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Eastern Province Herald (later The Herald)

Eastern Province Herald 1857 - 4 - October to December

Tuesday 6 October 1857

Notice is hereby given that the Partnership hitherto existing between the undersigned trading as Butchers in Port Elizabeth under firm and style of KENT & SEPHTON was dissolved on the 28th instant. All debts due to the firm must be paid to the second undersigned, by who all accounts contracted by the firm will be settled.
Charles KENT
Port Elizabeth, 29th Sept. 1857

In reference to the above advertisement the butchering business will still be carried on by the Undersigned, who takes this opportunity of thanking the public for their liberal patronage and soliciting a continuance of public favors.
Port Elizabeth, 29th Sept. 1857

Notice is hereby given that the undersigned have this day entered into Partnership as General Dealers under the style or firm G. & M. KEMP
George Townshend KEMP
Matthew Ebenezer KEMP
It is further notified that the Business hitherto conducted in Port Elizabeth by J.W. KEMP Esq. will from and after the First proximo be continued by G. & M. KEMP.
Port Elizabeth, 20th September 1857

Tuesday 20 October 1857

BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on Sunday the 18th instant, Mrs. F. ST. LEGER of a son.

DIED at Port Elizabeth on the 19th October, after a short illness, Harriet Cecelia WILLIAMS, youngest daughter of Mr. James WILLIAMS.
The funeral will proceed to the place of interment tomorrow afternoon at half past three o’clock. Friends are invited to attend.
Jno. MATTHEWS, Undertaker
20th October 1857

The Undersigned beg to inform the Public that they have entered into Partnership and purchased the Printing Office with the good will of Business &c, recently belonging to Mr. John PATERSON, and hope by attention and assiduity to meet the confidence and encouragement of the Eastern Province.
Every effort will be made to render the Eastern Province Herald more worthy [of] the public support: its circulation has already been considerably increased in the Frontier and other Districts: it therefore offers additional advantages as an advertising medium. The general management of the “Herald” will devolve upon Mr. George IMPEY Jr,, of Burghersdorp, but his arrival in Port Elizabeth from other engagements will be delayed until the early part of December. The present arrangements are therefore temporary.
In connection with the business, a Stationery and Bookselling Establishment will be formed, so soon as the arrangements can be completed (of which due notice will be given). A large number of Standard and other Wares will be kept on hand, & through their connexion to England they will be enabled to introduce all the latest works into the Colony in as short a time as possible. They will be prepared also to order for Public Libraries, Reading Rooms, Institutes or private individuals, any Periodicals or Newspapers from England – upon payment being made in advance: while any orders from Booksellers and Stationers in the Colony will be promptly executed on the most reasonable terms.
In the Printing Department they can confidently promise a vast improvement, and no efforts will be wanting to give satisfaction. All orders will be executed at a reasonable rate, with neatness and dispatch. This department of the business will be under the superintendence of Mr. James RICHARDS, who has had many years practical experience.
Orders from the country will be punctually attended to.
Way Bills, Promissory Notes, Powers of Attorney, and other forms will be kept constantly on hand.
The title of the firm will be RICHARDS, IMPEY & Co.
George IMPEY Jun.

Tuesday 27 October 1857

DIED at Donker Hoek, Bushman’s River, on Sabbath morning the 23rd Aug., Mrs. UPCOTT, aged 84 years. Deceased was relict of the late Mr. UPCOTT of Salem, one of the settlers of 1820. The late Mrs. UPCOTT was brought to the saving knowledge of the truth in the year 1795, under the preaching of the Rev. William THORESBY. For upwards of 61 years she was a member of the Wesleyan Methodist Church, living in the fear and favour of God. Her memory was perfect until her death. In exchanging mortality for life she was happy in her Saviour’s love and rejoiced in the God of her salvation. She died having just repeated the two first verses of the 70th hymn in the Wesleyan Hymn Book.

Tuesday 3 November 1857

Chronometer, Watch and Clockmaker & Jeweller
Has constantly on hand a selection of First Class Jewellery, Gold Brooches, Chains, Lockets &c
Also Toilet and Fancy Glassware, an assortment of perfumery of first-class quality from Piver at Paris.

A fatal accident occurred a few days since upon the road between this and East London, to a son-in-law of Mrs. RICH, who, it will be remembered, was two months ago bereaved of her husband by the upsetting of his cart on the Line Drift Hill. It appears that the deceased and several of his friends were riding leisurely along the road mentioned when the horse of one of the latter took fright and bolted past or against the horse the unfortunate man was mounted upon. Both horse and rider were thrown over by the violence of the shock. The young man was at once picked up, but died, we are informed, within two days after the receipt of the injuries.

Tuesday 10 November 1857

DIED at Port Elizabeth on Sunday the 8th November, Robert Daniel, youngest son of Mr. James CRAWFORD, in his twenty-first year.

On Monday afternoon last while Mr. Matthys PRETORIUS was on his way from this town to his farm on horseback, his horse slipped into a slough near the farm of Mr. Jacobus NAUDE, of Winterhoek. […ing] him up, it would appear that the horse suddenly reared, struck his head against that of his rider, thereby stunning him, and precipitated him into the slough, probably falling with his weight upon him. This, at least, is our conjecture: for the horse having been found [on the flats] saddled and bridled, and covered [over] with mud, led parties to make a search for its rider, whom they found almost embedded in the mud and water. Life, however, was extinct. A post mortem examination was held on the body this day and it is the opinion of the medical men that his death was caused by drowning.

Tuesday 17 November 1857

On Saturday last Mr. T.R. MELLISH of the Umhlaga, whilst returning home from this place, fell or was thrown from his horse and received a rupture, which resulted in death the following day. The accident occurred at a precipitous part of the road near the river, and was caused by the horse slipping or coming down. Mr. MELLISH had been in the colony less than two years. He was an intelligent, enterprising settler and much respected by all who knew him.

Tuesday 24 November 1857

Mr. LATHAM Sen., well known in this province, died suddenly of apoplexy on Sunday evening last about six o’clock. Immediately on hearing of the decease, the Clerk of the Peace proceeded to the spot with the District Surgeon, but finding the evening too far advanced for a post mortem examination, it was deferred until the following morning: the body was in the meantime placed in charge of an officer: at the time appointed the examination took place, when it was found that deceased had died of apoplexy. – Journal

Tuesday 1 December 1857

Mr. DIETZ being about to leave the Colony requests all claims against him to be sent to the office of Messrs, DEARE & DIETZ before the 15th December 1857.
Nov 25 1857

DIED at Grahamstown on the evening of Thursday the 19th inst, aged 59 years, Maria Elizabeth, the beloved wife of A.G. BAIN.

(late HALSE & ORPEN)
Land & general Agent
Orange Free State

Tuesday 8 December 1857

BIRTH Yesterday morning, the 7th inst, the wife of Thomas WORMALD Esq, of a daughter.

The election of a member for the House of Assembly took place on Thursday last (not Wednesday as by a careless error we had advertised) and ended in the return without opposition of Adolphus Julian CLAIRMONTE Esquire. Merchant of this town.

Tuesday 15 December 1857

In compliance with the frequent applications of our numerous Subscribers in the Northern Districts, the Eastern Province Herald will be published in future every FRIDAY at three o’clock, by which arrangement the proprietors will be enabled to secure to their readers in town and country the latest intelligence – the posts from all parts arriving and departing on that day. This alteration begins on Friday next.

BIRTH at Sunday’s River on the 2nd Dec., Mrs. H. […… RT] of a son.

Friday 18 December 1857

BIRTH at Grahamstown on Tuesday the 15th inst, the wife of Mr. George IMPEY Jun. of a daughter.

The proceeds arising from the Theatre on Saturday night were for the benefit of the Indian Relief Fund. The Rev. Mr. FOWL, of the Episcopal Church, on Sunday evening denounced such a proceeding to be most sinful and wicked, the rev. gentleman declaring his offertory was the proper place for such a collection and not a Theatre; however, the public differ with the rev. gentleman on this point, and all his denunciation will not prevent the community from selecting any kind of innocent amusement, however horrible it may appear in his eyes. These are the days of liberty of conscience. – Communicated.

We exceedingly regret to learn that the health of this learned and esteemed gentleman has not been sufficiently established to enable him to assume his seat on the bench, and that he intends forthwith to resign and return to England.

Friday 25 December 1857

BIRTH on the 21st instant, at the Fishery, the wife of R.L. [CH…..] of a daughter [page cut off]

DIED at Port Elizabeth on the 19th of December, Mrs. Charlotte PERRING after a short illness of sixteen [days]. Aged 60 years 11 months and 24 days. Deeply lamented by relatives and friends.
Port Elizabeth
Dec 24th 1857

  • Hits: 1833