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Eastern Province Herald (later The Herald)

Eastern Province Herald 1851 - 3 - July to September

Saturday 5 July 1851

DIED at Eiland’s River on Thursday 19th June 1851, Mr. Hendrik Osterwald LANGE, aged 32 years 8 months, leaving a widow and five young children to lament their loss.
Uitenhage Town, 25th June 1851

BIRTH at Uitenhage on the morning of Tuesday 1st July, Mrs. Richard RUTHERFOORD of a son.
Uitenhage Town, 1st July 1851.

Saturday 12 July 1851

It is with sincere regret that we just learned that the wound which Captain MELVILLE received in last engagement with the enemy has proved so serious as to render amputation of the arm necessary.
The determination of Major-General SOMERSET to fall back on Fort Beaufort and Mr. PAINTER’s farm is regarded by the enemy as a retrograde movement. Chief Macomo with his followers presses hard upon his antagonist.
Colonel McKINNON had likewise entered the Fish-river bush, so that the scene of future warfare is laid within the colony. Observers on the Frontier line write in very desponding strain. They state that unless the Commander-in-Chief take some proper and comprehensive measures to bring forth a burgher force, the present war will never be concluded. All is uncertainty and indecision on the frontier.

Saturday 2 August 1851

DIED at the residence of ____ ROSS Esq, near Port Natal, on the 20th June last, Ann Harold, widow of the late J.R. DUNN Esq, and second daughter of the late Capt. BIGGAR, deeply regretted by a numerous circle of friends and relatives.

Saturday 9 August 1851

DIED at Port Elizabeth on the 31st ultimo, Capt. Samuel MOORE, of Yarmouth, aged 33 years. He ever proved himself an affectionate and devoted son and brother, and his loss will be deeply lamented by his Father and family circle.

Saturday 16 August 1851

BAPTIZED on the 14th instant, at Port Elizabeth, by the Rev. William F. Heugh, a daughter of Wm. FLEMING Esq, named Gertrude.

BAPTIZED of the 14th inst, at Port Elizabeth, by the Rev. William F. Heugh, a son of C. ANDREWS Esq, named George.

BAPTIZED of the 14th inst, at Port Elizabeth, by the Rev. William F. Heugh, a son of Edward HEUGH Esq, named William Van Ryneveld.

BIRTH at Blanco on the 3rd August, Mrs. Richard GOULD of a daughter.

DIED at Cuyler Manor on the 3rd instant, John WITBURN, aged 81 years, a native of Surry [sic], in England, for the last 30 years Overseer of Cuyler Manor Farm. Was an Honest Faithfull Servant.
Cuyler Manor, August 8th 1851.

Saturday 23 August 1851

MARRIED in St.Mary’s Church, Port Elizabeth, on Thursday 14th August, by the Rev F. McCleland AB (TCD), Henry James DUNELL Esq. to Elizabeth Gilbert, eldest daughter of John Owen SMITH, of Port Elizabeth.

Saturday 6 September 1851

MARRIED at Uitenhage on Tuesday 26th ult, by the Rev. Alexander Smith, William THOMPSON Esq. to Susanna Elizabeth GIE, widow of the late Ernest Fredrik Schrader GIE, late Clerk of the Peace in Port Elizabeth.

Saturday 20 September 1851

In the Insolvent Estate of William CADLE
The First Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above Estate will lie for the inspection of Creditors at the Resident Magistrate’s Office for a period of fourteen days from Saturday the 6th instant, after which time it will be forwarded to the Master’s Office.
Albrecht RENS
Sole Trustee
Uitenhage, Sept 4th 1851

Saturday 27 September 1851

MARRIED on Thursday the 25th instant at St.Mary’s Church, by the Rev. F. McCleland AB, Delabere P. BLAINE Esq. to Catherine Heugh, eldest daughter of William FLEMING Esq.
Port Elizabeth, 26th Sept. 1851

MARRIED at Uitenhage on Wednesday 24th September, by the Rev. A. Smith, W.A. WENTZEL Esq. Junior, to Maria Theresa Francesca, second daughter of the late G.M. BRUNETT Esq.

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