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Daily Representative

The Daily Representative 1929 1 January - March

Wednesday, January 2, 1929

BELL.-  Died at East London, on the 28th December, after a short illness, Hannah Jane BELL;  mother of Willie, Emily and Alfie, Queenstown.

The death has occurred of Miss C.H. KEER ex-Matron-in-Chief of Queen Alexandra’s Imperial Military Nursing Service, and ex-Principal Matron in South Africa.
The death has occurred, at his home in Surrey, of Sir Charles METCALFE, of Rhodesia.  With Sir Doublas FOX he was consulting engineer to the British S.A. Company.

Thursday, January 3, 1929

REYNARD.-  Passed away suddenly, at Ndonga, Lady Frere, on 30th December, in her 78th year, Fannie, beloved wife of Charles REYNARD.

Molteno Notes
(From our Own Correspondent.)
Molteno, December 29th,
The late Mr. George LOCKHART.
It is a matter of wide-spread regret to have to record the tragic death of Mr. George LOCKHART, who for the past two years was acted as Location Inspector.    The deceased was taken suddenly ill about a fortnight ago and it was discovered that he was suffering from a severe attack of ptomaine poisoning and died on Wednesday evening, December 26th.  The funeral took place yesterday and the Rev. A ROGERS, the Rector of St. Cuthbert’s, officiated both at the Church and grave-side.  The chief mourners were the widow and Mr. A. LOCKHART, and elder brother of the deceased...
The deceased was an ex-Sergeant of Police, having served about 30 years in the Force.  He was well known and highly respected in the Jansenville and Cradock districts where many years of his life were spent and where  doubtless he will long be remembered for his sterling qualities.  Mr. LOCKHART was appointed to the post of Location Inspector on the recommendation of the Resident Magistrate, Mr. R.H. CHENOWETH, who had known him some years ago at Jansenville, and it is generally acknowledged that the appointment was an excellent one.  Mr. LOCKHART was a gifted linguist and in addition to English and Dutch he was thoroughly conversant with native languages and customs.  He was a man with a strong personality and a keen sense of justice which enabled him to command both obedience and respect from the native and withal sincere appreciation from his employers.   Much sympathy is felt for the family in their sad bereavement.

Local & General
The death is announced of Sir Charles MACARA.-  Reuter.

Friday, January 4, 1929

WEBER.-  In loving memory of my husband and our dear father, Andries WEBER, who died January 4th, 1926.
BARNS.-  Passed peacefully away at 29, Porter Street, Queenstown, on 31st December, 1928, Laura Mabel, beloved wife of Alva BARNS of Durban and eldest daughter of J.D. WILLMORE of Queenstown.

Saturday, January 5, 1929

Dordrecht Notes
Everyone was shocked to hear of the sudden and tragic death of little Jackie HOOLE, eldest son of Mr. And Mrs. W. HOOLE of the National Bank.  Jackie met with an accident, cutting his foot badly some ten days ago, and was taken very ill on Christmas Day and succumbed after much suffering on the Saturday following, death being due to tetanus.  He was laid to rest on Saturday afternoon, the first part of the service being held in St. Augustine’s Church conducted by the Rev. S.D. TURNER.  Although only seven year of age Jackie was a general favourite, and the sympathy of all is expressed with the bereaved parents, grandparents and other relatives.

Congratulations to Mr. S. MARKS of MARKS & Co. On his engagement to Miss Sophie GOLDBERG of Capetown.  Miss GOLDBERG is the younger daughter of Mr. And Mrs. S. GOLDBERG (Goldie & Co.) and niece of Mr. And Mrs. H. LICHTENSTEIN.

Hearty congratulations to Mr. And Mrs. Peter CLOETE on the birth of another son.

Wednesday, January 9, 1929

PRICE.-  At 52, Prince Alfred Street, Queenstown, on the 8th January, 1929, to Mr. And Mrs. Cecil PRICE, “Bold Point,” Whittlesea, a son. Both well.

In the Estate of the late George John UNDERWOOD, Senior. No. 13866...
Attorney for the Executor Testamentary,
98, Robinson Road, Queenstown

In the Estate of the late Henriette DOMONEY, BORN VAN STADEN, and surviving spouse John Charles DOMONEY.  No. 17107...
Attorney f or the Executor Testamentary
98, Robinson Road,

Local & General
The death is announced of Sir Henry TRUEMAN-WOOD.-  Reuter.

Thursday, January 10, 1929

ALLEN.-  At the Frontier Hospital Queenstown, on the 9th January, 1929, Helena Catherina ALLEN (born DE LANGE), the beloved wife of Dolph ALLEN, ...

Local & General
The death is announced of Lord ATHLUMNEY, Provost-Marshal of London during the war.-  Reuter.

Friday, January 11, 1929

His Son a Girl
An East Rand father was astounded to find that his son Maurice was, according to Government records ,a girl named Maria.  This was the experience of a Benoni resident.  The birth of his son, Maurice Joey, had been registered in 1912.  The father recently applied for a birth certificate, which he found, to his surprise, was made out in the name of “Maria Joey.”  He also discovered that his daughter Freda had been registered as “BREDE.”  An application has now been made for the birth certificate to be rectified.

Bathing Tragedy at East London
French Painter Drowned.
East London, Thursday.
While bathing on the Eastern – not the Orient – Beach this afternoon, a man named Joe PONTIE, a French painter was seen to be in difficulties.  A coloured man ran for assistance, but on returning all that could be seen was one arm above water, and this disappeared immediately.  The body has not yet been recovered.  -  Reuter.  

Saturday, January 12, 1929

Sterkstroom Notes
An Octogenarian
Our congratulations to an old and respected resident, Mrs. Marian PHILLIPS, who celebrated her 84th birthday on Thursday last.  This veteran lady, relict of the late Mr. Jno. PHILLIPS, the then owner of “Gretna” farm, is still hale and hearty and resides with her son-in-law, Mr. Tom McLEAN, Sterkstroom’s oldest shopkeeper.
Congratulations also to Mr. H.S. BOTHA, the School Board secretary, on his engagement to a member of the teaching profession, Miss Cecilia VAN STRATEN, of Lake Warren School, Griqua Town.

DILLEY.-  On the 6th January, 1929, at 25 Berry Street, Queenstown, to Mr. And Mrs. “Dodo” DILLEY, a daughter.  Both well.

Monday, January 14, 1929

CLUVER-EVERETT.-  Married at All Saints Church, Ladysmith, Natal, on January 3rd, Frederick W.P. CLUVER, Major S.A.M.C., elder son of the late Dr. And Mrs. CLUVER, of “Henley,” Pretoria, to Frances Marion, elder daughter of Mr. And Mrs. H.G. EVERETT, of Ladysmith, Natal, and grand-daughter of Mrs. A. RIDLEY, of Queenstown.

GOLDING.-  At Lady Frere, on the 8th January, 1929, under tragic circumstances, George Joseph GOLDING, aged 29 years.

The relatives desire to take this opportunity of thanking all those who assisted them during a time of great anxiety, especially in regards to the recovery of the body, and for the many floral tributes and other tokens of sympathy during the time of sorrow.

Dordrecht Notes
Much sympathy is felt for Mr. And Mrs. HITGE, whose little child died on Monday last from cramp.

Tuesday, January 15, 1929

In Memoriam
MORGAN.-  In loving memory of our darling, who died suddenly at Fort Victoria, Southern Rhodesia, January 15th, 1922.
(Inserted by loving Mother, Dad and Sisters).

Thursday, January 17, 1929

Local & General
The death is announced of Sir John BRUNNER.- Reuter.
The death is announced of Sir William DAWKINS< Professor of Geology and Palaeontology in the Victoria University, Manchester.- Reuter.

Friday, January 18, 1929

GOLDING.-  Mrs. G.J. GOLDING, Lady Frere, a son.  Both doing well.

In the Estate of the late Jane STUART (born LESLIE).  No. 20670...
ELLIOTT Brothers,
Attorneys for Executor Dative.
Hexagon, Queenstown

In the Estate of the late Norman Dennis O’Brien ROBERTSON.  No. 20550...
ELLIOTT Brothers,
Attorneys for Executor Dative.
Hexagon, Queenstown

In the Estate of the late James McKimmy PATON (also known as James PANTON).  No. 20898...
ELLIOTT Brothers
Attorneys for Executors Testamentary.
Hexagon, Queenstown

Monday, January 21, 1929

The many friends in Queenstown of the late Mr. Walter HICKMAN were shocked to hear of his sudden death at East London last night, and sympathy goes out to his widow and two sons.  A native of Yorkshire, the late Mr. HICKMAN became proficient at the barber’s profession there and came out to South Africa some twenty-one years ago, eventually starting a business in Queenstown.  After twelve successful years here, however, he found that his prospects could be bettered in East London and left for there about a year ago, and had become a successful and popular member of his profession there when his death occurred.

Tuesday, January 22, 1929

DORHILL-TAYLOR – SARGENT.-  January 16th, 1929, at the Church of the Immaculate Conception, East London, by the Rev. P.J. WALSH, Thomas A. DORHILL-TAYLOR, second son of the late William Moorcroft TAYLOR, and Mrs. M. TAYLOR, Rhodesdayle, Southern Rhodesia, to Eileen Frances, eldest daughter of Mr. And Mrs. F.J. SARGENT, East London.

In Memoriam
HILLS.-  In loving memory of our dear son “Brian”, who passed away January 22nd, 1925. – RIP
HILLS.-  In loving memory of dear Brian, who passed away 22nd January, 1925.
(Ever remembered by Aunt, Uncles and Cousins.)

Thursday, January 24, 1929

Lady Frere Notes
We are pleased to congratulate Mrs. Geo. GOLDING upon the arrival of a bonnie boy, and hope that his advent will do a lot towards filling the breach caused by the tragic death of the father only eight days before.

Local & General
The death is announced of Abel SHAPMAN, big game hunter and naturalist.- Reuter.

Friday, January 25, 1929

HARVEY.-  Passed away at Kokstad on January 23rd, Harold (Tom) HARVEY, late Sub-Inspector, Cape Police.

In the Estate of the late Harry HOLLEY, of Queenstown.  No. 19935...
Secretary, Queenstown Loan, Trust and Agency, Co., Ltd., Queenstown
Agent for Executrix Testamentary.
P.O. Box 44,

Saturday, January 26, 1929

Sterkstroom Notes
We regret to hear of the death of a former resident of this town, as the result of an operation at Dordrecht, Miss Izzy VAN DER MERWE, who as a dressmaker, had a wide circle of clients and friends who regret her passing at a comparatively early age.  The sympathy of the community goes out to her bereaved parents and family.

Tuesday, January 29, 1929

MAKIN.-  Passed away in Settlers’ Hospital, Grahamstown, on Friday, 25th January, 1929, Violet Louisa May MAKIN, beloved wife of Andrew MAKIN, Sterkstroom, aged 44 years and eight months.

Notice to Creditors & Debtors
Estate of the late John MacDONALD, Queenstown.  No. 21216...
Attorneys for Executrix Testamentary

Wednesday, January 30, 1929

ELS.-  At Victoria (Buildings?), Queenstown, on the ??th inst., to Mr. And Mrs. F. ELS, a son.  Both well.
McLEOD.-  At Nurse ATKINSON’s Private Nursing Home, Port Elizabeth, on 25th inst. Mr. And Mrs. Norman McLOED (nee Dorothy WIGGILL), a bonny daughter.
GLENISTER.-  To Mr. And Mrs. W.G. GLENISTER, on the 22nd isnt., at the Frontier Hospital, a son.

Friday, February 1, 1929

In Memoriam
WILSON.-  In loving memory of our darling little daughter Violet Emily Adelaide WILSON, who was taken from us suddenly on 1st February, 1928.
(Inserted by Mummie, Daddy and Brother Williee.)

Estate late Christian Johannes Hendrik OPPERMAN.  No. 19433...
Attorneys for the Executors Testamentary
Hexagon, Queenstown

In the Estate of the late Peter KALIPA and surviving spouses Sannah KALIPA and Leah KALIPA, Southeyville.  No. 15450...
Attorney for Executor Testamentary
Box 8,
Lady Frere.

Sterkstroom Notes
It is with regret I record the death of a very estimable lady, Mrs. Viola Louisa May MAKIN, wife of our esteemed townsman, Mr. A. MAKIN, at the age of 44 years, which sad event occurred on Friday, 25th January, at the hospital, Grahamstown.  Of a quiet and unassuming nature, she endeared herself to all who had the privilege of her acquaintance, and was ever ready to assist in all the good work of the town, whether as a Church worker, in which she was a devoted adherent of our Wesleyan Church or in social or charitable works.  She died after a holiday visit to Port Elizabeth.  On the return journey, when nearing Grahamstown, she was taken suddenly ill and had to seek medical assistance, which necessitated her removal to hospital, Brocho-pneumonia developed and she breathed her last, the evening before her son John, daughter Mary, and their aunt, who were hastily summoned, could arrive in time.  It has been a great shock to her numerous friends throughout the district, who held her in high esteem.  In accordance with her last wish her remains were laid to rest on Sunday afternoon in the Queenstown Cemetery.

Saturday, February 2, 1929

Dordrecht Notes
We regret to hear of another sad drowning fatality at Kokstad whereby an old Dordrecht girl, Miss M. LABUSCHAGNE, has lost her life.  We understand that she had gone to bathe in the river with the children of Mr. F. CATHERINE, to whom she had just commenced duties as governess, and got into difficulties as soon as she entered the water.  Help was soon secured, but when the body was brought out life was found to be extinct.  The body was brought to Indwe and buried on her father’s farm, amid a large gathering of friends and relatives.  The sympathy of all is extended to her parents and relatives and also to Mr. And Mrs. F. CATHERINE.

Indwe Notes
Congratulations to Mr. R.J. BOTHA (relieving Postmaster) who is well known to all of us, on his marriage to Miss Dolly ENGLEBRECHT, of Elliott.

Monday, February 4, 1929

CHALMERS.-  Passed peacefully away at 39, Frost Street, on 3rd February, 1929, Mary, widow of the late E.B. CHALMERS.
NAIDOO.-  Passed peacefully away at 82, Robinson Road, on Saturday, the 2nd February, Serapen Dorasamy NAIDOO, aged 66 years.

The greatest sympathy will be extended to the family of Mrs. CHALMERS, widow of the late Mr. E.B. CHALMERS, for many years C.C. and R.M. of Queenstown, who passed peacefully away after a long illness at her home in Frost Street yesterday.

Tuesday, February 5, 1929

The death has occurred at the age of 68 of Sir Frederick John JACKSON, who from 1911 to 1917 was Governor and Commander-in-Chief of Uganda.
The death is announced of Georgina, Lady DUDLEY.

Wednesday, February 6, 1929

The death has occurred of Sir Hamilton Freer SMITH, a retired Commander, who resigned the office of H.M. Superintending Inspector of Factories for Dangerous Trades and Dangerous Machinery in 1906.

Thursday, February 7, 1929

GREEN-McPHERSON.- At the Wesleyan Church, Queenstown, on the 6th February, 1929, by the Rev. Charles Pettman, Frank L. GREEN, son of Mrs. N. GREEN, of York, England, to Ruth, eldest daughter of Mr. And Mrs. A.K. McPHERSON, of Queenstown.

Thursday, February 7, 1929

The death is announced of Dr. Charlotte Carmichael STOPES, the distinguished lady physician and mother of Dr. Marie STOPES.
The death is announced of Mr. C.W. SOMERSET reputed to be the doyen of British actors, at the age of 82.

Friday, February 8, 1929

Local & General
The death is announced at the age of 81 of Sir John COWAN, chairman of Redpath, Brown and Co. Ltd., the steel constructional engineers.

Monday, February 11, 1929

Molteno Notes
Molteno, February 6th,
Sudden Death of Popular Stormberg Farmer.
The tragic news of the sudden death of Mr. Casper VAN ZYL of the farm Hoedklip reached town early on Monday morning, February 4th.  The family had spent about three weeks on holiday at Aliwal North and it is understood that the packing had been done preparatory for leaving on the homeward journey the following morning.  Apparently the deceased was not feeling well as he had consulted a doctor.  There seemed, however, no immediate danger, consequently no one was unduly concerned and everything went on as usual during the day.  Before bed time Mr. VAN ZYL went out for a short walk alone but did not return.  Sometime afterwards it was discovered that he had collapsed and died within a few yards of the door.  It appears that the cause of death was due to a heart affection which culminated in paralysis in the cardiac region.  Mr. Johannes VAN ZYL, a brother, and Mr. W.M. PRINGLE, a close friend of the deceased, journeyed to Aliwal North on Monday and arranged for the body to be conveyed to the farm for burial.
The funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon at Hoedklip private burial ground.  The Reverend J.F. BOTHA the resident Minister of the Dutch Reformed Church, Molteno, conducting the service both at the far and the grave-side...

Tuesday, February 12, 1929

ROY.-  Passed peacefully away at Duncan Valley Nursing Home on Monday, the 11th inst., Mrs. E. ROY, of 8, Owen Street.

Tuesday, February 12, 1929

Dordrecht Notes
We deeply regret the death of the Rev. S.D. TURNER, Rector of St. Augustine’s, on February 2nd, and express our sympathy with Mrs. TURNER and family and members of the congregation.  He was laid to rest on Sunday afternoon, the Rev. Archdeacon ROWLEY of Queenstown officiating at the graveside.  The funeral was one of the largest ever seen here and the coffin was covered with many wreaths and floral tributes...

Wednesday, February 13, 1929

Notice to Creditors and Debtors
Estate of the late Mpu MAYEKISO, who died at Kamastone, Queenstown in or about the year 1890. No. 20717...
Executor Dative
76, Cathcart Road,

The death took place at East London on January 31st of Mr. Abie M. DE VILLIERS, son of a well-known resident of Queenstown.  The late Mr. DE VILLIERS, who was an accountant for several years in the local branch of the African Banking Corporation, married Miss Molly CARDEN.  He was accountant of the Ermelo branch of the Standard Bank when he resigned his position about five months ago to join the firm of Messrs. CARDEN and Co.  A few weeks ago he was laid up with a severe attack of quinsy and, although not quite recovered he and Mrs. DE VILLIERS proceeded to East London to recuperate.  His condition, however, became worse and his illness was diagnosed as enteric fever, from which he died.  The funeral took place at East London on February 1st, the services being conducted by the Rev. Mr. WESSELS, of the Dutch Reformed Church.  Sympathy is extended to Mrs. DE VILLIERS and her two little sons, as well as to Mr. And Mrs. CARDEN and family in their great loss.

Friday, February 15, 1929

LAWRENCE-GRIFFITHS.-  Married on 13th inst. At the Wesleyan Methodist Church, Queenstown by the Rev. Chas. PETTMAN, Thomas Leonard LAWRENCE, only son of Mr. And Mrs. T.H. LAWRENCE of Dohne, to Amelia Milner, youngest daughter of Mr. And Mrs. A.J. GRIFFITHS, of Queenstown.  No Cards.

Saturday, February 16, 1929

Local & General
Congratulations to Mr. F. BESWICK, the principal of Queenstown’s first school, who celebrates his eighty-eighth birthday to-day.

Monday, February 18, 1929

GOODWIN.-  The wife of A.J.H. GOODWIN, Senior Lecturer in Anthropology, Cape University, a daughter; born on St. Valentine’s Day.
TWOMEY.-  At Duncan Vale Nursing Home, Queenstown, on the 17th inst., to Dr. And Mrs. J.C. TWOMEY, a son.

The death is announced of Mr. Maurice Henry WOODS, Private Secretary to Lord BEAVERBROOK since 1916 – Reuter.
The death is announced of Charles McEVOY, the well-known dramatist.- Reuter.

Dordrecht Notes
The death of Mrs. HALL, mother of Mrs. DELL, which occurred at East London last week came as a chock to her many friends here.  For some years Mrs. HALL has spent a few months every year here and she was beloved by all who knew her.  We extend our sympathy to Mrs. DELL and all the members of her family.

Wednesday, February 20, 1929

WILSON-THOMPSON.-  On the 19th February, at Queenstown, to Mr. And Mrs. A. WILSON-THOMPSON (nee Phyllis HAY), a daughter.  Phyllis Dawn.

WILSON-THOMPSON.-  Fell asleep at Glen Lochy, Elliot, on his birthday, February 14th, Carrick Charles, son of Mr. And Mrs. A. WILSON-THOMPSON.

Local  & General
The death has occurred at Hampstead of Captain John Percy FARRAR, D.S.O., of the Kaffrarian Rifles, at the age of 71.  Captain FARRAR succumbed to pneumonia after a short illness.  He had a stroke in January and had suffered from heart trouble since.
The death is announced of Lord HOLLENDEN (Samuel Hope MORLEY) at the age of 84.  Lord HOLLENDEN was Governor of the Bank of England from 1903 to 1905, and was a director.  – Reuter.

Thursday, February 21, 1929

STANLEY-McGLASHAN.-  The engagement is announced of Lulu, only daughter of Mrs. STANLEY, and the late Mr. H. STANLEY, of East London and Queenstown to James Wallace McGLASHAN, of Wankie, Rhodesia.

Local & General
The death is announced of Lord ABERDARE at the age of 77.  Lord ABERDARE was Past President of the University of Wales and President of the National Museum of Wales.-  Reuter.
The death is announced of Sir Charles HARTOPP.  The late Sir Charles HARTOPP was petitioner in the famous unsuccessful divorce suit in 1902, in which the Earl of COWLEY was cited as co-respondent.- Reuter.
The death is announced of Lady Oliver Lodge. – Reuter.

Friday, February 22, 1929

In Memory
FULLER.-  In loving memory of our dear mother, Mary Annie Rosina FULLER.
Lovingly remembered by Mabel and Arthur.
In loving memory of our dear mother who passed away 22nd February, 1916.
Ever remembered by Fanny and Charles.

Estate late Grace Elizabeth ARNOTT (Born BREETZKE), widow, of Queenstown.  No. 20333...
Attorneys for executor Dative
Hexagon, Queenstown

Local & General
A son has been born to Mrs. DE VILLIERS, wife of Mr. Dan DE VILLIERS, the South African Trade Commissioner on the Continent.  Mr. And  Mrs. DE VILLIERS are at Milan.  – Reuter.

The death has occurred in London of Mrs. Ellen BRACHT, formerly of Port Elizabeth. – Reuter.
The death is announced of Surgeon Captain Edward Leicester ATKINSON, D.S.O., who went to the Antarctic with Captain SCOTT in 1910-1913, and led the expedition that found Captain SCOTT and his companions in 1912.

Captain FARRAR, whose death, at Hempstead, at the age of 1, was cabled yesterday, was a son of the late Mr. Charles FARRAR, M.D., and a brother of the late Sir George FARRAR and of Mr. Sidney FARRAR.  He was well known at one time on the Border, and married in 1886 Mary, the daughter of Mr. F. BESWICK, of Queenstown .  In the Anglo-Boer War he served with his brother George in the Colonial Division under General BRABANT, and saw a lot of service, receiving the medal with four clasps and the Distinguished Service Order.  He was afterwards attached to the Kaffrarian Rifles.

Saturday, February 23, 1929

Notice to Creditors
In the Estate of the late Philippus Andreas HATTINGH.  No. 21531...
Attorneys for the Executor Testamentary.
Hexagon, Queenstown

Monday, February 25, 1929

BARRY-BROTHERS.-  Married at St. Aidans Church, Johannesburg, on 21st February, Mary Alice BROTHERS (Molly) youngest daughter of C.M. BROTHERS, to Harry E. BARRY of Johannesburg.

BARWIN.-  Passed peacefully away at 4.20 a.m. on the 25th inst., Mrs. J. BARWIN, senr., mother of Mr. A.L. BARWIN of the Grand Hotel, Queenstown, and Mr. L. BARWIN, of the Central Hotel, Cathcart, and Mrs. F. GOTTLIEB of Jamestown.  Aged 78 years.

Estate late Anna Catherina DE BEER and surviving spouse Jacob Abraham DE BEER of Gordon Park, Sterkstroom...
Attorney for Executor
Box 19,

Local & General
The deaths are announced of Major General Reginald Henry MAHON, who served in the siege of Ladysmith, and of Lord SOUTHWARK. – Reuter.

Tuesday, February 26, 1929

HAY.-  On the 24th February, at Duncan Vale Nursing Home, to Mr. And Mrs. K.J. HAY, of Oxton Manor, a son.

BARWIN.-  Passed peacefully away at Cathcart, on 25th February, Mrs. BARWIN, senr., deeply mourned by her loving grandchildren, Bennie and Aaron BARWIN.

Wednesday, February 27, 1929

The death has occurred of Mr. A.E. JACOBS, Conservative member of the House of Commons for the East Toxteth Division of Liverpool since 1924.  He belonged to the famous biscuit manufacturing concern of W. And R. JACOBS.  At the last general election Mr. JACOBS secured a majority of nearly ten thousand votes over the Labour candidate in a three-corned contest. – Reuter.

Friday, March 1, 1929

Notice to Creditors
In the Estate of the late Emma Catherine NORRIS (born WEAKLEY) of Sterkstroom.  No. 21468...
Attorney for Executor Testamentary
P.O. Box 6
Sterkstroom, C.P.

Notice to Creditors
In the Estate of the late Lilian KIMBER, who died at Queenstown on the 7th August, 1928.  No. 19622...
Attorneys for Executor Dative
26, Union Street
East London

Saturday, March 2, 1929

Lady Frere Notes
Silver Wedding
On Friday evening Mr. And Mrs. Fred VAN HEERDEN received the congratulations of their many friends and admirers on the occasion of the celebration of their silver wedding...

Tuesday, March 5, 1929

Local & General
News was received in town by wire to-day that Mr. Alec MACKENZIE, for some years Postmaster at Queenstown, passed peacefully away at Claremont, Capetown, this morning.  Mr. MACKENZIE was in Queenstown during the war period, and the names of two of his sons who were killed in the war figure on our memorial.  He was transferred from here to Martizburg, but retired eight years ago.  To his widow, son and daughter the sympathy of his many friends in Queenstown will go out.

Wednesday, March 6, 1929

GILL-MALLET.-  Married at Grahamstown, on 2nd March, 1929, Edith Kate, third daughter of the late Mr. And Mrs. J.J. MALLET of Queenstown, to Thomas GILL, of Grahamstown

Local & General
The death is announced of Mr. Seymor HARDING, who, twenty years ago, farmed Clifton Vale in the Bongolo.  Many townspeople will recall the lawsuit Mr. HARDING had with the Town Council over his water rights, a case which cost the town about £1,500.  Mr. HARDING died at Rustenberg last Thursday, and was buried on Friday afternoon.  The “Star” correspondent says:  Mr. HARDING was well known in mining circles, both locally and on the Rand, and his loss will be keenly felt.  He came to this district 18 years ago, from Queenstown, Cape Colony, at the request of Mr. Same CHUDLEIGH, of Johannesburg, who wished him to investigate what looked like a good diamond proposition in the Pilansberg district.  While trekking to the appointed place Mr. HARDING was greatly struck by the remarkable outcrops of rock on Vlakfontein.  He decided to investigate them thoroughly and on preliminary shaft sinking he discovered nickel in large quantities.  He immediately abandoned all thought of going further and acquired the property on which the outcrops occurred.  He then gave all his energy to the furtherance of what has since become one of the well-knwon mined of the district, and, indeed, the only nickel mine in South Africa – known as South African Minerals, Ltd. Vlakfontein.

Friday, March 8, 1929

In Memoriam
McKINNON.-  In loving memory of Isabella McKINNON, died 8th March, 1926.
(Inserted by her daughters.)

The sad and unexpected news was received in town to-day, of the death of Mr. W. Bertram COLLINGWOOD, who passed away at Grahamstown this morning after a short illness.  For some days Mr. COLLINGWOOD had complained of a severe headache, but nothing of a serious nature was thought of till Wednesday when Mrs. COLLINGWOOD on entering his room found him unconscious.  Everything possible was done for the patient, but, we understand, he never regained consciousness.  Mr. COLLINGWOOD came to South Africa about twenty years ago, his first appointments being in Queenstown as music master at Queenswood School and organist at Wesley Church.  During the years he spent in Queenstown he married Miss Ethel, youngest daughter of the late Mr. Stephen MORUM, while during the same period his parents, brother and two sisters came to reside in Queenstown.  Of the family only one remains to-day (Miss Edith – now Mrs. FORSTER).  It is expected that the funeral will take place in Queenstown, but more definite information will be given later.  The greatest sympathy of all will be extended to Mrs. COLLINGWOOD in her sudden bereavement.

Monday, March 11, 1929

COLLINGWOOD.-  At Grahamstown, on 8th March, 1929, W. Bertram COLLINGWOOD, M.A. (Oxon), A.R.C.O., aged 51 years.

The death has occurred of Lord FINALY at the age 86.  He was British member of the Permanent Court of Arbitration at the Hague in 1920, and member of the International Court of Justice of the League of Nations Assembly in 1921. – Reuter.
The death occurred at Grahamstown last night of Mr. W.J. CORDER, formerly a well-known business man who had lived in Grahamstown in retirement for some years. – Reuter.

A Fatal Accident
A two-year-old girl, names Patrima ABRAHAMS, was fatally injured in a remarkable bus accident at Woodstock, Capetown, on Wednesday night.  The girl and her aunt were travelling in the bus when a car collided with it at right angles and capsized it.  The few passengers escaped, but the child could not be found, so the searchers lit matches to look for it.  One man carless dropped a burning match on the bus and it caught fire and was burnt before the child was discovered inside it.  She died from her burns the following morning.

Tuesday, March 12, 1929

GRIEVE.-  At Johannesburg on 7th March to Dr. And Mrs. Robert GRIEVE, a son. (Still-born).

Wednesday, March 13, 1929

SPENCE.-  At Duncan Vale Nursing Home, on the 11th inst., to Captain and Mrs. I.B. SPENCE, a son.  Both doing well.

Thursday, March 14, 1929

The death is announced of General Sir Charles Newsham TROTMAN.-  Reuter.
The death has occurred of Henry Scott TUKE, R.A., who exhibited first at the Royal Academy in 1879. – Reuter.
The death is announced of Lord PHILLIMORE at the age of 83 years.  Lord PHILLIMORE was a Judge of the Queen’s Bench Division of the High Court of Justice from 1897 to 1913, and was Lord Justice of Appeal for three years.  Up to the time of his death he was Vice-President of the English Church Union. – Reuter.

Friday, March 15, 1929

Notice to Creditors
Estate late Kate MALLET, born JAMIESON, widow, of Queenstown...
Solicitors for Executor,
94, Cathcart Road,

Notice to Creditors
Estate of the late Mary Ann ROY and Surviving Spouse Ebenezer ROY, of Queenstown.  No. 21714...
Secretary, Queenstown Loan, Trust Co., Ltd. Queenstown
Agent for Executor Testamentary
P.O. Box 44,

Saturday, March 16, 1929

In Memoriam
DIXON.-  In loving memory of our dear father, William Joseph DIXON, who died on the 17th March, 1926.
Inserted by Harry and Annie ROBERTS.

Monday, March 18, 1929

In Memoriam
ACKERMAN.-  In loving memory of our late brother and son, Johnnie ACKERMANN.  Inserted by his parents, and brothers and sisters.

Tragic Accident near East London
Car crashes into telegraph pole
East London, Sunday.
A serious motor accident attended by tragic  consequences occurred at Cambridge – a suburb of East London – last evening.  An Overland car driven by Mr. J. ERICSON, with three passengers, hit a telegraph pole, then collided with a tree and turned upside down.  One passenger, Mr. J. WATSON, was badly injured and taken to the Frere Hospital, where he died in the early hours of this morning.  Mr. ERICSON and the other two passengers were unhurt.
The corner where the accident took place is dangerous and difficult to negotiate.  Mr. ERICSON has been charged with culpable homicide and released on bail of £100. – Reuter.

Tuesday, March 19, 1929

HOLLIDAY.-  On 17th March, to Mr. And Mrs. Leslie HOLLIDAY, Ashby Manor, a son.

Tuesday, March 19, 1929

The death is announced from London of Mr. J.C. GIBSON.  Mr. John Craigie GIBSON, is well-known both in commercial circles and as a pioneer in the missionary field.  He came to Capetown in 1889 and formed the firm of ARNOT and  GIBSON, general merchants, Mr. GIBSON was Chairman of the British Council of South Africa General Mission in London, and was for many years Chairman of the South African Executive of the Mission. – Reuter.

Thursday, March 21, 1929

HARTMAN-BREWIS.-  The engagement is announced of Miss Ruth HARTMAN, Vryheid, Natal, and Alexander (Pollie) BREWIS, Lady Frere, at Vryheid.

Local & General
The death occurred yesterday afternoon of Edward GRAY, a farmer of the Elliot district, at the age of sixty years.  A prominent member of all farming organisations, he was widely known and respected here and on the Border.- Reuter.

Friday, March 22, 1929

Estate late Jeremiah George WIGGILL, and Surviving Spouse Harriet Helen WIGGILL, of Queenstown.  No. 20570...
Attorneys for the Executrix Testamentary
Hexagon, Queenstown

Notice to Creditors
In the Estate of the late Ellen DAVOREN (formerly SHARROCK, born WARDLE) and surviving spouse Joseph William DAVOREN, of Sterkstroom.  No. 21805...
Attorney for Executor Testamentary
P.O. Box 6,
Sterkstroom, C.P.

Saturday, March 23, 1929

In Memoriam
HUGHES.-  In loving memory of our darling old Mother, C.M. HUGHES, who passed peacefully away on the 23rd March, 1925...

Monday, March 25, 1929

In Memoriam
ARNOTT.-  In loving memory of my dear husband, George ARNOTT, who departed this life March 25th, 1928.
Fondly remembered by his loving wife, Harriet and children.

RAWLINGS.-  Passed peacefully away at Dordrecht, on the 23rd March, Florence, the loving wife of A.J. RAWLINGS, and mother of Caryl and George.  Aged 50 years and 5 months.

Tuesday, March 26, 1929

Indwe Notes
Congratulations to Dr. And Mrs. KEAST on the arrival of a baby girl.
A baby has also arrived for Mr. DRAPKIN of the Royal Hotel, a “Baby Austin Car.”

Dordrecht Notes
Congratulations to Mr. D. KRUGER, manager of Cuthbert’s,  on his engagement to Miss STEENKAMP of Burghersdorp.

Thursday, March 28, 1929

Sterkstroom Notes
Congratulations to Miss Hetty BOSMAN, eldest daughter of our esteemed townsman, Mr. Isaak BOSMAN, the well-known pioneer, who was with the late Cecil RHODES, on her engagement to Mr. D.J. DE WET, a progressive young attorney practising at Hanover, Cape.

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