The Star 1927
August 1927
[Exact date of cutting unknown]
Golden Wedding
Mr. and Mrs. William SHEASBY
One of the prettiest spots in the vicinity of Johannesburg is Klein Boschkop, and it was in the pleasant surroundings of this beautiful farm that Mr. and Mrs. William SHEASBY celebrated their golden wedding, amidst a large family gathering, on Sunday last. They were married in Boshof, O.F.S., on August 21, 1877. Dr SHEASBY, Mr. SHEASBY's father, was one of the pioneers of the diamond fields of South Africa, and owned many large farms in the Kimberley - Barkly West area. Mr. SHEASBY assisted his father to work his Kimberley claims for some years and afterwards acquired and worked claims on his own account. He is still recognised as one of the best judges of the quality and value of a diamond in the country.
When the De Beers amalgamation took place, he sold out his interests at Kimberley and eventually came to the Rand. He was one of the pioneers of Barberton. He was closely associated with many of the most prominent men of the Kimberley and Rand early days, and was a noted "big game hunter": in fact he was recognised as one of the best shots in the country. He has hunted all over South Africa and adjoining territories.
Upon retiring from mining pursuits he took up farming. His farm is now one of the most productive for its area in the Union. It is well watered and well developed and improved. It is here that he is enjoying the evening of a strenuous and interesting life with his charming and popular wife.
Mrs SHEASBY is loved by all who know her. She is a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Egbert TRUTER, a granddaughter of the late Sir Olaff TRUTER, Consul-General for the Netherlands, and a great granddaughter of the late Sir John TRUTER, at one time Chief Justice of the Cape, who's memorial stone is still to be seen in front of the old Dutch Reformed Church on Adderley Street, Cape Town. The late Mr. Edgar TRUTER, Mrs. SHEASBY'S father, was a well --- and highly respected magistrate of the old O.F.S. Republic, while her mother was Miss WESSELS, a member of the widely known WESSELS family, distinguished members of which have helped to make South African history. Mrs. SHEASBY'S only sister is Mrs. W L OSCHE, of Aukland Park Johannesburg. Her only brother, Mr. Olaff TRUTER, died some years ago at Hopetown and is buried there.
Mr. and Mrs. Sheasby have five sons and six daughters, all married. Nothing gives them greater delight than to have some of their 25 lusty grandchildren -----home
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