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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1900 01 January

Wednesday 3 January 1900

DIED at Grahamstown on 1st January 1900, Thomas Jarvis EASTON, aged 68 years and 1 month.

DIED at Brighton, Engand, on the 29th November, Mary, wife of Charles MANSFORD B.A., and sister of the Rev. T. CHUBB.

It is our sad duty to record the death of Mr. F.J. [sic] EASTON, of this City, who has carried on business for so long in Hill Street. The deceased was taken ill on Wednesday last with a paralytic stroke. He got gradually worse, finally losing consciousness. Mr. EASTON passed off quietly on Monday morning at 12 o’clock (midnight), New Year’s Day. The deceased was in his 69th year, and was buried yesterday afternoon. The funeral left his house in Hill Street at 4pm, and was attended by a large number of friends, many of whom carried wreaths. The chief mourners were Messrs. A. EASTON, J. SCANLON, E. JAMES, and W.H.L. BROOKS, the three latter being nephews of the deceased. Messrs. A. ELLIOTT, T. BARNSLEY, T. CLARK and F. MEAKER were the Pall-bearers. Rev. A.T. RHODES conducted the sacred service. The deceased leaves a widow and several sons and daughters to mourn their sad loss. We tender them our sincerest sympathies. Under Mr. A. WILL’s guidance everything related to the funeral arrangements was satisfactory.

Thursday 4 January 1900

DIED at his residence, Hillary Farm, December 29th 1899, William THOMAS, aged 77 years and 23 days, deeply regretted.

DIED at Grahamstown on the 2nd January 1900, Vernon Wilfred, beloved son of Thomas and Alice DONALD, 15 months.
Mr. and Mrs. DONALD tender their sincere thanks to Drs. BAYS and FITZGERALD and the many kind friends for their untiring energies during their late troubles.

Mr. W. THOMAS sen., a son of the British Settlers of 1820, born at Bathurst two years after their arrival – died at his residence, Hillary Farm, district of Alexandria, on the 29th Dec. 1899. Though rather of a retiring disposition, he was nevertheless a very useful man. He was an active and very intelligent member of the Divisional Council of Alexandria for twenty years. He was Justice of the Peace for the same District for forty years. He was a man highly respected for his honesty, uprightness of character, and genuine piety. His counsel and advice were sought by people of all classes, and he was ever ready to give his best advice to any that came. He was an attached member of the Wesleyan Church and a firm supporter of its Mission cause. He was very charitable to the poor, and hospitable and kind to all, a liberal supporter of all good causes. Truly it can be said of men like the late Mr. THOMAS, “By their fruits ye shall know them.” He was buried in the Wesleyan graveyard at Sidbury. The Rev. J. Hill WILLIAMS read the burial service and gave a most impressive address on the beauty of the deceased’s exemplary Christian life. The pall bearers were the Rev. S. RIPPON, Messrs. S. WILMOT, J.E. SLATER and J.E. WILMOT.

One VANBRUTON was tried this morning, and sentenced to three years’ hard labour for actively intriguing with the enemy.

Queenstown, Wednesday (Reuter)
Lieut. WARREN of the Cape Police, who was seriously wounded in the engagement near Dordrecht, succumbed to his injuries. He was brought to Queenstown in a dying condition and expired at the Railway Station.

Capetown, Wednesday (Reuter)
Casualties amongst the Colonial troops near Dordrecht on Dec 30th:
Cape Mounted Rifles
Lieut. WARREN, severely wounded.
Ptes. [Z....], ALLENBY and CAMPBELL missing.
Cape Police
Ptes. KRAUSE and KAVANAGH slightly wounded.
Ptes. MORDY and HILDON missing.
Sergt. CURTIS, Brabant’s, severely wounded.
Trooper T. WHEELER, Imperial Light Horse, arrived at Harrismith Hospital on January first for peritonitis.

Saturday 6 January 1900

I, the undersigned, hereby notify that I have taken Mr. Adolphus H. WRIGHT as a partner into my business from the 1st January 1900, which will in future be carried on under the firm or style of REAY SHAW and WRIGHT.
Law Agent

PASSED AWAY at Prospect House, Clumber, January 4 1900, Freda May, second daughter of Harry and May PURDON, aged 1 year and 17 days.
“Safe in the arms of Jesus”

[Officially Communicated]
Capetown, Friday (Reuter)
Casualties at Mafeking on Dec 26:
Captain Ronald James VERNON, K.R.R.C.
Captain Murray Coddington SANDFORD, Indian Staff Corps
Lieut. Harold Percival PATON, Protectorate Regiment
309 Sergt. Hugh Lockhart ROSS
63 Michael James HENRY
75 Frank MARTIN
246 Godfrey PICKARD
53 Thomas DUNN
54 William Bernard DUFFY
116 Edward Alfred SMITH
77 George McDOUGALL
104 Charles Christopher WOOD
109 John TOLCHER
113 Frederick William NICHOLLS
55 Joseph Walter GIBBS
59 Alex Frederick GURNEY
80 William HILES
46 John CORBY
140 Theodore BAKER
103 Alfred Joseph WOOD

Monday 8 January 1900

An inquest was held in Bradford regarding the remarkable death of Edgar DRIVER, electrician. On Nov 29th he was repairing a lamp at the works of Messrs. HOLDEN, Bradford, when to save himself falling he grasped part of an arc lamp. His feet touched the ground, completing the circuit, and the shock he received caused instantaneous death. Dr. LODGE said there was discoloration of the right hand, but no burning: he had not known of such a case before. Mr. GIBBINGS, electrical engineer to Bradford Corporation, said the highest voltage deceased could have received was 225, whereas, according to the Board of Trade, 500 was not considered dangerous. Persons had been known to receive 2,500 voltage without fatal result but in electricity there were latent powers concerning which they still know little. In this case deceased’s wet boots and freely perspiring body made favourable conditions for a severe shock.

Capetown, Friday. In the Civil Service exams the following are the successful candidates:
1 Ernest Tyrell KILPIN
2 [Joana] Francois MALHERBE
3 Charlotte Constance HALLETT
4 Courtney Thomas KRUMMECK
5 Jacobus Joubert MALHERBE
6 Aubrey Charleston WILMOT
7 Thos. [] O’RILEY
8 Emile Frederick [G....]
9 Michael Edward RICE
10 John Miles THOMAS
11 Jas. Bertram BATEMAN
12 Johannes Jordaan DE WET
13 Jonathan Carl Albert ANDERS
14 Harry Telfer [FREW}
15 Mary Harriet Unwin LAWRIE
16 Reginald Chas. READ
17 Albert Reginald TINDALL
18 Cecil Robert SAUNDERS
19 Chas. Frederick Liesching VAN COPPENHAGEN
20 Wilhelm Edward Ernst DUMMER
21 William Arthur STANTON
22 Daniel Jacobus Hugo DE WET
23 Philip Peter Burke JACKSON
24 Daniel VAUGHAN
25 Herman Cecil ROBERTS
26 Thos. Reginald BUYSKES
27 Cron Ivor BATE
28 Cecil Hubert Conrad VAN DER SPAY
29 Richard Wooding LAMBERT
30 Douglas Borrodaile BELL
31 Bertram Eric WEBB
32 Chas. Herman MAASDORP
33 Abraham Wm. VARKEVIFSEN
34 Edward PENTZ
35 Archibald Oscar SHONE
36 Wm. Duckitt HARRIS
37 Petrus Hendrik LOUW
38 Chas. Amelius BAILIE
39 Douglas Ebden HARWOOD
40 Hugh Kennett BALLOT
1 Johannes Frederick BOTHA
2 George Edward COPPENS
3 Clarence Guillaume Chomel DU TOIT
4 William Ralph GILBERT
5 George Bradfield PASCOE
6 Tichman Johannes ROOS
1 Frederick Justin HULL
2 George Bertram MILFORD
3 Frederick William HENDRICKSE
5 Henry W. James SIMPKINS
6 Archibald BARNES
7 Sydney Charles BROWN
8 Vivian Hugh Thomas Herman RUDD
9 Conrad Michael Virello COOKE
10 Thomas Alexander George BUDGEN
11 Charles Leo Edwin DILLEY
12 Walter Harry Paxman FREEMANTLE
13 Anthony Berrange BRINK
14 Frederick William CAMBRIDGE
15 Henry ELLCOME
16 Richard Harold FROST
17 James George Sorey TEMPLEMAN
18 Percy SMITH
19 Julius Cecil HEMMING
20 Christpher James PHELAN
21 Wm. Frederick DU TOIT
22 Basil Griffith CLARK
23 Thomas Alexander Johnstone McCANN
24 Daniel Alan GRANT
25 Oliver John READ
26 Cyril Henry John BROOKE
27 Norfolk Deane TILNEY
28 Johannes Casparus Jurgens KNOBEL
29 Joseph Montague Garland NEWEY
30 Thos. JORDAN
31 Gordon David Campbell LUMSDEN
32 Charles William CRAWFORD
33 Francois Reinier DUMINY
34 John Andrew DE KORT
35 Elwin Vernon HARDS
36 Frederick Theodore ENGELS
37 John Henry VAN DE VYVER
38 Richard PERSSE
39 Richard Thomas BUDGE
40 Abraham Jacobus WUD
41 Fleetwood Godfrey RIORDAN
42 Mathys Michael BASSON
43 Chas. Walter George LEVEY
44 Michael Smuts PICKARD
45 David William HOPKIRK
46 Coligny STEGMANN
47 Lawrence Henry ALBERTYN
48 Thomas STEWART
49 Frank Harold VAN REENEN
50 Albertus Johannes STIGLING
52 William Alfred ANDERSON
53 Theophilus Allen GLADWIN
54 Percy Beresford CLOETE
55 Petrus Jacobus ORLANDINI
56 Fredk. Brewster ALLEN
57 Chas. VAN BREDA
58 Henry Maynard NOURSE
59 Percy Alec WILLIAMS
60 Philip Hillier Balleine PAYN
61 John Edward Joseph MARSH
62 Benjamin Francois MARAIS
63 Robert Benjamin HORN
64 Arthur Russell RHYS
65 Francois Thomas Gustav STEGMANN
66 Alexander Robertson McLACHLAN
67 Murdoch Morison DORMEHL
68 Leslie Crawford PINKERTON
1 John Henry Albertus BASSON
2 James Henry BELLIS
3 Jacobus Francois BOSMAN
4 Myrvin Jonathan BRADFIELD
5 Arthur Edwin BULMER
6 Harry Elliott BUNN
7 Wm. Theodore Patrick COATES
8 Gertrude Frances COPPEN
9 Alexander CORMACK
10 Richard Heartley DANCEL
11 James DEAS
12 Stephanus Gabriel DU TOIT
13 Reginald Theodore FAURE
14 Cuthbert John FEATHERSTONE
15 Martin Francis Joseph HOGAN
16 Sydney Edward KINGEN
17 Hermann Stephanus LOMBARD
18 Samuel Edward MABIN
19 Gilbert Ford MANLEY
20 Illegible
21 John Christian Wilson MOORE
22 [illegible] [MORISON]
23 [Illegible] Stephen NAUDE
24 Illegible
25 Wm. Douglas BELL
26 Illegible
27 Albert [....] [Josiah] SMITH
28 Geo. Frederick SPENCER
29 John Henry Cecil VAN BREDA
30 Burgert Wynand Rossouw VAN DYK
31 William Brownlow Thornhill WALKER
32 Geo. Thomas WALTER

Tuesday 9 January 1900

DIED at the residence of Mr. J.S. LEWIS, Fort England Valley, Grahamstown, on Tuesday 9th January 1900, Arthur Stanley, beloved child of John and Mary KNEALE, of Johannesburg, aged 11 months.
Jesus said “Suffer little children to come unto Me, for of such is the Kingdom of God.”

Jonathan KING has been tried at Johannesburg for embezzling £70,000 from the Standard Bank. He was found guilty and sentenced to six years’ hard labour.

Wednesday 10 January 1900

At Johannesburg on the 13th ult a young man named William S. BOWER shot himself with a revolver. BOWER worked at the Robinson Co., while his wife is waitress at the Horse Shoe Beer Hall, Market Street. Arriving on a visit BOWER saw his wife busy. He asked her to speak with him. She, it is alleged, said “Wait a minute.” BOWER, in the interval, walked into the yard and shot himself through the heart. Death was instantaneous. Deceased was only twenty years of age. The body was removed to the Charge office, and placed in one of the cells, pending enquiries.

Thursday 11 January 1900

We are very glad to see Mr. Chris. S. WEBB, the general and energetic Superintendent of the Chronic Sick Hospital, is about again and at his duties after his severe attack of Typhoid Fever.

Hearty congratulations to Mr. A.W. NORTON and Mr. B. BENNETT, who are with Messrs. BELL & HUTTON, and Mr. L.B. DOLD respectively, on their success in the Attorney’s Law Exam. [Wires] tell the glad news that Mr. NORTON has taken 2nd place and Mr. BENNETT 3rd in the Colony.

Friday 12 January 1900

The great majority of the people in business at Delagoa Bay “who are not actual Britishers” sympathise with the Boers, and profess to believe the daily concoctions of news sent down from Pretoria, but they won’t take Transvaal silver. When it comes to money, they all want to see the Queen’s head on the coins.

At Bulawayo recently, as some Volunteers were driving up to the railway station, among them Mr. Jacob Hans BAARD, one of the men was showing how to use the bayonet which he had recently acquired, when he accidentally stabbed Mr. BAARD in the abdomen. A serious sequel was not anticipated, but the injured man was taken to the hospital, and died two days afterwards. The deceased, who was a native of this colony, was thirty-three years of age.
[Transcriber’s note: The Death Notice gives the date of death as 29 November 1899.]

Saturday 13 January 1900

Notice is hereby given that the Partnership hitherto existing between James DAVIDSON and Thomas Herbert HOYLE, under the style or firm of Davidson and Hoyle, Builders, is dissolved by mutual consent.
All claims against the said Firm to be filed, and all money owing to be paid on or before January 17th 1900, at the late Firm’s Office, New-street.
Each member of the late Firm intends to carry on business separately for his own sole benefit.
Thos. H. HOYLE
Jan 8th 1900

DIED at Grahamstown on January 12th 1900, Ludwig THOMSEN, aged 58 years.
“Thy will, not mine.”
The Funeral of the above will leave the Masonic Temple, Hill-street, tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon at half past 3 o’clock. Friends respectfully invited to attend.
A WILL, Undertaker

Shoes Torn Off – The Hut in a Blaze
“Journal” Special
Adelaide, Thursday. On Tuesday afternoon about 3:30 a terrible storm came on. The lightning was very severe. Mrs. Peter LAMONT, wife of our esteemed merchant P. LAMONT Esq., with her baby in her arms, about nine months old, was struck by lightning in Queen-street.
It is most marvellous how both mother and baby escaped with their lives. Mrs. LAMONT was scratched in several places on her body. Her shoes, which had steel clasps, were completely torn from her feet. Her hair was singed, and the hat she wore was burning when the lady was picked up and carried into the dwelling house of Mrs. BALFOUR, where Drs. DAVIDSON and MEINTJES were quickly in attendance, and did all that was possible to restore animation.
Shortly after the accident the rain fell in torrents, the streets being flooded. Thousands of squares of glass was broken. There was rain in abundance and the Koonap was flooded. Great damage was done to gardens by the hail and flood, and all fruit knocked off and even trees uprooted.
On enquiry this morning we find Mrs. LAMONT and baby are much better, although suffering from the shock.

Monday 15 January 1900

The funeral of the late Mr. Ludwig THOMSEN took place on Sunday afternoon. The body was conveyed from the late residence of deceased, George St., to the Masonic Temple, Hill St., where the Masonic Lodges assembled at 3 o’clock. The three local Lodges, St.John’s, St.Andrew’s and the Albany Lodges, were well represented. Mr. A. WILL had charge of the arrangements and everything was most satisfactory.
The first part of the Masonic service was held in the Temple. Dr. FITZGERALD (St.John’s) was the officiating Master.
The procession was formed, St.Andrew’s led, followed by St.John’s and the Albany, while the Sons of Temperance, in full regalia, came last before the hearse. The chief mourners were the four sons of the deceased, with Mr. W. BERRY and Mr. MULLINS. Many other friends and citizens followed to pay their last respects. Many wreaths and floral tributes were conspicuous.
Rev. W. LIDDLE conducted the service at the graveside, the late Mr. THOMSEN being a member of the Trinity Church. Dr. FITZGERALD then conducted the remainder of the Masonic rites, and Mr. MOORE conducted the Sons of Temperance service.

Maritzburg, Saturday (Reuter)
Robert MITCHELL, War Correspondent, has died at Ladysmith from enteric fever. The deceased was Sub-editor of the Star, Johannesburg, and when that paper shut down, owing to the war, he proceeded to the front as correspondent of the London Standard, Cape Argus and the Times of Natal. He was a native of Edinburgh, and came to Natal four years ago. For some years he was engaged on the Newcastle Daily Leader, and was Editor of the Durham Chronicle. Much sympathy is expressed for Mrs. MITCHELL and family, who are at Maritzburg.

Tuesday 16 January 1900

London, Monday (Reuter)
The Queen sent a message to the parents of the late Captain VERNON, saying she was proud of him, and all who are so nobly resisting the siege of Mafeking.

Capetown, Monday.
The 41 rebels captured at Douglas were today charged with high treason and remanded. The men varied in age considerably. Some approaching 50 years and others being mere youths. Their names are as follows:
Barend Thomas MULLER
Willem LUBBE
Johannes JACOBS
Edward John VAN VUUREN
Reiner [Alcom] SWEIGGERS
Arnoldus OLIVIER
Joshua Hermanus JOUBERT
Willem Johannes LOUTS
Albertus Jacobus TOWNSEND
Niemand John Melius VAN DER WESTHUIZEN
[Fance] Gerhardus VAN NIEKERK
Daniel Johannes VISAGIE
Daniel LUDIK
Jacob Ludik
Petrus Cornelius VAN NIEKERK
Stephanus HARM[..]
Gerhardus ERASMUS
Wynward MINNIE
Jacobus Ludovicus THERON
Solomon MARITZ
Advocate BURTON appeared for 40 of the prisoners.

Wednesday 17 January 1900

DIED at Grahamstown on the 16th Jan 1900, Edward James CURRAN, youngest son of the late Capt. John Philpott CURRAN of Capetown, aged 57 years and 9 months.
The Funeral of the above will leave his late residence, Lawrance-St, tomorrow (Thursday) morning at 8 o’clock. Friends respectfully invited to attend.
A. WILL, Undertaker

We are sorry to learn that Mr. W. GREATHEAD (of Johannesburg) has received news that his youngest son, Monty, who was in the Imperial Light Horse, has been killed at Ladysmith, probably in the action of Saturday wee [last]. Both Mr, GREATHEAD’s sons joined the Imperial Light Horse; the other, Percy, being now, however, in the Intelligence Department.

[The next two issues were too faint to read]

Saturday 20 January 1900

On Wednesday 10th Jan, Rev. Philip HORNBY, of Flagstaff, was married to Miss Ethel LEARY, of Umtata. The ceremony took place at the Cathedral, and was conducted by the Bishop of St.John’s, assisted by Rev. Earle BULWER.

It is said that when DE MEILLION escaped from the “Penelope”, Admiral HARRIS received a communication from the military authorities, the tone of which he did not relish.
[See issue of 21 December 1899]

Monday 22 January 1900

DIED at Kimberley Hospital of Typhoid Fever, while on active service, Garnet, beloved son of Thomas Henry and Emma TARR, of this city, aged 22 years.
“Thy will be done.”

Tuesday 23 January 1900

The 8 o’clock train this morning carried out another squad of reinforcements to the front, in the form of Major MARSHALL and the recruits that he came down to obtain. The men looked well and fit and eager for the fray, and the roll call showed all present and correct. There were also 37 horses trucked this morning between 3am to 4am, under the supervision of Major MARSHALL and Sergt. HARRIS. The troop-horses were all fit and are a good lot, among them being noticeable “Paradox” and “Maid of the Meadows”, bought from Mr. COTLIN.
The following is the list of names of those who left this morning:
712 Corpl. HOLMES, E.E.J.
713 Corpl. WOOD, M.J.
714 Corpl. JENNINGS, P.J.
715 Corpl. QUIRK, D. (Mounted)
716 Corpl. McCARTHY, A.C. (Mounted)
717 Corpl. BRIGGS, J.S.
718 Lce-Corpl. EVANS, H.C. (Mounted)
719 KEMP, J.
720 DOBY, W.
721 McLAREN, W.H.
723 CAWOOD, H.
725 MOORE, J.J.
726 WRIGHT, A.
731 MARK, C.
732 WRIGHT, C.C.
733 THORPE, A.R.
735 HAWKIN, J.H.
737 MOORE, C.J.
738 GOUGH, A.G.
739 MILLER, J.
742 GOUGH, J.
743 TUCKER, M.
744 EMMS, E.A.
745 LIND, W.
746 BARNES, F.A.
747 BARNES, W.
748 BEATTY, J.H.
749 WOOD, J.G.
750 illegible
751 KNOX, W.
752 EVANS, W.S.
753 McMAHON, W.
754 KNEALE, J.G.
755 WOOD, A.
756 TIPPET, R.H.
757 illegible
761 LAWTON, J.W.
762 illegible
763 illegible
765 PITTAWAY, [?]
766 SLADE, H.H.
767 WEBB, E.A.
[5 more illegible entries]

Wednesday 24 January 1900

DIED at Fort England on Jan 23rd 1900, Bertram Lewis, infant son of John James and Rose Ellen VROOM, aged 1 year and 5 months.
Adieu sweet child, short was thy stay,
Just looked around, then stole away.
Sleep lovely child, then take your rest,
God takes them first that He loves best.

On Saturday afternoon at Beira a small sailing boat was upset in the river, near the powder magazine, by the squall which swept across the harbour about 5pm. The occupants were Messrs. J. KOLBE, R. HARRISON, and a native. KOLBE, who is a strong swimmer, after several attempts to assist Mr. HARRISON, saw him finally sink, and then made himself for the shore, which he reached after a long swim, some three miles up the river. The native also got ashore safely. Robert HARRISON was 23 years old, and an Australian. He had been in the telegraphic service of the Beira Railway for six weeks, coming from the Natal service, where he had been employed for about six months. The body was washed up on Tuesday afternoon, close to the British Consulate. The funeral took place in the evening, and the body was followed to the grave by about thirty friends.

At Kliphoek, the farm and residence of Mr. Jurgen KOTZE, on the Berg River, nine miles from the sea, on Saturday 6th inst, five young ladies, Miss NEETHLING, Miss UYS, Miss Connie WILSON, Miss Muriel WILSON, together with Miss Anna KOTZE, daughter of Mr. KOTZE, went down to the bathing-place, not 200 yards distant from the homestead, two of them having been previously warned to be very careful by their parents, who had also taken the precaution to have two life-buoys placed on the bank. The bathing-place, I may mention, is not dangerous if one is careful. The bottom of the river has a gradual slope from below the bank, of about one foot in five for about thirty feet, when it abruptly terminates in a channel of great depth. Had the young ladies confined themselves to the bathing-place the accident would probably not have occurred.
After entering the water and joining hands, the five waded, against the tide, to a boat moored to a jetty some eight yards distant from the bathing-place, always skirting the bank in about three to four feet of water. On their return the young ladies joined hands, but moved along in a circle or group, and in the excitement, whilst laughing and shouting, they failed to notice that they were edging away from the bank, until they suddenly found themselves beyond their depth. Then a terrible struggle took place which the survivors will never forget. None of them could swim, and they all clung to one another. Fortunately Miss UYS soon managed to extricate herself from the struggling group, and on reaching the bank, which is about eight feet high, gave the alarm by cries, which were heard all over the farmyard, but which unfortunately were thought to be the cries of the bathers playing in the water; besides Miss UYS was invisible from the farmyard. Miss UYS’s cries were heard intermittently for about a minute, when she was seen above the bank, and attracted the notice of Mr. J. KOTZE, Jurgen’s son, a hundred yards distant at the stables, who did not take long to reach the water, and dashed in with all his clothes towards the three struggling objects. Miss WILSON, being the nearest, was first secured, and being still conscious had no difficulty with Miss UYS’s help in getting out when brought into shallow water. Half a dozen strokes again too the brave rescuer within reach of Miss Muriel WILSON, who was brought out unconscious.
Just then the alarm was raised that Miss NEETHLING, who had not been seen during the rescue, was missing, and diving was immediately begun by five gentlemen, but as the minutes passed it became only too painfully evident that the chances of finding Miss NEETHLING were getting less. The boat within a couple of minutes was anchored off the scene of the accident, and diving and dragging continued in about twelve feet of water, but in vain. The unfortunate young lady must have sunk before Mr. KOTZE came on the scene, at the spot where they got beyond their depth, and when the struggle took place, and whence the three who were rescued, after fortunately getting loose from one another, had drifted at least 15 yards.
The services of some neighbouring Italian fishermen, under Mr. Gitaan VIOLO, were immediately secured, and dragging was continued on for the remainder of the day, but it was not before Monday morning that the body was found floating about a mile from the scene of the accident.
Mrs. MARAIS arrived on Sunday evening and the funeral, which was well attended by the neighbours and a few from Hopefield, took place on Tuesday morning. The deceased was buried in the family graveyard at Kliphoek. – Cape Times.

Thursday 25 January 1900

DIED at Buffelsfontein, at the residence of Mr. J. HISCOCK, John Edwin STIRK, eldest son of Mr. George STIRK, of Fort Peddie, aged 32 years, 5 months, 21 days.
“Our beloved is at rest.”
Mr. and Mrs. HISCOCK wish to thank all the kind friends who willingly assisted during Mr. STIRK’s illness.
[Transcriber’s note: His Death Notice says he died on 21 January 1900, but at the residence of Bailie BRENT]

Saturday 27 January 1900

BIRTH at Vryburg, British Bechuanaland, on the 9th December 1899, the wife of Philip TOWNSHEND of a daughter.

The news of the death of Mr. STEEVENS, the special correspondent of the Daily Mail of Ladysmith, from enteric fever, will be received with general regret.

Monday 29 January 1900

On Monday a man named Frank [KESSLER], European, was knocked down by the Uitenhage tram at the Broad-street crossing, Port Elizabeth. He was seen to approach the tram in company with another man by Annie HEATH, described as the gatekeeper. On the engine striking him he threw up his arms, and the next moment was run over. On being picked up he was found to be horribly mangled. The body was removed to the gaol apothecary.

Wednesday 31 January 1900

BIRTH on Monday Jan 29th, at Grahamstown, the wife of Chris. S. WEBB of a daughter.

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