Eastern Province Herald 1857 - 3 - July to September
Tuesday 7 July 1857
The Misses WASLEY (lately from England) propose opening a Boarding and Day School for Young Ladies. The instruction will comprise English, French, Music, Drawing and Dancing. Plain and Fancy Needlework. Also the Art of making Wax Flowers.
School will commence on the 20th July.
Victoria-street, Port Elizabeth
MRS. SANDFORD’S SCHOOL will resume on Monday next, 13th inst.
NB a quarter’s notice required previous to the removal of a pupil.
P.E. July 6 1857
The Rev. F.G. ST.LEGER BA, Headmaster, will receive a limited number of Boarders.
The school will reopen on Monday 20th July at 9am
For particulars apply to Rev. F.G. ST.LEGER, Port Elizabeth.
Tuesday 14 July 1857
The friends of the widow of the late George COLLINS, having purchased for her a Patent Mangle, the support of the Ladies of Port Elizabeth is solicited in her behalf, to enable her to maintain herself and her young family. Kemp-street, two doors down from Trinity Church.
9th July 1857
June 23: At Richmond, Mrs. Henry DU TOIT of a daughter.
July 11, by the Rev. Mr. Fowle, St.Mary’s Church, a son of Mr. COOK baptised John [Altnam].
2 – At Graaff-Reinet, Henry TAYLOR, aged 42 years.
2 – James MACINTIRE aged 31 years.
4 - Mrs. Anne FORES, aged 45 years and 6 months.
Tuesday 21 July 1857
The Partnership hitherto carried on by the Undersigned at Uitenhage, under the style or firm of E.J. SMITH & Co, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All liabilities will be defrayed and assets collected by the second undersigned.
James Somers KIRKWOOD
Edward James SMITH
Uitenhage Town, July 15 1857.
Tuesday 28 July 1857
The undersigned hereby give notice that they have entered into Partnership as Auctioneers under the style or firm of W. & J. KIRKWOOD
July [19]: Mrs. J.C. KEMSLEY of a daughter.
July 22: Mrs. J. MATTHEWS of a daughter.
In St.Mary’s Church by the Rev. Mr. Fowle:
22: A son of Mr. CLAIRMONTE baptised Sydney Franklyn.
22: A daughter of Mr. WHYMAN baptised Elizabeth Jane.
24: A daughter of Mr. LAWRENCE baptised Mary Elizabeth.
24: A son of the same baptised Alfred.
Tuesday 4 August 1857
In the Insolvent Estate of W. SHORT
Notice is hereby given that the First Liquid and Distribution Account in the above Estate lies for inspection at the office of the Resident Magistrate for Port Elizabeth till the 21st day of Aug. 1857, after which period the same will be forwarded to the Master of the Supreme Court for confirmation.
Sole Trustee
Port Elizabeth, 3rd Aug. 1857
In the Insolvent Estate of J. HUBBARD
Notice is hereby given that the Final Liquid and Distribution Accounts in the above Estate lies for inspection at the office of the Resident Magistrate for Port Elizabeth till the 21st day of August 1857, after which they will be sent to the Master of the Supreme Court for confirmation.
Sole Trustee
Port Elizabeth, 3rd Aug. 1857
Tuesday 11 August 1857
DIED at his Residence, Lavernock Bank, near Edinburgh, on the 17th June 1856, Benjamin HAWKINS Esq, late Commander of H.M. Cruiser “Melville”, in his 83rd year.
The Partnership at present existing between Jacobus Johannes MEINTJES and William Joshua DIXON, Wholesale Merchants, Graaff-Reinet, and which will expire on the 1st day of August next, will not be dissolved, but continue from and after that date under the old style and firm of MEINTJES and DIXON.
Begs to acquaint their Customers and all Shopkeepers and Traders that their utmost attention will be devoted to importing Goods suitable for the Retail Trade of the Colony, which they will sell at the lowest possible prices. They will also purchase Produce of every exportable description at the highest market rates.
Church-square, Graaff-Reinet, July [.] 1857
Tuesday 25 August 1857
BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on Tuesday 18th instant, at the residence of Alfred OGILVIE Esq, Mrs. Charles LOVEMORE of Bushy Park of a son.
Tuesday 1 September 1857
DIED at Beaufort West on the 21st August 1857, James Henry McNAUGHTON, youngest son of Mr. P. McNAUGHTON. Aged four years.
Is hereby given to all Transporters going along the Zuurberg Road that no Outspanning is allowed on the Farm of the undersigned unless 6d per Head of Cattle is first paid for the privilege.
Frederick GOWAR
A close enquiry is still being made into the circumstances of the mysterious murder of the unfortunate woman, Elizabeth WALKER. Certain matters have come to the knowledge of the Inspector of Police, which, it is probable, will throw some light upon the affair. As yet, however, no proof has been obtained which, in the opinion of the authorities, warrants the arrest of any persons. The crime is unparalleled in the criminal history of this colony; and it is only second to the mysterious murder of the noted Miss GRIMWOOD. The Government, it is to be hoped, will aid the police authorities in their exertions to discover the perpetrator of the crime.
[Transcriber’s note: The Death Notice gives the date of death as 24 August 1857]
Tuesday 8 September 1857
DIED at Human’s Dorp on the 29th August, in the 46th year of his age, Dr. Charles BUCHAN, deeply regretted by a wide circle of friends.
We beg to call attention to a valuable communication in today’s Herald from the pen of Dr. RUBIDGE, on the probable cause of a very prevailing sickness among children here, with a valuable suggested remedy. To the doctor, for such communication, we have to express the thanks of the community.
Port Elizabeth Sept 5 1857
To the Editor of the E.P. Herald
The usual prevalence of cases of intestinal worms in children for some months past has been noticed by all the medical practitioners of this town. A still greater evil, the increase of tubercular disease in infancy, often traceable apparently to the pre-existence of the former complaint, has been remarked. But it was not till this week that the sudden death of two fine and apparently healthy children from a combination of these two complaints renders it imperative on the medical profession to call the attention of the authorities of the town and the public to the existence of the evil and its probable cause.
In both these cases the children were in apparent good health to within 48 hours before death. In one it had been observed that the abdomen was rather larger, but no medical attendance had been thought necessary. Violent convulsions came on and continued with short intermissions till death. Examination after death showed in both cases disease of the mesenteric glands to a considerable extent. The cause of death in both cases was the enlargement of a gland in the vicinity of the duct of the gall bladder which had completely obstructed its passage. The sudden retention of the elements of bile in the blood (for there was no jaundice nor discoloration of urine) together with the irritation of the [glandular] disease (and that caused by the presence of two large worms (Ascarides) in the intestine in one case) caused convulsions and death in a few hours. These children were both apparently in perfect health this day week, and the question arises, how many more children may there be in the town to whom the accidental closure of the duct may cause the same fatal symptoms? I believe that considerable alarm exists already in consequence of these cases, and in a third of which has been in a [hopeless] state for a week past, and the fatal termination of which I have this moment heard, and it might perhaps appear undesirable to increase it by additional publicity. I should certainly feel it to be so if I had no remedy to suggest. I am engaged in a course of observations which seem to show that the use of stagnant rain and well water has much to do with the origin of these cases. Should this prove to be the case I shall make it known, and the remedy will be obvious – the supply of good water at any cost. In the meantime if any child shows any symptoms of the existence of these parasites, such as restlessness at night, grinding the teeth in sleep, irritation at the nose, voracious or capricious appetite; give Santonica in doses of 10 to 15 grains, twice a day for three days, and a dose of Castor Oil the 4th day; or better still 6 or 8 Santonino lozenges (which may be had of the apothecaries) a day. If there are worms it will destroy them, if not it will do no harm. Santonino is a good tonic as well as a vermifuge. The inhabitants of a district of Abyssinia take [Ko…] two or three times a year for the tape worm as a matter of course.
When the system suffers from this cause the first organs affected will generally be the mesenteric glands. In such cases the abdomen is large and hot at night, the appetite disordered – too great, not sufficient, or there may be craving for unwholesome food. Change of air, exercise, cold bathing, the use of cod liver oil, steel and frictions of iodine ointment to the abdomen are the proper remedies.
Fitting accommodations in the country for patients requiring change of air is a want much felt by medical practitioners of this place. If Mr. BEVAN could provide it at a rate which would enable the townspeople to avail themselves of it, more than one indication of treatment in these cases would be fulfilled. The chalybeate water of his mineral springs would be a valuable remedy, and the air of the place is open and pure.
It has been said that most human actions may be traced, more or less, directly to selfish motives. My fellow townsmen may find as much evidence of them as they will in this letter. Certainly few circumstances, in which the avocations of men place them, are more painful than those in which the physician, called to such cases as those above alluded to, finds himself. The anxiety of the parents compels him to make efforts for relief which he knows are useless, and all that [prudence] avails is to convince him that the means at his disposal are powerless to effect any good.
September 7th
P.S. To show that I have not exaggerated the importance of this subject, I may mention that since I wrote the above (on the 5th instant), I have recommended medicine for 15 cases in which worms were known to exist, or Santonina given on suspecting them, has caused their […]ation. In two of these cases convulsive disorders betrayed the existence of the parasites.
In St.Mary’s Church by the Rev. Mr. Fowle, Colonial Chaplain
Sept 5: Mr. E. [CORBIN] to Miss Sarah ADAMS
In St.Mary’s Church by the Rev. Mr. Fowle, Colonial Chaplain
Aug 24: A daughter of Mr. FLETCHER baptised Elizabeth
Aug 26: A daughter of Mr. FEATHER baptised Ann Martha
[4] A daughter of Mr. MATTHEWS baptised Elizabeth Ann
Sept 4: Frederick WILD, aged 3 years
Tuesday 15 September 1857
DIED at Port Elizabeth on the 15th Sept 1857, deeply regretted, Petrus J.F. VAN LELYVELD. Aged 37 years.
The Funeral will proceed to the place of interment tomorrow afternoon at 4 o’clock. Friends are invited to attend.
J. MATTHEWS, Undertaker
Sept 8 In St.Mary’s Church by the Rev. Mr. Fowle, Colonial Chaplain
Mr. Henry Martin Herbert ORPEN to Miss Harriott JOSEPH
By the Rev. Mr. Pickering of St.Paul’s Church
July 3: Joseph, son of Joseph and Adelaide LEWIS
July 10: James Henry John, son of James and Maryann FINLAYSON
July 27: Susannah, daughter of John and Adriana [DRA…]
Aug 9: Sarah Elizabeth, daughter of Charles and Lucy [BLAKER]
Aug 9: Charles Thomas, son of Charles and Elizabeth LUCAS
Aug 9: William, son of Wm. And Fanny BROWNING
Aug 9: James, son of William and Maria GIBSON
Aug 9: George, son of do.
Aug 20: Henry Edward, son of Richard and Maria PERRY
Sept 13: Maryann, daughter of William and Maria GIBSON
Sept 13: William, son of W. and M. GIBSON
In St.Mary’s Church by the Rev. Mr. Fowle, Colonial Chaplain
Sept 9: A daughter of Capt. RORKE, baptised Marian
Sept 14: A daughter of Mr. NEVIN, baptised Mary Ellen
Sept 10: Sophia Jane [ABOTT], aged 7 months
Sept 15: Petrus J.F. VAN LELYVELD, aged 37 years
Tuesday 22 September 1857
DIED at his Residence in Uitenhage on Sunday the 20th last, in the 71st year of his age, Jonas Christoffel FLECK Esq, late member of the Court of Justice of this Colony.
Begs to give notice that he has removed from the old shop of Mr. J.S. REED, and that he is at present carrying on business as Cart and Wagon Maker in all its branches, opposite McCARTHY’s Brewery, Queen Street.
NB Carriages, Carts, Wagons and Vehicles of all description repaired on the most reasonable terms with quickness and dispatch.
Tuesday 29 September 1857
DIED at Port Elizabeth after a lingering illness, Mr. William CONNELY of Pennsylvania (America), aged 48 years.
DIED at Uitenhage on Saturday the 19th September, Mr. Andrew FORREST, aged 49 years, deeply regretted.
- Hits: 1899