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Fort Beaufort Advocate 1862 1 January - March

Saturday, January 4, 1862

Mr. BOWLER, the well-known artist, passed through Fort Beaufort this week. He had his sketch-book with him, and it is said has entered into an arrangement with a London book-seller to furnish views of scenery and places of note on the Frontier. It is very probable that Mr. BOWLER will visit the Katberg, where he will find scenes worthy of his pencil in that mountain range.

Saturday, January 11, 1862

I, William KING, having lived with Mr. KIRKPATRICK for a period of (8) eight months, as general servant, and during that time received every kindness, - since leaving his service I have made use of language to Mr. A. DEVELLING and others, highly detrimental to the character of Mr. and Mrs. KIRKPATRICK, and Thomas, -
I do hereby most solemnly and sincerely, that the same is false and groundless, and hereby, and acknowledge my regret for having made such unfounded statements.
His William (X his mark) KING.
Before me, at Alice, this 6th January, 1862.

Loss of the Alice Smith. – We regret to state that intelligence has been received viz Queenstown of the wreck of the smart coasting vessel, the Alice Smith, at the mouth of St. John’s River laden with produce. The captain and crew were saved.

KILLED BY A SNOEK - A fisherman in the employ of Mr. LESAR was standing without shoes or stockings in one of the fishing boats at Kalk Bay a few days ago, just as it arrived with a cargo of fish. One of the snoek lying in the bottom of the boat bit him behind the ankle, and he died in a few hours. It was generally supposed at Kalk Bay that the man was poisoned by the teeth of the fish, but Dr. LANDSBERG’S opinion is, that the posterior labial was partially bitten through, and the man died from loss of blood. – Ibid.

Saturday, January 18, 1862


A Mozambique is at present in custody on a charge of insubordination, who is master of seven languages. – Argus

SIR ANDRIES STOCKENSTROM, Bart., will return to England by the March steamer.

MR. ESTERHUIZEN, one of the richest farmers in the Nieuweveld, Beaufort district, died a few days ago. He is said to have left his family L50,000, which he made chiefly by sheep farming in that district. A great quantity of rain has fallen in Nieuweveld: the roads are impassable in consequence. The fall of rain has put the farmers in capital spirits.

A determined case of suicide is reported by the Friend, as having occurred in the district of Jacobsdal, in the Free State, on the 14th of December. Mr. Jacobus BARNARD, one of the richest and most respectable farmers in the district, whilst, suffering from some aberration of intellect, shot himself through the head. He bade farewell to his family, told his son to take great care of the stock, as he should not be back before morning, and informed his wife that, to escape danger, he intended sleeping out in the veldt. We are given to understand that he then took his gun and proceeded about 1000 yards from the homestead, then he took off his coat and veldschoens, and, after folding the former carefully up, and placing the latter on a bush, he pulled the trigger with his great toe, and shot himself under the chin – the bullet passing out of the crown of his head.

ACCIDENT TO MR. MUNNIK, M.P.- We regret to hear that this gentleman met with a severe accident a few days ago, in crossing a bridge near Worcester. The wheel of the cart on which he was being driven ran off into a broken part of the bridge, and the cart capsized in consequence. The honourable gentle was thrown out and was much bruised and shaken – so much so that he has since been confined to his bed. – Advertiser and Mail.

A YOUNG LADY DROWNED.- On Thursday the 2nd inst., a most melancholy accident both startled and saddened the inhabitants of Swellendam. The eldest daughter of Christopher CHANDLER, Esq., accompanied by a number of young people who wished to enjoy a New Year’s holiday, went on a cart to the Breede River, on a picnic excursion. After enjoying themselves for some time, they separated into companies, divided from each other by a considerable distance, in order that some might refresh themselves with bathing in the river. It is difficult at present to ascertain facts, but it is said that Miss CHANDLER was attended by only one young girl at the time when others heard a scream, upon which some ran hastily in the direction of the sound. The deceased had sunk either in a quicksand or a hole in the bed of the stream; the other poor girl was panic-stricken. Richard CHANDLER, the brother, a youth of about sixteen years, was about to throw himself in, in hopes of saving his sister, but he was prevented by several clinging round him. One young man dived two or three times without success. Many persons hastened in carts on horseback from the village, and the body was found after a considerable time. Means for restoration were used under the direction of Dr. WEHR, but were of no avail. Life was extinct. – Monitor.

Trekking to the Free State is still going on at a pretty smart rate. For the sake of Free State neighbours we are glad of it, for it will most decidedly tend to strengthen their hands against MOSHESH and his Cape allies. Yet it is worth inquiring why the inhabitants of the fertile and well-watered district of Worcester are migrating in such large numbers to an inland country, where the cheapness of landed property, - and landed property in the Free State is not even cheap at present, - is counter balanced by the disadvantages of a very inefficient government, and a very long distance from the sea. Surely there must be some screw loose in the colony when its inhabitants are so eager to remove. – Ibid.

A PATRIARCH. – On last New Year’s day, a prayer meeting was held on the farm of Mr. ROSSOUW,sr., (the father of the family) Tooverfontein, in the District of Murraysburg, at which were present 71 of his children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren; but these only formed a little more than one-third of the patriarch’s descendants, as 103 of them were absent. With a few exceptions, the whole of this large family reside, and are the most wealthy in this district. This patriarch is about 87 years of age, and was married at 18; he is still hale and hearty, and regularly attends church, and with exception of weak eyes (from old age), remains in perfect possession of all his senses, with a strong mind and surprising memory. He is well known to all travellers: and the gentlemen of the Circuit will never forget him for his hospitality. He is one of the few still living who emigrated from Western Province many years ago. – Adv. and Mail.

YOUNG GIRLS. - To our thinking there is no more exquisite creature on the earth than a girl from twelve to fifteen years age. There is a period in the summer’s morning, known only to early risers, which combines all the tenderness of the dawn with nearly all the splendour of the day. There is at least full promise of the dazzling noon; but yet the dewdrop glistens on the half-opened flower, and yet the birds sing with rapture their awakening song. So, too, in the morning of the girl’s life there is a time like this, when the rising glory of womanhood sparkles from the thoughts of an infant, and the queenly grace adorn the gambols of baby hood. Unimpeded yet by the sweeping raiment to which she foolishly aspires, she glides among her grosser playfellows like a Royal yacht amongst a fleet of coal barges. Unconsciousness (alas, how soon to depart!) has all the effect of the highest breeding; freedom gives her elegance, and her health adorns her with beauty. Indeed, it seems to be the peculiar province of her sex to redeem this part of life from opprobrium. – Good Words.

(Extract) The soldier NICHOLLS, now in the goal of Graham’s Town, under sentence of death, for having committed the crime of rape, is to suffer the extreme sentence of the law. The only regret that can be felt at this circumstance is, that so long a time has been suffered to elapse between the sentence of death and the execution of the sentence.

DEATH OF MR. MACLEISH. – It is our painful duty to record the death of Mr. MACLEISH, head master of the Grey Institute Schools, which took place quite unexpectedly on Saturday night last. Mr. MACLEISH had been ill for more than a fortnight, but, about ten days ago, was recovering, and by consent of his medical attendant was preparing to start for Uitenhage. – Ibid.

Saturday, January 25, 1862

The arrival of the mail steamer Cambrian has furnished matters for public consideration of more than usual interest. First, as concerns the colonists immediately, may be noted the landing of our new Governor Mr. WODEHOUSE, to whose guidance our destinies are to be committed for the next five or six years; and our Colonial Secretary, the Hon. Rawson W. RAWSON, who has returned recruited in health to resume his arduous labors as chief officer of the Government...

Saturday, February 1, 1862

ANOTHER ACCIDENT, resulting from the careless manner in which persons so often work with guns, occurred on the morning of Saturday last at Kuilfontein, a farm of Mr. G. MURRAY, about 12 miles from Colesberg. It appears that two Hottentots were firing at a target, and the one, after having fired, went to see whether he had hit the target. While he was still standing and looking to see whether his ball had struck, the other man took a gun which he thought was not loaded, put a charge of powder in and fired at the man who was standing at the target, intending merely to frighten him! The gun, however, had been loaded with powder and ball, and the poor man received the ball in the head, which caused instantaneous death. – Colesberg Advertiser.

Saturday, February 8, 1862

[This issue is surrounded with a thick black line to mark the death of the Prince Consort, which took place on 14 December 1861. There is a lengthy obituary taken from The Times]

It is notified that Alexander WILMOT of Port Elizabeth and Mr. Henry Earle WELBY, Clerk to the Resident Magistrate of Swellendam, have passed the examination for the certificate of the second class in Law and Jurisprudence.

Saturday, February 15, 1862

(E.P. Herald)
The Matilda Atheling, Capt. T. POWER, arrived here on Wednesday last. She left Southampton on the 24th November and has consequently been seventy four days on the passage. She had very unfavourable weather at starting, and encountered head winds nearly the whole voyage, while the north-east trades deserted her altogether. She brings in all 269 souls, and they speak in the highest praise of the ship, the captain and the surgeon-superintendent. We are informed that the immigrants are rather of a superior class, and that their conduct during the voyage was unexceptionable. Two infants died from teething; but the health of the passengers generally was very good.

A case of rape by a Kafir, on a daughter of Mr. VAN DER HEVER, is being investigated by the Clerk of the Peace, at Burghersdorp. The Kafir was caught by the father of the young girl (about 13 years of age), in the bed room, and was afterwards tied up and severely beaten. His life was also threatened. He then went to the magistrate to complain, deposing that it was at the invitation of the girl herself that he spent the night in her room, and they slept until discovered. The father tells a very different version of the story, and the affair is being enquired into.

Saturday, February 22, 1862

MURDER. – a woman named Emma YATES was found dead in Port Elizabeth last week, with her throat cut. An investigation has been instituted into the circumstances by the Clerk of the Peace. Suspicion has fallen upon the husband of the deceased. Both husband and wife are said to have been drunken characters, and they had been quarrelling the night before the perpetration of the crime.

Saturday, March 1, 1862

CHARGE OF CRIMINAL ASSAULT. – On Saturday a charge preferred by Mrs. HUTTON against a coloured man in the employ of Mr. VERSFELD, of having committed an outrageous and unprovoked assault upon her in the vicinity of Hof-street on the day of the bazaar, was investigated before Hugh LYNAR, Esq., acting Resident Magistrate. The circumstances of the case and the nature of the defence preclude us from entering into details. Mr. LYNAR remitted the case to the Attorney General, and in all probability the accused will be brought to trial in the Supreme Court. – Argus.

SCANDAL. – It is said that a newly-married couple, moving in a most respectable sphere of life, are about to apply to the Supreme Court for a dissolution of the nuptial contract, having quarrelled about a child which was born unexpectedly. The husband thinks himself ‘done” and the lady considers her honour outraged by his suspicious.

Saturday, March 8, 1862

(Extract) SUICIDE. – We are informed that Mr. W. BROOMFIELD of the “Rendezvous Hotel”, Kariega, committed suicide on Tuesday by hanging. The deceased appears to have suffered from depression of spirits. The deceased was unmarried, but leaves a mother and two sisters with other relatives to mourn his melancholy death.

Saturday, March 15, 1862

To all field cornets, Constables, Police Officers and other Officers of the Law proper to the Execution of Criminal Warrants.
WHEREAS information has been laid before me, Thomas James RORKE, Acting Resident Magistrate at fort Beaufort, upon the Oath of Gideon VAN DER VYVER that William SYLVESTER, a bastard Hottentot, did on or about the 1st day of December, 1861, commit the crime of theft.
These are, therefore, to command you, that upon the sight hereof, you apprehend and bring the said William SYLVESTER or cause him to be apprehended and brought before me, to be examined, and to be further dealt with according to the law.
A Bastard Hottentot, about 5 feet 2 inches high, light brown complexion, small moustache, small beard under chin, round.
Given under my hand, at Fort Beaufort, this 21st day of February, 1862
T. James RORKE.
Act. Res. Magistrate.

Housebreaking. – On Tuesday night last the store of Mr. SHAW IN Campbell Street, was broken open, and articles to the value of L.20 or 1.30 abstracted. Entry was effected through the window, the shutters of which were cut. No clues has yet been obtained to the thieves.

CAPTURE OF DESERTERS. – Yesterday morning Charles ANDREW, Thomas BETTS, and Meyer RISH, deserters from the 11th Regiment, and William ASHER, a deserter from the Cape Mounted rifles, were placed at the bar of the Police Court, charged with stealing a boat from her moorings in Table Bay, the property of Mr. KILGOUR. The prisoners, who were cleverly captured by the Water Police, were remanded for further examination. – Argus.

Stephanus Jacobus MEINTJES, Esq., of Graaff-Reinet, has received the Governor’s permission to practice as a physician, and accoucheur in the colony.

The Rev. Mr. VAN DER LINGEN, of the Paarl, has called a meeting of the members of the Dutch Reformed Church there for the purpose, as we are informed, of putting them under a “pledge” not to support or countenance the Sunday railway traffic. At Stellenbosch, we are also informed, similar steps have already been adopted.

VIOLENT CRIMINAL ASSAULT. - Last week, a Miss SCHALWYK residing on the farm of Mr. BRESTER, in Malmesbury district, while out in the field gathering some wood, was met by a Kafir and criminally assaulted. Having effected his purpose, he dragged her some distance to a spot where he declared he was to kill her. Seeing, however, a horseman appear in the distance, he fled and his victim escaped. The fellow has not been discovered. – Monitor.

Saturday, March 22, 1862

MARRIED, on the 19th March, 1862, at St. James Church, Fort Beaufort, by the Rev. Thomas HENCHMAN, William James MUGGLETON to Jane Anne, Second Daughter of Mr. Edward BUCKLEY of Fort Beaufort.


SUICIDE OF MR PAUL, THE PHOTOGRAPHER. - In our paper of the 1st instant we gave an extract from an Indian paper relative to a Mr. PAUL, having shot himself in Calcutta with a pistol. We are concerned now to find that he was the well known photographer here. It appears that on the voyage he fell from the deck into the hold, by which he received some injury to the head, which, it was supposed, had affected his brain. It is also said that he had not been very successful in business. He was one of the first – if not the first – photographer who visited the Cape. – Argus.

SINGULAR CIRCUMSTANCE. – A Dutch gentleman from the Paarl having visited the Circus on Monday evening, retired for rest at the Thatched Tavern, and during the night, evidently delighted with the scenes he has witnessed, he rose in a state of somnambulism and vaulted through the window, breaking his arm in two places and dislocating it at the shoulder. Dr. FLECK was immediately sent for, and rendered the sufferer every assistance, so that he was enabled to return home on the following morning in one of the omnibuses of which he is a proprietor. – Ibid.

EATING POISONED FOOD. – Dr. POORTMAN, of Potchefstrom, was called on the 10th February to the house of Mr. E. GREMBECK, where he found no less than seven white and coloured people vomiting and purging, and complaining of pains and cramps in the bowels and limbs. The patients had eaten Yarmouth bloaters for breakfast, and shortly became sick. It had all the appearance of cholera. By the prompt remedies applied, they fortunately all recovered, but the fish was undoubtedly poisonous in itself, or had become so in the preparation. – Adv. And Mail.

Saturday, March 29, 1862

We regret to learn Mr. J. SAVORY has been compelled to resign his office of Commissioner of the Municipality, in consequence of ill health.

Henry HUTTON, Esq., is gazetted as a Justice of the Peace for Stockenstrom, Fort Beaufort, Bedford, Queen’s Town, and Victoria (East).

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