Eastern Province Herald 1982 1 January - March
Port Elizabeth, Wednesday, January 6, 1982
BURLEY. – To Trevor and Janine, a daughter on January 3.
DANOHER. – To Jenny and Vincent, a daughter born January 5 at Sandford, a sister to Kim.
FOURIE. – To Ian and Marisa (nee DANIELL), a daughter on December 24, 1981 in Klerksdorp.
GLEGG. – To Kevin and Vanessa (nee HATTINGH) a son Ryan, born January 3, 1982 at the Provincial Hospital, Uitenhage.
KUHN. – To Gerhard and Julia, a son and brother to Veronica and Hans on January 4, at the Provincial Hospital, Uitenhage.
STANDER. – To Alfie and Emsie (nee KEMP), a son and brother for Riette and Liesl, at Sandford.
TRUSCOTT. – To Rob and Claire, a son on January 2, at Sandton Clinic, Johannesburg.
DEANE. – MASON. Christopher and Jennifer have pleasure in announcing their engagement in Cape Town.
McANERNEY. – WYRLEY-BIRCH. John and Cherry WYRLEY-BIRCH have pleasure in announcing the engagement of their eldest daughter Susan to Dr Patrick McANERNEY, son of Mrs Moira McANERNEY and the late Dr Thomas McANERNEY of Strabane, Northern Ireland.
SCHOEMAN. – NORMAN. Sylvia and Keith Norman are pleased to announce the engagement of Colleen to Johan, son of Mr and Mrs J.M. SCHOEMAN of East London.
MOLYNEUX. – LONG. Bruce to Debbie at St Augustine's Cathedral on December 16, 1981.
CANTOR. – Frieda passed away on January 3, 1982. Sadly missed by Garnett, Marlene, Michael, Dianne and David. Also Cedric, Gloria and David.
DE VOS. – Michelle passed away January 3. Remembered by the MUKHEIBER family.
DU PREEZ. – Susan passed away January 4, 1982. Missed by her daughter Iris, son-in-law Tommy and Reg, grandchildren Bruce, Errol, May and Trevor, Charmaine and Steven, Beulah and Alex and grandsons Donnovan and Grant.
PARK. – Eileen Mary (Parkie), wife of Jack, mother of Shirley, Alan, Ron, and Lucia and grandmother of Neil, Wendy, Kevin, David and Merryl, passed away January 5, 1982.
WENTWORTH. – Dorothy Anne Bee. Missed by Jean, Ian and family. Also Graham, Lorraine, Karin, Sandra and Antoinette.
BOSCH. – Cecelia Jacomina Liebenberg (nee SLABBERT). Mourned by her children Chris, Hulda, children and grandchildren. The funeral service will take place at the Baptist Church (Westway Bethal), Kabega Park, Thursday, January 7, 1982, at 3 p.m. thence to the Forest Hill Cemetery.
CANTOR. – Alleta, passed away peacefully on January 1, 1982. Service tomorrow, Thursday, January 7, 1982 at 10.30 a.m. at the Port Elizabeth Crematorium.
CORNELL.- Dorothy Darling, (late of 47 Rockdale Avenue, Westville beloved sister of Jack and a loved aunt) the service will take place at the South Chapel, corner First Avenue and Fynn Street this (Wednesday) morning at 9.30. Cremation private.
HENRY. – (Pappa) 86 years, passed away on January 3, 1982. Service in the Bethesda Church, Gumpet Street, Schauderville, today, Wednesday, at 1 p.m., thence to Paapenkuils Cemetery.
KNIGHT. – Mary Maud (Mollie), wife of Basil, mother and granny of Joy, Donald, Debbie, Kim and Norman, Jill, John, Jo-Anna, Jenny and Michael, passed away January 2, 1982. Service in St Margaret's Church, Summerstrand, Thursday, January 7, 1982 at 11.30 a.m. Cremation private.
PARK. – Eileen, passed away January 5. Service at the Port Elizabeth Crematorium, tomorrow, Thursday, at 2.30 p.m.
WENTWORTH. – Dorothy Anne, the service will take place at the Victoria Park, Crematorium, at 2 p.m. today, Wednesday, January 6, 1982.
BENNETT. – Onk passed away 1 year ago today. Missed by Karien and Taryn, Janette and Roy.
BOOTH. – Dudley, passed away January 6, 1978. Remembered by mom, dad and family.
SMITH. – Gordon. Remembered by Harry.
VAN EYK. – Mike, passed away January 6, 1981. Remembered by his daughter Heather, son-in-law Rodus and children.
WONG LEITH. – Wallace passed away 5 years ago today. Missed by Ronnie and Maureen, Mom, Dad, Leon and Noel. Shirley, Peter and Nicky. Yvonne, Arthur and Jackie. Queenie, Godfrey, Karen and Craig. Milly, Roy and Wayne. Yolande, Michael, Greig and Nicholas.
Port Elizabeth, Friday, January 15, 1982.
BROWN. – To Bill and Alison, a son Michael John on January 10, 1982, at Somerset East.
MULLER. – To David and Sandy (nee RUDD), a daughter born January 13, in East London.
SCHEEPERS. – To Nick and Dawn (nee EMSLIE), a son Ryan born on January 12, 1982 at Sandford.
TOWNSEND. – BROPHY. Gordon and Mary BROPHY have pleasure in announcing the engagement of their daughter Pat, to Ray, son of Hazel and the late Andy Townsend, of Karoi, Salisbury.
AYERST. – NAUDé. Karenza Lucille, daughter of Trudeaux and Shirley NAUDé, of Carnarvon, was married to Darrel, son of Fred and Cathy AYERST in the Methodist Church, Newton Park, on January 9.
CARTER-JOHN. - Francis, aged 67, passed away at De Aar Hospital on January 13, 1982. Missed by his wife, Joan and relatives. Funeral notice later.
DONNELLY. – William McKenzie, husband of Jean and father of Joan and Athol and grandpa of Jenny and Marie, passed away in Durban, January 14, 1982. Uncle of Colin, Gail and Andrew.
KING. – George Yin Shoong passed away January 5, 1982. Deeply mourned by his in-laws Mr and Mrs LEW, Ronnie, Kenny and Cynthia, in Johannesburg. Alice, Donald and family, Doreen, Victor and family. Linda, Dave and family in Johannesburg, and Shirley and David in Australia. His Mom and wife Rose and children. Sharon, Gregory and Caroline. Kweng Sing, Yuen Ling, and family. Samson, Peggy and children in Durban. Sister Doreen, Jack and family in U.S.A.
BILLET. – Katie, of 7 Ebbott Road, Uitenhage, passed away on January 7, 1982 in Uitenhage. The funeral will take place from the Congregational Church, King Fisher Avenue, Uitenhage, Saturday, January 16, 1982 after a service commencing at 2 p.m.
BLIGNAUT. – Petrus of 36 John Street, Kirkwood, the service will take place from the Anglican Church, Market Street, Uitenhage, today, Friday, January 15, 1982 at 11 a.m.
HENDRICKS. – Frances (nee ATTWELL)), passed away January 11, 1982. Missed by her brother, Ernest, Angeline and children. Service in the Church of Christ, Gelvan Park, January 16.
KING. – George Yin Shoong, beloved husband of Rosalind passed away January 5, 1982. Funeral service from St Patricks Church, Sydenham, on Sunday, January 17, 1982, at 3 p.m. Thence to the Forest Hill Cemetery.
RANDALL. - Judi Ann of 35 Wilger Avenue, Uitenhage, the service will take place from The Old Apostolic Church, Acacia Road, Uitenhage, Saturday, January 16, 1982 after a service commencing at 3 p.m.
YOUNG. – William, of Oak Villa, Kirkwood, the service will take place from the D.R. Church, Kirkwood, today, Friday, January 15, 1982, at 4 p.m.
DIESEL. – Our father and grandfather, passed away eight years ago. Remembered by son Alan, daughter-in-law Joan, grandchildren Craig and Jo-Anne.
FOX. – Kathleen (nee BROWN), sister of Alfonso and Dorina TONELLI, aunt of Itala on January 15, 1981.
SCHULTZ. – Betty, passed away 3 years ago on January 15. Remembered by your husband Ben and family.
Port Elizabeth, Saturday, January 16, 1982.
EVERARD. – To Colleen and Jimmy, a daughter Candice, born January 14, 1982 at Sandford.
FLEMING. – Kotie and Shirley, the birth of a granddaughter, Bridey-Lee SHARP, on January 14.
SCHEEPERS. – To Nick and Dawn (nee EMSLIE) a son Ryan born on January 12, 1982 at Sandford.
SHARP. – Gareth is please to announce the arrival of his sister, Bridey-Lee.
SHARP. – Reg and Jenny (nee FLEMING) a daughter and sister to Gareth, born on Thursday, January 14 at Sandford.
SPIESSER. – To Steven and Dawn a son, Shawn, January 14, 1982 at Sandford.
JANSE VAN RENSBURG. – OXENHAM. Joy, wife of the late Edgar OXENHAM has great pleasure in announcing the engagement of their daughter Glenda to Andre, eldest son of Barend and Garness JANSE VAN RENSBURG.
FRASER. – HEPPLE. Sandra, daughter of Ray and June HEPPLE, to Keith, youngest son of Pep and the Sheila FRASER, at the Pearston Congregational Church on Friday 15th, by Rev. Peter WOOLSTON.
RICHARDS. – TOOMEY. The marriage has taken place between Ralph, son of Alf and Audrey, and Linda, daughter of Gerald and Beryl on January 9 in Benoni.
FEBRUARY. – Joseph Abraham beloved husband of Grace passed away at the Livingston Hospital. From Albie, Rita and children. Missed by his wife. Mourned by Marcel, Nova, Shelley-Anne and Marcia-Leigh.
FINGHAM. – Bob, husband of Pat and father of Richard, Anne, Sally, David and Cathy passed away January 14.
HENEGAN. – Kotie, passed away. Missed by Hester, Monica, Ue, Louise, Pieter, Margo and Margitte.
KING. – George Yin Shoong, passed away January 5, 1982. Mourned by in-laws Mr and Mrs Lew, Ronnie, Kenny and Cynthia in Johannesburg. Alice, Donald and family. Doreen, Victor and family. Linda, Dave and family (Johannesburg). Shirley and David in Australia. By Mom, his wife Rose and children Sharon, Gregory and Caroline. Kweng Sing, Yuey Lin and family. Samson, Peggy and children (Durban). His sister Doreen, brother-in-law Jack and family in USA.
KOEBERG. – Gideon passed away January 13, 1982. Missed by Ada and family.
VAN RENSBURG. Koos, brother of Corrie and Vivian, uncle of Rose-Marie, Jennifer and Frank passed away in Pretoria on January 14, 1982.
BAKER. – Desmond Ernest passed away January 14, 1982. Remembered by his wife Shirley, children Robert, Michael and Jillian, daughters-in-law Jean and Eloise, granddaughter Helen, and father-in-law Alan. Service at the Rosebank Methodist Church, Cape Town, on Monday, January 18, 1982 at 11 a.m. followed by a private cremation.
FEBRUARY. – Joseph Abraham aged 46, passed away. Funeral at Parkside Congregational Church at 4.30 p.m. A bus will leave 8 Martin Street at 4 p.m. , thence to Paapenkuils Cemetery. Mourned by Grace and children.
FINCHAM. – Bob, husband of Pat. Private cremation memorial service tomorrow, Sunday, January 17, at 3 p.m. at School of Trust, S.A. centre, 253 Bree Street, Johannesburg.
HENDRICKS. – Frances (nee ATTWELL), passed away January 11. Missed by her brother Ernest, Angelique and children. Service in Church of Christ, Gelvan Park, January 16.
KING. – George Yin Shoong, husband of Rosalina, passed away January 5, 1982. Funeral service from St Patrick's Catholic Church, Sydenham, on Sunday, January 17,1982 at 3 p.m. Thence to the Forest Hill Cemetery.
KOEBERG. – Gideon passed away Wednesday, 13th. Mourned by his wife Florrie and daughter Imelda. Funeral to be held at St James Church, Brown Street, Schauderville, Saturday, 16th, at 11 a.m.
PRETORIUS. – Minnie Elizabeth, the funeral service will take place on January 18, at the Union Congregational Church, Windvogel at 1 p.m. Thence to the Paapenkuils Cemetery.
ROCKMAN. – Gladys aged 44 years, the service will take place at the New Apostolic Church, Korsten, today, Saturday at 2.30 p.m. Thence to Paapenkuils Cemetery.
ALFONSO. – Gesina Wilhelmina, passed away January 17, 1980. Missed by your husband and daughter Joan. Daughter Jessie, son-in-law Tommy and grandchildren June and Karen.
KEATES. – Gertrude, passed away 2 years ago today. Missed by Reg.
LINDSAY. – Peggy Margaret, passed away 5 years ago today. Remembered by her son, Lloyd.
Port Elizabeth, Tuesday, January 19, 1982.
COHEN. – To Darryl and Claire a daughter, a sister for Brent and Cindy, at Sandford.
DILL. - To Johan and Lucia, a son on January 18 at Sandford.
MARSLAND. – Eventually a son, Bradley, on January 10. Engineered by Philip, produced by Carol and approved by Matthew, at Uitenhage Provincial Hospital.
RATHKOLB. - To Gerald and Jenny, a son and brother for Belinda on Saturday, January 16.
VAN WYK. – To Loutjie and Quezette (nee RUDMAN) a son, Mananteau Colin on January 17 at Sandford.
HOFFMANN. – MORTON. George and Pat MORTON have pleasure in announcing the engagement of their daughter Susan Patricia to Jorg, the youngest son of Karl and Gisela HOFFMANN of Bluewater Bay.
McLAGAN. – TEMPLER. Mel and Peggy have pleasure in announcing the engagement of their only daughter Wendy, to Paul, youngest son of Don and Eileen.
POTE. – DAVIES. Anthony, son of Alan and Pam POTE, to Gay, daughter of Dilwyn and Jean DAVIES of Waaikraal, District Adelaide.
BRIGGS. – DRUITT. Congratulations Mom and Dad on your Ruby Wedding on January 17. Love Gordon, Shirley and Melanie.
POVEY. – MAPPIN. Gene (Jene) to Jean, married on January 19, 1957 at St Barnabus Church, Port Elizabeth by the late Rev. W. HOOK. Love Michael, Wendy, Rodney and Merill. Mom, Arthur, Carol, Graeme and Shane.
BARKHUIZEN. – Emmerentia Johanna, Passed away January 17. Remembered by Bryn, Eve, Darren and Cornell.
KOMMER. – Willem Daniel, passed away January 17, 1982. Missed by Walter and Val. Baby, Jakkie, Antoinette and Elna. Hennie, Pauline, Tracy and Conrad.
SHAMLEY. – Vernon, passed away suddenly. Missed by Babs, Eugene, Denise, Pierre, Antoinette, and Ettiene. Ronelle, Rob and Leigh-Ann. Lawrence, Jane and family. Irene, Anthony, Noel and Merle.
WICKS. – Natalie Amy, mother of Raymond, Laura, grandmother of Michael, Beverley, Andrew, Janet, Malindi, Anthea and Heather, passed away in Durban, Friday, January 15, 1982.
BARKHUIZEN. – Emmerentia Johanna, aged 68 years, passed away at the Provincial Hospital. Funeral takes place tomorrow, Wednesday at 2 p.m. in the D.R. Church, Campbell Street. Thence to the South End Cemetery.
CHARSLEY. – Christina Grace, the service will take place from the Apostolic Faith Mission Church, Graaff-Reinet tomorrow, Wednesday, January 20 at 12.15 p.m..
GLISSON. – Clarence passed away at the age of 66 Years. Funeral service at Newton Park Methodist Church, tomorrow (Wednesday), January 20 at 10 a.m. Interment at Forest Hill Cemetery.
GRIMSELL. – Helena Magdalena, the funeral service will take place at St Catherine's Church, Uitenhage, today January 19, 1982 at 2.30 p.m.
SHAMLEY. – Alfred Vernon, passed away on Sunday, January 17. Missed by his wife Valerie, and children Lesley, Geoffrey and Paul. Service at St Francisco Catholic Church, Charlo, tomorrow, Wednesday, January 20, at 10 a.m., followed by a private cremation.
VAN DER WAT. – The funeral of Arthur of 65 Baird Street, will take place from the D.R. Church Moedergemeente, Uitenhage, today Tuesday, January 19, 1982 at 2.30 p.m.
VERMAAK. – Myrtle, passed away at the age of 74 years. Service at St Paul's Church, Parsons Hill, tomorrow, Wednesday, January 20, 1982 at 2 p.m. Interment at Forest Hill Cemetery.
HAUSLER. – Marc, passed away January 19, 1980. Remembered by Ma, Delina, and sisters Nicol and Anja. Auntie Almary, Deri-Lee and Gary BROWN. Granny VAN DYK.
HAMM.- Dorothy. Remembered by Thora, Ken, Brian and Norma.
KILIAN. – Tina passed away January 17, 1980. Remembered by Susan, Werner and Klaus (Durban.
PIKE. – Ken passed away January 17, 1977. Remembered by Hay, Sandy, Jack, Pam, Craig, Janine, John and Karen.
RAUTENBACH. – Catherine Maud, passed away January 19, 1981. Remembered by Frank.
Port Elizabeth, Saturday, January 23, 1982.
ADENDORFF. – To Derrick and Marilyn (nee HORT), a son born January 2 at Sandford. Brother for Carolyn and Craig.
AULD. – To Bruce and Sabrina (nee MAGILL) a boy, Warren, on January 21, 1982 at Sandford.
COATES. - To Veryl (nee REID) and Roger, a son and brother for Bruce, January 22, 1982 at Uitenhage Hospital.
KABATZNIK. – (Kay), son born to Angie and Colin, on January 21, 1982 at Sandford.
MILNE. – To Laurie and Pat (nee DUNN), a daughter Judy-Ann born January 22, 1982 at Sandford.
BRETT. – Hilton, eldest son of Alec and Rynette will read Maftir and Haftorah on Saturday, January 23, 1982 at Glendiningvale Synagogue.
NICHOLSON. – SONNENBERGER. Tina and John SONNENBERGEN take great pleasure in announcing the engagement of their eldest and only daughter, Jean, to Mark, only son of Daleen and Owen NICHOLSON of Alicedale.
POVEY. – MAPPIN. Gene to Jean, married on January 19, 1957, in St Barnabas Church, Port Elizabeth, by the late Rev. W. HOOK.
BOOYSEN. – John (Don) passed away tragically. Mourned by his family. Mourned by his wife, Mavis, children Geraldene, Catherine, Martin and Helen, also son-in-law Sergie and grandchildren. His brother Clifford, wife Betty and children Patricia, Felicity, Bernard, Magdalena and Desmond.
GRIFFITHS. – Uncle Dick, sadly missed by Carol, Graydin and Gareth.
McELHINNY. – Geoffrey William, passed away at Grahamstown on January 19, 1982. Missed by his children Michael, Angela and Barbara, grandchildren and Doris. Funeral notice later.
VAN DER SCHYFF. – Jim, passed away at Table View, Cape Town, January 22, 1982.Husband of Liz. Funeral notice later. Missed by Joy, Johan, Michael and Paula. Also Ken, Yvonne, David, Beverley-Ann and Craig. Winnie and family.
BOUCHER. – William Henry, passed away January 22, 1982. The funeral service will take place from the Methodist Church, Rottingdean Street, Algoa Park, Monday January 25, 1982 at 9 a.m., proceeding to the Forest Hill Cemetery.
KEMP. – Charles Allen of Market Street, Adelaide. The funeral service will take place at the Dutch Reformed Church, Adelaide on January 23, 1982 at 3 p.m.
NAIDOO. – Vera passed away on January 19, 1982. Service at 26 Virginia Street, Malabar, Sunday, at 10 a.m. Thence to the P.E. Crematorium.
SNOW. – Jewel Kathleen, passed away Thursday, January 21, 1982. The funeral service will be held on the farm "Salisbury Plain", Carlisle Bridge at 11 a.m. Monday, January 25, 1982
VAN DEEMTER. – Emmerentia, of the A.C.V.V. Home, Uitenhage, service will take place from the D.R. Church, Uitenhage North, Tuesday, January 26, 1982 at 2 p.m.
WINGFIELD. – Eileen, passed away January 20 in Johannesburg. Memorial service will be held at St George's, Knysna, on Monday, January 25 at 3 p.m..
McKENZIE. – Madie, passed away January 23, 1981. Remembered by Florrie HAWKINS, and Dorothy and Colin WEEDY. Stella , Eileen, Godfrey, Jenny, George, Melanie, Michael, Richard and Brenda. Her daughter Ivy.
SEAWARD. – Terry passed away January 24, 1979. Remembered by Mom, Pam and family.
WOLMARANS. – Wally, passed away January 24, 1980. Remembered by Mona.
Port Elizabeth, Monday, February 8, 1982.
GOODWIN. – To Beryl and Trevor, a daughter Angela, a sister to Joanne at Sandford.
OLIPHANT. – To Leon and Marinda (nee MEYER), a daughter and sister to Melanie, born February 4 at the Provincial Hospital, Uitenhage.
YATES. – To Colin and Lynette (nee PAPE), a son, Ryan Christopher at Sandford.
AREINGTON. – PRINGLE. Rosemarie, only daughter of Des and Molly PRINGLE, to Neville, only son of Doug and Hettie AREINGTON on February 6, 1982.
POTE. – Brian, son of Marge and the late Buddy POTE, brother to Alan and Geoff, passed away at Nazareth House on Wednesday, February 3, 1982.
POTE. Brian, the cremation took place on Friday, February 5, 1982.
REDFERN. – Ross Edith, passed away on Saturday, February 5, at the age of 93 years. Deeply mourned by Hazel, Walter, and Jean and all the grandchildren. Service at Crematorium today, Monday, February 8, at 4 p.m.
BRADFIELD. – Ted, passed away February 7, 1977. Remembered by Daphne and Breffni.
DU TOIT. – Years pass, memory stays, Remembered by Nick, children and grandchildren,
LOSPER. – Johannes passed away on February 22, 1980. Remembered by his wife Mavis and children Caminita, Dyl, Francois and Joshua.
SHAMROCK. – Norman. Remembered by Kathy, Jan, and children and from Verna , Albert and boys from Valencia, Spain.
TAYLOR. – Oliver Hugh, who passed away in his 22 year on February 8, 1981. Missed by Mom, Dad, sister Lesley and brother Theo and niece Jade.
Port Elizabeth, Tuesday, February 9, 1982.
AUSTIN. – To Derick and Jeanne (nee DIETRICH), a son Ryan born February 6, 1982 at Sandford Maternity Home.
BAILES. – To Myra and Trevor, a son at Sandford.
BOWKER. – To Robert and Pam (nee MUNFORD), a daughter Carolyn Jane, born February 5, 1982 at Settlers Hospital, Grahamstown.
GLOVER. – To Debbie, Hugh and Alison a son and brother, David Hugh, born on Saturday, February 6 at Sandford.
PETZER. – To Errol and Sonja, a daughter Natasha, born February 4 at Sandford.
WHIRE. – To Robert and Beth (nee SHAPIRO), a son born February 7, 1982 at Sandford.
WEBB. – RUSSELL. Lynne eldest daughter of Audrey and the late Dave RUSSELL, to Peter, son of Phyllis and the late Brian WEBB.
WESTCOTT. – DOUBELL. Lynne elder daughter of Ron and Dawn DOUBELL, to John, eldest son of Noel and Margaret WESTCOTT, on February 6, 1982 at St Hugh's Church, Newton Park.
DOSSIN. – FEATHER. February 9, 1957 with Nuptial Mass, St Bernadette's Church, Walmer, by Monsignor (now Bishop) J.P. Murphy, Hulbert to Maureen, Mass of Thanksgiving today (Wednesday) 7 p.m. Mater Dei Church, Cape Road, Newton Park. At home 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. Congratulations and love from Bernard and Patricia.
BERRY. - Reginald Clement, passed away on February 7 at Uitenhage. Remembered by his daughter Patricia, son-in-law Bramwell, grandchildren Clarence and Ken, Dallas and Albert, Beaumont, and great grandsons Patrick and Kyle.
CUFF. – Clarence Philip passed away on Saturday, February 6, at Durban. Brother of Gladys, LENAGHAN and Gordon CUFF and uncle of Aeden, Jennifer, Michael, Stuart and Bronwyn LAUGHTON.
NEWLANDS. – Jimmy passed away on February 7, 1982. Husband of Phyllis (nee SPARKS) and devoted father of Michael, Dorothy and Norman, granddad of Debby and Heidi.
NEWMAN. – Ted passed away Monday, February 8. Mourned by his wife Ella, children and grandchildren. Service at Patrick's Roman Catholic Church, Somers Street, Sydenham, tomorrow, Wednesday, at 11 a.m. Cremation private.
PORTER. – Joel Matthew passed away tragically in Johannesburg, Saturday, February 6. Mourned by Jimmy, Jenny, Jeanette, James, Simon, Leonard and Carol. Also Ruben, and Debbie. Albert and Emelda, Glenn and Gregory. Joan and Johan, Jennifer, Gail, Eugene and Esme. John and Gloria, Debbie, Cheryl, Michael, Andrew and Patrick. Douglas and Michelle. Husband of Charmaine and daddy of Justine. George, Bessie and Mandy. Sheila and Pansy, Vanessa and Tracy. Alice and Harry, Dottie, Debra and Wayne. Mom and Dad. Joseph, Jean Gary, Jenny, Cathy, Alan, Melanie, Genevieve, and Natalie. Shane and Gilbert. Beverly, Marc and Darren.
ROBERTSON. – James Duss (Hamish) passed away Saturday, February 6. Missed by his wife Janette and children Gordon and Kathleen.
BERRY. - Reginald Clement of 29 Dale Street, Uitenhage. The service will take place from The Alexander Brothers Chapel, Durban Street, Uitenhage, Tuesday, February 9, 1982 at 2.30 p.m.
COETZEE. – Johannes Nicolaas of 15 Church Street, Despatch, passed peacefully away on February 7. The funeral service will take place from the D.R. Church, Botha's Rus, tomorrow, Wednesday, February 10 at 3 p.m.
FORD. – Dorothy Mary passed away at West Wing, Settlers Hospital, Grahamstown, February 7, 1982. The funeral service will take place at St James Church, Southwell, at 4 p.m. today, Tuesday 9, 1982.
HORNE. – Wayne Charles, son of Violet and Dennis of "Willow Park", Manley's Flats, died tragically on Sunday, February 7, 1982. A funeral service will be held in the Methodist Church, Manley's Flats at 3 p.m. tomorrow, Wednesday, February 10, 1982.
NEWLANDS. - Ted passed away Monday, February 8. Mourned by his wife Ella, children and grandchildren. Service at Patrick's Roman Catholic Church, Somers Street, Sydenham, tomorrow, Wednesday, at 11 a.m. Cremation private.
ROBERTSON. - James Duss (Hamish) passed away February 6. Missed by his wife Jeanette and children Gordon and Kathleen. Service at Crematorium tomorrow, Wednesday, February 10, at 2 p.m.
VAN DER MESCHT. – Marthinus Jacobus aged 68, passed away on February 6. Funeral takes place tomorrow, Wednesday, at 11 a.m. in the D.R. Church, Algoa Park, thence to the Forest Hill Cemetery.
BRADFIELD. – Ted, 5 years ago today. Missed by Con.
TEXEIRA. – José, passed away 2 years ago today. Remembered by Margaret, Justino, Virginia, Isabel, Jose and Joaquim.
VAN REENEN. – Beryl passed away February 9, 1981. Remembered by her husband George and daughters Helen and Jane.
Port Elizabeth, Tuesday, February 16, 1982.
DICK. – To Lesley (nee BOOYSEN) and Jock, a son, Daryn David, on February 13, 1982.
KRIEL. – To Piet and Iona (nee BLOOMFIELD), a daughter born February 13 at Sandford.
PERELSON. – To Dave and Ivanhoe, a son David Jason, on Sunday, February 14, 1982, at Sandford.
DE BRUYN. – BROOKS. Paul and Louise are very happy to announce their engagement.
DICK. – Maud Elizabeth. Dearly loved mother and nana. Missed by Vera, Bob, Sheila and Iona and families.
GRADY. – Myrtle. Remembered by Doris and the boys.
HAWES. – Kathleen Thelma passed away on February 11, 1982. Remembered by daughter Dawn, son-in-law Brian and family.
SAMOLS. – Dr Ruby passed away February 13, 1982 in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, Remembered by Minnie, Israel, Mary, and Sam LIGHTER, Reeva and Reeve SCHAUDER and family.
STEELE. – Jan passed away on the 14. Brother of Alice, and John STAINES.
ZEELIE. – Vernon Kenneth passed away February 14, 1982 aged 49. Brother of Clarence, Val, Douglas and Audrey. Dad of Patricia. Chris. Advertising Dept, E.P. Newspapers.
GRADY. – Myrtle, passed away Sunday, February 14 at Fairhaven Homes. Missed by her daughter Peggy, Harry and grandchildren. Service at Congregational Church, Pearson Street, today, Tuesday, February 16 at 2 p.m. Private cremation.
HOFFMAN. - Bertie, passed away February 16, 1979. Remembered by Hessie and children, Charles, Bernadine, Vanessa and Harriet.
MILES. – David Keith passed away February 16, 1981. Missed by his parents Frankie and Eddy, brother Jonathan, Yvonne, Michael and Andrea.
NELL. – Robin Phillip passed away February 16, 1981. Remembered by his wife Eva, and son Mark.
REYNOLDS. – Basil. Missed by his wife Thelma and Peta.
SAGE. – Bill passed away February 16, 1981. Remembered by his wife Pat and son Roy.
VAN GRAAN. – Rose, passed away February 16, 1977. Remembered by Godfrey, Jenny and girls.
Port Elizabeth, Wednesday, February 17, 1982.
BOOYSEN. – To Chris and Denise (nee HARDING) a son Ray, on February 15 at Sandford.
SCHEEPERS.- To Rodney and Yvonne (nee HOMANI) a son, on February 13 at Settlers Hospital, Grahamstown.
BARNARD. – Matthew, passed away February 16, 1982. Husband of Winnie, father of Basil and Tony. Remembered by Ethel and Lew.
BERGMAN. – Maurice, passed away in Port Elizabeth on February 15, 1982.. Mourned by Sam, Anne, Cedric and Alida BERGMAN of Cradock. Brother of Sam and Ester, uncle of Joel, Zee, Ian and Michelle. Brother of Phil, uncle of Maurice and Joan MILTZ, Aaron and Bernice RUMMEL and families. Brother of Gertie and Archie and uncle of Simon. Brother of Josie KAHN, uncle of Dennis and Hilda, Ronnie and Edie, Jimmy and Shirley, David and Thelma and families. Father of Alan, Jeffrey and Jennifer, father-in-law of Sharon, Tammy and Howard and grandchildren. Funeral notice later.
BEZUIDENHOUT. – Owen (Bez) passed away February 14, 1982, in Harrismith. Brother of Joseph, June, Moira and Dicky. Brother of Noelene and Rex, and uncle of Debbie and Janice. Husband of Crea and father of Anton. Son of Mrs M.J. BEZUIDENHOUT and the late Joe BEZUIDENHOUT. Brother of Paul and Dottie and children.
DOYLE. – Dennis. Father of Carol and Richard and grandpa of Richard and Bronwyn will always be remembered.
ZEELIE. – Vernon, passed away on Sunday, February 14, 1982. Missed by your colleagues Marion, Doffy, Sue and Andy.
DOYLE. – Dennis, passed away February 15. Service on Thursday 18 at P.E. Crematorium at 10.30 a.m.
STEELE. - Mungo and Irene. A service will be held on Wednesday, February 17 at 3 p.m. at the Port Elizabeth Crematorium
BELLINGAN. – Mary. Sadly missed by your family.
HUBERT. – Dagmar Marie, passed away 3 years ago today. Missed by husband Ernst and son Ernest.
MOORE. – Our mom and granny, passed away 8 years ago today. Missed by Ann, Alan, Gay, Harold and Leigh-Anne.
MURRAY. – Benjamin Joseph gone 2 years ago today. Remembered by Illona and Ramon.
Port Elizabeth, Thursday, February 18, 1982.
KIM SING. – To Ray and Maureen (nee AH-TOW), Vancouver, Canada, a daughter.
LINDSAY-RAE. – To Bernadine (nee GERMISHUIZEN) and Craig, a daughter Simone, sister to Brandon, born February 14 at Sandford.
POTGIETER. – To Neil and Rosalie (nee DUGMORE) a sister to Carrie, at Sandford.
BARNARD. – Matthew passed away on Tuesday, February 16. Father of Basil and Moyra, Oupa of Lynn.
COULSTOCK. – Ernest Alfred, passed away on February 14, aged 77 years. Remembered by his daughter Jean, Fred, Richard, Andre and Alan. Also his son Ralph, Marian and grandchildren. Cremation private.
CURRIE. – Maureen Rosemary (nee MEINTJIES), passed away Sunday, February 14, 1982. Memorial service 10 a.m. February 18, at Bedford Anglican Church.
DOYLE. – Dennis, husband of Gwen and father of Odette and Sean, passed away February 15. Brother of Vin and Jo and uncle of Kathleen and Dick, Eileen and Andrew, Patrick, Terrence and Lourdes, Bridget, Gary and Bryan and all his friends in Durban. Also Doyle Brothers staff. Lorna, Peter and Nicola.
KEMP. – J.H. (Botsie), passed away at the Provincial Hospital February 16, in his 84 year. Remembered by his children Melville, Anna, Gwen, Peter, Mary, Florence, Jack, and their families.
KENNEDY. – Percy, passed away Tuesday, February 16. Missed by Ellen and Keith.
BARNARD. – Matthew, aged 59 years, passed away at the Provincial Hospital. Mourned by his wife Winnie and family. Funeral at St Barnabus's Church, Rhodes Street, tomorrow, Friday at 11 a.m.
CURRIE. – Maureen Rosemary (nee MEINTJIES), passed away Sunday, February 14, 1982. Memorial service 10 a.m. February 18, at Bedford Anglican Church.
DOYLE. – Dennis. All members of Four Corner Moth Shellhole are requested to make a special effort to attend the cremation of our passed brothers gone to rest, on Thursday 18th, 11.30 a.m. at Port Elizabeth Crematorium. By request. Old Bill.
GOUWS. – Helena of 1 Conradie Street. The funeral will take place from the D.R. Church, Uitenhage, Demist, tomorrow, Friday, February 19, 1982 at 2.30 p.m.
ZEELIE. – Vernon, passed away Sunday, February 14 at the age of 49 years. Missed by his daughter Patricia and family, Clarry, Douglas, Val and Audrey. Service will take place at the Bagshaw Street Methodist Church, North End on Friday, February 19 at 10 a.m. Thence to the Forest Hill Cemetery.
GRADWELL. – Alec Francis passed away February 18, 1981. Remembered by Marie, Hilary, Wendy and Gail.
KIRKWOOD. – Rachel, passed away February 18, 1980. Remembered by her husband Danie.
MURRAY. - In memory of our dear brother-in-law and uncle, passed away 2 years ago. Remembered by Maree, Veronica, brothers and sisters.
WELGEMOED. – Alfie Ernest, passed away February 18, 1981. Remembered by his brother Alex, Shirley and family Pun, Michelle and Tony. His mother Thelma WELGEMOED. Edgar, Elisia TEBRUGGE and family.
Port Elizabeth, Friday, February 19, 1982
ALLEN. – To Rob and Femke, in East London on February 17, 1982, a sister for Justin, granddaughter for Gordon and Queenie.
COETZER. – To Eric and Sonja (nee BOTES), a daughter Tamaryn Elaine, born February 16, 1982 at the Provincial Hospital, Uitenhage.
GERBER. – To Eric and Pam (nee GILLESPIE), a brother for Gaynor, born February 16, at Sandford.
GERMSHUYS. – To Andre and Jenny (nee JONES), a daughter on February 18, 1982, at Sandford.
STAPLES. – T Noel and Helen (nee RICE), a son and brother for Daryl, Rydall, Tracy and Neville.
THOMPSON. – To Pam and Dereck, a daughter on February 17, 1982 at Sandford.
BARNARD. – Matthew, late of P.E. Tramways passed away. Remembered by his wife Winnie. Also Baby, Yvonne, Beverley, Theo and Shaun. Stepfather of Ogilvie BOTHA. Mannetjie, Sylvia and Lyndi.
BEZUIDENHOUT. – Owen, brother of Noelene and Rex ZEEMAN and uncle of Debbie and Janice passed away February 14, 1982 in Harrismith.
BRAMWELL. – William Roy, husband of Edith, father of Kevin and Linda, Raegan and Estelle, Shaneen and Ralph, Cheryl and Michael and grandfather of Glen and Bronwin, passed away February 17, 1982.
DOYLE. – Den, passed away. Remembered by Ena, Dene and family.
HAWES. – Cathleen Thelma passed away February 11. Remembered by Bill, Joey and Liza RUPPERSBURG, daughter Patty, son-in-law Barry and grandchildren Mandy, Troy, Carl, Betty and Clinton. Bill and Daphne RUPPERSBURG.
KEMP. – J.H. "Boysie", passed away February 16 at Provincial Hospital, in his 84 year. Remembered by his children Melville, Alma, Gwen, Peter, Mary, Florence, Jack and their families. Funeral notice later.
STEELE. – Jim and Irene, sadly missed mom and dad by Marguerite and Johan VAN RENSBURG, granny and grandpa to Mary-Anne and David KUSEL and Rita and Rinus VAN HEERDEN, great grandfather and mother to Natasha and Jurgen.
VAN DEVENTER. – Cathy, passed away February 18, 1982. Remembered by Margaret and Billy, Norma, Bobby, Michael, Mark, Angela, Craig, Bobby, Peter, Kay, and children.
BRAMWELL. – William Roy, passed away February 17. Funeral service at St John's Methodist Church, Havelock Street, at 2 p.m. Cremation private.
BEKKER. – Christoffel, passed away February 17. Funeral service today, Friday, from Methodist Church, Bagshaw Street, at 2 p.m. thence to the Forest Hill Cemetery.
JANSEN. – Johannes Hermanus aged 59 years, passed away February 13. Funeral service will take place today, Friday at 2 p.m. in the Salvation Army Citadel, Rose Street.
JOHNSON. – Catheleen, aged 42 years. A graveside service will take place tomorrow , Saturday, at 10 a.m. in the Paapenkuils Cemetery.
KEMP. – John Henry, the funeral service will take place from the Methodist Church, Port Alfred , Saturday,, February 20 at 3 p.m.
STEWART. – Merlyn (Merle) passed away February 17. Remembered by her husband Clarrie, children Pat, John and Wendy and family. Funeral service at Crematorium, Saturday, February 20 at 10 a.m.
VAN DEVENTER. – Cathy, passed away February 18, service in St Paul's Church, Parsons Hill, today, Friday at 3.30 p.m. thence to the North End Cemetery.
WESTRAADT. – Cornelis Johannes, aged 61 years, passed away at the Provincial Hospital. Funeral takes place on Monday, at 10.30 a.m. in the D.R. Church, Parkheuwel.
HELD. – Paul Horst passed away February 19, 1976. Remembered by his wife Dawn.
VAN NIEKERK. – Lee-Ann, missed by Daddy, Mommy, Lynn, Britt, Liesl and Taryn.
Port Elizabeth, Saturday, February 20, 1982
ARTHUR. – To Anthony and Janice (nee MISKIN), a son on February 18, at Frontier Hospital, Queenstown
HALSE. – To Brigitta (nee GRANROTH) and Ron, a son born February 18, 1982 at Sandford.
FRANCIS. – O'NEIL. It is with great pleasure that we announce the marriage between Shaun and Jackie, at St John's on Saturday, February 20, 1982.
MILLIGAN. – SILKSTONE. Geoffrey, son of Jim and Rosemary, to Gillian, daughter of Ken and Ruth, at the Pinelands Baptist Church on January 30.
PERELSON. – VAN STRATEN. Mrs Grace VAN STRATEN has pleasure in announcing the marriage of her daughter Cheryl, to Norman, on Friday, February 19, 1982.
BARNARD. – Matthew, passed away on February 16. Remembered by Ethel, Lew and Humphrey.
BERGMAN. – Maurice, passed away February 15. Remembered by Thelma, Alf, Denise, Stan, Kessel and children Myra, Bennie, and Karen TRUMPAILZKY and his employee Margaret Mtakati. Brother of Gertie and Archie, Rome and uncle of Simon.
BERGMAN. – Maurice, mourned by his children Alan, Jeffrey, Jennifer and families. Funeral from Tamara House, tomorrow, Sunday, February 21, at 2.30 p.m.
FINCHAN. – Nora, passed away at the age of 82 years. Remembered by Madge, Xondra, Michael, Lester and Taryn. Service at Crematorium on Saturday, February 20, at 9.30 a.m.
GORDON. – Francis of the Rose Munch House, Victoria Street, Uitenhage, the service will take place in the Port Elizabeth Crematorium, Monday, February 22, at 11 a.m.
VAN LOGGERENBERG. – James Douglas, aged 62 years passed away at the Provincial Hospital. Funeral takes place on Monday, February 22, at 12 noon, in the Old Apostolic Church, Rudland Street, Algoa Park.
VAN TONDER. – Willie, passed away February 20, 1981. Remembered by Sonkie, Connie and Michael. His wife Peggy, James, Koekie and Simone.
Port Elizabeth, Wednesday, March 3, 1982
BAKER. – To Sue (nee LOVE) and Andy, a daughter at Kingsbury Maternity, Cape Town, on February 27.
BROWN. – To Stan and Cheryl, a daughter, sister for Vanessa and Samantha, born March 1, 1982.
HAWKINS. – To John and Cheryl (nee McCLELLAND), a son in Johannesburg, February 27. A brother for Caroline.
JANKELOWITZ. – To Michael and Denise, a son, born March 2, in New York. Baruch Hashem. Address 530 East 89 Street, Apartment 4a, Manhattan, New York.
MALIEPAARD. – To Richard and Merle, a daughter, on March 1, St David's Day, at Sandford.
RAFTER. – To Mike and Viola, a son and brother for Kevin, on February 28 at Sandford.
VICTOR. – To Mariana (nee BADENHORST) and Jacques, a daughter, born February 18, 1982, 2 month premature, at Sandford.
ROM. – The Bris Milah of the infant son of Sandy and Jeff, will take place on Wednesday, 6.30 p.m. at 44 Rochelle Road, Adcockvale.
BLACKETT. – DU COUDRAY. Philip and Charlotte wish to announce their engagement.
SWART. – HEINE. Henry and Monica have much pleasure in announcing the engagement of their daughter Claire, to Leon, son of Blackie and Val on March 2, 1982.
TOW. – LOW AH KEE. David and Ivy have much pleasure in announcing the engagement of their only daughter, Wendy, to Michael, only son of Michael and Lily TOW of Johannesburg.
GIBBS. – McKERCHAR. Olivia and David, on February 27, at St Peter's Church, Mowbray, Cape Town.
BRUTON. – Alicia Violet, passed away on March 1, Mother of Derrick and Garth and mother-in-law of Alice and Eve. Missed by all family, Gail and Grant, Lyn and Neil.
ELLIOTT. – Wesley R, passed away at the Provincial Hospital, Port Elizabeth, on Tuesday, March 2, 1982. Husband of Dessie and family. A funeral service will be held in Wesley Church, Port Alfred, at 3 p.m., Friday, March 5, 1982, followed by interment in Settlers Cemetery, Port Alfred.
ERASMUS. – Bruce passed away on Sunday, February 28, in Cape Town, son of Helen, and brother of Derek and Philip. Remembered by all family.
FRY. – Dennis, passed away on February 25, 1982. Missed by Neville, Pat and boys.
McALLISTER. – Brian husband of Isobel and father of Lee, Travey and Mark, passed away Sunday, February 28. Mourned by Gary and Rick. Brother of Chris and Sylvia BOTHA, uncle of Gail, Hennie, Brendon, and Janique-Ann.
REITZER. – Annie, passed away March 1, 1982. Remembered by Irmgard and Erich HUTTER.
SUMMERVILLE. – Daphne, passed away February 28, 1982. Missed by Wendy, Dave and Sharon.
THERON. – Carl Johannes, passed away March 1, 1982, aged 82 years. Father of Norman, Francis and grandchildren, father of Carl, Elaine and grandchildren Raymond and Cathy, grandfather of Marilyn, father of Kappie, Lena and grandchildren, father of Charlotte, George and grandfather of Marlene, Sandra, Grant and Neville, father of Sue and grandfather of David and Louie.
VAN DUUREN. – Clare, passed away on Sunday, February 28 in Cape Town. Remembered by ERASMUS family.
WARREN. – E.B.N. passed away at St Josephs Hospital, Port Elizabeth, at 7 p.m. Tuesday, March 2, 1982 aged 67 years. Husband of Noreen.
BRUTON. – Alicia Violet, passed away on Monday, March 1. Service at the Crematorium, March 4, at 2.30 p.m.
CADMAN. – Violet Alice, mother of Barbie and Wendy, mother-in-law of Elton and Neville and grandmother of Michael, Robert, Cheryl, Leigh-Ann and Jacquie, passed away in Johannesburg on Sunday, February 28, 1982. Memorial service to be held in the Methodist Church, Knysna, on Thursday at 3 p.m..
MACRAE. – Dr J.O.F., passed away at Port Elizabeth on February 28, 1982. Husband of Jean and father of Deidre, Peter, Meriel, John, Gillian, Michael, Kay, Iain and Shirley. A memorial service will be held in Wesley Church, Port Alfred, at 2.30 p.m. on Wednesday, March 3. Private cremation at the Port Elizabeth Crematorium.
PIETERSEN. – Anna of Groot Kloof, Kruis Rivier, the service will take place from the D.R. Church, Moedergemeente, Uitenhage, today, Wednesday, March 3, at 3 p.m.
SAULS. – Japie, passed away at the age of 44 years, missed by his wife Barbara and Children. Funeral service from the Paapenkuils Cemetery Chapel on Wednesday, February 3, at 2 p.m. Burial at Paapenkuils Cemetery.
SUMMERVILLE. – Daphne, passed away on February 28, 1882. Funeral service Thursday, March 4, 1982 at the P.E. Crematorium, at 10 a.m.
King. – Choo, passed away March 3, 1949. Remembered by his daughter Doreen, son-in-law Jack, and family in U.S.A., his wife Amee, daughter-in-law Rose and grandchildren Sharon, Gregory and Caroline.
KROG. – Sally, passed away 2 years ago, today. Remembered by John, Shirley and grandchildren.
ROSE. – Arthur, passed away March 3, 1981. Remembered by his family.
Port Elizabeth, Saturday, March 6, 1982.
BOYD. – To Ann and Rob, a son, born at 6 a.m. Thursday, March 4 at Sandford.
COATES. – To Peter and Olivia (nee RATO), a son, Ronald Michael, born March 5 at Mary Fonte Hospital, Pretoria.
DUGMORE. – To John and Judy (nee McNAUGHTON), a son and brother for Gillian, at Adelaide Hospital.
MILLAR. – To Ian and Merle (nee SNYMAN), a son Bradley John, born March 5, at Sandford, first grandchild to Lexa and Tom.
PRINGLE. – To Natalie (nee MAREE) and Lochart, a son, born March 3, 1982 at Adelaide Hospital.
GIBBS. – McKERCHAR. Olivia to David on February 27, 1982, in St Peter's Church, Mowbray, Cape Town.
SPILKIN. – Max, beloved husband of Freda, passed away March 6. Remembered by Michelle, Benjy and great grandchildren. Uncle of Irma, Noah and children, Sidney, Hilary and children. Jacob and Bess. Ranelle and Patricia. Jillian and Ian WILSON and great grand children. Annette his only child. Brother of Barry ZARTZ, Jay and Bess SPILKIN, Eli and Alte SPILKIN and Bertha and Louis GLUCKMAN and their families. Annette and Tussie. Diane and Len COHEN and Joe HALLIS and children
VAN DER NEST. – Cornelius Frederick (Connie) passed away March 5, 1982, Missed by his wife Gloria, his daughters Sandra and Cathy and son Michael, sons-in-law James and Errol and daughter-in-law Beverley and all the grandchildren.
VAN DER WATT. – Edward John (Eddie), passed away March 4, youngest son of Doreen and uncle Jan, your wife Jenny, your sister Ady and Adriano, your sister Cilia and Ronnie, Melody and Lootie, John and Phyllis, Judy and Leslie-Anne and Roy, Ruth and Wendy.
VAV SCHALKWYK. – Brenda, passed away Tuesday, March 2. Missed by Wally and Daphne and all her friends at Riebeek College High School.
MINTOOR. – Margaret Magdalena, of 2 Abbott Street, the service will take place at 2 p.m. today (Saturday), from Hendricks Hall, Dower Avenue, thence to the Gerald Smith Cemetery, Uitenhage.
RADEMEYER. - Carel (Freddie), passed away February 26 in Pretoria. Funeral service Saturday, March 6, from the D.R. Church, Mowbray Street, Newton Park, at 3 p.m., thence to the Forest Hill Cemetery.
SPILKIN. – Max, passed away March 5. Funeral tomorrow, Sunday, March 7, at 2.30 p.m. from Tahara House.
VAN DER NEST. – Cornelius Frederick, the funeral service will take place at the Crematorium on Monday, March 6, 1982 at 3 p.m.
VAN DER WATT. – Edward John (Eddie), passed away March 4, in a motor accident in the Humandsorp district, beloved husband of Jennifer. The service will take place from St Francesco Roman Catholic Church, Charlo on Monday, March 8 at 10 a.m. followed by a cremation at Victoria Park Crematorium.
BARKES. – Bobbie, who left us 3 years ago. Missed by his wife and family.
BARKHUIZEN. – Nellie, passed away March 6, 1979, Remembered by her son Dennis, daughter –in-law Yvonne and grandchildren Dale and Dawn-Anne. Also her daughter Estelle, son-in-law Hylton and grandsons Kevin, Craig and Quinton.
DAVENPORT. – Charles Pary, passed away March 7, 1964. Remembered by his family.
FERGUSON. – Sallie, passed away March 6, 1981.
JAMES. – John William, passed away 3 years ago today. Remembered by his children and grandchildren.
JOHNSON. – Elizabeth, passed away March 6, 1976. Remembered by Reg, Bruce and Errol.
STEWART. – George Dickson, passed away March 6, 1979. Remembered by his wife Johanna, children Bill, Alec, and Helen, daughters and sons-in-law Celine, Mary and Ronnie, and grandchildren Marguerite, Michael, Cathy, Joanne, Glen, Roger and Grant.
SWARTZ. – Remembered by his wife Dorothy, and children Melony, Liesel, Tanya and Ryan.
WALSH. – Rose, passed away 7 years ago today. Remembered by Hilda, Abraham and Jenny.
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