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The 1820 Settler Correspondence
 as preserved in the National Archives, Kew
 and edited by Sue Mackay

Settler Returns

These are the final settler returns for each party, transcribed from CO48/47 at the National Archives, Kew, London. They formed the basis of "The Settler Handbook" by M.D. Nash, although there are some differences, as she used returns held at the Cape as well. Earlier versions of the returns can often be found amongst the 1819 settler correspondence. With the exception of capital letters for surnames, the tables are true transcriptions of the file in the National Archives, although occasionally comments have been added below in square brackets. The returns held in the Cape Archives can be found in CO6138 Volumes 1 and 2. 

There are no returns in CO47/48 for Charles CAMPBELL, Richard DANIELL, Christopher THORNHILL or William WAIT, all of whom sailed later (see post 1820 correspondence), or for the ill-fated RUSSELL's Party who sailed on the Abeona. There is also no return for WILKINSON's Party, who sailed in the privately chartered Amphitrite, but the names are listed in the returns for NIGHTINGALE's Party transcribed from CO6138/2/104 at the Cape Archives. The return for STANLEY's Party can be found in his correspondence dated 4th January 1820, although an earlier return from the Cape Archives (CO6138) is transcribed here.



RETURN of SETTLERS proceeding to the CAPE OF GOOD HOPE under the Direction of Mr. Samuel LIVERSAGE of Burslem

Total Number of the Men 11
Total Number of the Women 8
Total Number of Persons above Fourteen Years of Age 1
Total Number of Children under Fourteen Years of Age 28
Total Number of the Whole Party 48
Total Amount of Deposit Money for the Whole Party £137:10


Names of the Men
Profession or Trade Names of the Women
Names of the
Male Children
Names of the
Female Children
Deposit Money
payable by the
respective settlers
Sam'l LIVERSAGE 30  Farmer  Ann  35      Elizabeth   
              Catherine  12:10 
Rich'd FORRESTER  31  Wheelwright  Mary 30  John  5 Sarah 10   
          Joseph  3      12:10 
William MOUNTFORD  33  Baker  Ann  31  Thomas  8 Mary  
          William      12:10 
Daniel VENEBELS  40  Bricklayer  Jane 37  John 15  Sarah  13  
          Thomas  Elizabeth  10   
              Eliza  20 
William HUNT  22  Bricklayer              10 
Charles BREEZE  33  Clockmaker  Elizabeth  38  Rich'd  4 weeks      10 
Thomas PAYNE 32  Bricklayer  Sarah  33  Thomas  10       
          John      15 
Thomas MANLEY 35  Farmer  Margaret  30  Ralph 12       
          John  10       
          William      12:10 
William FORD  30  Farmer  Hannah  27  George       
          William      12:10 
Abraham ROBINSON  25        Joseph  Ann  3 10 
Joseph SCOOT  35        Thomas Mary 10 


[Earlier return]


RETURN of SETTLERS proceeding to the CAPE OF GOOD HOPE under the Direction of Mr. Samuel LIVERSAGE, Farmer, Burslem, Staffordshire

Total Number of the Men 17
Total Number of the Women 12
Total Number of Persons above Fourteen Years of Age 1
Total Number of Children under Fourteen Years of Age 35
Total Number of the Whole Party 65
Total Amount of Deposit Money for the Whole Party £212:10


Names of the Men
Profession or Trade Names of the Women
Names of the
Male Children
Names of the
Female Children
Deposit Money
payable by the
respective settlers
Samuel LIVERSAGE 30  Farmer  Ann  35      Elizabeth   
              Catherine  12:10 
Rich'd FORRESTER  31  Wheelwright  Mary 30  John  5 Sarah 10   
          Joseph  3      12:10 
Thomas MANDLEY 35  Farmer  Margaret  30  Ralph 12  Mary   
          John  10  Ann   
          Thomas 7      
          Joseph 6      
          William 2     22:10
Joseph SMITH  30  Labourer  Hannah  28  Thomas 1 Mary   
              Ellin 3 12:10
Thomas ROBINSON 20 Farmer             10
Abraham ROBINSON  22   Farmer              10
James FORRESTER 23 Farmer             10
Joseph SCOTT 35 Farmer             10
Thomas PAYNE 32  Bricklayer  Sarah  33  Thomas  10       
          John      15 
William NEEL 27 Baker Sarah 29 William 8 Mary 5  
          Thomas 2     12:10
Charles BREEZE  33  Clockmaker  Elizabeth  38          10 
Daniel VENEBELS   40  Bricklayer  Jane 37  John 16  Sarah  13  
          Thomas  Elizabeth  10   
              Elizer  20 
William HUNT  22  Bricklayer              10 
William MOUNTFORD  33  Baker  Ann  31  Thomas  8 Mary  
          William      12:10 
John WOOD 27 Land Surveyor Hannah 27         10
Thomas WILLSHAW 27 Labourer Elizabeth 26 George 5      
          Thomas 3      
          Charles 1     12:10
George NICKLINSON 35 Labourer Mary 29     Grace 4  
              Ann 4 mths 10
  • Hits: 5147

Settler Returns listing