Eastern Province Herald 1866 - 2 - April to June
Tuesday 3 April 1866
Loan, Trust & Agency Company of South Africa (Limited)
In the Insolvent Estate of Henry Ernest TONKS, Commission Agent, and John WOOD, Farmer &c, both of Port Elizabeth
The First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Accounts in the above Estates will be exhibited for inspection of Creditors at the office of the Resident Magistrate of Port Elizabeth for a period of seven days from the date hereof, and thereafter for fourteen days at the office of the Master of the Supreme Court in Cape Town, After which the Honorable the Supreme Court will be moved to confirm the same, and order distribution,
William SELWYN, Manager
Trustee Estates J. WOOD and H.E. TONKS
Port Elizabeth, March 30, 1866.
Friday 6 April 1866
Mr. C.J. WILKS, one of the theatrical company of Mr. LE ROY, died very suddenly on Saturday morning last. He had been suffering from a cold, which precluded his appearing at the theatre on Thursday evening. He leaves a wife and child, who are totally unprovided for, to deplore his loss. Mr. [DE…….], the market-master, died on Sunday under sudden and painful circumstances. On Saturday Mr. HAM, aged ninety-three, well-known and respected in this town, died suddenly. – Standard.
Among other passengers by the screw-steamer Uitenhage, who are about returning to their native land, are the Rev. John HARSANT and his family; and we cannot allow them to depart without wishing them God speed. Mr. HARSANT preached two farewell sermons on Sunday last, in the morning in the Presbyterian Church and in the evening in the New Church, to large and attentive congregations. In the course of his remarks he stated that “thirteen years ago to a day” he had commenced his pastoral duties in this town, and during that time he had taken an active interest in public affairs. It is not our province to enter into the peculiar circumstances connected with his departure. We have steadily and purposely avoided reference to all religious differences in our columns and we are not now about to depart from our rule. But we feel it to be alike a duty and a pleasure to bear testimony to Mr. HARSANT’s usefulness in the town. Whatever differences there may have been in religious matters, there is no doubt he has won the respect and esteem of a large number of his fellow townsmen, who heartily wish him success wherever his future lot may be cast. As a member of the Hospital Board, the Grey Institute Board and the Athenaeum, he ever took his fair share of duty, and displayed a deep interest in all that related to their welfare. As a religious teacher he was a man of broad and liberal views, and cordially co-operated with his co-religionists of other Christian denominations. He has brought up amongst us a large family. Some of whom he is leaving behind in this land of their adoption, and who though young already occupy responsible positions in society. Votes of thanks for his zealous services have been accorded to Mr. HARSANT by several public bodies with which he was connected, and regret expressed at his departure; and a valedictory address is now in course of signature, and will be presented to him tomorrow. We wish Mr. HARSANT a pleasant voyage to the “old country” and shall be glad, should his future career ever again call him hither, to welcome him to our shores.
George Francis NASH, Apprentice to William BELDON, Bootmaker. Last seen on Saturday night, March 3rd, at half past ten. Had on a dark brown, brad-ribbed velvet suit; carried a small single-barrel gun; aged 18; height about 5 feet 8 inches; rather slender, complexion rather dark; black hair, inclined to curl, brown eyes, flat nose, with rather prominent lips; a slight lounge in his gait.
Anyone giving information concerning the above will be rewarded.
Port Elizabeth, March 21 1866.
Tuesday 10 April 1866
RICHARDSON, Mrs. James, wife of the Superintendent of the Provincial Hospital, on the 19th Feb. at Port Elizabeth, of a daughter.
MERCER Henry H., to Ellen M.S. BENNETT, on the 6th March, at Fort Beaufort.
CRUICKSHANK, Thomas, at Bloemfontein, on the 11th March.
KLINCK, at the Coega, on the 22nd March.
ROBSON, Alfred T.B., on the 24th March, at Port Elizabeth. [sic – see notice for 16th March]
WILL, Charles G.R., on the 27th Feb., at Colesberg.
FOULKES, Peter Everard, on the 6th March, at Humansdorp.
Tuesday 17 April 1866
J. SEARL, Bootmaker
Has removed to the Market-square.
Port Elizabeth April 17 1866.
In the Estate of the late Widow Johanna Magdalena GARDNER (born OOSTHUIZEN)
All persons having any Claims or Demands in the above Estate are requested to file the same with the undersigned within one month from this date.
Port Elizabeth April 17 1866.
Friday 20 April 1866
BIRTH on the 19th April 1866, Mrs. I.S. GORDON of a daughter.
DIED at his Residence, Woodlawn, Galway, Ireland, on 20th February last, Mr. William SMALLMAN. Aged 60 years and 7 months. Friends will please accept this intimation.
DIED at Uitenhage Town on the 13th instant, Mr. Jacob Fredrik HITZEROTH, aged 53 years.
Tuesday 24 April 1866
DIED on Wednesday 11th April 1866, at the residence of her son, at Humansdorp, Maria Christina METELERKAMP, at the advanced age of 83 years and 10 months.
On the Zwartkops River
The Undersigned begs to inform Merchants and the Public in general that he has commenced Wool Washing by Steam Process, or scoured in cold water, and hopes for a share of their support.
Uitenhage, April 23 1866.
We had the painful duty last week of stopping our press to announce the decease of Mr. J.F. HITZEROTH, which took place early on Friday morning last. The deceased gentleman has been in indifferent health for some years, and recent business cares seem to have hastened his shattered constitution towards its final end. We need not state how deeply he was respected. There are few of our readers who did not know him as a kind-hearted man, or who will not read this notice with deep sympathy for his bereaved widow and young family. His remains were interred in the Dutch Reformed Church Cemetery on Sunday, and about 500 of the most respectable inhabitants testified their esteem for his memory by following him to his last resting place. – Uitenhage Times.
Tuesday 1 May 1866
BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on the 30th April 1866, the wife of F.D. DEARE Esq. of a son.
One day last week William KANNEMEYER, a painter by trade, and lately in the employ of Jan Martin ENSLIN, of the Paarl, in a fit of jealousy endeavoured to hang himself. Fortunately for him, a passer-by happened to see him in his perilous state before life was extinct, and cut him down. He was subsequently taken to prison, where he received a good warning from the Magistrate, and was liberated. – Standard.
A correspondent of the Argus says:
On Thursday evening last, the 19th ultimo, another frightful case of poisoning occurred at a farm situated on the Klein Berg River, by which, had it not been for the prompt attendance of the district surgeon, Dr. ZAHN, seventeen persons would most probably have been deprived of life. It being the birthday, or some such family feast, Mrs. KRIGE, the mistress of the house, determined to make a cake for the occasion, but instead of using soda in its composition, she by mistake put in a spoonful of arsenic, a quantity of which had been purchased some time previously from a hawker, and had been placed in the larder for security. The appearance of the cake when brought to table was anything but inviting, being very heavy and strongly resembling pumpernickel (Westphalian bread), and to this we must attribute the almost miraculous escape of the seventeen persons who partook of it, for, being deterred by its appearance, they partook very sparingly of it. Shortly after, however, they were all attacked by violent pains and other symptoms of poisoning, upon which Mr. KRIGE jr., who had sensibly abstained from eating of it at all, immediately despatched a mounted messenger to Tulbagh to obtain medical aid. On the arrival of Dr. ZAHN, active remedies were immediately applied under his direction, and he had the satisfaction of seeing all the sufferers out of danger before 8 o’clock am on the following morning. A piece of cake which was given by the doctor to a pig caused its death in about two hours’ time.
Tuesday 8 May 1866
DIED at Port Elizabeth on the [6th] instant, James, only son of James and Matilda BRISTER, aged one month.
DEPARTED THIS LIFE at Humansdorp, on Friday the 27th April 1866, at the Residence of his Son-in-law, Mr. James MEARNS, Mr. James WAIT sen., aged 84 years and 8 months.
Humansdorp, May 8 1866.
DEARE, Mrs. F.D., a son, on the 30th April, at Port Elizabeth.
GORDON, Mrs. I.S., a daughter, on the 18th April, at Port Elizabeth.
JONES, Mrs. C.T., a daughter, on the 23rd April, at Port Elizabeth.
SCRIVENOR, Mrs., a daughter, on the 29th April, at Port Elizabeth.
WEST, Mrs. W., a son, on the 15th April, at King William’s Town.
SMALLMAN, William, on the 19th February, at Woodlawn, Galway.
HITZEROTH, J.F., on the 13th April, at Uitenhage.
METELERKAMP, Mrs., on the 11th April, at Humansdorp.
Friday 11 May 1866
DIED at Port Elizabeth, May 10 1866, at his late residence, adjoining St.Mary’s Church, Charles LORD Esq, second son of the Rev. Thomas LORD, Horn Castle, Lincolnshire, aged 24 years. The funeral will take place this (Friday) afternoon at four o’clock. Friends will please accept this invitation.
Timothy LEE, Undertaker
Port Elizabeth, May 11 1866.
Tuesday 15 May 1866
DIED at Mossel Bay on the 9th instant, William Joseph, beloved son of William and Mary CATTON, aged 1 year and 4 months.
The prisoner Johannes Stephanus COETZEE, who was sentenced to six months’ imprisonment for culpable homicide at the Circuit Court in January last, has received remission of his sentence for two months. He will be liberated on the 17th instant (Thursday next). His conduct has been very good whilst in gaol.
Friday 18 May 1866
MARRIED by Special Licence at Port Elizabeth by the Rev. Mr. Macintosh, on the 15th May, John Anderson MACPHERSON Esq. to Miss Constance Emily WALKER. No cards.
Port Elizabeth, May 17 1866
The death of Mr. Percy STRUTT, nephew of the commodore of the Union Company’s fleet, is announced. He died at Poet Natal on the 12th instant, of gastric fever.
Tuesday 22 May 1866
A melancholy accident occurred at Three Anchor Bay on Saturday morning, to a son of Mr. LANDBECHER, of Koeberg, who was a pupil attending school in Cape Town. While he was at Green Point, fishing from the rocks, a heavier sea than usual came up, swept him off, and he was drowned. The deceased was a fine young lad of about twelve years of age.
All doubt as to the fate of Mr. G.V. BROOKE has been set at rest by the discovery on the beach at Brighton of a bottle containing his last message. It runs as follows: “11th of January, on board the London. We are just going down. No chance of safety. Please give this to Avonia JONES, Surrey theatre. Gustavus Vaughan BROOKE.” Mrs. BROOKE, better known to the theatrical public as Miss Avonia JONES, is perfectly satisfied of the authenticity of this document.
Friday 25 May 1866
We have to announce the death of Mr. George RENNIE, the eminent civil engineer, who died on Friday afternoon at his residence in Wilton-crescent. He was the son of an eminent father, who established an imperishable name by his great engineering works – Southwark and Waterloo bridges are amongst those best known to Londoners. He assisted his father in early life in the construction of the London and East India Docks, the Plymouth Breakwater. The Bell Rock Lighthouse &c. Mr. RENNIE was brother of Sir John RENNIE, equally distinguished for his great civil engineering renown.
[Transcriber’s note: This was not the settler George RENNIE, son of Alexander RENNIE and Elizabeth BROWN, who died on 19the February 1862. This George RENNIE was a cousin – see here.]
Tuesday 29 May 1866
BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on the 24th May, Mrs. W. MYHILL of a daughter,
Friday 1 June 1866
Enquiry has been made from Queensland, Australia, concerning the above. He formerly lived in Graham’s Town, and subsequently with Mr. ROBERTS near Cradock. Any person acquainted with his whereabouts will please communicate to the Eastern Province Herald office.
BIRTH on the 29th instant, Mrs. Adolph BEREND of a son.
DIED at Uitenhage on the 30th inst, Dorothea Estelle Coltrust, infant daughter of Thos. Maybury HARRIS.
We publish this notice with more than ordinary sorrow, the deceased being among the foremost and most successful flockmasters in the Eastern Province. It is not more than five years ago since he came amongst us – warned by premonitory symptoms of the malady (consumption) under which he finally sank. In that comparatively short time, however, he managed to bring his establishment to the condition of a model farm, exhibiting a bright example of what may be accomplished by a combination of zeal, intelligence and judgement. By the insidious disease mentioned, his career was closed at the early age of 26 years, leaving a wife and three children to deplore their irreparable loss. – Journal.
Two brothers names KOTZE, residing near [Klipfield], whilst ploughing on the land on Saturday last, quarrelled. The younger brother had an open knife in his hand, having been cutting tobacco, when he was attacked by the elder. When they separated, the elder brother exclaimed: “I die”, fell down, and was a corpse. He had received a stab in the neck, severing the main artery. Both men were married, and known as good, quiet people.- Zuid Afrikaan.
Wednesday 6 June 1866
DIED at her residence, Port Elizabeth, on Monday the 4th instant, Margueritte Josephine, the beloved wife of Edward H. NORTON, at the age of 36 years.
[Transcriber’s note: The marriage of Edward Henry NORTON to Margarette Josephine BRYAN (widow) took place in the Catholic Church, Port Elizabeth on 19th June 1860. Her Death Notice can be found here.]
BIRTH at Hopedale Mission Station, District of George, on the 20th May, the wife of the Rev. William DOWER of a daughter.
BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on the 2nd instant, Mrs. W. PUCKLE of a daughter.
Friday 8 June 1866
MYHILL, Mrs. W., a daughter, on the 24th May, at Port Elizabeth.
BEREND, A… A., a son, on the 29th June [sic] at Port Elizabeth.
DOWER, Mrs. W., a daughter, on the 20th May, at Hopedale Mission Station.
JACK, Mrs. A.H., a daughter, on the [5th] June, at Port Elizabeth.
MACPHERSON, J.A. to Constance Emily WALKER, on the 15th May, at Port Elizabeth.
CATTON, W.G., on the 9th May, at Mossel Bay.
LORD, Charles, on the 10th May, at Port Elizabeth.
HARRIS, Dorothea E.C., on the 30th May, at Uitenhage.
NORTON, Mrs. E.H., on the 4th June, at Port Elizabeth.
Tuesday 12 June 1866
DIED on 31st March 1866 at his residence, 32 St.Augustine Road, Camden Square, London, Mr. Edward NORTON sen., at the advanced age of 79 years. Friends in the colony will please accept this intimation
Port Elizabeth, June 7 1866.
DIED at Richmond Hill, Port Elizabeth, on Sunday the 10th instant, at half past eleven o’clock forenoon, Capt. William STOREY, aged 50 years, a native of Dunbar, Scotland, and late Commander of the Ship Herald, of North Shields.
Port Elizabeth, June 12 1866.
We regret to state that Capt. STOREY, of the barque Herald, died in the Provincial Hospital on Sunday last, from disease of the liver. Deceased was, we believe, a native of Dunbar, Scotland, and was very much respected in the trade. The Herald arrived here from Shields on the 8th, and is bound to Hong Kong in charge of Capt. THORPE, who has been appointed by the agents, Messrs. HOLLAND & Co., to take command.
We regret to hear of the sudden death of Mrs. PITT, wife of Mr. Joseph PITT, formerly a resident of this town, but now living in the Transvaal Republic. Mrs. PITT, when out riding, was thrown from her horse and killed on the spot. The same lady had a narrow escape a few months ago.
Friday 15 June 1866
We regret to have to record today the melancholy death of Captain RIDSDALE, of the R.M.S. Natal. The particulars of his untimely fate have not yet reached us. All we know is that as the vessel under his command was entering Table Bay about one o’clock last Sunday morning, he fell from the “bridge” and sank to rise no more. Efforts were made to save him, but without success, and his body was recovered by some fishermen in the course of the day, and was buried on the following day. Capt. RIDSDALE had been for many years in the West Indian mail service, and the Union Company’s service some years ago. He was second off icer of the Briton, and subsequently chief officer of the Roman, and had only lately been promoted to the command of the Natal, which has lately been running between the Cape and Mauritius. He was looking forward to the extension of the mail service to Galle, of which he was to have been the pioneer. By his death the Company has lost a young officer of much promise, and his death is lamented by numerous friends here, to whom he had become endeared by his kind and unassuming manner and gentlemanly behaviour. Since writing the above we have received the following particulars of this sad event:- The vessel passed Cape Point on Saturday evening and about midnight was passing Sea Point. The bearings of the lights in Table Bay were in sight, and Capt. RIDSDALE, as usual, was at his post on the bridge of the vessel. At one o’clock yesterday morning he made all preparation for bringing the Natal up to the anchorage, expecting to be there an hour afterwards. The engineers were “standing by” at their posts below; anchors were ordered to be cleared, and the chief officer (Mr. DRAPER) went forward to see this duty executed – the captain still continuing on the bridge and the second and third officer being aft, on the main deck near the wheel. Suddenly a sound of a splash in the water alongside was heard by the second officer (Mr. THOMSON), who at the same time observed that the captain was not on the bridge: he had been a minute or two previously standing on a box at the end of the bridge, which is only guarded by a low rail, evidently watching the bearing of the lights. Mr. THOMSON at once exclaimed “It must be the Captain” and ran forward towards the engine-room, immediately giving the order “Stop her”. Casting his eye over the side of the vessel, he saw what he supposed to be the head and hand of a man, which was also observed by one of the passengers, who was leaning over the bulwarks at the time, but there was no voice nor cry. The third officer (Mr. DENNY), almost instantaneously had the helm turned starboard. The boats were at the same time cut away, and in five minutes’ time were in the water. But although the vessel was turned around immediately and proceeded slowly back, and the boats searched for two hours, all their efforts to recover the unfortunate commander were without avail. The night was calm and fine. On examining the spot where the captain had been standing when the accident occurred, his cap was found on the top of the bath-room – showing that he must have, while the vessel lurched by the swell, overbalanced himself and fallen on to the bath-room, and then probably struck the ash-shoot below, at the side of the vessel, by which he was stunned and rendered unable to call for help or to assist himself by swimming. He had just half an hour before, as he felt very cold, put on a heavy monkey-jacket, which must also have prevented him from moving freely in the water.
Tuesday 19 June 1866
We regret to state that Sir Walter CURRIE has met with an accident, which will confine him to his house, we fear, for some days. He had been on a hunting expedition near the Bushman’s River, and after some very exciting sport, his horse unfortunately fell upon him. The worthy knight’s face was severely cut, and two of his ribs were broken. He was brought into town on Monday afternoon, fully as well, we are glad to state, as could possibly be expected. The hunting party killed three buffaloes, and were chasing others, when the accident took place. In the hunt the buffaloes killed six dogs and wounded four others. – Journal.
Friday 22 June 1866
BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on Wednesday the 20th June 1866, Mrs. George IMPEY Jun. of a daughter.
BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on the 19th June, the wife of Morits JACOBSSOHN Esq. of a son
BIRTH at Humansdorp on the 17th inst, the wife of Mr. A.L. CHIAPPINI of a daughter.
DIED at Port Elizabeth on the 20th June 1866, Joseph, the beloved son of Mrs. and Mr. J.A. FLETCHER. Aged 3 years 5 months and [18] days
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