Eastern Province Herald 1869 - 2 - April to June
Friday 2 April 1869
On Thursday last, in the middle of the day, the house of Mr. Thomas STACK, near the residence of Mr. B.M. SHEPPERSON, was broken into, and a small tin box, containing some sixty sovereigns and sundry documents, taken away. Much sympathy has been expressed for Mr. STACK, who was on the point of leaving the colony for England, but who will now, through the loss of his little all, be unable to do so. The police have been very vigilant in searching after the perpetrator of this heartless robbery, but their efforts have as yet been unsuccessful in obtaining any clue. A coloured man was arrested on suspicion, but the evidence against him not being conclusive, he has been liberated. - G.T. Advertiser.
We regret to hear that Mr. W. AYLIFF, of the Fort Beaufort district, has met with a severe accident. While riding one day last week he was kicked by a horse so violently as to cause the fracture of his right leg. He was taken to the residence of Mr. Geo. GILBERT, near whose homestead the accident occurred. Latest reports represent the injury as being serious, but under careful treatment a speedy recovery is hoped for. - Journal.
Tuesday 6 April 1869
Mr. James DAY has just been presented with a beautiful silver snuff-box, on the lid of which is engraved the following - "Presented by several members of St.Paul's Church to Mr. James DAY, in recognition of his valuable services as honorary Choir Master. Easter 1869." The inscription is neatly engraved, and the ornamentation of the box chaste and remarkably neat.
Friday 9 April 1869
BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on Tuesday the 6th inst, Mrs. George IMPEY of a son.
DIED at Port Elizabeth on the 7th instant, Mary Ann, the beloved wife of Robert PINCHIN Esq. C.E., aged 32 years and 8 months.
The Funeral will take place this Friday afternoon at half past [.] o'clock. Friends are respectfully invited to attend.
Timothy LEE, Undertaker
Port Elizabeth, April 8th 1869
Tuesday 13 April 1869
Mr. Nathan LAWTON, for many years in business in Cape Town, and whose name was well known as that of a partner in the firm of LAWTON & WHITTS, died at his residence in Mowbray on Saturday week. Deceased was in his fifty-ninth year.
On the 5th instant a man named SERFONTEIN met with a very serious accident, which ended fatally on Tuesday last, as he was being brought to Graaff-Reinet to receive surgical attendance. The unfortunate man was going with his wagon near Mr. J. FOUCHE's, at [L….sberg], when he met three other wagons, having no leaders before the oxen. From some cause not explained, SERFONTEIN got between the wagons, and was violently crushed as they passed. A rib was broken, besides a compound fracture of the thigh bone, and other injuries. Dr. ALSBERG rode out to visit the poor fellow, and found him in a very low state from great loss of blood and the shock to his nervous system. As we have said, he expired in consequence, whilst being conveyed to Graaff-Reinet. The driver of the wagon which caused the accident has run away, and a warrant has been issued against him for culpable homicide. The leader has been committed for trial for the same offence. - G.R. Herald.
Friday 16 April 1869
DIED at Port Elizabeth on the 11th April, Lauretta, beloved wife of Captain G.C. WATTS, aged 51 years.
We are glad to be able to state that Mr. STACK has succeeded in recovering nearly the whole of the money recently stolen from him, and four natives are in prison on suspicion of being concerned in the robbery. The money was found concealed at the Location, and attention was first directed to the matter by some coloured girls, who deposed to seeing two native youths rather flush of money. A detective was then dispatched to the Location, and his efforts led to the recovery of £55, which was found secreted in an embankment. G.T. Advertiser.
Tuesday 20 April 1869
DIED this morning at half past one o'clock, Emily Anne, fourth surviving daughter of the late George Edward JOSEPH
Port Elizabeth, 20th April 1869
The Rev. T. RATTLE M.A., late Vice Principal of the Rondebosch Diocesan College, who left this colony for his health some months since, died within thirty-six hours after his arrival in England.
Many of our readers will, with us, regret to hear of the sudden death of Mr. Alfred JARVIS, a few days before the departure of the Norseman. A private letter of the 9th March says:- "You will be sorry to hear that Mr. Alfred JARVIS died suddenly a few days ago. He had been out walking with Mrs. JARVIS, and had just returned, when Mrs. J. saw him put his hand to his side, and, although he was at the foot of the steps, he walked up without assistance, and into his breakfast parlour, where he sat down and expired! The corpse is now on its way to Northampton, where he is to be buried with that of his father. Mr. JARVIS was much esteemed by a large circle of friends, and a good many will feel their loss. He was in his seventieth year - much older than he looked."
Tuesday 27 April 1869
MARRIED at Port Elizabeth on the 22nd inst. by the Rev. J.C. Macintosh, assisted by the Rev. R. Johnston, Grahamstown, Mr. John LUMSDEN, King William's Town, to Mary, third daughter of William PATTINSON Esq., of Port Elizabeth.
MARRIED at Port Elizabeth on the 24th April 1869, Walter PEACE Esq., of D'Urban, Natal, to Caroline, youngest daughter of the late William TILBROOK, of Woodham Lodge, Essex. No cards.
Friday 30 April 1869
MARRIED at Port Elizabeth on the 20th instant, at St.Mary's Church, by the Rev. E. Pickering M.A., Colonial Chaplain, William Cornelius RYNEVELD Esq., of Graaff-Reinet, to Frances Jessie, fourth daughter of the late Wm. ARMSTRONG Esq., Cuyler Manor.
IMPEY, Mrs. G., on the 6th inst, at Port Elizabeth, of a son.
LUMSDEN, Mr. John, to Miss Mary PATTINSON, on the 22nd inst, at Port Elizabeth.
PEACE, Mr. Walter, to Miss Caroline TILBROOK, on the 24th inst, at Port Elizabeth.
RYNEVELD, Mr. W.C., to Miss Frances Jessie ARMSTRONG, on the 20th inst, at Port Elizabeth.
JOSEPH, Miss Emily Anne, on the 20th inst, at Port Elizabeth.
PINCHIN, Mrs. Mary Ann, on the 7th inst, at Port Elizabeth, aged 32 years and 8 months.
WATTS, Mrs. Lauretta, on the 11th inst, at Port Elizabeth, aged 51 years.
Tuesday 4 May 1869
BIRTH on the 4th instant, the wife of Mr. Edwin JONES of a son.
DIED at Port Elizabeth on the 3rd instant, Maria Agnes LLOYD, aged 83 years, widow of the late Captain LLOYD, Royal Navy. The Funeral will take place this (Tuesday) afternoon.
Port Elizabeth May 4 1869
In our obituary today we regret to have to record the death of Mrs. LLOYD, who departed this life yesterday, at the advanced age of eighty-three years. Deceased was relict of the late Capt. LLOYD R.N., who was for many years connected with the Civil Service of this colony, first as Special Justice of Graaff-Reinet, and subsequently as Civil Commissioner and Resident Magistrate of this town and division. Mrs. LLOYD was known to and esteemed by a large circle of sympathizing friends. The funeral will take place this afternoon at four o'clock.
Friday 7 May 1869
DIED at Port Elizabeth on Sunday April 25th, Stephen Robert, infant son of Mr. Richard SOUTHON, aged 1 year and 5 months.
We regret to have to state that Mr. J.E. DAVIES, of this city, has lost a third child from this epidemic, now so painfully prevalent. - Journal.
(Before the Hon. Mr. Justice COLE)
Gert Petrus SLABBERT, a farmer, was charged with having, on the 10th December 1868, stolen six oxen, the property of Hendrik Christoffel DU PLESSIS, at or near Doorn Poort, in the division of Graaff-Reinet, and conveyed them to his own residence at Plat Koppies, in the Uitenhage division, where he had been apprehended. The prisoner pleaded Guilty, and his Lordship, in passing sentence, said it was shameful for a white man to act in the same manner as the ignorant Kafirs. The sentence of the Court was that he suffer two years' imprisonment with hard labour.
George SHERWOOD, a labourer, residing at Port Elizabeth, was charged with assaulting Bridget BATEMAN, on the 2nd ult, with intent to commit the crime of rape. Prisoner pleaded not guilty. The following jury were impanelled - Messrs. C. BLAKER, G.T. TURNER, W.G. TOWNSEND, W. BAWDEN, J. ADAMS, C. ALLENSTED, J. WHILEY, J. TODD and G.W. AUSTIN. Evidence having been taken for the prosecution, the prisoner said he had no witnesses, he was drunk on that day, and did not remember being near the house. The jury found a verdict of Guilty against the prisoner. His Lordship said it was fortunate for the prisoner that he did not succeed in his attempt, or he would have had to spend many years of his life in prison. The sentence was that he be imprisoned for two years with hard labour.
David CLARK, a farmer, lately residing at Mount Pleasant, in the division of Uitenhage, was charged with having on the 12th May [1868] committed the crime of incest. Prisoner pleaded not guilty. The evidence of the only witness, the prisoner's daughter, was of such a contradictory nature, and exhibited such signs of depravity, that the Solicitor-General said he could not ask the jury to convict the prisoner. A verdict of Not Guilty was immediately pronounced by the jury and CLARK was discharged.
The Standard's correspondent furnishes the following particulars of this fearful tragedy:
On Monday evening, the 12 April, the prisoners from Springbok were approaching a farm in the Haardeveld called "Zankops Drift". When about two miles from the place, the cart, containing, besides the driver and leader, three sick prisoners and the son of Constable RESBAND, went on in advance for the purpose of outspanning and preparing supper. One constable, Charles CROWLEY, who was mounted, rode on with the cart, leaving twelve prisoners, who were handcuffed two-and-two, in charge of the other constables - RESBAND and MULLIGAN. A Hottentot woman was also with them, from whose evidence it appears that the prisoners suddenly divided themselves into two parties, each party falling on a constable. The constables endeavoured to fire, but whether their pieces missed fire, as the girl states, or what is more probable, the suddenness of the attack threw them off their guard, it is certain that they were overpowered, a knife taken from one of them (RESBAND), and in a few moments both were dead. RESBAND was killed immediately by a stab through his heart: MULLIGAN struggled desperately, but at last had the back of his neck cut through from ear to ear. His face was fearfully mangled. While this was going on, , the cart had been outspanned, and Constable CROWLY, wondering at the non-appearance of the party, sent off the driver, Pieter COETZEE, on hos own horse, to inquiry into the cause of the delay. COETZEE went back till he came near the scene of the struggle, when one of the prisoners, who had taken the guns from the murdered constables, shot him at a few yards' distance. He was killed immediately. The prisoners then walked on towards the cart in the same order they had done previously, so that CROWLEY suspected nothing till they were within twenty yards of him, when he heard the report of a gun, and felt himself wounded in the arm. He instantly ran off, accompanied by RESBAND's son (a boy of 12 years old) to the farm-house, which they safely reached. The driver of the cart, a Hottentot, it is supposed, thought himself safe, and remained, but was instantly seized by the prisoners, and his throat cut. The girl states that they would have murdered her also had she not begged for mercy, when they made her swear that she would hide herself in the veld, so that she might not give evidence against them. This she did, but was found next morning by a party of farmers who had assembled together as soon as the outrage was known. They found also one of the prisoners, an old man who was sick, and was in the cart at the time of the murder. He was found about ten miles from the place. It is said that the rest are all surrounded, and cannot escape.
CROWLEY has returned to the village, but I am sorry to say that it has been found necessary to amputate his arm to save his life, the length of time that elapsed before medical assistance could be given having placed it in great jeopardy.
Tuesday 11 May 1869
MARRIED at Port Elizabeth on the 8th instant by the Rev. T. Guard, at the Residence of the Bride's brother, William, [eldest] son of Mr. William JONES, to Emma, daughter of the late Mr. Thomas LLOYD of Deeping Fen, Lincolnshire. No cards.
DIED at Port Elizabeth on the 7th May after a short illness, Edwin Harvey, son of the late J.B. BOARD Esq. of Rufane Vale, aged 25 years 4 months and 3 days.
DIED at Uitenhage on Monday the 10th instant, of Bronchitis, Henry William, only son of H.W. BIDWELL, aged 9 months.
Friday 14 May 1869
DIED on the 13th inst at "Fleming House", Arthur Horwood, fourth son of Alfred EBDEN Esq, aged 13 months and 6 days. The Funeral will take place at 4 o'clock this afternoon.
Port Elizabeth, 14th May 1869.
Friday 21 May 1869
DIED at Port Elizabeth on the 14th May 1869, Alice Caroline May TILBROOK, only daughter of Mr. J. TILBROOK. Aged 11 months.
Mr. W. FINN, late hotel-keeper at Bathurst, has been committed for trial by the Resident Magistrate of Albany on the above charges.
Dr. LAING, the retired surgeon of Somerset Hospital, has been presented with a silver inkstand by the officers and servants of that institution, as a mark of their high esteem of his general kindness towards them.
A man named PRINGLE, lately in the employ of Messrs. HENDRICKS and LUCAS at Uitenhage, died last week from lockjaw. He ran a small splinter of bone into his thumb, which accident resulted in his death. He leaves a wife and seven children destitute.
On Wednesday morning a man named George STACEY, passenger per brigantine Hornet from Natal to Cape Town, died suddenly. Deceased was much prostrated from sea-sickness during the voyage, and had evidently suffered from liver complaint. Captain COOPER, ascertaining that he was a member of the Oddfellows (Bud of Hope, Cape Town), communicated with the officers of the Lodge here, and P.G. DODDS and Bros. T. PRATT and RUSSELL accepted charge of the remains and personal effects. The deceased was buried yesterday afternoon, with all the honours of the Order, a goodly number of the Brotherhood attending the funeral.
Friday 28 May 1869
JONES, Mrs. Edwin, on the 4th inst, at Port Elizabeth, of a son.
JONES, Mr. William, to Miss Emma LLOYD, on the 8th inst, at Port Elizabeth.
PEACE, Mr. Walter, to Miss Caroline TILBROOK, on the 24th ult, at Port Elizabeth.
BOARD, Mr. Edwin Harvey, on the 7th inst, at Port Elizabeth, aged 25 years and 4 months.
BIDWELL, Henry William, only son of Mr. H.W. BIDWELL, on the 10th inst, at Uitenhage, aged 9 months.
EBDEN, Arthur Horwood, son of Mr. A. EBDEN, on the 13th inst, at Port Elizabeth, aged 13 months.
JONES, infant son of Mr. Edwin, on the 7th inst, at Port Elizabeth.
LLOYD, Mrs. Maria Agnes, on the 3d inst, at Port Elizabeth, aged 83 years.
SOUTHON, Stephen Robert, infant son of Mr. Richard SOUTHON, on the 25th ult, at Port Elizabeth, aged 1 year and 3 months.
TILBROOK, Alice Caroline May, only daughter of Mr. J. TILBROOK, on the 14th inst, at Port Elizabeth, aged 11 months.
Tuesday 1 June 1869
MARRIED on the 19th instant at the Wesleyan Chapel, Cradock, by the Rev. Geo. Chapman, assisted by the Rev. Theo Chubb, Sidney T. WHITE to Rosina Smith, fifth daughter of Mr. William CAWOOD.
Cradock, May 21 1869
A man named Arthur JAGER, a stevedore, died in Strand-street this morning, from the effects of a debauch.
We learn that the man Moses CONSTABLE died on Friday in hospital, from the effects of his severe fall, occasioned by the blow he received on the election day. - Anglo-African.
On Saturday evening last a person who had long been an occasional barman at several canteens in this city died of delirium tremens. He generally went by the cognomen "Jemmy Ducks", but his real name was Daniel TAYLOR. A couple of days previously he had been admitted into the Hospital, but. Leaving it prematurely and imbibing more drink, he died at Mr. FORD's canteen in New-street. The body was removed to the District Prison, and was buried this morning. The doctor's post-mortem examination shows death to have been the result of alcohol operating on a debilitated constitution. - Journal.
Friday 4 June 1869
MARRIED at St.Augustine's Church, Port Elizabeth, on the 1st June 1869, by the Very Rev. Dr. Murphy, James Joseph, son of Mr. H. FLANAGAN, Kraggakamma, to Maria, daughter of Mr. John FLANNERY, Port Elizabeth.
Inquiry having been for Samuel GOODWIN, it is requested that any information concerning him may be communicated to the Colonial Office. GOODWIN is stated to have arrived in this colony between 30 and 40 years ago. He served in Her Majesty's [38th] Regiment, and was in action at Waterloo.
Tuesday 8 June 1869
DIED on the 7th instant at the Port Elizabeth Provincial Hospital, in his forty-third year, Captain Edward WALKER, native of London, late Commander of the Ship Aurora, and formerly of the Barque Orthe.
The Funeral will take place this (Tuesday) afternoon a half past 3 o'clock. Friends are most respectfully invited to attend.
Timothy LEE, Undertaker
Port Elizabeth, June 8 1869
MARRIED at Graaff-Reinet, at the residence of the bride's brother, by the Rev. G. Murray, John, third son of William INGLE, Cambridge, England, to Sarah Jane, youngest daughter of the late Thomas COLLING, Port Elizabeth.
5 June 1869
Tuesday 15 June 1869
BIRTH June 11, Mrs. E. Brooke SMITH of a son.
One day last week Mr. G. VOS, a resident of Cape Town, visited the Breakwater with a party of friends. While walking along one of the tramway lines a truck came suddenly up, and before |Mr. VOS could get out of the way one of the wheels passed over his foot. He was removed to the Hospital, where it was found necessary to amputate the [limb]. The unfortunate man lingered for a few days, but eventually succumbed to the pain, expiring on Tuesday last.
Tuesday 22 June 1869
BIRTH at Port Elizabeth, 19th June 1869, Mrs. G. HUDSON of a daughter.
Friday 25 June 1869
The body of a white man, named John LAWLER, was picked up by the police in Murray's lane on Wednesday morning. There is reason to believe that exposure to the inclement weather of Tuesday last was the cause of death.
On Wednesday week Gunner Alfred KIBBLEWHITE, of the 1st Battery 2nd Brigade Royal Artillery, stationed in Cape Town, terminated his existence in the Castle, by shooting himself through the head with his carbine. The deceased is stated to have been a sober man, bearing a good character in his regiment. A few minutes before he put an end to his earthly existence he wound his watch in his usual manner. There was no apparent reason for the suicide.
Tuesday 29 June 1869
HUDSON, Mrs. G., at Port Elizabeth, on the 19th inst, of a daughter.
SMITH, Mrs. E.B., at Port Elizabeth, on the 11th inst, of a son.
FLANAGAN, Mr. James Joseph, at Port Elizabeth, on the 1st inst, to Miss Maria FLANNERY.
INGLE, Mr. John, at Graaff-Reinety, on the 5th inst, to Miss Sarah Jane COLLING.
WHITE, Mr. Sidney T., at Cradock, on the 19th inst, to Miss Rosina Smith CAWOOD.
WALKER, Capt. Edward, late Commander of the ship Aurora, at Port Elizabeth, on the 7th inst.
- Hits: 1881