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Eastern Province Herald (later The Herald)

Eastern Province Herald 1849 - 1 - January to March

Saturday 6 January 1849

C.M. WELSFORD Accountant
Formerly in that capacity at the Colonial Bank, Cape Town, (whose method of book-keeping is followed by that Establishment and adopted by the Frontier Commercial and Agricultural Bank, Graham’s Town) begs to offer his services in the making up of Books where legal knowledge is required – also the planning of methods suitable to different classes of business. Is open to engagement for keeping merchants’ books.

MARRIED at Drostdy House, Uitenhage by the Rev. A. Smith on Wednesday the 3rd inst, Helperus VAN RYNEVELD Esq, son of the Civil Commissioner of Graaff-Reinet, to Wilhelmina VAN DER RIET, daughter of the late Civil Commissioner of Uitenhage.

BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on Friday 5th instant, Mrs. G. MASON of a daughter.

By the Rev. F. McCleland AB (Trinity College Dublin), Colonial Chaplain
A son of Mr. DIESEL, baptized William Anthony
A daughter of Mr. KEER, baptized Caroline
A daughter of Mr. KEER, baptized Frances
A son of Mr. JONES, baptized Alexander

Saturday 13 January 1849

To the Editor:
Sir, Races here for the first time taken place at Richmond on Monday 1st January 1849:-
1st For the Ladies’ Purse, value £15
Fear Not, chestnut horse of Mr. WIPPENER
Rover, brown do. of Mr. PERRY
Looser, do. do. of Mr. ACKERMAN
Taken by Fear Not
2nd Richmond Plate, value £10
Davy, dark brown horse of Mr. NIEUWHOUDT
Dandy, brown do. of Mr. AURET
Bokkie, red schimmel of Mr. LANGENBACH
Try Your Best, brown do. of Mr. VAN REENEN
This was indeed a fine race, each of the horses took one heat, and at the last the plate was taken by Try Your Best
3rd Hack Race, value £3
Muis, dark brown horse of Mr. RUSSOUW
Donkey, brown do. of Mr. METWRICH
Tailor, chestnut do. of Mr. DORMEHL
Very easily taken by Muis of Mr. RUSSOUW
I am happy to say that in such a newly established village as Richmond, anything of that kind could not have ended better. The inhabitants are to have races again in the month of April next. I trust it may end in the same good manner as this one. I remain &c
A subscriber

Saturday 20 January 1849

This is to give Notice that the Partnership formerly existing between the Undersigned is this day dissolved by mutual consent, and that all Debts connected with the said late Firm will be discharged and received by Mr. John N. BILLINGHAM, who has this day taken over the Business.
Port Elizabeth, Dec 30th 1849

Begs to acquaint the Inhabitants of Port Elizabeth and the Colony that he has taken the Store lately occupied by Messrs. JARVIS & KROHN and will open it on the 25th instant for the sale of
General Merchandize.
From the considerable advantages J.N.B. has derived from a long residence in the manufacturing districts in England, and a mutual interest existing between himself and the Firm of Joseph BILLINGHAM Sen. &Son of London, he will be able to offer his Goods on such Terms as cannot fail to give satisfaction; it is also his determination to transact the business on the most equitable principles by charging but one price to all Purchasers, with the following advantages –
7½ per cent discount for immediate Cash
2½ per cent discount for an approved bill of 4 months
A longer term of Credit will be a nett transaction
Port Elizabeth, Jan 13 1849

Saturday 27 January 1849

DIED on the 19th December 1849, at her Residence, Zwartberg, District Beaufort, after a short illness, Louisa Sophia, eldest daughter of the late Nicolas HIDJE Esq., of Uitenhage Town, and beloved wife of Ignatius Petrus RADEMEYER, aged 24 years and 2 months.

BIRTH on the 26th instant, Mrs. J. [REID] of a daughter.

Saturday 3 February 1849

In St.Mary’s Church Port Elizabeth by the Rev. F. McCleland AB (Trinity College Dublin)
On Monday 29th January 1849
Mr. Pieter Friederick KROHN to Miss Anne Frances CATION, spinster

A son of Mr. John MATTHEW, baptized Charles
A daughter of Mr. Charles HAYNES, baptized Sarah
A son of Mr. Edward OWEN, baptized George Edward
A daughter of Mr. Walter WAIT, baptized Alison Margaret
A daughter of Mr. James Gordon DANIELI, baptized Sophia Elizabeth Georgina

On Friday 6th January 1849, Mrs. Elizabeth HAYNES, aged 26 years

Saturday 10 February 1849

Engagement with a respectable Firm of this Town having expired, he would be glad to engage in a similar manner with any respectable House of this place; in devoting part of the day to making up of Books, Accounts or Collecting. H.C.H. having been many years in Cape Town as well as on the Frontier, parties engaging him will find him a useful assistant, more particularly so as he is conversant with the Dutch language and mode of calculation. Applications will be attended to within one month from this date.
NB Tradespeople and shopkeepers’ books made up and attended to in the evenings. For address apply at the office of this paper.
Feb 2 1849

(Established in 1847)
Richard AUSTEN
Grocer &c
High Street, Port Elizabeth
RA keeps a well selected stock of goods of the very best quality, gives NO credit but adheres strictly to the Ready Money System and makes it his constant study to give satisfaction to all who favour him with their patronage.
NB Orders called for regularly and the goods delivered punctually to families in all parts of the town.
Hours of Business from 7am till 7pm

So little is there of public interest going forward that unless a change soon takes place Editors will be driven to the necessity of committing incendiarism one week and extinguishing the fire the next week. There is something appalling in such prospect. Will the people not do something to prevent it?

By the Rev. F. McCleland AB (Trinity College Dublin), Colonial Chaplain
A son of Patrick HOWARD baptized John Valentine

Feb 6th - a son of Mr Edward OWEN, aged 10 weeks
7th – Charles WOOD, aged 57 years. Deceased was one of the Settlers of 1820, and belonged to the Salem Party.
10th – Mrs. HILTON, aged 46

Saturday 17 February 1849

Begs hereby to intimate that he is prepared to undertake at the lowest rates any Masonry, Plastering, Paving or Slating that may be required in this place or in Uitenhage. He also guarantees that the work shall be executed in the best possible style of the kind required; and to parties needing his services he will be prepared to furnish satisfactory references.
NB Arches cast on the principle of KENNEDY’s own Centres, without wood framings.

Mr. James Miles JOHNSON having long since left in the house let to him by the undersigned sundry articles of furniture &c, notice is hereby given that unless the same be removed within one month from this date they will be sold by public auction and the proceeds applied to payment of rent and expenses of advertising.
Port Elizabeth, Feb 15th 1849

BIRTH at Colesberg on Sunday 4th Feb, Mrs. John CAMPBELL of a son

In the Estate of Charles Crawford DANIELL, deceased.
Has received instructions from the executors of the late C.C. DANIELL and surviving partner W.H. DANIELL Esq. to sell by public auction at
On Thursday the 8th March next
The whole of the moveable and immoveable property in the above estate, comprising as follows:
Lot 1
That well-known and valuable Estate
In extent about 4041 morgen, or about 8100 English acres, of excellent sour and sweet (gebroken veld) sheep pasturage, extending on both sides of the Buffalo River, by which it is abundantly watered, besides having several springs on various parts of the Estate. From the arable land, which can be indefinitely extended, the most luxuriant crops have been reaped of late years.
The buildings erected on the Estate at very considerable outlay are of the most extensive and substantial description, consisting of a largely double-storied
So arranged that two large families can be accommodated in it, and be distinct from each other, with Wood Store, Shearing House, Stable, Coach House and Servants’ Apartments.
The situation of this property on the Main Road to the chief Sea Port of the Eastern Province and distant about thirty miles from Graham’s Town, renders it admirably adapted for a
On an extensive scale.
Independently of these advantages, Sidbury Park stands unrivalled in the district for its superior Grazing Properties.
Lot 2.
That valuable farm adjoining the above called
In extent 2023 morgens or 4050 English acres.
This farm is also watered by the Buffalo River, which runs nearly through the centre of it. The pasturage is of that highly prized description called Zoetveld and is fit for every sort of stock. Any quantity of arable land may be broken up. There is a good farm house and farming establishment on the Buffalo River.
The above estates are situated in the immediate vicinity of the village of Sidbury, where there is an Episcopal Church and Post Office.
3000 Fine Woolled Sheep
From the original stock of Richard DANIELL Esq
50 Fatherland Cows and Heifers
The former mostly with calves by their sides
100 well trained Trek Oxen
3 large wagons, very superior
Ploughs, Harrows and a variety of Agricultural Implements
150 Hurdles and Iron Bars for do.
Household Furniture of every description, including Mahogany Sideboard, Dining Tables, Mahogany Chairs, Sofas, Wardrobes, Chests of Drawers &c
A large quantity of Silver Plate.
A large portion of the purchase money of the Landed Property may remain on interest, and a liberal credit will be given for the moveables.
The Sale will commence at 11 o’clock
Diagrams of the farm may be seen, and all further particulars ascertained on application, either to Mr. W.H. DANIELL, Sidbury Park; the executors Rice D. JONES Esq, Cape Town; George DUNSTERVILLE Esq, Port Elizabeth; or the Auctioneer.
Port Elizabeth 12th Feb 1849

Saturday 24 February 1849

MARRIED in the Dutch Reformed Church at Graaff-Reinet on Saturday 10th February 1849 by the Rev. W. Long MA, Episcopalian Chaplain, Mr. Robert Joseph PHILLIPS Esq, Merchant of Port Elizabeth, to Maria Anna Centlivres, eldest daughter of John Centlivres CHASE Esq, Civil Commissioner and Resident Magistrate of the District of Albert, Cape of Good Hope

MARRIED on Friday 23rd inst, by the Rev. A. Smith of the Dutch Reformed Church, Mr. John G.S. DE VILLIERS, of Graaff-Reinet, to Miss Anne, third daughter of S.H. DU TOIT Esq of Uitenhage.
Uitenhage 24th Feb 1849

BIRTH on Monday the 19th inst, Mrs. H. VAN RÖNN of a daughter

BIRTH at Main Street, Port Elizabeth on the 22nd inst, Mrs. John LESLIE of a son

Saturday 3 March 1849

PAXTON’s Celebrated Soups
D. PAXTON begs to acquaint his friends and the public that he continues to have Soups continually ready from 10 to 2 o’clock in the following order:
Monday Gravy
Tuesday Oxtail
Wednesday Mock Turtle
Thursday Bouilli
Friday Pea
Saturday Oxtail
In addition to the above he will keep constantly on hand cold hams, salt beef, tongues &c
Breakfasts and tiffins supplied at home or sent out.
Balls and evening parties provided.
A stock of the following articles of the best quality constantly on sale:
Bottled fruit
English jams and jellies
Sweet oil
Basket salt
Coffee, raw and ground
Loaf and crushed sugar
Moist sugar, various qualities
Rice, Meal, Flour, Pastry, Confectionary, Bread, Biscuits &c
Port Elizabeth 28th Feb 1849

W. RING has just had placed in his hands for sale, landed ex ‘Juliana’, purchased first hand from the manufacturer in London, an assortment of Genuine Jewellery, for quality and price never equalled in this country. The whole of the articles will be warranted and comprise among others:
Plain oval rings, Stripe onyx do., Pierced shank do., Shield engraved do. and a variety of ladies’ and gentlemen’s rings, Brooches, Single and double case lockets, Gold studs, Waistcoat buttons in sets, Watch hooks &c.
Also an assortment of fancy pearl handled pen holders, Tortoise-shell card cases, Travelling, writing and dressing cases, completely fitted up.
Port Elizabeth Feb 15th 1849

Mr. Thomas CHARLTON having relinquished his lease in the above premises, I have resumed the occupation, intending to give my sole attention to the accommodation of the public, to whom I beg to tender my sincere thanks for the liberal patronage and support I have received during the time I before conducted the above Establishment.
My Private Residence I reserve for Families and Private Parties, and I trust to receive a continuance of their favours, as no exertion or endeavour shall be wanting on my part to promote and ensure their comfort and convenience.
An extensive and well assorted stock of foreign and other wines, brandies liqueurs &c.
Good stabling &c.
Fort Beaufort 10th Feb 1849

Saturday 10 March 1849

Mr. J.G.S. DE VILLIERS begs to notify that he has now established himself in Graaff-Reinet as a General Agent and Auctioneer, where he trusts to enjoy a liberal share of public patronage.
Transfers will be effected, Loans obtained, Sales and purchases of stocks, Landed property &c executed, Bills and accounts collected.
At fair and moderate rates
In all transactions committed to his management the greatest punctuality and attention will be observed.
Graaff-Reinet 10th March 1849

By the Rev. F. McCleland AB (Trinity College Dublin), Colonial Chaplain
A daughter of E.R. KING, baptized Louisa
A daughter of Geo. MASON, baptized Johanna Christiana
A son of William TITTERTON, baptized John Isaac

Saturday 24 March 1849

BIRTH on the 10th inst at George Town, the lady of David TAYLOR Esq of a son and heir

BIRTH at Graaff-Reinet on Thursday March 15th, the wife of Mr. Geo. GOWER of a son

DIED at Colesberg on the 15th March, from a severe attack of dysentery, Mr. Josiah BILLINGHAM, second son of Mr. Joseph BILLINGHAM of Daventry, Northamptonshire and St.John Street London, aged 27 years. This sudden summons to his Maker’s presence has caused the most poignant grief to his afflicted widow and relatives.

Saturday 31 March 1849

Port Elizabeth
Families, Captains and Travellers visiting Port Elizabeth will find the above hotel complete with every comfort and convenience at moderate charges. Wines, spirits and liqueurs (foreign and colonial) of the very best description, Abbott’s London Stout, Bass and Byass’s Ale and Porter, Soda Water &c constantly on hand.
A first rate billiard table
Good stabling for 20 horses
Port Elizabeth 8th March 1849

The inhabitants of Graaff-Reinet and the public generally are respectfully informed that the undersigned will on the 1st March open a HOTEL and BOARDING HOUSE on the premises lately occupied by Mr. DUSING in Market Street. Every arrangement has been made to meet the wishes of visitors and others, and the proprietor confidently hopes by zeal and activity to gain a large share of public patronage.
Wanted also a Cook for the above Establishment, to whom liberal wages will be given. Terms to be ascertained on application to the Herald Office.

Below will be found from the pen of Mr. GEARD a letter on the possible clashing of the New Chamber of Commerce with the Public Library. While we can sympathise with the writer in his jealousy over the interests of the latter institution, and would feel it equally our own duty to interpose where a single privilege belonging to any class of merchants connected with the Library was likely to be curtailed, yet we cannot join with him in his present alarm at the approaching existence of a Chamber of Commerce. The members of that Chamber are all warm supporters of the Public Library, and we are assured know nothing of that class feeling which is imputed to them. If, therefore, the Commercial Association should ever interfere with, or in any way ‘rub against’ he Public Library, it will be purely by mistake not by design. But is it likely that such a mistake can be committed when not only Mr. GEARD but many others watch so jealously even the ‘approach’ of anything which is likely to cause a perturbation to the regular movements of the Library? We believe not...
Original Correspondence:
To the Editor:
Sir, Believing there has never been an institution in Port Elizabeth so calculated, as at present conducted, to secure harmony and good will, and to grow into the general esteem as the Library, it was with annoyance and vexation that I read for myself propositions, ready cut and dried, for a Chamber of Commerce of very limited utility (compared with the Library) under ANY regulations, but as planned SUITABLE FOR MERCHANTS ONLY; and which I prophecy will, if carried out according to the plan, eventually (though undesignedly) be much more likely to lead to an additional Tax on all Colonial Consumers and Buyers*, while the Merchants will be uninjured, than to secure even to the Merchants themselves any permanent honour or respect. Had my humble proposition a fortnight ago been noticed and a broad, and therefore more general and popular foundation laid, it is possible, as more minds would have been brought to bear on it, that the general welfare might have been consulted. An English oak, with a broad basis, may support a great weight and do an essential service, but a self-sustaining and self-supporting (deal) board, (though propped up on a still day by two or three newspapers) is much more likely to fall on somebody’s head or toes than to do anybody any service. At any rate ‘Ichabod’ is written on the Library – when an Imperium in Imperio commences – and the plausible but miserable scheme of Mr. PASSMORE is acted on. For my own part I have neither the meanness to read the poor man’s newspaper for nothing nor to go cap-in-hand to read newspapers in a room hired and ruled by a committee having class objects.
When a ‘Public’ Library was agitated many persons, among whom I was one, wished a more central situation for it, but there being a prevalent feeling in favour of the old locality, the idea was dropped. I went into the Committee business of the Library with earnestness and perfect good feeling myself, and I bear cheerful testimony to the apparent heartiness and the gentlemanly bearing of all the Members – still ever now and then there was to me a mysterious and ASIDE sort of reference to another necessary Institution, which I confess I could not understand, nor indeed did I suppose for a long time that it could possibly affect the Library, as I did not see how a Chamber of Commerce could be either affiliated to, or patronise a Reading Book Society. My entire ignorance of what was contemplated induced me silently to listen to arrangements, said to be all that could be deemed by those who recommended them. I really began to doubt my own powers of judgement and to suppose, at least, that a very mysterious Chamber, often indirectly hinted at, was so magnificent an affair that to oppose it or slight it would be seriously to injure the Town. I once indeed ventured to discover my ignorance by asking in Committee “what IS the object of a Chamber of Commerce?” I confess I did not feel enlightened much by being told “It would let us know when a ship came in and when it went out”. Being rather of an inquisitive turn, when the Public Meeting of the Chamber of Commerce was held in the Side Room, with the door shut, I was there. I ventured again to ask “What good?” and was told “Price currents were valuable to Merchants and would be less expensive to individuals if paid for by a body”. Immediately before the second Public Meeting, at which were present two besides myself, I asked half the meeting who was to be secretary, thinking the Library might be implicated in that, and was given to understand there was a party in readiness. I have since had a conversation with another party (not connected with the commercial body) about the Large Room. This party was in an ‘interesting situation’ and expected shortly – not twins but three (lectures) which would be more comfortably delivered there. (I was half inclined to offer the gratuitous use of my own room, which will be ready seated for such uses) but knowing the delicacy of the situation, particularly at a certain age, I held my tongue.
I have never heard from anybody any more really serious objection to the joint use of the large room than this: “The books must be locked up if the room is always open.” Why yes, and so they must be wherever they are at such times as the Librarian is not there. Persons who will extract plates from the Sporting Magazine are quite capable of going into the lesser room, as talked of, when the librarian is in the greater, and doing mischief. While the librarian is in the book room, wherever it is, the books should be exposed. When he is not, no-one should be tempted to borrow or take a book out contrary to the rules. As to the expense of lock-up cases, the saving of candles necessary for two rooms would soon repay the cost. And as to Public Meetings, which are usually held during the day, the hours every day from two to six would surely suffice, and the business of such meeting is more likely to be pleasant and intelligent when conducted in a room in which everyone feels at home, than to feel on sufferance from an imaginary house of lords.
A good deal of apparently honest indignation has been wasted on my presumption in supposing that a Public Library, EQUAL IN ITS ASPECT ON ALL, would be agreeable to the generous men who have built the hall. Now I believe there are 103 subscriptions or shares of £5, and I heard a shareholder some time since declare his wish that the PUBLIC should have the full benefit if it. I arrange these shares in columns to convey my deliberate conviction that the longest column, even if, as I doubt not, there are not some in the first that should go in the second, containing names of fathers and masters, who think literary recreation a desirable one if they can but ATTRACT their sons and others in their employ and within their influence to it. The names not entered are non residents, or belong in a few cases to parties deceased.

    SLATER 2
    SCOTT 1
    KING 1
  34   45
Less *s 19 May I put the *s and add 19 19
  15   64

I remain &c

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