Cape Frontier Times 1842 1 January - March
Thursday 6 January 1842
BIRTH on Saturday the 1st, Mrs W.G. ATHERSTONE of a Daughter.
Thursday 13 January 1842
DIED at Bathurst on the 5th inst, in the 81st year of his age, Simon BIDDULPH Esq, formerly of Tamworth in the County of Stafford, Cousin of Sir Theophilus BIDDULPH of Birbury in the County of Warwick, Baronet.
BIRTH on Saturday the 8th instant, Mrs. E.L. KIFT of a Daughter.
Graham's Town, 12th Jan 1842.
In the Assigned Estate of Henry ORCHARD, of Graham's Town, tailor
All Persons claiming to be Creditors in the above Estate are requested to lodge their Claims with the Undersigned; and those Indebted to the Estate are hereby called upon forthwith to liquidate the same. Parties concerned are required to take notice that unless the amounts of their accounts are paid to the Collector on the First Demand, 5 per cent will be added for collecting. All sums remaining unpaid on the 31st inst will be handed to an Attorney for recovery by legal process, without respect of persons.
Thursday 20 January 1842
Arrived in Table Bay on the 12th January, the "Thunder", brig, from London 22nd Sept to Singapore. Cargo general. Passengers Mesdms PHILLIPS, BELL and SMALL; Misses PROBERTS, (2) WILLIAMS, WILLIAMS and PHILLIPS; Messrs BELL, BRABANT, HALPIKE Sen, HALPIKE Jun; and 16 in the steerage. Brings a mail. On the 9th Dec. spoke the "James Jones" from Liverpool to Valparaiso, lat 8 S long 28.38 W.
Thursday 27 January 1842
DIED at Fort Brown on the 20th instant, from the effects of Dysentery, Harry John Alexander, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. WADE, aged 12 months.
Graham's Town, 22nd Jan 1842.
Thursday 3 February 1842
Major BURNEY K.H., being about to leave the Frontier, requests all bills and demands against him will be forwarded without delay to him at Watson's Hotel, Graham's Town.
Fort Beaufort, Feb 1 1842
All Persons indebted to Captain James SCOREY of Port Elizabeth are hereby requested to settle their respective debts by the 28th Feb next, and those neglecting to attend to this notice will find their accounts &c immediately thereafter handed to his Attorney for prosecution, without distinction of persons. And all persons having claims against the said Capt. Jas. SCOREY are desired to hand them in to him for liquidation without delay.
Port Elizabeth, 26th Jan 1842
Notice to the Public
The Undersigned informs the Public that on the 16th day of December 1841 she entered into a Procontract of Marriage with her present husband, Arthur SLEVIN, whereby each party were not to be responsible for the other's debts, but each for himself or herself. I therefore give notice that I, the undersigned, will not be responsible for any debts incurred by my husband, Arthur SLEVIN, from this date, and further give notice that consequent to such marriage contract my present property is not under his control, but must await my sanction and approbation.
Catherine SLEVIN
I sanction the above and acknowledge the same to be correct.
Thursday 10 February 1842
BIRTH on the 31st January at Drie Koppen, Graaff-Reinet, Mrs. BLACKBURN of a Son.
Notice of Partnership
The friends of the Undersigned and the inhabitants of Graham's Town are hereby informed that they have entered into Copartnership together since the First day of January last, as Carpenters and Joiners, and hope that by assiduity and attention they will meet with patronage and support.
Workshop in New-street, Graham's Town.
Graham's Town, 2nd Feb 1842.
Thursday 17 February 1842
The Undersigned beg to inform the Inhabitants of Fort Beaufort and its vicinity that the Smithery and Waggon-making Business, formerly carried on by the late William GRAHAM, is again commenced. They are also desirous of thanking those to whom the Estate is indebted for their long and continued patience, and once more solicit that those indebted to the said estate will pay their Accounts on or before the 1st March next, or they will be "personally" requested so to do in the public journals.
Thomas Henry EASTLAND
Elizabeth GRAHAM
Thursday 24 February 1842
We are informed that as Mr. Thos. WEBSTER was lately proceeding to Graham's Town from his farm in the Mancazana, he fell in with three armed Kafirs driving at great speed before them seven head of cattle. Suspecting that the cattle had been stolen, he pursued the party for several miles along the Koonap Rantz, when, finding themselves closely pressed, they abandoned the cattle and plunged into the neighbouring thicket. Mr. WESTER [sic] then took possession of the cattle, and afterwards placed them under the charge of Lt. ARMSTRONG, the officer commanding the Konap post.
Public Sale of Landed Property
At Graham's Town, in the Insolvent Estate of James CHADLEY, on Thursday the 3rd March next, at 11 o'clock precisely, will be sold on the premises, at Graham's Town, certain Piece of Land with a House and Buildings erected thereon, situate between Graham's Town and the Cape Corps Barracks, in the District of Albany.
This Property is particularly recommended to the notice of the Public, being situated in the most thriving part of Graham's Town, where Property in the direction of the Town in which it is situated is advancing in value considerably.
E. THOMPSON, Sole Trustee.
Thursday 3 March 1842
We have just heard that Mr. MILDENHALL was lately attacked by an armed Kafir, who attempted to stab him with an assegai, as he was riding along a footpath that leads thro' Kafirland from his farm to Fort Beaufort. Mr. MILDENHALL, who was unarmed, slipping dexterously from his saddle, eluded his assailant, and on returning home sent a man to look for his horse, which was found minus the bridle.
Mr. Henry FULLER, being about to leave his present residence, "Dorn Valley", will Let the same for an unexpired term. Immediate possession can be given. There is a good House, with Stabling for 8 horses, with other out-houses. It is well adapted for a Gentleman wishing to be only a short distance from town.
For particulars apply to Mr. C. FULLER.
Graham's Town, Feb 24 1842.
Thursday 10 March 1842
DIED on Sunday morning, the 6th inst, at 3 o'clock, aged 16, George Henry, second son of Mr. W.J. EARLE of this town. His truly amiable and mild disposition endeared him not only to his family, but to all his acquaintances. He suffered severely, and bore his pain with great fortitude, departing this life with every appearance of resignation to the Divine will, and expired without a struggle.
Thursday 17 March 1842
Notice to Creditors and Debtors
In the Estate of Christina Hendrika FRITZ, deceased wife of Wynand Frederik BEZUIDENHOUT.
All Persons having any claims against this Estate are requested to send in the same within one month from this date, and those indebted, to pay their debts forthwith to the Undersigned.
Executor Dative
Uitenhage, March 5th, 1842.
Mr. Benjamin NORDEN, Notary Public, begs leave to notify that he has withdrawn himself from the late firm of PRYNN & NORDEN, from the 1st February of the present year. Mr. B.N. at the same time begs leave to express his gratitude to the public for the support he has hitherto received, and hopes by strict attention to his profession, to retain the public support.
BIRTH on the 12th instant, Mrs. G.A. MONRO of a Daughter.
Thursday 24 March 1842
DIED on the 18th instant, Herbert Montgomery, the infant son of Chas. MAYNARD Esq, aged eleven days.
BIRTH at Fort Peddie, Kafirland, on Wednesday 16th March, the lady of Captain J.F.G. CAMPBELL, 91st Regt, of a Daughter.
Thursday 31 March 1842
DIED on the 12th instant at Port Elizabeth, Charles Boucher Anthony ISEMONGER, son of Anthony and Helen ISEMONGER, of that place, aged 5 years and 4 months.
Notice of Dissolution
Notice is hereby given that the Partnership hitherto subsisting between J.L. JAFFRAY and S.E. ROWLES was on the 9th day of March instant, dissolved by mutual consent, and that all accounts due to or by the late Firm will be received or liquidated by the last undersigned, who is duly authorised so to do.
Graham's Town, 17th March 1842.
Notice to Creditors and Debtors
In the Estate of Harry ADAMS, deceased, late a Mason at Uitenhage.
All Persons having any claims against this Estate are requested to send in the same within one month from this date, and those indebted, to pay their debts forthwith to the Undersigned.
Executor Dative
Uitenhage, 20th March, 1842.
Notice to Creditors and Debtors
All Persons having Claims or Demands against the Estate of the late Petrus Hendrik DUPREEZ, Sen, are hereby requested to forward the same to the Undersigned, within two months from the date hereof; and those indebted thereto likewise to discharge their respective liabilities.
Uitenhage, March 24 2842. [sic]
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