Queenstown Free Press 1865 2 April - June
Tuesday April 11, 1865
Latest from the Transkei
SUICIDE OF THE REBEL UITHAALDER. Transkie April 8th, 1865. Willem UITHAALDER, the notorious Rebel leader of the Hottentots during the bloody war of ’49 and ’50, is no more. He fell by his own hand last night. The particulars are as follows: - During the last month or so the old fellow anxious, it is presumed, to revive some of his old games, has been in communication with KRELI about some ground which he alleged that chief had promised him and upon which he (UITHAALDER) was aiming to erect a Hottentot empire, to which all the outcast of his race were to return once more in order to build up the now scattered nation. To this end, fearing that going without the knowledge of Government might prove ill to him, UITHAALDER proceeded to Queenstown to obtain permission from the Civil Commissioner to go on his errand to KRELI; but that gentleman very properly refused to entertain his request. Of course this was a sad disappointment. He then wended his way back, and, after making a vain attempt to tamperwith the Hottentots residing on the Mission Station of St. Marks, took it into his head to proceed to King Wm’s Town to work out his plan (whatever that was) to get to KRELI and to secure his ground. It appears, as stated by one of his sons, that UITHAAL DER got there late on a Saturday and had made up his mind to see the authorities on the following Monday. He, it is said, attended old Mr. BROWNIEE’s Dutch service the following Sunday evening, and, strange to say, the Rev. Gentleman preached a sermon to the people depicting to them the awful position they had once placed themselves in as rebels against God and his people and warning them against taking any interest in the sayings and doings of those who may be going about to stir up the old leaven of rebellion, &c. &c. This it appears disturbed his ideas and aroused suspicion, as he stole out of the church and made the best of his way back to his home. Here, to increase his uneasiness, he was apprised of the fact that policemen had been there some days previously in order to watch his movements, (as his conduct at St. Mark’s had been duly reported to Government) &c. Upon this information UITHAALDER grew excited, so much so, that he at once determined to proceed to Queenstown to make his case good with the CivilCommissioner. Taking one of his sons in company he took to the road; but on Braamneck he suddenly came to a halt, and, after instructing his son to proceed on, turned back. At the foot of the hill he called at a Kaffir Kraal to obtain a drink of water, and after partaking thereof went out of the hut. Upon the Kaffirs hearing a wrestling noise (like something clinging to the thatch of the hut) they went out to see, and to their horror discovered the unfortunate man lying prostrate in the agonies of death with a large pocket knife thrust deep into his throat. Of course, the Kaffirs were greatly alarmed, and sent word to GONGUBELLE, the chief, who apprised UITHAALDER’s other son at home with what had occurred. The remains were consequently removed and buried by the family of the deceased. There is good grounds for believing that UITHAALDER has been up to no good of late. His communication with KRELI, and his suspicious advent at St. Mark’s were undoubtedly to secure some footing for the Hottentots and to regain his former “leadership.” ...
Tuesday April 18, 1865
DIED, on the 3rd April, 1865, by accident, Frederick Andries Jacobus, eldest son of Carel Jacobus VAN HEERDEN, district of Queen’s Town, being run over by a wagon, near Burgher’s Dorp, on the main road to Queenstown, and died a quarter of an hour after the accident, and was buried in Burghersdorp, aged 15 years, 10 months, and 12 days.
DEATH OF WILLIAM MATTHEW HARRIS, Esq. W.M. HARRIS the champion of Eastern interests– the father of Separation, has been suddenly called away from our midst by the hand of death. Though his health for a long time past seemed failing none of his friends had any idea death was so near. On Monday, the 10th instant, he was attending to business as usual, chatting in his general good-hearted way with his friends about business, and other matters; towardsevening, sometime about 6 o’clock, he retired to his office to write for the very post that brought the sad tidings of his death. All that we know as yet is, that when in the act of writing, his hand suddenly drooped, his head sunk on one side, and before an hour had passed, W.M. HARRIS was no more...
Tuesday April 25, 1865
BIRTH at Queenstown, on Saturday, 22nd inst, Mrs.W.J. NETTLETON, of a Son.
DIED at Dordrecht, on Sunday the 16th Instant, Mr. P.J. MARAIS, aged 36 years.
Tuesday May 2, 1865
BIRTH at Queen’s Town, on the 26th April, 1865, the wife of Mr. F.T. STUBBS, of a daughter.
Tuesday May 30, 1865
BIRTH, at Queenstown, on the 10th inst., the wifeof Mr. Chas. BROWN, of a daughter.
BIRTH, at Queen’s Town, on the 29th inst., thewife of MR. G.W. MORRIS, of a daughter.
DIED, at Queenstown, on the 21st instant, Eva, wife of Mr N. DUNCAN, aged 35 years. Friends at a distance will please accept this intimation.
Tuesday June 6, 1865
Mr. J.P. TURNER. – In the last Friend we perceive a notice of the death at Reddersburg, Orange Free State, on the 17th May last, of Mr. John Price TURNER, well known in this district as a piano-forte tuner and a good musician, but one who was unfortunately addicted to intemperate habits.
Tuesday June 13, 1865
BIRTH, at Dordrecht, on 31st May, Mrs. A. FULLS, of a son.
Tuesday June 20, 1865
BIRTH, at Galla Water, on the 25trh May, Mrs. John SUTHERLAND, of a Daughter.
Tuesday June 27, 1865
BIRTH at Queenstown, on Thursday, 15th June,1865, the wife of Mr. C.D. GRIFFITH, of a son.
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