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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1899 12 December

Saturday 2 December 1899


Bravo Natalia! Natalia Bravo!
Thou comely Mother of a sturdy race
Of well-knit Sons, and Daughters fair of face;
To thine Colonie’s youngsters must give place;
Bravo Natalia!

Bravo Natalia! Once again Bravo!
When in the Empire’s need she called to thee,
To fight for equal laws and liberty,
Thy sons into the fray sprang eagerly;
Bravo Natalia!

Bravo Natalia! Yet again Bravo!
Where blows fell thickest, there we found thy Sons;
Foremost in Mounted Troop; first with the guns;
Brave as young lions, modest as nuns;
Bravo Natalia!

Bravo Natalia! Yet again Bravo!
What though thy children may not all return,
If called to mourn – for thee will warm hearts yearn:
Ever for thee Affection’s lamp shall burn;
Bravo Natlia!

Port Elizabeth

Monday 4 December 1899

Maritzburg, Saturday 6:55pm (Reuter)
The following is the list of casualties at Modder River on 28th Nov, received by General BULLER.
Lt-Col. H.P. NORTCOTE, 2nd Coldstream Guards
Lt-Col. H. STAFFORD and Lt. L.W. LONG, of 2nd King’s Own Yorks Regt. Infantry
Lt. General Lord METHUEN (slight bullet flesh wound in thigh)
Royal Engineers
Capt. G. VON HUGEL (slightly)
3rd Grenadiers
2nd Lieut. A.S. TRAVERS (slightly)
1st Scots Guards
Lieut. H.C. ELWES (seriously)
Lieut. W.J.M. HILL
1st Royal North Lancashire Regiment
Lieut. R.B. FLINT (slightly)
2nd King’s Own Yorks Light Infantry
Major EARL
Lieut. M.D. FOX
Field Artillery
Major G.F. LINDSAY (hand)
Capt. FARRELL (foot)
Lt. DUNLOP (shoulder)
3rd Grenadier Guards
Major Count GLEICHEN (severely)
Lieut. Hon. ELYON (slight)
2nd Coldstream Guards
Lieut, Viscount ACHESON
Royal Army Medical Corps
Captain Guise MOON
1st Argyle and Sutherland Highlanders
2nd Lieut. W.G. NEILSON
Total casualties at Modder River on 28th Nov (excluding officers) and all reported already are
[list of regiments with numbers killed, wounded or missing – no names]
Summarised casualties:
Killed 58
Wounded 370
Missing 9

Capetown, Monday: 8:20am
Deep regret is felt here at the death of Major SCOTT-TURNER, who was killed at Kimberley last Tuesday, and sympathy with Mr. L.L. MICHELL, General Manager of the Standard Bank, whose son-in-law he was.

Wednesday 6 December 1899

BIRTH at Ellington, Grahamstown, on Monday Dec 4th, the wife of J.D. TYSON, of Kimberley of a son.

A white man named James MORGAN, age 47, a painter, who had walked up to Blantyre with a companion from Salisbury, died shortly after and was buried in Blantyre Mission cemetery. Death was the result of hardships and insufficient food during the journey.

Mr. J.A. VERMAAK of Zuurberg, near Molteno, one of our most progressive sheep and cattle farmers, has had to quit his home and take refuge in Port Elizabeth. Though a Dutch Colonist of pure descent, he is a loyalist, and is therefore unpopular with the invaders and rebels. He has always strongly deprecated the attitude of the Dutch on the border. His firm opinion is that the Boers have been misled, are still being misled, and the awakening will be terrible.

Friday 8 December 1899

At Uitenhage James Edward WOOLFE was charged with the murder of John WOODS on Saturday last, by striking him on the head with a mallet. The two men (both Europeans) were special guards of a bridge near Wolvefontein and appear to have quarrelled. The crime was of a brutal character. The men are said not to have been on good terms, one having accused the other of treasonable practices. The prisoner was remanded till Monday next.

Monday 11 December 1899

An inquest was held by Mr. E.G. GREEN, Acting R.M., concerning the death of Katrina HENDRICKS at Alicedale on December 9th 1899, and a verdict was returned that deceased met her death by gunshot wounds unintentionally inflicted.
Evidence was taken from Dr. M. PEARSON, Fred. AYLIFF, Ellie WARD, Noel DUMAINE, E.H. KIRTON jun., from which it transpired that several children were sitting with their nurse, Katrina, near the river, playing with crabs. Noel DUMAINE, a lad of 9 summers, and young AYLIFF were out shooting [d…ies] with Lionel DUMAINE’s gun. They had 4 buckshot cartridges. Young DUMAINE, not knowing the gun to be loaded, and seeing the girls, laughingly said he would shoot them. He put the gun to his shoulder, pulled the trigger, and it went off. He meant merely to snap it, and frighten the girls, and took no aim at all. The recoil knocked him staggering. The native girl fell with several shot in her brain. The Magistrate reprimanded the two lads severely for their carelessness, and also Lionel DUMAINE for lending the gun to them.

Tuesday 12 December 1899

BIRTH at Glendye, Albany, on the 5th Dec 1899, the wife of Mr. George MASSON of a son.

DIED at Grahamstown on 12th December, Robert William KEMSLEY, in his 68th year.
Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God.
The Funeral of the above will leave his late residence, Kowie-street, tomorrow (Wednesday) afternoon at 4 o’clock. Friends respectfully invited to attend.
[Transcriber’s note: His civil death notice gives his middle name as Willmott. A notice in the following issue reprints the announcement with the middle name Williamott]

Wednesday 13 December 1899

Married at St.Patrick’s Cathedral on December 13th 1899, by the Rev. Father O’Rourke, John William, eldest son of the late Mr. Jno. McNAMARA, of this City, to Alice Maud, youngest daughter of Mr. C. GRANT, late of this city.
[Transcriber’s note: The marriage entry has been indexed on Family Search as MacNausara]

A large crowd assembled this morning at St.Patrick’s Cathedral to witness the marriage of Miss Alice Maud GRANT, youngest daughter of Mr. C. GRANT, late of this city, to Mr. John William McNAMARA, son of the late Mr. John McNAMARA, of Grahamstown. The marriage knot was tied by the Rev. Father O’ROURKE. Mr. A. LAMB presided at the organ in his usual brilliant style, playing the Wedding March.
The bride looked charming, being dressed in an ivy silk alpaca, trimmed with pleated chiffon and ribbons. The dress had a long train which was looped up with orange blossoms and satin ribbon. At the corner of the train was a horse-shoe of orange blossoms, and the orthodox wreath and veil completed the charming costume, which was Messrs. made at [sic] T. Birch & Co, a well known establishment, and was the gift of Mr. G. GRANT, brother of the Bride.
Miss Louie McNAMARA, sister of the Bridegroom, made a charming Bridesmaid. Her dress was a white cashmere trimmed with [p….] chiffon. A white felt hat trimmed with ostrich tips, chiffon and yellow rosettes made an excellent finish to the costume. The genial bridegroom, Mr. “Jack” MACNAMARA, was ably supported by Mr. E.K. PREW. Mr. “Jack” GRANT gave the bride away. Both the bride and bridesmaid carried lovely bouquets, which were the presents of the bridegroom, and were made up at Messrs. W. & C. Gowie’s Nursery Gardens.
The bridegroom also presented the bride with a gold chain bracelet and the bridesmaid with a gold brooch. Among the presents, which were both numerous and costly, including several cheques, was one from the Director, Dr. ROBERTSON, Dr. PURVIS, Mr. BODLEY and Staff of the Bacteriological Institute, as an acknowledgement of the popularity and valued service of the bridegroom. Mr. R. [BULL] also presented the bridegroom with [24] dozen bottles of aerated water. The wedding cake, which was a grand one of three tiers and an ornament, was made by Messrs. H. Fitchat & Co’s celebrated establishment. The table looked charming and [tasty], and was laid out by Mr. E.F. DICKS of Beaufort Street.
The wedding party adjourned to the house of the bridegroom for dinner, and reception visitors [sic]. The carriages were supplied from Messrs. Larkin & Ray’s renowned livery stables. The happy couple proceed to Port Alfred this afternoon, where they will spend about a week at Cole’s Hotel. May all happiness and prosperity attend them on their journey through life!

Thursday 14 December 1899

A correspondent says: The attempt to perpetuate the memory of Military exploits in Natal, by naming a child Talana Elanda [P…] Symonds, has we think been capped by the enthusiastic admirer of Tommy ATKINS, who has decided to call his infant daughter Belmontina [Gra….a] Modderivia Methuen.

Saturday 16 December 1899

Private SULLIVAN, of the 18th Hussars (Natal) was on Saturday kicked in the abdomen by a horse, and died early the following morning.

Sergt. KNIGHT, of the 2nd Royal Berkshire Regiment, died of enteric fever at Kingwilliamstown on Sunday, and was interred with military honours on Monday.

Monday 18 December 1899

This morning at the Trinity Church, Rev. W. LIDDLE was the medium in joining together in holy matrimony Mr. W.L.H. BROOKS, of the well-known firm of Messrs. W. Brooks & Co of this city, to Miss MINGAY, eldest daughter of the late Mr. W.C. MINGAY of this city. We hope to give further particulars in a later issue, and must therefore today content ourselves with wishing our friends the utmost happiness and prosperity.

Tuesday 19 December 1899

BIRTH at Grahamstown on December 18th 1899, the wife of F.H. WILLOWS of a son.

Married, on 18th Dec 1899, at Trinity Church, Grahamstown, by Rev. W. Liddle MA BD, W.L.H. BROOKS to Bertha, eldest daughter of the late W.C. MINGAY of this city

Yesterday in Trinity Church, Mr. W.L.H. BROOKS of the well-known firm of Messrs. W. Brooks & Co., was married to Miss B. MINGAY, who has been senior Mistress in the Victoria Girls’ School since its start.
The Rev. Wm. LIDDLE MA BD performed the ceremony, and the musical part of the proceedings was very efficiently conducted by Mr. EVERETT, organist of Trinity Church. The Church was crowded with friends of the contracting parties, and pupils from the Girls’ School.
After the ceremony the party adjourned to Beaufort House, where a pleasant hour was spent. The various usual complimentary toasts were pledged, and all united in wishing happiness to the newly-married couple. Mr. and Mrs. BROOKS left by the 11 o’clock train for the Zuurberg, where they propose spending the early days of the honeymoon.
Miss MINGAY, that was, has made herself loved and respected in every phase of her busy life. As a daughter, as a teacher, and as a church worker, she has been equally faithful, and we must congratulate Mr. BROOKS on securing as a partner in the business of life one who has so nobly done her duty in the past. If business rectitude and diligence on the part of the bridegroom, and a record of most faithful self-denial and moral worth on the part of the bride, can secure worldly success and domestic joy, there ought to be every happiness in store for them.
Miss MINGAY was the recipient of many valuable tokens of the esteem in which she was held. At the Victoria Girls’ School she was presented by the teachers and pupils with an afternoon tea service, a case of apostle spoons and a pair of butter dishes, all in solid silver. Mr. John E, WOOD M.L.A., Chairman of the Public Schools Committee, presided on the occasion, and Mr. GRANT, Principal, presented the gifts. Mr. HARDS replied for Miss MINGAY, and on the invitation of the Rev. Mr. CROSS three hearty cheers were given before separating.
The Sunday School teachers and Choir of Trinity Church also presented Miss MINGAY with a beautiful silver centrepiece, as a testimony of the deep obligations they have been under to her almost from her childhood.

Thursday 21 December 1899

Capetown, Wednesday 9:40pm (Reuter)
Enquiries made regarding the reported escape of Boer prisoners from the ‘Penelope’ in Simon’s Bay show that only Commandant DE MEILLON escaped. He was last seen just before midnight on Monday, and reported as missing yesterday morning. A thorough search has been made in Simonstown, but without success, and it is feared that DE MEILLON has made good his escape. An enquiry was held into the matter today and adjourned.

Saturday 23 December 1899

DIED at East London on December [20th] 1899, Winifred Alice, infant daughter of Arthur E. and Alice M. HEWSON, aged 12 months.

Wednesday 27 December 1899

BIRTH at Fairholme, Oatlands Road, on December 24th, the wife of Tilney E. PADDON of a son.

FELL IN BATTLE at Tugela, on the 15th inst, (Imperial Light Horse), William Henry (Willie), son of Rev. John LONGDEN, Somerset East.

A terribly sad drowning accident occurred at the Grey Reservoir on Saturday afternoon. It transpires that little Frankie RHODES, youngest son of the Rev. A.T. RHODES of this city, with his brother Norman and several other children, went out for a walk and should have been back to dinner. It appears they were playing round the filter dam above the Reservoir, and the poor lad fell in. Some of the children tried to get their companion out, while others ran screaming for help. They met Mr. W.E. FARR of St.Andrew’s College, near by, and he rushed down to the water and at on plunged in and tried to get the body out. The water is deep. He succeeded in recovering the little body, and several ladies and gentlemen arriving, the doctors were sent for and everything done to resuscitate the body. Drs. DRURY and HAMILTON were soon on the spot, but though stimulants were applied, and every form of artificial respiration tried, life was reluctantly pronounced to be extinct. The body must have been in the water fully a quarter of an hour. He was a bright little chap, much loved, and on Sunday he would have been 5 years of age. The news has cast a gloom over the community. Rev. A.T. RHODES only returned from Capetown on Friday night. Much sympathy is felt for the parents in this sad bereavement. The funeral took place on Sunday afternoon.

The death of Mr. Gilbert FOX has occurred at King. Mr. FOX was well known and much respected throughout the Border, and his demise will be much regretted by a large circle.

Friday 29 December 1899

We regret to learn that Mr. PETT died at east Dulwich, England, on the 27th ult. During the number of years deceased resided in Cradock he has earned for himself (says the Register) the respect and esteem of all classes, both in his private capacity and as C.C. and R.M. Failing health compelled him to resign, whilst still in the prime of life, and universal regret was felt that he had to do so.

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