Eastern Province Herald 1848 - 4 - October to December
Saturday 7 October 1848
DIED on the 2nd instant, Thomas STERLEY Sen, aged 83 years and 6 months. For many years before his death he was a consistent Member of the Congregational Chapel in this place. Mr. S. was one of the Settlers of 1820 and he had served under Lord Cornwallis in the first taking of Seringapatam, and lastly under Sir John Moore, in the first campaign in Spain.
Saturday 21 October 1848
Late of Uitenhage
Snuff and Tobacco Manufacturer
Begs respectfully to acquaint the merchants, storekeepers and inhabitants of Port Elizabeth and its vicinity that he has removed to the house belonging to C ANDREWS Esq, Strand Street in this town, opposite the property of the late Captain FURBER, where he will carry on the above business, wholesale and retail, and hopes by making and keeping good articles, with moderate charges, to merit a portion of their patronage and support. HFR takes this opportunity to say he will combine with his own trade Collection of Debts and Rents, House, Estates and General Commission Agency business, which will be transacted with punctuality and in strict confidence.
NB H.F. RUDLIN offers his best thanks to his friends at Uitenhage for past favours and solicits a continuance of the same.
Retail shop is now open.
J. WASLEY begs to inform his friends, travellers and the public in general that he has made arrangements with Mr. J. DREYER to take over on the 1st November 1848 his Hotel, situated in Jetty Street, Port Elizabeth, well known as
Where by civility, attention and moderate charges he hopes to merit a share of the public patronage.
Saturday 28 October 1848
In St.Mary’s Church Port Elizabeth by the Rev. Mr. Willshire
A son of Mr. Alfred FRIEND, baptized George Forester
In St.Mary’s Church Port Elizabeth by the Rev. F. McCleland AB (Trinity College Dublin)
A son of Mr. Edward PHILPOTT, baptized Frederick Edward
A daughter of Mr. Charles INMAN, baptized Sarah Jane
Mr. John VALENTINE to Miss Elizabeth JACOBS
Mary Ann SWAINSTON, aged 44 years
James TUDKEY, aged 19 years, late seaman of the ‘Annie’
Saturday 11 November 1848
In St.Mary’s Church Port Elizabeth by the Rev. F. McCleland AB (Trinity College Dublin)
Mr. Christian Philip WIENAND of Graham’s Town to Miss Emma Roselia DANIELL of this place
A daughter of Mr. T.M. DRIVER, baptized Amy Rafter
Thomas PEUGH, aged 90 years
Heugh Thomas SWANSON, aged 3 months
Saturday 18 November 1848
DIED at Graaff-Reinet on the 2nd instant after a most painful sickness of nearly 6 months, my beloved wife Wilhelmina Adriana GEEL, aged 54 years 11 months and 25 days, leaving a numerous family to deplore their afflicting loss.
The undersigned begs to return his most sincere thanks to the Ministers who so faithfully watched over her spiritual welfare during her sickness, also to the public in general for the esteem shown in attending her remains to the silent tomb.
Indeed “in the midst of life we are in death”.
Johan Friedrich Carl SCHIMYSER
Graaff-Reinet October 10th 1848
Saturday 25 November 1848
EARLE’s celebrated Soda Water
The above article can be obtained in any quantity for Shipping, Hotels, Private Families &c
From J.C. LACEY, Apothecary
Market Place, Port Elizabeth
Who is constituted sole agent.
Recently from London
Begs most respectfully to acquaint the inhabitants of Uitenhage and the public generally that he has commenced business in the above line in
Caledon Street
Nearly opposite the Dutch Reformed Church, and trusts by particular attention to any commands he may be favoured with to merit a portion of public patronage.
Orders from the country will meet with the utmost attention
Two young lads wanted as apprentices
Uitenhage, 11th November 1848
Saturday 23 December 1848
In St.Mary’s Church Port Elizabeth by the Rev. F. McCleland AB (Trinity College Dublin)
A daughter of Mr. Henry SHEPHERD, baptized Sarah Ann
Saturday 30 December 1848
BIRTH on Thursday morning 28th inst, Mrs. CHALMERS of a son
DIED at Port Elizabeth on the 12th inst, Emma Jane, the beloved wife of John Martin FLEISCHER of this place, aged 41 years, leaving a husband and eight children to deplore the loss of an affectionate and tender mother, deeply regretted by all who knew her.
Uitenhage 18th Dec 1848
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