Cape Frontier Times 1842 4 October - December
Thursday 6 October 1842
DIED at Alstonfields on Sunday 2nd inst, Arthur Hugh, eldest son of Hugh BARBER Esq, age 10 years.
Thursday 20 October 1842
BIRTH at Graham's Town on Monday 17th October, the lady of Surgeon EDDIE of Cape Mounted Riflemen, of a Son.
Thursday 27 October 1842
BIRTH at Graham's Town on Tuesday the 25th inst, Mrs. F.H. COLE of a daughter.
Thursday 3 November 1842
MARRIED by Special Licence on Tuesday the 1st Nov, at Sidbury Church, by the Rev G.V. Thorpe, Henry FOLLETT Esq to Mary, Widow of the late Capt. JACKSON, Royal Navy.
MARRIED in St.George's Church on the 1st instant, by the Rev J. Heavyside, Mr. Edward Robinson KING to Emily, eldest daughter of Mr. R.M. WHITNALL of Graham's Town.
John RIGGS of Graham's Town, a carpenter formerly trading with one James ANDERSON, as co-partners, begs leave to intimate to the Public that they have dissolved their joint trade as co-partners, and at the same time to state that he will not hold himself liable for any debts contracted by the said James ANDERSON in the name of the late firm after this notice; and at the same time objects to any payments on behalf or in favor of the late firm being paid to that person, as his receipt will not be a full discharge.
Graham's Town, 3rd Nov 1842.
In the Insolvent Estate of George WATSON
A Meeting of Creditors in the above Estate will be held on Tuesday next, before the Resident Magistrate of Graham's Town, for a special purpose for the good of the Estate. It is respectfully requested by the Trustees that the Creditors will all attend, or as many of them as can make it convenient, to take the matter into their consideration.
Joint Trustees
Graham's Town, 3rd Nov 1842.
Thursday 10 November 1842
MARRIED on the 19th inst at Northfleet, Cyrus DANIELL Esq, Paymaster 24th Regt, to Maria Cecilia, eldest daughter of John Henry HEATH Esq of the Cape of Good Hope.
Atlas, July 23.
DIED on the 2nd instant at his residence in Graham's Town, after a protracted illness borne with truly exemplary patience and resignation, Mr. John McKENNY, in the 52nd year of his age, deservedly regretted by a numerous circle of friends. His career, as an old resident on this frontier, has been marked with integrity and fraught with usefulness. To his sorrowing connexions he ever proved a watchful guardian, and a loving relative; for whose loss nothing can give them consolation, but the confident and holy hope that the resignation with which he gave up his soul into the hands of his Creator may be looked upon as an assurance that he is admitted into the realms of everlasting bliss.
Thursday 17 November 1842
DIED on Tuesday 15th November, Inez, youngest daughter of Dr. W. Guybon ATHERSTONE, aged 10 months.
Thursday 1 December 1842
In the Estate of the late Christopher Hudson McCOMB of Cradock.
The Undersigned duly authorised by the Testamentary Executrix, hereby calls upon all persons indebted to the above Estate to pay to him at Cradock, within three weeks from the date hereof, the sums which they respectively owe to the Estate, as otherwise they will immediately be prosecuted for the payment; and all persons who have claims against the Estate are requested to present the same within the above period.
Robert BLAIR q.q.
Cradock, 26th Nov 1842.
Estate of the late John McKENNY
The Undersigned have to request all persons indebted to the above Estate to settle the same within three months from this date, and all persons having claims against the Estate are requested to send them in for adjustment without delay.
Executors Testamentary
Graham's Town, 1st Dec 1842.
DIED on Thursday the 24th inst, Mrs. Sarah PRIOR, aged 67. She accompanied this Salem party to this colony, and was one of the oldest members of the Baptist Church in the town. Her life was exemplary, and her end peace.
We are sorry to hear that Mrs. HARTLEY, of Bathurst, was overturned in a waggon a few days ago, a short distance from Lushington Valley, as she was proceeding to Bathurst, and very much bruised. We are glad, however, to learn that she is in a fair way of recovery.
Thursday 8 December 1842
DIED on the 24th Oct 1842, (on the farm Doorn Fontein) Robert Blair GREEN, aged 61 years and 5 months.
Thursday 15 December 1842
MARRIED on Wednesday the 14th inst, in St.George's Church by the Rev J. Heavyside, Mr. Louis NORTON to Kate, second daughter of Mr. R.M. WHITNALL of Graham's Town.
15th Dec 1842.
Thursday 22 December 1842
BIRTH Dec 15, Mrs. Alexander HYDE of a Son.
B. HOCKEY (from London)
Late foreman at Mr. ORCHARD's, and Mr. A.T. CALDECOTT's
Begs to inform the Inhabitants of Graham's Town and its Vicinity that he has commenced the above Business adjoining Mr. BLACK's Store on his own account, and he hopes by strict attention in business to merit a share of their support, as all orders entrusted to him will be executed with neatness and despatch on the most reasonable terms.
PS Country orders punctually attended to.
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