Fort Beaufort Advocate 1868 2 April - June
Saturday, April 4, 1868
ACCIDENT. – A native was accidentally wounded last week, by a charge of shot, fired by Mr. WINGHAM at a buck, while the latter was hunting. The man was severely, though not dangerously wounded.
SERVANTS are scarce articles just now. They cannot be got. Food is plentiful in Kafirland, and the weather is cold. Mr. HALL, from King Williamstown, passed through here last week on his way to Witterbegen, to obtain a party of Basutos. The complaint of the want of servants is general from one end of the border to the other. – Free Press.
HOW KAFIRS DISGUISE STOLEN ANIMALS. - Mr. POTGIETER, of Waterford, informs us that a Kafir in his neighbourhood has got a fine large brown mare in his possession under circumstances which look suspicious. The mare is five or six years old, and is marked on the breast with draught harness. The forehead has been shaved and rubbed with milk of the Noorsdoorn, the effect of which is to turn the hair white, thus making an artificial ‘bless”. The Kafir states that he gave two cows and a calf for the mare, and offers to sell it for a cow. Possibly this paragraph may meet the eye of some party who has lost a mare of the above description. – Uitenhage Times.
NARROW ESCAPE. – Mr. T. NILAND, of Fort Beaufort, had a narrow escape from a serious accident whilst on the road to Grahamstown on Thursday last. In passing round the turn at Fort Brown, at about eight o’clock at night- it being very dark at the time – he made turn too short, and the cart, catching some impediment, was thrown over. We are glad to say there was no serious damage done. Mr. NILAND escaping with two or three severe bruises, and the cart, with a severe shaking. – Great Eastern.
MARRIAGE. – On Wednesday last, the 18th inst., the marriage of W.C. HOBSON, Esq., of Ebenezer, with Mrs. CHURCH, daughter of Dr. C. COOPER, and widow of the late R.P. CHURCH, Esq., was solemnised in the Episcopalian Church, Graaff-Reinet.
Saturday, April 11, 1868
Fredrik Willem POHL, Saxon Park in the division of Fort Beaufort.
A LARGE APPLE. – We are informed that an apple of the dumpling kind, grown this season in Mr. NELSON’S garden, East London district, measured 15 inches, in circumference, and weighed one pound and a half! – Watchman.
Saturday, April 18, 1868
BIRTH. – At Fort Beaufort, on Friday, 10th April, 1868, the wife of Mr. MORKEL, Attorney-at-Law, a Son.
Saturday, April 25, 1868
INSOLVENCY. – Alfred TROLLIP, of Somerset East, General Dealer.
DEATH OF COL. SKYRING. – Col. SKYRING, R.E., who arrived at the Cape last month by the Natal from Mauritius, in fast declining health, died at Rondebosch, of consumption, on the 10th inst. – Mail.
RESIGNATION OF MR. BUSK. – We understand that the resignation of the Hon. Mr. BUSK of his seat in the Legislative Council has been duly tendered, and that the seat will be declared vacant by notification in this day’s Gazette.
A SISTERHOOD OF MERCY. – We hear that Bishop GRAY, of Cape Town, is now making arrangements in England for selecting and bringing out to Cape Town a Sisterhood of Mercy, who will devote themselves to works of charity and piety in connection with the Church.
GREGOROSKI, the Magistrate’s Clerk at Burghersdorp, has “skedaddled.” He is said to have pocketed some of the Government monies. On Thursday he was summoned before the Magistrate for having received, though unauthorised, certain quit-rents amounting to £25, and which he had not accounted for. Warrants for his apprehension have been issued accompanied with his photograph. This case is likely to create a great sensation, as more than will be agreeable to more than one party is likely to come to light. Free Press.
A company of Farmers were discussing the relative merits of rival thrashing machines when they were astonished by the wife of the one at whose house they were, exclaiming that the best thrashing machine she knew anything about was a broom-stick; and her husband looked as though he believed her.
Saturday, May 2, 1868
ACCIDENT. – On Monday afternoon a Dutchman was thrown from his horse near the barracks, and severely injured. Two ribs were broken in his fall.
(Extract) THERE WAS AN ORDINATION SERVICE at the Catholic Cathedral on Sunday Morning. Mr. COFFEE was ordained priest, and Mr. FARRALL, deacon.
(Extract) CAUTION. – A native of Mr. DEETLEEF’S of Narroes, has just died a fearful death through eating of the flesh of an ox which had died from Melt or Spleen’s sickness. Mr. Fieldcornet McMASTER held an inquest on Tuesday, and found the body in a dreadful state of decomposition and covered with sores. The meat was eaten on Saturday and he died on Tuesday. – Uitenhage Times.
A MONSTER TARANTULA. – A correspondent writes to De Boerenvriend from Eland’s River, stating that a spider has just been killed on the farm of Mr. RAUTENBACK, as large as a turkey cock. The writer asserts that the insect killed three dogs, and received three charges from a gun before he was dispatched. We trust that the monster will be preserved so that those, who, like ourselves, are rather sceptical, may have ocular proof of the truth of the writer’s statement.
Wm. RING, farmer, King Williams Town.
William HOOLE, agriculturist, Standford Park.
Johannes Hermanus du PLESSIS, farmer.
ACCIDENT – As Mrs. WEBSTER with two young ladies were being driven in to the chapel from the farm on Sunday, the horse-shied at a bundle of corn in the road, the cart came in contact with the side of the road and was upset. One of the young ladies had her elbow dislocated, the others fortunately escaped unhurt. Mrs. WEBSTER’S son who was driving, had his feet entangled in the reins, and was dragged fully fifty yards before the horses could be stopped. - Free Press.
WILLIAM BAMBANI. – We have to record the death of William BAMBANI, of Lesseyton. He died last Friday after a long and protracted illness. This man was a petty chief among the Tambookies, and from his many good quantities was greatly respected.
MARRIED, at Bedford, on the 29th April, 1868, by the Rev. Mr. O’CONNELL, Dennis BOWEN, to Miss CASEMORE.
Saturday, May 9, 1868
FATAL ACCIDENT. – Captain HAWKES, Barrack-master at King William’s Town, was thrown from his horse on Tuesday morning. It was supposed at first that he was not seriously hurt. He lingered until Wednesday morning, and expired at 5 o’clock. He was universally respected, and the greatest sympathy is felt for the widow and children of the deceased. He was the master of King Williamstown buckhounds, and a great sportsman.
GRAND HUNT. – Last week there was a grand hunt on the farm of Mr. George AYTON, which lasted 3 days. During that time some 50 bucks, two koodoes, and one tiger were bagged by the sportsmen. Game is very plentiful this year.
A NEW WEEKLY journal, to be called ‘The Farm’ is to be started in Graham’s Town in July next. It will be conducted by Mr. HELLIER, and be devoted to agricultural interests.
ACCIDENT. – As Mr. F. BLACKBEARD was getting into a wagon last evening his foot slipped, and he fell, his head in contact with the hard road, severely injuring it. He made his way to a stable, and lay down where he was found this morning in a precarious state. Dr. THORNS was promptly in attendance, and the wounds have been dressed, and the patient cared for. – Free Press
ANOTHER ACCIDENT. – We hear that Mr. GAMMIE, from Dordrecht, met with a serious accident this morning while proceeding to the race course in a cart, as it was stopping, the wheel came in contact with an ant heap, and Mr. GAMMIE was precipitated head foremost to the ground. The head is much injured, the patient being compelled to keep his bed. – Ibid.
THE HOMICIDE AT BLAAUWKOPPEN. – Dr. DYER, the District Surgeon, arrived at this spot on Saturday last, but the unfortunate man had died two days previously. The body of the deceased, which had been very decently interred, was exhumed, and a post mortem examination made. The deceased died of Tetanus, the primary cause of which was severe injuries on the arm and head. The legal evidence has been such as to induce the Magistrate to issue a warrant for the apprehension of Ludovic SLABBERT, the alleged perpetrator of the assault. – Uitenhage Times.
LEAP-YEAR PRIVILEGE. – The privilege of ladies choosing husbands is thus explained in a work entitled “Courtship, Love, and Matrimony,” printed in the year 1605:
“Albeit it is now become part of the common laws, in regard to social relations of life, that as often as every bissextile year doth return, the ladies have the sole privilege, during the time it continueth, of making love unto the men, which they do either by words or by looks, as to them it seemeth proper; and moreover, no man will be entitled to the benefit of clergy who dothe many wise treate her proposal with slight or contumely.”
Saturday, May 16, 1868
John HEMMING, Esq., J.P. for many years Clerk to the Resident Magistrate of Queenstown, has been appointed Acting Civil Commissioner and Resident Magistrate of Burghersdorp, during the absence of Mr. BERGH on sick leave. We congratulate Mr. HEMMING on his promotion, though we regret his departure from amongst us. By his kindness and urbanity of temper, Mr. HEMMING has gained the respect and admiration of all who have come in contact with him. He has just entered into wedded life, and it will be a pleasant surprise to both himself and fair lady, to hear of this timely recognition of past services to his country. We wish Mr. HEMMING much happiness in his new sphere of labour. – Free Press.
THE REV. EDWARD G. SHAPCOTE. – Lay Churchmen in this colony and the Orange Free State will not feel any surprise at learning that the above-named rev. gentleman formerly of St. George’s Mission, Orange Free State, has seceded from the Church of England, and joined the communion of the Roman Catholic Church. – Ibid.
The “Asia”, Capt. GAME, which arrived on Sunday, belongs to the Cape of Good Hope Company, and left London on the 22nd March, with £25,000 in specie, and a large cargo for this and Algoa Bay, calling at Madeira, whence it sailed on the 29th. She would have arrived in better time but for an unfortunate accident to the machinery near the line, which caused 5 days detention. The following is a list of the passengers:
For Cape Town-
Mr. and Mrs. TWENTYMAN and family, Miss YOUNG, Mr. and Mrs. LOMAX and family, Mr. A. DORREL, Mr. R. MARTIN, Mr. and Mrs. E. SCHOCK and family, Master SCHOCK, Mr. and Mrs. EBERHARDT and family, Mr. W. GROENEWAUD, Miss. M. GROENEWAUD, Mr. A. KULL, Master J. KULL, Miss. P. BYULOFF, Miss L. KOHERMOUTH, Miss. K. WISENDANGE, Mr. JUGLE.
For Algoa Bay-
Mrs. Major BELL, Mr. C. BELL, 2 Misses BELL, 2 Masters BELL, Mr. M. EVANS, Mr. G. EVANS, Mr. P. EVANS.
For Natal-
Capt. McGRATH, Mr. McGRATH, Mr. C. JOURDAINE, and Mr. and Mrs. WOODS.
BIRTH, - At Fort Beaufort, on the 6th inst., the wife of W.H. BIRCH, of a Son.
DIED, - At Fort Beaufort, on the 13th inst., Jane Anne, the beloved wife of W.H. BIRCH, after a very brief illness.
DIED, - At Fort Beaufort, on the 15th inst., Mr. Alexander BREMNER, aged 32 years, after a long and painful illness, patiently borne, deeply regretted by his family and numerous friends.
It is with sorrow we record the unexpected and sad demise of Mrs. BIRCH, wife of Mr. BIRCH of this town, which took place on Wednesday last, after a few days suffering from puerperal fever. The greatest sympathy is felt for Mr. BIRCH in his bereavement, and the respect in which he and his deceased wife were held was shown by the large number of the inhabitants who followed the remains of the deceased to the grave.
We have also to record the death of Mr. Alexander BREMNER, of this town, who expired on Friday morning after a very long and painful illness. The deceased was a very unoffending member of the community, and was universally liked. He had struggled patiently for years with the complaint, which finally carried him off.
Saturday, May 23, 1868
Thomas MITCHELL, an eccentric old Scotch minister, in praying once for suitable harvest weather, expressed himself thus: - “ O Lord gie us nane o’ your rantin, tantin, tearing winds, but a thunnerin, dunnering, dryin wind.”
Saturday, May 30, 1868
UITENHAGE This week possesses a lady eligible for the Royal bounty of £3. Mrs. J.G.S. de VILLIERS gave birth to two boys and a girl on Wednesday. The children are since dead. Mrs. De VILLIERS is doing well. – Uitenhage Times.
A MONSTER PIG. – Mr. WILLET, butcher of Uitenhage, has a pig ready for slaughter whose estimated weight is 400 lbs. This animal has been fed on boiled peas and wheat meal. – Ibid.
A LARGE POTATO. – A very large sweet potato, grown in the Reunion Estate Natal, is now on view at the Capetown Commercial Exchange. The potato, which seems quite solid, weighs eighteen pounds.
It is our painful duty to-day to record the death of Mr. Stephen TROLLIP, one of our oldest and most respected townsmen. Mr. TROLLIP had been ailing for some months. His death was not unexpected. He was 66 years of age. – Free Press.
William FAGAN, Hotel-keeper, Somerset East.
George EDINGTON, commission agent and auctioneer, Bedford.
Elliott L.L. GREEN, Mancazana, division of Bedford.
George Thomas REED and Frederick H. EASTES, butchers, Port Elizabeth.
Philip Thomas HARRIS, Wagon-maker, Stockenstrom.
John DELL, Merino Farm in the division of Fort Beaufort.
Intelligence was received here on Thursday night of a shocking murder having been perpetrated at Tambookie Fontein, in the Winterberg, on the previous evening. As far as we have yet been able to ascertain, a quarrel arose between two brothers in law, named KEYER and ENGELBRECHT, about trespassing of some cattle, which resulted in the latter stabbing KEYER to the heart with a knife. Death resulted immediately, ENGELBRECHT immediately left the place, and it is supposed has made for the Free State. The police arrived at the scene of the murder about midday on Thursday, but ENGELBRECHT was nowhere to be found. Dr. de SMIDT, District Surgeon, left yesterday morning early for the scene to hold a post mortem examination. The Resident Magistrate L.H. MEURANT, Esq., also left shortly after to enquire judicially into the facts of the case.
RICHMOND. – The farm “Rietfontein”, in the district of Richmond, advertised for sale by Messrs. LEEB and VAN DER POEL, for the 4th June next, has been sold privately to Mr. Jacobus HAUBTFLEISCH for £3,500.The sale of “Donkerhoek” and live stock is therefore postponed. Due notice of the sale will be given.
Communicated to G.R. Advertiser.
Saturday, June 6, 1868
THE WINTERBERG TRAGEDY. – Mr. ENGELBRECHT has surrendered to take his trial, on the charge of killing KEYER, at Tambookie Fontein, last week, in a scuffle. The preliminary examination will be held on Monday.
MINERALS. – Dr. ATHERSTONE has received from Mr. KINGSMILL a very fine sample of ore, supposed to be silver. It was where we believe to be plenty of the same, on a frontier farm. Dr. ATHERSTONE will test it next week.
(Extract) DEATH OF THE CIVIL COMMISSIONER OF BURGHERSDORP. – The Gazette says: - “With the deepest regret we announce the death at 9 o’clock yesterday (Friday) of M. BERGH, Esq., C.C. & R.M. of Albert after a lingering illness. His loss will be long and deeply felt by all classes of the community who sincerely sympathise with Mrs. BERGH and her children in their sad and irreparable bereavement.
We have to record the death of Mr. J.J. MEINTJES, which took place at Graaff-Reinet on Thursday last, at ½ past 6 p.m.
A CURIOSITY attended the sale near Aberdeen of the property belonging to the Estate of the late Mr. RABIE. This was a Mr. Solomon MARAIS, a Karriega River squatter, who brought with him to the sale the hoarding of years to purchase “Buffelskloof,” if it did not go too high. He took with him £3,300 in gold in his cart, and was accompanied by three men to protect the treasure, one of whom rode in front, and two others behind. He is described as a man whose appearance would not indicate the possession of money enough to buy a decent shirt, and a bar of soap. He bid up to £3,200 for “Buffelskloof”, and then held in. If there be an argument for the leasing of Crown lands it is surely a fact like this. Why should people have the privilege of grazing numerous flocks on the public lands of the country without paying rent or quitrent to the Government? – G.R. Advertiser.
Mrs. A. BREMNER, begs respectfully to announce that she intends continuing the business of her late lamented husband, and solicits a share of the public patronage. All orders promptly attended to.
Saturday, June 13, 1868
TABACCO SEED. – Mr. John CROXFORD has left with us a sample of Virginian tobacco seed, received fresh from Richmond, which we shall be glad to distribute amongst those who are inclined to give it a trial.
ACCIDENT. – We regret to hear that a severe accident befell Mr. W. FINNAUGHTY on Saturday night last. Just as he was leaving the house of Mr. HOLLIDAY, it being dark, he missed his footing, and fell from the stoep, inflicting a rather severe injury to one of his legs.
MARRIAGE. – At London, April 6, Mr. G.B. CHRISTIAN to Miss Alice Owen SMITH.
ADMISSION OF AN ATTORNEY. – On the motion of Mr. PORTER, Mr. E.P. SOLOMON, of Port Elizabeth, was admitted as attorney of the Supreme Court, and it was directed that the oaths might be taken before the Resident Magistrate of Port Elizabeth.
A POSER. – “Do you still believe that the world does not turn round?” asked the Landdrost of Bloemfontein. Mr. C. van DYK VAN SOELEN, of the stepfather of the protester, Mr. Daniel GRABLER. “Oh, no, I now believe that the world does revolve,” was the reply, “for every time Holland hangs over Bloemfontein a Hollander drops from it into our public offices.” Too bad for Oom DANTJE. – Friend.
Jan Lodewyk MARAIS, farmer, Victoria East.
Andries Hendrik du PREEZ, farmer, Victoria East.
Sampson Butler BISHOP, Hotel keeper, Fort Beaufort.
DEATHS. – It is with deep regret to record the death of Miss BURNETT, which sad event took place on Saturday night last. The deceased lady had been suffering for some weeks, and finding herself gradually sinking, was, we learn quite resigned and prepared. Few ladies in town were better known or more generally respected than Miss BURNETT. For many years she has conducted a ladies seminary here, with marked ability and success. A very touching address was delivered over the grave by the Rev. Mr. STEYTLER. She was a niece to the late Rev. Alexander SMITH.
The second death we have to notice is that of Mr. Isaac STOW, a young man, apparently in the prime of life, who was cut off after a few days illness, commencing with a cold and ending with diphtheria and death. – The third death if that of Jan AHERDEEN, the Malay Priest, who died at the age of 84 years. It was only a year ago that he was united by marriage to a young Malay beauty at Capetown. – We are informed that Mr. BUCKLEY has lost one of his children by diphtheria. – Uitenhage Times.
Before L.H. MEURANT, Esq., R.M. & C.C.
Monday, 8th June, 1868
(Extract) Johannes Cornelis ENGELBRECHT, sheep-farmer, residing at “Tambookies Fontein”, who has surrendered to take trial on the charge of killing W.P. GEYER, was placed at the bar.
William GEORGE, Hotelkeeper, Grahamstown.
Frads [Frans] Jacobus BEZUIDENHOUT, Victoria East.
William Thomas PEDLAR, Agriculturalist, Hopewell.
Saturday, June 20, 1868
Advocate Office,
Monday, June 15, 1868
“Briton” just arrived.
She brings as passengers for Cape Town:
For Algoa Bay:
GUNFIRE. – According to gun-time, the sun rose this morning at about a quarter to eight o’clock, instead of at 5 minutes past 7! If it goes on at this rate, we shall have nine o’clock before daylight shortly. – Watchman.
GREGOROWSKI, the late Mr. BERGH’S Clerk at Burghersdorp, who absconded leaving a deficiency of over £2000 in the public chest, has been apprehended in Maritzburg, Natal.
Dr. ROSS, of Capetown, had rather an awkward accident the other day. While performing a post mortem examination, the virus from the subject entered into his system through some puncture or scratch on his hand. For a day it affected him dangerously, but under the treatment of Dr. ABERCROMBIE, jun., he rapidly recovered.- Adv. & Mail.
A MAN NAMED William MANSFORTH, met with his death at Colesberg last week, through falling into a sluit, while in a state of intoxication.
THE PIQUETBERG MAGISTRACY. – This magistracy has, as our readers are aware, became vacant by the lamented decease of Mr. SCHONNBERG. We understand that the appointment has been offered to MR. R.J. CROZIER, of Stellenbosch, an old and valued public servant, who deserves the promotion he is likely to obtain.
Saturday, June 27, 1868
The Rev. Mr. BOON, chaplain to the Katberg station, was buried on Friday last at Seymour. His remains were conveyed from the town hall to the place of interment, accompanied by the Revs. THOMSON, REID, and SMAILES, besides many others.
A PRIVATE of the 5th Regt, named SULLIVAN, who deserted from Mauritius and worked his way to Algoa Bay, was apprehended on Tuesday last, and upon being brought up before the Magistrate admitted he was a deserter, was handed over to the military authorities. – Watchman.
Mr. KOOPMANS has been appointed Sergeant-at-Arms to the House of Assembly.
Mr. G.R. WEAKLEY has purchased the “Colesberg Advertiser” plant, and is now the editor, printer, and publisher of that paper.
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