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Eastern Province Herald (later The Herald)

Eastern Province Herald 1853 - 2 - April to June

Tuesday 19 April 1853

In the Estate of Jane Philip Pre BENEKE, deceased, and surviving spouse Elizabeth Dawson BENEKE (born FROST), of Port Elizabeth.
All persons having claims against the above Estate are requested to file the same within two months from this date, at the office of W. INNES Esq, Notary and Attorney, Port Elizabeth, and to whom all claims owing to the Estate are to be paid.
E.D. FROST, Executrix
John Lowne FROST, Executor Testamentary
Port Elizabeth, 14th March 1853

Tuesday 3 May 1853

BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on the 17th ult, Mrs. Thos. PROUDFOOT of a daughter.

DIED at his residence in Rufane Vale, Port Elizabeth, on Monday morning 25th April last, Mr. Jonathan Benjamin BOARD, aged [56] years, deeply regretted by his family and friends.

Notice is hereby given that the undersigned will not be liable for any debts which his wife Anne SHAW shall incur in his name and he hereby cautions all persons from giving the said Anne SHAW credit.
Thos. SHAW
Port Elizabeth, 3rd May 1853.

Tuesday 10 May 1853

BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on the 9th instant, Mrs. J.G.S. DE VILLIERS of a son.

DIED at Port Elizabeth on the 9th May 1853, Cecilia Louisa, beloved wife of Mr. F. HUGHES Sen, aged 46 years, leaving a husband and 8 children to mourn her loss.
The remains of the deceased will be interred tomorrow afternoon at half past 3 o’clock, when friends and those who are desirous to attend are respectfully invited to meet at the residence of Mr. HUGHES Sen, on the Hill.
Jos. WILLIAMS, Undertaker.

Tuesday 17 May 1853

Intelligence was received in town yesterday, through Messrs. Barry & Nephews, from Kat River, stating that the barque “Barbara Gordon”, Capt. JELLY, from Adelaide, with a cargo of copper ore and wool, bound to Swansea, was wrecked there on the night of the 5th instant. One man and three female passengers, a child and a seaman were drowned. The captain, crew and […] passengers were saved with great difficulty. The vessel will be a total wreck. The names of the sufferers are Mr. and Mrs. REDISH and child, Mrs. HAYS, Mrs. DALTON and Henry SEYMOUR, sailor. Another account states that the disaster occurred off Gunner’s Point, this side of L’Agullus. The mail has been saved and forwarded to town, but there is nothing for this place, the whole being for London. C.T. Mail.

Tuesday 31 May 1853

Having just received from England a superior Soda Water Machine, of the same description as that so much approved of at the late Industrial Exhibition in London, worked by Steam Power, begs to announce that he will shortly have the Machine in full work, and will be able to supply the Public with the undermentioned Articles, of the very best quality, in full-sized bottles, in any quantity, and forward the same to persons who may favor him with their orders to any part of the Colony:
Soda Water
Seltzer Water
Seidlitz Water
Please to address all Orders or return Packages specially to J.L. EARLE, at McCarthy’s Brewery, Queen-street, Port Elizabeth
May 24 1853.

Tuesday 7 June 1853

DIED at Port Elizabeth on the 5th instant, after a long and painful illness, Mr. Charles COOPER, aged 61 years

DIED at Beaufort (West), aged 67 years, Mr. Robert HONEYBORNE, many years a resident of the City of Limerick.

Tuesday 14 June 1853

BIRTH at Uitenhage Town on the 10th June 1853, Mrs. Fred. H. LANGE of a son.

DIED at Port Elizabeth on the 9th inst, Mrs. SALTER, after a long illness, much regretted by her family and friends.

DIED at Port Elizabeth on the 2nd June 1853, at the residence of Mr. Wm. BAILEY, Strand Street, after a few days’ illness, Mr. Wm. POTE, aged [56] years, late of Brompton, Kent.

Tuesday 21 June 1853

In the Estate of the late Charles COOPER, formerly of Kent.
All persons having Claims against this Estate are requested to lodge them with the undersigned within six weeks from this date, and those indebted to the same are requested to settle forthwith. Notice is hereby particularly given to those parties who purchased ground at the sale held by Mr. HARRIES on the 18th September last, for account of the late Mr. COOPER, that unless they at once comply with the Conditions of Sale the Executor will be constrained to adopt stringent measures to enforce a speedy settlement.
Executor Testamentary
Port Elizabeth, June 20th 1853.

BIRTH at Uitenhage on Friday the 17th inst, Mrs. Frederick Jas. MILLS of a son.

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