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Eastern Province Herald (later The Herald)

Eastern Province Herald 1859 - 1 - January to March

Tuesday 4 January 1859

BIRTH at Port Elizabeth, January 4th 1859, Mrs. George BIRT of a daughter.

BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on the 2nd January, the wife of Matthew WOODIFIELD Esq, prematurely of a son.

DEATH at Port Elizabeth on the 3rd January, Matthew, infant son of Matthew WOODIFIELD Esq.

Friday 7 January 1859

MARRIED on the 5th day of January 1859, at Trinity Church, Port Elizabeth, by the Rev. W. Robinson MA, Edward WEMYSS, late Lieut. In HM 46th Regiment, second son of Lieut-General T. James WEMYSS CB, and Colonel of HM 17th Regiment, to Emma, second daughter of James BURCHELL of Port Elizabeth, and granddaughter of the late Matthew BURCHELL Esq. of Churchfield House, Fulham, and niece of Dr. W.J. BURCHELL D.C.L. &c &c of the same place.

DIED in Aliwal North, Thos. JONES, aged 72, native of the County of Somersetshire, England.

14 – At Aliwal North, in re William henry STEPHENSON.
15 – At Colesberg, in re George Abraham BROWN, of the Colesberg district, and surviving spouse Margaret MEAGHER.
18 – At Uitenhage, in re Ignatius Petrus HIPPERT, of Uitenhage district, and surviving spouse Rosina FERREIRA.
21 At Somerset East, in re Jacobus Lodewicus BOTHA, of the Somerset district.
21 At Alice, in re Maria Catharina WOEST, of the Alice district, and surviving spouse August Christian Johannes HOLL.

Tuesday 11 January 1859

BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on the 10th January 1859, Mrs. Henry SCHABBEL of a son.

Is hereby given that Mr. Heinrich SCHABBEL has this day been admitted as a Partner into our Firm.
Port Elizabeth
1st January 1859

The Business hitherto carried on by the undersigned, in Port Elizabeth, under the style or firm of William MACKIE & Co, will, on and after this date, be conducted under the style and firm of MACKIE, DUNN & Co.
William MACKIE
William DUNN
William PATON
Port Elizabeth, Jan 1st 1859

Friday 14 January 1859

DIED on the 13th inst, Ernest Charles, infant son of Herman VON RÖNN Esq.

Tuesday 18 January 1859

DIED at Port Elizabeth on the 17th January 1859, Ebenezer Cooper, infant son of Mr. Thomas GRIFFIN, aged 7 months.

The following advertisement appears in the Cape Argus:-
Whereas it has come to my knowledge that my Husband, Mr. Hubert SHELLLEY, formerly of No. 31A Savile Row, London, and now Surgeon to the Convict Party at New Kloof, in the district of Tulbagh, is living with a certain Female whom he calls “Mrs. SHELLEY”, and introduces to the World as his Wife, this is to give notice that such Person is not the Wife of the said Hubert SHELLEY, who was lawfully married to me on the 27th day of February 1858 at St.Barnabus District Church, Kensington, in the County of Middlesex, in England, and the Marriage then and there solemnized is still subsisting: and further that, having property of my own settled on myself, I have never, at any time, received any maintenance or support whatever from my said Husband.
Harriett SHELLEY
Cape Town, 6th Jan 1859

Friday 21 January 1859

DIED at Graaff-Reinet on the 11th January 1859, Lewis NATHAN, son of Edward NATHAN, aged 2 months and 11 days.

January 26 – At Port Elizabeth, in re Henry CARPENTER, of the Port Elizabeth district.
Feb 13 – At Uitenhage, in re Johan Christoffel LOURENS and pre-deceased spouse Elizabeth Marguerita VAN ZAYT, of the Uitenhage district.

Tuesday 25 January 1859

DIED at Port Elizabeth on Sunday 23rd January, after 30 hours illness, aged 13 months and 1 day, Mary Kerr, the only child of Dr. William BROWN.

DIED at Uitenhage on Sunday 23rd instant, Ida Reinetta, infant daughter of Mr. H. CHASE, aged 13 months.

Arrival of the Emigrant Ship “Vocalist”
We have much pleasure in announcing the arrival, on Sunday morning last, of the emigrant ship Vocalist, 1004 tons, Capt. FLETT, from Liverpool, 16th November, after a pleasant passage of 68 days.
Immediately after she had been boarded by the Port Captain, the Chairman of the Immigration Board, J. CAMPBELL Esq, accompanied by Mr. LONGLANDS, the Secretary and Immigration Agent, visited the vessel for the purpose of examining her, as well as to procure the list of immigrants, as no advice of her having sailed had been received. Indeed we would again refer to the fact that no information whatever was received by the Immigration Board respecting the number or description of the emigrants by this vessel, until upwards of twelve hours after her arrival in our port.
By this vessel – the fifth to the Cape – we receive an addition to our population of 418 souls, viz: 210 males and 208 females, equal to 351 statute adults. There have been during the voyage 5 deaths (children) and 4 births – and the general health of the passengers has been remarkably good. The hospital for the men has not been once used during the voyage, and that of the females only in cases of accouchement. The behaviour of the emigrants whilst on board is highly spoken of both by the Captain and by Dr. CULHANE, under whose medical charge they were placed, and, with one or two exceptions, their conduct has been exemplary.
There are about 135 permit cases by this arrival, and of course their friends were anxious to have them on shore as early as possible – and on application being made to the Chairman of the Immigration Board, he caused the requisite authority to be issued, and about 125 came on shore on Sunday morning and were received by their friends.
Yesterday about 150 more were landed and received at the Depot, and about 25 more this morning, making a total of 175 at the Depot. The remainder will probably be landed tomorrow, but as the Charter under which the vessel is engaged allows of their being kept on board for a period of seven days after arrival, the expense to the Immigration Board will be materially lessened, and in the meantime many of those who first landed will have been sent forward.
We had an opportunity of inspecting the vessel yesterday and we must certainly admit that she was in every way well fitted, and the accommodation and the arrangements were such as are well calculated as far as possible to conducive to the health and convenience of all on board. The apartments between decks were lofty and airy, and the berths were sufficiently roomy. Those who were still on board appeared comfortable, and the children were looking well.
The passengers speak highly of Captain FLETT, and also of Dr. CULHANE, and of the treatment they have received on board. To the Surgeon Superintendent, Patrick CULHANE Esq, the following document has been addressed as a sort of testimonial or acknowledgement of the efficient and satisfactory manner in which he has discharged his duties:-
“The passengers of the ship “Vocalist” hereby express their obligation to Patrick CULHANE Esq. for the impartial and efficient manner in which he has discharged his duties as the Superintendent Surgeon of the above-named ship, during the voyage from Liverpool to Algoa Bay, and sincerely hope that the reception of this Testimonial will afford him as much gratification as this acknowledgement of his merits and fidelity does the contributors.”
Signed by
William FORD
William WEST
Denis DUNN
In our columns today will be found a complete list of the immigrants by the Vocalist, showing in a tabular view their ages, occupations &c. We are glad to observe a fair proportion of farm labourers and domestic servants, both of whom are much required.
We cordially congratulate the newcomers on their safe arrival amongst us, and trust their hopes and prospects will be realized to their hearts’ content. Of one thing we feel fully satisfied, and that is – if only sober, steady and industrious, if they do not rapidly attain wealth, they will at least gain a competency and a position, far before that they have hitherto enjoyed, or could hope to gain, in the “old country”. We wish “God speed” to the immigrants by the “Vocalist” and hope that in this, the country of their adoption, they may all be happy and contented.


ALLEN, Jas. Married Shoemaker Aged 30
     “        Isabella      “ (6 children) 33
AINSLIE, A Married Iron moulder & smith 33
     “          Rose A.T.      “ (3 children) 28
ALLARD, Daniel Married Tailor 36
     “          Eliza      “ (1 child) 37
AMBROSE, David Single Farm laborer 18 permit
        “           Mary      “ House servant 21
        “           Catherine      “ House servant 17
BEALE, Samuel Single   13
BOLAND, Mary Widow Servant 29 permit
      “          Margaret Single   14 permit
BURRELL, Richard Single Farm laborer 23
BURKE, John Married Smith 27
      “       Jane      “ (3 children) 25
BERRY, Jane Single Milliner 22
BENHAM, Eliza Married (2 children) 46 permit
BAXTER, Lavinia Single General serv, 19 permit
BOUCHER, Wm. Married Farm laborer 38 permit
      “             Harriet      “ (2 children) 42 permit
      “             Sarah Single   16
      “             C. Married Farm laborer & carter 38 permit
      “             Mary Anne Married (6 children) 37
BROPHY, John Married Shoemaker 36
      “          Sophia      “   20
BRIEN, William Single Farmer laborer 17
BAILEY, Patrick Single Storeman 16 permit
BURK, Michael Married Farm laborer 40 permit
     “      Margaret      “  (2 children) 34 permit
BREEN, Patrick      “ Farm laborer 35 permit
     “        Judith      “ (2 children) 36 permit
BYRNE, Patrick Married Farm laborer 25 permit
     “        Ellen         19 permit
BLACK, Thos. Married Joiner 27
     “        Hellen       “ (1 child) 28
BOYCE, Adam Single Coach painter 25
BALLANTYNE, Jno. Married Gardener 27
            “            Christiana Married (2 children) 26
BOTLEN, Jno. Married Gardener 27
       “         Maria Married (3 children) 39
BROWN, Stephen Married Bricklayer 34
       “        Frances      “ (1 child) 23
BIRD, Chas. Married Painter and glazier 23
BEESLEY, Ed. Married Bricklayer & mason 33
       “          Harriet Married (4 children) 29
CASSIE, Samuel Single Carpenter 33
CRUCKOW, Robert Single Bricklayer 18
CORBETT, James Single Farm laborer 20 permit
CREAGAN, Thomas Single Farm laborer 19
CLEAR, Dennis Married         “ 39 permit
       “      Annie      “ (5 children) 36
CONNORS, Rose Single House servant 19
CONNOR, Bridget Single         “ 27
COOK, Jno. Single Sawyer 26
CONSIDINE, Patrick Married Stonemason 40
        “             Julia Single House servant 18
COSTELLOE, Johanna Single         “ 18
COOPEY, Jno.  Married Miller 33
        “         Matilda      “   31
CLACK, Charles Single Farm laborer 17
       “      W. Henry      “          “ 15
COOPER, John Married Printer 29 permit
       “          Charlotte      “   28
CHAPMAN, Adelaide H. Single Servant 18
CARROLL, Edward Jos. Married Carpenter 28
       “           Ellen      “    (1 child) 24
CAMPBELL, Euphemia Married (1 infant) 22
DOYLE, Martin Single Farm laborer 24
DRAYER, Annie Single House servant 18
DUNN, Dennis Married Stonemason 36
     “      Johanna Married (3 children) 30
DAVOREN, Timothy Married Farm laborer 38
       “            Ellen Married (4 children) 36
       “            Mary Single House servant 17
       “            Bridget      “            “ 15
DRONEY Bridget Single            “ 19 permit
DALEY, John Single Farm laborer 25 permit
DINAN, Margaret Single Servant 17 permit
DRAYTON, Henry Single Groom & gardener 21
DAY, William Single Printer [could be painter] 19
EDWARDS, Geo, Married Carpenter 31
        “           Elizabeth Married (3 children) 30
ELLIOTT, Andrew Single Gas-fitter &c 20
FIELD, George Single        “ 22
FARMER, Charles Married Farrier 37
        “        Euphemia     “   34
FORBES, David Single Farm laborer 24
FORD, James Married Bricklayer 35
    “       Mary Anne     “ (5 children) 33
FISHER, Edwin Single Painter 24
FORD, William Married  Harness maker 36
    “       Amelia Married (6 children) 37
    “       Mary   House servant 16
    “       Charlotte             “ 13
    “       Mary Anne             “ 13
FOWLDS, David Single Mason 23 permit
      “          Martha Single Dressmaker 22 permit
      “          William Single Wheelwright 20 permit
      “          Sarah Single Dressmaker 22 permit
      “          Maria Married (2 children) 27 permit
FINN, John Single Groom and driver 20
FRENCH, John Single Bricklayer 25
FERGUSON, David Married Smith 30
         “            Isabella Married (4 children) 28
FISHER, James Married Joiner 27
      “        Ellen Married (3 children) 26
FARRELL, John W. Single Painter and glazier 32
GAFNEY, Mary Married Servant (4 children) 44
      “         William Single Gardener 24
      “         John Single Groom 17
      “         Eliza Single Farm servant 14
GIBSON, William Single Farm servant 23 permit
      “         George Single          “ 17 permit
GRIFFITH, Elijah Single Joiner 24
GILLARD, Everilda Single House servant 24
GOODWIN, George Married Painter 32
      “             Elizabeth Married (3children) 32
GAINSFORD, Ed. Married Shoemaker 39
          “            Caroline Married (8 children) 40
          “            Caroline Single   15
          “            Edward Single   12
GREENING, George Married Shipwright 38
        “            Eliza Married Dressmaker (6 children) 36
        “            Anne Single   14
GREEN, John Single Blacksmith 23
HEPBURN, George Single Smith 17
[H…WAY], George Married Whip-maker 24
       “          Margaret Married   23
HAYMAN, Charles Single Tailor 30
HOOLEY, Philip Single Farm laborer 21 permit
      “          Michael Single            “ 14 permit
HENNESSY, Eliza Single House servant 19
      “               Eliza (cousin) Single          “ 21
HAYES, Kate Widow   Permit
     “        Denis Single Servant 17
     “        Kate     “            “ 14
     “        Edmund     “   12
HENNESSY, John Single Laborer 27 permit
HYLAND, Patrick Married Farm laborer  36
       “         Mary      “ (4 children) 37
IRELAND, Thomas Single Baker 23
JARVIS, John Henry Single Wheelwright 20
JOHNSON, Catherine Single Farm servant 20 permit
       “            Sarah      “          “ 18
       “            Mary      “          “ 17
KEARNEY, Ellen Single Cook 22
LEECH, William Single Carpenter 28
LEAMY, James Married Farm laborer 24
     “        Johanna      “ House servant 20
LYNCH, Mary Single            “ 22
LAWLOR, Thomas Single Farm servant 22
      “          Margaret      “          “ 28
LANGLEY, William Single          “ 21
MULLINS, Alicia Married   46 permit
       “         James Single Farm laborer 28
       “         Michael      “             “ 18
       “         Peter      “          “ 16
MULHALL, Nicholas Married          “ 37 permit
       “          Sarah Married (4 children) 34
       “          Mary Single   15
       “          Catherine Single   13
McCARTY, John Married Stonemason 44
       “           Bridget      “ (7 children) 40
       “           Lawrence Single Blacksmith 23
       “           John Single        “ 21
       “           Edward      “        “ 19
       “           Catherine Single House servant 17
MALONY, Patrick Married Farm laborer 22
       “         Catherine      “ House servant (1 infant) 20
MURRAY, Michael Single Farm laborer 24 permit
       “         Margaret      “ House servant 18 permit
       “         Jane      “            “ 18 permit
McINNERNEY, Thomas Single Farm servant 20 permit
           “              Ellen      “          “ 15 permit
McEVOY, Anne Single House servant 18
McKEAN, Maria      “            “ 20
McGRATH, David Single Shoemaker 18 permit
MAYLAM, Stephen      “ Wheelwright 22
MCARTNEY, Patrick Married Quarryman 37
        “             Catherine      “ (2 children) 28
McDONALD, William Married Blacksmith 28
        “             Elizabeth      “   30
McNEALE, Robert Single Farm laborer 18
        “          James      “          “ 18
McKECHNIE, John Married Tailor 26
        “              Christina      “   24
McMURRAY, Adam Single Smith 25
MORLEY, James Married Tin plate worker 40 permit
        “        Mary Caroline      “ (6 children) 37
        “        James Henry Single   16
        “        Caroline      “   15
MUSGROVE, Charles Married Cabinet maker 30
         “             Ellen      “   24
MEREDITH, John Married Bootmaker 26
         “           Jane      “   25
McKENNING, W. Single Housemaid 22
MANNIX, Mary Single         “ 16
MOODIE, Andrew Single Laborer 26
NORRIS, Mary-Ann Widow (3 children) 35
NOLAN, James Single Farm laborer 24
      “            “     “ Groom &c 25
NAUGHTON, Johanna Single   20 permit
O’BRIEN, Catherine Single House servant 24
O’CONNOR, Jane     “            “ 18 permit
ORCHARD, Clorinda     “            “ 17
O’BRIEN, John Married Shepherd 35
      “          Ellen     “ (6 children) 32
OSTERMAN, Alfred Single Domestic servant 14
PETRIE, Adam Married Bootmaker 32
      “        Martha     “   32
PITCHERS, Caroline E. Married Nurse (2 children) 44
      “             Eliza H. Single House servant 18
PAYNE, Julia A. Single   16
PURVIS, Ann Widow Dressmaker (4 children) 44
      “        Robert Single Rope and sail maker 27
      “        Mary Ann Single Farm servant 19
      “        Thomas Single   15
PITT, George Single Plasterer 25
QUINN, John Single Shoemaker 20 permit
      “       Margaret Single House servant 21 permit
      “       Catherine     “            “ 28
QUINLAN, John Single Stonemason 30
      “           Patrick     “           “ 28
      “           Helen Single House servant 19
RENISON, William Single Farm laborer 18 permit
        “         Jane Single Needlewoman 16 permit
RYAN, Ann Single House servant 23
ROCHE, Ellen     “ House servant 25 permit
      “        Bessie Single Farm servant 23
ROBERTS, Henry Married Millwright 26
       “           Annie      “ (1 child) 24
ROBERTSON, John Single Shipwright 25
          “              Thomas      “ Blacksmith 22
RATHBONE, Edw. Single Farm laborer 28
          “           Samuel      “         “ 26
SLEATH, Sarah      “ House servant  
SWANN, Esther Single            “ 18 permit
      “        Patrick      “ Farm servant 16 permit
SMITH, Henry Married Carpenter 32
      “      Elizabeth      “   26
SOLEY, Thomas Married   79 permit
     “        Ann      “   64
SUNDERLAND, Mary A. Single Domestic servant 17
SMEATON, George Single Carpenter 24
SEARLE, Charles Married Gardener 31
      “         Pamela      “ (4 children) 37
THOMPSON, James Single (absconded) 21
TOBIN, James Married Farm laborer 24 permit
     “       Elizabeth       “ (2 children) 22
TOOHEY, Michael Single Farm laborer 28 permit
     “           Daniel      “          “ 23
THORNTON. Michael P. Married Laborer 43
        “             Margaret      “   31
TOMPSETT, William Single Farm servant 19
THOMPSON, Hugh Married Baker 32
        “              Sarah      “ (2 children) 28
TAYLOR, Alfred Married Painter & Glazier 23
        “       Emma      “   23
WELSH, Thomas Married Farm laborer 35
       “       Anne      “ (3 children) 25
WALLACE, Rowland H. Single Waiter 23 permit
WRIGHT, John Pringle      “ Wire worker 21 permit
WARDER, Wm. Henry Married Painter 26
       “          Helen      “ (1 child) 23
WEST, Wm. Married Carpenter & Millwright 42
     “      Jane      “ (4 children) 40
WALSH, Anthony Single Groom &c  25
     “        Mary      “ House servant 18
WHEELER, Hannah Widow   59 permit
        “           Catherine Single Dressmaker 27
        “           Mary     “   25
        “           Frances     “   22
WALLACE, John Married Quarryman 29
       “           Mary      “ (3 children) 28
WALLACE, Hugh Married Blacksmith 24
       “           Ann     “ (2 children) 25

Friday 28 January 1859

BIRTH at Busby Park on the 27th January, Mrs. Charles LOVEMORE of a daughter.

BIRTH on Wednesday last, the 26th instant, the wife of Mr. A.J. CLAIRMONTE of a daughter,

On Thursday morning last John WATSON, a blacksmith, and a native of Lanarkshire, Scotland, committed suicide by cutting his throat with a razor, severing the windpipe and blood vessels in a manner as to cause instant death. The deceased came out lately in the Indian Queen, and resided with a family named ROSS, immigrants by the same vessel, with whom he has lodged since his arrival. For some time he worked at his trade steadily, and was known as a quiet, sober, industrious man, but a few weeks since his habits and manners underwent a marked change, as to make it evident that his mid was affected, and Mr. ROSS deemed it advisable to obtain medical advice. As WATSON appeared harmless, his derangement showing itself in a species of momomania, there appeared no ground for confining him, and hopes were entertained of his recovery: indeed he himself expected to be able to return to his work in a day or two. On Thursday he rose early, as was his custom, and went to a garden to gather some peaches, but not returning to breakfast, suspicion of something amiss arose, when a search was instituted, and he was found with his throat cut lying beneath a tree in the garden, life being quite extinct. His remains were interred next day and were followed to their last resting place by a number of his friends. - M.P. Banner

Tuesday 1 February 1859

DIED at Port Elizabeth on the 31st January, Hermann, infant son of Mr. henry SCHABBEL.

Mons. Alfred RAYMOND, for the last 18 years in practice in Cape Town, Graduate of the “School of Medicine of Paris”, begs to announce to the inhabitants of Port Elizabeth that, it being his intention to practice here for a short time, and having engaged suitable apartments at Mrs. MAHONEY’s, near the Scotch Church, he will be happy to receive such parties who would like to consult him professionally, from 9 o’clock in the morning to 5 in the afternoon.
Port Elizabeth
1st February 1859

Friday 4 February 1859

The following passengers proceeded in the Zulu yesterday.
Mr., Mrs. and Miss JARVIS and two children; Mr., Mrs. and Miss COPE; Miss CLARK; Messrs. SIMPSON, R.J. JOSEPH, ___ LEWIS, JARVIS jun., HEAD, CARLISLE and Master MACKAY in the saloon. In the fore cabin 1 corporal Cape Mounted Rifles and Mr. E. TARRY for Table Bay. Mr. and Mrs. COOPER and 1 man and woman and two children (immigrants ex Vocalist) for Mossel Bay. Nine on deck.

It will no doubt be very satisfactory to learn that of the immigrants by the Vocalist only thirteen persons remain unemployed, and this, be it remembered, on the tenth day from their landing. Of these one is a gas-fitter and another a stone-cutter. During the week a great many have been forwarded to Graham’s Town, Fort Beaufort &c at a very moderate rate of transport. Several, who have obtained employment, are still living at the Immigration Depot, in consequence of the difficulty there is of obtaining suitable house-accommodation in the town.

Tuesday 8 February 1859

Feb 15 – At Uitenhage, in re Johan Christoffel LOURENS and pre-deceased spouse Elizabeth Marguerita VAN ZAYT, of the Uitenhage district.
Feb 22 – At Graaff-Reinet, in re Magdalena Johanna GROBBLER, of the Graaff-Reinet district, and surviving spouse Jurie Hendrik GOUWS.
March 2 – At Grahamstown, in re Hugh O’DONNEL, of Grahamstown.

A most strange but distressing occurrence has taken place at East London, which has resulted in the death of Mrs. BORCHERDS and daughter. From what we have learned it would appear that the suspected cause of the disaster is poison; the family having been in the habit of using rainwater, secured by the drippings from a painted canvas roof. The late drought is supposed to have detached an unusual quantity of the poisonous film which the late rains have safely deposited in the casks, and on account of the bad water at East London this has been largely used in preference – little thinking of the deadly poison contained therein. The fatal consequence is given above. Mr. BORCHERDS himself is in a most precarious state – little hopes, we are told, being entertained of his recovery. Mr. PYBUS and the Rev. Mr. GREENSTOCK, it is said, are in a similar dangerous state. We are not in possession at present of further particulars respecting this distressing event. We understand the medical faculty are busy analyzing the causes, and we may therefore expect to have in a day or two the true origin of the evil. – Kaffrarian Banner.

The Queenstown Free Press states that on the afternoon of Wednesday week an express arrived from Whittlesea informing the Resident Magistrate, W.G.B. SHEPSTONE Esq, of the sudden death of Mr. LILLEY, of the Whittlesea Hotel: the express having been forwarded by the Field-cornet of the ward, Mr. ARNOLD, immediately Mr. SHEPSTONE communicated with the Acting District Surgeon. Arrangements were made for proceeding to Whittlesea early next morning, which they accordingly did. On arriving the Resident Magistrate issued summonses for the attendance of those persons who had been last with the deceased, and proceeded at once to hold a court of enquiry as to how and by what means the death of the deceased was occasioned. The Field-cornet, Mr. LANGSFIELD, and the Rev. BOWER were then examined, and, at the request of the Magistrate, cross-examined by the Acting District Surgeon. The following facts were elucidated: that the deceased was intoxicated on the night of the 24th January, & in that state he was put to bed; that on the morning of the 25th, a servant having informed Mr. LANGSFIELD that his master was ill, Mr. L. sent for the Rev. Mr. BOWER, who has, most fortunately for the inhabitants of that neighbourhood, added the study of medicine to that of theology – who promptly arrived, and after bleeding him, administered the necessary medicines; but shortly after he died. After hearing all the evidence which was brought, the Magistrate read a Certificate to the effect that the deceased had died from apoplexy, and then stated that the inquiry was at an end.

Friday 11 February 1859

BIRTH at Victoria West on the 5th February 1859, Mrs. James DENNISON of a son.

The late indefatigable Inspector of the Cape Town Constabulary (Mr. John KING) died on Thursday night week. Mr. KING was a Freemason and an Oddfellow, and was held in great esteem. He was buried with full Masonic honours on Sunday last.

In our last we noticed the melancholy death of Mrs. and Miss BORCHERDS, at East London, from drinking water obtained from a painted canvas roof. The Frontier Times, of Tuesday last, has the following paragraph, from which it appears that four persons have now been thus unwittingly poisoned, and we would caution all persons to be extremely careful that they do not drink water obtained in a similar manner. The water is sure to be more or less impregnated with white lead and, if not fatal, the effects cannot be otherwise than exceedingly injurious:-
“We deeply regret to mention that the Kafirland Mail of this morning brings intelligence of the death of another of Mr. BORCHERD’s daughters, at East London. This makes the fourth death in that unfortunate family. Mr. BORCHERDS is lying insensible. The Chief Commissioner has issued a notice cautioning parties against drinking water from painted roofs.”

The Advertiser and Mail has the following notice of the death of Mr. BUCHANAN, who forty years ago conducted the first Infant School.
“By private letter from Natal we learn that Mr. James BUCHANAN, the father of Mr. William BUCHANAN of this town, died rather suddenly of paralysis. Mr. BUCHANAN resided in Cape Town for several years, known and esteemed for his many estimable qualities, but he was one of those modest benefactors of mankind whose personal consideration is lost in the magnitude of the work itself in which they are engaged. It is perhaps known to few here that to this quiet, unobtrusive man, the world is indebted for one of the most effective instruments of civilization invented in modern times – we mean Infant Schools. Forty-four years ago Mr. BUCHANAN formed and conducted for some years the First Infant School, a thing, in its principles and present form, till then unknown and unthought of. The honor has long since been given to others, and it is an honor not perishable with life; and no one will withhold respectful gratitude to such men as OBERLIN and WILDERSPIN, who adopted, and worked, the system. But in parting with a good old man we restore to his memory the credit and the praise which justice demands.”

Tuesday 15 February 1859

(From London)
Oval, Spiral and General Turner
Adjoining Mr. MOSS’s Stores
Britannia-street, Port Elizabeth.

Friday 18 February 1859

March 18 – At Fort Beaufort, in re George JAMES, of the Fort Beaufort District, and surviving spouse Hannah BUCKLEY.
March 19 – At Colesberg, in re Joseph PHELLAN, of the Colesberg district, and surviving spouse Mary O’GALLY.

Tuesday 22 February 1859

DIED at Port Elizabeth on Sunday morning, the 20th inst, Stuart Frederick, aged six years and six months, the youngest son of John CAMPBELL Esq, Civil Commissioner and Resident Magistrate of Port Elizabeth.

We regret to announce the sudden death of Mr. S.H. FLEISCHER, Clerk to the Civil Commissioner, which untoward event took place this morning. Deceased had been confined to his bed but a few days. – News.
A subscription in aid of the distressed family of the late Mr. S. FLEISCHER, Civil Commissioners Clerk, has been going round the town yesterday and today and already the handsome sum of £121:19s:9d has been collected. – Ibid.

Friday 25 February 1859

BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on Sunday the 13th inst, Mrs. Henry BROWN of a daughter.

Friday 4 March 1859

DIED at Paljuas Fontein, Orange Free State, on the 26th February, Mrs. Henry HARVEY, deeply regretted by her surviving husband and family.

Tuesday 8 March 1859

BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on the morning of the 6th instant, Mrs. J. EDWARDS of a daughter.

Tuesday 15 March 1859

BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on the 23rd February, Mrs. John BALLANTYNE of a son.

March 25 – At Aliwal North, in re George BOARD, of the Aliwal North district, and surviving spouse Charlotte Julia STEPHENSON
April 3 – At Eland’s Post, in re William ARENDS, of the Stockenstroom district, and surviving widow Sanna MAGERMAN.

Mr. Robert KNOX, the registrar of the mixed commission court at the Cape of Good Hope, died at the mixed commission house, in Adderley-street, on Sunday last. He has been previously for nineteen years the responsible editor of the Morning Herald newspaper in London; and held a recognized position as the journalist leader of the great Tory party of the kingdom. He was an invalid before he embarked for the Cape. Throughout a long and tedious voyage he was exhausted and debilitated, still more by constant sea-sickness, and he has survived his arrival here only for a brief period of three months. He leaves a widow and numerous family. – Shipping and Mercantile Gazette.

Friday 18 March 1859

BIRTH at Fauresmith, Orange Free State, on the 8th March 1859. Mrs. W.A. DICKSON of Twins, a son and daughter.

Tuesday 29 March 1859

Notice is hereby given that the inhabitants of the District of Port Elizabeth intend to apply to the Parliament of this Colony during the ensuing session for a Bill to constitute the Township of Port Elizabeth a City.
Town Clerk

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