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The 1820 Settler Correspondence
 as preserved in the National Archives, Kew
 and edited by Sue Mackay

Settler Returns

These are the final settler returns for each party, transcribed from CO48/47 at the National Archives, Kew, London. They formed the basis of "The Settler Handbook" by M.D. Nash, although there are some differences, as she used returns held at the Cape as well. Earlier versions of the returns can often be found amongst the 1819 settler correspondence. With the exception of capital letters for surnames, the tables are true transcriptions of the file in the National Archives, although occasionally comments have been added below in square brackets. The returns held in the Cape Archives can be found in CO6138 Volumes 1 and 2. 

There are no returns in CO47/48 for Charles CAMPBELL, Richard DANIELL, Christopher THORNHILL or William WAIT, all of whom sailed later (see post 1820 correspondence), or for the ill-fated RUSSELL's Party who sailed on the Abeona. There is also no return for WILKINSON's Party, who sailed in the privately chartered Amphitrite, but the names are listed in the returns for NIGHTINGALE's Party transcribed from CO6138/2/104 at the Cape Archives. The return for STANLEY's Party can be found in his correspondence dated 4th January 1820, although an earlier return from the Cape Archives (CO6138) is transcribed here.

NIGHTINGALE's Party (Independent)

Return transcribed from CO6138 Volume 2 pages 57-58 at the Cape Archives, Capetown


RETURN of SETTLERS proceeding to the CAPE OF GOOD HOPE under the Direction of David Thos. NIGHTINGALE, Lieut. R.N.

Total Number of the Men 20
Total Number of the Women 6
Total Number of Persons above Fourteen Years of Age  2
Total Number of Children under Fourteen Years of Age 8
Total Number of the Whole Party 36


Names of the Men
Profession or Trade Names of the Women
Names of the
Male Children
Names of the
Female Children
David Thos. NIGHTINGALE 37              
Francis MATTHEWS 38 Whale Fisherman Eleanor 26        
Jacob LETTERSTED 22 Farmer            
John SEDGWICK 21 Tanner & Currier            
Rob't HAYNES 31 Farmer            
Wm. BLACK 32 Lincolnshire Farmer Elizabeth 22     Elizabeth 1
James GREENLEAF  29 Essex Farmer Sarah 24        
Jos'h WOOD 20 Baker & Corn Chandler            
David THOMAS  27 Carpenter & Builder            
Charles LEACH* 39 Farming Harness Maker            
Thos. BOWYER* 40 Farmer & Veterinary Surgeon            
Wm. Kant BISHOP 20 Agriculturalist            
Edward EAGAR 20 Farmer            
Wm. THORNELOW 20 Farmer            
John ANSON 45 do Elizabeth 45 Henry 13 Elizabeth 16
          Ambrose  12 Hannah 10
              Sarah 8
John ANSON Jun 21 Farmer            
John BRIDGER 36 Malster Ann 43 Henry 13 Mary Ann 16
              Eliza 12
              Ann 9
Charles GAMMON 19 Berks. Farmer            
David BARNARD * 20 Whale Fisherman            
Henry BREST 54 Agriculturalist S.M. BREST 46        

[* Faint notations have been made against these entries. Charles LEACH has the word "Drowned" (see letter of his brother Richard). Thomas BOWYER has the word "Absent" by his name. The notation after David BARNARD's name is too faint in the photograph to be legible but appears to say "re.... of ship"]

Cape Archives CO6138 Volume 2 pp 104-106

A List of Passengers - Amphitrite [contains members of WILKINSON's party as listed in "The Settler Handbook" by M.D. Nash]

James SMITH 36 Carpenter
Marianne SMITH 25 Wife of the above
Sarah Fish SMITH 8 Child
James SMITH 3 do
Sophia SMITH 2 do
Rob't HUMPHREY 18 Apprentice to do
John SEDGWICK 21 Currier and Farmer
Joseph WOOD 20 Baker
Edward AGER 20 Farmer
Henry BREST 54 Gentleman
Sophia Matilda BREST 46 Wife of the above
William THORNELOW 20 Farmer
William K't BISHOP 19 Clerk
Thos. MATHEWS 38 Fisherman
Eleanor MATHEWS 26 Wife of the above
Charles LEACH 39 Coach & Chaise Harness Maker. Drowned on the 16th Dec 1819 in Brixham Harbour
Wm. Marle ORTON 20 Farmer
Ann HUGHES 26 Passenger
C. GAGINNO 36 Passenger
Sam'l JONES 20 Passenger. Went on shore 29 Nov 1819 Torbay
Bernhard BOUSAC 34 Passenger 
Charles GAMMON 19 Farmer
James IMLAH 23 Gentleman
M. RUPERTI 30 Passenger
John MORTON 28 Farmer
[George] WILKINSON 21 do
Philip GAUGAIN 31 Silversmith
Richard SATCHWELL 21 Farmer
John FOURNIER 25 do
Charles CREASY 28 Carpenter. Left Dec 25th 1819 in Brixham Harbour
Rob't SELF 30 Blacksmith
James JENKINS 28 Labourer
Charles JENKINS 26 do
John JENKINS 25 do. Died at sea 30th Jan'y 1820
Joseph JENKINS 20 do. Left Dec 1819 in Brixham Harbour
James CANNON 28 Sawyer
George CRUTTENDEN 25 Butcher
John OAKES 22 do. Left Dec 1819 in Brixham Harbour
Joseph ARCHER 23 Labourer
James HARVEY 26 Gardener
John CLEAVER 28 Chemist
Joseph CLEAVER 24 do
John HARRIS 27 do
John Anthony CHABAUD 23 Farmer
James FLETCHER 25 Labourer. Left Dec'r 24th in Brixham Harbour
Michael MADDON 13 do
George BRYAN 15 Apprentice
Henry MANN 14 do
Henry SIMPSON 15 do
John LEIGH Jun 17 Passenger
Wm. THORNE 26 Labourer
Richard WEBB 33 do

David Thomas NIGHTINGALE, Agent 

The Amphitrite arrived in Table Bay on 29:3:1820

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Settler Returns listing