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Cape Frontier Times

Cape Frontier Times 1841 4 October - December

Thursday 7 October 1841

Soap and Candle Manufacturers
Have received ex the "Laura" from London a large supply of Wax and Sperm Candles, Wax Tapers and Lanthorn Candles, Glass and other Candle Ornaments, Chamber lamps, Floating Wicks, and Lamp Cotton, Sperm and other Lamp Oil, and Oil for the use of Sheep and Cattle Farmers.
High-street, 29th Sept 1841.

A warrant having been obtained for the apprehension of Stuurman SOLDAAT, charged with the crime of Highway Robbery, all Field Cornets, Constables and other Officers of the Law, proper to the execution of Criminal Warrants, and all private persons, are hereby required to apprehend the said Stuurman SOLDAAT, and lodge him in the nearest Gaol, in order to his being forwarded to the Gaol of Cradock.
Stuurman SOLDAAT is a Hottentot, about 25 years of age; his person thick set; upper lip curled. The toe next the big toe on his right foot is cut off at the second joint. He was formerly in No.4 Company of the Cape Corps; and latterly he resided at Steenboksvlakte near the town of Cradock, as servant; from which place he has absconded, accompanied by his reputed Wife Kaatje SPEELMAN, and a young red brindled Greyhound.
Clerk of the Peace's Office
Cradock, 28th Sept 1841
Robert BLAIR
Clerk of the Peace.

Thursday 14 October 1841

We regret to announce the demise of Mrs. Elizabeth JENNINGS of this town (relict of the late Mr. Thomas ROWLES) who breathed her last on Monday afternoon. The following are the particulars connected with her death:-
On Saturday she appeared in perfect health and good spirits, and was attending to her business up to 8 o'clock on the evening of that day. A short time subsequent to this she retired to her bed-room for the purpose of washing her feet. During the operation she heard a violent clap of thunder, and exclaimed that she should not be surprised if she were to recover her hearing sooner or later during a thunder-storm. Shortly after this she remarked that she felt a queer sensation, and immediately fell back upon her chair, waving her hand as if for assistance. She never spoke afterwards. Medical aid was instantly procured, when it was found that no hope existed of saving her life, she having been attacked with Apoplexy, from the effects of which she died, after lingering until last Monday afternoon. She had some two or three years since been seized by a paralytic stroke.
The deceased was one of the oldest residents in town, having settled here in 1820. She was punctual and upright in all her business transactions – was an affectionate and exemplary mother – a kind and dutiful wife – a sincere and pious Christian – and her loss will be deservedly and universally deplored by a numerous circle of friends, as well as regretted by the community at large.
The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon. She was in the 53rd year of her age.

Thursday 21 October 1841

On the night of the 14th instant the house of Barend ERASMUS of Warden's Farm was broken open in his absence, the reim with which he had fastened the door was found cut, and a chest consisting we believe of about three dozen guns, belonging to a trader named FOREMAN, was forcibly opened, and all the guns except five stolen. These guns, we hear, were left in ERASMUS's keeping by FOREMAN who said they were intended for sale to the Boers. The fresh spoor of two men with large naked feet going into the drift, about 16 yards in front of ERASMUS's house, was discovered. We have not heard if any other property in the house was taken. ERASMUS was not living there at the time, but had removed to Koko, to procure pasture for his stock.

We have been much gratified by the inspection of a Corn Mill, erected by Mr. S. GRADWELL – late superintendent of the works at the Kowie – in the neighbourhood of Settler's Hill. The powers of the mill, altho' it is not altogether completed, have already been successfully tested, and Mr. GRADWELL deserves great credit for his assiduity and skill, which we doubt not will be amply rewarded.

Thursday 28 October 1841

DIED at Oatlands on Monday the 18th instant, after a few hours' illness, Caroline, the beloved daughter of Colonel and Mrs. SOMERSET, aged 20 years.

Notice to Creditors and Debtors
All Persons having any claims or demands against the Estate of Johannes Jacobus Fredrik SCHOLS, deceased, are hereby requested to file the same with proof, with Mr. O.G. STOCKENSTROM, at Uitenhage Town, within six weeks from this date, and those indebted to the said Estate, to pay their debts forthwith to him, whose receipt will be a sufficient discharge.
Widow SCHOLS and Executrix Dative
Uitenhage, 18th October 1841

Thursday 4 November 1841

The following curious fact is described by a correspondent of the same paper to have occurred at a spot about two hours ride from the village of Graaff-Reinet. This phenomenon, which has been observed in various parts of the world, particularly in India, has never, we believe, been satisfactorily explained.
"On the night of the 16th instant a heavy fall of rain occurred, being the first we have had for several months. There had been also a fall of snow at the same time upon the neighbouring hills. The day following but one, a small fish was found in the street before the door, lying in a little of the rain water. It was perfectly fresh as if it had been living a few minutes before. It was of a dark color in the back and sides, inclining to blue; the belly white with a yellow tinge on the throat. The head, mouth and eyes were perfectly marked as in other fish. It had one fin upon the back. The fish was about an inch and a half in length, and about half an inch in circumference; and in shape resembled a salmon in miniature. A similar circumstance occurred at the same place about a year ago, with the exception that there were two or three fishes exactly of a similar description. This also took place after a heavy fall of rain and snow. This case appears the more singular as there is not a fish-pond, fish-lake or river within sixty miles of the place. We have heard and read of falls of stones from the clouds at different times, and in various parts of Europe, which phenomenon has never been satisfactorily accounted for by naturalists. But I have never heard or read of fish falling with rain in any part of the world."

Thursday 11 November 1841

Notice of Departure
Dr. Geo. ANDERSON of HM 75th Regt, being about to leave the Frontier, requests that all Claims against him may be sent to Messrs. C.& H. MAYNARD for adjustment forthwith.

Thursday 18 November 1841

BIRTH at Fort Peddie on Wednesday the 10th inst, the Lady of Dr. DELMEGE, 27th Inniskilleners, of a Son.

BIRTH at Fort Beaufort on the 12th inst, the Lady of M.J.H. BORCHERDS Esq, Res.Justice of the Peace, of a Daughter.

BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on the 3rd inst, the Lady of Joseph SMITH Esq of a Daughter.

Thursday 9 December 1841

Graham's Town Amateur Theatrical Company
The Friends of the above Company are informed that a List is left open at the house of Mr. R.H. CAFFYN for the Signatures of those Gentlemen who may feel inclined to take Shares in the projected New Theatre. Further particulars may be known on application to Mr. CAFFYN.
By order of the Committee
Hon. Secretary.

BIRTH at Oatlands on the 6th inst, the Lady of Colonel SOMERSET of a Daughter.

CHRISTENING on Wednesday the 8th inst, by the Rev John Locke, a son of Mr. L.H. MEURANT, baptised Victor Balthazar.
Dec 9 1841

Thursday 16 December 1841

Notice of Removal
Dr. ATHERSTONE has Removed from Market Square to High-street, next door to Messrs. SHEPPERSON & Co.
Graham's Town, 14th Dec 1841.

Thursday 30 December 1841

Messrs. JAFFRAY and ROWLES, Agents for the "South African Commercial Advertiser", request those desirous of taking this paper to send their orders forthwith to their Office, together with the amount of their Subscription for One Quarter in advance.

Mr. C. FULLER offers his grateful thanks to those Friends and the Public generally who have so liberally patronized him since his commencement in Business in this place, and begs to acquaint them that having taken into Partnership Mr. John ROBEY, the Business will in future be conducted under the Firm of
to commence on the 1st January 1842, and hope by strict and unremitting attention to business, and keeping a constant supply of the best articles on the most reasonable terms, to merit a continuance of public patronage.
Town and Country Orders executed with punctuality and despatch
Graham's Town, Dec 16 1841.

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