Port Elizabeth Mercury 1851 4 October - December
Saturday 4 October 1851
MARRIED on Wednesday the 1st Oct by the Rev John Wilson, Mr. John Edward NUDD to Miss Frances Agnes Arabella, only daughter of Mr. J.B. BOARD of Port Elizabeth.
MARRIED on Thursday 25th instant at St.Mary’s Church by the Rev F. McCleland AB, Delabere P. BLAINE Esq to Catherine Heugh, eldest daughter of William FLEMING Esq.
Saturday 11 October 1851
In St.Mary’s Church on the 7th October by the Rev F.McCleland AB (Trinity College Dublin)
Mr. Thomas HUNT to Miss Johanna TAIT
Oct 6: William Charles, infant son of Mr. William BAILEY.
Saturday 18 October 1851
CHRISTENED on the 13th October 1851 by the Rev A. Smith, in the parish of Alexander, twin children of Mr. Robert RESTALL, William Osborn and Frances Henrietta.
Private Board and Lodging House
Rodney Row
Gentlemen can be accommodated with comfortable Board and Lodging at moderate terms.
Saturday 25 October 1851
Notice to Creditors
In the Insolvent Estate of Johannes Augustus DREYER, Port Elizabeth.
All persons claiming to be creditors under this Estate are required to take notice that the Undersigned have been duly elected to and confirmed in the appointment of Joint Trustees of the above Estate, and that the Master has appointed the third Meeting to be held at the office of the Resident Magistrate of Uitenhage
On Friday 7th November 1851
For the proof of debts, for receiving the Trustees report, and for giving the Trustees directions as to the administration of the said Estate.
And all persons indebted to the said Estate are requested to pay the Undersigned, forthwith, or legal proceedings will be instituted against them.
W.C. HUTCHONS } Joint Trustees
Albrecht RENS }
Port Elizabeth, Oct 6th 1851
Saturday 1 November 1851
By the Rev F McCleland AB (TCD)
Mr. Charles FULLER to Miss Susan BRADON.
A son of Anthony HEUGH baptised Anthony.
A son of John TEE baptised Lenox Frederick
Saturday 8 November 1851
DIED at Port Elizabeth on the 3rd inst, Catherine Frances, beloved daughter of Caesar ANDREWS Esq, aged 14 years.
By the Rev F McCleland AB (TCD)
A son of Mr. Isaiah TITTERTON baptised George Isaiah
Saturday 15 November 1851
DIED at Port Elizabeth on the 31st October, george James JEFFERY, aged 33 years and 7 months.
DIED at his Farm “Chatty” near Uitenhage, Andreas Benedictus SCHEUBLE Esq, aged 47 years and 3 months, after a lingering illness, deeply regretted by his family and a large circle of friends.
Port Elizabeth, Nov 1851
Notice to Creditors and Debtors
In the Estate of Frederick Ernst WILGEMOED and surviving spouse Martha Cornelia POTGIETER
All persons claiming to be Creditors in the above Estate are requested to send in their claims to the Counting House of Messrs H.H. RENS & Co, No.5 Caledon Street, within six weeks from the date hereof, and the Debtors to pay their debts within the time above set forth.
Albrecht RENS Executor Dative
Uitenhage Town, 25th Oct 1851
Saturday 22 November 1851
DIED at Uitenhage on Wednesday the 19th instant, Mr. Attorney ROSELT, aged 56 years.
DIED on Saturday last, the 15th inst, Miss Fanny GEARD, eldest daughter of the late Mr. Charles GEARD, aged 26 years.
DIED on the 17th instant, Mrs. Abraham FRANCIS, aged 33 years.
Port Elizabeth Nov 21st 1851.
By the Rev F McCleland AB (TCD)
Nov 10: Mr. Thomas SALTER to Mrs. Margaret LANE, widow.
Nov 18: Lenox LLOYD Esq to Miss Phoebe Robinson COWELL.
Mr. George James JEFFERY, aged 33 years.
Mr. Andreas Benedictus SCHEUBLE, aged 47 years
On the 15th instant, Miss Fanny GEARD, aged 26 years.
On the 14th instant, Mrs. EDMUNDS, aged years [sic]
Saturday 29 November 1851
MARRIED on the 20th instant in the Wesleyan Chapel, by the Rev John Wilson, John Bowers, eldest surviving son of the late Jos. JANION Esq of Chester to Hannah Maria, third daughter of the late Geo. TRENBATH Esq, Higher BROUGHTON, Manchester.
Port Elizabeth, Nov 25th 1851
DIED at his Residence, Bushy Park, on Saturday the 23rd November [sic – Saturday was the 22nd], Henry LOVEMORE Esq, aged 74 years, deeply lamented by his bereaved family and a numerous circle of friends.
Notice to Creditors and Debtors
In the Estate of the late Johannes Hendrik NEL
All persons claiming to be Creditors in the above Estate are requested to send in their claims to the Counting House of Messrs H.H. RENS & Co, within six weeks from the date hereof, and those indebted to discharge their Debts within the same time.
Martinus Jacobus NEL Executor Dative
Uitenhage Town, 21st Nov 1851
Saturday 13 December 1851
MARRIED on Tuesday the 3rd instant [sic – the 3rd was a Wednesday] by the Rev A Robson, Mr. Edward Binstead HUGHES to Miss Rachel, eldest daughter of Mr. P.B. FROST of Port Elizabeth.
Dec 10th 1851.
MARRIED on Tuesday the 9th December by the Rev A Robson, Mr. Samuel CARR to Miss Jane CROOKE of Port Elizabeth
Dec 10th 1851
Saturday 27 December 1851
MARRIED at Port Elizabeth on the 24th December, by the Rev F. McCleland AB (TCD), Mr. William John BOOTH, eldest son of William Stocks BOOTH Esq of Sheffield, to Ursula Eva, only daughter of Vincent WOODTHORPE Esq of Redruth, Cornwall.
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