Eastern Province Herald 1848 - 1 - January to March
Saturday 1 January 1848
Valuable Roadside Property for Sale
The undersigned has been instructed by the Executors of the late Anthony ISEMONGER to offer to public competition on Wednesday the 27th January next all that valuable property well known as the
Situated on the Addo Drift, Sunday’s River
The above property was built solely for the purpose it is now applied to, under the direction of Mr. Henry STAINES, who is well known to erect all his buildings regardless of expense, comprising the comfort of the English Commercial Inn with the security and stability necessary to a Frontier Colonial Residence. It is entirely self contained and has within an enclosure of a stone wall, a dwelling house, stables, coach house, sheds, servant’s offices, 9 visitor’s bed rooms, 3 of which are double, 2 dining rooms, bar, bar parlour, and in fact every appliance for carrying on the necessary business always likely to be insured by the traffic between the Frontier towns and the only real Eastern province sea port. The property is further enhanced by the New Drift now nearly completed, under the superintendence of the Surveyors of the Central Board, on the Sunday’s River, which is within a few paces of the house. The whole property, together with the fixtures, will be positively sold without reserve and possession may be had immediately.
The whole of which was new supplied by Mr. GRIFFITHS, of Port Elizabeth, is of the best description, and has been in use only six months. The linen and other appurtenances were selected to make the Establishment as complete as possible, which together with the stock of WINES & BRANDIES &c will be sold after the sale of the property.
Plans of the property and a sketch of the buildings may be seen at the office of
James HALL, Auctioneer
Port Elizabeth 17th Dec 1847
Those substantially built and commodious stores at present occupied C. ANDREWS Esq in the Main Street For particulars apply (if by letter post paid) to the Proprietor
James CHALMERS, Surgeon
In St.Mary’s Church, Port Elizabeth by the Rev. F. McCleland AB (TCD) Colonial Chaplain
A son of Mr. WHEATLAND baptised Sydney Reid Barclay
John Chapman WATTS, son of Capt. G. WATTS, schooner ‘Mazeppa’, aged 7 months
By an aged man and his wife, the latter confined to her bedroom, an elderly female to manage the domestic concerns of their house. A respectable woman with either a son or daughter of 8 or 10 years of age, and who might be useful in the house, would find this an eligible situation, as liberal wages will be given to a suitable person. Application may be made to R. HART Sen, Glen Avon, near Somerset.
BIRTH at Hankey on the 24th Dec, the wife of the Rev. T. Durant PHILIP of a daughter.
Saturday 8 January 1848
Mr. Frederick DAMANT, intending to relinquish Farming Pursuits, has instructed the Undersigned to sell by Public Auction on Thursday the 13th January 1848, at the Place of Mr. Joseph LEWIS, ‘Koega Kamma’s Kloof’,
The whole of his stock of
CATTLE &c as follows:-
90 Head of very superior Breeding Cattle, consisting of Cows and Calves and Cows in calf, being for the most part from Swellendam, and from the superior Stock of E. VAN REENEN Esq. of Riet Vley.
60 well-trained Oxen, accustomed to the Graham’s Town Road and in good working condition.
24 Breeding Mares and Foals
6 Good Saddle Horses
Sale to commence at 11 o’clock
Refreshments will be provided
H.H. RENS, Auctioneer
Port Elizabeth, Dec 1st 1847
Saturday 15 January 1848
F. LEHMKUHL of Port Elizabeth , shopkeeper, having assigned his estate and effects to Joseph GRAHAM and H. VON RÖNN for the benefit of his creditors.
All persons having claims against the estate are hereby requested to lodge the same immediately and sign the Deed of Assignment, and all persons indebted to the estate are requested to settle their accounts immediately or proceedings will be instituted for recovery.
Port Elizabeth, 15th Jan 1848
Mr. G. CHABAUD having arrived from Cape Town begs to notify that be [sic] happy to conduct any business intrusted to him either as Attorney of the Supreme Court or Notary Public.
As also any Transfer or Conveyancing Business, his office will at present be held at his residence.
Jetty Street, Port Elizabeth 8th January 1848
In St.Mary’s Church, Port Elizabeth by the Rev. F. McCleland AB (TCD) Colonial Chaplain
A son of Mr. M. RIBAS baptised Emanuel James
A daughter of Mr. L. SMITH baptised Sarah Susanna
Mrs. Joanna STANLEY, aged 38 years
Mr. William MONK, aged 27 years
Caroline BRIGGS, aged 3 months
Saturday 22 January 1848
DIED on the 8th inst after a short illness of 2 days, Johanna Jacoba, the beloved wife of Mr. Francis STANLEY of this place, leaving a bereaved husband and children as well as a large circle of friends to lament the loss of a good wife, affectionate mother and a sincere friend.
DIED at Port Elizabeth the 14th Jan, a son of Mr. J. CROOKS aged 6 months.
Saturday 29 January 1848
We the Undersigned hereby give Notice that we have this day dissolved Partnership and that the Business will hereafter be carried on by the First Undersigned, who is duly authorized to receive and discharge all debts due to or owing by the late firm of AUSTEN & WILLETT.
Richard AUSTEN
Port Elizabeth 31st Jan 1848
Having taken over the entire business carried on in connection with Mr. G. WILLETT, returns his best thanks for the liberal share of general patronage with which the establishment has hitherto been favored.
Although so lately established as a resident in Port Elizabeth, R.A. indulges the hope that he will not be required to set forth at length a list of claims on the consideration of its inhabitants, appealing to his past performances as vouchers for his future, and trusting to them to be enabled from time to time to reiterate the sentiment with which he commenced this advertisement. His aim will ever be “to promote his own interest by consulting the advantage of his customers”, and he feels confident that a discerning Public will appreciate and encourage his endeavours.
NB the best of every article constantly on hand
31st Jan 1848
BIRTH at Uitenhage on the 24th instant, Mrs. John GIBSON of a daughter
Eliza Sophia, daughter of Serjt. W. [illegible], Dragoon Guards, aged [.] years and 2 months
Saturday 5 February 1848
Mr. James SMITH of Gamtoos River is hereby warned that unless he removes his cart from my premises within three weeks from this date it will be sold by public auction to defray all expenses.
Port Elizabeth Feb 5th 1848
Strand Street, Port Elizabeth
Has received by ‘Rambler’ &c and has for sale
Saws, Screws and Shell Augurs; Braces and Bits, Coach Wrenches, Bench Planes and Irons, Rasps and Files, Trowels; Kent, American and Side Axes; Pickaxes, Adzes, Drawing Knives, Chisels, Gimlets, Vices, Weighing Machines and Dutch Weights, Sash Weights, Sash and Saw Lines, Sash Pullies, Sash Tools, Coffin Furniture, Bolts, Locks, Hinges, Nails and tacks, Screws, Glass Paper, Single and Double Guns, Gun Locks and Furniture, Spades, Shovels, Rakes, Hoes, Coffee Mills, Gridirons, Fry Pans, Rat Traps, Oven Doors, Baking Pots, Flat Irons, Tea Kettles, Iron Boilers and Saucepans, Brass Cocks, Hot Plates, Waggon Bolts, Rivets and Mounting, Cart Springs, Saddler’s Rings, Spurs, Cornice Furniture and Bands, Drawer Knobs, Knives and Forks, Strike-fire Knives, Butcher’s Knives, Spectacles, Glazier’s Diamonds, Bullet Moulds, Pail Bales, Washers, Large Hand Trucks with Iron Axle and 30” Wooden Wheels, Hand Lamps &c
Has received a fresh assortment of black Satinette, balck and white Gros, white Satin, Crape, black Orleans; Alpaca, Cobourgh, Merino, printed and other Muslin; Punjums, satin and Sarsnet Ribbons; Holland, black and coloured Silk Handkerchiefs; Linings, Silicia, black Balzarine, Cap Fronts, Crochet Thread, Holders &c, Flowers; Infant’s Head Blankets, Frocks, Robes and Caps; Monthly Gowns, Parasols, Toilet Covers, fast blue Linen, Bonnet Silk, Wool Patterns, Berlin Wool, Fringes, Gloves and Mitts, Ribbon Trimming, Lace, Sewing Silk; Nursing, French and other Stays; Bonnets &c, Bonnet Shapes, Ladies’ Curls, Stockings and Socks, Insertions, Rosettes, Collars, Habit Shirts, Gimps, Boy’s Caps, Coral Necklaces, Composition and Wood Dolls, French Clogs &c
In St.Mary’s Church, Port Elizabeth by the Rev. F. McCleland AB (TCD) Colonial Chaplain
A son of Mr. ALLEN baptised George
A son of Mr. BERRY baptised Richard John
A daughter of Mr. HENLEY baptised Harriet Mary
Edward Stanley ADCOCK aged 8 months and 14 days
George ALLEN aged 8 months
Overton RUSSELL aged 4 months
Saturday 12 February 1848
In St.Mary’s Church, Port Elizabeth by the Rev. F. McCleland AB (TCD) Colonial Chaplain
Mr. Edward OWEN to Mrs. Emily EMMOTT (widow)
Saturday 26 February 1848
Store Keepers, General Agents, Ship’s Chandlers &c
Beg to inform the inhabitants of Port Elizabeth and adjacent places that they have opened a store at Port Elizabeth for merchandise of every description, they will keep every article of family use including Groceries, Linen Drapery, Ready Made Clothes, Baby Linen and Millinery of the latest fashion, shipping supplied with ny quantity of vegetables at the shortest notice.
NB Agency transacted with Punctuality and Despatch
Port Elizabeth 25th February 1848
In St.Mary’s Church, Port Elizabeth by the Rev. F. McCleland AB (Trinity College Dublin)
A son of Mr. REED baptised John Henry
A son of Mr. SCHYFF baptised Isaac Abraham
Saturday 4 March 1848
By Horse Power
The undersigned have received per ‘Martha’ a very superior Flour Mill with Mill Stones and Dressing Machine complete to be worked by horse power, the great simplicity of which well adapts it for use in this Colony. Price £150.
Direct from Hamburg ex ‘Albatross’
Just received a general assortment of Garden Seeds of the latest crop. Comprising Spinach, Cabbage, Turnips, Beet Root, Radish, Carrots, Cucumbers, Melons, Large Hamburg Asparagus, Peas, Beans and a few Pickled Potatoes of superior quality.
Richard AUSTEN
Commission Stores and General Agency
The undersigned begs to announce to the merchants of Cape Town and the Eastern Frontiers that he has appropriated his extensive and eligible premises to the purposes of General Business, and that consignments of every description of merchandise intrusted to his charge will meet with all possible dispatch and be disposed of to the best advantage, and sales conducted with the greatest attention to the interests of the parties concerned.
Market Square, Graaff-Reinet 3rd Feb 1848
In St.Mary’s Church, Port Elizabeth by the Rev. F. McCleland AB (Trinity College Dublin)
A son of Mr. John TEE baptised John Richard
A daughter of Mr. Nicholas Peter KROHN baptised Helen Pauline
Saturday 11 March 1848
In St.Mary’s Church, Port Elizabeth by the Rev. F. McCleland AB (Trinity College Dublin)
James Gordon DANIELE Esq to Miss Maria Penelope ADCOCK
[sic, although on his marriage certificate the groom appears to have signed his name DANIELI]
Saturday 25 March 1848
MARRIED on the 20th inst by the Rev. Alex Smith, Johannes Cornelis VERMAAK, P’s son, to Sina Philippina Jacomina DACHELHOFFER of Winter Hoek
DIED at Uitenhage on the 20th inst after a short illness, Robert, youngest son of Mr. John GIBSON, Government Teacher
The undersigned is desirous of engaging the services of a Gentleman and his Wife, competent to undertake the education of children of both sexes from five to fifteen years of age on his residence of Glen Avon, Somerset (East). The number of children to be placed under their charge, by the Advertiser, not to exceed ten. Salary, £100 per annum. A small cottage of 3 rooms will be provided for them, to which a piece of good garden ground is attached, which can be irrigated. They can also have the use of two milch cows during the summer. Meat, meal and butter at the lowest prices. In addition to the above they are permitted to take five more children as boarders on their own account; in which case an additional room will be provided. Testimonial of character and qualifications for teaching will be expected.
Robert HART Jun
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