFFY and his party were visited by three natives, named Nani, Umgeno and Kosana, who told them that they procured food and tobacco from some of their friends, who are living with the Ampondo chief Diko. Mr. DUFFY subsequently purchased two horses from these natives, for which he gave two duffel carosses and a quantity of beads. After the bargain was struck the men accompanied the waggon to the vicinity of Buntingville, where they bought some corn, and then returned to the Tina, where an ox was shortly afterwards killed by lions. Mr. DUFFY subsequently agreed to meet the same three natives at a place called Roda, for the purpose of hunting buffaloes. It appears that the Hottentot Cobus, who had informed his master of his intention to reside on the mission station, and who had previously sent his wife and children there, as well as the boy Andries, both urged Mr. DUFFY to encamp nearer the station, as they deemed it unsafe for him to be alone so far distant from it. They also hinted their suspicion of the three natives. Mr. DUFFY refused to listen to their counsel, and then rode towards the mountains. Cobus then left him, promising to return – his master having previously told him he would find him by tracing his spoor. Andries further stated that his master was afterwards joined by the natives, and some game was killed. They were also visited by Bushmen, from whom the natives purchased three horses for beads. A few days after this these horses were eaten by lions, a circumstance at which the natives were much chagrined. The lad stated further that on or about Tuesday 30th ult the whole party went out to hunt in different directions whilst he was sent to look after the oxen, and on his return he found his master murdered, and the female tied to the waggon wheel. The natives immediately seized and bound him, but soon unloosed him, ordering him to drive the waggon to another part of the mountain, but the waggon sticking in the mud, could not be moved on that evening. Here they were visited by some Bushmen on horseback, and an ox was slaughtered. After examining the contents of the waggon the Bushmen laughed and said "Why did you kill the white man?". They replied "that their horses had been killed by lions, and that he had refused to lend them oxen to carry their game". After this they then gave the Bushmen two carosses, who departed on the following morning. The waggon was then extricated from the mud, and the natives then proceeded to a small bush at the foot of the mountain, where the waggon again stuck fast. Here they rifled it and then went to sleep in a neighbouring bush. The native named Nani told Andries and the female that they must remain with them, and promised Andries that he would soon accompany him to Graham's Town. After this the oxen strayed, and upon the natives sending Andries to look for them, he took the opportunity of flying to the mission station. The above is, in substance, the statement of Andries.
On the following morning the Wesleyan missionary, Mr. GARNER, collected a party of about 30 men and rode off to the scene of the murder. They found the waggon, and saw a Bushman sitting on top of the mountain. Mr. GARNER remained with two men at the wagon, and gave orders that no hostilities were to be resorted to, except in case of an attack or for the rescue of the female. After a while three natives were seen near the top of the mountain driving the cattle, but they fled after throwing one assegai; some shots were then fired in the air, and the bush was searched and nine oxen were recovered, and a few trifling articles besides. The woman was also found in the bush. Most of the other things, including bugle of waggon, chain, three guns, beads, carosses, seem to have been previously disposed of by the natives to the Bushmen. An old horse was also found, which was claimed by a Bushman, who called out from the top of the mountain that it belonged to him and then fled. The following particulars of the murder were then obtained by Mr. GARNER from the woman, from whose statement it appeared that after the horses of the natives had been eaten by the lions they accused Mr. DUFFY of having shot them. This he denied, but they said they heard a gun fired. He still persisted in his denial. When Mr. DUFFY and his party had gone out the natives returned and asked where he was. She said he was gone to hunt – and told them they could not find him; shortly after this he came home, and was sitting with the three natives close to the fire talking about game. The woman it appears then warned him to keep his gun near him but he made no reply. After their meal was concluded the natives exclaimed "See, there is a jackal running", and they all stood up, and on Mr DUFFY turning round Nani stabbed him with an assegai in the loins. Mr. DUFFY then called out for his gun, and the woman was in the act of reaching it to him when Nani attempted to stab her but missed. The natives then seized the gun, and she then rushed to him when they again stabbed him. She then clasped him in her arms, and he entreated her to fly; they again stabbed him until he dropt down dead. They then rifled his pockets, and tied up the woman, and threatened to kill the boy on his return, but she begged of them to spare his life, which they did: and he was in consequence only tied up.
The woman corroborated the statement about the visit of Bushman &c and further stated that on the morning the boy ran away they asked her if he knew where Mr. GARNER's station was. She said he did not – and that he only knew where Mr. JENKINS lived – they then said he would never get there for the lions would eat him. The woman says further that the Bushmen have a great many horses and three large herds of cattle over the mountains, some of which they had taken from the Boors. The Bushmen, the woman states, promised to return on the following day to purchase iron &c with horses. The natives afterwards talked about killing the woman and burning the waggon – for Nani said to her – "I dreamt last night that the boy was eaten by lions. We might as well kill you, for if you run away you will be eaten too." A young Bushman then said "Why will you kill her – let her go – you have killed the man, why will you kill her?" An altercation ensued, and the Bushman said "if you kill me my father's people will kill you all". He then addressing himself to the woman said "hide yourself, and I will take you in the morning to the nearest white men". It appears that on the morning of the arrival of Mr. GARNER, the natives had put a riem round the poor woman's neck, and asked her to teach them to shoot.
And when she said she did not know how they struck her with the gun, and had her dragged into the bush while they proceeded to burn the waggon – threatening to kill her when they returned. In the meantime the young Bushman perceived Mr. GARNER and his party and gave the alarm. The Bushman then untied her, and told her to make her escape. Mr. GARNER remained on the spot until midday, and then left it, after directing his party to scour well the bush, but nothing more, it appears, was found. Mr. GARNER also directed strict search to be made for the remains of the murdered man for the purpose of burial, but without success. And the woman says she was told by the Bushman that the body had been devoured. Part of his shirt and trowsers has been found, and there was a great deal of blood about the spot where the murder was committed, but no part of the body has been discovered.

Thursday 7 September 1843

DIED this morning at his residence in Graham's Town, Mr. William LIDDLE, aged 45, late Serjeant-Major of HM 75th Regt, and Keeper of the District Prison in this town, deeply regretted by his Family and Friends.
Graham's Town, 7th Sept, 1843.

We deeply regret having to announce the death of Mr. LIDDLE, Gaoler of the District Prison, who expired this morning after a short illness. Whilst expressing sincere sympathy with his bereaved family and friends, we are also enabled to bear ready testimony to the esteem in which he was deservedly held as a kind and benevolent man. As a soldier of 32 years service, latterly in the 75th Regt, of which he was Serjeant-Major, he acquired the confidence and esteem of his comrades, and was also highly respected by the officers, who in various ways expressed the deep sense which they entertained of his worth. He received from the Horse Guards a silver medal in testimony of the value attached to his character and services. As Gaoler of the District Prison he was remarkable for the benevolence of his disposition, which was uniformly shewn in his kindness to those who were consigned to his care. The various duties of a painful office were discharged by him with a considerate gentleness, in no way incompatible with their nature and design. The public have lost in him a valuable servant.

Thursday 14 September 1843

BIRTH at Graham's Town, Sept 13th, Mrs LOCKE, wife of Rev J. LOCKE, of a Son.

Thursday 28 September 1843

Carpenter, Joiner &c
Begs respectfully to inform the Public that in connexion with the above business he has added that of an
and trusts by strict attention to all orders, combined with reasonable terms, to merit a share of public patronage.
Nelson's Cottages, near Church-square
Graham's Town, 1st Sept 1843.

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