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Fort Beaufort Advocate 1861 4 October - December

Saturday, October 5, 1861

Lost, from Mr. B. BOOTH’S Farm, two oxen, of the following description-
1 brown Ox, brush of the tail off.
1 white Ox, large horns.
These Oxen were last seen at Mr. John STANTON’S, Fort Armstrong. Any person returning them to the Contractor, Fort Beaufort, will receive the above reward.

A letter to the K.W.T. Gazette, Mr. A.M. CHALMERS, of Middle Drift, contradicts the rumour that natives in the Middle Drift districts are busy erecting new huts or kraals at the junction of the Chumie and Keiskama.

Saturday, October 12, 1861

ROBBERY. – On Monday evening last the premises of Mr. BERRY, hotel keeper, were entered by some persons through the bedroom window, and several articles abstracted, besides some money. The robbery was effected in the evening, before the family had retired to rest, and while they were engaged in another part of the house. The robbers are yet undiscovered, but the articles stolen, the money excepted, were discovered under some straw below the main barracks by a soldier, and restored.

AT THE LAST EXAMINATION OF T.W. COLLARD, he was committed for trial at the Circuit Court for fraudulent insolvency. The magistrate accepted bail for his appearance. -G.R. Herald.

TULBAGH CIRCUIT COURT. – The result of the recent trials at Tulbagh has reached town. The man CUPIDO, who stood charged with the murder of his daughter, has been condemned to death, much to the astonishment of the court, who imagined that the sentence would have been more lenient. Adriaan BATIST, or more properly speaking, Adriaan JEPHTA, the atrocity of whose crimes has caused his sentence to be regarded without sympathy, is to expiate the murders of Mr. and Mrs. BOTMA on the scaffold, and it is the universal opinion that no less punishment would have sufficed for the magnitude of his guilt. – Ibid.

Saturday, October 19, 1861

Wanted an Apprentice to a Boot and Shoe Trade. A boy between the ages of 12 to 14. One able to read and write, will be preferable. For particulars apply at the Office of the Fort Beaufort Advocate, or

(Extract) FIRE. – We regret to learn that the homestead of Mr. Edward NILAND, near the Yellowwoods, was totally consumed by fire, on Tuesday Last. Fortunately Mr. NILAND succeeded in saving the principal part of his furniture.

MR. JEPPE, the Post-master General of the Transvaal Republic, has resigned, on the ground that the salary of L32 per annum is too small for such an important office.

Mr. Geo. WOOD, Sen., of Graham’s Town, has recently purchased from Mr. T.F. DREYER four of the new request farms in the Kroonstad district, for L1600, - or L400 each.

(Extract) The following original notice signed by the chief constable of Graaff-Reinet has been ‘posted’ at that ilk:
“Notice – one purse weth a shmall som of moneys was fount by a kafir boy, and have been given ober to the chief constable.”

WIFE WANTED. – The following extraordinary advertisement appears in the Free State paper: - “Matrimony. – To the Fair Sex (unmarried) – A young man, for some years resident in this country, 25 years of age, of good appearance and gentlemanly manners, wishes to enter into married life, and from the want of an introduction to female society uses this paper as the medium of making his intentions known. Ladies inclined to avail themselves of this opportunity are respectfully requested to address their letters to G.R., Bloomfontein, at the office of this paper. Strictest secrecy is guaranteed.”

Mr. Geo. McKAY, one of the oldest residents in the colony, died at Mr. BOVEYS farm Baddaford on Thursday. Deceased was upwards of 90 years of age, and on the morning of the day of his death, sauntered into the fields adjoining the house according to his custom, and not returning, search was made for him, and his body was found where he had expired not far from the house. Deceased had formerly belonged to the 72nd Highlanders, and was at the taking of the Cape in 1796 and 1806.

A son of Mr. E. DELL met with an untimely end this week in Lower Albany. The lad, about 13 years of age, was out shooting with some companions, when his gun accidently exploded while it was being incautiously loaded, and the ramrod shot through his head, killing him on the spot.

The following is an extract of a letter received from K.W. Town this morning:-
“We have just received bad news by Telegraphic message from East London. The Shrimp from Algoa Bay, and Elizabeth Mary from Natal, foundered last night, all lives lost.

SUICIDE. – The wife of Mr. J. STEWART, of Qinira River, in East London district, poisoned herself on Sunday last by taking a dose of strychnine. An inquest was held on the body, and a verdict returned to the effect that deceased had committed suicide while in a state of violent excitement. – K.W. Gazette.

Saturday, October 26, 1861

RETURNED COLONISTS. – The Golden Fleece which arrived in Algoa Bay on the 16th, brought as passengers several colonists, who had been on a visit to Great Britain, and some of whom are well known in this place, where they formerly resided. Among the names in the list we observe those of Capt. and Mrs. RORKE, and Lt. and Mrs. RORKE, and Misses WAYLAND and LOVEMORE.

Commutation of sentence. – His Honor the Lieut. Governor has been pleased to accede to the prayer of the memorial sent in on behalf of the condemned criminal, Maria DEMAS, by commuting the sentence of death to that of imprisonment with hard labor for life.

The prisoner, NICOLLS, condemned to death at the last sitting of the Circuit Court, has confessed to being guilty of the crime laid to his charge.

Saturday, November 2, 1861

Saturday, Oct. 26, 1861
His Honor Sir William HODGES, Chief Justice, took his seat on the bench erected in the Government School room, at 10 o’clock, a.m. The Jury having been impanelled, the following cases were tried:-
1.- Windvogel BOESACK, a Hottentot, charged with Murder, in having unlawfully killed his wife Tani, near Appies Drie. The prisoner by his counsel Advocate BARRY, pleaded guilty to the charge of capable homicide, which plea the public prosecutor accepted.
Sentenced to 5 years of hard labor.
2.- John WILLIAMS, European, pleaded not guilty to the charge of theft, in stealing from Matthew PERRY, residing at Fort Fordyce. One sovereign, a horse, saddle, bridle &c. – Verdict, guilty. –Sentenced 18 months hard labor.
3.- (Extract) Klaas TOMEMELA and Klaas GERMAN, were indicted for shop breaking with intent to steal and theft, in unlawfully breaking into the shop of Matilda Ann DARGON. Verdict –guilty. Sentence 1 year hard labor.
4. – George BROWN, European, pleaded not guilty to the charge of assault, in unlawfully wounding a constable, Johannes JONKERS, at Eland’s Post, with a knife. Verdict guilty. The Judge reserved the sentence until Monday, when after admonishing prisoner on the heinousness of his crime, and his (the judge’s) determination to put down the use of the knife, which was becoming too common, with a strong hand, - the prisoner was sentenced to 15 months hard labor.
5. – James SINGER, a baker, residing at Eland’s Post, was found guilty of assaulting Daniel MAKIN, a shoemaker of the same place, and with his fists inflicting divers wounds, threats, and bruises on the said Daniel MAKIN. The evidence was conclusive as to the assault, which did not appear to be of a very serious nature, - and the jury bringing in a verdict of guilty, recommended the prisoner to mercy. – Sentence, 1 month hard labor.
6. –(Extract) Phillip DEMAN, lately a constable in Fort Beaufort, was charged first with liberating named DAUGH, sentenced to 6 months hard labor for contravening Act. No. 25, 1857, placed in his custody, on condition of the said DAUGH paying to the said Phillip [DAMON] the sum of L5, and having by false pretence obtained from said DAUGH L4 for his liberation aforesaid; - thereby committing to the crime of fraud. Secondly – in having voluntarily allowed a prisoner then in his custody to escape. Prisoner was defended by Advocate COLE, but evidence was too clear to permit a doubt of the prisoner’s guilt and the defence was extremely lame. – Verdict guilty. As a warning to other constables of the gravity of the offence committed he would sentence prisoner to 2 years hard labour.

Mr. Geo. BLAKEMORE, was committed for trial this morning on a charge of culpable insolvency. The insolvent was bailed out.

AUSTRALIA. – There had been most disgraceful riots at Lambing Flat gold fields. The Europeans were jealous of the Chinese, and turned out in great numbers, and assaulted the celestials with brutal violence, cutting off their tails, “sometimes with the scalp attached: and burning their effects. Military force had been ordered to the scene to quell the disturbance, and had been fired on by the rioters.

Saturday, November 9, 1861

(E.P. Magazine).
It might have been by accident, but so it was, in the course of the afternoon, Stoffel by a vague, sliding movement, found himself alongside the wagon of the VAN RUYTERS, where Miss Leintjie was busily occupied in dispensing coffee to the family, with whom were assembled one or two other young men of Stoffel’s age. The latter was kindly received, and presented with a basin-full of the steaming beverage by the fair hands of Lientje, who blushed as she gave it into the trembling digits of Mr. LAUBSCHER. Poor youth, it was a case, but, as he thought himself, the utmost precaution was necessary, - there were evidently rival candidates in the field before him.
Was there inspiration in that coffee, or by what sudden impulse did Master Stoffel excuse himself with the promise to come again before they inspanned! Surely he had not turned craven to be beaten off the field without a struggle. Oh, no; though a Boer he knew a little of female nature, especially the nature of his country women. Carelessly lounging about some wagons, in order that this purpose should not easily be detected, he slily made his way to the nearest winkel, and there purchased a whole bottle of sugar almonds – white, yellow, and red. Secreting these in the capacious pocket of his jacket, he watched until one by one the party had left VAN RUYTERS wagon, and Lientje was alone.
‘Twas then by one of those mighty efforts, which alone can surmount difficulties that he walked up to his inamorata. “Here’s lekkers voor jou, nichtje,” said he, looking as affectionate as possible. “Dankie, neef,” replied the maiden, overjoyed at the welcome gift. The ice was broken, word was answered by word – sentence by sentence: sugar almonds had done it, and the rivals were outgeneralled. When Stoffel left the wagon that evening he had obtained permission to visit the lady in the halls of her fathers, which he did not fail to take advantages of.
Barely three days elapsed when shortly before sundown the quick eye of Love had led Lientje to detect the gay cavalier in blue and tanned moleskin as he descended the hill which was in the rear of her father’s house. In all haste the maiden retired to her slaap-kamer, and speedily decked herself out in gorgeous array, as the Vilikinsian melody has it. Oh, how her little heart beat under that yellow and white barége dress! Hardly had the dark tresses received the due libation of coconut-oil, and been tied up in hands, before Stoffel entered the house, having first off-saddled and knee-haltered his horse. Then came the greeting – “Dag, oom! dag tante! dag neef! dag nichtje!” in the midst of which entered by a side door the blushing Lientje, high water mark and all. Dutch lovers don’t do their courting in public though; and the young people were as comparative strangers until supper was over. But as my sketch will need a little explanation here I may give it at once.
Dutch courting is as opposite to English courting as an Englishman is the antithesis of a Boer. The young Afrikander prefers the evening to pay his addresses to his inamorata, and more than that, he likes to do it unobserved, consequently, and by a kind of understanding amongst the family, if the parents’ consent to the arrangement, everybody retires to bed early, leaving the lovers alone in the voorhuis; if, on the other hand, the match is not desirable the young lady retires first, which is a tacit and perfectly understood hint that the sooner Lothario saddles up and mounts his horse the more agreeable will it be to all parties concerned, as his room is more desired than his company. It was therefore to the unspeakable delight of Mr. LAUBSCHER that almost immediately at the close of the evening meal, Van RUYTER, wife, sons and daughters, one by one bade him “Goeden Nacht,” and left him alone with his charmer, who thoughtfully had placed two whole candles on the table ready to supply those which should be burned out.
Thus they were alone – Stoffel and Lientje. Now came the difficult part of the business, LAUBSCHER could hit a buck at a hundred and fifty yards – had killed half-a-dozen Kafirs in the last war, could tame the most vicious colt or ox, yet here he was in a fix. Not a word was spoken for many minutes, and each sat bolt upright on their camp-stools, hands folded and eyes fixed, not on each other, but on vacancy. Something must be done. It was evidently not her intention to speak first. What should he say? “Had her father recovered the zwart bont ox which he had lost?”
“Yes, father had found it in the pound.”
“What a capital ox that was for work.”
“Yes,” replied the maiden, “It was if you put him ‘naast voor,’ otherwise he wouldn’t pull at all.”
This was the conversation which opened the wooing, and Stoffel fidgeted very uneasily. He evidently wasn’t going the right to work, neither did he know how. So he tried a slight dissertation on breeding young turkeys; next upon the Angora breed of goats, upon both of which subjects the lady was equally well versed with himself – and both off the real object as ever. So eleven o’clock drew nigh, and LAUBSCHER had screwed his courage up to the sticking point; he at length made a desperate adventure, and said, faintly at first, -
“Lientje, gij’s regter mooi!”
“Ach loop, Stoffel,”replied the maiden.
“Nein, maar Lientje, het’s waar, gij’s regter mooi!” groaned the swain.
“Ach moetnie, Stoffel,” continued Sophinisba.
“Lientje,” said Stoffel in a long drawl, “Lien-tje.”
“Ik heb uw alte lief.”
“Dan heb ik uw ook lief!”
The deed was done – the murder was out – the avowal was made. The deeply pent up affection of the manly bosom of the Boer had at length found words, and, oh happiness ecstatic, his lady-love had said that the affection was reciprocal. Away concealment, banish reserve!

SUICIDE. – A report has reached us that the eldest son of Mr. Carel LOTZ, of the Downs, near the Duivenhoks River, has committed suicide by hanging himself. As far as we can ascertain, the only reason that can be assigned for the rash act is that he was involved in a “love-affair.” – Overburg Courant.

McKINNON, The convict who behaved so well when the Bernicia was wrecked on Robben Island, has been permitted to go down to the guano islands, and, if he behaves well there for two years, he is to be pardoned altogether.

“Colonial Characters – the Boer family.”
The writer of this sketch has evidently seen a good deal of Boer life, and portrays these simple people in a graphic style.

Death General “Tom THUMB”. – This poor little creature, who, once so fascinated the “rank and beauty” of the land that ladies thought it a high honour to be kissed by him has recently died in Paris. He is said to have been reduced to a condition of great poverty and had terminated his existence in one of the hospitals, after having fallen so low as to become a show dwarf at the country fairs.

Saturday, November 16, 1861


Mr. FICHAT, the resident magistrate of the Knysna, has been charged with assaulting a coloured man in that district. The matter is being investigated by the Government.

THE “BATHS.” – (Extract) The mineral baths on Mr. THARRETT’S FARM, of Fort Beaufort, are becoming widely famed for their medicinal properties in certain diseases, and are reported to by many people residing in distant parts of the colony. Several farmers from Graaff-Reinet have from time to time come down to them and have derived much benefit. A bath house, we are informed is now being built on the spot.

On Thursday last Mr. George STREET, son of our respectable fellow towns man Mr. Samuel STREET, led to the Hymeneal altar Isabella, eldest daughter of Mr. William SMITH, first Mayor of Port Elizabeth. – Ibid.

THE POWER OF CRINOLINE. – An advertiser in Natal announces a sale of shop goods, and ads, as an encouragement, that to every lady who buys to the value of L5 he will make a special present of a crinoline.

Mauritius papers have been received by the Rother to the 5th October. The most interesting news they contain refers to Madagascar. On the 20th September, his Excellency the Governor received a communication, under the sign Manual, from the new King of Madagascar, Radama 11., announcing the decease of the late Queen, and his accession to the throne.
The following curious account of the mourning ceremonies consequent on the death of the Queen, is given by TAMATAYE correspondent of the Mauritius paper: - “As the news spread that the Queen was dead, orders were issued that every man, woman or child, natives or naturalized in Madagascar, must cut off their hair. It was about midnight. In a large room, with a dim light burning, the women and children collected in groups and began the operation, at the same time crying for the loss of their hair or for the loss of the Queen. In all parts of the town similar scenes might be witnessed. On the morning of the 21st we beheld a shaven population. Long before sunrise, every man and woman, with their shaven heads and bare shoulders exposed to the rain and cold, went to the Battery ‘to cry’, as they expressed it. They might be seen returning to their homes dressed in white robes, the orthodox costume for Madagascar mourners. On the 21st August and the few days following the people presented a miserable appearance; they were obliged to go bare-headed, bare-footed, and bare-shouldered. They were not allowed to sleep upon a bed, to eat from a plate, or work at their accustomed avocations; mat-making, hat-making, etc. being prohibited. They were not allowed to work themselves or mend their clothes, to eat pork, or sit upon a chair. These and many other singular customs were in force. Lately, however, the law forbidding the people to work has been relaxed.

Saturday, November 23, 1861

Poisonous Dresses. – A physician say that at present a lady frequently sails into the ball room with ounces of arsenic about her, to be thrown off in poisonous dust (for Scheele’s green is not fixed) in proportion to her vivacity. To come to details “this dust is the fruitful source of head-ache, redness of the skin (a frightful evil itself!) Inflammation of the stomach, consumptive cough, & c.”
The wreaths equally beautiful, are equally destructive. We are occasionally meeting ladies attacked with [crysipelatous] symptoms, indigestion cough, distinctly traceable to head dresses containing green arsenical artificial flowers. It seems to be ascertained that poor girls who are much occupied in making wreath, and sprays are positively poisoned.

Saturday December 7, 1861

Dec. 20 Middelburg, Jacobus COETZEE, and his wife Susana Lasyn Francina KRUGER.
Stockenstrom, Hans van der WESTHUIZEN.
Stockenstrom, Ruter JACOBS and surviving spouse Sartje JACOBS.
Dec. 27 Stockenstrom, Isaiah SMITH, and surviving spouse Janette SMITH.
Stockenstrom, William UITHAALDER, and surviving spouse Sara PLAATJIES.
Stockenstrom, William CARELS.
Jan. 3 Queen’s Town, Katrina ZINGANTI, and surviving spouse Solomon ZINGANTI.
Jan. 8 Graham’s Town, Petronella Esther GREEN, born de STEWART.
Grahamstown, James EVERLY.

Saturday, December 14, 1861 Missing

Saturday, December 21, 1861

DIED, on the 11TH Dec. 1861 at Fort Beaufort, Jane, Wife of Robert WRIGHT, Esq., Deputy Purveyor to the Forces.


In passing sentence at Graaff Reinet on a prisoner convicted of stealing sheep, the good-natured Judge remarked to him that if he had stolen but one sheep, and it had been shown that he did so to appease his hunger, he should not have punished him. Farmers stared in astonishment at such a declaration from the bench. The interpreter rendered it to the prisoner thus: “That had he stolen only one sheep, being hungry at the time, he would not have been punished so much.”

We regret to announce the demise of Mr. J.N. WYNNE of this place, which occurred on Thursday morning last at Alice, whither he had gone a few days previously to try the benefit of change of air. Mr. WYNNE was an old and respected resident of Fort Beaufort, and at the time of his death was Town Clerk and Market Master. For some months past he had been suffering from a complication of ailments, by which his constitution had been broken, and which terminated fatally as above stated. His remains were followed to the grave yesterday afternoon by a large number of friends, many from a distance.

Saturday, December 28, 1861

DIED, at Eland’s Post, at the residence of Mr. John GREEN, on Monday the 23rd Dec. 1861, after a lingering illness, Daniel, son of the Rev. R. EDWARDS of Port Elizabeth, Notary Public and General Agent. Friends will please accept this notice.


A LARGE NUMBER of robin-red-breasts has been imported into this colony per steamer Briton. The Agricultural Society has received a large stock of seeds by the same opportunity. – Argus.

DEATH BY SNAKE BITE. – A son of Mr. Jacobus de GOEDE, of Greenkloof,
Western Province, was bitten by a snake last week, as he lay asleep in bed. The lad about 11 years of age, died the same night. The snake was of the species called “ringhals.”

What a blessing children are!” as the parish clerk said when he took the fee for christening them.

The Cossack, steam frigate, arrived at Simon’s Bay, on the 11th. She reached Auckland, New Zealand, with his Excellency sir George GREY on board, on the 26th September, after a quick passage of 41 days. Left Auckland for Simon’s Bay on the 25th October. – Argus.

The Lencilles, with convicts, on her way to Freemantle arrived in Simon’s Bay on the 21st. She has POTTINGER, HUGHES and several other notorious criminals on board. She has the largest number of convicts ever on board any ship in our waters. W. DICKSON & co., are the agents. Capt. GOOCH, well known at the Cape is her commander. – Ibid.

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