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Cape Frontier Times

Cape Frontier Times 1842 2 April - June

Thursday 14 April 1842

BAPTISED at Lovedale, Kaffraria, on Sabbath, the 10th April, by the Rev Wm. Govan, Ebenezer, infant son of the Rev. J. BENNIE of the Glasgow Mission, adhering to the principles of the Church of Scotland.

MARRIED this morning in St.George's Church, Graham's Town, by the Rev John Heavyside, Mr. William OGILVIE Jun to Miss Margaret DIXON.
14th April 1842.

Thursday 28 April 1842

BIRTH on Wednesday the 27th inst, Mrs. James BLACK of a Daughter.
Graham's Town, 28th April 1842.

A. LOXTON of Graham's Town
Phreneological Wig Maker, and Ladies' Ornamental Hair Manufacturer (patronised by His Excellency the Governor, Sir G. NAPIER) begs to inform the inhabitants of Port Elizabeth that he intends making a pedestrian excursion to the Port, which he intends accomplishing in thirty-six hours. He will leave on Friday morning and enter the Town on Saturday evening. The purpose of his visit is to serve such Ladies and Gentlemen as may honor him with their patronage. Orders carefully and punctually attended to. Ladies and Gentlemen's hair cut and arranged in the first style of fashion.
Graham's Town, 28th April 1842.

Thursday 12 May 1842

DIED this morning of consumption, at his residence on the banks of the Chumie River, the Kafir Chief TYALIE, aged about 40 years.
Chumie Missionary Institution
2nd May 1842.

Thursday 19 May 1842

Kill or Cure
DIED suddenly, on Sunday morning, the 15th inst, in St.George's Church, Graham's Town, at 11 o'clock am, in the prime of life, The Batchelor's Pew, arising from sundry unexplained steps, which one of the principal officers of the Church, at present officiating, thought advantageous to himself to adopt. The above remedy was prescribed by a modern Aesculapius to the patient, as the last and only antidote to support life, and establish a future precedent to the members, but unfortunately the Medicine proving too black and Coal-like, and the above advice not being allowed sufficient time for digestion, and to pass through the regular course of nature, it proved fatal. The deceased died intestate, and without any effects, leaving six destitute Children to lament their parent's untimely end, and four sisters and three brethren to pay the funeral expenses, besides a numerous congregation of Christian friends who were sincerely attached to its welfare. The survivors take this opportunity of returning their sincere thanks to those friends, who, since the death of their ever-to-be-lamented parent, have been so kind as to offer such assistance as lay in their power for the purpose of alleviating their feelings and mitigating their sufferings in their present deplorable (?) situation.

Port Frances
Mr. J.A. JEFFERY hereby desires to announce to the Public and Travellers visiting the above Port that he has opened an Inn, and provided it with every necessary that may be required on moderate terms.
This establishment is situated about 300 yards from the Beach, and commands an extensive, pleasant and delightful view over the Port and Shipping &c. Another advantage to the Visitor is that he can always be provided with a sailing Boat up and down the river.
NB Mr. J has also commenced Butchering, where he will always have on hand good Beef and Mutton on moderate terms. Farmers regularly supplied once a week, within six miles of the above Port.
At the old Custom-house
Horses for hire.
May 11 1842.

This informs the Public of my intention of giving up Gardening for myself, and taking Job, Day, Week or Month's Work, of such as may think well to give me employ, as all persons may rely on my sobriety and punctuality in my station of life; being under the necessity of giving over growing vegetables for my livelihood, owing to having my crops destroyed by hogs, goats, fowls, horses and oxen. Persons wanting Garden Seeds, Plants or Herbs can be supplied by me.

We understand that Major SELWYN R.E. has just sold his farm on the Kareiga for the sum of £2,500. Lieut. DANIELL of Sidbury is the purchaser. This farm, as we learn, was bought before the late Kafir irruption for £600, by an individual for whom two parties became responsible. The buyer became insolvent, and the securities thought they were ruined by being compelled to take the farm over at that valuation. The parties, however, sold the property for £750; after which it realised £1050, and it has recently fetched the sum we have mentioned. The farm comprises 2,800 morgen and is about 11 miles distant from Graham's Town.

Thursday 26 May 1842

BIRTH on Saturday the 21st instant, Mrs John Hancorn SMITH of a Son.

BIRTH at Begelley on Saturday the 21st inst, Mrs. Edward PHILIPPS of a Son.

Thursday 9 June 1842

DIED on Monday Feb 28th at his residence, Mount Pleasant, Ross, Herefordshire, aged 75, George AVELINE Esq, father of the Rev George AVELINE, Graham's Town.

Thursday 16 June 1842

DIED at Fort Beaufort on the 14th inst, Major Edward MOLESWORTH, Barrack Master, aged 63 years; deeply regretted by all who knew him.

Thursday 23 June 1842

MARRIED at Uitenhage on the 8th June, by the Revd A. Smith, the Revd A. ROUX DD. To Charlotte Louise, Daughter of J.W. VAN DER RIET Esq, Civil Commissioner for the District of Uitenhage.

BAPTISM in St.George's Church, on Sunday the 19th inst, by the Revd J. Heavyside, a Daughter of Mr. E.L. KIFT, baptised Lucinda Levick.
Graham's Town, 22nd June 1842.

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