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Eastern Province Herald (later The Herald)

Eastern Province Herald 1851 - 2 - April to June

Saturday 19 April 1851

DIED at Uitenhage on Monday the 7th April 1851, Emily, the beloved wife of Henry JONES (Teacher of the Colored Classes), aged 51 years and 7 months, leaving a husband and 7 minor children, with a large circle of relations and friends, to deplore her loss.

By the Rev. F. McCleland AB Colonial Chaplain
April 5: Mr. Charles Edward WARD, bachelor, to Miss Mary Elizabeth MORGAN, spinster.
April 16: Mr. Stephanus Johannes DU PREES, bachelor, to Miss Elizabeth Anna Hester VAN EETVELD.

By the same
Feb 28: A daughter of Mr. Robert Joseph PHILLIPS baptised Louisa Arabella.
March 2: A daughter of Mr. Samuel BAIN baptised Fanny Charlotte Jury.
March 30: A daughter of Mr. William SELBY baptised Sarah Emma.
March 30: A son of Mr. Thomas BILSON baptised Edwin Thomas
April 14: A son of Henry William Hull Coleman PEARSE Esq, Dept-Ord Storekeeper, baptised Frederick Charles.

By the same
April 2: Michael RIORDAN, aged 36 years.
April 10: James Palmer Bradwell WHEATLAND, aged 10 months
April 14: George ELLIOT, late 27 Regt, aged 40 years.
April 16: Robert HAMILTON Esq, HM Customs, aged 34 years.

Saturday 26 April 1851

In the Insolvent Estate of John GITTENS
All Persons claiming to be Creditors under this Estate are required to take notice that the Third Meeting of Creditors will be held before the Resident Magistrate, at his office at Uitenhage Town, on the 7th May next, for the proof of Debts, to receive the Trustees’ report and to give Trustees final instructions with reference to the said Estate.
Uitenhage Town, 1st April 1851

Saturday 10 May 1851

In the Estate of the late Johan Diederick Bernhard NEVELING and surviving spouse, Mrs. Anna M.S. NEVELING (born SCHAUREL)
The Undersigned, duly authorised thereto by the Executrix Dative of the above Estate, will sell by Public Auction on Thursday the 19th June next at 10 o’clock am at the Place
Situate in the Field-cornetcy of the Gamtoos River, in the Uitenhage Division, the effects belonging to the said Estate, comprising the following, viz:
A quarter share in the quitrent Place called “Zand Rivier” (also situated in the said Field-cornetcy) being a first-rate Cattle Farm, having a variety of Pasturage for all sorts of Cattle.
50 Draught Oxen, 1 [Bastard] Fatherland Bull, 70 head fine Breeding Cattle, [412] Goats and Sheep, 10 [illegible], 1 Stallion, [6] Riding Horses, 10 Breeding Horses, 1 Ox Wagon complete, 1 Gun, [W…wood], Furniture, Farming Implements, Carpenters’ Tools &c &c
Conditions of Sale [illegible line]
S.J.v.K. DU TOIT, Auctioneer
Uitenhage Town, 3rd May 1851

Saturday 17 May 1851

DIED at Uitenhage on Monday 12th May 1851, Jemima Ann, youngest daughter of Henry JONES (Teacher of the Colored Classes), aged 4 years and 5 months.

Storekeeper of Somerset East
Being about to close his business, having disposed of his Premises and Stock to Mr. Alfred TROLLIP, begs to return his sincere thanks to the inhabitants of the town and district of Somerset, who have kindly favored him with their support during the time he has carried on Store-keeping at Somerset, and solicits the same kind support in favor of
who is about to commence business in the same premises.
Mr. BUTLER requests that all persons having open accounts with him will please to settle the same before the 1st August next, as he will probably about that time leave this neighbourhood.
(Signed) John BUTLER
Somerset, 20th April 1851.

Saturday 31 May 1851

Mr. BOOTH begs to intimate to the inhabitants of Port Elizabeth that he intends shortly to open Day Classes for the following branches of Education, on the most approved method, viz:
Reading, Writing, English Grammar, Geography, Ancient and Modern History, Arithmetic, Book-keeping, Geometry and Music, suitable for pupils in all stages of advancement.
NB The place and day of opening will be specified in a future advertisement.
Port Elizabeth, May 31st 1851.

Saturday 14 June 1851

In the Insolvent Estate of William GRADWELL, deceased
The second and final liquidation account and plan for distribution in the above Estate will lie for inspection of the Creditors at the Office of the Resident Magistrate, at Uitenhage, for a term of 14 days from Tuesday 17th instant, after which period it will be forwarded to the Master’s Office.
Albrecht RENS
Bernard RENS
Joint Trustees
June 13th 1851

Tailors, Drapers &c
Beg to return thanks to the Public of Port Elizabeth and Vicinity for the very liberal support they have hitherto enjoyed.
Also to give Notice that James SCALLAN has given over the above business to his son, Patrick SCALLAN, from this date, and request that all Claims against the Firm may be sent in for adjustment, and all Persons indebted to the said Firm to settle their Accounts within two months from this date to the first Undersigned.
Port Elizabeth, 1st June 1851

Saturday 21 June 1851

MARRIED at Uitenhage on Wednesday the 18th inst, by the Rev. A. Smith, Mr. Fred. Hendrik LANGE to Maria Albertina, eldest daughter of S.J. VAN NIEKERK Esq. of that town.
Uitenhage Town, 18th June 1851

Saturday 28 June 1851

DIED at his residence on the Hill, Port Elizabeth, on the 24th instant, George CLARK, aged 56. Deceased was one of the oldest inhabitants of the Bay.

Mr. KEKEWICH, Clerk of the Peace of Clanwilliam, and eldest son the ex-Second Judge of this Colony, departed this life on the 22nd May ult., much regretted by all those who had the pleasure of enjoying his acquaintance.

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