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Queenstown Free Press

Queenstown Free Press 1865 3 July - September

Tuesday July 4, 1865

[partly printed] BIRTH, at Morley Mission S... Tambookie Land, on the mor... May 26th,1865, the wife of the ... B. RAYNER, Wesleyan Mini... Daughter.

Tuesday July 18, 1865

DIED, at Queenstown, on Sunday 1 p.m., Jan Sophia, aged 14 years adn 5 months, the beloved daughter of James and Jane BOARDMAN, of Spejon Kop Albert. Relatives and friends will please accept this notice.

Tuesday August 1, 1865

DIED, at Adelaide on Tuesday Morning July 18th, of White Sore Throat, William Charles the infant Son of George and Helen FISHER, aged 8 weeks.

Tuesday August 8, 1865

Aug. 25 – At Queenstown, in re John MORLEY.
Aug. 29. – At Uitenhage, in re Johannes Christoffel KROG.

DIED, at Haas Fontein, on Tuesday, August 1st,1865, - Mr Christian Aubreck HESSELMAN, aged 53 years and 8 months, leaving a wife and large family to mourn their irreparable loss.

Tuesday August 15, 1865

MARRIED, at Kamastone, on this 8th day of August, 1865, by the Rev. S.P. NAUDE, Edward BELL, Esq., to Dorothy Harriet, fourth daughter of the Rev. W. SHEPSTONE, Wesleyan Minister. No Cards.

Sept. 6. – At Grahamstown, in re Fredrik W. CARLISLE.

Tuesday August 29, 1865

DIED, at Queen’s Town, on the 24th instant, aged 27 years, Sophia Mortimer, the beloved wife of Mr. Daniel BRADFIELD, and eldest daughter of Mr. E.M. TURVEY, late of Table Farm. Deeply lamented by a large circle of friends, leaving a disconsolate husband and six children to mourn their irreparable loss. Her end was peace. Friends at a distance will please accept this notice.


News has been received by the mail of the sudden death, from disease of heart, of W. WATERMEYER, Esq., F.R.C.S., and son of Mr. C. WATERMEYER of this city. He had just completed his studies and obtained his diploma as a surgeon, and was altogether a young manof fine promise. – (Cape Paper.)

On Sunday morning, John HELDZINGER, a young man apparentlyin good health, entered an apothecary’s shop for the purpose of obtaining something to drink, and while in the act of drinking he suddenly fell down dead. – (lb.)

Tuesday September 12, 1865

MARRIED, on Wednesday, 6th inst., at Jansen’s Fontein, by the Rev. F. St. LEGER, Mr. G.W. SCANDRETT to Margaret, second daughter of Geo. FULLER, Esq., Tylden.

DIED, on Sunday morning, 10th inst., at MerinoWalk, of Whooping Cough, after a lingering illness of one month and 15 days, Catherine Danielina, aged 11 years and 20 days, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs.W. COLLINS.

Sept. 19 – At Graaff-Reinet, in re Maria Els... [cut off]Aletta Martin, and surviving spouse Johannes Lodewicus PRETORIUS.
Sept. 20. – Port Elizbeth, in re Joh... [cut off] Richard HOVILL.Sept. 22. – At Eland’s Post, in re Rui.. [cut off] JAGERSand subsequently deceased spouse Jan... [cut off] JAGERS.
Oct. 6. – At Fort Beaufort, in re Dunc... [cut off] Campbell Lloyd FITZWILLIAMS, and surviving spouse Jessie Ayten.

Tuesday September 19, 1865

DIED at Queenstown, on the 16th Sept., 1865, John Henry Beardall, infant son of Thomas and Mary POUND, aged 1 year and 4 months.

Tuesday September 26, 1865

BIRTH, at Queenstown on the 23rd inst. Mrs Wm.Bisset BERRY of a Daughter.


“TREK”. – We (Somerset Courant) are informed on respectable authority that is is the intention of many of our Dutch farmers to remove from this district to the Free State. Several whose names have transpired are extensive landowners, and it is said express their determination either to sell or let out their farms on lease, alleging as a reason for their contemplated movement the oppressive and increasing rate of colonial taxation which to them seems to be growing intolerable.

BIRTH, at Queenstown, on the 30th of September ,the wife of the Rev. Z. ROBINSON, of a Daughter.

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