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Eastern Province Herald (later The Herald)

Eastern Province Herald 1982 2 April - June

Port Elizabeth, Thursday, April 8, 1982.


FOURIE. – To Johan and Christine (nee SUTTIE), a brother for René, born April 2, 1982 at Sandford.

HATTINGH. – To John and Maureen (nee BARTIE), a daughter Sandy-Lea, born April 6, at Sandford.

HORNING. – To Klaus and Michelle (nee PRYOR) a daughter, March 24, at Sandford.

MILLS. – To Colleen and Kevin, a son, Gregory Patrick, born April 7.

PORTER. – George and Gwen (nee LE ROUX), a daughter, on April 6, 1982 at Sandford.

SCHEEPERS. – To Errol and Tersia (nee VOSLOO), a daughter, born on April 7.


AFFAT. – Lucy, passed away on April 7. Mourned by her family.

AUSTIN. – Ronald Colin, passed away April 4. Missed by Leon, Dianne, Vaughn and dear pal Damian GOUWS. His coach Damian ALFONSO.

FULLER. – James, passed away in Salisbury on April 6, Moth James, veteran of 1914-1918 and 1939-1945 wars. Beloved husband of Florence H. FULLER and brother-in-law of W.A. TUNBRIDGE. To be interred at South End Cemetery. Funeral arrangements later.

JOHNSON. – Thomas Charles, passed away on April 7, 1982. Husband of Millie and father of Charles and Morris. Remembered by Jeane, Ernest and girls, his brother Eddie, sister-in-law Mona and children.

KAPLAN. – Dr Wolf Nathan, passed away on April 6, brother-in-law of Tommy and Hilda, uncle of Winston and James. Father of Vanessa and Paul.

ODAYAR. – Ruthrapathy (Rejah), aged 39, late of 4 Gibson Street, Uitenhage, passed away on April 7. Remembered by his family. Funeral notice later.

OPPERMAN. – Chris, passed away April 6, brother of Lucia VAN DER MILLER and broth-in-law of Les. Always remembered by his family.

WILMOT. – Cyril, a wonderful father to Nick and Lynne, and grandfather to Greg, Donna and Ryan.


HMS Hermes. In memory of the 307 of my shipmates who lost their lives on April 9, 1942. W.N.K. HICKSON.


JOHNSON. – Caroline, passed away April 5, at Humansdorp Hospital, aged 65 years. Sadly missed by daughters Gloria and Maureen, sons-in-law Andries and Koos, and the grand children. Service at Methodist Church, Uitenhage on Saturday at 11 a.m.

JOHNSON. – Thomas Charles, aged 51 years, passed away April 7, 1982. Funeral takes place on Saturday, at 10.30 a.m. at St Barnabas's Church, Rhodes Street.

LOTRIET. – Jan Adam, passed away April 7. The funeral will take place at the D.R. Church Hall, cnr Hood Crescent, and Whyteleaf Drive, today April 8, at 11.30 a.m., proceeding to the Forest Hill Cemetery.

NOEL. – A.M. (Monty). Service today, Thursday, April 8, at P.E. Crematorium, at 2 p.m.

ODGERS. – Phyllis, mother of Jill PIKE, passed away at April 6, 1982. Service today, at St Saviour Church, Walmer, at 10 a.m. Cremation private.

OPPERMAN. – Andries, passed away April 6. Service today at St Saviours Church, Walmer, at 12 noon. Cremation private.

PRETORIUS. – Sheila, of 31 High Street, Uitenhage. The service will take place from the Methodist Church, Janssensdal, Uitenhage, Thursday, April 8, 1982. Cremation private.

SLABBERT. – Louwrens (Louw), of 2 Draai Street, Despatch. The service will take place from the D.R. Church, Bothasrus, Despatch, today, Thursday, April 8, 1982, at 4 p.m.

WILMOT. – Cyril, husband of Paddy, and father of Nick and Lynne, Merill, Julia, Steve and Sandy. Will be buried tomorrow, Friday, April 9, 1982, at 5 p.m. at St Barnabas Anglican Church, Alicedale.


BOTHA. – Gwen, passed away April 8, 1980. Remembered by Hennie, Laurayne, and Leigh-Ann, Peggy, Bruce and children.

CLARKE. – Michael George, passed away April 8, 1980. Remembered with love Mom and Dad, his brother Sheunton, and Lance and his sister Raylea, Grandpa and aunty Daisy.

HENEGAN. – Pat, passed away April 8, 1981. Remembered by his mom and aunt Ina.

HORN. – Ernst, passed away April 7, 1979.Remembered by his wife and children, Iris and family.

NOORE. – Janap, left us a year ago today. Remembered by Galima, daughters Miriam, Yasmina, Mymoma and son Zaid.

POSTHUMUS. – Frank, passed away 5 years ago today. Remembered by his family.

SIMPSON. – Josephy, passed away April 8, 1973. Remembered by his daughter Colleen.

Port Elizabeth, Tuesday, April 20, 1982


ANDERSON. – A brother for Hayley, born at Stanford.

BELLARDI. – Bill and Joan have pleasure in announcing the arrival of their first grandchild, a daughter born to David and Norma, April 16, 1982.

BELLARDI. – To David and Norma (nee HOSKING), a daughter Amanda, born April 16, 1982 at Sandford.

BOSMAN. - To Michael and Denise (nee CHASE), a son, born April 18, 1982 at the Provincial Hospital, Uitenhage.

BURMEISTER. – To Glenn and Ross (nee MILLS), triplets, two girls and a boy, at Sandford.

CHESLING. – To Harry and Lynette, a daughter born April 18, 1982. Sister to Lloyd and Laurene at Sandford.

CORNISH. – To Chris and Denise, a sister for Leanne.

HARDWICK. – To Nick and Rona (nee COCKRAM), a son on April 14.

HAYES. – To Alma and Dennis, a daughter and sister to David, born on April 17, 1982.

JACOBS. – Mr and Mrs Jacobs are pleased to announce the birth of a son, Jeremy Owen, on March 19, 1982 at Sandford.

PARTINGTON. – T Graham and Paulette, a son, born April 16, 1982 at Uitenhage Provincial Hospital.


VAN REENEN. – NORTJE. George and the late Beryl VAN GREENEN have pleasure in announcing the engagement of their youngest daughter, Jane to John, the eldest son of Wendy and the late Tom NORTJE.


JAPPIE. – Amiera, passed away on April 17. Remembered by her friends Margot and Hilary.

JONCK. – Bertha, passed away on April 17. Remembered by Bert, Vera and family.

LOW YEUN. – Mary Ahleen, passed away. Remembered by her loving son Colin. Her granddaughter Carol and Owen. Her granddaughter Yvonne, Joseph and great grandchildren Duane and Melanie. Her granddaughter Elaine, Anthony, and great grandchildren Sharon and Graeme. Missed by her son Sandy, daughter-in-law Kathy, and granddaughter Paula. Granddaughter Lynn, Alastair and great grandchild Ryan. Her son Stanley, daughter-in-law Dora, and grandsons Mark and Miles. Her daughter Lily, son-in-law Jeong and grandchildren Keith and Merle. Her daughter Dorothy, on-in-law Stanley, and grandchildren Joanne and Brian. Her son Sankow, daughter-in-law Eileen, and grandchildren Garth, Bruce and Craig.

PILKINGTON. – George William (Bill), passed away on April 19. Mourned by his wife Muriel and sons Bryan, Terrence and families.

POVEY. – Marion passed away way April 17. Aunt of Billy, Bella and family. Remembered by Lila.

SAMPSON. – Lizzie passed away April 16, 1982. Remembered by Mabel, Rose, Gladys, Beat and Attie.

TRUMP. – Arthur Gilbert, passed away April 16, 1982. Remembered by Lilian, Ma COPPIN and family.


GRIESSEL. – Susanna, passed away April 17. Service at the D.R. Church Park Hewel today April 20 at 2 p.m. Cremation private.

JONCK. – Bertha, passed away April 17. Mourned by her sister Amy, and daughters Mavis, Marlene and Colleen. Service North End Congregational Church, Middle Street, today, Tuesday, April 20, at 3.30 p.m. thence to the Forest Hill Cemetery.

PILKINGTON. – George William (Bill), passed away April 19, 1982. Service at the P.E. Crematorium, tomorrow, Wednesday at 2 p.m.

POVEY. – Marion, passed away at the age of 74 years. Mourned by her daughter Maureen, Donald, Mark, David and Jennifer. Service at crematorium on Wednesday, April 21 at 12 noon.

SAMPSON. – Elizabeth Mary Ann (nee MOSTERT) passed away April 18, 1982. The service will take place at the D.R. Church, St Leonards Road, Algoa Park, Thursday, April 22, 1982 at 11 a.m. proceeding to the Forest Hill Cemetery.

TRUMP. – Arthur Gilbert, passed away on April 16, aged 55 years. Missed by his sons Llewellyn and Michael, grandsons Mark and Andrew and brother of Noel. Service takes place tomorrow, Tuesday, at 11 a.m. in the Methodist Church, Third Avenue, Newton Park. Cremation private.

VICTOR. - The funeral cortege of Annatjie, late of Bedfordview, while leave the D.R. Church, Chester Street, Algoa Park North, Port Elizabeth, on Thursday, April 22, after a service commencing at 2 o'clock, prior to the cremation at the Port Elizabeth Crematorium.


VAN RENSBURG. – Dirk Marthinus (Siener), passed away April 20, 1980. Remembered by his wife Sus and children.

WASPE. – Hazel passed away April 20, 1980. Remembered by her husband Lawrence and family.

WOOLARD. – Louisa, passed away 5 years ago. Remembered by Rodney, Eleanor, Beverley and Grant. Clem and Sarie. Clive, Cheryl, Hayley and Lindsay.

Port Elizabeth, Monday, April 26, 1982.


BRADDON. –To Gavin and Leonie (nee JOUBERT), a son, born April 24, 1982 at Sandford.

LEE. – To Mike and Anne (nee SHARPLEY), a son and brother for Kate, at Sandford.

LEITCH. – To Andrew and Linda (nee JEACOCK), a son Jonathan Andrew, born April 22, 1982 at Sandford.

PRICE. – Natasha Lee, born April 20 to David and Bonnie (nee SOUTHEY).

SAUNDERS. – To Michael and Carol, a son, brother to Monie, Mark and Jason.


PIKE. – SIMONS. Tammy, daughter of Paul and Judy, to Walter, son of Fred and Audrey.


CUMING. – GILOI. – John and Jinty are pleased to announce their marriage in Durban on April 23.


BRADLEY. – Hubert Leslie (Hughie), passed away on Thursday, April 22, husband of Ethel. Missed by Clyde, Yvonne, Neil and Mark. Daphne, Peter, Royden and Bretton.

CATTON. – Mary, passed away April 25. Grandmother of Brenda and Roland and Nana of Lloyd, Bruce and Gayle. Mother of Sylvia, Iris, Dilys and Gilbert.

FIELD. – Mickey, passed away on Saturday, April 24. Missed by her brother Selby, Sadie, nieces and nephew Rhoda, Merle and Ronnie.

SMITH. – George, April 24. Missed by his wife Cheryl and sons Wayne and Brett.

WILMOT. – Norman, husband of Cissie, father of Neil, Margaret, Lorrie and Pam. Granddad of Wayne, Donnie, Leon, Marc and Jason. A service will be held at the Methodist Church, Salem, at 4 p.m. today, Monday, April 26.


GERBER. – William, passed away April 23. Service Tuesday, April 27, in New Protestant Church, Diaz Road at 3.30, thence to the Forest Hill Cemetery.

STEVENSON. – Marjorie, passed away at the Settlers Hospital, Grahamstown, on April 22, 1982, wife of Christopher, and mother of Ronald. A service will be held at St Mary's Chapel, Rhodes University, at 2 p.m. today, followed by a private cremation.


ALBERTS. – Abe, passed away April 26, 1979. Missed by Julie, Clive and Claire. Fourita and Robert.

GOOSEN. – Hetty, passed away April 26, 1979.

JORDAAN. – Hannes, passed away April 26, 1977. Remembered by Baby and Wimpie.

LUND. – Christine, passed away April 25, 1980. Remembered by George, Daphne, Tommy (husband), Charles, Darryl, Cheryn, and Leann.

OLIVERIA. – Tayer, passed away April 24, 1979. Missed by Toeghieda, Junane and Sirage. Henry, Wanda and Craig. Marlene, Lee, Martha, Sheryl, Jeremy and Grant. Hilton, Sylvia and kids. His Mum, Win, and brothers

Port Elizabeth, Tuesday, April 27, 1982


CRAUSE. – To Charles and Eugéne (nee MARAIS), a daughter and sister for Donavan, on April 26, at the Provincial Hospital, Uitenhage.

DEIDDA. – To Franco and Maria, a daughter born April 25, 1982 at Sandford.

OOSTHUIZEN. – To William and Pauline (nee PAULS), a daughter and sister for Craig at Sandford.

SAUNDERS. – To Cecil and Teena (nee MALTBY) a daughter on April 24, first grandchild for Lottie SAUNDERS and Dot and Alwyn MALTBY, at the Park Lane Clinic, Johannesburg.


LOMBARD. – VAN RENSBURG. The engagement is announced of Jan, youngest son of Mrs H. LOMBARD and the late Mr D. LOMBARD, formerly of Adelaide, now of Port Elizabeth and Theresa, only daughter of Mrs C. VAN RENSBURG and the late Mr S. VAN RENSBURG of Krakeel River.

MACKLIN. – MULLIGAN. Mr and Mrs P. MULLIGAN have pleasure in announcing the engagement of their daughter Martina, to Alan, son of Mr and Mrs A. MACKLIN.


SMITH. – Neville to Hilda at St Pauls Church, Port Elizabeth, on April 26, 1952. From your daughter Gaynor.


DOWN. – Brian Richard, beloved father of Jillian and Dorothy passed away in Johannesburg on April 23, 1982. Cremation service in Durban, on April 25, 1982.

SMITH. – George, passed away April 24. Missed by his wife Cherryl and sons Wayne and Brett.


CATTON. – Mary, passed away at the Victoria Memorial Homes on Sunday, April 25, at the age of 95 years. Service at St Pauls Anglican Church, Parsons Hill, tomorrow, Wednesday, April 28, at 2 p.m..

GREIG. – David, husband of Mary passed away on Saturday, April 24. Missed by Colin, Ann, Neil, Tony, Ellie, and grandchildren. Cremation service private

MILLAR. – James (Jimmy), of Aston Bay, passed away on April 24, 1982. Service in the St Francis Church, Jeffreys Bay, tomorrow, Wednesday, at 11 a.m.

SMITH. – George Lindsay of Protea Chemical Services, passed away on Saturday, April 24. Husband of Cherryl and father of Wayne and Brett. Memorial service will be held at St John's Anglican Church, Walmer, today, Tuesday, April 27 at 2 p.m.

STRYDOM. – Koenraad, passed away Monday, April 26, at the age of 76 years. Funeral service from the Full Gospel Church, Mount Pleasant on Thursday, April 29, at 2 p.m. Burial at the Forest Hill Cemetery.

VAN DER BERG. – Elizabeth, passed away on April 24. Funeral service tomorrow, Wednesday, April 28, at 2 p.m.. Thence to the Forest Hill Cemetery.

VAN WAART. – Jansje, passed away April 25. Service tomorrow, Wednesday, 3 p.m. at the P.E. Crematorium.


BREYTENBACH. – Benjamin Fredeman (Bennie), passed away April 27, 1981. From your sister Mavis and children and Mom.

CLARK. – Winston passed away 3 years ago today. Remembered by his wife and family.

GILL. – Ma, missed by Lovey, Robbie and Shirley.

HORNE. – Anastasia Tamaryn, called home April 27, 1977. Missed by daddy and mommy.

RUTTENBERG. – Anthony, taken from us 5 years ago today. Missed by Mom, Dad, brother Leslie and sister Sandra.

SNYMAN. – In memory of my husband who passed away April 27, 1980. Remembered by your wife Catherine.

SUTTON. – In memory of our father and grandfather, who passed away April 27, 1975. Remembered by his daughter Elaine, Warren, Richard and grandchildren.

Port Elizabeth, Wednesday, April 28, 1982.


SMITH. – To Desireé (nee McLOUGHLIN) and Bruce, of Santa Hospital, Fort Beaufort, a daughter Jenna, at Frere Hospital, East London, on April 26.

TROLLIP. – To Meryl and Trevor, a son Gareth, brother to Leigh and Denham, at Settlers Hospital, Grahamstown on April 27, 1982.


MINNIE. – Arnoldus J.S. (Nols), (previously of Picardi), passed away April 24, at the age of 54 years. Mourned by his wife Emily, and family. The funeral service will take place from the Full Gospel Church, Lorraine, today, Wednesday, April 28, at 3 p.m. Proceeding to the Forest Hill Cemetery.


AMOS. – Graham, passed away April, 28, 1973. Remembered by Mom, Dad, Ingrid and Andrew.

Port Elizabeth, Thursday, April 29, 1982.


MacLEOD. – To Denys and John, another son and brother to Alastair, Ian and Dylan, at Sandford.

SEILER. – To Doc and Tilly, a daughter, born April 27, at Sandford.

TROLLIP. – To Meryl and Trevor, a son Gareth, brother to Leigh and Denham, at Settlers Hospital, Grahamstown, on April 27, 1982.

WILSON. – To Mark and Lucy (nee VAN OOSTEN) a son on April 2, 1982 at Sandford. First grandchild for John and Joan WILSON and Alta and Gerrie VAN OOSTEN.


BARTOSH. – SPIJKERMAN. Mr and Mrs L.J. SPIJKERMAN have pleasure in announcing the engagement of their daughter Lummie, to Gus, son of Mr J. and the late Mrs BARTOSH.

LAUBSER. – TAYLOR. It is with pleasure that the engagement is announced between Elizabeth , youngest daughter of Mignon LAUBSER and the late Dr C.H. LAUBSER, to Errol, eldest son of the late Tony and Nellie TAYLOR.

THERON. – JONES. Peter Charles THERON and Beverley Ann JONES have pleasure in announcing their engagement.


BARNARD. – Matilda (Mattie) passed away on Wednesday, April 28, 1982. Missed by her children Dawn and Neville and grandsons Bruce and Brent. Funeral service from Jones and Rice Chapel tomorrow, Friday, April 30, 1982 at 2 p.m.. Burial at North End Cemetery.

ELLIOTT. – William (Bert), passed away on April 27, at Johannesburg. Cremation service on Friday in Johannesburg.

MARBURGH. – The funeral of Hester, of Swartkopz, will take place from the D.R. Church Moedergemeente, Uitenhage, today, Thursday, April 29, 1982 at 3 p.m.

PHILIP. – Evelyn Maude, widow of the late Ross PHILLIP, mother of Bunty and Deedee, passed away at Mary Potter Home, Port Elizabeth on April 28, 1982. Service Friday, April 30 at the P.E. Crematorium at 3.30 p.m.

PRINSLOO. – The funeral of Lucas, of 4 Human Street, Despatch, will take place, from the D.R. Church, Bothasrus, Despatch, tomorrow, Friday, April 30, 1982 at 11 a.m.


CHERRY. – Harry, who left us 6 years ago today. Remembered by his wife Eileen, children Silvis, Terrence and Edwin and all his grandchildren.

DATE CHONG. – Nee Fook, passed away April 29, 1965 in Taipei, Formosa. Remembered by his wife Li Moi Keun, and sons Ronald and Cecil. His son Arthur, daughter-in-law Fe Tein and grandchildren. Gilbert, Evelyn and Natasha. Percy, Irene, Penelope and Dalton. His son Harry, daughter-in-law Pei-Fong and grandchildren. Rossalyn, Marshall, Derrick and Michelle. Frank, Lorraine and family.

MOSS. – Jason, who left us 3 years ago today. Remembered by Mom, Dad and sister Lynn.

PLOCIENNIK. – Rosaline (nee DU PLESSIS), passed away 28 April, 1979 in Johannesburg. Missed by Ma, Dad and your son Werner.

SEAMAN. – Edgar, passed away three years ago today. Remembered by Roy, Les, Brad and Tina. Dick, Cheryl and Barri-Jon. Edgar, Jen and Girls. Sally.

WILLIAMS. – Ron, passed away three years ago today. Remembered by Dot and family.

Port Elizabeth, Friday, April 30, 1982.


FIELD. – To Trevor and Thea (nee DU PLESSIS), a daughter and sister to Samantha.

SKINNER. – To Chris and Matty (nee WEBB), a son born April 28, 1982 at Sandford.

WILSON. – To Mark and Lucy (nee VAN ONSELEN), a son on April 27, 1982 at Sandford. First grandchild for John and Joan WILSON and Arie and Gerrie VAN OOSTEN


SCHEWITZ. – Paul, younger son of Addy and Maureen, will read the Maftir and Haftorah at the Glendinningvale Synagogue on Saturday, May 1, 1982.


LEWIS. – BUNYARD. Rexleigh of Port Elizabeth and David of Welkom have pleasure in announcing their engagements.

VANCE. – GREBE. Alec and Michelle have pleasure in announcing their engagement on April 29, 1982.


HOBSON. – Joe, beloved mother of Clayton, mother-in-law of Haze, grandmother of Ann, Jennifer and Wendy passed away in Pietermaritzburg on April 27, 1982

PRICE. – Jack Douglas, husband of Pixie and father of Gary and John, passed away April 28. Funeral notice later.


DELPORT. – Carel Daniel. The funeral service will take place at the Danie Du Toit School Hall, Hoed Street, Algoa Park, today, April 30, 1982 at 3 p.m. proceeding to the Forest Hill Cemetery.

FULLER. – Passed away in Salisbury on April 6, Moth James FULLER, veteran of 1914-1948 and 1939 and 1945 World Wars, beloved husband of Florence H. FULLER (nee TUNBRIDGE). The interment service will be held at South End Cemetery on Sunday, May 3, at 11 a.m. All Moths are respectfully invited to pay their last respects.

NEL. – Helena Aletta Elizabeth passed away April 29, 1982. The funeral service will take place at the Old Apostolic Church, Roberg Street, Uitenhage, Saturday, May 1, 1982, at 3.30 p.m.

SHARP. – The funeral of the late Anne, of Somerset East, will take place from the D.R. Church, Somerset East at 3 p.m. Saturday afternoon.


DE VILLIERS. – Jacobus Christiaan, passed away April 30, 1981. Remembered by Darrell, Leonie, Colleen, Charmaine and Deidre. James, Lorraine, Rene and Michel. Ronald, Heila, Cliff, Nicky and Francois. Hetty and family.

OOSTHUIZEN. – Henry Jacobus, passed away April 30, 1973. Remembered by Lionel, Patricia, Karen and Roderick.

PLOCCINNIK. – Rosie (nee DU PLESSIS), passed away April 29, 1979. Remembered by her sister Margaret and family.

Port Elizabeth, Saturday, May 1, 1982.


WILSON. – To Mark and Lucy (nee VAN OOSTEN), a son on April 27, 1982 at Sandford, first grandchild for John and Joan WILSON and Arie and Gerrie VAN OOSTEN.

WOOD. – To Charmaine and Anthony, a son and brother for Steven, at Sandford.


SCHEWITZ. – Paul, younger son of Addy and Maureen will read the Maftir and Haftorah at the Glendinningvale Synagogue on Saturday, May 1, 1982.


PIKE. – GENDALL. Don and Ann GENDALL of Walmer, Port Elizabeth are thrilled to announce the engagement of their twin daughter Vanessa to Gavin, youngest son of Dave and Maureen PIKE of Dundee, Natal.

TAYLOR. – LAUBSER. It is with pleasure that the engagement is announced between Elizabeth, youngest daughter of Mignon LAUBSER and the late Dr C.H. LAUBSER, and Errol, eldest son of the late Tony and Nellie TAYLOR.

WATKINS. – WHITEHOUSE. Steve and Sheila WHITEHOUSE are happy to announce the engagement of their daughter, Anne, to Patrick, son of Jimmy and Eileen PEAKE, of King William's Town.


PRICE. – Jack Douglas, husband of Pixie and father of Gary and John, passed away April 28. Funeral notice later.


BAARTMAN. – The funeral service for Pie will be held Saturday at 2 p.m. from the Methodist Church, Gerald Smith. Mourned by his wife Annie and family.

BOUW. – Esmé, passed away on Monday, April 26, 1982. Missed by Desmond, Rentia, and Gershon. Funeral service at 2 p.m. today, May 1, 1982 at Apostolic Faith Mission Church, Durban Road and Crox Street, Korsten.

EVANS. – Alice Maud, passed away at her home, 16 Henry Street, Grahamstown, on Friday, April 30, 1982, mother of Trev and Val and granny of Jeff, Gwynn. Funeral service at the graveside, New Cemetery, Grahamstown, at 3 p.m., Monday, May 3, 1982.

FULLER. – Passed away in Salisbury on April 6, Moth James FULLER, veteran of 1914-1918 and 1939-1945 World Wars. Husband of Florence H. FULLER (nee TUNBRIDGE) and brother-in-law of W.A. TUNBRIDGE. The interment service will be held at South End Cemetery on Monday, May 3 at 11 a.m. All Moths are respectfully invited to pay their last respects.

JACOBS. – The funeral service for Willem will be held Saturday, at 1 p.m. from 9 Patrys Street.

JACOBS. – The funeral service for Lionel will be held from 8 Vyeboom Street at 4 p.m. Saturday.

JULIES. – The funeral service for Ashwell Wesco will be held Saturday at 3 p.m. from the Batish Church, Schauderville, thence to Paapenkuils Cemetery. Mourned by his mother Gertie, brother Gerald and family.

MAARMAN. – The funeral service for William Pieter will be held Saturday at 3.30 p.m. from 9 Pietersen Street, Gerald Smith.

MNGEDI. – Elias Mazibiko, passed away Monday, April 26. Funeral today, Saturday 1, at 12 noon at 87 Ngqolombe Street, New Brighton.

SHARP. – Funeral of the late Anne, of Somerset East, will take place from the D.R. Church, Somerset East, at 3 p.m. Saturday afternoon.

TITUS. – The funeral service for Sally will be held Saturday at three p.m. from the Reformed Apostolic Church, Patrys Avenue. Mourned by her husband Johannes and family.


ARROW. – Madeleine passed away on May 2, 1980. Remembered by her Mom, Dad and Deidre.

VAN GREENEN. – Paul who passed away 2 years ago. Remembered by his wife Gladys. Desre, Aubrey and grandchildren. Errol, Elize and grandchildren.

LANE. – Allan, passed away May 1, 1975. Remembered by Mom, Dad, Keith and Marion.

PETERS. – Michael Hudson, passed away May 1, 1981. Remembered by Arthur, Rochelle and children. His wife Shariffa, children Shareen and Natalie PETERS.

PROBERT. – Gerry, passed away a year ago today. Missed by Ursula, Mark and Todd. Don, Rosa and family.

Port Elizabeth, Monday, May 10, 1982


LOUW. – To Neville and Eleanor (nee HAGGARD), a daughter on May 7, 1982 at Settlers Hospital, Grahamstown.

SHAMLEY. – To Rock and Elizabeth, a son and brother for Roslyn.

WOODHEAD. – To Brian and Jeanette (nee SAVAGE), a daughter Giselle, born May 7, 1982 at Sandton Centre, Johannesburg.


GARDNER. – LOADER. Frank and Gift GARDNER of Port Alfred have pleasure in announcing the engagement of their son Steven, to Vicki, daughter of Brian and Eve LOADER of Durban.


McCAFFERTY. Peter and Mara (nee MATIC), married by Rev. Ted FLOWEDAY on April 24, 1982, in Durban.

VON RUBEN. – BOSCH. Johnny and Iris have pleasure in announcing the marriage of their only daughter, Colleen, to Glen, only son of Gerald and Wilna, on May 8.


ALLISON. – Jim, passed away in London, May 5. Remembered by Peggy and Alan Price.

JENNINGS, - Marc, passed away May 6. Missed by his Aunty Noreen, Uncle Geoff and nieces. Mommy and daddy. His granny and Grampy.

KIESSIG. – Murial Vera, mother of Otto, Olga, Ardon and Natalie, passed away May 8, 1982. Funeral service at 10 Salisbury Avenue, Mill Park, at 3.30 p.m. today, Monday May 10, 1982, thence to the Forest Hill Cemetery.

McWILLIAMS. – Walter Scott, former owner of McWilliams Department Store, husband of Hazel, father of Denise and Lynette, sons-in-law Kevin and Grahame, second eldest son of the late James and Mavis McWILLIAMS, passed away May 6, 1882, Brisbane, Australia. Brother of Graham, sister-in-law Roseline, nephews and nieces. Uncle of Dawn McDONALD and family. Terry and Denise SMITH and family. Brother-in-law of Doris and Bill, uncle of Joy, Pierre and Dereck. Daughter Lynette, son-in-law Kevin and grandchildren Loucie, Russell and baby. Daughter Denise, son in law Grahame, and grandchildren Mandy, Brendan and Craig. Beloved uncle of Carol, Sid and family. Sister Iris and brother-in-law Johnny. His sister Eileen, brother-in-law Piet and family. His sister Betty, brother-in-law Gordon, and family. Uncle if Terryn, Helen and children.


MINNIE. – The funeral of Johannes (Charlie), of 3 Hans Strydom Street, Despatch, will take place from the D.R. Church Eendrag, Despatch, tomorrow, May 11, 1982 at 2.30 p.m. thence to the North End Cemetery, Port Elizabeth.

STURDY. – Fred John, passed away May 7 at home. Missed by his wife Ticky, and children Eldred, Dawn, Beverley and Burry and grand children. Service at the Church of Christ, 42 Pickering Street, Newton Park on Tuesday, May 11, 1982 at 2 p.m. Cremation private.


MALEIBA. – Fred, passed away May 8, 1979. Remembered by his daughters, Girty, Emily, Helen, Mary and Joyce and granddaughter Lundi and his son Freddy.

NELL. – J.P. (Piet), passed away May 10, 1977. Remembered by his wife Emma and son Anton, his daughter Mara and Dietmar DUBSKY, West Germany.

NELL. – Koot, passed away when we needed him most. Remembered by his son Jaap, Hermoine and grandchildren Vera, May and Gerhard.

PETERS. – Frank, passed away 4 years ago, today. Remembered by his wife Christine and family, Clara, Charlton, and son-in-law John RUITERS.

SCHIMPER. – Bill. Remembered by Sylvia, Victor and family.

Port Elizabeth, Tuesday, May 11, 1982


CLARK. – To Linda (nee BOSCH) and Bruce, a son born at Sandford on Mother's Day.

GERMAN. - To Geoff and Celia (nee SADLER), a daughter, Catherine Anne,, on April 24, in Watford, England.

HOLMES. – To Owen and Val, a son and brother for Det and Bev, born May 7 at Sandford.

LOW-AH-KEE. – To Noel and Karen, a daughter and sister for Andrew, born May 7, Canada.


MILLARD. – ADAMS. Dick and Megan have pleasure in announcing the engagement of their daughter Sherron to Peter, only son of Lilian and the late Mr Jun MILLARD.


FIELDING. – John to Peggy (nee CARROLL) on May 11, 1957, at the St Augustine's Cathedral by Bishop E. GREEN.


JENNINGS. - Marc Anthony, infant son of Mandy and Micky, passed away May 6. Missed by Uncle Terry, Aunty Geraldine, Craig, Justine and Lynton.

PAGE. – Derrick and son Royden, tragically killed in a motor accident near Eshowe on May 1. Mourned by mother Angus, by wife Charmaine. And family.

SMITH. – Benjamin Owen, (Barney), passed away in Cape Town on May 8. Remembered by Liz, Graeme, Colleen, Lesley and Fiona.

STURDY. – Fred John, passed away on Friday evening, May 7, 1982. Mourned by Eldred and Dawn BISSHCHOFF and grandchildren Renee, Michelle and Lynne. Daughter Beverly and Barry BURGER and grandchildren Adrian and Duane.


BRAMWELL. – Sheila Agnus, passed away May 10. Service today at 3 p.m. at the P.E. Crematorium.

COLESKY. – Anna Christina of 33 Winterhoek Drive, Uitenhage, previously of Skone Uitsig, Patensie, the service will take place from the D.R. Church, Kwagga East, today, May 11, 1982 at 3 p.m.

FOURIE. – Hermanus Lambertus passed away on May 8. Funeral service will take place from the D.R. Church, Sydenham, today, Tuesday. May 11 at 12 noon. Thence to the Forest Hill Cemetery.

HUGHES. – Raymond Roderick, passed away on May 6. The cremation service will take place at the Crematorium, tomorrow, Wednesday, May 12 at 10.30 a.m.

KEMP. – Graham Lionel passed away at the Provincial Hospital on Monday, May 5, at the age of 18 years. Service at the Crematorium, tomorrow, Wednesday, May 12, at 2 p.m.

LANDMAN.- Anna of 124 Durban Street, Uitenhage, the service will take place from the D.R. Church, Moedergemeente, Uitenhage, tomorrow, Wednesday, May 12, 1982 at 10 a.m.

MEYER. – Catherina Johanna (nee BOOYENS). The funeral service will take place at the D.R. Church, Central, on Wednesday, May 12, at 4 p.m. proceeding to the Forest Hill Cemetery.

STURDY. – Fred John passed away May 7, missed by his loving wife Tickey, children Eldred, Dawn, Beverley and Burry and grandchildren. Service at the Church of Christ, 42 Pickering Street, Newton Park, on Tuesday May 11, 1982, at 2 p.m. Cremation private.


DE ANDRADE. – Vasco, passed away 1965. Remembered by your mother, sister Mary, brothers George and John and family. Dennis and family.

FUN-SUM. – Mary, passed away May 11, 1981. Remembered by Albert, Pamela and family. Her daughter Mary. Violet, Willie and grandchildren. Daughter Joan and grandchildren Alan and Charlene.

SMITH. – Alice, passed away May 11, 1960. Remembered by her family.

Port Elizabeth, Wednesday, May 12, 1982.


BUCHANAN. – To Colin and Sybil (nee KUYLER), a daughter born May 10, London.

DUNLOP. – To Billy and Jenny, a son William James, born May 7, a brother to Yvette, Gary, Sharon and Michelle, at Uitenhage Provincial Hospital.

SEABORNE. – To Shane and Bev (nee COLLOCOTT) a son Russell, in May 11, at Prieska Hospital.

VAN WYK. – To Seugnet and Louis, a son, born May 10 in Mowbray Maternity Hospital, Cape Town.


KOOIKER. – SIMPSON. Mr and Mrs I SIMPSON have pleasure in announcing the engagement of their eldest daughter, Louise, to Bouke, son of Mr and Mrs Piet KOOIKER.

PHAYRE. – BURNESS. Carmen and John are happy to announce their engagement.


FOURIE. – Hermanus Lambertus Gerhardus passed away at the Provincial Hospital, May 8. Missed by his family.

FRIEDLANDER. – Heinz passed away May 10, Mourned by his wife Eileen, children Melanie and David, and grandchildren David, Alastair and Jeremy. Funeral notice later. Aubrey, Sharon and family, Canada. Daphne, Bob and family. Myrtle, Fay, Horace and Andra. June, Ronnie and family, East London.

JENNINGS. – Marc Anthony, infant son of Mandy and Micky taken from us on May 6. Remembered by Uncle Terry, Aunty Geraldine, Craig, Justin and Lynton.

UPMAN. – Alfred, passed peacefully away at Margate on Monday, May 10, husband of Sheila, father of Colleen, Nola, Glen and John. Remembered by his brother Eric, Ellen, Ruth and Stanley. Tony, Margaret and children.


CLAASSEN. – Jan, of 11 Retief Street, Despatch, the service will take place from the Apostolic Faith Mission Church, De Lange Street, Despatch, tomorrow, Thursday, May 13, 1982, at 10 a.m.

FRIEDLANDER. – Heinz, passed away May 10. Requiem Mass at Holy Rosary Convent, Western Road, today, Wednesday, May 12, at 3.30 p.m.

RAWLINS. – Esther of Church Street, Humansdorp, passed away May 9, 1982. Service in the Methodist Church, Humansdorp, tomorrow, Thursday, at 11 a.m.

WITBOOI. – Leah, died May 7, 1982. Funeral service on May 7, 16, 1982, 3 p.m. from the Catholic Church, Somerset East.


Harwood. – Brenda, never forgotten. Missed by mom Lynette.

KLEYNHANS. – Martin passed away May 12, 1979. Missed by Mom and Dad.

THERON. – Jack, passed away May 12, 1981. Always remembered by Joss, Hilary, Lynnete, Michael and Colin.

VILLINGER. – Julia, passed away May 11, 1961. Remembered by Sonny, Joan, Maureen, Richard and family.

Port Elizabeth, Thursday, June 3, 1982.


BRATT. - To Gordon and Connie (nee JANSE VAN VUUREN), first child, a son, born May 28 at Sandford.

DAVIS. – To William and Penny, a daughter born May 29 at Sandford.

McGUIGAN. – To Alan and Elizabeth, a daughter Gail, sister for Karen, on May 1 at Sandford.


HART. – JANSEN. Bob and Daphne HART wish to announce the engagement of their submariner son, Shaun Patrick, to Geraldene, elder daughter of Alice and the late Aubrey JANSEN.

KETTLES. – WILLIAMSON. Colin and Beatrice have pleasure in announcing their engagement.

PIDERIT. – DUDGEON. Graham and Eileen are happy to announce the engagement of their only daughter, Sue to Robin, only son of Lorna and the late Louis PIDERIT on May 29, 1982.


BENNETT. – Les passed away June 1. Mourned by Flo and Lynnda, Tony, Andre, Greg, Annika and grandchildren.

FOLDY. – Jean Mary. Remembered by Michael, Eleanor and grandson Terence.

FOUCHE. – Dan, passed away May 29. Mourned by Valerie, Alan and children.

KARSTAEDT. – Paul, passed away May 28, 1982. Missed by Theresa and Gerry DUFFY. Ross, Lin, Brad, Ryan and Shelly.

PEKING. – Wong, passed away June 1 at the age of 65 years. Mourned by his family.

WALLACE. – Olive, relict of the late Milton WALLACE, formerly of Grahamstown, Bedford and Uitenhage, passed away at Cape Town on June 1, 1982. Missed by Joan and John and family, also Dossie and Mac.


BENNETT. – Leslie, passed away at the Provincial Hospital on Tuesday, June 1, at the age of 64 years. Missed by his family. Service at Victoria Park Crematorium, tomorrow, Friday, June 4, at 2.30 p.m.

BOAG. – Peter, of Jeffreys Bay, passed away June 2, 1982. Mourned by his wife Anna and children. Funeral from the D.R. Church, Jeffreys Bay, tomorrow, Friday, June 4, 1982, at 3 p.m.

BOSMAN. – Cornelius Petrus, passed away at Umtata on Tuesday, June 1, 1982. Husband of Petronella and father of Anton and Marius. A service will be held in the D.R. Church, Hill Street, Grahamstown at 3 p.m. on Friday, June 4, 1982, followed by interment in the New Cemetery, Grahamstown.

CAMBRIDGE. – Marie, wife of Commodore Dillon CAMBRIDGE (previously wife of Cyril A. FORBES), beloved mother of Ian, Rory and Gail FORBES, died in Johannesburg on May 31, 1982. Cremation private.

COLEMAN. – Edna Hazel, passed away June 1. Service in Jones and Rice's Chapel, York Road, tomorrow, Friday at 11 a.m. Cremation private.

PERKINS. – Winnifred, formerly TAPSON, died in Knysna on May 31, aged 88 years. Mourned by her family, Judy, Hjalmar, Guy, Christopher, Georgina and Harriet THESEN. Funeral from St George's Church, Knysna, tomorrow, Friday, June 4 at 10 a.m.

THOROLD. – The funeral of Dick THOROLD will be held at Olivewoods Farm, tomorrow, Friday, June 4, at 2.30 p.m.


DE MEILLON. – Freddie, passed away June 3, 1965. Remembered by Mum, Amy, Priscilla, Diek and Danie.

OLIVIER. – In memory of my father that passed away 2 years ago today. Remembered by Debbie and fiancé Clive.

SCHOEMAN. – Ben, passed away June 2, 1976. Remembered by his family.

WRIGHT. – In memory of Kay. Always remembered by Karla and Gisela.

Port Elizabeth, Saturday, June 5, 1982.


HAWNINGTON. – To Paul and Judy, a daughter Lindsay, sister for Brett, On June 3 at Sandford.

HOFFMANN. – To Peter and Hilary (nee GIBSON), a son at Sandford on June 3.

HOWCROFT. – To Greg and Pam (nee ROWE), John's trip and Felicity's first grandson. From Michael, Charmaine and Kerry-Lin, grandson to Muriel and granny Cleone.

LONG. – To Cyril and Reynette (nee PETZER), a daughter born June 3 at Settlers Hospital, Grahamstown.

RADDALL. – To June (nee ARDERNE), wife of John, at Pretoria on June 3, a daughter.

THOMEN. – To Alf and Chris, a son, on June 3 at Sandford.


INGLIS. – Halvey David, to Jess, married June 6, 1922, in St Augustine's Cathedral, by the late Rev. Father HAMMERSLEY.


BUTLION. – Jill, passed away. Remembered by sister Edna, daughter and sons, sister Gwen and children.

PEKING. – Mrs S.P. PEKING, passed away June 1. Mourned by her husband Kingson, Kenneth and Marjorie, also Rosabel, Arthur and grandson Jeff.

ROGERS. – Ted, passed away June 4, 1982. Husband of Bridget. Father of Robin, Valme, and grandfather of Tanya and Kert. Father of Colleen and Alan, and grandfather of Tracy and Miola. Uncle of Skippy and Yvonne, and grandpa of Naathan and David.

SCHAFER. – Garth, brother of Edna, Eunice, Sheila, Sivan, Bramwell and Beulah, passed away in Randburg.


HARWOOD. – Fred, passed away June 3. Missed by his wife Joyce and family. The service will take place at the Crematorium, Monday, June 7, at 10 a.m.

JANTJIES. – Doris, beloved wife of Henry (Ou Grote), passed away on May 31. Funeral today, Saturday, 2 p.m. at Clarkson. Missed by her brother Pauly, Aithaler and family.

PEKING. – Sui Ping, loving wife of Leong Kingson and mother of Kenneth, Rosabel, Eileen, and Marjorie, passed away on Tuesday, June 1 at the age of 65 years. Funeral service from St Francis Xavier Anglican Church, Kabega Park, on Sunday, June 6, at 2 p.m. Interment at the Forest Hill Cemetery.


BAATJES. – Francis Sinah, passed away 7 years ago today. Remembered by Frank, June and children.

CHERRINGTON. – Graham, passed away a year ago today. Remembered by Toeks, Carol, Rene, Deryck, Greta and children. Also Drene. Minnie and Carel.

COONEY. – Bertie Thomas. Remembered by his wife Joyce, daughter Ethel, Leon and family, also Joan, Brian and family.

GILBERT. – Estelle, born 20 February, left us a year ago, tomorrow. Remembered by her family.

LAST. – Gerard, passed away a year ago today. Remembered by his wife Marie and daughter Nicki.

SUTTON. – James passed away June 6, 1981. Remembered by his family.

Port Elizabeth, Monday, June 7, 1982.


DIEDERICKS. – To Frankie and Charleen (nee JENNEKER), a daughter Leigh-Anne, by adoption.

MILTON. – To Pat and William a son, Craig, brother for Alan, on Friday, June 4, 1982 at Sandford.


BRUCE. – HARDING. Bill and Dorothy BRUCE have much pleasure in announcing the engagement of their only son, Robert, to Mary (Bunty) only daughter of Cedric and Coral HARDING of Pietermaritzburg.

LOVEGROVE. – OLIVER. Derek and Colette are happy to announce the engagement of their daughter, Sharon, to John, son of John and Violet of Wantage, England.

LYONS. – PORTER. Rodney and Charmaine take pleasure in announcing their engagement on June 1, 1982.


VAN SCHOULTZ. – CAWOOD. David, only son of Igor and Irma, to Ethel, eldest daughter of John and Edna, in the Newton Park Methodist Church by Rev. Eric HYMER on May 29, 1982.


CLEGG. Congratulations Mom and Dad on your Silver Wedding. From Anthony, Christopher, Diane and Clifford.


CRITTAL. – Sybil Graham passed away June 3, 1982. Mother of June and Todd, Glynis, and David, mother-in-law of Meg and granny of Heulwen, Sian, and Steven. Gran of Glyn, Mike, Michelle, Richard and Roger.

OUKARAS. – Christothea, passed away on June 5, 1982. Mourned by her husband Ioanis and family.

PEKING. – Sui Ping, passed away June 1, 1982. Aunt of Victor and family, (Canada), Cecil and family (Canada), Neville, Esther and family, Anthony and Dawn, Quinton and Dawn, Junerose and Tony, sister-in-law of Dally and aunt of Fay and Lynette, (Canada).

ROGERS. – Ted passed away June 4, 1982. Husband of Bridget. Father of Colleen and Allan and grandfather of Tracy and Nicola. Father of Robin and Valme and grandfather of Tanya and Kurt. Uncle of Skippy and Yvonne and grandpa of Teddy, Nathan and David. His sister Joyce and Dave. Brother of Doug, Phyl and family. Neil, Alf and family.

WILSON. – Florence Elizabeth passed away June 5, 1982. Missed by husband Gordon and family, sister-in-law Irene, Ethel and Charles.


CRITTALL. – Sybil, passed away June 3. Service at the P.E. Crematorium, today, Monday, at 10.30 a.m.

HARWOOD. – Fred, passed away June 3, husband of Joyce. The service will take place at the Crematorium, Monday, June 7, at 10 a.m.

OUKRAS. – Christothea, passed away on Saturday, June 5, at the age of 62 years. Funeral service from the Greek Orthodox Church, Parsons Hill on Tuesday, June 8, at 3.30 pm. Interment at Forest Hill Cemetery.

ROBERTS – Jimmy, passed away at the Provincial Hospital on Saturday, June 5, at the age of 75 years. Missed by his wife Joan and family. Service at St Francis Family Church, Charlo, on Wednesday, June 9 at 11 am.

ROGERS – Edward (Ted), of 41 John Street, Uitenhage. The funeral will take place from the Congregational Church, Caledon Street, Uitenhage, tomorrow, Tuesday, June 8, 1982 at 3.30 pm.

STRYDOM – Johanna. The funeral will take place from the D.R. Church Moedergemeente, Uitenhage, tomorrow, Tuesday, June 8, 1982, at 2 pm.

SWANEPOEL – Willem Abraham (BRAAM), passed away June 5. The cremation service will take place at the St John's Church, Havelock Street, Tuesday, June 8, at 3 pm.

VAN DER MERWE – Dorothy, passed away on Sunday, June 6, at the age of 74 years. Missed by her daughters, Tiennie, Anna and family. Funeral service from the Dutch Reformed Church, Dalton Road, Sidwell on Tuesday, June 8, 3.30pm. Burial at the North End Cemetery.


HUNT – Bettie, passed away two years ago on June 6. Missed by Cyril, Brinley, Gary, Norma, Bronwyn and Elizabeth.

MOORE – Thelma, passed away June 7, 1972. Remembered by Colleen and Desmond.

TRETHEWEY – In memory of our darling mother and granny, who passed away on June 6, 1965. Remembered by Nellie, Owen and Melany

Port Elizabeth, Monday, June 14, 1982


LOISOU. – BROTHERTON. Buster and Jeannette, of Post Retief, announce with pleasure the engagement of their eldest daughter, Sue to Vasso, son of George and Lula LOISOU, of Pretoria.

MACBEAN. – HOCKLEY. The engagement is announced between Craig Russell MACBEAN, second son of Mr and Mrs R. MACBEAN, of Little Chelsea, Port Elizabeth, and Helen, youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs R. "Beddoe" HOCKLEY, of Lloyd Road, Walmer.


KYLE. – BROCK. Mika and Vern at the Newton Park Methodist Church on June 12, 1982.


BANKS-BAIRD. – Jimmy, passed away, Friday, June 11, 1982. Mourned by James, Avril and Susie.

BRADLEY. – Ken, passed away June 11, aged 49, brother of Peter and uncle of Michael, Susan and Debbie.

CHONG HING. – Preston passed away June 13, aged 33 years, husband of Sylvia and brother of Joseph and Kam. Eldest son of Joe and brother of Zena, Ossie, Cyril, Lynette, Linda, Rhona, Kenny and Louis. Brian, Lynette and Lisa.

DELL. – Michael, passed away June 9. Remembered by Tania, Preston and Yolande DUPISANI. Rene, Karen, Suzanne and Noleen.

DU PREEZ. – Stefanus Mattheus (Oom Sarel), passed away June 12. Remembered by his wife Frances, daughter Patsy, son Steve and family.

ERASMUS. – Rassie, passed away June 12. Remembered by his wife Retha, and children Christo and Ria, Marlene and Michael, Neil and Christell.

JANSEN. – Patricia (nee MEYER), passed away June 11, 1982. Mourned by her husband Andrew, and children Desmond, Selwin, Claudine, Avril and Alton.

MAY. – John, passed away June 11, 1982. Missed by John and Denise.

PETER. – Neville, husband of Mani and father of Melissa, passed away June 10, 1982, at the age of 40 years. Funeral will take place in Durban.

STRYDOM. – Joy Eileen (nee BARBER), passed away Thursday, June 10. Remembered by Jeffrey, Faith and granddaughters. Also Archie and Daphne.


BANKS-BAIRD. – James Peter, passed away June 11, 1982. Service at the Red Cross Chapel, Walmer, tomorrow, Tuesday, at 11 a.m. Thence to the Forest Hill Cemetery.

BRADLEY. – Charles, passed away June 11. Service at the P.E. Crematorium, Wednesday, June 16 at 12 noon.

DU PREEZ. – Stephanus Marthinus (Oom Sarel), passed away June 12. Service from St Pauls Church, Parsons Hill, tomorrow, Tuesday, June 15 at 2 p.m. Interment at North End Cemetery.

PRETORIUS. – Petrus (Piet) of 14 Malan Street, Despatch, the funeral will take place from the D.R. Church, Retief, tomorrow, Tuesday, June 15, 1982 at 3 p.m.

RAUTENBACH. – Walter, passed away on Saturday, June 12, at the age of 16 years. Mourned by his parents and sisters Delene and Tersia. Service from the Dutch Reformed Church, Hoogland, Charlo, on Wednesday, June 16 at 3.30 p.m. Burial at the Forest Hill Cemetery.


BESSINGER. – Vernon Gilbert, passed away a year ago today. Missed by Daphne and family.

DAVEY. – Gladys (Miemie). Remembered by Trevor, Daphne and children. George, Susan and Gillian. Florrie, Phyllis and Mercia.

JACKSON. – Violet, passed away June 14, 1981. Remembered by Ken, Sylvia, Richard, Sheila and Barbara.

LINGER-HARRIS. – Emma, passed away 1 year ago, today, wife of Jack. Remembered by Ray, Llewellyn and family (Johannesburg), Sylvia, Bill, and family (Johannesburg, Enid, Colin and family (Johannesburg). Win (London, England). Liz and Ed (Johannesburg), Dorothy (Margate, England), Joyce, Ralph and family, (Plymouth, England), Mary, Cliff and family (Plymouth, England), George, Edie and children (London) Dick and Doris (Chesterfield), Chippy and Irene (Chesterfield), Paul and Christine (Essex), Fred, Lil, Peter, June and Carol TILLSON (London).

PAGE. – Gordon, passed away June 14, 1981. Missed by his sister, Edna and family.

VAN DALEN. – Pieter, passed away 2 years ago today. Missed by his wife.

Port Elizabeth, Monday, June 14, 1982


LOISOU. – BROTHERTON. Buster and Jeannette, of Post Retief, announce with pleasure the engagement of their eldest daughter, Sue to Vasso, son of George and Lula LOISOU, of Pretoria.

MACBEAN. – HOCKLEY. The engagement is announced between Craig Russell MACBEAN, second son of Mr and Mrs R. MACBEAN, of Little Chelsea, Port Elizabeth, and Helen, youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs R. "Beddoe" HOCKLEY, of Lloyd Road, Walmer.


KYLE. – BROCK. Mika and Vern at the Newton Park Methodist Church on June 12, 1982.


BANKS-BAIRD. – Jimmy, passed away, Friday, June 11, 1982. Mourned by James, Avril and Susie.

BRADLEY. – Ken, passed away June 11, aged 49, brother of Peter and uncle of Michael, Susan and Debbie.

CHONG HING. – Preston passed away June 13, aged 33 years, husband of Sylvia and brother of Joseph and Kam. Eldest son of Joe and brother of Zena, Ossie, Cyril, Lynette, Linda, Rhona, Kenny and Louis. Brian, Lynette and Lisa.

DELL. – Michael, passed away June 9. Remembered by Tania, Preston and Yolande DUPISANI. Rene, Karen, Suzanne and Noleen.

DU PREEZ. – Stefanus Mattheus (Oom Sarel), passed away June 12. Remembered by his wife Frances, daughter Patsy, son Steve and family.

ERASMUS. – Rassie, passed away June 12. Remembered by his wife Retha, and children Christo and Ria, Marlene and Michael, Neil and Christell.

JANSEN. – Patricia (nee MEYER), passed away June 11, 1982. Mourned by her husband Andrew, and children Desmond, Selwin, Claudine, Avril and Alton.

MAY. – John, passed away June 11, 1982. Missed by John and Denise.

PETER. – Neville, husband of Mani and father of Melissa, passed away June 10, 1982, at the age of 40 years. Funeral will take place in Durban.

STRYDOM. – Joy Eileen (nee BARBER), passed away Thursday, June 10. Remembered by Jeffrey, Faith and granddaughters. Also Archie and Daphne.


BANKS-BAIRD. – James Peter, passed away June 11, 1982. Service at the Red Cross Chapel, Walmer, tomorrow, Tuesday, at 11 a.m. Thence to the Forest Hill Cemetery.

BRADLEY. – Charles, passed away June 11. Service at the P.E. Crematorium, Wednesday, June 16 at 12 noon.

DU PREEZ. – Stephanus Marthinus (Oom Sarel), passed away June 12. Service from St Pauls Church, Parsons Hill, tomorrow, Tuesday, June 15 at 2 p.m. Interment at North End Cemetery.

PRETORIUS. – Petrus (Piet) of 14 Malan Street, Despatch, the funeral will take place from the D.R. Church, Retief, tomorrow, Tuesday, June 15, 1982 at 3 p.m.

RAUTENBACH. – Walter, passed away on Saturday, June 12, at the age of 16 years. Mourned by his parents and sisters Delene and Tersia. Service from the Dutch Reformed Church, Hoogland, Charlo, on Wednesday, June 16 at 3.30 p.m. Burial at the Forest Hill Cemetery.


BESSINGER. – Vernon Gilbert, passed away a year ago today. Missed by Daphne and family.

DAVEY. – Gladys (Miemie). Remembered by Trevor, Daphne and children. George, Susan and Gillian. Florrie, Phyllis and Mercia.

JACKSON. – Violet, passed away June 14, 1981. Remembered by Ken, Sylvia, Richard, Sheila and Barbara.

LINGER-HARRIS. – Emma, passed away 1 year ago, today, wife of Jack. Remembered by Ray, Llewellyn and family (Johannesburg), Sylvia, Bill, and family (Johannesburg, Enid, Colin and family (Johannesburg). Win (London, England). Liz and Ed (Johannesburg), Dorothy (Margate, England), Joyce, Ralph and family, (Plymouth, England), Mary, Cliff and family (Plymouth, England), George, Edie and children (London) Dick and Doris (Chesterfield), Chippy and Irene (Chesterfield), Paul and Christine (Essex), Fred, Lil, Peter, June and Carol TILLSON (London).

PAGE. – Gordon, passed away June 14, 1981. Missed by his sister, Edna and family.

VAN DALEN. – Pieter, passed away 2 years ago today. Missed by his wife.

Port Elizabeth, Thursday, June 17, 1982.


BARNFATHER. – To Raymond and Christine (nee WOOD), a daughter, born June 15, 1982 at Sandford.

LOCK. – To Ray and Lynette (nee REID), a daughter, born June 15 at Sandford.

WARD. – To Ian and Betty, a son, Anthony Thomas. From Colin, Susan, Adele, Sarah, Simon and Duncan. Christine, Frank, Michelle and Stephen.

WOOD. – To Kingsley and Dalene (nee DRIMMIE), a daughter Carolyn-Ann, and sister for Andrew on June 15, 1982, at St Augustine's Durban.

YAVRY. – To Brenda (nee WOLOVITZ), and Danny, a son, born on June 15, 1982, in Israel. First grandchild for Jack and Mavis WOLOVITZ and great grandchild for Sophia GILLIS.


BILLSON. – George Curtis, husband of Giovanna, passed away on June 14.

BOTHA. – Louis Jon-a-von, passed away June 16, 1982. Mourned by your son Eldrid, and Kathy and grandchildren. Daughter Jenny and Raymond, grandchildren Don-a von and Natasha. Son Louis.

DE ROVER. – Bernard, passed away June 14. Mourned by his sister Joye and Niece Anita.

STRYDOM. – Miem, always remembered by Andrew, Joey, Johan and Marius.


BILLSON. – George Curtis, passed away June 14. Service in St Augustine's Cathedral today, Thursday, at 2 p.m., thence to the North End Cemetery.

BRADLEY, passed away on June 15, 1982. Funeral service will take place on Saturday, June 19, 1982, from Nazareth House Chapel, at 10.30 a.m., thence to the Forest Hill Cemetery.

DAVIES. – Nora, aged 80 years, widow of Lawrie (LC senior), passed away on June 16.Beloved mother and mother-in-law of Betty, Donald, Denise, Laurine, Gerhard, Bobby (LC junior), Jennifer, Isabelle, Albertus, John and Nicolette, granny of 23 and greatgran of 11. Service at the P.E. Crematorium on Friday, June 18, at 2.30 p.m.

ELS. – Hester Sophia, passed away on Tuesday, June 15. Service from the D.R. Church on Saturday, June 19, at 3 p.m. at Steytlerville.

FISCHER. – Sheila, passed away at the Provincial Hospital on Tuesday, June 15, at the age of 46 years. Service at the Crematorium tomorrow, Friday, June 18, at 1 p.m.

SYSE. - Ellen (nee TOBIAS), passed away June 12. Funeral service June 19 at 4 p.m. Weiss Memorial Church, Schauderville, thence to Paapenkuils Cemetery. Remembered by your sons Cecil, August, daughters-in-law Sheila and Johanna and children.


LOW AH. – Andrew, passed away June 17, 1951. Remembered by his son James and May and children. His daughter Freda and Willie and grandchildren. Daughter Joyce and grandchildren.

POWELL. – Jill, passed away June 17, 1979. Remembered by Ann and Ray. Bill, Jean, James, Andrew and Jillian.

VAN ROOYEN. – Danie, passed away June 16, 1977. Remembered by Marcel, Nadine, Rodney and Liza.

Port Elizabeth, Tuesday, June 22, 1982.


BRAND. – To Paul and Denise (nee PAXTON), a daughter on June 19, at Sandford.


ELLIOTT. – MARTIN. Mr G.A. and Mrs B.M. MARTIN of New Zealand, have pleasure in announcing the engagement of their younger daughter, Gail, to Trevor, only son of Mr and Mrs R. ELLIOTT.


HENDRICKSE. – HEBER. Silver Wedding. Rev. Allan and Terry on June 22, 1957, in the Dale Street Congregational Church by Reverend C.W. HENDRICKSE. From your children Peter, Marie-Louise, Arlene and Michael. From Deacons and Members of the Dale Congregational Church.


BENECKE. – George Frederick (Orgie), passed away on June 18 at Port Elizabeth Provincial Hospital, in his 69th year. Mourned by his wife and children. Sisters Hester and Tinkie.

DUTTON. – Herald E.P., passed away at the Provincial Hospital, Saturday, June 19. Missed by Charles, Nan, Jeremy and Sally. Also Ethel, Lynn, Rosemary, Sheila, Simon and Jean.

LAMPRECHT. – Hilda Rose, passed away June 18. Missed by Adri and Peter and family.

MADATT. – Vernon Manuel, passed away June 19, 1982. Mourned by his step children Kenneth, Freda and grandson Byron, and aunt Sally. Funeral notice later.


BAINES. – Elsie May, passed away at the Settlers Hospital, Grahamstown, on June 18, 1982. Wife of Cappel BAINES and mother of Richard, John, Robin, Ben WATERMEYER and Rosemary CALDWELL. A memorial service will be held in the Cathedral of St Michael and St George, Grahamstown, at 11 a.m. today, Tuesday, June 22, 1982. Cremation private.

COULING. – Winnifred, passed away at Nazareth House on Sunday, June 20, at the age of 81 years. Service from Nazareth House on Wednesday, June 23, at 10 a.m. Interment at Forest Hill Cemetery.

LAMPRECHT. – Hilda, passed away June 19. Service in the North End Methodist Church, Thursday, June 24, at 11. A.m. thence to Forest Hill Cemetery.

OLCKERS. – Elizabeth Lydia (Tooks) of Rosa Munch Home, the service will take place from the D.R. Church Moedergemeente, Uitenhage, Wednesday, June 23, at 3 p.m.

ROUX. – David Jacobus, passed away June 17, 1982. Service will take place today, Tuesday, June 22, at 3 p.m. from the D.R. Church, Central. Thence to the Forest Hill Cemetery.

VAN DER MERWE. – The funeral of Stephanus (Eddie), of 8 Dundas Street, Uitenhage will take place from the D.R. Church, Uitenhage East, Tuesday, June 22, 1982 at 11 a.m.

VAN NIEKERK. – Elsa. The funeral will take place at the D.R. Church, Kragga Kamma, today, June 22, at 3 p.m., proceeding to the Forest Hill Cemetery.


GERSTEL. – Hans, the tombstone will be consecrated on Sunday, June 27, at 2.30 p.m. at the Jewish Cemetery, North End.


HANEKOM. – Myra, passed away June 22, 1958. Remembered by Mum, brothers and sisters.

VAN LOGGERENBERG. – Martinus Johannes Stefanus, ons dink weer vandag aan jou verjaarsdag, die 22 Junie. Van sy vrou Annie VAN LOGGERENBERG, kinders en kleinkinders.

Port Elizabeth, Wednesday, June 23, 1982.


KITCHING. – To Dalene, a son Brendon, on Jun 18, at Sandford.

LAWRENSON. – To Alan and Pam (nee GORDON), a son Mark Gordon, on June 21 in Sydney, Australia.

LUNDY. – To Derick and Rina (nee DOMS) a daughter, at Sandford.


COYLING. – Winnie (nee O'NEIL), passed away at Nazareth House, June 20. Missed by her daughter Rita, grandchildren and great grandchildren.

LAMPRECHT. – Hilda Rose, passed away June 18. Missed by Adri and Peter and family.

OLCKERS. – Lydia (Tooks), sister of Max DAVIS, passed away June 21, 1982.

REID. – Donald, passed away on June 17. Mourned by his sister Sylvia, brother-in-law Malcolm and sons. His sister Lorraine, brother-in-law Hendrick and family.

SCHNETLER. – George, passed away on Sunday. Mourned by his brothers and sisters.


CHETTY. – Miss Angela (Hakef), formerly of 42 Shell Street, now resident at 11 Hawarthia Drive, Malabar. Funeral at 4 p.m. today, June 23, 1982, proceeding to Forest Hill Crematorium (transcribers note - should be P.E. Crematorium).

VAN DER MERWE. – Sophia, passed away at the Provincial Hospital on Monday, June 21 at the age of 56 years. Funeral service from D.R. Church, Walmer on Friday, June 25 at 1 p.m. Interment at the Forest Hill Cemetery.

VAN ZYL. – Stephanus Johannes, aged 64 years, passed away on June 21. Funeral takes place on Friday, June 25 at 2 p.m. in the Mica Church, William Road, Cotswold, proceeding to the Forest Hill Cemetery.


GOUWS. – Johannes Frederick (Jack) passed away June 23, 1980. Remembered by his wife Minnie. Also remembered by May and Alice.

PIETERS. - Buck. Remembered by John, Valerie and Justin.

PIKE. – Jim, passed away 10 years ago on June 23, 1972. Remembered by his wife Fhinny, his daughter Dorothy, son-in-law Gareth and grandson Gregory.

ROSE. – Charles Ennis, passed away June 23, 1979. Missed by Sid, Carol, Craig, Taryn and Melody.

VAN ANTWERP. – Our mother and grandmother, passed away a year ago today. Remembered by Steve and Rose, Michael and family and Andrew and family.

Port Elizabeth, Saturday, June 26, 1982


DEFFERARY. – To Ursula and Peter, a daughter, Tanya, on June 24.

DELPORT. - To Kobus and Minda, a son William Hendrik, and a brother to Gerdie, on Monday, June 21, at Sandford.

LEWIS. – To Terry and Cedric, a daughter, born June 25, at Sandford.

MACKIE. – To Bob and Susan (nee VAN BLERK), a son, born Johannesburg, June 23.

MILNER. – Iilana and Louis. A son, June 24, Kabutz, Yizreel, Israel.


HOWES. – Edward Milner, father of Thea and Malcolm, and grandfather of Beth, Sandy and Celia, passed away in Cape Town on June 24, 1982.

LIPSON. – A.J. (Bunty) passed away on June 24. Remembered by Mrs Yakoob and family, Bill, Oona RANDALL and family, by Polio Fellowship.

NIELSEN. – Magdalena, passed away on June 25, 1982. Mourned by daughter Ezabella, son-in-law Ruby and Bernet, daughter Joy, son-in-law Chris and grandchildren Helen and Costa.

STRYDOM. - Sylvia Joyce, passed away on June 24. Missed by her sister Ivy, brother-in-law Wallace and family.


HARVEY. – Bertha Martha, aged 65 years. Funeral takes place Monday, June 28, in the D.R. Church, Dalton Road, at 3.30 p.m. Graveside service private.

McLEOD. – Gordon, passed away on Friday, June 25, 1982. Brother of Eric, Madge, Bernard, Doreen, Walter and Douglas. Funeral service at Will's Parlour, Hill Street, Grahamstown at 4 p.m. today, Saturday, June 26, 1982.

NIELSEN. – Maggie, passed away at the Provincial Hospital, on Friday, June 25, at the age of 74 years. Service from the Victoria Baptist Church on Monday, June 28, at 11 a.m. Interment at Forest Hill Cemetery.

RANDALL. – Cornelia Margaret Marie, passed away on June 24. The funeral service will take place from the Methodist Church, Central, Monday, June 28 at 3 p.m., proceeding to the North End Cemetery.

SAWTEL. – Mabel Alice, a memorial service will be held in the Bedford Presbyterian Church, on Monday, June 28 at 10.30 a.m. Thence to Cookhouse Cemetery for committal of her ashes.

VAN ZYL, - Ben (of Maryets, Uitenhage) passed away at the Uitenhage Hospital on June 24. Mourned by his wife Joey, daughter Gloria, son-in-law Hannes RENS and Rosemary, grandchildren Tonié, Christo, Hanlie, Emmalda. The funeral service will take place at the D.R. Church, North Uitenhage, Tuesday, June 29, at 2.30 p.m.


CAWCUTT. – Chris, passed away three years ago today, June 27. Remembered by his wife Tom.

HOLLINS. – In memory of my parents, Vincent and Jinny. Remembered by their children.

LONGMAN. – Brian, passed away June 27, 1969. Remembered by his parents and Eve.

NORTJE. – In memory of my husband, who passed away 2 years ago on June 27. Remembered by his wife Lettie.

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