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Eastern Province Herald (later The Herald)

Eastern Province Herald 1866 - 1- January to March

Tuesday 2 January 1866

BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on 1st instant, Mrs. George HUDSON of a daughter.

Mr. RICHARDSON, hotel-keeper near the top of Russell Road, was, we regret to say, thrown from his horse yesterday, and for some hours was in a state of unconsciousness.

As the wagon of Mr. ARCHIBALD, Town Engineer, was proceeding to the farm Buffel’s Fontein on Saturday night, the driver, a coloured man, fell from it and the wheel passed over his head, causing instant death.

Thursday 4 January 1866

We regret to have to report that on Tuesday last, as Mr. Thos. BLAIR, accompanied by his family and some few friends, was proceeding to a picnic in the country, the pole of the cart broke, and its occupants were thrown forward upon the horses, which kicked violently, causing the death of Mr. BLAIR’s only child, a boy aged ten years. The other persons in the cart at the time of the accident fortunately escaped with a few bruises.

Saturday 6 January 1866

DIED at South End on Friday the 5th instant, after a lingering illness, aged 45 years, Catherine, the beloved wife of Mr. William CONSIDINE, leaving a large family and circle of friends to mourn her decease.
The Funeral will take place tomorrow, Sunday afternoon, at 4 o’clock. Friends will please accept this invitation.
Timothy LEE, Undertaker
Port Elizabeth, January 6 1866

Tuesday 9 January 1866

BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on the 5th inst, Mrs. George MADOZ of a daughter.

COHEN, Mrs, G., a daughter, on the 26th ult. At Port Elizabeth.
HUDSON, Mrs. G., a daughter, on the 1st Jan. at Port Elizabeth.
HOLLAND, Mrs. J.R., a son, on the 23rd Dec. at Port Elizabeth.
VILLET, Mrs. C.M., a daughter, on the 8th Dec, at Humansdorp.
AUSTIN, G.W., to Hannah S.J. BOASE, on the 14th Dec. at Somerset West.
FISH, Rev. James, to Martha L.R. BRUNDRETT, on the 20th Dec. at Port Elizabeth.
SUTHERLAND, William, to Hannah TITTERTON, on the 9th Dec. at Kragga Kamma.
FRY, Catherine Renera, on the 18th Dec. at Port Elizabeth.
KORSTEN, Mrs., on the 11th Dec. at Cradock Place.

Thursday 11 January 1866

DIED at Port Elizabeth on the 11th January 1866, Mr. Thomas DAWSON, in his 57th year. The funeral will proceed from the residence of Mr. D.S. DAWSON tomorrow afternoon […..] at half past four o’clock. Relatives and friends are most respectfully invited to attend.
F.E. HODSON, Undertaker

Saturday 13 January 1866

Grahamstown, January 5, 1866
The undersigned, in announcing his retirement from the firm of Messrs. GODLONTON & RICHARDS, cannot permit himself to do so without giving expression to his deep sense of the invariable kindness and support he has received in connection with the Journal, during the long period of thirty-four years. While unaffectedly sensible of his shortcomings in the conduct of that paper, he may be permitted to take credit for having ever laboured to defend the character and advance the general interests of the Colony; and it cannot but be a source of satisfaction to know that his endeavours have been encouragingly appreciated, as shown by the steady and increasing support which has been unwaveringly given to the Journal, from its commencement to the present day. In now formally surrendering his Editorial trust, which for several years he has in fact transferred to others, he does so with the assurance that he commits it to hands that have fully proved their high qualifications for the work upon which they have entered. He may add to this that his official retirement will in nowise lessen the interest he must ever feel in a publication to which the best years of his life has been devoted, and with which one bearing his own name, and other members of his family, continue associated. Sensible, therefore, that the public interests, so far as the Journal is concerned, are secured, and that the same political principles that have distinguished it will continue to be unflinchingly maintained, he doubts not with far superior skill and energy to any heretofore put forth, he has only to commend his successors to the kind consideration and continued support of his numerous friends, assuring them that whatever health and strength may, by Divine Providence, be continued to him, will be cheerfully and earnestly devoted in any way that may be most useful to the promotion of the public good.

On Wednesday last a man of the name of PAGE was found in a destitute and starving state in the Gardens, Cape Town. On being taken to the Hospital, he died soon after from sheer want.

We regret having to record the untoward death of Mr. W. LITTLWORT, who has for some time practised as a dentist in this colony. So far as we have been able to learn, the unfortunate deceased was engaged after tea on Saturday evening last in cleaning his revolver, and either unaware or careless of the fact of one barrel being loaded, it exploded on his knee, and the charge penetrated the heart. Mr. LITTLEWORT was much esteemed by those who knew him, and has a brother practising in the Cape Colony, his father following the same profession in London. – Natal Mercury.

Tuesday 16 January 1866

BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on the 13th inst, Mrs. A.G. WARREN of a son.

Saturday 20 January 1866

DIED at Port Elizabeth on the 12th January 1866, Belle MATTHEWS, the wife of Donald MACDONALD Esq, aged 20 years. The funeral will take place this afternoon at half past four. Friends will please accept this […..]
[rest of notice rubbed away but presumably a standard undertaker’s notification]

Thursday 25 January 1866

Now’s Your Time
George CLAYTON, Hairdresser and Perfumer, Main-street, Port Elizabeth, avails himself of this opportunity of thanking his patrons and the public generally for the support he has received at their hands, and begs to announce that he has just received from England the necessary Apparatus for
Brushing Hair by Machinery.
He has imported and erected at considerable expense the necessary Machinery, and Camp’s Celebrated Rotatory Hair-brushing Apparatus is now in working order at his Establishment. Camp’s Brushes are admitted by the trade to be the best made, and gentlemen can now have their hair brushed and thoroughly cleansed in a most delightful manner.
Shampooing Daily,
Terms moderate, and every attention paid to visitors.
Note the address:
George CLAYTON, Main-street.

Tuesday 30 January 1866

DIED in her 32nd year, at Peckham, near London, on the 19th December last, Lydia, the beloved wife of W. Septimus JONES Esq.

On the night of Friday last a Mr. James HOWATT, of Aliwal North, committed suicide by cutting his throat from ear to ear. He leaves a wife and three children, the youngest of whom is only ten or twelve days old.

Thursday 1 February 1866

MARRIED on the 29th instant at St.Paul’s by the Rev. S. Brook, Rosa Josephine, second daughter of Morris MEYER, to Mark, youngest son of John BAKER Esq, Darnley Road, Gravesend.

BIRTH on the 1st instant, the wife of H.D. BUCHANAN Esq. of a son.

DIED on the 31st ult, Walter John, infant son of Mr. John TILBROOK.

Saturday 3 February 1866

We regret to find in the English papers arrived by the Natal the following obituary notice: “On the 12th instant at Portsea, aged 33, Thomas NIGHTINGALE Esq, late port-captain of Simon’s bay, Cape of Good Hope, second son of the late Sir Charles NIGHTINGALE Bart., of Kneesworth Hall, Cambridge.”

Friday 9 February 1866

BUCHANAN, Mrs. R.D., a son, on the 1st Feb. at Port Elizabeth.
WARREN, Mrs. A.G., a son, on the 13th Jan. at Port Elizabeth.
BAKER, John, to Rosa Josephine MEYER, on the 29th Jan. at Port Elizabeth.
DAWSON, Thomas, on the 11th Jan. at Port Elizabeth.
JONES, Mrs. W. Septimus, on the 19th Dec., at London.
MACDONALD, Mrs. D., on the 19th Jan. at Port Elizabeth.
TILBROOK, Walter John, on the 31st Jan. at Port Elizabeth.

The body of a man, recognized to be that of John SMITH, a discharged soldier, and a great drunkard, was washed up in front of the port office, Table Bay, a few days ago.

Friday 16 February 1866

On and after 1st March Mr. Ernest R. MOSES, Surgeon Dentist, may be consulted at No.1 St.Mary’s Terrace, the house lately occupied by Lieut. SKEAD.

Tuesday 20 February 1866

Some time since three Englishmen rapped at the window of a Mrs. FURSTENBERG, at Potchefstroom. One of her sons poked a stick through a pane and struck one of the assailants in the face. He retaliated by dashing a brick through the window, and immediately ran off with his companions. The two young FURSTENBERGS and a Kafir rushed out, and found an unfortunate man, named WOOD, lying drunk in the street before their door: the mother ordered them to strike him dead, which they forthwith proceeded to do, not leaving the helpless victim until he had breathed his last. All were brought to trial, but only one of the young FURSTENBERGs was found guilty, and he was sentenced to death.

Friday 23 February 1866

DIED in Queen-street on the 22nd instant, Mary, the beloved wife of Mr. John Elliot HENLEY, aged 37 years and [18] days. The funeral will take place tomorrow, Saturday, afternoon at half past three o’clock. Friends will please accept this invitation.
Timothy LEE, Undertaker
Port Elizabeth, February 23, 1866.

Tuesday 27 February 1866

DIED at Walmer on the 27th February, aged 1 year and 2 months, James Ockment MORRIS, son of Westcott Mallet MORRIS Esq, of H.M. Customs, deeply regretted.

Mr. T. LASCELLES died suddenly at Cape Town on the 18th inst. He had been married only three weeks.

Friday 2 March 1866

DIED at Port Elizabeth on Sunday 25th February. Matilda A.B. HALSTED, wife of Charles HALSTED, aged 23 years.

DIED at Middleburg on the 25th January, John Francis BRUNETTE Esq, aged 29 years.

On Thursday the 8th ultimo, three of Webster’s Volunteers, Captain James WEIR and Messrs. PAPENFUS and DUFFY, were returning to their camp at Rouxville from Smithfield, and on their reaching Commissie Drift, Mr. WEIR, who said he was acquainted with the road, rode in on horseback. The deceptive element, however, proved deeper and stronger than was thought, and the horse was, at a short distance from shore, taken off its legs, and was drifted downstream rearing and plunging. The unfortunate rider was speedily unseated, and, as he could not swim, a few short moments sufficed for his watery grave finally to close above him. His companions, who were also not swimmers, could only run along the bank while he occasionally appeared above the surface, and by wading as far as they durst, vainly endeavoured to rescue their ill-fated comrade. The horse, in plunging, became entangled in the bridle-rein, and was drowned even before its master. Mr. PAPENFUS and Mr. DUFFY returned to town in the evening to report the sad disaster, and early on the following morning several townspeople went out and searched the river’s banks … [next few lines too blurred to read]… Mr. WEIR, wo was a [p….man] by trade, came out from England a few years ago for our office, and was well known in Port Elizabeth. He was brother to Mr. Douglas WEIR.
[Transcriber’s note: His Death Notice was signed by PAPENFUS and DUFFY]

Tuesday 6 March 1866

DIED at Humansdorp on Sunday the 25th instant, Frederick [C…..], the beloved child of Charles [H…….] Esq, Civil Commissioner and Resident Magistrate, aged nine months.

DIED at Port Elizabeth on the 6th March 1866, aged [27] years, Mary Jane, the beloved wife of John SAMUEL Esq, sub rector of the Grey Institute. The funeral will take place tomorrow, Wednesday, afternoon at four o’clock. Friends will please accept this invitation.
Timothy LEE, Undertaker
Port Elizabeth, March 6, 1866.

We deeply regret to announce that Mrs. SAMUEL, wife of the esteemed Sub-Rector of the Grey Institute, died very suddenly at 4 o’clock this morning. We understand that Mrs. SAMUEL was in her usual health when she retired for the night. The funeral will move from the house, near the Grey Institute, tomorrow afternoon.

A correspondent of the George Advertiser says that during the late thunderstorms a son of Mr. David [K..TER], of Kamnatie, was struck dead by lightning while herding some sheep, and a younger son died on the same day of fits, thus the poor man lost two of his family in one day.

Friday 9 March 1866

We regret to hear of the death of P.E. FOULKES Esq, clerk to the Resident Magistrate of Humansdorp. Deceased took an active interest in Agricultural Societies.

On Sunday last a fearful thunderstorm, accompanied with hailstones of enormous size, broke over the village of Oudtshoorn. The lightning struck the house of Mr. A. DE RIDDER, which was instantly in flames, and sad to say, killed two of his sons and stunned a third. The body of the eldest was dug out of the ruins literally in pieces, and that of the second was found in the stable.

Tuesday 13 March 1866

MARRIED at Fort Beaufort on Tuesday the 6th instant, by the Rev. W.H.L. Johnson MA, Military Chaplain, Henry H. MERCER, Deputy-Assistant-Commissary-General, youngest son of the Rev. T.W. MERCER MA, Vicar of Northallerton, Yorkshire, to Ellen M. Smythe, eldest daughter of Assistant-Commissary-General BENNETT. No Cards.
March 1866

DIED at Colesberg on the morning of the 27th ultimo, Charles George Robert, son of J.R. WILL.
Colesberg, 3rd March 1866.

DIED at Humansdorp on the morning of the 6th inst, Peter Everard FOULKES Esq, aged 34 years.

A gentleman living in Humansdorp, writing to a friend here, says:
“We all here are in gloom. Men, women, children, village, district, public buildings, shops, everybody and everything look mournful. Dear, worthy FOULKES, that fine, honourable, free-hearted fellow, has left us for ever. He passed away at about eight on Monday morning, after an illness of only three days’ duration, leaving no better or more upright man or finer specimen of an English gentleman behind him. His death took everyone by surprise – it was quite unexpected. Though he had been for weeks complaining, no one anticipated anything serious. He got wet returning from a wreck last Wednesday, and, as usual careless where he himself was concerned, sat down to supper in his damp clothes, got chilled, took to bed, and fever and ague acting together carried him off on Tuesday morning. Everyone feels for his poor wife, who has been almost distracted ever since the sad occurrence. Great sympathy is also felt for his mother in England when the mournful news reaches her. What a loss has not their’s been – such a husband and such a son! God comfort them both in their heavy sorrow. The public offices look quite deserted. Mr. COX attends, sits in Court and transacts business, but not as usual. The droll story in the private office rendered droller by the twinkle of the eye, and smart sayings and dry jests from the bench don’t fall as formerly. He feels poor FOULKES’ loss most keenly. They were fast friends. I believe during the seven years of their official intercourse neither ever had an unkind thought of or said an unkind word to the other. Poor FOULKES was buried yesterday. The funeral was a very large one. His father-in-law, Mr. C. ANDREWS, of Port Elizabeth, Mr. COX and Mr. METELERKAMP were the chief mourners, and the several Justices of the Peace and Divisional Councillors bore the pall. White and black, young and old, all seemed to share a common sorrow, for all loved him. He was on the eve of being promoted to a Civil Commissionership. Well, well! He deserved it, and most ably would he have discharged its duties. When will we see his like again?”

By post from Mossel Bay we received the following particulars of a sad accident which had just happened there. Our correspondent evidently wrote in great haste, just as the post was closing:
“Mossel Bay, March 7, 1866. A dreadful accident happened just now. Herr GROSS and Dr. WEINSTEIN were drowned at the Seal Island here, attempting to land on it. The boat was smashed. Mr. SIMKINS and one man were saved. Two other boatmen were drowned. Just now a boat arrived with the corpse of Dr. WEINSTEIN, who had brought down his wife and three children from Riverdale on their way to Europe. Herr GROSS was well known in Cape Town as a pianist.”

Friday 16 March 1866

DIED at his father’s residence, March 14th, Alfred T.B. ROBSON, son of the Rev. A. ROBSON, aged [39] years. The bereaved parents desire to express their unfeigned gratitude for the unremitting and practical sympathy of a number of friends during his tedious illness.

Friday 23 March 1866

DIED suddenly on Thursday the 22nd instant, at Mr. CLARK’s, the Coega, Mr. J.D. KLINCK, aged 39 years and 8 months. The funeral will take place there at three this afternoon.

Tuesday 27 March 1866

DIED at Bloemfontein, Orange Free State, on the 11th March, Thomas C. CRUIKSHANK Esq, late of the General Post Office, Aberdeen, N.B., aged 23 years.

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