Fort Beaufort Advocate 1868 3 July - September
Saturday, July 4, 1868.
Fort Beaufort,
22nd June, 1868
Cape Town, 27th June. – “Celt” just arrived.
Passengers: - Messrs. WOODLAND, MAGUIRE, RICHARDS, WILLIAMS and POCOCK. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. BALSON, Ensign PATTINSON, Mr. and Mrs. HALEY, Captain and Mrs. GRANVILLE.
EDUCATIONAL. Mr. G.A. ROSE, of King Wm.’s Town, has received the appointment of Teacher to the Government Aided School at Adelaide, with a salary of £150 per annum.
MISS SECHELI’S MARRIAGE. – A correspondent of the “Natal Mercury”, writing from Potchefstroom, says: - A gentleman, long connected with the interior trade paid us a visit last week, and brought us some domestic and other intelligence from SECHELI’S kraal. “I never wrote anything yet for the especial delectation of our lady readers; let me do so now. Miss SECHELI is about to be married, and our informant was entrusted with the bridal outfit. The dress is to be white, trimmed with crimson. There is to be a bridal wreath and veil. Among the other articles desired I may mention a pair of stays, largest size, half-dozen pairs of white stockings, and one dozen Eau de Cologne (very appropriate I should think). The happy bridegroom is also a stalwart fellow (as he ought to be under the circumstances), chief over 6,000 or 7,000 people, and a Christian of course. Old SECHELI has sent a friendly message to an old acquaintance of his in town, hinting that a present of a black suit of clothes (for the august occasion doubtless) would be very acceptable, and would be requited by a present of ivory. The clothes will be sent. SECHELI has abjured heathenism long ago, and contended himself with one helpmate – for better, for worse.”
Saturday, July 11, 1868
FIRE.- The hotel at the Dohne, kept by Mr. SMITH, was burned down on Monday night. We have not heard particulars.
MURDER. – It was reported here on Wednesday that a soldier of one of the regiments stationed in King Williamstown, was murdered on Monday by two of his comrades.
BURGLARY. – On Saturday night last the house of Mr. H. CALLAGHAN, in Campbell street, was broken into by a man named John MARKHAM, formerly a convict, and sundry articles of wearing apparel carried off. Robber captured on Monday. On Tuesday at the conclusion of the preliminary examination MARKHAM was committed for trial. A clock was also stolen from the premises of Mrs. DORNAN on Saturday evening.
Mr. C.H. CALDECOTT has been elected for the third time Mayor for the city of Grahamstown.
The Hon. H. TUCKER has resigned his seat in the Legislative Council.
Charles TALBOT of Salem, division of Albany, farmer; assets £329, liabilities £613:4s:8d; deficiency £354:4s:8d.
DIED, at Adelaide on the night of the 7th inst., Amy Jane, the beloved child of the Rev. Mr. and Mrs. ALDRED, aged 3 years 11 months, and 2 days.
Adelaide, 9th July, 1868.
Saturday, July 18, 1868
THE DEATH OF LADY BRAND. – The announcement of the death of Lady BRAND, the wife of the venerable Speaker of the House of Assembly, will be received with deep regret wherever it is made. The deceased lady had been for the past two or three weeks in a precarious state of health, but so early a termination of her sufferings was by no means anticipated. On Monday evening her Ladyship became much worse, and expired shortly after the return of Sir Christopher BRAND from the House of Assembly. On Tuesday the House met and adjourned until Thursday, and yesterday the remains of her Ladyship were carried to the grave, followed by a large number of sorrowing friends and relatives. - Argus
Saturday, July 25, 1868
Mr. Gustav ELSTER died suddenly at Uitenhage on Friday last. The district surgeon attributes his death to apoplexy. He belonged to the Masonic Brotherhood.
Mr. Spencer FLEISCHER, late field-cornet of Sunday’s River, died on Sunday last. He leaves a widow and six children.
Saturday, August 1, 1868.
On Tuesday last a man named STAMP, died in the hospital from dysentery.
The large premises known as the “Commercial Hotel” have been taken over by Mr. COHEN, who intends opening immediately.
ELEPHANTS, it is reported are becoming very plentiful and troublesome in the Addo.
Mr. T.J. RORKE has been appointed Telegraph Clerk at the East London station.
ANOTHER VICTIM OF OCCUPATION. – The ‘Friend” says: “ Young KARELSE, the son of an Edenburg farmer, now of the Caledon River district, has been shot through the head by Basutos, and killed on the spot.
John Henry PEDLAR, farmer, East London.
Johannes Carel ROCHLIN, jeweller, Graaff-Reinet.
A KNOTTY QUESTION. – A correspondent writes from Murraysburg to one of our Graaff-Reinet contemporaries, on the 20th inst:- The churchwardens had a meeting this morning. We hear the object of their meeting was to decide whether a certain widower should marry a certain widow or not.
MAGISTRATE’S COURT, GRAHAMSTOWN. – Alexander McCLEAN, piper, was brought before C.H. HUNTLEY, Esq., on a charge of drunkenness. He had been arraigned previously on similar charges, times innumerable. Addressing Mr. HUNTLEY, he said that if his Worship would kindly condone the offence this time, he would play a number of airs on his bagpipes, at his Honor’s residence (laughter). The Magistrate declined the gratification, and sentenced prisoner to the usual fine or term of imprisonment. – Journal.
A FRENCHMAN, soliciting relief of a lady said gravely to his fair hearer. “Madame, I nevaire beg, but dat I have von vife vid several small family dat is growing very large and nossing to make dere bread out of, but the perspiration of my own eyebrow.”
SUDDEN DEATH. – We deeply regret to say that Mrs. Catherine BATES, wife of W.H. BATES, of Eland’s Post, expired at the Hotel under the Katberg on Wednesday night last. Mrs. BATES, to all appearances, went to bed in her usual good health, and in a few hours afterwards was found a corpse. The deceased was much respected by a wide circle of friends, and her loss will be felt beyond the immediate circle of her bereaved family.
Saturday, August 8, 1868
Mr. John HOLLIDAY, eldest son of Charles HOLLIDAY, died on Monday last at his farm on the Koonap, after a brief illness. His remains were interred on Wednesday in the burial ground here.
DIED at the Hotel under the Katberg on Wednesday the 29th July 1868, Catherine, the beloved wife of W.H.BATES, Eland’s Post, aged years [sic]. Deceased leaves behind her a bereaved husband and large family to deplore their irreparable loss, as well as a large circle of sorrowing friends to whom she had endeared herself by her many amiable qualities.
Mr. W.H. BATES and family take this opportunity of returning their sincere thanks for the sympathy and assistance rendered to them in their affliction – and especially to Dr. and Mrs. McCARTHY, the Misses BAIN, Mr. and Mrs. BURNETT and Mr. WILLIAMS, whose kindness will ever be remembered with gratitude. To the numerous persons resident in Eland’s Post and neighbourhood, who showed their respect for the deceased by following her remains to their last resting place, the thanks and gratitude of Mr. BATES and family are also due, and are hereby tendered.
DIED, AT Clifton, on the Koonap, on 3rd August, Mr. John HOLLIDAY, aged 38 years and 3 months.
Saturday, August 15, 1868.
A younger daughter of the Rev. IMPEY, Superintendent of the Wesleyan Missionary Society, resident at Heald Town, was buried in the cemetery her on Tuesday last. The deceased was only 12 years of age, and had been a patient sufferer for years from hip disease. Her remains were followed to the grave by a large number of girls arrayed in white, and by numbers of the natives from Healdtown.
Chas. Edward HAM, storekeeper, Aliwal North.
We regret to state that Colonel MACLEAN C.B. now residing at East London, has been seriously ill for the past few days. Both Dr. VIX and Staff Asst. Surgeon IRVING are in daily attendance. We sincerely hope the gallant Colonel will soon recover. – East London Times.
DROWNED. – From Cape Town we learn that Mr. CAMPBELL, who was recently taken to Robben Island, insane, has been found drowned on one of the inlets of that island. Whether in a fit of insanity he jumped in, or whether he accidentally fell off the rock, does not appear; but, as his madness was not of a melancholy type, it was probably an accident. – Ibid.
DEATH OF AN OLD RESIDENT. – We have to announce the death on Wednesday last, the 5th inst., of Mr. James SCALLAN, sen., for many years an esteemed resident of this town. The funeral, which took place this morning at 8.30, and proceeded from St. Augustine’s Church, where High Mass had just previously been celebrated over the mortal remains of the deceased, was largely attended. Mr. SCALLAN had reached the advanced aged of 75 years, and has left behind him, to deplore their sad loss, a numerous family extending to the third generation. Our late fellow townsman was best known to the public as an unassuming and unobtrusive neighbour, who in a quiet and peaceable manner faithfully performed every social and domestic duty incumbent upon him. – P.E. Telegraph.
A contemporary states that at Piketberg the other day there were three weddings. Two of the bridegrooms are alleged to have been lame, the third was three-quarters deaf.
Saturday, August 22, 1868.
We are glad to state that Colonel MACLEAN is rapidly recovering from his late illness.
WHITE SORETHROAT. – This disease is now somewhat prevalent in Port Elizabeth. We regret to hear that Mr. Isaac BROWN has sustained a sad blow in the loss of all his children – two girls and a boy – within the last few days from its effects.
The late Mr. CAMPBELL of this town, whose death we referred to in our last issue, was for some time prior to his removal from this [town] a little affected in his mind; being under strange hallucinations, showing that his mind had given way......
Of the deceased gentleman we can only say that he was of good Scottish descent, and brought up for the military profession. He served in the Imperial Cavalry of France, also in the Crimean War as a major in the Osmanli Irregular Cavalry. Whilst in the latter service he had a very bad attack of jaundice, for which he was invalided. In 1861 he came to this colony and for about a twelvemonth held the office of Clerk of the Peace.....
Mr. W. BENNEE and Miss. F. RAYNOR gave a performance at Somerset on Monday last.
This is to warn any persons trespassing on my ground in Cathcart Vale, district of Stockenstrom, that from the 1st September next I intend to place spring guns and man traps upon my said ground.
Welgert. J. MARX.
Cathcart Vale,
Stockenstrom, Aug. 18, 1868
Saturday, August 29, 1868
BIRTH, At Fort Beaufort, on Friday, 28th August, the wife of J. O’GARA, of a Son.
BIRTH. – At Fort Beaufort, 21st of August, Mrs. Benj. W. HALL, of a Son.
DIED, at Zuiver Fontein, Winterberg, on Tuesday, the 11th inst., Jane Eliza De Saney, aged one year and five months, only child of Gregory A. and Hannah R. MacDONALD.
The Rev. De SANY laid the foundation stone of a new Roman Catholic Chapel at Stutterheim on Monday last.
John GALLON, blacksmith, Cradock.
William BROWN, sen., farrier, Stockenstrom.
Henry ROBERTS, Graham’s Town.
William Richard Locke VICARY, carpenter and builder, Cradock.
Saturday, September 5, 1868.
FATAL ACCIDENT. – We regret exceedingly to have to announce the occurrence of a sad accident to the Queenstown post cart on Wednesday afternoon, attended with fatal results. The cart which left Queenstown that morning, with the post and three passengers, had succeeded in crossing safely the Klaas Smits and Zwaart Kei rivers, and had reach the foot of the ascent of the Katberg on the northern side, near the Hex’s hotel. In crossing one of the sluits, over which in ordinary times runs a tributary stream of the Ox Kraal river, the cart was unfortunately capsized, and the mountain torrent being very strong, cart and horses were swept away. Two of the passengers Mrs. C. ORSMOND, of Grahamstown, and Mr. Alfred EDWARDS of Port Elizabeth, were unfortunately drowned. The other passenger, Mr. GOUS, of Willow Park, and the driver, CARR, succeeded in saving themselves by swimming. The four horses were drowned, and the cart smashed to pieces. With some difficulty the post bags were cut out of the cart, which was submerged, and was sent to Fort Beaufort by a native on horseback. The letters and papers were little better than pulp when they arrived here. This melancholy accident has occasioned deep commiseration for the friends and relatives of the deceased. Mrs. ORSMOND is the wife of Mr. C. ORSMOND, auctioneer, of Graham’s Town, and was returning home from a visit to her daughter; and Mr. Alfred EDWARDS had just established himself in business in Queen’s Town, and was returning to Port Elizabeth to complete his arrangements – when death in a sudden and most appalling manner hurried them into another existence. – Simon CARR, the driver of the Queen’s Town cart, is well known to be one of the most sober, careful, and able whips in the colony, and possessing moreover great presence of mind and resources in moments of danger; and from what we know of him, we are confident that the unfortunate accident was due to circumstances over which he had no control.
WAR is again raging in Kafirland. The Tambookies under QUEYA, are waging war against the Pondos. A pitched battle has been fought near Morley, resulting in the death of five Tambookies and three Pondos, and a large number it is presumed wounded on both sides.
Saturday, September 12, 1868
We regret to learn that the body of Mr. A. EDWARDS has not been recovered when the post left Queen’s Town on Wednesday. A correspondent residing near the spot where the accident occurred thinks it probable that the body is “silted up with the great banks of sand and mud which have been thrown up along the course of the stream.” The search is still being actively prosecuted.
Up to the time of our going to press, Tuesday mid-day, the body of Mr. EDWARDS has not been found. A reward of £8 was offered for the recovery of the body by T. PITT, and DAVIS. Several articles having been found belonging to Mr. EDWARDS, one or two parcels, and a railway rug or wrapper. Every effort is still being made.
Mr. W. ORSMOND, who left Grahamstown for Whittlesea immediately the news reached that city, had an unfortunate accident near the Blinkwater. He was travelling in company with Messrs. BIRCH and HALE. The cart struck a stone and capsized, the three travellers with the driver were thrown into the road. The cart wheel passed over Mr. ORSMOND’S legs; the driver had his hip disjointed. Mr. ORSMOND hearing that his mother was buried on Friday, and being very unwell from the effects of the accident, returned to Grahamstown.
Mr. HALE, who arrived from the Katberg on Thursday, informs us that the body of Mr. EDWARDS had not yet been found when he left.
Again two Boers were treacherously murdered last Sunday, 23rd inst., viz., Wessel PRETORIUS, jun., and H.N. MEINTJES, not in the conquered territory, but in the Free State ground; it appears they were in search of honey when these Kafirs came upon them, and cruelly murdered them; they were found the next day with their bellies ripped open, and their heads cloved and battered to pieces. The wacht of Field cornet HEYNES has since shot, it is supposed one of the murderers, and taken seven prisoners. It is surmised that they were not MOSHESH’S Kafirs, but that they have been allowed to live on Free State soil at Wonderkop.
Saturday, September 19, 1868.
The following is a list of passengers by the Norseman:-
Cape Town:
Mr. and Mrs. DUTHIE, Miss KIRKWOOD, Mr. and Mrs. MACDONALD and infant, one child and female servant, Mr. MUDIE, Mr. HODGSON,
Algoa Bay:
Port Natal:
St. Helena:
Miss TRAVERS, Mr. H. TRAVERS, Lieut. DILLON, Lieut. SPRAGG, Mr. B.W. FOWLE, Mrs. G.F. ALEXANDER, the Misses MOSS (5), Mrs. MOSS, nurse, and infant, Mr. G. MOSS, Mr. G. MOSS, jun, Miss FALCONER.
NARROW ESCAPE. – During the storm on Saturday afternoon the house of Mr. W. AYLIFF, at Wardens was struck by the electric fluid, and one of the globes fractured. The lightning entered by the gable, struck a brass bedstead standing in the room, and passed out at the base of the building; the family had fortunately left the room through which the fluid passed a few minutes previously.
It is said that Mr. R.M. LONDSDALE, late purveyor of King Williamstown, died shortly after reaching England.
COFFEE PLANT IN BEARING. – Mr. M. HAYWOOD of Bathurst, has a coffee plant, three years old, which is at the present time in bearing, and looks exceedingly promising.
TREK. – Mr. RAUTENBACH, the successful tobacco grower of the neighbourhood of Humansdorp, passed through town the other day on his way to the Free State, where he intends to settle. – Ibid.
(Extract) ACCIDENT TO THE JASENVILLE POST CART. – As the post cart was crossing the Sunday’s River last Wednesday week, the stream which was running very high, carried the cart about a hundred yards down. Once the cart turned over, and the driver was for some time lost in the water, but rose on the other side, and still persisted in his efforts to save the horses, whose heads were already under. At last he got them nearer the shore, and Messrs. SPENCE, HOBERN and SULLIVAN succeeded in rescuing them. Mr. SPENCE’s conduct is spoken highly of, as is also that of the driver. – Uitenhage Times.
DISHONEST SHOPKEEPERS. – In the Police Court, Cape Town, nine shopkeepers were each fined £3 for having false scales and weights.
A sick nurse has been arrested at Geneva on a charge of poisoning successively eight persons whom she had under her care. The only explanations given for the crime is a sort of homicidal monomania, as she does not appear to have derived any profit from the death of these persons.
RUSSIA is intent upon extirpating the last remnant of Polish nationality. The use of the Polish language is strenuously forbidden under severe penalties – only in the domestic circle can thoughts be interchanged in the prescribed tongue without incurring heavy punishment.
Saturday, September 26, 1868.
ACCIDENT. – We regret very much to learn that a severe accident befell Dr. PALMER, district surgeon of Victoria, through the upsetting of his cart. The doctor was proceeding to some part of the Tyumie on professional business, and the road being bad, and the horse having bolted, the cart capsized, the Dr. being thrown out and sustaining severe injuries on the head.
THREE hundred deaths from sun-stroke have occurred at New York.
Miss DAWSON, for seventeen years letter carrier of Grahamstown, died suddenly on Friday last.
STRUCK DEAD. – During the recent storms of Natal, a Kafir went out to spit at the lightning and was struck down dead. – K. Wm’s Town Gazette.
(Extract) DROWNED. – We regret to hear, by last mail from England, of the death, by drowning, of Mr. Robert CALDECOTT, son of C.H. CALDECOTT, Esq., of Graham’s Town. He went to Bristol for a holiday and whilst bathing, drowned. His body was subsequently recovered and was interred at Wick. St. Lawrence. We tender our sympathy with his bereaved parents and friends.
ATTEMPT AT PRISON BREAKING. – Yesterday morning, information was given by one of the prisoners, David RUITER, that an attempt was being made by some of the prisoners awaiting trial, to break through the prison wall. The leading genius in this attempt, is Stuurman BOTHA, who has more than once broken out of Colesberg goal, and made a daring attempt here some time ago. The plan was well laid, and was almost successful. The last cell in the criminal yard, adjoining the outer wall, has been always kept locked and unoccupied for the past five years, ever since an attempt was made to break through the wall there. The door was always tried at night by the gaoler, but the cell was not inspected, because it was never used. Stuurman BOTHA succeeded in bending a common nail into a pick-lock, by means of which he opened the “patented-lock” of this cell. With the nail, they locked the door again, so that the gaoler failed to discover anything amiss. Having gained admission, the prisoners on Monday and Wednesday last, in the day time, worked at the wall with the blade of a clasp knife, and succeeded in making a large hole almost through the outer wall. They were clever enough to select the very spot which had been chosen before, and where the patchwork masonry was more easy to pick out. The nail and the knife were concealed by hiding them in various places about the prison. The nail was found in a water tub, and the blade of the knife in the ground under the bed planks. The prisoners said to be concerned in this attempt are Willem BANTON, John HALL, Stuurman BOTHA, Hendrik JAEGER, Jacobus JACOB, and OPPERMAN. Mr. BUYSKES, to whom the facts were reported in the absence of the Magistrate at Aberdeen, made an investigation, and took necessary precautions to keep the prisoners safely. – Graaff-Reinet Herald.
DEATH OF ANOTHER BRITISH SETTLER. – The Free State papers announce the death of Mr. Benjamin H. JAMES, at Thaba ‘Nchu, in the 77th year of his age. Deceased was a native of Wales, and one of the British Settlers of 1820.
A ‘BAG’. – From the Zulu country, the Mercury learns that Mr. John DUNN has “potted” with his own gun, 202 sea-cows (hippopotami) a larger “bag” than any hunter ever made. He does not believe in the reported differences between the Boers and the Amapondas.
(Extract) THE LATE MR. CHARLES WEBB. – We regret to say that Mr. Charles WEBB, well-known to almost everyone in this town, died yesterday morning after a comparatively brief attack of illness. Mr. WEBB will be long remembered as a quaint friendly old man, who made no fortune, but whom everybody liked. – Journal.
(Extract) DISCOVERY OF THE BODY OF MR. EDWARDS. – The body of the late Mr. EDWARDS was found in the Ox Kraal river on Friday afternoon. The body was found by Mr. SUTTON in a narrow rapid stream. A gold watch and chain were found on it. The body was much decomposed and will be interred tomorrow (Sunday) at one o’clock in the afternoon.
Messrs. G.W. ROWLAND and T. HOLLIDAY beg to inform those numerous friends who are in the habit of taxing their generosity by borrowing their horses, that on account of their nags being in very bad condition, they will in future be compelled to say “NOT FOR A JOE.”
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