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Eastern Province Herald (later The Herald)

Eastern Province Herald 1859 - 2 - April to June

Friday 1 April 1859

Widow of the late District Surgeon of Queen’s Town and Bathurst, begs to intimate to the ladies of Port Elizabeth that she has studied Midwifery for the last fifteen years, and hopes, by kind attention to her patients, to obtain their patronage.
Residence: The house lately occupied by Mr. B. KENNEDY, opposite Mr. HENLEY’s, Baker.

Friday 8 April 1859

MARRIED at Uitenhage on the 30th March 1859, by the Rev. Mr. Llewellyn MA, Mr. James F. PARKES to Miss Helen P. FORREST.

BIRTH on the 6th instant, Mrs. W.C. ELLIOTT of a son.

CHRISTENING on the 6th April by the Rev. Edward Pickering, a daughter of Mr. Charles LOVEMORE, of Bushy Park, baptized Jessie Maria.

Having taken over the Boot and Shoe Business lately carried on by
In Queen-street
Begs to inform the inhabitants of Port Elizabeth that he is prepared to Clear Off the whole of the Present Stock at Reduced Prices to make room for a New and Very Superior Stock shortly expected.
A.D.T. having obtained the services of a competent person lately from England, will be prepared to carry on the Manufacture of Boots and Shoes in all its branches, and trusts that by punctual attendance to business, and the supply of good material, to merit a continuance of the support hitherto enjoyed by Mr. J. CROOKS.
NB. The Trade supplied with Colonial-manufactured Boots at low rates.

Tuesday 12 April 1859

BIRTH at Uitenhage on the 6th inst, Mrs. J.G.S. DE VILLIERS of twin daughters.

DIED at Uitenhage on the 9th inst, Barbara Agatha Susannah, infant daughter of J. and A, DE VILLIERS.

Friday 15 April 1859

Whereas a Warrant has this day been granted by John West RAFFERY Esq, one of Her Majesty’s Justices of the Peace in and for the division of Uitenhage, upon the oath of Francois P.G. DE BEER and others, for the apprehension of James McCLURE and William FLYNN, charged with the crime of Theft These are therefore, in the name of our Sovereign Lady the Queen, to require and command all Field-cornets, Peace Officers, Chief, Police and other Constables, and other Officers of the Law proper to the execution of Criminal Warrants, to use their utmost endeavours and exertions to apprehend and lodge the said James McCLURE and William FLYNN, or cause them to be apprehended and lodged in the nearest Gaol, for the purpose of being forwarded to Uitenhage, to be examined relative to the said charge, and to be further dealt with according to law.
Dated at the Prosecutor’s Office, Uitenhage, this ninth day of April 1859.
Description of James McCLURE
A Scotchman, born at Glasgow; stature 5 feet 9 inches; eyes, hazel; hair, light-brown; whiskers and moustaches, sandy; age, about 35 years; complexion fair; scar over left eye; stout built. – When last seen was dressed in a brownish pilot-cloth coat, dirty moleskin trowsers, veldt shoes, black wide-awake hat.
Description of William FLYNN
An Irishman, born at Callan, Kilkenny; stature 5 feet 8½ in; eyes, hazel; hair, light-brown; whiskers, dark; complexion, fair; age, about 25 years; cross on each arm above wrist. – When last seen was dressed in woolen hip jacket, dark corduroy trowsers, veldt shoes, black wide-awake hat.

BAPTISM at Port Elizabeth on the 12th inst, by the Rev. E. Pickering, Col. Chaplain, the daughter of William and Mary PUCKLE, baptized Jessie Florence.

DIED at Port Elizabeth on the 3rd April 1859, Jessie OWEN, infant daughter of Edward and Emily OWEN, aged 12 months.

DEATH at Port Elizabeth, 14th inst, Jessie Florence, infant daughter of William and Mary PUCKLE.

Tuesday 19 April 1859

BIRTH on the 17th instant, Mrs. A.G. WARREN of a son.

Friday 22 April 1859

BIRTH on the 20th inst, the wife of Mr. W,G. TOWNEND of a daughter.

(Banner 13th April)
We sincerely regret to announce the death of Mr. James BIRT, which took place on Saturday morning, having been occasioned by a fall from his horse whilst returning from this place to Peelton on Friday last. The injuries sustained were of such a serious nature that the unfortunate gentleman died the following day.

Tuesday 26 April 1859

I, Gerhardus Cornelis Josiah JACOBSZ, now of Port Elizabeth, having seen an advertisement in the Graham’s Town Journal of the 23rd inst, to the effect that I have absented myself from the employ of Messrs. Godlonton, White & Co., of Graham’s Town, being under an agreement to them of Twelve Months, I hereby give notice that such is not the case, as I can certify that I never entered into any agreement whatever, either with Mr. J. IRVING J.P. or any other person connected with the above firm.
Port Elizabeth, 25th April 1859.

It is with much regret that we have to record the death of our esteemed follow townsman Mr. Hector McKENZIE, of the Customs Department, who departed this life early on Saturday morning last. For some time past he had been incapacitated from the duties of his office, his health having seriously declined; and under a combination of complaints, especially dropsy, his constitution succumbed to the destroyer. A local contemporary pays the following tribute to the memory of the deceased, in which we entirely concur:-
“Mr. McKENZIE was a native of Rosshire in Scotland and came to Port Elizabeth as a clerk in the customs department in the year 1846. During the many years that he held that important office he discharged his duty with the strictest honor to the government, and with a kindness and gentlemanliness of demeanor towards the public, which made him respected and the favorite of all. We do not know whether those within the department or the public will most deplore his loss as an able, an honorable and most valuable public servant. In social life here his place will not soon be filled. How often was he the soul and life of the company! and that which can be said of so few can be said with truth of him – that we are not aware that he ever, by word or deed, knowingly or even unknowingly wounded the feelings of any with whom he came in contact.
“With his bereaved relatives a sympathizing public deeply condoles at the present time, but the confident trust is entertained that they are not called in this hour of their trial to sorrow as those who have no hope. What is there irreparable loss, it is hoped, is the great gain of him who is now no more for ever on earth”
The funeral of the subject of the fore-going remarks took place on Sunday last and was very numerously attended by his sympathizing and sorrowing friends. Upwards of a hundred and fifty mourners followed the mortal remains of Mr. McKENZIE to his long home, thus testifying their respect and esteem for one with whom they had been so long intimately acquainted.

Friday 29 April 1859

A friend writing us from Somerset under date April 22 says the enterprising Richard PAVER Esq. has lately received the machinery for a sixteen horse power Steam Mill, which is immediately to be erected at Bedford for public use, to the great dismay of the owners of all the Water Mills. It is said this Mill will work three pair of stones and can grind 120 muids per diem.

Tuesday 3 May 1859

MARRIED at Uitenhage by the Rev. A. Smith, Maria Susannah NIEKERK, daughter of Mr. Isaac NIEKERK of De Staden’s River, to J.A. NIEKERK, of Oliphant’s Hoek, farmer.
Uitenhage, 28th April 1859

The Funeral of the late Mrs. CUTTER will proceed from her late residence, at back of premises of Mrs. BLAKER, to the place of interment tomorrow afternoon at 4 o’clock.
John MATTHEWS, Undertaker
Port Elizabeth
2nd May 1859

Friday 6 May 1859

MARRIED on the 6th ult at Colesberg, by the Rev. R. GIDDY, Henry Langford RUDLIN to Catherine Anne Hodgson, third daughter of the Rev. R. GIDDY of Colesberg.

DEPARTED THIS LIFE on the 29th April 1859, John JOHNSON, aged 51 years, a native of Cambridge, England, deeply regretted by his beloved Widow and Family and a numerous circle of Friends. The deceased has been in this colony 9 years, during which time he has been in the employ of Messrs. Reed & Company, who sincerely regret the loss of his services.
[Transcriber’s note: His Death Notice says he was born in Ireland]

All Claims against the Estate of the late Joseph BILLINGHAM, of Uitenhage Town, must be sent to the second Undersigned within the current month, by whom all amounts due to the estate will be received.
(Signed) Mary Ann BILLINGHAM
Executors Testamentary
Uitenhage, May 2nd 1859

May 16 – At Graaff-Reinet, in re Hendrik Christoffel Janse VAN RENSBURG, of the Graaff-Reiner district, and surviving spouse Catharina Dorothea Wilhelmina Janse VAN NIEUENHUISEN.
May 17 – Ay Uitenhage, in re Hendrina Maria VAN RENSBURG, of the Uitenhage district, and surviving spouse Paul Jacobus VAN DER MERWE.
May 17 – At Uitenhage, in re Hendrik Theodorus Daniel KEMP, of the Uitenhage district, and surviving spouse Beatrix Johanna MARETS.
May 19 – At Cradock, in re Johanna Petronella Magdalena VAN DYK, of the Cradock district, and surviving spouse Johannes Petrus SCHOEMAN.

Tuesday 10 May 1859

DIED at Port Elizabeth, Cape of Good Hope, on Saturday the 7th May 1859, after a painful and lingering illness, Rose, the beloved wife of Robert Henry SMITH Esquire, Dep.-Asst.-Commissary-General to Her Majesty’s Forces, deeply regretted by all who knew her.

Tuesday 17 May 1859

BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on the 8th instant, Mrs. H. DEARE of a son.

BIRTH at Viewforth, Port Elizabeth, this morning at 11 o’clock, Mrs. William Somers KIRKWOOD of a son.
Port Elizabeth, 17th May 1859.

DIED at East London on the 10th May 1859, Mr. John ACTON, aged 52 years, long a resident in this town, deeply regretted by all who knew him, leaving a bereaved widow and eleven children to deplore their loss.

The painful intelligence was received by yesterday morning’s post of the rather sudden death of N.P. KROHN Esq., of the Graham’s Town, of the firm of N.P. KROHN & Co.

The “British Queen” (Capt. A. SCORGIE), which sailed for London on Thursday evening, took the following passengers:- Mrs. DRIVER and family (6), Mrs. PICKERING and son, and major HARE (Cape Mounted Rifles).

Friday 20 May 1859

DIED on the 14th inst, at his residence, in Market Square, Graham’s Town, N.P. KROHN Esq, aged 40 years and 8 months.

Jun 23 – At Queen’s Town in re William Marthinus PRINSLOO and subsequently deceased spouse Anna Susanna BOTHA, of Queen’s Town district.

Tuesday 24 May 1859

MARRIED on the 18th instant, by the Rev. A. Robson, Mr. Charles ROBERTSHAW to Miss Cecelia Louisa HUGHES.

BIRTH on the 23rd instant, Mrs. Joseph TIBBETTS of a daughter.

Friday 27 May 1859

DIED at Amsterdam Flats on the 22nd instant, Mr. Joseph HART, aged 55 years, 10 months and 13 days.

The bark Aurifera, with immigrants, arrived in Table Bay after a passage prolonged by baffling winds and calms to 83 days, from Southampton. Upon anchoring she was boarded by Dr. LAING, the health officer, Capt. SAMPSON, immigration agent, and Mr. C. PIERS, one of the members of the local immigration board. They examined the accommodations and questioned the passengers as to the treatment they had received. With respect to the accommodations, it was evident that the master of the vessel had done everything possible to promote the comfort of the emigrants: still, there was too much crowding and inconvenience, and were it not that the surgeon-superintendent (Dr. KITCHEN) had been indefatigable in his attentions to the young and old, the consequences might have been serious. As it was, none of the emigrants complained of suffering in any way, and nearly all appeared to be in excellent health. When they were mustered on deck, each individual as asked whether it was desired to make any complaint whatever. None were made, but all expressed themselves satisfied in every respect. They were landed during the afternoon, and comfortably housed in the depot in Roeland-street. The total number who were embarked on board the Aurifera was 235 souls; there were three deaths during the voyage, and four births, so that the total number landed here is 236. Of these, 27 men, 32 women and 22 children are permit and other immigrants who have come out to their friends or acquaintances, and who may be considered as engaged. The remainder (including the German vinedressers) will readily find employment, as the demand for labor – especially of agricultural and domestic class – is very great.

Tuesday 31 May 1859

DIED at Port Elizabeth on Sunday 29th May 1859, Joseph Crampton SMITH, aged 33 years.

The Funeral of the late H.C. DE MEILLION will proceed from his late residence, near Waterloo House, to the place of interment this afternoon at a quarter to 4 ’clock.
John MATTHEWS, Undertaker
Port Elizabeth, May 31st 1859.


ABRAHAM, Thomas Farm laborer  
ATKINSON, Joseph Printer Wife and son. Rotation No. 257, Permit No, 250.
    Going to Messrs. ESSEX, RABONE & Co, printers, Graaff-Reinet.
ANDERSON, Alexander Helper Wife and family (2)
ALLDRED, Mary House servant  
ANDERSON, Sarah House servant  
AXTON, Alfred Laborer and wife, dressmaker
AIRD, Alexander Fisherman  
BARTLETT, Thomas Upholsterer  
BRITT, John Farm laborer and wife. Rotation No. 78. Permit No. 74. 
    Going to Patrick MALONY, of Uitenhage.
BYERLEY, James Groom Wife and family (3). Rotation No. 278.
    Going to William BYERLEY, pastry-cook, Main-street, Port Elizabeth. 
BODILL, Anne   and family (4). Rotation No. 282. Permit No. 320. 
    Going to her husband Joseph, blacksmith, Port Elizabeth.
BRIGGS, Joseph Laborer  
BOWEN, John ditto  
CAUSE, John Carpenter's helper  
COX, Thomas Farm laborer  
CRESSY, William ditto  
COLEMAN, Samuel ditto  
COLEMAN, William ditto  
CHITTY, Henry Farm laborer Wife and family (3). Rotation No. 118. Permit No. 120.
    Going to George CHITTY, farmer, 
    residing at Chelsea Farm, district of Port Elizabeth.
    Mr. & Mrs. CHITTY have paid their own passage at the contract rate.
CROSBIE, William Farm laborer Wife and family (6)
CHAPMAN, Richard Bricklayer and wife. Rotation No. 370. Permit No. 352.
    Going to Mr. Richard PAVOR, miller, Mill-hill, district of Bedford.
COLES, George Carpenter Wife and family (2)
CRICHTON, George Laborer Wife and family (3)
CUMICK, George Laborer and wife
COULEY, William Laborer  
COPPIN, William ditto  
CLINE, William Fisherman and wife
DENNY, Christopher H. Carpenter & joiner Wife and family (2)
DRISCOLL, Denis Laborer  
DOBLE, George Carpenter Wife and family (5)
DOIDGE, John H. Carpenter Wife and family (3)
DON, James Fisherman Wife and family (3)
DAVIS, John Carpenter  
DAWKE, John Frederick Carpenter & joiner and wife
EDBROOK, Edmund C Carpenter and wife
EHRHARD, Anthon Baker Wife and son
ENNISON, Daniel Laborer  
FARNDELL, Richard Laborer Wife and family (4)
GILL, William Striker Wife and son
GROAT, George Fisherman Wife and daughter
GRAHAM, John Fisherman  
GRANT, Peter ditto  
GILLMAN, William Carpenter & joiner Wife and family (2)
HARVEY, James General smith  
HILL, Warwick Cabinetmaker Wife and son
HARWORTH, James Joiner & carpenter Rotation No. 370. Permit No. 352.
    Going to Mr. PAVOR, miller, Mill-hill, district of Bedford.
HASKET, John Laborer ditto
HAMBLEY, Richard Laborer Wife and family (5)
HOSKINS, William Laborer Wife and family (3)
HUTCHINS, Henry Smith  
HENDERSON, William Ship carpenter  
HAYWOOD, James Shoemaker Wife and family (3)
JENKINS, William Carpenter  
JEFFCOAT, William Baker Wife and family (2). Rotation No. 280. Permit No.273.
    Going to James D. CHARLWOOD, painter, village of Murraysburg, 
    district of Richmond
INMANN, Joseph Smith Wife and family (3). Rotation No, 192. Permit No. 186.
    Going to Charles INMANN, retail spirit dealer, Baird-street, Uitenhage.
JARVIS, Edmund Groom and wife
JENKINS, William Carpenter  
JENNINGS, William Laborer  
JESSOP, Mary Jane House servant  
JOHNSON, John Tailor Wife and family (2)
KERR, William Saddler  Wife and family (3). Rotation No. 140. Permit No. 146.
  & harnessmaker Going to James HAMILTON, saddler & harnessmaker, Graham's Town.
KARNEY, John Farm laborer Rotation No. 80. Permit No. 78. 
    Going to John KARNEY, mason, Uitenhage.
KEITH, John Fisherman  
LAWLOR, Patrick Farm laborer and wife.
    Relatives of Thomas and Margaret LAWLOR, 
    who proceeded to the Cape in the Vocalist.
    Rotation No. 101. Permit No. 95. 
    Going to Robert KENNEDY, bricklayer, Port Elizabeth.
LEVY, Maurice Shepherd Wife and family (5)
LANGDON John Laborer Wife and family (2)
LOVELL, William Blacksmith  
LLOYD, John Helper  
MUDGE, Susannah Tailoress and Georgina. Rotation No. 285. Permit No. 278.
    Going to Edmund DALTON, mason, Uitenhage.
MALONY, Michael Farm laborer Rotation No. 7. Permit No. 74. 
    Going to Pat. MALONY, Uitenhage.
McKENZIE, Murdoch Fisherman Wife and family (2)
MAY, Philip Striker  
MATTHEW, William Fisherman  
MORGAN, John Smith  
MORGAN, Ann Nursery maid  
MORGAN, John    
MORGAN, Rebecca    
[illegible], George Laborer Wife and family (2)
NEWTON, William Laborer  
NISTER, Michael Laborer and wife
PARKER, John Laborer Wife and daughter
PILLS, David Laborer Wife and family (6)
PEARCE, Charles Laborer & plasterer Wife and family (2)
RUNDLE, John Laborer and wife
REID, James Carpenter and wife
RAMSAY, James Fisherman  
ROBERTSON, peter ditto  
SOUTER, James Ship carpenter Wife and family (2). Rotation No.333. Permit No. 321. 
    Going to George M. MILLER, Port Elizabeth.
SEARS, George Farm laborer  
SEARS, Charles Farm laborer  
SIMONS, [William] [Laborer]  
SMALLPIECE, Henry Gardener Wife [and family]
STEVENS, William [illegible]  
SINCLAIR, John Fisherman [illegible]
SINCLAIR, William Fisherman Wife and family (1)
SOPER, John Carpenter and wife, milliner
SUTHERLAND, Hugh Fisherman  
SWAINSON, James ditto  
SINCLAIR, David ditto  
SUTHERLAND, John ditto  
SMITH, Stephen Bricklayer  
STITSON, Richard Laborer  
SKINNER, William Carpenter  
TOWNROAD, Mitchell Cabinetmaker  
TAYLOR, Wm. Cabinetmaker Rotation No. 386. Permit No. 385. 
    Going to George TAYLOR, stevedore, Port Elizabeth.
TODD, Agnes   and family (3). Rotation No. 285. Permit No. 251. 
    Wife of James TODD laborer, residing in the colony.
    Applied for by Thomas CONNORS, storeman, Port Elizabeth
TONSCOTT, Frederick Smith Wife and son
TURNER, George Fisherman  
VERRAL, Louisa House servant  
WEST, Louisa House servant Rotation No 233. Permit No. 241. 
    Going to William CRESSY, smith & wagon-maker, Caledon-st., Uitenhage.
WILSON, Ann Dressmaker Rotation No. 111. Permit No. 103.
    Going to her husband John WILSON, ploughman,
    at Mr. Henry PARDEN's farm, district of Fort Peddie.
WOOLSCOT, John Carpenter Wife and family (4)
WILEY, John Carpenter Wife and family (4)
WOOD, James Fisherman  
WOODFORD, John Laborer and smith  
WALKER, Thomas Carpenter  

The emigrant ship New Great Britain, 570 tons, Captain KERR, arrived at this port on Saturday last about noon, after a fine passage of 65 days from Plymouth. She brings 275 immigrants, equal to 224½ statute adults. There has not been a single death during the passage, neither has the number been increased by a single birth. We are glad to state that the surgeon-superintendent, Dr. THORN, under whose charge these people have come out, reports that they have been remarkably free from illness during the voyage, the whole of the passengers having enjoyed good health. Their conduct is spoken of by both the surgeon and captain in the highest terms. A more orderly, well-conducted set of emigrants could not have been sent. They, in turn, speak equally well of the officers under whose charge they were placed; and apart from the little discomforts necessarily attendant on a sea voyage, express themselves as satisfied with the attention shown them. Everything that could reasonably be expected was done to make them as comfortable as possible. Captain KERR and Dr. THORN have, since their arrival in port, received from the immigrants very flattering acknowledgements of their services, expressive of the entire satisfaction of the passengers under their supervision.
By this opportunity the Harbour Board have received a very timely accession to the laborers employed on their works, Thirty-eight laborers have arrived with their wives and families, making the number equal to 88 statute adults. These are the emigrants selected by Mr. CORFIELD.
The Port Elizabeth Boating Company have also received nineteen fishermen, or boatmen, and four shipwrights. They are spoken of as being a remarkably fine set of men, and have entered into an engagement with the Boating Company for a term of three years.
As will be seen by the alphabetical list published in our columns today, a large number of them are “permit cases”, who have been sent for by their friends.

Friday 3 June 1859

BIRTH at Graaff-Reinet on Saturday the 28th ultimo, Mrs. S.E. WIMBLE of a daughter.
Graaff-Reinet 1st June 1859

Friday 10 June 1859

BIRTH on the 8th instant, Mrs. F. HODGSON of a daughter.

DIED on the 8th instant at Port Elizabeth, after a lingering illness, Elizabeth Martha, the beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. BOND. Aged 5 years and 10 months.

To all Field-cornets, Police Officers and others proper to the execution of Criminal Warrants:
That whereas James WALL, No.1 Alexandria District Mounted Police, did, on Thursday 2nd June 1859, and at Zwaggers Flat, in Division of Alexandria, desert from the said force, then and there on patrol, and in his charge taking with him his horse, saddle, bridle, double-barrelled rifle (marked No. 1087), side bag, blanket &c. All Field-cornets, Constables and others are hereby enjoined to use their utmost endeavors to apprehend the said James WALL and lodge him in the nearest gaol, to be forwarded here, and further dealt with according to law.
Arthur TWEED
Acting Resident Magistrate
Magistrate’s Office
Alexandria, June 9 1859
Description of James WALL:
Height, 5 feet 9½ inches; complexion, fresh; age, 48 years; color of hair, brown, turning grey; color of eyes, grey; a discharged soldier of the 7th Dragoons. Has with him his discharge, silver medal for services in the Kafir war; wears a moustache and bushy whiskers, dressed in a light grey hip jacket and cap, corduroy trousers, strapped – taken with him a dark brown horse, aged and blind of one eye, and one double-barrelled rifle, No. 1087 – has been hurt in the right foot, which is always swollen.

Friday 24 June 1859

DIED at the Drostdy, Uitenhage, on the 21st instant, Mr. John Frederick BERNARD, in the 43rd year of his age.

Tuesday 28 June 1859

BIRTH this morning, the wife of Thomas WORMALD Esq. of a son.

July 8 – At Bathurst, in re Emma TARR, of the Bathurst district, and surviving spouse John RICHARDSON.
July 12 – At Graaff-Reinet, in re Pieter Schalk ROSSOUW, of the Graaff-Reinet district, and surviving spouse Elizabeth Margaret GOUWS.
July 14 – At Cradock – in re Ellen Alice EALES, of the Cradock district, and surviving husband M.T. HULLEY.
July 15 – At Grahamstown, in re Sarah WIES and predeceased husband Christian WIES, of the Grahamstown district.

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