Cape of Good Hope Government Gazette 1830 - 2 - April to June
FRIDAY, APRIL 2, 1830.
DE Ondergeteekende zal op Maandag den 5 April aanstaande, aan den meestbiedenden publiek doen veroopen, al hetgeen tot den Boedel behoort van nu wylen Mevrouw de Wed. G.F. GRAND, geb. BERGH, bestaande in een zeer fraai betimmerd huis, staande en gelegen in deze Tafelvallei, aldaar op de Heerengracht No. 29; benevens eenige bekwame Slaven, waaronder zich bevinden een complete Schoenmaker en een ditto Huisjongen; alsmede zoodanige Goederen meer als te voorschyn zullen worden gebragt.
Voor de gezamenlyke Erfgenamen.
Weduwe E. BERGH.
Onder de Goederen, welke op Morgen middag om 1 uur te zien zyn, bevinden zich eenige Juwelen en twee snoeren echte Paarlen, benevens een Dames Horologie.
Den 2 April, 1820.
IEMAND iets te vorderen hebbende op den Boedel van wyl. Mevr. De Wed. G.F. GRAND, geb. BERGH, gelieve daarvan aangave te doen, en wel uiterlyk binnen de drie maanden, van beden gerekend, by de Ondergeteekende.
Kerkplein den 19 Maart 1830.
Voor de gezamenlyke Erfgenamen,
Weduwe E. BERGH.
De Ondergeteekende, Testamentaire Executeur des Boedels van wylen den Heer Louis Hendrik JORDAAN en nagelatene Weduwe Johanna Isabella UWES, begeerende gem. Boedel in een staat van liquidatie te brengen, roept alle de genen op, die eenige vordering op denzelven hebben, om dedaarvan alhier by den Ondergeteekenden, binnen den tyd van drie maanden, van heden gerekend, opgave te doen; en verzoekt ook de genen, die iets aan gem. Boedel verschuldigd zyn, hun debet binnen bovengem. Tyd aan hem te komen betalen.
Georgestad den 22 Maart 1830.
J.H. MEYER, q.q.
OP Mandaag den 12 der aanstaande maand April, ter Plaatse van den Heer Jacob DE VILLIERS, Az. Aan de Klapmuts, voor rekening van den Heer Gerrit NIEUWOUT, van 1000 stuks extra vette Schapen, de attentie van Slagters, Leveranciers van Schepen en andere particuliere personen ten hoogsten waardig.
Vendu Kantoor, Paart. 24 Maart 1830.
Zegt het voort.
DE Ondergeteende presenteert te koop of te huur, hare 3 Jongens genaamd Abraham, Johan, en Willem, geschikt tot alle Boerenwerk, voormaals Slaven geweest van C.M. STOFFBERG.
Leeuwestraat No. 7.
DE Ondergeteekende presenteert uit de hand te koop, op voordeelige voorwaarden, zyne Plaats genaamd Witfontein, in de nabyheid van Georgestad; de konditien zyn te vernemen by den Ondergeteekende, Langekloof.
Kaapstad, 1 April 1830.
EEN HUIS en COTTAGE, gelegen te Stellenbosch. – Indien niet uit de hand verkocht, zal hetzelve op den 8 April per Vendutie worden opgeveild.
Voor byzonderheden vervoege men zich by den Hr. E. GEORGE, in de Kaapstad.
Hetzelve kan bezigtigd worden, op aanvraag by den Hr. PRINGLE, aldaar.
AAN Bloedverwanten, Nabestaaden, Vrienden en Bekenden, wordt door deze bekend gemaakt, dat het God behaagd heft, myne Echtgenoote, door den dood, op den 26 Maart II. Van myne zyde weg te nemen. Ik verzoek aan rouwbeklag verschoond te mogen zyn.
Kaapstad den 1 April 1830.
AAN Familie, Nabestaanden en Vrienden wordt by deze kennis gegeven dat onze geliefde Moeder Catharina Johanna HARTONG, Weduwe wylen Gerrit SCHIERHOUT, op vrydag den 26 Maart 1830 is overladen, in den ouderdom van 48 jaren en 8 maanden.
Namens myne gezamenlyke Broeders,
In the English Church, Cape Town, on Sunday, the 28th March, 1830,
by the Rev. George HOUGH, M.A. Senior Colonial Chaplain.
A son of John ISAACS, a native of the Island of Johanna, baptized Francis.
At Mannenberg, in the Cape Downs, on Sunday, the 28th March, 1830.
by the Rev. Mr. SNOWDALL:
A daughter of Mr. Hermanus DEMPERS, baptized Geertruyda Wilhelmina.
A son of Mr. Paul Michiel BESTER, baptized Christiaan Jacob.
In St. George’s Church, Graham’s Town, on Sunday, 14th March, 1830,
by the Rev. W. CARLISLE, M.A. Chaplain:
A daughter of James and Ann FEWEL, baptized Elizabeth.
A daughter of Willem CHADWICH, baptized Olive Hester.
March 26. A son of Mr. Lawrence Holme TWENTYMAN, named Henry William, aged 1 year and 10 months.
27. John ROBINSON, seaman, of the ship Sir Thomas Munro, aged 35 years.
At Port Elizabeth.
Feb. 21. Frederick Edward Welsford CHABAUD, aged 10 months and 17 days.
28. Charlotte JACOBS, aged 32 years.
March 2. James McPHAIL, aged 35 years, 8 months, and 7 days.
14. John O’CONNOR, aged 25 years.
In de Nederduitsche Hervormde Kerk, op Zondag den 28 Maart,
Johan Fredrik PIETERSEN, met Sophia Christina WIEGELS.
Een zoon van den Her Francois Gerhard Myburgh, met name Gerhard.
Een zoon van Andreus Josephus HEYNS, met name Petrus Gerhardus.
Een zoon van Cornelis Marinus KORSTEN, met name Cornelis Marinus.
Een zoon van Jan EYSEN, met name Samuel Christiaan.
Een dochter van James ELLES, met name Carolina Elisabeth Wilhelmina.
Een dochter van Petrus Mattheus LUYT, met name Cornelia Clasina Johanna.
24 Maart, Barend Johannes MOLLER, Oud 41 jaren, 6 maanden en 25 Jaren.
26, Jufvrouw Catherina CLOETE, Huisvrouw van den Heer Rynier BECK, oud 58 jaren.
26, Geertruyda VAN DE KAAP, oud 60 jaren.
26, de Weduwe Catharina Johanna HARTONG, oud 48 jaren, 8 maanden en 3 dagen, Weduwe van wylen Gerrit SCHIERHOUT.
27, een jong-geb. zoon van Martha Catharina WIKS.
29, eene dochter van Dina DANIELSEN, met name Elisabeth Sophia Martienese, oud 18 jaren.
29, eene dochter van Johan Hendrik JANSEN, met name Martha Sebella Maria, oud 13 jaren en 11 maanden.
30, eene dochter van Johan Hendrik VOS, Jz. met name Helegonda Hendrica, oud 1 jaar en 20 dagen.
March 26. Ganges, ship, E. BOULTBEE, from Madras 26th Jan. bound to London. Cargo sundries.
– Passengers, Col. HOPPER, Capts. SYMES, BELL, and DOUGLAS; Messrs. WATKINS and ANSTREY; Mesdames PEARSON, SYMES, GIBSON, and BROWN; Miss PEARSON; 8 servants, and 4 children; 29 invalids, 2 women, and 1 child. - Brings a small mail.
27. Alexander, ship, A. ANDERSON, from Portsmouth 22nd January, bound to Calcutta. Cargo sundries.
– Passengers, Mrs. HOWELL; Messrs. HOWELL, FRASER, TRACY, ALLINGHAM, ROPER, 2 MACKINTOSH, and BOGGE. – In the steerage, Mrs. BOOTH, Miss EDWARDS, Mr. PATTEN, and 2 children. – Put in for water.
Spoke the schooner Active, from London, bound to N.S. Wales.
27. Pero, brig. W. RUTTER, from ST. Helena 2d March, for this port. Cargo sundries.
– Passengers, 3 invalids, 1 woman, and 2 children. – Brings a mail.
29. Corsair, schooner, R. PARVIS, from Rio 23d Feb. for this port and Bombay. Cargo old stores and ballast. – Passenger, Mr. RANCKE. – Brings a few letters.
The John arrived on the 21st February.
The Sir James Sumaurez, sailed the same day for the Cape.
29. Active, schooner, J. WRIGHT, from Ramsgate 19th Dec. bound to N.S. Wales. Cargo sundries.
– Passengers, Mrs. WRIGHT, and 2 daughters; Messrs. WILLIAMS and LEE.
30. Mary, brig. G. KILGOUR, from St. Helena 4th March, for this port. In ballast, - In steerage, 2 passengers. - Brings a mail.
30. Ellen, C. PATTERSON, from Liverpool 15th Jan. for this port. Cargo sundries. – Passenger, Mr. E. KING. – Brings a mail.
30. Fame, R. BULLEN, from Mauritius 6th March, for this port and London. Cargo sugar.
– Passengers, Messrs. GEARY and BALMANNO. – Brings a small mail.
31. Conch, T. COBERN, from Algoa Bay 28th March, for this port. Cargo Colonial produce.
– Passengers, Rev. Mr. WRIGHT, and 3 convicts.
The Pacific, which sailed from Table Bay for Liverpool on the 18th ult. has put into Saldanha Bay, leaky in her upper works.
March 25. Cornwallis, H. HENDERSON, for Mauritius.
27. Fairlie, J.F. FULLER, for London.
-- Courier, M. WATIES, for the Nantz.
28. Sir Thomas Munro, R. GILLIES, for Calcutta.
-- Ganges, E. BOULTBEE, for London.
29. City of Edinburgh, L. McKINNON, for Bristol.
30. Upton Castle, J. THACKER, for London.
-- Alexander, A. ANDERSON, for Calcutta.
31. Simpson, J.S. WARREN, for London.
March 26. H.N.M. Ship Bellona, Capt. DIBBETZ, from Batavia, bound to Texel.
– Passengers, His Excellency Viscount Du Bus DE GISIGNIES, Commissary-General for the Oriental Affairs of His Majesty the King of the Netherlands, and [Suite]
NOTICE is hereby given, that the following Slaves are confined in Cape Town Prison, viz: -
Christiaan, belonging to Willem STEENKAMP, residing in the District of Worcester, imprisoned since the [ ]th instant;
Alexander, alias William, belonging to Hendrik OLIVIER, residing in the District of Graaff-Reinet, imprisoned since the 29th instant.
Those concerned are desired to release said Slaves, - the former within one month, and the latter within two months from this date; otherwise they will be liberated, and the masters sued for the expense incurred during their confinement.
Police Office, Cape Town, 31st March, 1830.
C. DE LORENTZ, Superintendant of Police.
General Post Office, Cape Town, 2d April, 1830.
LETTERS are now received at this Office, and will be transmitted by the following opportunities, viz: -
To Holland, by H.N.M Ship Bellona,
-- England, by the Albion,
-- Mauritius, by the Hebe.
R. CROZIER, Postmaster-General.
Cape Town, 1st April, 1830.
IN Execution of the Judgments of the Supreme Court, in the under-mentioned Cases, the following Sales will take place, viz:
Carel Ferdinand Heinrich LUDWIG versus Michiel VAN BREDA, Servaas Son, and two others.
On Monday, the 12th April, 1830, at the defendant’s Place Rapenburg, situate near the Zwart River, in the Cape District, of Household furniture of various descriptions, Kitchen Utensils, 12 Pipes with Wine, 10 Pipes, 8 Brandy Pipes, a pair of Smith’s Bellows, 3 Horses, &c. &c.
William Ferrar VENABLES versus Jan Fredrik KIRSTEN.
On Tuesday, the 13th April, 1830, at the Defendant’s Place, situate near the Salt river, in the Cape District, of Household Furniture, consisting in Mahogany Sofas, Tables, Chairs, Bureaus, Book Case; a Bedstead with Bedding, complete; Looking Glasses, Pictures, Kitchen Utensils, a covered Cart, an open Cart, a Plough, a Fowling Piece, 4 Cows, 3 Horses, &c. &c.
Michiel Cornelis WOLFF, for the Firm of WOLFF & BARTMAN, versus Jacob MOSTERT.
On Wednesday, the 14th April, 1830, at the Defendant’s Residence, situated in the Cape Downs, of a male Slave named Damon, of this Colony; also, Household Furniture of various descriptions, Kitchen Utensils, 2 Fowling Pieces, a Bullock Waggon, complete; 20 Oxen, 2 Horses, &c. &c.
J. STEUART, High Sheriff.
THE Liquidation Account and Documents, relating to the Insolvent Estate of
Jan Martin ENSLIN,
will lie open at this Office for the inspection and examination of the Creditors, and those concerned, agreeably to the 44th, 45th, and 46th Articles of the late Sequestrator’s Instructions, for a term of four Weeks from Monday, the 5th instant.
Office of the Commissioner for adjusting the Affairs of the late Sequestrator’s and Joint Sequestrator’s Department, Cape Town, 1st April, 1830.
F.S. WATERMEYER, Commissioner.
In the Insolvent Estate of the late Marthinus Aegidius THEUNISSEN, Senior, of Ziekenhuys, Farmer.
A Special Meeting of Creditors under this Estate, will be held before the Master of the Supreme Court, in the Grand Jury Room, on Saturday, the 1st May next, at 10 o’Clock, A.M. for the proof of Debts, and also for the purpose of deciding whether the Slaves Hendrik, otherwise Robert Grietiker; Mariana, Elsje, and Emerentia, belonging to this Estate, shall be sold or not.
F.G. WATERMEYER, Sole Trustee.
THE Liquidation Account and Documents of the Insolvent Estate of Margaretha Aletta SLABBERT, and her surviving Husband George Nelson LOND, will lie open for the Inspection of Creditors and those concerned, during the period of 14 Days from this date, at the Office of Mr. Attorney POUPART.
Cape Town, 26th March, 1830.
J.G. STADLER, Trustees.
THE Testamentary Executors to the Estate of the late Mrs. Catharina Johanna HARTONG, Widow of the late Mr. Gerrit SCHIERHOUT, will sell by public Auction, on Wednesday and Tuesday, the 21st and 22nd April, the whole of the Effects, consisting of a House, and two Stores and Premises, situate in this Table Valley, in the Hout and Berg – Street; likewise, Slaves, among whom are a Cook and a good House Servant; further, Plate, Kitchen Utensils, Household Furniture, &c. &c.
Cape Town, 1st April, 1830.
NOTICE is hereby given to Relatives and Friends, that it hath pleased the Almighty to remove from this World, on the 26th ultimo, my beloved Wife. I request to be excused the visits of condolence.
Cape Town, 1st April, 1830.
DIED, on Friday, the 26th March, 1830, our beloved Mother Catharina Johanna HARTONG, Widow of the late Gerrit SCHIERHOUT, of which Notice is hereby given to Relatives and Friends.
In the name of my joint Brothers,
DIED, on the 18th instant, after a painful illness of 31 days, which she bore with great resignation, my dearly beloved Wife Christina Jacomina ZONDAGH, born VAN ROOYEN aged 19 years and 4 days; of which I hereby give notice to Relatives and Friends.
Lange Kloof, District of George, 20th March, 1830.
Petrus Hendrik ZONDAGH.
Meesters Bureau, 1 April 1830.
NADEMAAL de Boedel van Servaas HEUSER, van het Rondeboschje, Kaapsch Distrikt, Landbouwer, behoorlyk onder Sequestratie is gesteld in handen van den Meester van het Hooge Geregtshof; zoo word teen ieder by deze opgeroepen, die eenige pretension op den voorm. Boedel heft, om twee Byeenkomsten der Crediteuren by te wonen, welke zullen gehouden worden ten overstain van gem. Meester, in de Groote Jury Kamer, in de publieke Gebouwen, Kaapstad, de eerste op Zaturdag den 17 dezer, precies ten 12 uren, tot het bewyzen der schulden, en de tweede op Zaturdag den 24 dezer, precies ten 11 uren, mede tot het bewyzen der schulden en om een of meer Curatoren te verkiezen om gem. Boedel te administreren.
Clerke BURTON, Meester van het Hooge Geregtshof.
In het Hooge Geregtshof.
Meesters Bureau, 31 Maart 1830.
In de Zaak van de Insolvente Boedels van
Wylen Susanna Johanna ESTERHUIZEN, Weduwe wylen Gerhardus LOTTER,
Hermanus Adriaan BEYLEVELD,
Petrus Melt VAN DER SPUY,
Petrus Johannes TRUTER, Hz.
Johan Fredrik MUNNIK.
De Meester gerapporteerd hebbende, dat de Likwidatie Rekeningen in de bovengem. Insolvente Boedelsw vry zyn van alle objective, zyn dezelve geconfirmeerd en dienvolgens gelaat te worden verdeeld.
Van wege het Hof,
Clerke BURTON, Meester van het Hooge Geregtshof.
Donderdag den 18 Maart 1830.
In de Zaak van Johan Nicolaas JOONE, Insolvent.
HEBBENDE gelezen het Rapport van den Meester, da thy, ingevolge de Order van het Hof, gedateerd den 23 Feb. 1830, by Advertentie in de Gouvernements Courant, die Crediteuren had opgeroepen, die hunne schriftelyke toestemming tot de Acte van Rehabilitatie van bovegem. Insolvent niet hadden gegeven, om te compareren en redenen te toonen, zoo er eenige waren, warom de gez. Johan Nicolaas JOONE de gezegde Acte van Rehabilitatie niet zoude bekomen, en dat geen der voorm. Creditenren van de gez. Johan Nicolaas JOONE geregtigd is om de gez. Acte van Rehabilitatie te hekomen, en wordt hierop gelast, dat de gez. Johan Nicolaas JOONE dadelyk worde gerehabiliteerd, zoo als hy by deze wordt gerehabiliteerd volgens regten.
FRIDAY, APRIL 9, 1830.
DIED, at Uitenhage, on the 21st March, 1830, Charlotte SINGLETON, Daughter of Mr. Wm. SINGLETON, aged 18 years, 6 months, and 21 days.
Meesters Bureau, 8 April 1830.
NADEMAAL de Boedel van William FORBES, van de Kaapstad, Schoenmaker, behoorlyk onder Sequestratie is gesteld in handen van den Meester van het Hooge Geregtshof; zoo word teen ieder by deze opgeroepen, die eenige pretension op den vorm. Boedel heft, om twee Byeenkomsten der Crediteuren by te wonen, welke zullen gehouden worden ten overstain van gem. Meester, in de Groote Jury Kamer, in de publieke Gebouwen, Kaapstad, de eerste op Zaturdag den 24 April, precies ten 12 uren, tot het bewyzen der schulden, en de tweede op Zaturdag den 1 Mei, precies ten 11 uren, mede tot het bewyzen der schulden en om een of meer Cratoren te verkiezen om gem. Boedel te administreren. En alle de genen die vermeenen gerigtgd te zyn als Crediteuren in dezen Boedel, worden verzocht kennis te nemen, dat de Heer Richard Webber EATON, van No. 12, Heerengracht, Kaapstad, Boekhouder, tot provisioneel Curator is benoemd.
Clerke BURTON, Meester van het Hooge Geregtshof.
WEESMEESTEREN, versus Jacob Daniel DE VILLIERS, Jansz.
Op Woensdag den 21 April 1830, ter Verweerders Plaatse, gelegen naby het Dorp Stellenbosch, ten 9 uren morgens, van 46 Leggens Wyn, 5 Stakvaten, 8 Vaten, 29 Leggers, 2 halve ditto, 10 groote en 2 kleine Balies.
Op Dingsdag den 27 April 1830, ter Verweerders Plaatse, gelegen aan Wagenmakersvallei, Distrikt Stellenbosch, ten 9 uren’s morgens, van Huismeubelen van diverse soorten, Keukengereedschap,
ledige Vaten, enz. enz.
Andries BRINK, Dz. Versus Abraham H. PRINS.
Op Vrydag den 30 dezer, ter Verweerders Plaatse, gelegen achter den Paardenberg, in het Distrikt Stellenbosch, ten 9 uren’s morgens, van Huismeubelen, Keukengereedschap, een open Ossenwagen, 4 Paarden, 6 Merries, en 1 Veulen, een stel Tuigen, een Bankschroef, een Jagtgeweer, een Ploeg, eene kwantiteit Stroo, enz. enz.
J. STEUART, Baljuw.
….[the top of the scanned page is missing…]den Commissaris, bestaande in :-
Zeker stuk altoosdurend Erfpachtland, gelegen in hef Distrikt fan Stellenbosch, naby’t dorp de Paarl, groot in zyn grond 1 morgen 165 kwadraat roeden en 45 dito voeten, met het daaropstaande Woonhuis, bevattende een Voorhuis en Kamer, benevens een Keuken afzonderlyk; beplant met diverse Vruchtboomen en Wyngaardstokken; voorts Meubilaire Goederen; mitsgaders de volgende Slaven en Slavinnen, als: -
Philander van de Kaap, oud 18 ¾ jaar, Werkjongen; Coba, Huismeid, oud 13 ½ jaar, met hare Kinderen, Femmie, geb. den 6 Augustus 1820, Saartje, geb. den 5 October 1822, en Klaas, geb. den 6 Juny 1825, allen van de Kaap; Sarina, Huismeid, oud 22 ¾ jaar, met haar Kind Philida, geb. den 27 Maart 1829, beiden van de Kaap.
De Koopschat, zoo van het Erf en Slaven, zal op renten gelaten worden, onder Securiteit, mits afbetalende 10 per Cent. Van den Koopschat der Slaven, tot goemaking der kosten van het Vendu – Departement.
P.J. DU TOIT, Pz. Curatoren.
Jan Gysbert DU PREEZ, zal op den 22 en 23 dezer maand, op zyne Woonplaats Krombeksrivier, per publieke Vendutie doen verkoopen, 1500 extra vette Hamels, 600 Aanfokschapen, 500 Spaansche ditto, 200 Trekossen, in zeer goeden staat, waarvan het grootste gedeelte Bastaards, 150 Aanfokbeesten, meest van Europisch ras, 20 [ ] 30 jonge Hengsten en Ru[inen], 2 bastaard Engelsche Springhengsten, een aantal beste Merries, van Engelsch en Spaansch ras, 2 span goede Trekpaarden, 2 komplete nieuwe Ossenwagens, 2 dito Paarden ditto, 200 mudden Garst, eene kwanfiteit gewilde Negotiegoederen, en de welbekende Plaats Plattekop, gelegen tusschen Kafferkuils- en Valscherivier, geschikt voor alle soorten van Vee, en het geheele jaar door voorzien van volop Water.
De Vendutie zal op 8 maanden Crediet worden gehouden. Koopers die 500 Rds. Besteden, kunnen het geld een jaar; 1000 Rds. Twee Jaren; 2000 Rds. En daar boven, drie Jaren op renten blyven behouden, mits stellende voldoende Securiteit.
NB. Goed eten en drinken zal volop worden gegeven.
Krombeksrivier den 1 April 1830.
OP Maandag den 12 April aanstaande, zal in de Kerkstraat alhier worden verkocht, de geheele Nalatenschap van wylen G.H. MEYER en nagelatene Weduwe Elsje KRUGER, bestaande in een Huis en Erf, drie kapitale Slaven, Wagen- en Rypaarden, 1 span Tuigen, Timmermans- en Smidsgereedschappen, een Koornharp, eenige mudden Koorn en Kaf, Huismeubelen, en verder al hetgeen ten dage der Verkooping zal worden aangeboden.
NB. Ook word teen elk, die iets van den Boedel te vorderen heeft, opgeroepen, hunne vorderingen, binnen den tyd van drie maanden, op te geven by de Weduwe van bovengem. MEYER, en die iets verschuldigd zyn, worden verzocht insgelyks binnen gem. Tyd hunne debita af te dragen.
Tulbagh den 19 Maart. 1830.
De Ondergeteekende, Testamentaire Executeur des Boedels van wylen den Heer Louis Hendrik JORDAAN en nagelatene Weduwe Johanna Isabella UWES, begeerende gem. Boedel in een staat van liquidatie te brengen, roept alle de genen op, die eenige vordering op denzelven hebben, om daarvan alhier by den Ondergeteekenden, binnen den tyd van drie maanden, van heden gerekend, opgave te doen; en verzoekt ook de genen, die iets aan gem. Boedel verschuldigd zyn, hun debet binnen bovengem. Tyd aan hem te komen betalen.
Georgestad den 22 Maart 1830.
J.H.MEYER, q.q.
De Ondergeteekende presenteert uit de hand te koop, op voordeelige voorwaarden, zyne Plaats genaamd Witfontein, in de nabyhheid van Georgestad; de konditien zyn te vernemen by den Ondergetekend, Langekloop.
Kaapstad, 1 April 1830.
DE Ondergeteekende, daartoe gekwalificeerd, zal op Vrydag den 30 dezer, ter Plaatse Pikenierskloof, aan de zyde van de Olifantsrivier, publiek doen verkoopen, den geheelen Inboedel van Abraham MOUTON, de oude, bestaande in een aantal Ry – en Aanfokpaarden, Trekossen en Aanfokbeesten, Schapen en Bokken, benevens 2 Wagens, 1 Kar, Meubilaire Goederen, en Bouwgereedschappen.
Clanwilliam den 1 April 1830.
OVERLEDEN, te Uitenhage, op den 21 Maart 1830, Charlotte SINGLETON, Dochter van den Hr. W. SINGLETON, oud 18 jaren, 6 maanden en 21 dagen.
In de Nederduitsche Hervormde Kerk, op Zondag den 4 April,
Hendrik Fredrik VISSER, met Cecilia Geesje Elsabe LAUBSCHER.
Op Woensdag den 7 April, met byzondere Licentie,
De Wel-Ed. Heer Johannes Joachim Lodewyk SMUTS, Weduwenaar, met Mejufvrouw Maria de Villiers, Weduwe van wylen den Wel-Ed. Hr. Pieter WOUTERSEN.
Een zoon van Ryk Christiaan VAN GEEMS, met name Jacobus Wilhelm.
Een zoon van Christiaan Pieter VERWY, met name Gysbert Cornelis.
Eene dochter van Johan Christiaan ZIEDEL, met name Cicilia Juliana Elizabeth.
Eene dochter van Petrus Johannes DE VILLIERS, Abraham Iz. met name Margaretha Elisabeth.
In de Luthersche Kerk, op Zondag den 4 April,
Een zoon van den Heer Jan Willem NELSON, met name Anthony.
Eene dochter van Andreas F. DE VILLIERS, met name Charlotta Maria.
1, John GRASY, oud 53 jaren.
3, Mateus LOUWER, oud 64 jaren, 11 manden en 3 dagen.
3, Lodewyk VOLMA, oud 38 jaren.
4, Jufvrouw Margaretha Geertruida STEYTLER, oud 43 jaren en 17 dagen. Huisvrouw van den Heer H.G. MUNTINGH.
4, een zoon van Elisabeth DE VOS, met name Hendrik John BOSMAN, 1 jaar, 7 maanden en 13 dagen.
5. Een zoon van Jasem ADAMSE, met name Mattheus, oud 15 maanden.
In the English Church, Cape Town, on Sunday, the 4th April, 1830,
by the Rev. George HOUGH, M.A. Senior Colonial Chaplain.
A son of Mr. Thomas SINCLAIR, baptized Thomas Kennet.
A daughter of Mr. John Albert SINCLAIR, baptized Anna Christina.
A daughter of Mr. John ANSON, baptized Hannah.
In the English Church, Wynberg, on Sunday, the 28th March, 1830,
by the Rev. G.C. GOODISON, A.M. Acting Chaplain, &c.
A son of Capt. Augustus VAN RENEN, of the Bengal Artillery, baptized John Adrian.
On Sunday, the 4th April,by ditto:
A daughter of Relief and Esther, natives of the Cape, baptized Margaret Seller.
A daughter of Willemse and Eva, of ditto, baptized Christina Margaret.
A daughter of Cornelius and Esther SASSMAN, of ditto, baptized Esther Christina.
A daughter of the same, baptized Martha Esther.
A son of the same, baptized Peter Robert Henry.
A son of Mackey and Jane, natives of Mozambique, baptized Abraham Mackey.
In the Military Chapel, on Sunday, the 4th April, by ditto:
A daughter of Asst. Surgeon ARMSTRONG, of H.M. 98th Regt. baptized Mary Ann.
On Monday, the 5th April, by ditto:
A daughter of Color Sergt. George BLAKE, of H.M. 98th Regt. baptized Martha.
In St. Andrew’s Church, Cape Town, on Sunday, the 21st March, 1830,
by the Rev. J. ADAMSON, D.D.
A daughter of Mr. B. MORGAN, baptized Henrietta.
On Sunday, the 4th April, by ditto:
A daughter of William JOHNSTON, Sergt. 72d Highlanders, baptized Wilhelmina.
A daughter of Mr. P. MACDOUGAL, baptized Frances Maria.
April 1. Mrs. Mary ADAMS, wife of Mr. James ADAMS, aged 65 years, 7 months, and 16 days.
1. John GEASY, a pensioner, late of 38th Regt. aged 53 years.
1. Mrs. Elizabeth THOMSON, wife of Mr. Robert THOMSON, aged 38 yrs.
2. Joseph TRUEMAN, Esq. aged 25 years and 6 months.
2. Mrs. Emma Warren CORBITT, wife of Mr. William CORBITT, aged 35 years.
6. Robert BIRD, a pensioner, late of 30th Regt. of Foot, aged 50 years.
April 3. Minerva, schooner, R. HARE, from London 17th Dec. for this port and Mauritius. Cargo sundries.
– Passengers, Mrs. HARE and child. – Brings a mail.
Spoke the Indian, from Liverpool to Calcutta.
6. Aurora, ship, S. OWEN, from Calcutta 28th Jan. bound to London. Cargo general.
– Passengers, Mesdms. DEWALL, SALMON, STEPHENS, BLUET, FERGUSSON, CORFIELD, O’DWYER, and Miss AFORD; Lieuts. CORFIELD and PHILLIPS; Messrs. O’DWYER, THORNBOURN, RAWLINS, McINTOSH, and HAMILTON; 24 children, and 8 servants. – Brings a mail.
On the 28th March, spoke the Wellington, bound to London.
6. Mary Ann, ship, W. HORNBLOW, from Madras 5th Feb. bound to London. Cargo sundries.
– Passengers, Mesdms. WILLOWS, WEBSTER, TRAIN, BRADY, and EASTGATE; Lieut.-Col. LEE; Major WILLIAMS; Lieut. McDONALD’ Messrs. HADDON, WRIGHT, BRITAIN, and NEALE; 17 children, 6 servants, and 1 soldier. – Put in for refreshments.
8. Flamingo, S. SCOREY, from Algoa Bay 1st April, for this port. Cargo Colonial produce.
– Passengers, Mesdms. THORNHILL and FAREWELL; Misses GRIFFITH, LUMLEY, PAGE, and CALDICOT; Mr. FLEETWOOD, 1 child, 1 servant, and 1 slave boy.
8. United States Corvette Vincennes, W.B. FINCH, Esq. Mrom Manilla 9th Feb. bound to the United States. – Put in for refreshments.
8. Columbia, C. KIRKWOOD, from Calcutta 5th Feb. bound to Liverpool Cargo sundries.
– Passengers, Mesdames BAYLEY, ARNOLD, and WYNNE, Capts. WETHERSPOON, and ARNOLD; Lieuts. BAYLEY and NESBIT; Messrs. G. & W. SCOTT, CRAW, and GIBSON; 6 children, and 6 servants. –Put in for refreshments.
On the 9th March, bound to Bombay to repair, spoke the Lady Flora, in a leaky state, lat 18.49.S. long. 82.30 E.
8. Mount Steuart Elphinstone, A. HENNING, from Bombay 22d Jan. bound to London. Cargo sundries.
– Passengers, Mesdms. LEWIN and STOKOE; Capts. STOKOE, SMITH, and TULLOCK; Lieuts. GRANT, KEENE, DENMAN, McPHERSON, CHINREY, and BUCKLEY; 5 children, and 1 servant; with invalids. – Brings a mail.
April 4. Quos Ego, M. LAURIOLLE, for Saldanha Bay.
4. H.M. Ship Falcon, Capt. COLPOYS, on a cruise.
8. Fame, bark, R. BULLEN, for London.
8. Usk, brig. T. LONG, after returning.
8. Constitution, schooner, after returning.
April 2. Silence, brig. T. JACKSON, from Table Bay 1st April, for this port, with Government Stores.
April 4. H.M. Ship Espoir, Capt. GREVILLE, for Mozambique.
FRIDAY, APRIL 16, 1830.
STOLEN, about a month ago, two Horses, one brown, and one cream-colored, from the Place Olifants Fontein, belonging to F.X. JURGENS. – Whoever meets with the said Horses, and returns them, shall be rewarded; and those keeping them in possession, will be prosecuted according to Law.
Cape Town, 14th April, 1830.
And. BRINK, Ds. q.q.
BIRTH. At Cape Town, on the 2nd April, Mrs. George MARSH, of a Son.
DIED, on the 13th April, 1830, my dearly-beloved wife Maria Dorothea BOLLEURS, of which I hereby give Notice to Relatives and Friends.
Jacob EKSTEEN. J.P. Son.
In den Insolventen Boedel van wylen Hendrik Emanuel BLANCKENBERG, Sen.
De verbeterde Likwidatie Rekening van den bovengem. Boedel, zal voor den tyd van veertien dagen, van Maandag den 19 dezer, ten Huize van den tweeden Ondergeteekenden, Gravestraat No. 12, ter visie van Crediteuren en Belanghebbenden openliggen.
H.A. SANDENBERGH, Curatoren.
DIED, at Klein Drakenstein, on the 13th instant, my dear Wife Anna Aletta RETIEF, aged 53 years, - of which sorrowful loss I hereby give Notice to Relatives and friends.
Daniel Gerhardus MALAN, Danlz.
Aan Nabsestaanden en Vrienden wordt bekend gemaakt, dat onze teergeliefde Vader, de Manhafte Heer W. H. KIRSTEN, op dne ouderdom van 65 jaren, 8 maanden en 17 dagen; welk verlies zoo voor ons beiden als myne Zusters smartelyk valt, daar wy voor 13 maanden hebben verloren onze dierbare Moeder, Mejuvrouw M. C. KIRSTEN, geb. GROVE.
Riebeeksfontein den 17 April 1830.
DE volgende Artikelen, als:-
Een dubbeld gestopte Zadel, en
Een enkel Toom,
Gevonden zynde naby het Huis van den Hr. Adriaan DENYS, Roodebloem, zoo wordt de Eigenaar verzocht zich op dit Bureau binneneene maand van dato dezer te vervoegen, wyl dezelve anders per publieke Vendutie voor het Stadhuis zullenworden verkocht.
Bureau van den Klerk van het Vrede -
geregt, Kaapstad, 19 April 1830.
Daniel J. CLOETE, Klerk van het Vredegeregt.
Christoffel Hendrik OLIVIER, van Graaff-Reinet, zal op donderdag den 29 dezer loopende maand April, ter Plaatse van den Heer Jan UYS, aan Pampoenekraal, publiek aan de meestbiedende laten verkoopen, circa 300 vetteslagtossen en Beesten, zoo, mede eenige spannen bekwame Trekbossen. – H.O. acht het overtollig het Publiek zyn Vee aan te pryzen, terwyl de Heeren, die gewoon zyn van hem te koopen, overtuigd zyn dat zyn Vee altos in de beste konditie wordt opgebragt.
Graaff-Reinet den 6 April 1830.
DOOR de Ondergeteekenden, Curatoren in den Insolventen Boedel van Hendrik Oostwald EKSTEEN, H. Oz. Zaturdag den 24st en dezer, ten 9 uren des morgens, op de Stads Markt, zullen publiek worden verkocht, voor rekening van bovenstaanden Boedel, 20 stuks Trekossen in den besten staat.
F.G. WATERMEYER, Gezamenlyke Curatoren
Deze Ossen uitgekozen zynde uit een getal van 80, zyn de attentie van Koopers wel waard.
PUBLIEKE VERKOOPING, op Maandag den 10 der aanstaande maand Mei, ter Plaatse van den Heer MEIRING, voormaals het Eigendom van den Heer Abraham Paul DE VILLIERS, voor rekening van den Heer J.L. SCHMITZ, van 1,000 extra vette schapen en 100 zoo Trek – als Slagbeesten, de attentive der Liefhebbers waardig. Zegt het voort.
Vendu-Kantoor, Paarl den 21 April 1830.
PUBLIEKE VERKOOPING, op aanstaanden Maandag den 26 dezer, ter Plaatse van den Heer A.M.MEIRING, voormaals het Eigendom van den Heer A.P. DE VILLIERS, voor rekening van den Heer J.S.N. DE VILLIERS, Jz. van 600 Schapen en Bokken, en 30 Slagtbeesten. – Zegt het voort.
J.L. PRETORIUS zal op Donderdag den 6 Mei aanstaande, per publieke Vendutie laten verkoopen, ter Plaatse van den Heer Jan UYS, aan Pampoenekraal, circa 140 extra vette Slagtossen en Beesten, de attentive van Koopers wel waardig.
Cradock den 12 April 1830
ALLE de genen, die vermeenen mogten eenige vordering te hebben op den Boedel van nu sylen den Hr. Johannes Jacobus SCHOLTZ, Senior, worden verzocht dezelve binnen den tyd van drie maanden, gerekend van heden, te willen opgeven by den Heer W.A. SMUTS. Georgestad; terwyl die genen, die aan vorm. Boedel iets verschuldigd zyn, mede worden genoodigd, zulks binnen den hierboven gem. Tyd aan gez. W. SMUTS te willen afdragen.
Georgestad den 19 April 1830.
C.MARAIS, Executeur.
VERLOREN, omtrent 5 weken geleden, van de Zeekoe Vley, in de Kaapsche Vlakte, een span Ossen, - waarvan 2 bastaard Vaderlandsche en de overage van Afrikaansch ras: eenige zyn geheel zwart, andere zwart met witte plekken, 4 rood en 1 wit.
De bovengem. Ossen zyn voor het Zuid-Afrikaansch Instituut gekocht op eene publieke Vendutie, gehouden door Mr. RUTHVEN, voormaals van Worcester, op de stads Markt achter het Kasteel. – Daar men reden heft te veronderstellen dat dezelve gestolen zyn, worden alle Veldkornets verzocht dezelve aan te houden, zoo zy in hun Distrikt ontdekt worden.
In de Nederduitsche Hervormde Kerk, op Zondag den 18 April,
Jacobus Arnoldus SCHIKKERLING, met Johanna Jacoba Hillegonda KOTZEE.
Christiaan Fredrik CORNELISSE, met Susanna Hendrika Rosina RUTGERS.
In de Luthersche Kerk, op Zondag den 18 April,
Christiaan STADLER, met Petronella Elisabeth EELDERS.
Een zoon van Elisabeth Helena Henrietta GREEFF, met name Juleus Hendrik.
Eene dochter van den Wel-Ed. Heer Andries BRINK, Cornelisz. Met Maria Petronella Elisabeth.
Eene dochter van Job ROYAL, met name Gerhardina Susanna.
Eene dochter van Evert POZYN, met name Christina Elizabeth Everina.
Eene dochter van Aletta Maria HANZEN, met name Christina Geertruyda Susara Dorothea.
In de Luthersche Kerk, op Zondag den 18 April,
Een zoon van den Hr. Christopher Hudson McCOMB, met name Robert Woodcock.
Eene dochter van den Hr. Dirk Erasmus WENTZEL, met name Theodocia Maria Susanna.
17 April, eene dochter van Johanna Rachel STEENBERG, met name Constantia, oud 7 maanden.
17, eene dochter van Thomas SMITH, met name Mary Ann, oud 4 jaren en 24 dagen.
18, eene dochter van Gert Leopold EHLERS, met name Elizabeth Elsabee, oud 7 jaren en 6 maanden.
18, Johannes BESSINGER, oud 68 jaren, 3 maanden en 24 dagen.
20, de Wel-Ed. Heer Lucas Fredrik FISCHER, oud 57 jaren.
In St. Andrew’s Church, Cape Town, on Thursday, the 15th April, 1830.
by the Rev. J. ADAMSON, D.D.
George ROBB, Esq. of the ship Leda, to Miss Johanna Justina VAN NIEKERK.
At Leeuwen Rust Garden, on Monday, the 19th April, 1830,
by the Rev. A.FAURE:
Major William Donald ROBERTSON, of the Bombay Army, to Maria, relict of the late Lieut. HALL, of the same Presidency.
In the Military Chapel, Cape Town, on Thursday, 22d April, 1830,
by the Rev.F. FALLOWS, A.M. Astronomer Royal:
A daughter of the Rev. V.C. GOODISON, A.M. Chaplain to the Forces, baptized Eleanor Anne.
In the English Church, Cape Town, on Sunday, the 18th April, 1830,
by the Rev. G. HOUGH, M.A. Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A son of Mr. Thomas HAYLETT, baptized Abraham Thomas.
In the English Church, Port Elizabeth, on Sunday, the 21st March, 1830,
by the Rev. F. McCLELAND, A.B. Chaplain:
A son of David Jacobus ENGELA, baptized David Johan.
At Uitenhage, on Wednesday, the 24th March, by ditto:
A son of William Walter HARDING, Esq. baptized George Henry.
April 15. Mrs. Clara Charlotte KINGHAM, wife of Mr. William KINGHAM, aged 50 years.
16. Mr. Thomas GODFREY, aged 38 years, 6 months, and 22 days.
20. Mrs. Sophia Louisa Bestly WHITCOMB, wife of Charles WHITCOMB, Esq. aged 34 years, 3
months, and 1 day.
At Port Elizabeth.
March 30. Alexander ROBERTSON, aged 37 years, 2 months, and 18 days.
April 1. Eliza Sarah McPHAIL, aged 1 year and 3 months.
April 16. George, cutter, J. FONTENOY, from a Sealing Voyage, with seal skins and oil.
20. Zefira, Brazilian bark, L. Jose MARIA, from Inhamban 11th March, bound to Rio, with 622 slaves.
– Passengers, Capt. Don Jose DA ROCHE, ANDRODA, BARBOZ DA LUZ, and Mrs. DA ROCHE. – Put in for water.
20. Feejee, W.M. GOWAN, from Liverpool 4th Feb. for this port and Batavia. Cargo Sundries.
April 17. Mary, G.KILGOUR, for St. Helena.
17. Mary Anne, W. HORNBLOW, for London.
18. Resolution, F. GOLDSWORHTY, for Rio.
18. Flamingo, J. SCOREY, for Algoa Bay.
18. Madeline, F.R. COGHLAN, for London.
19. US. Corvette Vincennes, Capt. FINCH, for the United States.
21. George IV, S. PHELPS, for Algoa Bay.
21. Calypso, P. HUTCHINSON, for London.
21. Luna, R. KNOX, for the Knysna.
21. Minerva, R. HARE, for Mauritius.
21. Charles Kerr, J. BRODIE, for London.
21. Rifleman, A. BLEASDALE, for London.
April 18. Daphne, Brazilian schooner, J.M. MAIRA, from Mozambique 13th March, bound to Rio, with 251 slaves.
– Passengers, 4 seamen lately belonging to the British ship Ann Elizabeth.
This vessel is placed under quarantine. – Twenty slaves died on the passage, and a considerable number remain now sick on board.
April 18. Orient, Capt. WHITE, for England.
FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 1830. NO. 73.
This issue not included – what has been scanned appears to be the same as 16th April apart from the first page? Either missed or the issue itself is missing from the Stellenbosch University Library?
FRIDAY, APRIL 30, 1830.
BERIGT. – B.J. VAN DE SANDT, behoorlyk geadmitterd en geenrolleerd zynde als den der Translateurs het Hooge Geregtshof dezer Kolonie, geeft by deze kennis, da thy met [ ]oegen alle zoodanige Documenten, welke aan hem ter vertaling zuilen [ ]den toevertrouwd, zal aannemen ten zynen Huize No.7, St Janstraat.
Kaapstaat den 28 April 1830.
OP den 17 en 18 Mei aanstaande, zal in de Kaapstad, op last van het Kollegie van Weesmeesteren, voor rekening des Boedels van wylen Carel Wilhelm Ludwich SCHNAAR en zyne nagelatene Weduwe Anna Catharina PFLUGER, worden verkocht:-
Een Huis en Erf, gelegen als boven, in Blok O. O. zynde een gedeelte van No. 9;
Alsmede, Huismeubelen, eenig Zilver -, Koper-, Tin-, Glas- en Aarde[….the end of the sentence is obscured by a fold in the page….]
Weeskamer, Kaap de Goede Hoop, 21 April 1830.
ALLE de genen die eenige action of pretension hebben op de ondervolgende door de Weeskamer geadministreerd wordende Boedels, als:-
Van wylen Hendrik Daniel VAN DYK,
------------- Wessel Jurie VAN DYK, en nagelaene Weduwe Johanna Susanna GROENEWALD,
------------- Benjamin GREEN.
------------- Dirk Wouter HOFFMAN, Mattiamzoon,
------------- Johannes Jacobus DE KLERK, en nagelatene Weduwe Johanna Christina HANEKOM.
------------- Carel Wilhelm Ludwich SCHNAAR, en nagtelatene Weduwe Anna Catharina PFLUGER.
Van Johannes Bernardus SWART, en overledene Huisvrouw Judith Magdalena GROENEWALD,
Van wylen Johan CASPER,
------------- den Hottentot Jefta,
------------- den Vryzwart José,
worden by deze verzocht dezelve, met de daartoe behoorende bewyzen, binnen den tyd van 3 maanden, van heden gerekend, ter Weeskamer te komen opgeven, op poene van verstek.
Terwyl alle zoodanigen, die aan voorn Nalatenschappen iets verschuldigd zyn, by deze worden aangemaand, deze hunne schulden voor de expiratie van gez. Termyn ter Weeskamer in te brengen en te voldoen, op poene van by nalatigheid, door middelen van regten daartoe te zullen worden geconstringeerd.
Weeskamer, Kaap de Goede hoop, 28 April 1830. H. TENNANT, Sec.
Insolventen Boedel van Jan Diderik MOHR.
WORDT hierby narigt gegeven, dat de Likwidatie Rekening rakende opgemelden Boedel, voor den tyd van drie weken, gerekend van den 24 dezer, ter visie zal liggen van Crediteuren en Belanghebbenden, ten Huize van den eersten Ondergeteekender alsmede by den Heer. W.N. VOS, te Tulbagh.
Kaapstad den 22.
April 1830.
D.J. DE VAAL. Curatoren.
Publieke Verkooping in het Dorp Stellenbosch.
OP Vrydag den 14 Mei aanstaande, ‘s morgens ten uren, zullen door de ondergeteekende Curatoren per publieke Vendutie wordenverkocht, de volgende Slaven, als:-
Daniel, van deze Kolonie, 31 ¼ jaar, kleedermaker,
Saartje, 33 ¾ jaar, huismeid, met hare drie Kinderen, genaamd (2) Constantia, geboren den 30 Nov. 1824, Coba, geboren den 9 Aug. 1827, en Wilhelmina, geboren den 9 July 1829, allen van deze Kolonie, Constantia, van Ternate, 49 ¾ jaar, huismeid,
Alsmede, een Kapwagen een Jagtgeweer, een rond zilver Schenkblad, Sofa Tafel, Etenstagel, Boeken, kopere Ketels, en diverse andere Goederen, - alles behoorende tot den Insolventen Boedel van wylen deneer Hendrik VAN DE GRAAFF, in leven Vendumeester van het Distrikt Stellenbosch, en zyne nagelatene Weduwe Jufvrouw Cornelia Tiba BODE.
29 April 1830.
S. OLIVER, Curatoren.
DE Heer Isaak Jacobus DE VILLIERS, Isaakz. Zal op Vrydag den 7 Mei aanstaande, ter Plaatse van den Heer Hermanus Christoffel ESTERHUIZE, aan de Klapmuts, publiek verkoopen, 800 extra vette Schapen, welke op den dag der Verkooping zeker zullen present zyn.
Vendu Kantoor, Kerkstraat No.18, Stellenbosch, 28 April 1830.
DE ondergeteekende Executeuren des Boedels van wylen Jufvrouw Beatrix Hendrina MOSTERT, Weduwe wylen Jan Fred. HUYSAMER, maken zoo aan de Bloedverwanten als aan de aanbestaande Familie bekend, dat zy Weduwe J.F. HUYSAMER, in eenen hoogen ouderdom, op den 17 dezer maand overleden is.
Kaapstad den 26 April 1830.
In de Nederduitsche Hervormde Kerk, op Zondag den 25 April,
Jan DANIELSE, met Johanna Florentina Amelia DANSEGER.
James Martinus FRAESER, met Christina Johanna VERWEY.
Hendrik Paulus HENKEN, met Elisabeth Sortina GELLMANS.
Op Dingsdag den 27 April, met byzondere Licentie.
De Hr. Johan Coenraad SCHICKERLING, met jonge Jufv. Sophia Johanna BAM.
Eene dochter van Leendert KOEVOET, met name Cornelia Johanna
Eene dochter van Christoffel S. SMEDA, met name Rachel Maria Johanna.
Eene dochter van Johannes Casparus HENDRIKSE, met name Antoinetta Aletta Johanna.
In de Luthersche Kerk, op Zondag den 25 April,
Een zoon van Christian Friedrich BEHL, met name Petrus Christian.
Eene dochter van den Heer T.W.G. MARTIN, met name Franciska Rosina Louisa,
Eene dochter van den Wel-Ed. Heer F.S. WATERMEYER, met name Margaretha.
25 April, een zoon van Matthias LOTTER, met name Gysbert Johannes, oud 2 maanden en 16 dagen.
27, eene dochter van den Wel-Ed. Heer Christiaan Laurens HERMAN, met name Aletta Maria, oud 2 maanden en 22 dagen.
In St. George’s Church, Graham’s Town, on Friday, the 2d April, 1830,
by the Rev. W. CARLISLE, M.A. Chaplain:
William Thomas PHILIPPSON, to Jacoba FEREIRA.
In the English Church, Cape Town, on Saturday, the 24th April, 1830,
by the Rev. B.C. GOODISON, AM. Chaplain to the Forces:
A son of Mr. William Rousseau OSMOND, baptized John.
In the English Church, Cape Town, on Sunday, the 25th April, 1830,
by the Rev. G. HOUGH, M.A. Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A son of Peter HUNTER, baptized Peter James.
In St. George’s Church, Graham’s Town, on Friday, 26th March, 1830,
by the Rev. W. CARLISLE, M.A. Chaplain:
A son of Johannes Martenus DEBEST, baptized Jacobus.
On Sunday, the 11th April, by ditto:
A son of Christopher ADCOCK, baptized John Henry
A daughter of William FEATHERN, baptized Mary Ann.
April 22. A daughter of Mr. Edward NORTON, named Louisa Charlotte, aged 11 months and 6 days.
27. Joseph HODGSON, Esquire, aged 34 years.
April 25. Rachel, ship, R.J. POTTER, from Bombay 25th Feb. bound to Liverpool. Cargo sundries.
– Passengers, Mr. and Mrs. PHILLIPS and child; Capt. RUDDIMURE; Lieut. LOWE; Drs. SPENCER and EDWARDS, and 1 servant. – Brings a few letters.
28. Silence, F. JACKSON, from Simon’s Bay 26th April, for this port. In ballast.
29. Kate, D. WATT, from Rio 18th March, for this port. Cargo, coffee and sugar. – Passenger, Mr. GRAY. – H.M.S. Warspite was at Rio.
April 22. Captain Cook, G. WILLIS, for London.
23. Ganges, J.M. ARDLIE, for Bombay.
23. Zefira, L.JOSE MARIA, for Rio.
25. Flamingo, J. SCOREY, for Algoa.
25. Luna, V. KNOX, to the Knysna, }
26. George IV, S.PHELPS, for Algoa Bay, }
26. Minerva, J. HARE, for Mauritius, } after returning.
27. Feejee, W.McGOWAN, for Batavia. }
April 26. Silence, F. JACKSON, for Table Bay.
General Post Office, Cape Town, 30th April, 1830.
LETTERS are now received at this Office, and will be transmitted by the following opportunities, viz:-
To England, by the Rachel, Aquila, and Porcupine.
Mauritius, by the Leda.
R. CROZIER, Postmaster-General.
NOTICE is hereby given, that the Undersigned, duly authorised, will offer for public Sale, at the Stores of this Department, in Caledon-square, at 12 o’Clock on Saturday, the 8th May next, a quantity of Miners’ and other Tools, consisting chiefly of Drills, Picks, Hand Barrows; Powder Barrels, with Copper Hoops, and several other working Tools, well worth the attention of Tradesmen.
Civil Engineer’s Office, Cape Town,
29th April, 1830.
Surveyor Gen. Civil Engr. And Inspector of Works.
Master’s Office, 22d April, 1830.
On SATURDAY, the 15th MAY, 1830, at 11 o ’Clock in the Forenoon precisely.
Before the Resident Magistrate, at his Office, Graham’s Town,
AN ERF or LOT of GROUND, being part of the divided Lot No. 33, situate at the Corner of High-street, and Somerset-street, Graham’s Town, measuring as per Title Deed, 468 square Rods, and 75 square Feet, to be sold in two Lots.
LOT 1,
Measuring 312 square Rods, and 50 Feet, with the Buildings thereon.
The DWELLING HOUSE contains,
On the Ground Floor, - a dining Room, drawing Room, breakfast Room, front Hall, and Servants’ Hall.
On the second Floor, - two good bed Rooms, with a dressing Room, and large landing Place.
On the third Floor, - three large bed Rooms.
The whole under a flat Roof, laid on Knies-wood Beams.
Out-buildings, - consisting of a good Kitchen, Stable, and Servants’ Room.
Lot II.
Measuring 156 square Rods, and 25 feet, with the Buildings thereon,
The DWELLING HOUSE, with the Gable towards High-street, contains, - two sitting Rooms, two small bed Rooms, and a Kitchen.
Also, a Piece of PERPETUAL QUIT-RENT LAND, situated between the Carega and Bushman Rivers, about 30 Miles from Graham’s Town, in the District of Albany, measuring as per Diagram, 1390 Morgen, - being an excellent grazing Farm, and well supplied with Water.
This Property is to be sold under Process of the Supreme Court, in a Suit between John Centlivres CHASE, Plaintiff, and Carel Frederik POHL, Defendant; and may be viewed any Day prior to the Sale.
Conditions of Sale may be seen in the Master’s Office, Cape Town, and may be obtained on application to the Resident Magistrate, Graham’s Town.
Clerke BURTON, Master of the Supreme Court.
Master’s Office, 29th April, 1830.
WHEREAS the Estate of Tobias SMUTS, Adriaan Son, of Paarde Berg, District of Stellenbosch, Farmer, has been duly placed under Sequestration in the hands of the Master of the Supreme Court: - all Persons having any Claim upon the said Estate, are required to attend two Meetings of the Creditors to be held before the said Master, in the Grand Jury Room, at the Public Buildings, Cape Town; the first Meeting to be held on Saturday, the 29th May, at 11 o’Clock precisely, for the proof of Debts; the second Meeting on Saturday, the 5th June, at 10 o’Clock precisely, also for the proof of Debts, and for the Election of a Trustee or Trustees, who shall administer the said Estate.
Clerke BURTON, Master of the Supreme Court.
In the Supreme Court.
Master’s Office, 29th April, 1830.
In the Insolvent Estate of Servaas HEUSER, of Rondebosch, Farmer.
THE Creditors who have proved their Debts under the Insdolvent Estate of Servaas HEUSER, are required to take Notice, that an Adjournment of the second Meeting will be held before the Master of the Supreme Court, in the Grand Jury Room, Public Buildings, Cape Town, on Saturday, the 8th day of May, at 12 o’Clock precisely, for the purpose of electing a Trustee or Trustees, in conformity to the Provisions of the Ordinance No. 64.
Clerke BURTON, Master of the Supreme Court.
In the Supreme Court,
Cape of Good Hope.
Tuesday, 13th April, 1830.
In the Matter of the Insolvent Estate of Jan Daniel HUGO.
UPON reading the Rule made in this Cause, on Tuesday, the 9th March ultimo, and upon hearing Counsel, - it is ordered, (no cause to the contrary having been this day shewn,) that the said Rule be made absolute; and it is therefore considered, that the said Jan Daniel HUGO is entitled to his Rehabilitation; and it is hereupon ordered, that the said Jan Daniel HUGO be forthwith Rehabilitated, and he is hereby Rehabilitated according to Law.
By the Court.
T.H. BOWLES, Registrar of the Supreme Court.
NOTICE. – Mr. G.J. VAN DE SANDT, having been duly admitted and enrolled as a Translator to the supreme Court of this Colony, hereby gives Notice, that he will be happy to undertake the Translation of all such Documents as may be committed to his charge for that purpose, at his House, No.7, St. John-street.
Cape Town, 28th April, 1830.
Cape Town, 29th April, 1830.
IN Execution of the Judgments of the Supreme Court, in the under-mentioned Cases, the following Sales will take place, viz:
Andries BRINK, D’s Son, versus Abraham H. PRINS.
On Wednesday 5th May, 1830, at the Defendant’s Place, situated behind the Paardeberg, in the District of Stellenbosch, at 9 o’Clock A.M. of Household Furniture, Kitchen Utensils, an open Bullock Waggon, 4 Horses, 6 Mares, and a Foal, a set of Harness, a Vice, a Fowling Piece, a Plough, a quantity of Straw, &c. &c. &c.
Gerhardus MARITZ versus Philip D. RICKER.
On Monday, the 17th May, 1830, at the Defendant’s Place, called Juries Baken, in the District of Somerset, of 2 Tables, 2 Chairs, 2 Stretchers, 2 Beds, a Gun, 100 Cows and Calves, and 24 Oxen.
LOMBARD BANK versus Hans Jurie LOMBARD, Hans Jurie Son.
On Wednesday, the 19th May, 1830, at the Defendant’s Place Assegaay Bosch, situate over the Corenti Rivier, in the District of Swellendam, of the Buildings (Opstal,) erected on the said Place Assegaay Bosch.
Reynier Christiaan HOETS versus Christiaan CLOETE.
On Friday, the 21st May, 1830, at the Defendant’s Place Muizekraal, situate at the Langeberg, in the District of Swellendam, of a male Slave named Tidor, of Mozambique; - the Buildings (opstal,) erected on the Loan Place Onverwagt, situated at Kafferkuils Rivier; also, Household Furniture of various descriptions, Kitchen Utensils, 18 Oxen, 3 Saddle Horses, 30 Sheep and Goats, 2 Leaguers with Brandy, 2 do. Wine, ½ do. Vinegar, 4 Leaguers, 5 half ditto, 2 Brandy Stills, 2 Wine Tubs, a Plough, 10 Muids of Wheat, 10 do. Barley, &c. &c. &c.
Tieleman ROOS versus Cornelia VAN TONDER, Widow of the late Gideon JOUBERT.
On Monday, the 24th May, 1830, at the Defendant’s Place Tradoux, situated in the District of Swellendam, of the Slaves Juliana, Tamar, Tresia, with her Child Isaac, Damon, and (2) Adam; also, Household Furniture of various descriptions, Plate and platd Articles, Kitchen Utensils, a Bullock Waggon, a Horse Waggon, 8 Horses, a Stallion, a Cow, 100 Sheep and Goats, a Brandy Still, 2 Leaguers with Wine, ½ do. Brandy, a pair of Bellows, an Anvil, &c. &c. &c.
J. STEUART, High Sheriff.
By the undersigned Trustees, in the Insolvent Estate of Anna Elizabeth BLUSEFKI, Widow of the late Paul Adriaan ROOS, of Green-point.
On Wednesday, the 12th May, 1830, at 11 o’Clock in the Morning precisely,
Before a Special Commissioner of the Supreme Court,
CERTAIN OF TWO ERFS, with the Buildings thereon, situate at Green-point, behind the Lion’s Rump, marked Nos. 21 and 36, in extent 4 Morgen, 14 square Roods, and 84 ditto Feet; and further, the following moveable Property, viz:
A male slave, named Layo, of Batavia;
A female Slave, named Mariana, of Mosambique;
A female Slave, named Spatie, of Ceylon;
A Corner Cupboard, Bedsteads and Bedding, Tables, Chairs, a plated Tea Urn, a ditto Coffee ditto, a china Tea Set complete, a Mahogany Pembroke Tea Table, Crockery and Glass Ware, Knives and Forks, Culinary Utensils, 3 Ploughs, and what more may be offered.
Further, on Thursday, the 13th May next, in the manner as above stated: likewise on the Spot, those desirable Premises, situate at Buitenkant, Cape Town, marked No. 1, consisting of two Dwelling Houses, a spacious front Room, Hall, Passage, back Rooms, and Kitchen, and several upper, front, and back Rooms; and an extensive Yard, with Out-buildings, a larg Store, and four Hire Houses. Also, two unbuilt Erfs, adjoining, marked E. and F
N.B. The Conditions of Sale may be seen, on application to the Trustees.
Paul Joh. ROUX, Ps. Joint Trustees.
By the Undersigned, sole Trustee in the Insolvent Estate of Cornelis Ernestus MARAIS, of Stellenbosch, Wine Farmer.
On Monday, the 17th May next, at 11 o’Clock in the Morning precisely,
Before the Resident Magistrate of Stellenbosch,
THE Freehold Estate called Ongegund, (formerly the property of Daniel Hermanus JOUBERT,) situate in the Village of Stellenbosch, measuring 2 Morgen, 410 square Rods, and 10 ditto feet, planted with about 40,000 Vines, and having a good Kitchen Garden, and Orchard, with the Buildings thereon, comprising a Dwelling House, a Wine Cellar, Water Mill, Tannery, Stable for 16 Horses, and several other Out-buildings.
N.B. The Conditions of Sale to be viewed at Mr. P.A. MEYBURGH’S Vendue Office.
Further, the following moveable Property, viz: - 23 Leaguers of Wine (more or less) of the last year’s Vintage, Household Furniture, Glass and Crockery Ware, Culinary Utensils, a Waggon, Cart and Harness, 2 Horses, 13 Leaguers, 4 Stockvats, a Wine Press, 2 large Pots, 7 large Tanning Tubs, a large Copper Kettle, a Brandy Still complete, and what more may be offered.
And the following slaves: Marthys, of this Colony, aged about 22 ½ years, Julenda, of ditto, 46 years; Abigael, of ditto, 26 years; Job, of Mozambique, 19 years; (2) Damon, of this Colony, 4 years.
F.G. WATERMEYER, Sole Trustee.
Sale of the Orphan Chamber, of Cape Town.
ON the 17th and 18th May next, will be sold at Cape Town, by Order of the Board of Orphan Masters, for account of the Estate of the late Carel Wilhelm Ludwich SCHNAAR, and surviving Widow Anna Catharina PFLUGER, a House, Store, and Erf, situated in this Table Valley, in Ziek[ ]-straat, a House and Premises, situated as above, in Blok O.O. being part of No. 9; also, Household Furniture, some Plate; Copper, Tin, Glass, and Earthen Ware; Culinary Utensils, Merchandise of every description; Sugar, Coffee, Rice, Tobacco, Soap, &c. &c.
Orphan Chamber, Cape of Good Hope 23rd April, 1830.
H. TENNANT, Secretary.
[a few entries on this scanned image are very blurred and difficult to read therefore they have been omitted…..]
Sale by the Agent to the Orphan Chamber, at Uitenhage.
ON the 22nd day of May next, will be sold, by Mr. A. TENNANT, Agent to the Board of Orphan Masters in the District of Uitenhage, at the Place Welbevonden, situated in the Field-Cornetcy of Riet Rivier, for account of the Estate of the late Jacobus Petrus CARELSE, and his surviving Widow Anna Johanna Maria CLASE, viz.:-
The Quit-rent Place called Welbevonden, situated as aforesaid, in extent 3000 Morgen; as also Household Furniture, Farming Implements, an Ox Wagon, draught and breeding Cattle, Sheep and Goats; and a Male Slave named January, about 61 ½ years of age.
Orphan Chamber, Cape of Good Hope, 28th April, 1830.
Sale by the Field Cornet of Oliphants’ Rivier,
in the District of Clan William.
ON the 21st of May next, will be sold by the Field Cornet A.H.C. VAN ZYL, at the Place Rode Klipheuwel, in the Field Cornetcy of the Mouth of the Oliphants’ Rivier, in the District of Clan William, for account of the Estate of the late Johan George SCHWARTZ, and his surviving Widow Anna Lasea Christina Wilhelmina SMITH, viz.:- The Opstal of the Loan Place called Rode Klipheuwel, as also Household Furniture, Farming Implements, an Ox Waggon, Saddle and breeding Horses, draught and breeding Cattle, &c.
Orphan Chamber, Cape of Good Hope, 28th April, 1830.
H. TENNANT, Secretary.
In the Insolvent Estate of Johan Wilhelm LUTGENS, of
Rondebosch, Cape District, Farmer.
ALL Persons claiming to be Creditors under this Estate, are required to take Notice, that the Undersigned have been duly elected to and confirmed in the appointment of Joint Trustees of the said Estate; and that the Master has appointed the third Meeting to be held before him in the Grand Jury Room, Public Buildings, Cape Town, on Saturday, the 29th of May, at 10 o’Clock in the Forenoon, for the proof of Debts, for receiving the Trustees’ Report, for settling the Conditions of the real Property, and also for the purpose of giving directions to the said Trustees, as to the management of the said Estate.
And all Persons indebted to the said Estate, are required to pay the same to the first Undersigned, at his Residence no. 20, Strand-street, on or before Thursday, the 27th May, or proceedings will be instituted against them.
S DE KOCK. Joint Trustees.
In the Insolvent Estate of Paul STADLER, of Groene Kloof,
in the Cape District, Farmer.
ALL Persons claiming to be Creditors under this Estate, are required to take Notice, that the Undersigned have been duly elected to and confirmed in the appointment of Joint Trustees of the said Estate; and that the Master has appointed the third Meeting to be held before him in the Grand Jury Room, Public Buildings, Cape Town, on Saturday, the 29th May, at 10 o’Clock in the Forenoon, for the proof of Debts, for receiving the Trustees’ Report, for settling the Conditions of the real Property, and also for the purpose of giving directions to the said Trustees, as to the management of the said Estate.
And all Persons indebted to the said Estate, are required to pay the same to the first Undersigned, at his Residence no. 20, Strand-street, on or before Thursday, the 27th May, or proceedings will be instituted against them.
S. DE KOCK. Joint Trustees.
In the Insolvent Estate of Johanna Sophia DEMPERS, Widow of the late Hermanus Johannes Josua VERMAAK, of Hazendal, in the District of Stellenbosch.
ALL Persons claiming to be Creditors under this Estate, are required to take Notice, that the Undersigned have been duly elected to and confirmed in the appointment of Joint Trustees of the said Estate; and that the Master has appointed the third Meeting to be held before the Resident Magistrate, at his Office, at Stellenbosch, on Friday, the 14th May next, at 11 o’Clock in the Forenoon, for the proof of Debts, for receiving the Trustees’ Report, for the purpose of giving directions to the said Trustees, as to the Management of the said Estate, and also for settling the conditions of Sale of the immoveable Property of that Estate.
And all Persons indebted to the said Estate, are required to pay the same to the first Undersigned, at his Residence, 26, Heeregracht, on or before Thursday, the 3d of June next, or proceedings will be instituted against them.
F.G. WATERMEYER, Joint Trustees.
ABSCONDED, on the 18th instant, a male Slave belonging to the Undersigned, named Goliath, of the Cape; he resembles much a bastard Hottentot, is of yellow complexion, 4 ½ feet high, and not very stout; has woolly hair, knees bent inward, a mark on his cheek, is a labourer, and understands somewhat of the Blacksmith’s Trade. Whoever brings him to the Place of the Undersigned, at Riebeck’s Kasteel, shall receive a Reward of 50 Rds. And those harbouring him will be prosecuted.
Riebeck’s Kasteel, 28th April, 1830.
ON Monday, the 10th May, 1830, will be sold by public Auction, at the Place of Jan BIERMAN, at Zwartland, at a Credit of 8 Months, on giving Security, (if required) 80 slaughter and draught Oxen, 40 Cows, and 1500 Wethers, very fat.
Cape Town, 29th April, 1830.
And. BRINK, Ds.
THE Undersigned will hold a public Sale, on the 3d May, at the Place of Mr. Jan UYS, at Pampoene Kraal, of 250 fat Oxen, the greatest part of them trained; also, 50 slaughter Oxen.
THE Undersigned having made Arrangements with his Creditors, hereby gives Notice, that his Estate is withdrawn from Sequestration.
Cape Town, 29th April, 1830.
DEPARTED this life, on Tuesday, the 20th instant, at two minutes past five o’Clock, P.M. the Lady of C. WHITCOMB, Esquire, of this Town, (born Sophia Louise Bestly REED, aged 34 years, 3 months, and 1 day,) to the inexpressible sorrow of her Husband, Family, and Friends. – This amiable and pious Lady, (who possessed considerable literary attainments,) was attacked about a month since with a dysentery, which, however, gave way to medicine; but about ten days last past, a relapse took place, which baffled the utmost skill of her medical attendants, to whom too much praise cannot be given for their anxious and unremitting attentions. – She was interred on the 22d instant, attended to the grave by a disconsolate Husband, and two Sons, with numerous friends of respectability, anxious to pay the last tribute to departed worth. – Her sufferings were indeed great, but she bore them with the resignation of a sincere Christian.
Friday, 23d April, 1830.
DIED, on the 17th instant, at an advanced Age, Mrs. the Widow JF. HUYSAMER, of which the undersigned Executors to her Estate hereby give Notice to Relatives and Friends.
Cape Town, 26th April, 1830.
J.G. STADLER, q.q.
[FRIDAY, MAY 8, 1830 ]
(the date of publication has not been scanned….. presumed to be FRIDAY, MAY 8, 1830.)
Sale by the Orphan Chamber, at Cape Town.
IT having been ordered by the Supreme Court, upon the Trial of the Case of the Guardian of Slaves on the part of Regina, and her Children, for Manumission, versus the Board of Orphan Masters, as administering the Estate of Cornelis DE WAAL, Senior, deceased, that the Defendants be absolved from the Instance, - the Board of Orphan Masters do hereby give Notice, that the said Slave Regina, 36 years of age, and her Children Jan, born 6th February, 1821, Leentje, born 21st October, 1823, and Regina, born 5th September, 1825, will be accordingly sold for account of the Estate of the said C. DE WAAL, Sen. on Tuesday, the 18th instant, at the Sale to be held by the Board of the Effects of the late Carel Wilhelm Ludwich SCHNAAR, and surviving Widow Anna Catharina PFLUGER.
H. TENNANT, Secretary.
WHEREAS four-fifths in number and value of the Creditors, who have proved Debts against the Estate of Johannes Petrus Phillippus ULRICH, of Cape Town, Carpenter, have been pleased to sign his Certificate, - this is to give Notice, that by virtue of the Ordinance No. 64, the Honorable the Supreme Court will be moved on his behalf, on Tuesday, the 22d June next, or so soon after as Counsel can be heard, that the said Certificate may be allowed.
Cape Town, 30th April, 1830.
THE Liquidation Account and other Documents relating to the Insolvent Estate of Isaac Andries VAN NIEKERK, Gert Son, will lie open for inspection of the Creditors, and those concerned, for the space of fourteen Days, between 10 and 2 o’Clock, at the Office of Mr. Attorney POUPART.
Cape Town, May 6th, 1830.
A.J. MYBURG, Trustees.
ALL Claims against Capt. SNELL, and others concerned, for account of the wrecked Ship Lady Holland, are requested to be sent to the Undersigned, Agents for Capt. SNELL, for payment and adjustment as soon as possible.
ON Monday, the 10th May, 1830, will be sold by public Auction, at the Place of Jan BIERMAN, at Zwartland, at a Credit of 8 Months, on giving Security, (if required,) 80 slaughter and draught Oxen, 40 Cows, and 1500 Wethers, very fat.
Cape Town, 29th April, 1830
And. BRINK. Ds.
Public Sale in the Village of Stellenbosch.
ON Friday the 14th May next, at 10 o’Clock in the Forenoon, will be sold by public Auction, by the Undersigned Trustees, the following Slaves, viz: -
Daniel, of this Colony, 31 ¾ years, tailor and clever coachman.
Saartje, 33 ¾ years, housemaid, with her three Children, named
(2) Constantia, born 30th Nov. 1824.
Coba, born 9th August, 1827, and
Wilhelmina, born 9th July, 1829, all of this Colony.
Constantia, of Ternate, 49 ¾ years, housemaid.
Also a covered Waggon, a Fowling Piece, a round Silver Waiter, Sofa Table, Dinner Table, Books, Copper Kettles, and various other Goods, all belonging to the Insolvent Estate of the late Hendrik VAN DE GRAAFF, Esq. late Vendue Master of the District of Stellenbosch, and his late Widow Mrs. Cornelia Tiba BODE.
April 29, 1830.
D.J. VAN RYNEVELD, } Trustees.
Under the Insolvent Estate of the late Marthinus Aegidius THEUNISSEN, of Ziekenhuis, Farmer.
ON Thursday, the 27th instant, at 12 o’Clock in the Morning, at the Dwelling House of Messrs WOLFF and BARTMAN, Hout-street, No. 46, the following excellent Slaves will be sold, viz.
The male Slave Hendrik, of this Colony, otherwise Robert GRIETIKER, aged 24 years;
The female Slave Mariana, of this Colony, Housemaid, aged 38 years;
The female Slave Elsje, of ditto, aged 15 ¾ years;
The female Slave Laudrina, of ditto, otherwise Emerentia, aged 14 ¾ years.
F. Godfried WATERMEYER, Sole Trustee.
Excellent Wethers, without Reserve.
THE Undersigned will sell by public Auction, on the 15th instant, at the Place of Mr. Piet PIENAAR, at Zwartland, 1800 very fat Wethers.
WOLFF & BARTMAN, Auctioneers.
MR. Hendrik DREYER, Gerrit Son, intending to remove to Cape Town, will sell by public Auction, on Monday and Tuesday, the 17th and 18th instant, the whole of his Effects, consisting of a pleasant House and fertile Erf, with a piece of freehold Land adjoining, situate at Groeneberg, planted with 70,000 Vines and various Fruit Trees; likewise, Household Furniture, consisting of Cabinets, Chests of Drawers, Bedsteads, Stretchers, Chairs, Tables, &c. Porcelain, Glass, Copper, Pewter, Iron and Crockeryware; also, the whole of the Vintage; Fustage, viz. Tubs. Leaguers, and what further belongs to the Celler; an excellent Brandy Still with its Appurtenances; Waggons, Carts, Harrows, Ploughs; draught and breeding Cattle; draught, saddle, and breeding Horses; and lastly, 18 very clever male and female Slaves, of good character.
The Purchase Money of the Erf, piece of Land, and Slaves, may be kept at Interest, under good Security; and those purchasing other Moveables to the amount of 500 Rds. And upwards, may also retain the Money at Interest, on giving proper Security.
N.B. The Slaves will be put up on the first Day.
*** No Dinner will be provided.
Vendue Office, Paarl, 1st May, 1830.
ON Monday, the 24th May, will be put up by public Auction, at the Place of Mr. A. STADLER, at Dassenberg, 12 teams of trained draught Oxen, 3 teams of trained draught Cows, 80 slaughter Cows, and 40 slaughter Oxen, none of which will be sold by private Sale.
A Credit of 4 months will be given, on approved Acceptances.
N.B. In the month of June next, a Sale of 2000 fat Sheep will be held at the above Place, the day of which will be notified hereafter.
J. George MULLER.
ON Sunday last, on the Camp Ground, near the Observatory, during the time of Divine Service. He is strongly built, of a dark brown bay color, with a large mane, and long tail of black hairs intermixed with white. When lost, he was in good condition, and escaped from his halter without either saddle or bridle. Whoever will bring him to his Owner, the Rev. Mr. JUDGE, in the Gardens, Table Valley, will be handsomely rewarded.
A Female Slave, about 36 years, with her three Children, two of whom are Males. The Purchase Money may be held on Interest, provided approved Security be given. – Inquire of Mr. G. REITZ, Church-square, or at the Office of Messrs. WOLFF & BARTMAN, Auctioneers.
Cape Town, 6th May, 1830.
DAAR nu voor het Huis en den Tuin van nu wylen den Heer Johannes Tobias LOUBSER, welke uit de hand waren aangeboden gewesst, gene genoegzame offerte is gedaan, zoo wordt hetzelve Huis als ook Tuin, tegen den 15 van de eerstkomende maand Mei, te huur aangeboden. – Degene die hetzelve wenscht te huren, zal verpligt zyn om de noodige zekerheid voor de prompte maandelyksche huurpenningen te moeten stellen. – Adres by
J.H. BAM, qq.
In de Nederduitsche Hervormde Kerk, op Zondag den 2 Mei,
Jan MANARD, met Elisabeth TATE.
Op Dingsdag den 4 Mei,
De Heer Leopold MARQUARD, Zendeling by de Nederduitsche Hervormde Gemeente, Weduwenaar, met jonge Jufvrouw Elisabeth Rachel de Villiers.
In de Nederduitsche Hervormde Kerk, op Zondag den 2 Mei,
Een zoon van den Heer Johannes Theodorus ECKARD, met name John.
Een zoon van Justinus HURLINGH, met name Adam Gabriel Justinus.
Een zoon en twee dochters van wylen Matthew FYSH, met name Mattheus Frank, Elisabeth Jannet, en Margaretha Sara Anna.
Eene dochter van James Martinus FRAESER, met name Hendrina Dorothea.
In de Luthersche Kerk, op Zaturdag den 1 Mei,
Een zoon van Carel Justinus HEYDENRYCH, met name Carel Christoffel
Op Zondag den 2 Mei,
Eene dochter van den Hr. Abr. BRINK, met name Helena Sophia Johanna.
Eene dochter van Marthinus Hermanus LE ROES, met name Catharina Jacoba Adriana.
1 Mei, Carel Christoffel, oud 11 dagen, zoon van C.J. HEYDENRYCH.
5, eene jong-geb. dochter van Nicolaas ACKER.
5, eene dochter van Jan Fredrik KIRSTEN, met name Christina Elisabeth Maria, oud 2 jaren, 11 maanden en 25 dagen.
In the Military Chapel, Cape Town, on Saturday, 17th April, 1830,
by the Rev. B.C. GOODISON, A.M. Chaplain to the Forces:
A son of Major Edward VAUGHAN, of H.M. 98th Regt. baptized John Crosby.
On Sunday, the 25th April, by ditto:
A son of Color-Sergeant James RAMSAY, of H.M. 98th Regt. baptized George Hamilton.
On Thursday, the 29th April, by ditto:
A daughter of Henry PENNELL, Esq. baptized Mary Margaret.
In the English Church, Cape Town, on Sunday, the 2d May, 1830,
by the Rev. G. HOUGH, M.A. Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A son of Mr. William HEWYARD, baptized William.
In the English Church, Wynberg, on Sunday, the 2d May, 1830,
by the Rev. B.C. GOODISON, A.M. Acting chaplain, &c.
A son of Robert TAYLOR, baptized Robert Julian.
April 30. Fatima WILLIAMS, wife of Benjamin WILLIAMS, aged 32 years.
May 5. A son of Mr. John Harfield TREDGOLD, named John Mendham, aged 6 months and 11 days.
May 6. Elizabeth, J. CURRIE, from Mauritius 9th April, bound to London. - Passenger, Mr. DALTON. – Brings a few letters.
On the 25th ult. spoke H.M.S. Espoir. – An hurricane had taken place at Bourbon, on the 27th March and 3rd April: several vessels were blown out and had arrived at Mauritius dismasted. No accident at Mauritius. H.M.Ships Tweed and Jaseur at Mauritius. Le Duc de Bordeaux, French ship. Has been brought in by H.M.Ship Tweed, in distress; and likewise a ship, abandoned, without any one on board, brought in by a schooner. – A schooner, with silks on board, has been seized by the Tweed, and the silks were condemned, for smuggling.
April 27. Hebe, R. DOUGLAS, for Mauritius.
May 2. Rachael, R. POTTER, for London.
6. Aquila, J. TAYLOR, for Liverpool.
6. Conch, F. COBERN, for Algoa Bay.
FRIDAY, MAY 14, 1830.
DE Curatoren en Belanghebbenden in den Boedel van wylen Michiel WOLFF, en nagelatene Weduwe Margaretha Maria BERNING, wordenopgeroepentot het bywonen van eene Byeenkomst, op Zaturdag den 22 dezer, des morgens ten 9 uren, ten Huize van den Heer J.F. BECK, No. 65, Langestraat, ten einde finaal te besluiten over eenige punten van aanbelang.
Die niet present zyn, zullen geconsidereerd worden met de meerderheid te hebben gestemd.
Kaapstad, 13 Mei 1830.
G. H. MEYER, } Curatoren.
BIRTH. – At Clan William, on the 21st April, the Lady of John VAN RYNEVELD, Esq. of a Daughter.
DIED, on the 11th instant, my beloved Wife Cornelia Sophia BOLLEURS, of which I give notice to Relatives and Friends.
11th May, 1830.
DIED, on the 13th May, 1830, Richard HEURTLEY, Esq. M.D. aged 60 years, - much and deservedly regretted.
OVERLEDEN, heden morgen te half 12 uren, de Hr. Paul ROUX, Senior, na een ziekbed van slechts 5 dagen, in den ouderdom van 81 jaren en 10 maanden, na eene gelukkige Echtverbindtenis van 56 jaren en 9 maanden; waarvan aan Nabestaanden en Vrienden wordt kennis gegeven.
Stellenbosch, 7 Mei, 1830.
Maria Elizabeth ROUX,
In de Luthersche Kerk, op Zondag den 9 Mei,
Simon Petrus WALDEK, met Catharina Margaretha KOCH.
In de Nederduitsche Hervormde Kerk, op zondag den 9 Mei,
Een zoon van den Heer Jacob de Smidt, met name Jacob.
Een zoon van Johannes Gerhs. FREISLICH, met name Johannes Gerhardus
Een zoon van Susanna Maria DE GOEDE, met name Johannes Jacobus.
Een zoon van Louisa WESH, met name Francis James.
Eene dochter van Christoffel Laurens [CULLIN], met name Johanna Augustina Wilhelmina.
Eene dochter van wylen Johan Fredrik WILDHAGEN, met name Johanna Elizabeth Willemina.
In de Luthersche Kerk, op Zondag den 9 Mei,
Eene dochter van den Hr. Manuel Johan DE OLIVEIRA, met name Gesina.
4 Mei, een zoon van Antonie C[OINNE], met name Antonie Francesco, oud 2 jaren, 6 maanden en 11 dagen.
5, een zoon van wyl. William WILLIAMS, met name William, oud 4 jaren.
6, een jong-geb. zoon van Susanna Wilhelmina JACOBS.
9, een zoon van Johannes Hendrik DE WAAL, met name C.P.J. DE WAAL, oud 11 maanden en 13 dagen.
11, Jufvrouw Cornelia Sophia BOLLEURS, oud 37 jaren en 3 maanden, Huisvrouw van den Wel-Ed. Heer Pieter Gerhard BRINK.
In the English Church, Cape Town, on Tuesday, the 11th May, 1830,
by the Rev. G. HOUGH, M.A. Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Mr. George Francis WILLMOT, to Miss Emmerentia Johanna TROUVé/
In the English Church, Cape Town, on Sunday, the 9th May, 1830.
by ditto:
A son of Mr. Henry SHERMAN, baptized Henry Joseph.
A son of Mr. Walter Mills BARBER, baptized Walter.
May 9. John, bark, J. DAVY, from Rio 30th March, for this port. Cargo coffee and sugar.
11. M. Ships Warspite, Eden, and Volage, at Rio.
9. Singapore, brig, M. TAIT, from the Downs 15th Feb. for this port. Cargo sundries.
– Passengers, Major and Mrs. CRAIGIE; Capt. DANIELS; Messrs. C. & J. DYASON, and 2 steerage passengers. – Brings a large mail.
The Edward Lombe and Wilna were about to sail.
Spoke the Berwickshire, - all well.
9. Henry, bark, H. BUNNY, from Deal 14th Feb. for this port. Cargo sundries.
– Passengers, Mesdames BUNNY and SINCLAIR; Miss ASHCROFT; Messrs. WILLIAMS and TENNANTS; 3 children, and 1 servant. – Brings a large mail.
11. William Young, R. REYNOLDS, from Mauritius 14th March, bound to London. Cargo sugar.
– Passengers, Major HARDY, Dr. MANLY, Lieuts. SINJES, ERSKINE, and ROBERTS; Messrs VAUGHAN and SEDDON. – Brings a mail.
13. Ligonier, T.TYLER, from Breede River 7th May, for this port. Cargo grain.
13. Usk, T. LONG, from Algoa Bay 3rd May, for this port. Cargo Colonial produce
– Passengers, Dr. HUSSEY and servant, and 1 in steerage.
13. Constitution, H. DUNSTERVILLE, from Algoa Bay 2nd may, for this port. Cargo Colonial produce.
May 8. Leda, G. ROBB, for Mauritius.
8. Elizabeth, J. CURRIE, for London.
9. Clorinda, G. CAREW, for Algoa Bay.
11. Porcupine, J. LAING, for St. Helena, with cattle; and London.
12. Medina, W. PACE, for Swan River.
13. Premium, R. YOUNG, for South America.
13. Skerne, J. STROYEN, for Swan River.
May 7. H.C.C. Ship Eliza, D. SUTTON, from Calcutta 28th Feb. bound to London. Cargo sundries.
– Passengers, for the Cape, Messrs. PATTLE and MAXWELL, H.C.S. AND Miss PATTLE; - for England, Mrs. PATTLE, 2 Misses PATTLES, BODDAM, and GOWAN’ Col. TOMBS, H.C.S.; Capts. McKENZIE and GLEGG, H.C.S.; Lieuts. McKENZIE and WILLIS, H.C.S.; Mr. W. BROWN; 6 children, and 6 servants. – Brings a mail.
The French ship Gange et Garonne, sailed on the 14th, for the Cape.
8. Wave, bark, J. LISTER, from London 17th Feb. bound to Van Diemen’s Land and New South Wales. Cargo sundries.
– Passengers, Capt. WATSON and 2 Sons; Mrs. BURROWS, Mr. TODD, Mr. & Mrs. SULLIVAN and child, Mr. & Mrs.LAZARUS and child; Messrs. MENZIS, STEVENSON, KIRK, ROBERTS, and HAYWARD. – No mail. – Put in for water.
Anandale, 27th January; - Kerswill, 2nd Feb. at Gravesend; - Olive Branch, 7th, at Plymouth; - Maria, 8th, at Deal; - Protector, 8th, at Portsmouth; - Guardian, 11th.
Eclipse, Magnet, Eliza, and Fanny; for the Cape and Mauritius, the Wilna; - for ditto and Van Diemen’s Land, the Elizabeth; for the Cape and Swan River, the Edward Lombe, Cleopatra, and James; at Liverpool.
FRIDAY, MAY 21, 1830.
DE Ondergeteekenden, als Testamentaire Executeuren des Boedels van wylen Doctor HEURTLEY, zullem op Dingsdag en Woendsdag den 8 en 9 Juny [naastende], per publieke Vendutie laten verlangen, de Volgende Nalatenschap, als: -
Een hecht, sterk en wellgebouwd Huis, gelegen in de Dorpstraat No. 7; houte en andere Tafels, eene
Pianoforte,Bedden en Beddegoed, Zilveren, Plettywerk, Porselein – en Glaswerk, Keukengereedschap, enz. enz.
Alsmede een aantal olieverf Schilderyen, door den Overledenen; Chirurgicale Instrumenten, verscheidene kostbare Geneeskundige en andere Boeken; eene Kar met Paard en Tuig; een knap Paardje met Zadel en Toom; en eindelyk, de volgende Slaven, als: -
Jack, van Mosambiek, omstreeks 50 jaren oud, - verstaat het koken;
Seida, van deze Kolonie, omstreeks 30 jaren oud, met hare twee Kinderen, Rosina, 8, en Abraham, 6 jaren oud.
Kaapstad den 17 Mei, 1830.
O.M. BERGH, MS. Executeuren.
ALLE de gene naan de Kaap de Goede Hoop, die vorderingen hebben of Luit. Kolonel BLAKE, worden verzocht dezelve aan den Ondergeteekenden in te zenden binnen den tyd van drie maanden, van heden geredend, - wyl vorderingen na dien tyd ingezonden, niet zullen worden beschoowd valide te zyn.
Kaapstad den 12 April 1830.
W. MASKEY, Beeedigd Makelaar.
DE Verkooping van VEE, welke plaats zoned gehad hebben aan Dassenberg, by den Heer A. STADLER, op Maandag den 24 Mei, is onvermydelyk uitgesteld, door de onmogelykheid dat het Vee de Rivieren kan passeren wetens de zware regens. – De Verkooping daarvan zal na plaats hebben aan Pampoenekraal, waarvan de zekere dag nader zal worden bepaald. – Geen van het te voren geadverteerd Wee zal uit de hand worden verkocht.
J. George MULLER.
OP Dingsdag den 25 dezer maand, zullen op Plaats van Jan BIERMAN, by publieke Vendutie worden onverkacht, 1000 vette Hamels, en twee span Ossen.
Kaapstad den 12 Mei 1830.
And. BRINK, Dz.
DE geode Brik Silence, Kapt. JACKSON, groot 220 Ton, hebbende het grootste gedeelte [hater] Lading besproken, zal byna onverwyld vertredden; kan eenige Paarden en een weinig Vracht innemen. – Adres by
PUBLIEKE VERKOOPING, op Dingsdag den 25 dezer maand Mei, ter Plaatse van den Heer Jacob Nicolaas DE VILLIERS, Az. Aan de Klapmuts, voor rekening van Charles DE VILLIERS, Jan Stephz. Van 150 zoo Trek – als Slagtossen en Koeyen, in eene favourable konditie, de attentive der Liefhebbers ten vollen waardig.
Vendu Kantoor, Paart den 10 Mei 1830.
Zegt’t voort.
WEGGELOOPEN, van den Ondergeteekenden, op den 8 dezer, een Slaaf genaamd Adam, ; hy is kort van statuur, heft een parel op het regter oog, en geeft zich uit voor een Bastaard Hottentot; had aan hy zyne opdrossing een linen batje en voeringvelle broek, en heft medegenomen eene vos Merrie, behoorende aan eenen Slaaf van E. HAMMAN. – Die gem. Slaaf apprehendeert, zal worden beloond, en die hem na deze kennisgeving ophoudt, zal in regten worden vervolgd.
Fransche Hoek den 11 Mei 1830.
Anthony ROUX.
BEVALLEN, in de Kaapstad, op Maandag den 17 dezer, Mejufvrouw ADAMSON, van eenen Zoon.
In de Nederduitsche Hervormde Kerk, op Zonday den 16 Mei,
met byzondere Licentie,
De Wel-Ed Heer John Heyning VAN RENEN, Luitenant in de Ed. O.I. Comp. Bengaalsche Armee, met jonge Jufvrouw Yda Johanna DE NEYS.
Willem AURET, met Mietje Maria EYGLER, Weduwe wylen Jacobus GOOSEN.
Op Maandag den 17 Mei,
De Heer Jacobus Christoffel OVERBEEK, met jonge Jufvrouw Hermina Geertruida DE HAAN.
Op Zondag den 16 Mei,
Een zoon van Hendrik Johannes HOFMEYR, met name Sebastiaan Valentyn.
Een zoon van Thomas Mc’CULLOCH, met name Alexander.
Eene dochter van George Martinus KRAFT, met name Martina Elisabeth Johanna.
Op Donderdag den 20 Mei,
Eene dochter van Johannes Rudolf KERDEL, met name Hendrina Johanna.
In de Luthersche Kerk, op Zondag den 16 Mei,
Eene dochter van W.P. VOGES, met name Johanna Elisabeth.
Alsmede een bejaard Persoon, met name Jacobus Daniel SMITH.
10 Mei, Maria Catharina, oud 33 jaren, 3 maanden en 14 dagen, dochter van Johanna PIETERSE.
12, Joseph LANGLEY, oud 38 jaren en 9 maanden.
13, een zoon van Richard BAKER, met name Wiliam Henry, oud 9 maanden.
15, een zoon van Anna Catharina WILLEMSEN, met name Willemsen, oud 1 jaar en 9 maanden.
15, Louisa Dina Rosina, oud 3 jaren, 9 maanden en 22 dagen, dochter van Dorothea Francina Johanna COENSEN.
16, Michael COHEN, oud 54 jaren.
16, Francina, oud 10 maanden, dochter van Johan Mattheus HENCHES.
17, Jufvrouw Bernhardina Magdalena ROEDELOFF, Weduwe wylen den Heer C.W. LANGERMAN, oud circa 35 jaren, - geacht en tetreurd door een ieder die haar gekend heft.
19, Margareth HOWALD, oud 5 jaren, dochter van den Wel.-Ed. Heer Richard LAMONT.
In the English Church, Port Elizabeth, on Monday, the 3rd May, 1830,
by the Rev. F. McCLELAND, A.B. Chaplain.
Mr. Andries Johannes DE BRUYN, to Miss Susannah Elizabeth MULLER.
In the English Church, Cape Town, on Sunday, the 16th May, 1830,
by the Rev. G. HOUGH, M.A. Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A son of George MARSH, Esq. baptized William WHEELER.
A daughter of Mr. B. BOND, baptized Emma.
A daughter of Mr. James COUSIN, baptized Elizabeth Frances.
On Monday, the 17th May, by ditto:
A daughter of Major Charles Cornwallis MICHELL, Surveyor General Civil
Architect, and Superintendant of Works, baptized Anne.
In the Military Chapel, Cape Town, on Saturday, the 15th May, 1830,
by the Rev. B.C. GOODISON, A.M. Chaplain to the Forces:
A daughter of John MURRAY, Esq. M.D. Surgeon to the Forces, and Principal
Medical Officer, baptized Eliza.
In the English Church, Wynberg, on Sunday, the 16th May, 1830,
by the Rev. F.McCLELAND, A.B. Chaplain:
A son of Mr. Thos. COLLING, Sen. baptized William.
A daughter of Mr. Thos. COLLING, Jun. baptized Mary Anne.
A daughter of the late James McPHAIL, baptized Matilda Anne.
A daughter of Johannes Jacobus VAN LOGGERENBERG, baptized Hannah Elizabeth.
In St. George’s Church, Graham’s Town, on Sunday, 25th April, 1830,
by the Rev. W. CARLISLE, M.A. Chaplain:
A son of Donald MOODIE, Esq. baptized Donald Hugh Menzies.
On Sunday, the 2nd April, by ditto:
A daughter of Antonius LOMBARD, baptized Sarah Johanna.
A daughter of Stephanus BECKKER, baptized Susannah Maria.
A son of Cornelius DE LONGA, baptized John George.
S son of Johannes Christoffel STEIN, baptized Johannes Christoffel.
A son of Anthony COX, baptized Jereph.
In Cape Town.
May 12. Mr. Joseph LANGLEY, aged 38 years.
13. Richard HEURTLEY, Esq. M.D. aged 60 years.
13. A son of Mr. R. BAKER, named William Henry, aged 9 months.
14. Matthew NELSON, aged 42 years.
16. Michael COHAN, aged 42 years.
17. A son of Mr. Peter HUNTER, named Peter James, aged 2 months and 10 days.
17. Mrs. B.M. ROEDELOFF, Widow of the late Mr. C.W. LANGERMAN, aged 35 years, - much regretted.
At Port Elizabeth.
April. 14. Amy CLARKE, aged 9 months and 13 days.
17. William Christopher DIESEL, aged 1 year, 11 months, and 3 weeks.
21. Mary Ann BILSON, aged 1 year, 6 months, and 5 days.
May 15. Genii, brig. W.WELLS, from Falmouth 16th Feb. bound to New South Wales. Cargo sundries. – Passenger Mrs. WELLS. – Put in for water, &c.
May 15. Sir James Saumarez, P. MAHON, for Rio.
May 12. H.M.Ship Espoir, Capt. H.F. GREVILLE, from a cruise.
On the 30th April, spoke the Clyde, bound to Cowes; also the William Hughes, belonging to Leith, bound to the Cape and London.
May 12. Daphne, J.M. MAIRD, for Rio Janeiro.
13. Eliza, D. SUTTON, for St. Helena and London.
14. Wave, J. LISTER, for New South Wales.
FRIDAY, MAY 28, 1830. NO. 74.
Under the Insolvent Estate of Sophia Johanna DEMPERS, Widow of the late Hermanus Johanna Josua VERMAAK, of the District of Stellenbosch, Farmer.
ON Monday and Tuesday, the 7th and 8th of June next, the Undersigned Trustees to the above Estate, will sell at the Place Hazendal, situate at Bottelary, District of Stellenbosch, the whole of the Effects thereof, consisting in
The freehold Farm Hazendal, together with the quitrent Land adjoining;
The Loan Place Aries Kraal, situate near Palmiet River, in the District of Stellenbosch.
The quitrent Place Uithaalders Valley, situate in the Cape Downs.
N.B. The immoveable Property will be likewise sold on the Place Hazendal, before the Resident Magistrate; and frther, the following moveable Property and Slaves, viz:-
83 trained and untrained Oxen, a young bull, a Cow and Calf, 28 draught and breeding Horses, a Saddle Horse, 7 Pigs, 3 Ox Waggons, a covered Cart, a Chaise, 6 Ploughs, Harrows, and other Farming Implements; some unfinished Waggons; some complete sets of Smith’s and Saddler’s Tools, 5 new Saddles, some old ditto, a Lady’s Saddle, 10 Saddle Trees, Harness in sets; Cellar Implements, Casks and Fustage, of all descriptions; 33 Wheat, 17 do. Barley, 20 do. Oats, 5 do. Rye; Chaff and Muid bags, a Corn Harp, &c. elegant Household Furniture of every description, as Sofas, Looking Glasses, dining Tables, Carpets, &c. cut and plain Glass; Crockery Ware, Plate, viz. 2 Silver Soup Ladles, a do, Fish Slice, 4 ditto Ragout Spoons, a do. Cup, a do. cooling Bason, do. Table and Teaspoons, Forks, &c. Culinary Utensils of every description, &c. &c. and the following excellent Slaves, viz :-
Coridon, of Macassar, Carpenter;
Hendrik and Daniel, of this Colony, Waggon Drivers;
Koeto, August, and Zondag, of Mozambique, Herdsmen;
Gabriel, and La Fleur, of Mozambique, and Robert and Lucas, of this Colony, Labourers;
Jacob, of this Colony, Brickmaker;
Piet andWelkom, of ditto, Saddlers;
Rosina, of this Colony, Housemaid.
F.G. WATERMEYER, Trustees.
Wreck of the DAUPHIN, Saldanha Bay.
TO be sold by private Contract, at Saldanha Bay, after the 15th June, the Oak and Fir Beams, Planks, Masts and Spars, saved from the wrecked Ship Dauphin; also Staves, Junk, and Cordage.
Inquire at Oostwal, Saldanha Bay.
ANY Person being inclined to send Cattle, this Year, to graze on the Places of Mr. Nicolaas LOUBSER, J.T. Son, situate in the District of Saldanha Bay, is requested to provide the Herdsmen thereof with the necessary Provisions.
Cape Town, 27th May, 1830.
D.J. ASPELING, Sr. q.q.
ON Tuesday, the 1st June, will positively be sold at Pampoene Kraal, at the Place of Mr. J. UYS, where the Cattle now is, 12 Teams of draught Oxen, 3 Teams of draught Cows, 80 fat slaughter Cows, and 30 ditto slaughter Oxen. The Purchasers may rely that the above number of Cattle will be put up at the said Sale.
Those purchasing for upwards of 100 Rds. May have a Credit of 4 Months, ongiving Security to the Auctioneer.
ON Thursday and Friday, the 3d and 4th June next, in the Market-square, at the House of the late L.F.FISCHER, Esq. of the whole Stock in Trade, without the least reserve.
N.B. The Widow requests all Persons having any Claims against the Estate, to send them in to Messrs. S. LEIBBRANT and C.J. BRAND; and those standing indebted to the said Estate are desired to discharge the same.
A.J. DE WAAL, Widow of the late L.F. FISCHER.
FOR private Sale, a new open Horse Wagon, complete, intended for a covered Wagon; also for Sale, a Slave Boy, 12 years old, a Native of this Colony. – Inquire at the Gazette Office; and the Wagon may be seen at Jan RUTGERS’S, near the New Market.
THE Undersigned offers to Let, for a term of 11 Months, a great part of the Land, on the Places taken on Lease by him from Mr. Jacob Daniel DE VILLIERS, Jan Son, situate in the Neighbourhood of Stellenbosch, for either sowing or for grazing Cattle. – Inquire
Garden Werkerslust, near Cape Town.
WANTED, for the use of the convicts employed at the Public Works, at Robben Island:
Thirty Mattresses,
Thirty Pillows, and
Thirty Blankets.
Tenders for the Supply thereof, together with Samples, will be received at the Audit Office, until 12 o’Clock on Tuesday, the 8th June, after which time no Tenders will be received.
Police Office, Cape Town, 25th May, 1830.
C. DE LORENTZ, Superintendant of Police.
ESCAPED from the Town somerset Hospital, during the Night of the 14th instant, viz: -
Willem Maas, (Bastard Hottentot,) a Criminal Prisoner, formerly belonging to the Cape Corps:
he is about 5 feet 9 inches high, and of a yellow complexion.
Franck, (Native of Mozambique,) a Convict: he is about 5 feet 6 ½ inches high, stout made, and has some marks on his temples.
The above-mentioned carried along with them, some Hospital Bedding and Clothing.
All Persons who may have an opportunity of apprehending the said Persons, are desired to deliver them over to the competent Authorities, in order that they may be forwarded by them to Cape Town.
Police Office, Cape Town, 20th May, 1830.
C. DE LORENTZ, Superintendant of Police.
A Slave Woman, calling herself Griet, and stating that she is the Property of Jury Henrick GOUS, a Farmer, residing in the Zwart Ruggens, District of Uitenhage, has been detained in Prison here as a Deserter, since the 13th ultimo, notwithstanding repeated Letters written to her said Owner.
Notice is hereby given to the said Jury Henrick GOUS, or whoever may be the Proprietor of said Slave Woman Griet, to release her without delay, paying the usual Charges; or else she will be liberated in one month from the date hereof, and legal steps taken to recover the expenses of her detention, and of this Advertisement.
Uitenhage, 15th May, 1830.
W.W. HARDING, Resident Magistrate.
Cape of Good Hope District Committee of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge.
A Meeting of the above-named Committee will be held on Wednesday next, the 2nd proximo, at 2 o’Clock, at the House No.8 Church-square.
B.C. GOODISON, Secretary.
Sale of the Orphan Chamber, at Cape Town.
ON Monday, the 7th of June next, will be sold by the Board of Orphan Masters, at the House occupied by Mr. J. TAYTASAC, No. 35, Roze-street, for account of the Estate of the late Michael COHAN, the following Effects belonging to the Deceased, viz:
Wearing Apparel, a Silver Watch, Household Furniture, Merchandize, Beads, an Ivory Turning Lathe, with Apparatus; Lamp Black, Siver Goods of various denominations, and other Sundries.
Orphan Chamber, Cape of Good Hope 27th May, 1830.
DIED, on the 22nd instant, at half-past two o’Clock, P.M. aged 66 years, 6 months, and 11 days, A. RICHERT, Sen. Esq. after a Residence in this Colony of upwards of 27 years; during which time he has filled different important Situations, - esteemed and regretted by a numberous circle of Friends, and deeply lamented by his Children and Grand-children.
The Deceased was born in the Royal Prussian Capital Berlin.
Cape Town, 26th May, 1830.
NADEMAAL de Boedel van Christina Margaretha VAN ZYL, Weduwe wylen Dirk Johannes KOTZE, H.Nz., (door de Executenren overgegeven,) behoorlyk onder Sedwestratie is gesteld, in handen van den Meester van het Hooge Geregtshof; zoo word teen ieder by deze opgeroepen,die eenige pretensie of voorm. Goedel heft, om twee Byeenkomsten van Crediteuren by te wonen, welke zullen gehoeden worden ten overstain van gem, Meester, in de Groote Jury Kamer, in de publieke Gebouwen, Kaapstad, de eerste op Zaturdag den 26 Juny, precies ten 10 uren, tot het bewyzen der schulden, en de tweede op Zaturdag den 3 July, precies ten 10 uren, mede tot het bewyzen der schulden en om een of meer Curatoren te verkiezen om gem. Boedel te administreren.
Clerke BURTON, Meester van het Hooge Geregtshof.
DE Crediteuren in den Boedel van den Heer Servaas HEUSER, worden verzocht eene Byeenkkomst by te wonen, welke zal worden gehonden ten Huize van den Hr. G.H. MEYER, Strandstraat No.20, op dingsdag den 1 Juny aanstaande, ‘s morgens ten 10 uren, voor het byzonder einde,om te beraadslagen aangaande een Kontrakt, aangegaan met den Hwr. G.W. PRINCE voor het bouwen van zekere Pakhuizen in de breestraat, en direction dien aangaande te geven.
J.T. JURGENS, } Gezamenlyke Curatoren.
EEN nieuwe open Paardenwagen, kompleet, gedestineerd voor een Tentwagen; als ook een slavejongetje, van dezen Uithoek geboortig, oud 12 jaren. – adres aan het Gazette Kantoor, en de Wagen te zien by Jan RUTGERS, nabyde Stads Markt.
DE Ondergeteekende maakt by deze bekend, dat de Heer R. FRIER als zyn Agent bedankt is, endat hy voortaan zyne eigene zaken zal waarnemen.
Swellendam, 16 Mei, 1830.
In de Nederduitsche Hervormde Kerk, op Zondag den 23 Mei.
Hendrik Wolraadt Martinus MöLLER, MET Johanna Carolina WOLHUTER.
Gerrit Adam Jacobus KOTZEE, Dirkz. Met Alida Hendrikse VISSER.
21 Mei. Martha Johanna DAMONSE, oud 50 jaren.
22. Johanna Wilhelmina, oud 7 maanden, dochter van Johan Jacobus ARENDS
22. De Wel.-Ed. Heer Andreas RICHERT, Sen. oud 66 jaren, 6 maanded en 11 dagen.
25. Een jong-geb. zoon van den Wel-Ed. Heer W.LIESCHING.
27. Francoisa Johanna Hendrica, oud 13 maanded en 9 dage, dochter van den Wel-Ed. Heer Pieter Donald HöHNE.
In the English Church, Cape Town, on Monday, the 24th May, 1830,
by the Rev. G.HOUGH, M.A. Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Thomas SMALL to Rosina McMANUS.
In the English Church, Cape Town, on Sunday, the 23rd May, 1830,
by ditto:
A son of Mr. Benjamin POWELL, baptized George.
May 19, A daughter of Mr. Richard LAMONT, named Margaret Howard, aged 5 years.
23. Joseph LOMAS, aged 40 years.
May 24. Fanny, bark, R.W. BUNDY, from the Downs 6th March, for this port. Cargo sundries.
– Passengers, Mr. FINDLAY, and 2 Misses FINDLAY. – Brings a mail.
24. Wilna, brig, W. TAYT, from the Downs 1st March, for this port. Cargo sundries. – Passenger, Mr. GRIFFITH. – Brings a mail.
July 25. Corsair, schooner, R. PURVIS, for Rio.
26. Genii, brig, W.WELLS, for New South Wales.
Frances Charlotte, left the Cape Nov. 15, arrived Feb. 12.
Guardian, ditto 26. 12.
Resource, ditto Dec. 2. 17.
Eliza Jane, ditto 11. 18.
Glenalvon, ditto 6. March 1.
Triton, ditto 24. 3.
FRIDAY, JUNE 4, 1830.
NO.2, Grave-street,
HAS the pleasure to inform his Friends and the Public, that he has removed from Long-market-street, to the above House, and hopes by strict attention to Business, to merit a continuance of their patronage.
Sale under the Insolvent Estate of Johan Willem LUTGENS, of the Cape District, Farmer.
ON Wednesday and Thursday, the 23d and 24th instant, the Undersigned, Trustees of the above-mentioned Estate, will sell by public Auction, at the Place Molenvliet, situate at Rondebosch, Cape District, the whole of the Effects, consisting of
The Freehold Place called Molenvliet, situate at Rondebosch, Cape District, with the Water-Mill thereon; likewise, the following moveable Property and Slaves. Viz. 8 Wagon Horses and a Saddle Horse, 3 bastard European Milch Cows, and 2 Calves; 1 Horse Wagon, a covered Cart, Sets of Harness, Ploughs, Harrows, Spades, Pick-Axes, and other Farming Implements; valuable Household Furniture of every description, viz. Sofas, dining Tables, Chairs, looking Glasses, Carpets, cut and plain Glass, Crockery Ware; Plate, consisting of 12 Silver Spoons, 1 ditto Soup Ladle, 12 ditto Forks, 6 ditto Tea Spoons, a white Copper Tea Urn, a ditto Tea Pot, a ditto Milk Jug, a ditto Sugar Bason, a Pewter Coffee Pot, Culinary Utensils of every description, Stinkwood Bedsteads, Stretchers, Mahogany Wash hand Stands, Wardrobes, Piano Forte, Music, and many other valuable Articles; further, the following Slaves:-
1. Abraham, of this Colony, aged 39 years.
2. George, of ditto ---- 16 years.
3. (2) Abraham, of Mozambique, 50 years.
4. Robbert, of this Colony, ---- 6 years.
5. Johannes, of ditto, ---- 5 years.
6. Regina, of ditto, ---- 50 years.
After the above Sale is finished, will be put up, 5 Erven, with the Buildings thereon, adjoining each other, situate at Green-Point, above the Public Road, opposite the Erf of G.J. VOS, Esq. also belonging to the above Estate. – This Sale will be held on the Premises. – The Conditions of Sale of the Place Molenvliet, and of the Erven, may, in the mean time, be seen at the Vendue Office of Messrs. WOLFF & BARTMAN.
Cape Town, 3rd June, 1830.
S. DE KOCK, } Joint Trustees.
THE Undersigned, on account of advanced age and bad state of health, wishing to concentrate his Affairs, will cause to be sold bypublic Auction, in the course of the Month of July next, (the day of which will be notified hereafter,) the whole of his Effects, consisting of clever male and female Slaves, Wagons, Horses, Oxen, Wine, Fustage, and what further is required for a Farm. – He offers also for private Sale, his Place called Weltevreden, situate near Stellenbosch, the conditions of which will be very favourable. – Should said Place not be disposed of by private Contract, the same will also be put up by public auction.
Weltevreden, near Stellenbosch, 2d June, 1830.
ON Monday, the 7th instant, the Undersigned will exppose to public Sale, at the Place of Mr. Jan BIERMAN, at Zwartland, 200 Head of very fat Cattle, among which are teams of various colors; - they are already present on the spot, and the Sale will positively take place, and none will be sold by private Contract.
Cape Town, 3d June, 1830.
ADAM, omtrent 35 jaren oud, van deze Kolonie, die gezegd word teen Slaaf te zyn van zekeren BOTHA, woonachtig aan de Groote Vischrivier, in het Distrikt Albanie, is alhier in de Gevangenis voor desertie geconfineerd. – de Eigenaar wordt by deze genoodigd, hem voor of op den 18 July aanstaande, tegen betaling der gewone kosten, te lossen, vermits gez. Slaaf anderzins zal worden ontslagen.
Resident Magistraats Bureau,
Beaufort den 18 Mei 1830.
J.J. MEINJES Resident Magistrate.
In de Nederduitsche Hervormde Kerk, op Zondag den 30 Mei,
Een zoon van Johannes VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, met name Barend Johannes Hermanus.
Een zoon van Jacobus Petrus DE JONGH, met name Laurens Johannes.
Een zoon van Dirk Gysbert BRASLER, met name Johan Christian.
Op Maandag den 31 Mei,
Eene dochter van den Wel-Ed. Hr. Daniel Johannes KUYS, met name Maria Elizabeth.
In de Luthersche Kerk, op Woensdag den 26 Mei,
Eene dochter van den Heer J.F. BECK, met name Carolina Hendrica Willemina.
21 Mei, Cornelia Johanna ROGGE, oud, 27 jaren, 6 maanden en 11 dagen, Huisvrouw van Johannes Arnoldus Adam SOESMAN.
22, Jan VAN MIDDELKOOP, oud 74 jaren en 27 dagen.
25, eene jong-geb. dochter van Fredrik Wilhelm KELLERMAN.
26, James BROWN, 45 jaren.
28, Mejufvrouw Elisabeth Petronella EELDERS, Wed. wyl. Den Wel-Ed. Hr. Arend J. VAN BREDA, Sen. oud 63 jaren en 1 maand.
29, een zoon van den Heer Jacob SCHULTZ, met name Jacob Adriaan, oud circa 4 maanden.
30, Mejufvrouw Johanna Catharina HEINKES, oud 46 jaren en 2 maanden, Huisvrouw van den Wel.-Ed. Heer Siegfried FRAENKEL.
1 Juny, Jacobus Cornelis DE KAT, oud 68 jaren en 8 maanden.
In the English Church, Cape Town, on Saturday, the 29th May, 1830,
by the Rev. G. HOUGH, M.A. Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Mr. Henry Augustus PAINE to Maria Petronella Francina PFEIFFER.
On Monday, the 31st May, by ditto:
Mr. James HALLIER, Widower, to Elizabeth CROWCHER.
On Tuesday, the 1st June, by ditto:
Mr. William Alexander DALY to Miss Ann Catherine LAMONT.
In the English Church, Cape Town, on Sunday, the 30th May, 1830,
by the Rev. George HOUGH, M.A. Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A son of the Rev. Charles WIMBERLEY, H.C. Chaplain, Bengal Establishment, baptized Charles Irvine.
A son of William Tulloh ROBERTSON, Esq. Bengal Civil Service, baptized Fitzwilliam Lascelles.
A daughter of Mr. George Macnamara BRUNETT, baptized Anna Elizabeth.
A son of Mr. Richard WILSON, baptized Stephen.
A son of Mr. Thomas SMITH, baptized Thomas James.
May 26. James BROWN, Pensioner, aged 45 years.
28. A daughter of the late Mr. Charles HUGHES, named Lucretia Mary, aged 12 years and 8
29. Mrs. Mary HUNTER, wife of Mr. Thomas HUNTER, aged 21 years and 10 months.
May 31. Mary, schooner, H. COCK, from Bristol 1st March, for this port. Cargo sundries.
May 28. George, cutter, A. FONTANY, for Saldanha Bay.
29. Singapore, M. TAIT, for Simon’s Bay.
May 31. Sincapore, M. TAIT, from Table Bay 29th instant, for this port. Cargo sundries.
June 1. Wanderer, transport, W. WILLIAMS, from Portsmouth 8th March, for this port and Mauritius, with troops.
– Passengers, Major BASTARD, Royal Artillery; Capts. CRUTTENDEN and ANDREWS, R.A.; Lieuts, DICKENS, LYS, SLATER, and TEESDALE, R.A.; Assistant-Surgeon DAVIS, ditto; Mrs. and Miss BASTARD; Mrs., Miss, and Master CRUTTENDEN; Mrs. ANDREWS, Mrs. TEESDALE; 158 non-commissioned Officers and Men, 22 Women, and 34 Children. – Brings a small mail.
FRIDAY, JUNE 11, 1830.
Insolvent Estate of the late W.H. BAULCOMB.
THE Creditors in the above Estate are hereby required to take Notice, that the Liquidation Accounts will lay for there inspection, at the House of the last Undersigned, No.3, Grave-street, until Friday, the 30th day of July next, on which day all Creditors who have not previousy pro[ved] their Accounts before the Master of the Supreme Court, are requested to do so, without which they will not be allowed.
Cape Town, [11th] June, 1830.
Edward NORTON, }
William HEYWARD, } Trustees.
AT the Sale to be held by the Trustees in the Insolvent Estate of J.W. LUTGENS, on Thursday, the 24th instant, of 5 Erven, at Green Point, will also be put up, two Erven, adjoining each other, with the Buildings thereon, next to the Erf of Mr. POUPART, belonging to the Estate of the late Mr. A. RICHERT, Sen. – The Conditions of Sale will be very favourable.
ON Monday, the 14th of June next, at the Place of Mr. A.M. MEIRING, on account of Mr. Charles DE VILLIERS, Jan Stephanus Son, 0f 900 very fat Sheep, well worth the attention of Purchasers
Vendue Office, Paarl, 29th May, 1830.
PUBLIC SALE, on Wednesday, the 16th instant, at the Place of Mr. A.M. MEIRING, on account of Schalk Willem VAN DER MERWE, Roelof’s Son, of 600 very fat Wethers, and 206 head of black Cattle, consisting of 40 large heavy slaughter Oxen, and Cows, and 10 draught and young Oxen, very fat, and therefore well worth the attention of Purchasers.
Vendue Office, Paarl, 3d June, 1830.
THE Undersigned will hold a public Sale, at the Place of Mr. Jan UYS, at Pampoenekraal, on Thursday, the 1st July, of 175 slaughter and draught Oxen, 150 Cows, 40 bastard European Oxen, the whole of them trained. The Cattle are in excellent condition, and well worth the attention of Purchasers.
N.B. Those purchasing for upwards of 100 Rds. Will have a Credit of 4 months.
Cornelius Bolton ALCOCK, Army and General Agent, being duly augthorised by the Trustees, requests all Persons who are indebted to the Insolvent Estate of J.J.F. ROSELT, will pay the same to him (Mr. ALCOCK.) Those neglecting to do so up to the 1st July next, will be put to the expense of Law, without further Notice.
Uitenhage, 26th May, 1830.
In the Insolvent Estate of Tobias SMUTS, Adriaan Son, of Paardeberg, District of Stellenbosch, Farmer.
A Public Sale will be held, on the 25th instant, at the Place called Hoornbosch, of all the moveable Property belonging to the said Insolvent Estate, consisting chiefly of Farming Implements, Household Furniture, Horses, Cattle, sheep, &c. &c. as also of the following slaves: -
Joseph, of the Cape, Labourer.
Mey, of Mozambique, do.
Joseph, of ditto. do.
Afrika, of Ternate, do. and
Malatti, of the Cape, Housemaid.
Cape Town, 10th June, 1830.
Mich. DE KOCK, }
Maz. THALWITZER,} Trustees.
NAARDIEN de Eerw. Edward JUDGE, omstreeks 7 uren des avonds van den 9 dezer, op den publieken Weg, naby de Brug over Altona, tusschen de Linie en Roodebloem, door eenig onbekend person of personen is aangerand, en beroofd van een zwarte bever Hoe, verondersteld in de Voering te zyn gemerkt met de letters E.J. een wasdoek Hoedovertieksel, een katoene Nachtmuts, gemerkt E. JUDGE, 1824, en een Hemdboordje; - zoo wordt eene Belooning van Twintig Ponden Sterling uitgeloofd aan eenig person, die zoodanige informative zal geven, als strekken kan tot overtuiging van den Dader of Daders.
Kaapstad den 10 Juny, 1830.
P.B. BORCHERDS, Resident Magistraat.
WORDT hierby narigt gegeven, dat de Advertentie in de Courant van gepasseerde week, voor Tenders tot de reparative van den Nieuwen Weg over de Hottentots Hollands Bergen, is vernietigd, wyl dezelve niet zal worden aanbesteed voor het begin van het volgend Jaar.
Bureau van den Civilen Ingenieur, den 9 Juny, 1830.
[Inspect. Gen. Civ…….the bottom of the page has not been scanned.]
WEGGELOOPEN, van de publieke Werken in de Kaapstad, op den 8 dezer, de volgende Bandieten:-
Philip Witbooy, een Hottentot, 4 voet 11 duim lang, zwart kroes haar, bruine oogen, en geproportioneerde gestalte; en
Willem Fredrik, mede een Hottentot, 4 voet 5 duim lang, zwart kroes haar, bruine oogen en geproportioneerde gestalte.
Alle degenen die in de gelegenheid mogen zyn de gem. Bandieten te apprehenderen, worden verzocht hen aan de bevoegde Overheden over te leveren, ten einde zy naar de Kaapstad kunnen worden opgezonden.
Policie Bureau, Kaapstad den 10 Juny 1830.
C. DE LORENTZ, Superintendent van Policie.
WORDT hierby narigt gegeven, dat Piet, voorgevende een Slaaf te zyn van den Heer Gert MARAIS, Veld-kornet te Beaufort, in de Gevangenis alhier voor desertie is geconfineerd; en indien hy niet voor de expiratie van twee maanden, van dato dezer, worde gelost, zal hy worden ontslagen, ende Eigenaar voor de kosten geprosequeerd.
A. FAURE, Jz. Resident Magistraat.
NADEMAAL Antonio CHIAPPINI en Oloff Marthinus BERGH, Mz. Als Executeuren van den Boedel van wylen den Heer Richard HEURTLEY, M.D. zich aan het Hooge Geregtshof hebben geadresseerd, te kennen gevende:-
Dat zy, de Executeuren, in hunne voorm. Qualiteit, hegeerig waren dezen Boedel toteffenheid te brengen, doch daarin verhinderd worden door de onbewustheid welke lasten nog op denzelven hechtende zyn, derhalve verzoekende, dat het het gem. Hooge Geregtshol mogte behagen, more solito, elk en een iengelyk op t reopen, die vermeenen mogte eenige action of pretension, van welken aard ook, op denzelven te hebben, om daarvan opgaafte doe naan het Kantoor van den Griffier van het Hoog Geregtshof, binnen den tyd van drie maanden, na publicatie dezes. Op poene van verstek.
Zoo is ‘t, dat het Hof, dit verzoek in overweging genomen hebbende, goedgedacht heft zulks te accorderen, gelyk geschiedt by deze, wordende hierby opgeroepen elk en een iegelyk die vermeenen mogte eenige action of pretensienop dexen Boedel te hebben, het zy uit hoofed van Schuldbrieven, Boekschulden, Borgtogten, Voodyschappen, Administratien, als anderzins, om zich binnen de eerstkomende drie maanden, na publicatie dezes, op het Kantoor van den Griffier van het Hooge Geregtshof te vervoegen, en aldaar zoodanige pretension ingeven en certificeren, terwyl de Executeuren, na verloop van dien tyd zullen voortgaan met de vereffening van dien Boedel.
Aldus gedaan en verleend by het Hooge Geregtshof aan de Kaap de Goede Hoop, den 10 Juny 1830, en gepublieerd den 11 daaraanvolgende.
Van wege het Hof,
T.H. BOWLES, Griffier van het Hooge Geregtshof.
Meesters Bureau, 10 Juny 1830.
NADEMAAL de Boedel van Johannes Jacobus MOCKE, van de Kaapstad, Landbouwer, behoorlyk onder Sekwestratie is gesteld in handen van den Meester van het Hooge Geregtshof; zoo word teen ieder by deze opgeroepen, die eenige pretensie op voorm. Boedel heft, om twee Byeenkomsten van Crediteuren by te wonen, welke zullen gehouden worden ten overstaan van gem. Meester, in de Groote Jury Kamer, in de publieke Gebouwen, Kaapstad, de eerste op Zaturdag den 10 July, precies ten 11 uren, tot het bewyzen der schulden, en de tweede op Zaturdag den 17 July, precies ten 10 uren, mede tot het bewyzen der schulden en om een of meer Curatoren te verkiezen om gem. Boedel te administreren.
Clerke BURTON, Meester van het Hooge Geregtshof.
Meesters Bureau, 10 Juny 1830.
NADEMAAL de Boedel van wylen Maria Helena GEYER, Weduwe wylen Josias BRINK, (door het Kollegie van Weesmeesteren overgegeven,) behoorlyk onder Sekwestratie is gesteld in handen van den Meester van het Hooge Geregtshof; zoo word teen ieder by deze opgeroepen, die eenige pretensie op voorm. Boedel heft, om twee Byeenkomsten van Crediteuren by te wonen, welke zullen gehouden worden ten overstaan van gem. Meester, in de Groote Jury Kamer, in de publieke Gebouwen, Kaapstad, de eerste op Zaturdag den 10 July, precies ten 12 uren, tot het bewyzen der schulden, en de tweede op Zaturdag den 17 July, precies ten 11 uren, mede tot het bewyzen der schulden en om een of meer Curatoren te verkiezen om gem. Boedel te administreren.
Clerke BURTON, Meester van het Hooge Geregtshof.
Wrak van de Brik Silence.
OP aanstaanden Donderdag morgen den 17 dezer, precies ten 10 uren, zullen aan Zyne Majesteits Customhuis in de Kaapstad, per publieke Vendutie worden verkocht, de Meubelen, Behoeften, en Toebehooren van de gestraande Brik Silence, Kapt. F. JACKSON. Na de Verkooping aan het Customhuis, zal de Vendutie worden voortgezet aan het Strand, van het Hol. Masten, enz. van de gem. Brik, zoo als zy nu leggen. - Alles zal zonder reserve aan den hoogsten Bieder worden verkocht, voor rekening van dien het moge aangaan.
DE Heer MURPHY gene voldoende Offerte voor zynen Wagen (volgens zyne Advertentie in de Zuid-Afrikaansche Commercial Advertiser van den 19 Mei II.) hebbende kunnen bekomen; heft gem. Wagen in eene volmaakte order doen brengen, en stelt nu voor om denzelven te uitloten door 100 Inteekenaren, tegen Zestien Ryksdaalders per Lot.
De Wagen zal voor het afrikaansche Societeits Huis, op de Heerengracht, op aanstaanden Woensdag den 16 dezer, van 1 tot 4 uren, te zien zyn, waar eene Lyst voor de Inteekenaren, als ook in de Beurs, zal gereed liggen.
Kaapstad den 10 Juny 1830.
Cornelius Bolton ALCOCK, Leger en Generale Agent, behoorlyk geauthoriseerd zynde door de Curatoren, verzoekt allen, die iets verschuldigd zyn aan den Insolvented Beodel van J.J.F. ROSELT, hunne debita aan hem (den Heer ALCOCK) aft e betalen, voor den 1 July aanstaande; zullende zy, die in gebreken blyven zulks te doen, in regten worden vervolgd, zonder eenige verdure kennisgeving.
Uitenhage den 26 Mei 1830.
OP Maandag den 14 der aanstaande maand Juny, ter Plaatse van den Heer A.M. MEIRING, voor rekening van den Hr. Charles DE VILLIERS, Jan Stephanusz. Van 900 extra vette Schapen, de attentive der Liefhebbers wel waardig. –Zegt het voort.
Vendue-Kantoor, Paarl den 29 Mei 1830.
In de Nederduitsche Hervormde Kerk, op Zondag den 6 Juny,
Fredrik Johannes SMALBERG, met Johanna Elisabeth STOFBERG.
In de Luthersche Kerk, op Zondag den 6 Juny,
Een zoon van David ESTON, Junior, met name David James.
Een zoon van Johan Pieter VOGES, met name Johan Pieter.
Eene dochter van Andreas SPOLANDER, Sen. met name Livina Francina.
Eene dochter van Johannes Nicolaas HAMMAN, met name Susanna Maria.
Op Woensdag den 9 Juny,
eene dochter van Jacob Johannes STEYTLER, Jr. met name Susanna Maria.
4 Juny, Clasina Carolina Wilhelmina HARTWICH, oud 28 jaren en 12 dagen, Huisvrouw van Dominico Anthony LARY.
7, een jong-geb. zoon van George LAURENCE.
In the English Church, Cape Town, on Monday, the 7th June, 1830,
by the Rev. G. HOUGH, M.A. Senior Colonial Chaplain:
On Tuesday, the 8th June, by ditto:
The Rev. Mr. William WRIGHT, M.A. Chaplain at Bathurst, to Miss Adelaide Elizabeth FORD.
In the English Church, Cape Town, on Sunday, the 6th June, 1830,
by the Rev. George HOUGH, M.A. Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of Mr. Henry HEWITT, baptized Mary CRAY.
A daughter of Etienne DE LORME, baptized Margaret Eleanor.
June 4. Richard WILSON, aged 50 years.
6. Henry GRANT, aged 27 years.
June 7. Alfred, bark, J.D. JACKSON, from the Downs 31st March, for this port and Mauritius. Cargo sundries.
– Passengers, Mrs. JACKSON and 3 children, and 1 servant. – Brings a mail.
The Eclipse, sailed the same day; and the Edward Lombe near three weeks before, for the Cape.
On the 2nd of May, spoke the Fame, near the Equator, - all well.
9. Eclipse, E. DAVIS, from Portsmouth 31st of March, for this port. Cargo sundries.
– Passengers, Mr. and Mrs. WATSON, Miss WATSON, and servant. – Brings a Mail.
9. Peace, R.D. GARIS, from Rio 10th May, for this port. Cargo coffee.
– Passengers, Mr. Saas WILHELM. – Brings a few letters.
H.N.S. Warspite and Eden, at Rio.
9. George, cutter, - FONTANY, from Saldanha Bay 8th June, for this port. Cargo grain.
Magnet, Cleopatra, Eliza, Georges, Olive Branch, Eliza Jane, James Sibbald, Woodbine, Kerswill and Rutland.
H.M.S. Badger was at Portsmouth on the 8th March, for the Cape.
The Sydney Packet, which sailed from this port on the 27th of August, 1829, arrived at Deal on the 19th March, 1830.
FRIDAY, JUNE 18, 1830.
ALL Persons having any Claims against the following Estates, administered by the Orphan Chamber, viz: -
Of Carel David AUCAMP, and deceased Wife Johanna Catharina KRUGER,
Of the late Michael COHEN,
------------- Jacobus Petrus CARELSE, and surviving Widow Anna Johanna Maria CLASE,
------------- Johannes JACOBS, Piet Son, and surviving Widow Johanna Maria FABER,
------------- Johan Joachim SMITH,
------------- Johan George SCHWARTZ, and surviving Widow Anna Lasea Christina Willemina SMITH.
------------- Edo, formerly a Slave of Mr. Abraham Carel COETZEE,
are hereby requested to forward them, with proper Vouchers, to the Orphan Chamber, within the term of three Months from this date, on pain of deprivation of further right: and those who may stand indebted to the aforesaid Estates, are desired to discharge their respective debts within the said period, on pain of prosecution by Law.
Orphan Chamber, Cape of Good Hope, 16th June, 1830.
H. TENNANT, Secretary.
PIETER VAN BREDA, Alex. Son, q.q C.F. VOIGT, versus the said Theunis Hermanus CARSTEN.
On Tuesday, the 29th June, 1830, at the Defendatn’s Place, situated at Zwartland, in the District of Stellenbosch, at 9 o’Clock, A.M. of Household Furniture of various descriptions, Plate and plated Articles, Kitchen Utensils, Glass and Earthenware, 10 Oxen, 2 Cows, 5 Horses, 8 Mares and Foals, 55 Sheep and Goats, an open Bullock Waggon, a ditto Horse Waggon, a ditto Cart, Farming Implements, Smith’s Tools, &c. &c. Also, the following slaves, viz: - Mentor, of Mozambique; Spatie; anna; Abel, and Diana, of this Colony, and Siphta, of Bengal.
On Monday, the 28th instant, opposite the Public Offices in Graham’s Town, of 5 Oxen.
CLERK of the PEACE of Swellendam, on behalf of the Civil Commissioner, versus CORNELIS JACOB BRETTS.
On Monday, the 5th July next, at the Place of the Defendant, Doornkraal, in the District of Swellendam of 50 Oxen, and 30 breeding Cattle.
J. STEUART, High Sheriff.
In the Insolvent Estate of Jan Willem LUTGENS,
of Rondebosch.
THE Sale of the moveable and immoveable Property of the above-named Insolvent, which was fixed by the Under-signed Trustees in said Estate, for the 23d and 24th of this Month, is by consent of the majority of the Creditors in that Estate, postponed until further Notice, in consequence of a question now pending between the Creditors, the Insolvent, and the Executor of the last Will of the late W. LUTGENS, and deceased Wife, respecting an Inheritance entailed with the lieu of fidei Commis.
Cape Town, 16th June, 1830.
S. DE KOCK, } Joint Trustees.
BENOODIGD, een Wagenmaker, van goed gedrag; men zal de voorkeur geven aan eenen Slaaf hetzy te huur of te koop; alsmede een Jongeling als Leerling of Klerk in de Koopmans Affaire. -
Adres aan het Gazette Kantoor; brieven gefrankeerd.
DE Heer Joachim Christoffel ESTERHUYSE, zich van zyne Affaire wenschende te ontdoen, zoo zullen de Ondergeteekenden, als daartoe behoorlyk gekwalificeerd zynde, op Maandag en Dingsdag den 5 en 6 July aanstaande, per publieke Vindutie laten verkoopen, zyn geheelen Inboedel, bestaande uit zyne welbekende Plaats Weltevreden, gelegen omtrent een half-uur van het Dorp Stellenbosch, beplant met circa 80,000 Wynstokken; alsmede een aantal kapitale Slaven en Slavinnen; Ossen en Paarden, als ook Ossen – en Paardenwagens, eenige Leggers goede Wynen, en al hetgeen verder ter verkoop zal worden aangeboden.
NB. Blyvende gemelde Plaats inmiddels uit de hand te koop.
Kaapstad den 17 Juny 1830.
GEDROST, op den 12 dezer, myn Slavejongen, gen. Carel, geboren in deze Kolonie, oud 19 jaren; hy heft veel gelykenis van een Bastaard Hottentot, en zal zich waarschynlyk daarvoor uitgeven, omdat hy het voor 4 of 5 jaren ook heft gedaan; hy is gekleed met een ledere broek, wit hemd, en blaauw karsaai baatje, gevoerd met gestreepte linnenbaai. De Heeren Veldkornets in de Buiten-Distrikten worden zeer vriendelyk verzocht hiervan de noodige kennis in hunne respective Wyken te geven. – Eene belooning van 10 Rds. Zal worden gegeven aan dengenen, die hem in een der Gevangenissen bezorgt.
Mount Pleasant den 15 Juny 1830.
In de Nederduitsche Hervormde Kerk, op Zondag den 13 Juny,
Een zoon van Petrus Michiel TESSELAAR, met name Nicolaas Jacobus Anthony.
Een zoon van Sophia VAN DE KAAP, met name Francis Jacob Edward.
Eene dochter van den Wel.-Ed. Hr. Ryk Johannes LOEDOLFF, met name Maria Magdalena Johanna.
Eene dochter van Diederik Christoffel LESAR, met name Yda.
Eene dochter van Johannes Adrianus MOSER, met name Christina Willemina Antoinetta.
Drie dochters van Clara VAN DE KAAP, met name Isabella Christina, Charlotta en Matilda Christiana.
11 Juny, eene dochter van Christina BIOYERT, met name Carolina, oud 8 maanden.
11, eene dochter van Hendricus Gerhardus CRAAYENSTEYN, met name Elisabeth Johanna, oud 4 jaren en 6 maanden.
15, eene jong-geb. dochter van Christina Maria KRAMER.
In the English Church, Cape Town, on Monday, the 14th June, 1830,
by the Rev. G. HOUGH, M.A. Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Mr. Thomas ANSDELL to Miss Sophia Alida DE WET.
On Tuesday, the 15th June, by ditto:
Mr. John FELL, Widower, to Mrs. Catherine MURDOCH, Widow.
In the English Church, Port Elizabeth, on Monday, the 24th May, 1830,
by the Rev. F. McCLELAND, A.B. Chaplain:
James FROST, batchelor, to Elseba Maria SWART, spinster.
In the English Church, Cape Town, on Saturday, the 12th June, 1830,
by the Rev. G. HOUGH, M.A. Senior Colinal Chaplain:
A son of the late Mr. Robert WHITEHEAD, baptized Robert William.
A son of Mr. Richard VIPPOND, baptized William Arthur.
In the English Church, Port Elizabeth, on Sunday, the 9th May, 1830,
by the Rev. F. McCLELAND, A.B. Chaplain:
A daughter of Assistant-Surgeon Alexander Brathwaite MORGAN, H.M. 55th Regt. baptized Charlotte Elizabeth.
On Sunday, the 30th May, by ditto:
A son of William Roxby HILTON, baptized William James Ford.
A son of ditto, baptized Henry Roxby.
At Port Elizabeth.
May 8. Zerfatus RAUFUS, aged 45.
19. Catharine, wife of Private John McLEAN, H.M. 55th Regt. aged 39 years.
June 15. Conch, T. COBERN, from Algoa Bay 29th May, for this port. Cargo colonial produce.
– Passengers, Mrs. COBERN.
15. Flamingo, F. SCOREY, from Algoa Bay 26th May, and Mossel Bay 10th June, for this port. Cargo colonial produce.
– Passengers, Mesdames ROBSON and FLEETWOOD; Messrs. NITCH and REID, 1 servant, and 2 steerage passengers.
15. George IV, S. PHELPS, from Algoa Bay 14th May, for this port. Cargo colonial produce. – On the 14th June, spoke the Windsor, Lowther Castle, and General Ryd, from China 12 weeks.
16. Edward Lombe, W. FREEMAN, from Plymouth 10th March, for this port and Swan River. Cargo sundries.
– Passengers, Mrs. MACFAULT; Messrs. MACFAULT, OMANNEY, PERKINS, and NAFTAL; in the steerage, 45 men, 8 women, and 8 children. - Brings a Mail.
June 12. Phoebe, J. BEATSON, for Rio.
13. Ligonier, J. TYLER, for Breede River.
June 14. H.M.Ship Badger, Capt. R.F. ROWLEY, from England 6th March, for this port. – Communicated with the Edward Lombe, W. FREEMAN, Master, having passengers for Swan River; supplied her with some provisions. She sailed from St. Jago on the 13th April.
June 9. H.M.Ship Maidstone, Commodore SCHOMBERG, for Mauritius.
10. Singapore, M.TAIT, for Table Bay.
16. H.M.Ship Falcon, Capt. COLPOYS, for Mauritius.
16. Wanderer, transport, E. WILLIAMS, for Algoa Bay & Mauritius.
FRIDAY, JUNE 25, 1830.
DE Heer Jacob Pieter DE VILLIERS, zal op Woendsdag den 7 July aanstaande, ter Plaatse van den Heer A.A. DE VILLIERS, Pz. Naby Stellenbosch, publiek taten verkoopen, 2000 extra vette Schapen.
Vendu Kantoor, Stellenbosch, 22 Juny 1830.
Publieke Verkooping door het Vendu-Departement te Stellenbosch.
DE Heer J. MALHERBE zal op Zaturdag den 3 July aanst. Ter Plaatse van den Heer A.A. DE VILLIERS, Pieterz. Naby Stellenbosch, publiek taten verkoopen, 800 extra vette Schapen en Bokken.
Vendu-Kantoor, Stellenbosch den 24 Juny 1830.
BEVALLEN, IN DE Kaapstad, op den 22 dezer, de Ed. Mevrouw STEUART, van eene Dochter.
GETROUWD, op Maandag den 21 dezer, met Speciale Licentie, in de Kapel van den Koninglyken Astronomist, door den eerw. G. HOUGH, A.M. oudste Koloniale Kapellaan, de Heer George THOMPSON, Koopma, met Jongejufvrouw Johanna M.D. DENEYS, oudste Dochter van wylen den Heer G.C. DENEYS.
In de Nederduitsche Hervormde Kerk, op Zondag den 20 Juny,
George Henry WILLS, met Martha Johanna BEETS.
Een zoon van Abraham Pieter HERHOLDT, met name Gerrit.
Twee dochters van Maria Jacoba DANSIGE, met name Wilhelmina Magdalena en Madgalena Johanna.
17 Juny. Catharina PITORIS, oud 48 jaren en 10 maanden, Weduwe wylen Joseph REMMICH.
17, Bartholomeus Francois, oud 1 jaar en 11 maanden, zoon van Nicolaas Jacobus LOTZ.
19, een jong-geb. zoon van Dirk Johannes WAHL.
19, een jong-geb. zoon van Christina HEGER.
In the Pivate Chapel of the Royal Obervatory, on Monday, 21st June,
1830, by the Rev. G. HOUGH, M.A. Senior Colonial Chaplain:
George THOMPSON Esq. to Miss Johanna Maria Dirkina DENEYS.
In th English Church, Cape Town, on Tuesday, the 22d June, 1830,
by the Rev. George HOUGH,M.A. Senior Colonial Chaplain:
The Rev. Edward JUDGE, M.A. Professor of Enlish and Classical Literature in the South African College, to Miss Charlotte WHEATLEY.
June 16. Mary, G. KILGOUR, from St. Helena 26th May, for this port. Cargo flour and tovacco. Brings a mail.
The St. Helena schooner had sailed for England.
The Dallas, a schooner of about 180 tons, had sailed for the Cape early in April.
June 16. Usk, T. LONG, for Algoa Bay.
June 11. Clorinda, with the first division of the 55th Regt. put back, after having beat about for the last 12 days.
General Post Office, Cape Town, 25th June, 1830.
LETTERS are received at this Office, and will be transmitted by the following opportunities, viz: -
To England, by the Fanny.
-- Ireland, by the John.
-- Van Dieman’s Land and N.S. Wales, by the Henry.
R. CROZIER, Postmaster-General.
NOTICE is hereby given, that Lena, of this Colony, female Slave, stating herself to belong to Jan VLOTMAN, residing in Camdebo, District of Graaff-Reinet, is confined here for desertion: - The Owner of Owners are desired to release the said female Slave within two months from the date hereof, otherwise she will be liberated, and the Expenses incurred sued for according to Law.
Resident Magistrate’s Office, Worcester, 11th June, 1830.
J.J. LE SUEUR, Resident Magistrate.
Sale by the Agent to the Orphan Chamber, at Worcester
ON Monday, the 5th of July next, will be sold in the Village of Worcester, by Mr. M BORCHERDS, Agent to the Board of Orphan Masters in the District of Worcester, for account of the Estate of the late Dirk Wouter HOFFMAN, the Slave Karel, 43 ½ years of age, by trade a Blacksmith, belonging to the said Estate.
Orphan Chamber, Cape of Good Hope, 17th June, 1830.
H. TENNANT, Secretary.
- Joachim Christoffel ESTERHUYSE, wishing to concentrate his Affairs, the Undersigned, duly qualified thereto, will cause to be sold by public Auction, on Monday and Tuesday, the 5th and 6th July next, the whole of his Property, consisting of the well known Place Weltevreden, situate about half an houf from the Village of Stellenbosch, planted with about 80,000 Vines; likewise, a number of capital male and female Slaves; Oxen and Horses; Ox and Horse Wagons’ a few Leaguers of good Wines. And what further may be offered.
N.B. The Place is in the mean time for private Sale
Cape Town, 17th June, 1830.
In the Supreme Court.
Master’s Office, 24th June, 1830.
New Election of Trustees, in the Insolvent Estate of Egbert Andries BUYSKES.
THE Creditors who have proved their Debts under the Insolvent Estate of Egbert Andries BUYSKES, of the Onderschuur, Rondebosch, in the Cape District, late Joint Commissary of Vendues, are required to take Notice, that, pursuant to an order of the Supreme court made on the 23d instant, directing the Creditors to proceed to a new Election of Trustees, the choice made at the second Meeting held before the Master of the Supreme Court, on the 19th instant, having been declared informal, - another Meeting will be held in the Grand Jury Room, Public Buildings, Cape Town, on Saturday, the 3d July, at 12 o’Clock precisely, before the Master, for the purpose of proceeding to a new Election, in compliance with the said order.
Clerke BURTON, Master of the Supreme Court.
Master’s Office, Cape Town, 24th June, 1830.
WHEREAS the Estate of Christian CLOETE, of Lange Berg, in the District of Swellendam, Field-Cornet and Farmer, has been duly placed under Sequestration in the hands of the Master of the Supreme Court: all Persons having any Claim upon the said Estate, are required to attend two Meetings of the Creditors to be held before the Said Master, in the Grand Jury Room, at the Public Buildings, Cape Town; the first Meeting to be held on Saturday, the 17th of July, at 11 o’Clock precisely, for the proof of Debts; the second Meeting of Saturday, the 24th July, at 11 o’Clock precisely, also for the proof of Debts, and for the Election of a Trustee or Trustees, who shall administer the said Estate.
Clerke BURTON, Master of the Supreme Court.
Master’s Office, Cape Town, 24th June, 1830.
WHEREAS the Estate of Theunis Hermanus CARSTENS, Hermanus Son, of Zwartland, in the Cape District, has been placed under Sequestration in the hands of the Master of the Supreme Court: - all Persons having any Claim upon the said Estate, are required to attend two Meetings of the Creditors to be held before the Resident Magistrate, at his Office, Stellenbosch, the first Meeting to be held on Saturday, the 17th of July, at 10 o’Clock precisely, for the proof of Debts; the second Meeting of Saturday, the 24th July, at 10 o’Clock precisely, also for the proof of Debts, and for the Election of a Trustee or Trustees, who shall administer the said Estate.
Clerke BURTON, Master of the Supreme Court.
Master’s Office, Cape Town, 24th June, 1830.
WHEREAS the Estate of William DEALE, of Glen Lynden, in the District of Somerset, Storekeeper, has been placed under Sequestration in the hands of the Master of the Supreme Court: - all Persons having any Claim upon the said Estate, are required to attend two Meetings of the Creditors to be held before the Resident Magistrate, at his Office, Graham’s Town, the first Meeting to be held on Saturday, the 24th of July, at 11 o’Clock precisely, for the proof of Debts; the second Meeting of Saturday, the 31st July, at 11 o’Clock precisely, also for the proof of Debts, and for the Election of a Trustee or Trustees, who shall administer the said Estate.
Clerke BURTON, Master of the Supreme Court.
Master’s Office, Cape Town, 24th June, 1830.
WHEREAS the Estate of Andrew CONWAY, residing near the Great Fish River, in the District of Albany, Caffre Trader, has been placed under Sequestration in the hands of the Master of the Supreme Court: - all Persons having any Claim upon the said Estate, are required to attend two Meetings of the Creditors to be held before the Resident Magistrate, at his Office, Graham’s Town, the first Meeting to be held on Saturday, the 24th of July, at 10 o’Clock precisely, for the proof of Debts; the second Meeting of Saturday, the 31st July, at 10 o’Clock precisely, also for the proof of Debts, and for the Election of a Trustee or Trustees, who shall administer the said Estate.
Clerke BURTON, Master of the Supreme Court.
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