The Star 1944 3 July - September
Johannesburg, Transvaal: Friday, September 8, 1944.
BONFA. – To Mary wife of Herman, a daughter, at the Queen Victoria, on 7th Sept.
EDWARDS. – To Captain and Mrs Allan EDWARDS (nee Jessie FORREST), a daughter on the 7th September, 1944, at the Moedersbonde, Pretoria.
FEINSTEIN. – To Mr and Mrs Sim FEINSTEIN of Springfield, a bonny son on the 7th Sep., at the Rosettenville Nursing Home.
GOODMAN. – To Gladys, wife of Flight/Sgt. J.M. GOODMAN, a daughter (Annette), on the 7th Sept., at the Clarendon.
LEFERRE. – To Mr and Mrs Gerhard LEFERRE, 507 Fattie's Mansions, Loveday Street, a daughter on the 7th Sept., at the Frangwen Maternity Home.
LEVI. – To Mr and Mrs Norman LEVI, a bonny daughter (a sister for Dorit Susan) at the Frangwen Maternity Home.
RITSON. – To Betty (nee IRVING) and Cyril, a bonny son on the 7th inst., at the Florence Nightingale.
SCEALES. – To Mr and Mrs E.J. SCEALES, a son on the 7th Sept., at 17 Glenhove Road, Melrose.
SIMPSON. – To Michael and Katie SIMPSON (nee ROUSSEAU), a baby brother for Jeffrey on the 5th Sept., at the Queen Victoria Nursing Home.
SMITH. – To Bella and Louis SMITH, on 8th Sept., a daughter, at the Florence Nightingale.
LEVY. – Don, eldest son of Mr and Mrs Joe LEYV, 45 York Road, Kensington, will read a portion of the Law and Maftir to-morrow (Sat.), at the Kensington Synagogue.
MILLER. – Hilton Davis, son of Mr and Mrs Simon MILLER, will read a portion of the Law and Maftir, at the Yeoville Synagogue to-morrow (Sat.).
HUGHES. - URQUHART. The engagement is announced of Cynthia, only daughter of Mr and Mrs H.K. HUGHES to Lieut. Arthur URQUART S.A.A.F., eldest son of Mr and Mrs E.P. URQUART. Both of Jhbg.
KARLIN. – KEIDAN. The engagement is announced of Edie, daughter of Mr and the late Mrs KEIDAN, to Louis, youngest son of Mr and Mrs S. KARLIN. Both of Jhbg.
PORTER. – FRASER. The engagement is announced of Margaret Patricia, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs A.M. FRASER, of Nigel, to Charles Christopher, eldest son of Mr and Mrs A.P. PORTER, of Vlakfontein, Dunnottar.
SEGAL. – KAPLAN. The engagement is announced of Lily (Lelah), daughter of Mr and Mrs J. KAPLAN, of Brakpan, to Harry, son of the late Rev. and Mrs M. SEGAL, of Yeoville, Jhbg.
WAINER. – SUTTNER. The engagement is announced between Jeanette, younger daughter of the late Mr and Mrs L. SUTTNER, and Wilfred (Bobbie), son of Mrs and the late Mr M. WAINER. Both of Jhbg.
LINTOPH. – NARUNSKY. The marriage of Dinah, only daughter of Mrs and the late Mr Menassah LINTOPH of Jhbg, to Ephraim, son of Mr H. And the late Mrs S. NARUNSKY, of Sea Point, Cape Town, will take place at the Yeoville Synagogue, on Sun., 10th Sep., 10.30. a.m.
RALPH. – COOPER. The marriage will take place to-morrow (Sat.) at the Kensington Methodist Church, between Harold William RALPH and Phyllis Shirley COOPER. Both of Kensington.
YATES. – BROWN. The marriage of Maurine, younger daughter of Mr and Mrs A.D. BROWN, of Rose Deep, Germiston, and Lionel, son of Mr H.O. and the late Mrs F.M. YATES of Jhbg., will take place at the Boniface Church, Germiston, at 3.30 p.n., on Tue., 12th Sept. Congratulations at Hotel Alexander.
KAPLAN. - MASSEL. Married at the Bloemfontein Synagogue, on the 9th September, 1919, Sam B. KAPLAN to Fanny. Present address: Bothaville, O.F.S.
ALLEN. – Susan Elizabeth, mother of Susie MYNHARDT, passed away on the 7th inst., at Krugersdorp, at the age of 52.
BENJAMIN. – Sarah, passed away at Jhbg., yesterday. Missed by Mommy, Daddy, sisters Esther, Bella, Rosie, brothers Percy and Cyril, brothers-in-law Victor and Lew.
DREWETT. – Henry, husband of Christine, and father of George and Ian, passed away in his 76th year, at Jhbg.
KERR. - Gwendoline Daisy, wife of Thomas, mother of Rosemary and Heather, and daughter of Mr M
MacFADYEN. – Marion, wife of the late Professor W.A. MacFADYEN of Pretoria, and mother of Mrs A.J. SILVERTON and Dr J.A. MacFADYEN, died at 331 Vause Road, Durban, on 6th Sept., 1944.
NEWCOMBE. – Rosa Blanche, wife of Thomas NEWCOMBE, late of the J.C.I. and of 15 Grant Avenue, Norwood, mother of Vivian and Bernard, passed away on the 7th Sept., on the eve of her 75th birthday.
PINCUS. – Harriett, passed away suddenly at Muizenberg, mother of Joe, Louis, Babs, Sia (up North). Mourned by her family and friends.
POPLE. – Alice, passed away in her 83rd year, on Sept., 7th. Mourned by Florrie, Dick, Margaret, Edward and Neville (Italy).
VOGTS. – Ferdinand, passed away on the 7th Sept., 1944, at Plumstead, Cape, elder brother of W.B.M. VOGTS, of Jhbg.
ALLEN. – Susanna Elizabeth, wife of Richard Howard ALLEN, passed away on Sept., 7th, at 59 Berger Street, Krugersdorp. The funeral will take place to-morrow (Sat.) from the Dutch Reformed Church, Joubert Street, Krugersdorp, at 4 p.m.
COETZEE. – Frans, aged 80 years, late of Ferndale, passed away 8th inst. Funeral will leave her residence, Ferndale, at 2 p.m. (Sat.) proceeding to the West Park Cemetery.
DREWETT. – Henry, the funeral of Henry DREWETT, late of Jhbg., will leave Hobkirk's funeral Chapel, 26 Wonderers Street, to-morrow (Sat.) afternoon, at 3. 45 o'clock, proceeding to the Brixton Cemetery.
KOTZE. – The funeral of Jacobus Johannes KOTZE, age 55 years, will take place to-morrow (Sat.) from the Dutch Reformed Church, Randgate, at 2 p.m. Interment, at Randfontein Cemetery.
NEWCOMBE. – The funeral of the late Rosa Blanche NEWCOMBE, wife of Thomas NEWCOMBE, of 15 Grant Avenue, Norwood, will leave Doves Funeral Chapel, 28 Wonderers Street, to-morrow (Sat.) afternoon at 2.45 o'clock, proceeding to the Braamfontein Crematorium.
FRIEDMAN. – The unveiling of the tombstone in memory of the late Mona FRIEDMAN, only daughter of Oscar and Eva, and sister of Norman, Doddy and Mervin, will take place at West Park Cemetery, on Sun, Sep., 10th, at 10.45 a.m.
JACOBS. – The unveiling of the tombstone in memory of Alfred JACOBS, father of Priscilla KRUGER, and grandfather of Lillian, will take place on Sun., 10th Sept., at West Park Cemetery, at 11 a.m.
JOSELOVITZ. – The unveiling of the tombstone of the late Chaie Leah JOSELOVITZ, beloved mother of Fanny GOLDMAN, will take place at Brixton Cemetery, on Sunday, September 10th, at 11 a.m.
MATISONN. – The unveiling of the tombstone, in memory of Kate MATISONN, will take place on Sun., 10th Sept., at 10.30 a.m. at West Park Cemetery.
SCHNEIDER. – The unveiling of the tombstone, in memory of the late Jane SCHNEIDER, will take place at West Park Cemetery, on Sunday next, the 10th inst., at 10.30 a.m.
SMOLLAN. – The unveiling of the tombstone of the late Jack SMOLLAN, will take place at the West Park Cemetery on Sun., 10th Sept., at 11.30 a.m. Bus leaves Melville Tram Terminus at 11 a.m.
TROPE. – The unveiling of the tombstone in memory of our dear Mother, Sore TROPE, will take place at the Krugersdorp Cemetery, Sun., 10th Sept., at 11 a.m.
KELLY. – Lieut. William Harry (Billy), instructor Pilot, S.A.A.F., who was killed in an air crash at Standerton, on 8th Sept., 1942, eldest son of Mabel and the late Lieut. Harry KELLY. Remembered by his Mother, brother Pat, Grannie, Auntie Maudie, and Llewellyn.
ROSOFSKY. – Pilot Officer Harold ROSOFSKY, killed in action 8th Sept., 1939. Remembered by his sisters and brothers.
BARNES. – William Charles, passed away Sept. 8th, 1941. Missed by his wife, daughters Maud and Mabel, and grandchildren Llewellyn and Pat.
BAWDEN. – Our Father who passed away on 7th Sept., 1949. Remembered by his son Jack, daughter-in-law Mabel and granddaughter.
CANTOR. – Charlotte CANTOR, passed away 8th Sept., 1939. Remembered by Aapy.
The Department of Defence regrets to announce the following South African Casualties:-
45436V Pte. REID, William.
C166811V Pte. COETZEE, John.
Lieut. FOURIE, Gerrit J. van N.
Capt. MITCHELL, Aubrey H.
*Remained at duty.
84051 A/Cpl. HIRSCHOWITZ, Phillip L.
*Remained at duty.
* Believed Safe.
South Africans in Mercantile Service.
His Excellency the Officer Administering the Government, the Right Hon. N.J. DE WET , on behalf of His Majesty the King, presented insignia, decorations and medals to officers and other ranks of the South African Forces at Government House to-day.
At 11 a.m. His Excellency entered the Great Hall followed by the Prime Minister, General Smuts, in uniform.
Before making the presentations Mr DE WET addressed the gathering in English and Afrikaans. " We have come here with thankful hearts in the thought that the Victories of our forces have brought peace in our sight. There are, however, many hard days ahead. It is with thankfulness and pride that we welcome to-day the men and women who have come to receive decorations.
"We are glad to be able to honour some of you to-day, and our hearts swell with pride when we read of the brave deeds you have done. I am proud, too, of the fact that our Afrikaans and English sons have stood, and are standing, shoulder to shoulder in the battlefield."
"I want to welcome the relatives of those receiving decorations and I am glad to share with them their pride in their sons and daughters, I especially welcome the Prime Minister, who has left his arduous duties to be present at the ceremony."
The first presentation was made to Brig. A.J. ORENSTEIN, C.M.G., O.B.E., who received the insignia of the Companion of the Bath.
Brig. B.F. ARMSTRONG, who then received the D.S.O., and Col. D.H. LOFTUS, was decorated with the D.S.O. and also received the D.S.C.
For the first time presentations were made to women in the Union Defence Force, Capt. (Mrs) W.A. FUCHS, and Capt. (Miss) A.P. MARTIN, receiving the M.B.E.
Other presentations were:- D.S.O.- Lieut/Col. J. Butler PORTER, E.D., and Capt. D.F. ROGAN.
O.B.E. (Military Division):- Lieut/Col. S.H. ASH.
M.B.E. (Military Division):- Capt. (Acting Major) Q. TANNOCK, Capt. M.G. CULLEN, W.O.I. C.F. WINDRUM, AND W.O.I. G.J. STANDER.
M.C:- Lieut. G.H. HENDERSON, Lieut. N.S. STRANGER, and Lieut. H.P. WILLIAMS.
D.F.C.:- Major L.V. VAN DER SPUY, Major T.P.L. MURRAY and Capt. T.E. COOK.
D.C.M.:- Lieut. W.R. VERNER, Sgt. S.S. ADCOCK, and Cpl. F.G.P. LAWTON.
The Kings medal for bravery (in silver) Lieut. G.T. FOWLES.
M.M.:- Lieut. G. NICKSON, 2/Lieut. A.H.V. WINTER, 2/Lieut. D.U. ALBERTS, 2/Lieut. D.J. CALLAGHAN, W.O.II. H. DU PLESSIS, Sgt. J.H.S. BETTLE, Sgt. J.H. DEWES, Sgt. H.J. ROGERS, Sgt. R. SEARLE, Sgt. S.J.M. SWANEPOEL, Sgt. S.B. TWEEDIE, Cpl. T.J. BOTHA, Cpl. E.H. DUKE, Cpl. I.J. JACK, Cadet A. McLACHLAN, Cpl. M.A. MAZHER, Pupil-Pilot R.H. PARMENTER, Cpl. P.E. SCHOLTZ, L/Cpl. L.E. GORDON-GRAHAM, Spr. D.J. MARX, Pte. N.A. PHILLIPS, SIG. J.R. POYURS.
His Excellency then presented to Captain (Mrs) N.A.H. MACKENZIE the D.S.O. awarded to her late husband, L/Col. E.L. MACKENZIE; To Mrs A. HENDRY, the M.C. awarded to her late husband, T/Lieut. E.A. HENDRY; and to Mrs J.F. RAMSAY, the M.M. awarded to her late husband, Cpl. J.A. RAMSAY.
Before the ceremony his Excellency privately presented to Mrs C.P. THERON the D.S.O. awarded to her late son, Col. F. THERON.
In attendance were Mr F. FLECK, acting secretary to the Officer Administering the Government Major R.G.B. TURVEY, deputy comptroller, Capt. Keith VORSTER, A.D.C., and Major H.C. LEON and Capt. N. COOK, additional A.D.C's.
Among those present were the Minister of the Interior, Senator CLARKSON, and Mrs CLARKSON, the Minister of Transport, Mr STURROCK, the Minister of Agriculture, Mr STRAUSS, and Mrs STRAUSS, the Chief of the General Staff, Sir Pierre VAN RYNEVELD, and Lady VAN RYNEVELD, THE Acting High Commissioner for the United Kingdom, Mr SAYERS, and Mrs SAYERS, the Canadian High Commissioner, Mr BURCHELL, and Mrs BURCHELL, the High Commissioner for India, Sir SHAFA, 'AHMED KHAN, the acting High Commissioner for the Native territories, Sir Walter HUGGARD, and Lady HUGGARD, Air-Vic-Marshall M.B. FREW, head of the British Air Mission, and Mrs FREW, Brig. A.G. SALISBURY JONES, head of the British Military Mission, and Mrs SALISBURY JONES, and senior officers of the Union Defence Force and heads of the Departments.
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