Eastern Province Herald 1853 - 1 - January to March
Tuesday 25 January 1853
BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on the 19th instant, Mrs. John PATERSON of a son.
DIED at Port Elizabeth on the morning of the 24th instant, Maria, the beloved wife of Mr. James BROWN, after a lingering illness, aged 26 years.
January 25th 1853
Tuesday 1 February 1853
MARRIED on 15th ult. at St.James Church, St.Helena, by the Rev. W. Hills, Garrison Chaplain, Robert Alexander […DON], St.Helena Regt, to Mary Lopez, eldest daughter of Lewis [GI..TON], Merchant of that Island.
DIED at Port Elizabeth on the 13th inst, Jan Philip Du Pre BENEKE, aged [38] years, leaving a wife and young family to deplore their loss. Friends and relatives at a distance will be pleased to accept this notice.
[..] January 1853
Tuesday 22 February 1853
BIRTH at Stockdale, district of Somerset, on the 1st instant, the lady of Charles W. HUTTON Esquire of a daughter.
BIRTH on Wednesday the 9th instant, Mrs. [A. WARKS] of a daughter.
DIED at Sunday’s River, near Port Elizabeth, on the 15th inst, from apoplexy, Mr. Joseph SMITH, aged 48 years, deeply regretted.
DIED on Thursday 17th inst, after a long and painful illness, William SMITH (late of the firm W. & J. SMITH & Co, Merchants of this town) aged 51 years. Deceased has left a widow and five children and a numerous circle of friends to mourn his irreparable loss.
During the past week the town of Port Elizabeth was thrown into a state of the deepest gloom by one of the most affecting visitations which it has ever been our duty to record, in the sudden demise of Mr. Joseph SMITH, of the firm Messrs. W. & J. SMITH & Co., followed by the death of his brother, Mr. William SMITH, who had for several previous months been laid on the bed of sickness. The particulars of these events are so well known through the columns of contemporaries that they do not require repetition here, but the events themselves deserve still to be noticed, as [illegible] to a degree seldom experienced of the uncertainty of life and the wisdom of preparation for death.
The two brothers thus removed from our midst almost in company with each other were universally and most deservedly held in the highest esteem by all who were privileged to know them, and their places in society in Port Elizabeth will not very readily be filled up. That their removal should, therefore, have caused that shock of sorrow which has been experienced was to be expected, but if to the community their loss seems so great, how irreparable must it be to nearest relatives and friends? With these – the widows and the bereaved families – the deepest condolence in this their day of terrible mourning is most keenly felt by the inhabitants at large, who in the largest attendances that have ever in Port Elizabeth followed the mortal remains of departed friends to the grave, testified at once their great respect for those who are now no more, and their deep sympathy with the survivors in their unspeakable bereavement.
Tuesday 8 March 1853
The Undersigned makes known that all persons Outspanning, Hunting, Shooting or in any other way trespassing upon his farms “Palmiet Fontein” and “Krom Poort”, situate in the Winter Hoek, after this notice will be prosecuted.
Henry E. BAGOT
Uitenhage, 12th January 1853
Tuesday 15 March 1853
MARRIED at Uitenhage on the 3rd instant, by the Revd. A. Smith, F.O. HUTCHINSON Esq. to Miss D.J. LANGE.
8th March 1853.
Tuesday 22 March 1853
DIED on Sunday the 20th inst, a young man named Thomas LOVETT, aged 27 years, lately in the employ of H. REYNOLDS. He had retired to rest at his lodgings on the 19th, and left orders to be called early in the morning, as he intended to accompany a friend into the country. The young man proceeded to call him at 6 o’clock, when to his horror he found him dead. It appears that the deceased had been sickly some time previous, but he appeared to have recovered, and was in good spirits when he retired to sleep – the Sleep of Death. Friends will be pleased to accept this notice.
DIED at Port Elizabeth on Monday 21st March 1853, Mr. Samuel ONIANS, aged 33 years. His remains will be interred this afternoon (Tuesday) at 4 o’clock, when the attendance of friends is respectfully invited.
Joseph WILLIAMS, Undertaker.
The Executor and Executrix of the Estate of the late James HOWSE Esq. will sell by Public Auction on Wednesday 20th April next, at Beaufort Cottage, Lieuwe Fontein,
Nine Valuable Sheep Farms in that division,
Confessedly the finest country in South Africa for all descriptions of Stock. All these properties are situated between, or upon, the Koonap and Kat Rivers, and comprise:
In extent 2,379 morgen, on which is erected the Extensive Premises well known as Beaufort Cottage.
Containing 2,780 morgen, with a stone-built roomy Farmhouse.
In extent 2.026 morgen, with a substantially-built and roomy Farmhouse, Outbuildings &c &c.
In extent 1,412 morgen, well known as the Military Post, and for its superior Water capabilities.
In extent 1,412 morgen, also well known for its Water advantages and its capabilities for Extensive Tillage.
1,211 morgen, with substantial roomy Farmhouse, extensive Shearing House and Outbuildings. This property is replete with conveniences for a Farm Establishment.
1,003 morgen, on the Koonap Heights, celebrated for the excellence of its Pasture and its salubrity as a Sheep Walk.
8. and 9. HOWSE DALE and WITNEY
The former in extent 661 morgen, the latter 512 morgen. These two farms are situated in the division of Victoria and are bounded on the West by the Kat River, being divided from the other properties by that stream.
These farms are merely enumerated, being too well-known to require comment, the general admission being that they cannot be surpassed as Sheep Walks or Cattle Farms in any part of the British Dominions. This may be inferred by the simple fact of the late proprietor having depastured thereon twenty-three thousand Merino sheep, the clip of which realised prices equal to any obtained in the London Market. Beaufort Cottage has been long established as a respectable Inn, and is capable of being made one of the most extensive and profitable establishments of that character in this or any other Colony.
Situate in the division of Albany, and lying on the east side of the Main Road leading from Graham’s Town to Fort Beaufort and the Northern Districts.
1st. The farm known as BOSCH PLAATS
Containing 4,320 morgen and 318 square roods. As the Great Fish River forms the North Eastern Boundary, there is always an abundant supply of water, in which Stock may have easy access. On the North East the above property is joined by
(Secondly) The well-known farm GRASSKOP
Measuring in extent 2,240 morgen. Upon this property is a Stone-built Dwelling House, which was occupied by the overseer of the Flocks that were depastured on the above places previous to outbreak of the present war and rebellion. There are also several Good Fountains. The famed suitability of the pasturage for any kind of Stock render it unnecessary for the advertiser to offer further remarks here.
Thirdly, the farm DROOGE VLAKTE
Containing 2,729 morgen and 600 square roods.
At the same time will be sold the MOVEABLE PROPERTY at the Accommodation House, Beaufort Cottage, consisting of all descriptions of Household Furniture, Beds and Bedding, sundry Linen, Earthenware, Hardware, Shop Goods, a large assortment of Tools and Farming Implements. Provisions and other Necessaries, too extensive and varied an assortment to enumerate.
Refreshments will be provided.
On application at the Office of Mr. N. HOWSE, the Plans and Diagrams of the above Farms may be seen; they will also be exhibited on the day of the Sale, when terms will be made known.
Nathaniel HOWSE , Testamentary Executor
Charles POTE, Auctioneer
For Sale, by private Contract, all those Valuable and Extensive Premises situated at the corner of Market Square and Jetty Street, the Property of the Estate of the late Mr. James HOWSE.
These premises occupy three sides of a Square, and are remarkable for being accessible from three Streets. They are adapted for a Wholesale Business and are capable of being subdivided into three distinct Tenements. The Terms of Credit will be peculiarly liberal. For further particulars enquire at the Office of
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