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Eastern Province Herald (later The Herald)

Eastern Province Herald 1869 - 1 - January to March

Friday 1 January 1869

DIED on Christmas Eve at Derwent Cottage, Cape Town, Lizzie, the beloved wife of James [HEELAN], and daughter of the late Lewis MOOREHEAD Esq. of the County Wicklow, Ireland.

ELLIOTT, Mrs. W.E., on the 9th ult, at Port Elizabeth, of a daughter.
GORDON, Mrs. James, on the 10th ult, at Port Elizabeth, of a son.
LLOYD, Mrs. Bennett, on the 2nd ult, at Port Elizabeth, of a son.
REID, Mrs. A., on the 5th ult, at Riversdale, of a daughter.
SMITH, Mrs. G.B., on the 6th ult, at Nocton Farm, of a son.
HILL, Mr. W.J., to Miss Margaret Emily BRUNETTE, on the 24th November, at Potchefstroom, Transvaal Republic.
JONES, Mr. W. Septimus, to Miss Ellen Kate PHILLIPSON, on the 17th ult, at Port Elizabeth.
TAYLOR, Mr. Alphonso, to Miss Alicia Frances Burleigh WOLFE, on the 8th ult, at Port Elizabeth.
LONGLANDS, Janet [Call…], infant daughter of Herbert and Janet Isabella LONGLANDS, on the 4th ult, at Uitenhage.
CAPEL, D., late Captain of the 15th Regiment, on the 20th ult, at Port Elizabeth, aged 32 years.
HEELAN, Mrs. James, on the 24th ult, at Cape Town.

Friday 8 January 1869

In the last number of the Echo, dated December 28, the editor stated that having been ejected from his domicile at Uitenhage by the action of the High Sheriff, he is now "rusticating in the bush, with the verdant pasturage for his couch, and heaven for his canopy." The doctor, we learn, is moving from place to place, by means of an ox-wagon, from which he dispenses medicine and attends to the manifold wants of afflicted patients, who, in out-of-the-way districts, are very glad to secure his assistance.

Mr. James THOMAS, son of John THOMAS, the post contractor, has sustained a great disaster near Sidbury. He was driving a cart from one farm to another on New Year's Day, when a wheel of the vehicle came in violent contact with a large [stone], and capsized. Most unfortunately, Mr. THOMAS junr., on being precipitated from the cart, fell between the body of the vehicle and the wheel, and his lower jaw was wrenched off by the force of the collision. Surgical assistance was obtained immediately from Alexandria and Port Elizabeth. He is now progressing as favourably as can possibly be expected.

The screw-steamer Natallan, Capt. J.G. SALTER, arrived from Table and Mossel Bays on Wednesday morning with a general cargo for this port and Natal. She brought the following passengers:- From Cape Town for this port: Mr. and Mrs. WATERMEYER and four children, Mr. and Mrs. BARRETT, Mrs. POPE and two children, Mr. C. ENGLAND, Mr. A.T. WILLS, E.A. VON WITT (public executioner), and a man 2-11th Regt. For East London: Mr. HIDDINGH and Miss M. PENWICK. For Natal: Rev. Mr. and Mrs. LILLY and child, Mr. RUPARTSKI. From Mossel Bay for this port: Miss OGILVIE. The Natallan left for East London and Natal yesterday afternoon, taking the following passengers for the latter port: Miss FIELD, Messrs. BANKS, SHEPHERD, BURNELL, CUMMING and BELL.

Tuesday 12 January 1869

DIED at Graaff-Reinet on the 8th instant, [….] Stephen Krebs, eldest child of Mr. and Mrs. E.W. DU TOIT, aged six years and 8 months.

Friday 15 January 1869

Mr. and Mrs. BARRATT, late of Cape Town, have arrived in Graham's Town, to enter upon the duties of their appointment as master and matron of the Hospital for Contagious Diseases.

We regret to learn that a very melancholy occurrence happened at Lushington Valley, near Bathurst, yesterday afternoon. Seeing that a heavy storm was approaching, Mr. Thomas GLASS, the well known and highly respected farmer of that place, proceeded to a wagon which was standing in front of his door, for the purpose of adjusting a sail, to prevent the grain with which the wagon was loaded from getting wet. All at once he was noticed to fall from the wagon to the ground, and upon being lifted up life was found to be extinct. The cause of death is as yet unknown. - G.T. Advertiser.

An accident, which terminated fatally, has happened to Mr. H.C. WEBSTER, at the Umtinto. On the 30th ult, the deceased went to his wagon to fetch his gun, and while drawing it towards him, the charge exploded, lodging a quantity of buckshot in his shoulder, and tearing the muscle and fleshy part of the upper arm completely away. No Europeans were nigh, and, after binding up the wound, he started his native boys off for assistance. For eight hours WEBSTER was exposed to the tropical heat, without shelter, having nothing but a buck-wagon. Medical assistance came too late, and the unfortunate man breathed his last on the 2nd inst.

Tuesday 19 January 1869

BIRTH at Cape Town (Boshof) on Wednesday morning, the 13th instant, the wife of Andrew STEIN Esq. of a son.

Friday 22 January 1869

DIED at Graaff-Reinet on the 19th instant, Maria Annie Krebs, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E.W. DU TOIT, aged 10 months.

Friday 29 January 1869

ANDERSON, Jane Angus, at Middelburg, on the 21st ult, aged 63 years.
DU TOIT, Stephen Krebs, at Graaff-Reinet on the 8th inst, aged 6 years and 8 months.
DU TOIT, Maria Annie Krebs, at Graaff-Reinet on the 19th inst, aged 10 months.
HEELAN, Mrs. James, at cape Town, on the 24th ult.

Tuesday 2 February 1869

A shoemaker named [HALLETT], while ascending Table Mountain on Saturday week, missed his footing and fell over a krantz, breaking his neck.

A man named CLARKE was arrested yesterday afternoon, charged with having unlawful [interactions] with his own daughter, who, it is alleged, is enceinte by him. A preliminary examination was held by the Resident Magistrate this morning.

The last English mail informs us of the decease in England of an old Cape Eastern Frontier colonial - one of the pioneers of 1820 - and who in her life was mixed up with some of the stirring scenes of the time, Rebecca Jane GREEN, the daughter of A. BARKER Esq., who brought out the first party of settlers for Albany, and settled near Graham's Town, somewhere between Manley's Flats and the Clay Pits, as a farmer, but being from time to time burnt out and plundered by the Kafirs, Mr. BARKER gave up farming pursuits, and retired to Cape Town, where he lived on terms of intimacy with the Governor, Lord Charles SOMERSET, until his death. It was this gentleman's brother - then residing in South Australia - who supplied the grain for the emigrants of 1820, who were reduced at one time to great poverty, in consequence of their inexperience in farming, and Kafir depredations. Mr. GREEN was cousin to the late Sir Rufane Shaw DONKIN K.C.B., a Governor of the Cape, and Master-General of the Ordnance, in whose wife's memory (Elizabeth MARKHAM, a daughter of one of the Deans of York) Port Elizabeth is named, and an obelisk is erected. Mrs. GREEN was also first cousin to the Bishop of Sydney (F. BARKER) and closely connected with the [BEATON] family. Her husband (Mr. GREEN) was for some time in the firm of Wm. ANDERSON & Co., merchants, Cape Town. - Friend.
[Transcriber's note: Her death certificate was registered in Poole, Dorset, and says that she died on 14 November 1868, aged 45, of phthisis, and was the wife of Thomas William GREEN, landowner]

Friday 5 February 1869

Departed this life at Zeekoei River, Humansdorp, on the 13th January last, our beloved mother Petronella MEYER, widow of the late Anthony Michael FERREIRA, aged 92 years and 4 months. "Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord".
Humansdorp, 1st February 1869.

An accident occurred at Konqo's Kraal, about the 14th ultimo, thirty-five miles from Alexandria. Mr. John OOSTHUIZEN was threshing corn with the machine, and asked his wife to bring him some water to drink. In doing so she came too near the works, and the wind blew her dress, which unhappily was caught by the connecting rod. In a moment she was drawn under and her back broken. The machine was stopped before it had dawn in the upper part of her body. She died a few minutes after being released.

Friday 12 February 1869

DIED at Port Elizabeth on Friday the 5th February 1869, Alice Mary, infant daughter of George IMPEY, aged 10 months.

Information has come in from the Kowie of the death of Mr. HAYCRAFT, the late manager of the Fort Beaufort and Victoria Bank, on Monday last. When the sentence of five year's imprisonment with hard labour was passed upon this ill-fated man, it was not intended that he should be condemned to death. This, however, has been his punishment. Distress of mind, intolerable shame, and complete change in all the habits of his life, the privations and worse than discomforts of a prison, the gang, and hard labour in the heat of summer, have caused death within a few months of his sentence. - Journal.

Tuesday 16 February 1869

BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on the 10th inst, Mrs. Frank HOLLAND of a son.

The insolvent estate of Edward DOBSON of Uitenhage, auctioneer and general gent, has been released from sequestration, by order of the Supreme Court, and the insolvent is rehabilitated accordingly.

Friday 19 February 1869

DEPARTED THIS LIFE this day, 19th Feb, at 11a.m., Eliza, relict of the late George DYASON Esq., aged 64 years and 9 months. The Funeral will proceed from the residence of Mr. D'Urban DYASON, at half past 1p.m. tomorrow.

The Mail reports that a most determined case of suicide took place at Stellenbosch yesterday week. It appears that as Captain VAN DE VEN and others were passing some tree, they noticed a man hanging by a rope to a small branch. Upon taking the body down, as life was quite extinct, it was found to be Mr. J. ACKERMAN. Upon inquiry being made it was learnt that he had gone out that morning early and had not been seen afterwards.

A little girl, about two years of age, named Nelly WEBB, was drowned on Friday afternoon under extraordinary circumstances. Her father was superintending three Kafirs, who were assisting him in some work at a well near Mr. GIBSON's tanpits in New-street, when his little daughter, it is inferred, was coming towards him with a doll in her hand, and, stumbling, fell into one of the pits. Strange to say, the accident was not observed, and some time afterwards the child was found in the pit, perfectly dead. The water was only two feet in depth, and the girl, when found, was lying with her face upwards, with the doll clasped to her breast. - Journal.

The insolvent estate of William INGGS, of Port Elizabeth, has been released from sequestration, by order of the Supreme Court, and the insolvent is rehabilitated accordingly.

Tuesday 23 February 1869

BIRTH at Phillips Town on the 6th Feb, Mrs. G. MICHAELIS of a daughter.

A very sad accident occurred on the Graham's Town market on Friday morning, by which a lad aged eight years, a son of Mr. H. HOWELL of the Kasouga, lost his life. A wagon was crossing the square, when the lad by some means was knocked down, and one of the wheels passed over his body, causing instant death.

Friday 26 February 1869

MARRIED at Port Elizabeth, Cape of Good Hope, on Tuesday the 23rd February, by the Rev. J. Macintosh, assisted by the Rev. W. Dyke, the Rev. William STOREY, Minister of the Baptist Church, to Emily […..]. Bedford.

DIED on the 19th February at Healdtown, Henry Edwin, infant son of Henry WOOD of Graham's Town, aged [15] months and [8] days.

A correspondent informs us that Dr. WILL of Uitenhage died suddenly on Monday afternoon, of apoplexy. Deceased was formerly in practice at Alice; afterwards he was appointed District Surgeon of Alexandria, which appointment he resigned, and went to Uitenhage, where he married the widow of the late Dr. Alexander MACMASTER. He was a young man of considerable professional acquirements. - Journal.

Considerable excitement was occasioned on Wednesday last by the marriage of Lieut-Colonel J.P. NIXON to Maria Georgiana, second daughter of Leonard Orlando BEAN Esq. of Nanaga. The ceremony was performed at St.Mary's by the Rev. E. PICKERING M.A., Colonial Chaplain, and the church was crowded with a fashionable audience, chiefly ladies, who usually take deep interest in ceremonies of this kind. Lieut-Colonel NIXON is political agent at Gudspoor, and has served for many years in India with much distinction under Sir Charles NAPIER and other officers. On the breaking out of the Indian Mutiny he was one of the first to warn the Government, and subsequently distinguished himself by the prompt measures he took in dividing the rebel forces, and by which he saved a large tract of country from destruction. As a smart swordsman and gallant officer he has been brought to the favourable notice of the Home Government, and now holds a high position in the diplomatic [corps]. In the course of a year or two he will be entitled to his full colonelcy. At the marriage he was dressed in the Windsor uniform, the bride and bridesmaids wearing white satin, and we need hardly say that they looked as lovely as brides and bridesmaids usually do on such interesting occasions. At the same time and place, Leonard Willard, eldest son of Mr. BEAN, and brother of the bride, was married to Charlotte Frances DRURY, of Uitenhage. A sumptuous wedding breakfast was given at the house of Mr. DUNSTERVILLE, after which the Colonel and his bride left for Balmoral, and the other couple for Tunbridge's, amid the hearty congratulations of their friends.

HOLLAND, Mrs. Frank, on the 10th inst, at Port Elizabeth, of a son.
MICHAELIS, Mrs. G., on the 6th inst, at Philipstown, of a daughter.
DYASON, Mrs. Alice [sic], relict of the late W.G. DYASON, on the 19th inst, at Port Elizabeth, aged 64 years.
FERREIRA, Mrs. Petronella MEYER, relict of the late Mr. A.M. FERREIRA, on the 13th ult, at Zekoe River, Humansdorp, aged 91 years.
IMPEY, Alice Mary, daughter of Mr. George IMPEY, on the 5th inst, at Port Elizabeth, aged 10 months.

Friday 5 March 1869

Heavy rains have fallen throughout Kaffraria. On Saturday evening a meeting was held in the Town Hall, when a committee was formed to canvass the town for subscriptions in aid of the sufferers by the late fires. A son of Mr. FLANAGAN, near the Komgha, was bitten the other day by a night adder, it is said in two places, on or near the shin. Having only a few drops of Croft's Tincture on hand, Mr. FLANAGAN applied those, and succeeded in arresting the progress of the poison until a fresh supply was procured.

Dr. FITZGERALD, formerly of the Grey Hospital, King William's Town, has been selected to succeed Dr. LAING in charge of the Somerset Hospital, Cape Town.

Tuesday 9 March 1869

BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on the 5th inst, the wife of Augustus F. TANCRED of a daughter.

DIED at Port Elizabeth, [….] deeply regretted, Mary Ann […….], widow of the late Mr. [G…..] of Madagascar and Port Elizabeth, on Sunday, Sabbath, the 7th March, aged [70] years, after a long and […] illness, [borne] with Christian [……. …… ……..]. Relatives and friends at a distance [will please accept] this intimation.
The Funeral will take place this […day] afternoon at 4 o'clock.
[Notice barely legible, but later BMD summary says her surname was CHICK]

Friday 12 March 1869

DIED on the 18th February, at Kenhart, Henry BERRY, second son of M. BERRY of this town, from the effects of a wound received in the late engagement between the F.A. and M. Police and the Korannas. The loss is deeply deplored by his parents and family. Aged 25 years.

A horrible tragedy was enacted at Wooldridge, near Fort Peddie, yesterday week. During the evening the report of a gun was heard, and a cry was raised that Mrs. BETTZING had been shot by her husband. On proceeding to the house, the villagers discovered the unfortunate woman on the floor, in a half-sitting posture, with a gunshot wound in her left breast, and quite dead. BETTZING had, however, decamped, taking with him his clothes, a saddle and bridle &c, leaving behind, in his hurry, his watch, which was found on the table. The gun was found in the corner of the house. BETTZING was keeping a retail shop in the village, and was on the eve of opening a hotel.

Mr. Louis HERLICH, while on his road from Graaff-Reinet to Hope Town, has been drowned in a periodical river near Carolus Poort. - The body of an Englishman named McNAMARA has been picked up in the Orange River, near Hope Town. The throat was cut, and there was a deep stab in the chest. There is every reason to believe that the unfortunate man has been murdered.

Tuesday 16 March 1869

BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on Saturday 13th March, the wife of S. BAIN Esq. of a son.

One day last week a somewhat singular but nevertheless serious accident occurred to Mr. S. KUYS of Cape Town. It appears that he was opening a bottle of soda-water, and for that purpose had removed one of the fastenings of the cork, leaving the other on until he could get a glass. From some cause, however, the cork flew off and struck Mr. KUYS, who was standing close by, in the face. The wire, which also came off with the cork, was sent with such force as to make a severe gash across the forehead and down the side of the face. It was dressed by the best medical skill, but still the unfortunate gentleman is in great danger of losing the sight of one eye. - Mail.

Tuesday 23 March 1869

BIRTH on the 23rd instant, the wife of R.D. BUCHANAN Esq. of a son.

DIED at Uitenhage, March 19, Charles Llewellyn, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. R.W. SMITH, aged 4 months and 1 day.
Uitenhage, March 20 1869.

Friday 26 March 1869

DEPARTED, peacefully, to her Eternal Rest, on the 24th March, at North End, Port Elizabeth, Rachel, the beloved wife of Charles HUMPHREY. The Funeral will take place tomorrow (Friday) afternoon at three o'clock.

This terrible disease is just now extremely prevalent amongst children in town, and several cases have terminated fatally. Within the past week Mr. GERHARDY has lost two fine children by it, and Mr. H.T. FULLER his eldest son, a fine intelligent lad, between ten and twelve years of age. A large number of severe cases are now under medical treatment. - Kaffrarian Watchman.

On Saturday last Mr. W. NEWTH, of King William's Town, breathed his last, at the ripe old age of ninety years. Deceased was one of the few survivors of the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805, when he served on board the Bellisle. The gallant veteran entered the Royal Marines in the year 1794 and served on board the Caesar from 1798 to 1801, when he was transferred to the Beaulieu for twelve months. In 1802 he took a berth on board the Bellisle, and served until the end of the year 1805, being present in that vessel throughout the Battle of Trafalgar. In 1806 e joined the Attack brig, and remained with her till 1810; on June 10 of that year he left that vessel for the Revenge, on board of which he served until 1814; after which he served on board the Indiana for a brief period, and was finally transferred to the Impregnable until December 1815, when he was pensioned off. The deceased, during his residence in this colony, has seen a good deal of active service, and, notwithstanding his age, took part in some of the Kafir wars. He has been in receipt of a pension ever since his discharge in 1816, about 52 years ago, and was respected by all who knew him. We understand his remains will be interred this afternoon at four o'clock, with martial honours, Col. BUCHANAN having kindly consented to allow the band of the 1st-9th to attend for that purpose. - Watchman.

Tuesday 30 March 1869

BAIN, Mrs. S., at Port Elizabeth, on the 13th inst, of a son.
BUCHANAN, Mrs. R.D., at Port Elizabeth, on the 23rd inst, of a son.
TANCRED, Mrs. Augustus F., at Port Elizabeth, on the 5th inst, of a daughter.
BERRY, Mr. Henry at Kenhart, on the 18th February, aged 27 years.
CHICK, Mrs. Mary Ann, at Port Elizabeth, on the 7th inst, aged 70 years.
HUMPHREY, Mrs. Rachel, at Port Elizabeth, on the 24th inst.
SMITH, Charles Llewellyn, son of Mr. and Mrs. R.W. SMITH, at Uitenhage, on the 19th inst, aged 4 months.
WOOD, Henry Edwin, son of Mr. H. WOOD, at Healdtown, aged 15 months and 8 days.

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