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Port Elizabeth Mercury

Port Elizabeth Mercury 1851 3 July - September

Saturday 19 July 1851

Custom House
Port Elizabeth, 4th July 1851
The Boating Companies, Consignees and all other Persons landing Goods (other than those coastwise) at this Port, are hereby reminded that the legal hours for landing the same are from 9 o’clock am until 4 o’clock pm – and any such goods landed after this notice past 4 o’clock, without permission granted and signed by the Sub-Collector of Customs, will be treated as goods wilfully and illegally landed, and dealt with according to law. And I do hereby give further notice to all persons interested in the premises, that the Regulations dated 22nd August, 1845, in respect of the landing of goods at this Port, may at all reasonable times within office hours be inspected, on application at my office.
Sub-Collector of Customs

Saturday 26 July 1851

In the Estate of Thomas LAURENCE, late of Port Elizabeth, Painter and Glazier (commonly called George CLARK), deceased.
All Persons claiming to be Creditors in this Estate are hereby requested to file their claims against the same with the Executor Testamentary (at the office of Mr. CHABAUD) within six weeks from this date – and those indebted to said Estate are called upon to settle forthwith.
W. SMITH, Exor. Testamentary
Port Elizabeth, July 9 1851

DIED at Port Elizabeth on Monday the 21st July, Elizabeth, Widow of the late John NUDD, aged 67 years – deeply regretted by her Family and Friends.

Saturday 9 August 1851

DIED at Port Elizabeth on the 31st ult, Capt. Sam. MOORE, of Yarmouth. Aged 33 years. He ever proved himself an affectionate and devoted Son and Brother, and his loss will be deeply lamented by his Father and family circle.

On Tuesday last Mr. William PULLEN, assisted by his newly enlisted company of Port Elizabeth Hottentots, succeeded in surprising a party of some twenty Kafirs in the Bush, near the Addo Heights. Two or three of the Kafirs were wounded, but none were found dead on the spot. Two guns and two bundles of assegais, together with some pouches &c, were taken from the enemy, who was surprised at early dawn, while encamped round his watch fire. The remains of an ox, which had been driven into the bush and there slaughtered were found on the spot, and on this the savages were regaling themselves when the attack was made, with the result stated above. Mr. Wm. PULLEN, by his exertions, is gradually clearing his neighborhood of enemies.

House and Carriage Painter, Gilder, Glazier and Paper Hanger
Licensed Retail Dealer in Oils, Paints, Colors, Glass, Gold and Silver Leaf, Varnish, Camel and Sable Hair Pencils and Paper Hangings.
Opposite the Wesleyan Chapel, Port Elizabeth.
NB Any article will be supplied at the lowest possible price, and in quantity to suit purchasers. Glass cut any size up to 30 inches by 40 inches. Paints of any shade or color mixed to order on the shortest notice; and Goods sent to any part of the Colony on Receipt of a Post Office Order to the amount required.

Saturday 23 August 1851

MARRIED in St.Mary’s Church, Port Elizabeth on Thursday 14th August by the Rev F. McCleland AB (TCD), Henry James DUNELL Esq to Elizabeth Gilbert, eldest daughter of John Owen SMITH Esq of Port Elizabeth.

In the Estate of John PRIME, late of Port Elizabeth, Shopkeeper, deceased.
All persons having Claims against the above deceased, or his Estate, are hereby called upon to lodge the same with the Undersigned, at her residence in Strand Street, Port Elizabeth, within 2 Month from the date hereof, in order that the same may be examined, enquired into and considered, and all persons indebted to the said Estate are requested to pay the same forthwith to
Mercey Ann PRIME
Port Elizabeth, August 20th 1851

Saturday 6 September 1851

DIED at Hankey on Wednesday the 27th Aug, the Rev John PHILIP DD, late Superintendent of the London Missionary Society’s Mission in South Africa, aged 76 years 4 months and 13 days,


    About 2 o’clock on Wednesday last, the 27th August, the colony lost in the decease  of the Rev Dr PHILIP, at Hankey, whither it had been thought advisable to remove him about a year ago on account of his increasing bodily infirmities, one who has taken a prominent part in what may be called the history of this land. He had reached the age of 76 years and although his bodily powers had rendered him almost helpless, yet he retained his mental faculties unimpaired, until within three days of his demise, when a kind of stupor came over him, Induced by mortification which then made its appearance in his legs.
    On the following day, his Remains were interred in the family vault in the garden, by the side of his beloved wife, followed by a large concourse of men women and children belonging to the place. The services which were of a most solemn character, where commenced with prayer and singing, before the body was removed from the house, by his son in law, the Rev Mr. CHRISTIE, who then delivered a most impressive address on Death and the resurrection of the dead, from the 15th chap.of 1st Corinthians, which had been previously read. After a prayer was offered by Mr. KELLY the procession moved towards the burial place, singing as it went an appropriate hymn for the occasion. This imparted a melancholy interest to the solemn scene. On arriving at the place, Mr. W. METELERKEMP, who had headed the procession, addressed the people in a most heart-searching and eloquent manner, from these words, in the 7th verse of the 13th chapter of Hebrews, “Remember them who have spoken unto you the word of God: whose faith follow”. On Sunday, a further improvement was made of this event, when three services were held. That in the morning was preached by the Rev Mr. CHRISTIE, from the 26th verse of the 5th Job, “Thou shalt come to they grave in a full age, like as a shock of corn cometh in his season”. In the afternoon the Rev. T.D. PHILIP addressed them from Revelations ii2 10v, “Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life”. The services of the day were closed by the Rev J. KITCHINGMAN, who took his text from Rom.ii 7. “To them who by patient continuance in well doing, seek for glory and honor and immortality, eternal life”.
    Though intimately connected by the ties of relationship with the deceased, which causes a certain delicacy of feeling in the mind of the writer lest in his admiration of the man, he should be led to impart a color to the estimate of his character, yet we think the few remarks we may now offer, while it will be giving a form to the expression of private grief, will not be viewed by the public as altogether uncalled for or inappropriate, although we wish that it had fallen into other hands than our own.
    The Rev Dr. PHILIP was born at Kirkcaldy in Fife, on the 14th April 1775. Although sprung from the humbler walks of life, his ancestors were all well doing men. The grandfather who lived till deceased was 20 years of age, was a linen manufacturer, and employed from 30 to 40 weavers. Whilst his wife was alive, business prospered, and he was enabled to give his children (three sons and a daughter) a respectable education, and bestow upon each a sum sufficient to enable them to commence business for themselves. After that event, however, his means gradually wasted away till his death, when it was found that he had left nothing behind for his children. The two younger sons embarked in the stocking trade, and were the first to introduce the stocking looms into that place; whilst the eldest, the father of Dr. PHILIP, took up the business of his father. He married into a family of the name of MARSHALL, of Kilharney, that had possessed a small estate of that name in Fife for several generations. Her mother had been early left a widow with two daughters provided for. Unfortunately for the children Dr.P’s father was of a speculative character, and dying early left the family depending mainly for their support upon his exertions. The conversations of his uncles who were well acquainted with the works of Addison, Swift, Pope, Newton, Locke and Bacon, early imbued his mind with a desire for further information. The American war had just closed and the characters of CHATHAM, FRANKLIN, WASHINGTON, FOX, PITT, SHERIDAN and BURKE formed the topic of many a theme, and instilled into him the first principles of freedom; but that which had as great an influence as any thing, in the formation of those principles which distinguished him in after life is to be attributed to the conversation of Mrs. MARSHALL, his grandmother, whose tales of the persecuted covenanters whilst their sufferings filled him with horror of the infamous LAUDERDALE, SHARPE and GRAHAM implanted in his heart a hatred of oppression, and an earnest longing after the spirit of civil liberty. At the age of seventeen, while yet a clerk in his uncle’s manufactory, one of those strange incidents occurred, which bear upon them the stamp of Divine Providence. Carried away by the glowing description he received of the rapid fortunes which were made by individuals in the West Indies, he was tempted to accept an offer of a situation in a Plantation made him by one of his young companions, and although he was aware that his departure would pain his mother, he determined to leave without her knowledge. This was however prevented by a dream which seriously impressed him, and led him to give over all idea of doing so. Upon what a slight circumstance the career of individuals often hang. It is needless now to speculate upon what effect this change might have exercised on his future prospect; but, in all probability, he would never have attracted the notice of the public. About this time associations for mental improvement among the young men became pretty general, and Dr. PHILIP took a leading part in the formation of such a society in his native place, and soon distinguished himself as an able debater on the side of civil liberty. From Kirkcaldy he removed to Dundee, where he settled as a linen manufacturer. It was here that his addresses on public occasions attracted the notice and excited the interest of some ministers from England, who recommended his going to London to study for the ministry. Through the medium of these gentlemen he was introduced to Hoxton Academy, and on the completion of his course at that institution, was invited to Newbury, in Berkshire, to assist the Rev Mr. WINTER, where he continued for a period of two years to administer the bread of life to an attentive congregation. He then accepted a call from a church in Aberdeen. At that time the state of religion in Scotland was at a very low ebb, and even those who might be called the evangelical party were rent into divisions by the Haldane and other controversies which were then raging. Through all these controversies, Dr. PHILIP maintained his principles unshaken, and although he had much to contend with at the outset at that place, he was ultimately enabled to live down all opposition, and gain the friendship of many, and the respect of all his opponents. The interests of religion revived and congregational principles took a deep root throughout the whole of the northern districts. The change wrought on the face of society by his instrumentality, was of a very marked character; so much so, that Dr. OWEN, on a visit to that part, remarked “that he had never seen any place in the south where religion was in so healthy a state as in the County of Aberdeen”.
    After Dr. PHILIP had been about 14 years resident in Aberdeen, the Directors of the London Missionary Society received from South Africa very depressing news of the state of their Missions in that country, and wishing to ascertain the true cause of their failure, determined to send out a commission of inquiry to the spot. On looking round, they fixed upon Dr. PHILIP as the most suitable person for this purpose, and accordingly sent him a letter, soliciting them to comply with their earnest request, or if he was unable to accept it, to seek out someone else whom he might deem fitted for the work. He took some time to consider before he gave a decided answer. His congregation manifested great unwillingness to part with their minister, and it was not till after he had in some measure prepared their minds for the change, that he informed the Directors in answer to their repeated requests, that although he had been unable to find any one suited willing to leave their present charge, he had come to the conclusion to offer himself for the work. The sacrifice made was of no ordinary character, and his compliance was only obtained when he thought that he would thereby be the means of promoting the glory of his God.
    On his arrival Dr. P found things in a very deplorable state. The stations were deserted, and the missionaries were disheartened by their want of success. It was not until Dr. PHILIP had made two or three journeys into the interior that he discovered the fault was neither in the missionaries themselves nor in the people, as he had at first suspected; but that it was to be sought for in the measures which the authorities had adopted to root out, if possible, the missionaries from the land. Trusting not in his own power, he determined to grapple with the difficulty, and set about collecting evidence for this purpose. When he had procured sufficient to establish the facts of the case, he went home and laid the whole case before Parliament. The result is well known. Lord Charles SOMERSET was recalled, and the 50th Ordinance, conferring upon the Hottentots the rights and liberties of freemen, was proclaimed. Annoyed by their defeat, on the return of Dr. PHILIP to this country, the authorities endeavoured by legal prosecution to make him feel the power of their vengeance, and certainly expected that it would crush him for ever. Strong in the righteousness of his case, he met the storm, and although he was unable to change the verdict of the day, which condemned him to pay £1100 including expenses – he was not disappointed in his expectations in the people of England, who nobly came forward and more than paid the sum. From that time forward the missions assumed a more prosperous character, and fully justified the correctness of his conclusions as to the real cause of their failure.
    His subsequent career is well known to all, an however much many may differ from him in the views he took of things, yet it is to be hoped all must acknowledge that he was actuated with a single desire tp promote the glory of God and advance the interests of his kingdom. Having already extended our remarks to a greater length than we had intended, we shall not enlarge upon this part of his history but trust our readers will forgive us if we have in any way trespassed upon their time.

Saturday 13 September 1851

By the Rev F. McCleland AB (Trinity College, Dublin)
On Sunday the 10th August 1851
A son of Thomas HAUGHTON baptised Thomas.
On Sunday the 31st August 1851
A son of Mr. Edward Bacon WHEATLAND, baptised Gray Gordon.
A son of Pascoal Jose DE SOUZA, baptised Robert.
A son of Mr. Philip Hart WATTS, baptised henry Chapman.

Aug 7: George Daniel DIESSEL, aged 15 months.
Aug 16: Thomas COOK, aged 1 year and 8 months.
Sep 1: Henry Chapman WATTS, aged 16 days.

Saturday 20 September 1851

C.T. Monitor
HM St Birkenhead left the Buffalo Mouth on the 6th and reached Algoa Bay at half past 10am on Sunday night, having experienced a desperate gale between these ports. She left Algoa Bay at 10am on Monday the 8th and reached Mossel Bay at noon on the 9th. Mr. MONTAGU and Mr. George MONTAGU landed here in order to proceed to George Town. The Secretary to Government will, we learn, return to Cape Town via Swellendam, Caledon and Bain’s Kloof. He is expected in town on the 25th lust. The Birkenhead reached Simon’s May at noon on the 10th, bringing 50 convicted rebel Hottentots.
In consequence of the non arrival of the Sir Robert Peel, mail Steamer, and of the necessity of forwarding important dispatches which the Birkenhead has brought from the Governor, she will be fully coaled to steam passage to England, which she is expected to reach in thirty one days. She will leave today on arrival of the mail from Cape Town. Lt. STOKES RE and Mrs. STOKES; Ensign ROBERTSON CMR and Mrs. ROBERTSON; Mr. OSBORNE; Mr. T.W. COBB; are passengers by this vessel.
HM St Cyclops, which left Table Bay on Friday the 5th inst, was compelled by stress of weather to put into Simon’s Bay on Saturday, at noon; she then proceeded to East London. Two horses died before the vessel reached Simon’s Bay.
HM St Hermes will, we learn, come round to Table Bay on Sunday with the 50 rebel convicts above referred to, and who are to be forwarded to Bain’s Kloof. This vessel will remain in Table Bay until the arrival of the 12th Lancers, now hourly expected, when she will receive and them on [sic] to the Buffalo Mouth.

Saturday 27 September 1851

MARRIED at Uitenhage on Wednesday the 24th Sept by the Rev A Smith, W.A. WENTZEL Esq Jun, to Miss Maria Theresa Francisca, second daughter of the late G.M. BRUNETT Esq

A son of Mr. William BAILEY baptised William Charles.
A son of Mr. William SMITH baptised Rice Smith
A daughter of Mr. Edw. CAMPBELL baptised Jessie Ann.

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