Cape of Good Hope Government Gazette 1830 - 1 - January to March
Further, the following Slaves, viz: December, of Madagascar; Asia, Flora, with her Children, Jacob,Juliana, and Coba, and Fanny, with her Child Abraham, all Natives of this Colony; likewise, Household Furniture, consisting of Chairs, Tables, Bedsteads, Bedding, Kitchen Utensils, Glass, Crockeryware, Fustage, &c. &c.
** The Conditions of Sale may be seen at Mr. P.A. MYBURGH’S Gs. Vendue Administrator, Stellenbosch.
Cape Town, 23d December, 1829,
ON the 23d instant, at 12 o’Clock, will be sold by public Auction to the highest Bidder, at the Vendue Office of Mr. J. BLORE, the old Church Organ of the Dutch Reformed Community of this place. The Purchaser, if desirous, may retain the purchase money at Interest, on giving food Security to the satisfaction of the Church-wardens. – The terms and conditions will be made known on the Day of Sale. – The said Organ may in the mean time be inspected, on application to Mr. KEEVE, Sexton.
In the name and by order of the Consistory,
Cape Town, 1st January, 1830.
The Undersigned, from old Age, intending to concentrate his Affairs, will hold a public Sale, through the Auctioneer Mr. Joseph BARRY, on the 30th and 31st January next, at his Place on the Duivenhok’s River, in the District of Swellendam, when he will sell to the highest Bidder, at 6 months’ Credit, 100 waggon, riding, and breeding Horses, 120 Oxen, and breeding Cattle of the bastard European breed; Waggons, Ploughs, and what further may be offered on the Day of Sale.
Also, on most favourable terms, the well-known valuable Place Platte Kloof, possessing fine pastorage the whole year for 500 Cattle; excellent Arable Land, Garden Ground, and is abundantly supplied with water.
[…..the beginning of this sentence has not been included in the scan.] …. January next, at 10 o’Clock, A.M., through the Auctioneers Messrs. WOLFF & BARTMAN, at their Dwelling House, No.46, Hout-street, the male Slave Arjap, of this Colony, carpenter, 40 years old.
Further, on Wednesday, the 3d of February next, at the Village of Swellendam, through the Auctioneer Mr. Joseph BARRY, the male Slave Jacob, of Mozambique, labourer, 43 years old.
Cape Town, 22nd December, 1829.
And. BRINK, Ds.
J.C. LEEUWNER, Joint Trustees.
On Wednesday, the 6th January, 1830, will be sold at the House of Mr. Michiel WOLFF, the Slave Salomon, of the Cape, aged 45 years; and Adriaan, of ditto, aged 10 1/2 years, both belonging to the Insolvent Estate of J.F. REDELINGHUYS. – The Money may remain at Interest for one year, giving good Security.
Cape Town, 22nd December, 1829.
J.C. LEEUWNER, Joint Trustees.
In the English Church, Cape Town, on Saturday, the 26th Dec. 1829,
by the Rev. G. HOUGH, M.A. Senior Colonial Chaplain:
Robert COOPER, Esq. to Miss Anne DEANE.
In the English Church, Wynberg, on Sunday, the 27th Dec. 1829, by the Rev. B.C. GOODISON, A.M. Acting Chaplain:
A Daughter of John Edward NORTON, baptized Elizabeth Augusta.
At Bathurst, on Tuesday, the 8th December, 1829,
by the Rev. W. WRIGHT, M.A. Chaplain:
A son of George PALMER, baptized Richard.
On Sunday, 13th December,
by ditto,
A son of Thomas HARTLEY, baptized Jeremiah Thomas.
At Barville Park, on Wednesday, the 23d Dec.
by ditto,
A Bechuana child, baptized Ann APRIL.
Dec. 26 Mrs. Mary Ann APSEY, Wife of Mr. William APSEY, aged 28 years.
28. At Sans Souci, William Hood MENZIES, Son of the Honorable Mr. Justice MENZIES, aged 12 months.
In de Nederduitsche Hervormde Kerk, op Zonday den 27 December,
George GIBBS, met Johanna JACOBS.
Christiaan Wilhelm SCHOUW, met Magdalena Wilhelmina VALENTYNS.
Franciscus Petrus DERT, Weduwenaar, met Yda Catharina CORNELISSE.
Jan EYSEN, met Johanna Catharina Helena BESTER.
Op Zaturdag den 26 December,
Twee en twintig bejaarde Personen, met name -
Jan EZOU, Delina Christina Catharina ADAMSE, Elsje Elisabeth MULDER, Rachel Elisabeth DANIELSE, Elisabeth Willemina ARENTSE, Anna Catharina Christiana HERSMOET, Clara Christina ISAACKSE, Elisabeth Sophia MARTINISSE, Martha Johanna DAMONSE, Louisa Dorothe LANGEVELD, Christina Catharina Janetta ISMA, Christina MARINUS, Nancy Helena ERVIN, Sara Elisabeth ERNTSE, Eva Maria DAMONSE, Rebecka Elisabeth DAMONSE, Eva Carolina WITTING, Magdalena Johanna ESLAAR en Sara Johanna JANZEN, allen van de Kaap.
Op Zondag den 27 December,
Eene dochter van Sybrand Abraham DE BEER, Sen, met name Helena Wilhelmina Hendrica Margaretha.
Een zoon van Charlotta VAN DE KAAP, met name Johannes Jacobus Hendricus.
In de Luthersche Kerk, of Zondag den 27 December,
Een zoon van den Hr. F.G.E. LANDSBERG, met name Joseph Heinrich Gottlob Cornelius.
Twee dochters (Tweelingen) van Hendrik VAN DYK, met name Geertruida Johanna en Jacoba Christina.
Eene dochter van Johan Jacobus ARENDS, met name Johanna Charlotta.
25 Dec. Matias DRAAG, oud 77 jaren.
25, eene jong-geb. dochter van George Carel Lodewyk GERINGH.
27, eene jong-geb. dochter van den Heer Jan Willem HURTER, JAXA.
28, eene jong-geb. dochter van Daniel Cornilis HOFFMAN.
28, eene dochter van Pieter Jacobus LANGEVELD, met name Rosina Cornelia, oud 6 maanden en 2 dagen.
30, de Heer Abraham Jacobus WIID, oud 48 jaren en 3 maanden.
31, Jufvrouw Cornelia Sophia Constantia BERGH, Huisvrouw van den Wel-Ed. Hr. John MONTEATH, oud 24 jaren, 1 maand en 9 dagen.
Dec. 24. Mary, G. KILGOUR, from St. Helena 26th Nov. for this port. In ballast. – Brings a few letters.
24. Pacific, brig. J. CAULKHILL, from Liverpool 19th Sept. for this port. Cargo Sundries.
– Passenger, Mr. PEACOCK. – Brings a few letters.
On 21st Dec. spoke the John Taylor, bound to Calcutta.
25. Flamingo, Schooner, J. SCOREY, from Algoa Bay 20th Dec. for this port. Cargo sundries.
– Passengers, Capt. BAILIE, Lieut. CAREY, Dr. HUSSEY, Messrs. ANSDELL, THOMPSON, and VAN EYK.
25. Juliana, brig, W. GARRETT, from Rio 9th Nov. for this port. Cargo sundries. – Passenger. Mr. ONGE.
The George the Fourth sailed two days before.
26. La Lydie, (French,) RORIER, from Nantz 15th October, bound to Bourbon. Cargo general.
– Passengers. Messrs. SIERE, VENCOUT, PIGNOLET, DUMONT, CROUT, and M. DUMONT. - Put in for water.
26. St. Helena, B.L. HARRISON, from St. Helena 1st Dec. for this port, in ballast.
– Passengers, Major
A.W. BROWN, Bombay Native Infantry; Mrs. BROWN, and Infant; two Servants, two Chinese, and James CELE, Boy, deserter from H.M.S. Espoir. – Brings a Mail.
29. Harmonie, (French,) M. DARLAM, from the Mauritius 8th Dec. bound to Bordeauz. Cargo sundries.
– Passengers, Messrs. DAVAL and family, BAZEN and family, LEMARCHAND and family, ST. GEORGE and family, CHATEAU and family, GOUT and family, and Roze; Mesdms. NATTIER, DAMAIN, ROUZ, and ESMOUX; Messrs. BOUTON, LAMAR, DAMIN, MICHEL LA-TIGUE, and 9 servants. – put in for water, &c.
30. Usk, T. LONG, from the Knysna 26th December, for this port. Cargo timber.
– Passengers Messrs. VILLET and PIETERSEN.
Dec. 24. Francis Watson, S. BRAGG, for Simon’s Bay.
- George, LAWRENCE, for Dyer’s Island.
- Triton, CREAR, for England and Holland.
- Egyptian, LILBURN, for Swan River.
- Elizabeth, SWAN, for Van Diemen’s Land.
30. Augustine, ship. LE CANNELLIE, for Bourbon.
- La Lydie, ship, R. RAVIER, for ditto.
Dec. 26. Francis Watson, S. BRAGG, from Table Bay 24th December for this port. Cargo Government stores, &c.
ABSCONDED, more than a month ago, from Johannes Jacobus MOCKE, residing behind the Sneeuwberg, but then at the Uitspan Place Smallepad, on his journey to Cape Town, his male Slave named Cupido, of Mozambique, a Bastard Hottentot named Frederik, and three female Slaves named Constant, Silvia, and Alida, all Natives of this Colony. – Whoever apprehends the above Slaves, and returns them to the Undersigned, or lodges them in one of the public Prisons, shall receive a Reward of Ten Rix-dollars for each; and those harbouring the said Slaves, will be prosecuted.
5th January, 1830.
J.G. TREDOUX, Sen. No. 47 Strand-Street.
Alle de genen die eenige vorderingen hebben op, dan wel iets verschuldigd zyn aan, den Boedel van wylen Abraham Stephanus ERASMUS, worden by deze verzocht daarvan opgave en betaling te doenaan den eersten Ondergeteekenden, binnen twee maanden van dato dezer.
Graaff-Reinet den 31 December 1829.
De Ondergeteekende Kooper geworden zynde van de Plaats van den Heer Abraham Paul DE VILLIERS, biedt uit dien hoofed zyn Huis en Erve, gelegen in het midden en in het aangenaamste gedeelte van dit Dorp, op ‘t Kerkplein albier, uit de hand te koop. Dit Erf kan ten sterksten voor allen Handel worden gerecommandeerd, als voor eene Commissiewinkel, Negotiant, Slagter, enz. Enz.
Het Huis bevat in zich een Voorhuis, vier Kamers, Kombuis en Dispens; annex hetzelve bevinden zich twee royale Pakhuizen, het een 36 voeten lang en 15 dito breed, - het andere 18 voeten breed en diezelfde lengte. – Het Geld kan zeven achtereenvolgende Jaren op rente blyven, onder verband van gezegd Erf, met twee geode Borgen. – Zegt ‘t voort.
Paart, 23 December 1829.
In the English Church, Cape Town, on Sunday, the 3d January, 1830,
by the Rev. George HOUGH, M.A Senior colonial Chaplain.
A Daughter of Francis COLLISON, Esq. baptized Elizabeth.
A Daughter of Mr. David Sunly SAPSFORD, baptized Johanna Maria.
A Daughter of Thomas MATHIAS, baptized Catharine.
In the English Church, Wynberg, on Sunday, the 3d January, 1830,
by the Rev. B.C. GOODISON, A.M. Acting Chaplain:
A Female Adult, native of the Cape, baptized Clarissa.
A Female slave child, Daughter of Sansprendre of Mozambique, baptized Rosanna.
A ditto ditto, baptized Louisa.
At Manenberg, Cape Downs, on Wednesday, the 6th January, 1830,
by the Rev. R. SNOWDALL:
A Son of Jacob MOSTERT, named Michael Johan.
A Daughter of Jacobus Hendricus STIGLINGH, named Maria Adriana.
A Daughter of Johan Maurits SCHIETEKAT, named Petronella Barendina.
In de Nederduitsche Hervormde Kerk, op Zondag den 3 January,
Een zoon van den Hr. Jan Hendrik HOFMEYR, Stephz. Met name Servaas.
Eene dochter van Edward James BAILEY, met name Anna Fransina Verster.
Eene dochter van Matthys Hend. GREEF, met name Margaretha Elisabeth.
Drie zoons en eene dochter van Jan EYSEN, met name Arend Christoffel, Maurits Johannes, Jacobus Petrus, en Johanna Margaretha.
In de Luthersche Kerk, op Zondag den 3 January,
Een zoon van Christian Johannes SCHOONRAAD, met name Georg Daniel.
3 Jan. Beatrix, oud 3 jaren, 9 maanden en 13 dagen, dochter van den Wel-Ed. Hr. F.S. WATERMEYER.
3, Maria Margaretha, oud 14 jaren, 11 maanden en 3 dagen, dochter van Ernst KLUYSMAN.
6, Jufvrouw Esther Elisabeth DE WET, Huisvrouw van del Wel-Ed. Hr. Johannes Joachim Lodewyk SMUTS, oud 37 jaren, 6 maanden en 9 dagen.
Jan. 3. Protector, bark, G. THOMAS, from London 11th October, bound to Swan River, Cargo sundries.
– Passengers, Mesdames HALL, DARBY, FOLEY, and BIRKETT; Messrs. HALL, DARBY, FOLEY, CHURCHMAN, PHILLIPS, BIRKETT, KILLAM, EARL, BICKLEY, and INGRAM, and 10 Children. – In the Steerage, 36 Men, 7 Women, 11 Children, and 2 Servants. – Put in for water and refreshments.
4. Cornwallis, brig, H.E. HENDERSON, from Mauritius 9th December, for this Port. Cargo sugar – Passengers, Mrs. BILLINGSLEY AND Miss HENDERSON, Mr. DOUQUET and Son, Mr. BECKER, and 2 Servants. – Brings a few loose letters.
4. Conch, schooner, T. COBERN, from Algoa Bay 31st December, for this Port. Cargo colonial produce.
– Passengers, Mr. and Mrs. HAYWARD, and 1 Servant.
5. Sesostris, ship, A. YATES, from Portsmouth 12th October, bound to Bombay. Cargo sundries.
– Passengers for the Cape, Mrs. HARRIS, Miss BANCE, Messrs. D. & A. PHILLIPS, HARRIS, ALBERTUS, and AMYOTT; 4 children, and 3 Servants: -for Bombay, Misses C. & L. POLLEXFIN, Captain SANDWITH, Lieut. WADE, Messrs. CAMERON, LYS, and RIANE; 1 servant, and 5 natives. – Brings a mail.
Jan. 5. L’Amilie, (French) A. FAUDEUR, for Havre de Grace.
Frances Watson, S. BRAGG, for Port Elizabeth.
The Accounts and Documents of the hereafter-named Insolvent Estates, of which the Net Balances for Distribution do not exceed the Sum of four hundred Rixwill-dollars respectively, having lain open at this Office for the inspection and examination of the respective Creditors, without having met with any opposition against their several Schemes of distribution, viz:-
Albert Soetje CORNELIS, (deceased,)
Robert McGARVA,
David Pasmore TAYLOR,
Spadille AKIER, (alias Spadille of the Cape,)
Pieter Everhard BREVIS, (DECEASED,) AND
William Andries DE VREES.
Notice is hereby given, that in conformity with the 50th Article of the late Sequestrator’s Instructions, the whole of the Creditors interested in the foregoing Estates, are summoned by these presents to appear at this Office, on Saturday, the 13th February, at eleven o’Clock precisely, in order to proceed to the final Distribution on the Net Proceeds of the said Estates, in the manner prescribed by the 50th Article of the late Sequestrator’s Instructions.
Office of the Commissioner for adjusting the Affairs of the late Sequestrator’s Department, Cape Town, 7th January, 1830
F.S. WATERMEYER, Commissioner.
DIED, on the 3d January, 1830, Mrs. Christina BOOYZEN, Widow of Willem Wouter VENTER, aged 79 years, 2 months, and 16 days; of which Notice is hereby given to Relatives and Friends.
D.J. BOOYZEN. Executors.
THE Undersigned hereby gives notice to Relatives and Friends, that his beloved Wife Hester Maria JOUBERT, departed this life on the 17th December last, aged 27 years and 1 month, after an illness of only four hours.
Eikenboomen, 13th January, 1830.
THE Undersigned will expose to public Sale, on Wednesday, the 27th January, at the Place of Mr. A.A. DE VILLIERS, near Stellenbosch, 800 very fat Wethers.
THE Slave Boy named Adam, 18 years old, belonging to the Insolvent Estate of P.J. HUMAN, of Ganzekraal, will positively be sold at the Sale of Mrs. the Widow COLYN, on the 20th instant. The above Slave is well worth the attention of Farmers, and others, as he can make himself generally useful.
M. van BREDA. Sen.
W. HERMAN. Joint Trustees.
Public Sale by the Vendue Department under the Administration of Mr. P.A. MYBURGH, at Stellenbosch.
THE Undersigned will expose to public Sale, in Friday, the 22d instant, at Mr. ABR. A. DE VILLIERS, Eerste River, near Stellenbosch, 800 fine Sheep, just brought from the Interior.
12th January, 1830.
Public Sale, principally without Reserve.
ON Tuesday next, the 19th instant, a public Sale will be held, at the Stores of the Undersigned, in Berg-street, when a variety of Goods will be sold, without the least Reserve.
For private Sale, prime Irish Butter in Casks of about 60lbs. each; and a large assortment of cut and plain Glass.
Cape Town, 14th Jan. 1830
EXECUTEUREN des Boedels van wylen Andries Johannes BURGER, Jz. Zyn voornemens op Maandag den 25 dezer maand January, in het openbaar aan de meestbiedende te laten verkoopen, den geheelen Inboedel van voorn.BURGER, bestaande in een aantal Vee, waaronder zich bevinden extra vette Slagtossen; Bouw- en Keldergereedschappen, Wagens; eene kwantiteit Koorn, Gars ten Haver; Huismeubelen, en verder al hetgeen ten dage der Verkooping zal worden aangeboden.
De Verkooping zal gehonden worden ter Plaatse in de wandeling genaamd de Middelpost, gelegen aan de 24 Rivieren.
Eten en drinken zal verstrekt worden.
Tulbagh den 4 January 1830.
J.H. NOLTE, Executeuren.
In den Insolventen Boedel van wylen Kirk Gysbert VAN REENEN, Senior.
De Ondergeteekende, Curator in bovegem. Boedel, zal of Woensdag den 3 February aanstaande, ten 10 uren des morgens, in het Dorp Swellendam, door den Heer J. BARRY, Afslager, publiek laten verkoopen, den Slaaf Jacob van Mosambiek, zynde een wekjongen, oud 43 jaren.
Kaapstad den 30 Dec. 1829.
R.J. VAN DER RIET, Curator.
ZAL gehouden worden door de Ondergeteekenden, Curatoren in den Insolventen Boedel van P.J. HUMAN, Jz. Op de Plaats Ganzekraal, gelegen aan de Rivier zonder Einde, Distrikt Swellendam, op Vrydag den 5 February 1830 :-
1. De Woonplaats en daaropstaande Gebouwen, gen. Ganzekraal, in Eigendom, groot 60 morgen en 10 roeden.
2. De Plaats gen. Maandag, Zoutrivier, in Erfpacht, groot 3000 morgen.- Gem. Plaats zal in het geheel of in gedeelten worden verkocht, naar verkiezing der Koopers.
3. Een stuk Erfpachtland, gen. Krommerivier, groot 615 morgen en 155 roeden.
4. Een stuk Erfpachtland, tusschen Bokkerivier en Ganzekraal, groot 225 morgen en 200 roeden.
De konditien zyn zeer favorabel, en zullen op den dag der Verkooping worden bekend gemaakt.
W. HERMAN, Gezamenlyke Curatoren.
In the English Church, Bathurst, on Friday, the 25th of December, 1829,
by the Rev. W.WRIGHT, M.A. Chaplain:
In the English Church, Cape Town, on Sunday, the 10th January, 1830,
by the Rev. George HOUGH, M.A. Senior Colonial Chaplain.
A Son of Mr. Hans HANSEN, baptized George Thomas.
At Bathurst, on Sunday, the 27th December, 1829,
by the Rev. W. WRIGHT, M.A.
A Son of John Burnet BIDDULPH, baptized Edward John.
A Daughter of William BERRY, baptized Mary Ann.
Same day, at Port Frances, by ditto,
Two children of Henry LLOYD, baptized Robert, and Rebecca.
A Daughter of James LEPPAR, baptized Maria.
At Bathurst, on Wednesday, the 30th December, 1829, by ditto,
A Daughter of Walter CURRIE, Esq. baptized Ann.
A Daughter of Alexander BISSET, Esq. baptized Alecia Honor.
Two Bechuana children, baptized John and Rose.
In de Nederduitsche Hervormde Kerk, op Zondag den 10 January,
Een zoon van den Heer Johannes Mattheus DE WIT, met name Johannes Daniel de Villiers.
Een zoon van Prudent ADAM, met name Julien Francois.
Een zoon van Gerhardus Johannes Hendricus CROESER, met name Christoffel Fredrik.
Een zoon van Nancy Magdalena ERVIN, met name Johannes Fredrik Christiaan.
Een zoon van Sophia VAN DE KAAP, met name Carel Gerhardus.
Een zoon van Aploon VAN DE KAAP, met name Lodewyk Martinus.
Een dochter van Willem DEMPERS, met name Catharina Adriana.
Een dochter van Anna Catharina WILLEMSE, met name Rosetta Johanna.
Een dochter van Delina Christina Catharina ADAMSE, met name Helena Fredrica.
30 Dec. Christoffel, ond 2 jaren en 6 maanden, zoon van Anna WIEGELS.
1 Jan. Christina Petronella PIETERSE, oud 68 jaren; Huisvrouw van David CHRISTIAANSE.
7. Een zoon van Johannes Bernardus BLOM, met name Christiaan Wilhelm, oud 3 maanden.
Jan 7. Mascarenhas, ship. D. LAURIOL, from Monte Video 4th Dec. bound to Bourbon. Cargo 109 mules. – Put in for water, &c.
10. Bon Pere, brig, M. CORDELET, from Newfoundland 28th Aug. bound to Bourbon. Cargo salt-fish. – Put in for water.
10. George the Fourth, Cutter, S. PHELPS, from Rio 7th Nov. for this port. Cargo coffee.
12. Warrior, ship, J. STONE, from Portsmouth 23d October, bound to Swan River and Sydney. Cargo general.
– Passengers, Mesdames BYRNE, MOLLOY, GRAHAM, KOLLER, PROCTOR, HOWE, RUTTER, ANDREWS, TURNER, and SEMPLE; Messrs BYRNE, MOLLOY, GRAHAM, KOLLER, GREEN, BROWN, CUMING, WALKER, PROCTOR, NORCOTT, RUTTER, ANDREWS, TURNER, W.S. & L. BURGES, RUSSEL, BELL, DOW, BURGH, and SEMPEL; Misses SAUNDERS and DOW; 29 children, and 35 servants; in the steerage, 50 men and women, and 34 children. – Brings a small mail.
Reports the loss of the brig Frances,, - SMITH, Master, on the Island of Mayo, in October last, bound to England from the Cape Cargo and crew saved.
12. Amity, ship, T. GRAY, from Mauritius 20th Dec. bound to England, with Government stores.
– Passengers, Major MAIVE, Capt. & Mes. WEBB, and family, Lieuts. DAGL[ ]P, NEAGLE, and MARTINDALE; Surgeon CONWAY; 80 rank and file, 9 women, and 13 children. – Brings a mail.
13. Diadem, ship, W. WILSON, from Mauritius 19th Dec. bound to England. Cargo sugar.
– Passengers, Mr. & Mrs. JAMES. – Put in for water.
Le Mereme, French ship, M. JOLLET, from Nantz 23d Oct. bound to the Mauritius and Bourbon. Cargo sundries and mules.
– Passengers, Mesdms. BENOIT and DENNEMENT; Mademoiselle C. DENNEMENT; Madame JESSIER; Messrs. GEVUS, JESSIER, HIBON, DENUEMENT, MARIAN, and DEGUIGNE; 2 children, and 2 servants.- Put in for water.
14. Walworth Castle, brig, G. SINCLAIR, from Mauritius 13th Dec. bound to London. Cargo Sugar.
14. Royal George, ship. R. LEMBLETON, FROM Mauritius 22nd Dec. bound to London. Cargo sugar.
– Passengers, Mesdms. ANDERSON, VICAR, COOKNEY, and EMBLETON; Col. GRANT, Major ANDERSON, Lieut. STEWART, Dr. GRIGOR, Messrs. BOWSTEAD, OVENS, and COOKNEY. – Brings a few letters.
Jan. 5. Science, W. SANDERS, for Mauritius.
- St. Helena, B.L. HARRISON, for St. Helena.
6. Boyne, D. WARREN, for Bombay.
9. William Maitlana, R. JAMEISON, for St. Helena.
- Harmonie, M. DARLAN, for Bordeaux.
- Flamingo, J. SCOREY, for Algoa Bay.
11. Mascarenhas, D. LAURRIOT. For Bourbon,
13. Runnymede;R. WILDREGE, for London.
- Atlas, T. HUNT, for Mauritius.
14. Protector, G. THOMAS, for Swan River.
- Ligonier, cutter, T. TYLER, for Brede River.
By the Undersigned, Trustees in the Insolvent Estate of
Hendrik Oostwald EKSTEEN, H.O. Son, of Bergvliet, near Wynberg, Winegrower.
On Saturday, the 13th February, 1830, at 11 o’Clock in the Morning precisely,
WILL BE SOLD, Before the Master of the Supreme Court,
In the Grand Jury Room, Public Buildings, Cape Town,
ALL that most valuable FREEHOLD PROPERTY belonging to this Estate, called Bergvliet, situate near Steenbergen and the Place Constantia, in the Cape District, a Plan whereof may be seen on application to the Trustees.
This Property will be put up first in five Lots, by the rise and fall, and then the entire Place by the fall; - and measures.
Lot, No. 1, ….. 49 Morgen and 270 square Roods.
2. ….. 107 ditto, 107 ditto.
3. ….. 46 ditto, 480 ditto.
4. ….. 199 ditto, 201 ditto.
5. ….. 8 ditto, 261 ditto.
Lot, No. 4, containing the Buildings, consisting in a capital Dwelling House, Wine Cellars, and all and every other Out-buildings required for a Wine Farm on the largest Scale.
A Piece of Freehold Land, situate East of Steenbergen, being part of the Lands called Baas Hermans Kraal, also adjoining the Bergvliet Estate, measuring 17 Morgen and 204 square Roods.
N.B. The Conditions of Sale may be seen, on application to the Trustees, or to the Auctioneers WOLFF & BARTMAN.
On Monday the 15th February next, and following Days, at the Place Bergvliet,
The Opstal of the Loan Place called Zoute Fontein, situate at Swartland, in the Cape District.
All the valuable and elegant Furniture of the Estate, consisting in Sofas, Dining Tables; Card, Pembroke, and other ditto; Mahogany and Stinkwood Chairs; Bedsteads and Bedding complete; Looking Glasses, Toilet and Pier Glasses, Clothes Presses, Sideboards and Cupboards, Wash-hand Stands, a large Carpet, a Clock, 2 Fowling Pieces, 4 large Bibles, and some other Books, &c. &c &c.
Plate and Plated Ware, - Consisting in Silver Table Spoons, and Forks, 2 Soup Ladles, Tea Spoons, Fish Slices, &c. plated Candlesticks, white Copper ditto, elegant Coffee and Tea Urns, Decanter Stands, &c.
Crockery, viz: - A blue Dinner Service, complete; a green Dessert Service, complete; Dishes, Plates, &c.
Cut Glass, - Such as Decanters, Comfit Pots, Fruit Dishes, Beer and Wine Glass, &c. –Culinary Utensils, Copper Boilers, Kettles. &c.
Fustage, viz: -31 Stockvats in sorts; 66 Leaguers, and 10 half Leaguers; together with all the Cellar Implements, comprising fermenting Tubs, pressing Tubs, a Wine Press, Buckets, &c. 2 Brandy Stills, with Worm and Apparatus complete; 2 large Copper Kettles, &c.
Carriages, Waggons, and Farming Implements, - Comprising a covered Horse Waggon, 2 Bullock Waggons, with Yokes complete; 2 open Horse Waggons, 1 covered Cart, an open ditto; a Curricle and Harness complete, and a Landan.
Cattle, - 7 Horses, 70 Cows and Calves, 80 Oxen, and 10 Pigs;
And lastly, the following clever male and female SLAVES, viz:
Bacchus, of Mozambique, |
Aged 73, |
Labourer. |
David of Madagascar, |
62 |
do |
Jupiter, of Mozambique, |
58 |
do |
Louis, (1) of ditto, |
47 |
do |
Frit, of this Colony, |
63 |
do |
Francois, of Mozambique, |
58 |
do |
Abraham, of ditto, |
43 |
do |
Izaak, of this Colony, |
37 |
do |
Mercuur, of Mozambique, |
43 |
do |
Saul, of ditto, |
43 |
do |
Constant, of ditto, |
48 |
do |
Philander, of this Colony, |
43 |
do |
Thelemachus, of ditto, |
48 |
do |
Salomon, of ditto, |
37 |
Shoemaker |
Florian, of Mozambique, |
29 |
House Boy |
Benjamin, of ditto, |
58 |
Carpenter |
Jephta, of Bengal, |
53 |
Cook |
Hercules, of Batavia, |
50 ½ |
House Boy |
Frederik, of the Colony |
17 |
Slammat, of ditto, |
16 |
Apollus, of ditto, |
14 |
Jan, of Java, |
63 |
Mason |
Esau, of this Colony, |
50 ½ |
Taylor |
Tulp, of Mozambique |
43 |
Labourer |
Jan, (2) of this Colony, |
9 |
Child of Samida |
Marie, of Madagascar, |
63 |
housemaid |
Mietje, (1) of Jave, |
53 |
do |
Alida, of this Colony, (2) Mietje, |
21 aged 1 ½ year |
With her child |
Mina, of ditto |
12 years and 4 months. |
Christia[an], of ditto, |
22 |
D[ ], of ditto, |
11 |
housemaid |
S[ ], of ditto, |
[ ] |
do |
Lau[], of ditto, |
43 |
do |
D[ iana ], of ditto, |
23 |
With her child |
Florentina, |
aged 2 years and 4 months. |
Rigina, of this Colony, |
46 1/2 |
sempstress |
THE Liquidation Account and Plan of Distribution in the Insolvent Estate of Pieter Cornelis JOOSTEN, Ps. drawn out in duplicate, will lie open for the inspection of those concerned, from the 15th to the 31st instant, both at the House of the first Undersigned, at Tulbagh, and at the Office of Mr. Attorney POUPART, in Cape Town.
13th January, 1830.
D.J. DE VAAL. Trustees.
In Execution of a Judgment of the Supreme Court, in the under-mentioned Case, the following Sale will take place, viz:
John COLLISON & Co. Versus Fredrik Marthinus LINGEFELDER.
On Tuesday, the 19th January, 1830, in Church-square, Cape Town, at 10 o’Clock, A.M. of the following Slaves, viz” Lyman, Jacob, Thomas, andMarietje, with her four Children Laudrina,Christina, Joumat, and Isaac, all of this Colony.
J. STEUART, High Sheriff.
TO be sold by public Auction, by order of the Board of Orphan Masters, on Saturday, the 23d instant, at 12 o’Clock precisely, at the House of the Auctioneer John BLORE, No. 4, Burg-street, for account of the Estate of the late Catharina Everdina VAN SCHOOR, Wife of Michael Angelo BIANCHI, the following Slaves, viz.:
(1) Fredrik, 27 years; William, 16; (2) Fredrik, 13 ¾; Bella, 83; Diana, 63; Philida, 39; Anna, 21; and Charlotte, 19 years; - all Natives of this Colony.
Orphan Chamber, Cape of Good Hope, 14th January, 1830.
J.J.L. SMUTS, Secretary.
THE Agent for the Board of Orphan Masters in the District of Clan William, Mr. C.M. LIND, (duly qualified) will dispose of by public Auction, on Thursday, the 25th of February next, at the Place of the Field-Cornet H.A. ENGELBRECHT, of the Camiesberg, for account of the Estate of the late Patrick JOHNSTON, of Merchandize, Waggons, Saddle and breeding Horses, draught and breeding Cattle, and what further may be offered for Sale.
Orphan Camber, Cape of Good Hope, 14th February, 1830.
J.J.L. SMUTS, Secretary.
TO be sold by public Auction, by Order of the Board of Orphan Masters, on the 18th instant, at the Town Market, at 9 o’Clock precisely, for account of the Estate of the late Anthony Petrus SMIT, 10 draught Oxen, a Mare, and a Saddle and Bridle.
Orphan Chamber, Cape of God Hope, 11th January, 1830.
J.J.L. SMUTS, Secretary.
MRS. the Widow COLYN, wishing to concentrate her Affairs, will sell by public Auction, on Wednesday the 20th January, 1830, a very pleasant and productive Place called Zweetvallei, situate between the Places Bergvliet and [ ], 31 male and female Slaves, among whom are good Wagonmen, Herdsmen, Gardeners, a Cook, and good Labourers; further, Plate and plated Ware; a complete set of Musical Instruments for a Band, quite new; a new Coach, lately received from England, and made expressly for this Colony; a Horse Mill; two fine Carriage Horses ; four Asses; an excellent Telescope, by Gilbert & Co. &c. &c. &c.
N.B. The Place Zweetvallei will be put up at Constantia, and may in the mean time be viewed daily.
Purchasers of Slaves and other Property, to the amount of 1000Rds. and upwards, may retain one half at Interest, for one year certain, provided good security be given.
List of the above Slaves:
Japie,25 years old; Present, waggon-driver, 38 years; Carel, coach-man, 34 years; Adonis, houseboy, 28 years; Thomas, ditto, 15 years; Elias, labourer, 22 years; Jason, waggon-driver, 28 years; Andries, cook, 43 years; Spadille, herdsman, 43 years; Welkom, gardener, 38 years; Azia, labourer, 53 years; Hannes, labourer, 58 years; Bachus, mason; Johan, labourer; Daniel, houseboy, 17 years; Samaay, ditto, 11 ½ years; Sanguard, ditto, 21 years; and Songar, 14 years.
Female Slaves: -Candasa, 22 years, with her Child Leonora; Martha, 27 years, with her three Children, named John, 6 ½ years; Hannetje, 2 ½ years and Jochem, 5 years; Adina, with her Child George; Samia,18 years; Diana, 21 years; Christina; Maria, 20 years; Hester, 48 years; (1) Spasie,43 years.
THE Undersigned Trustees in the Insolvent Estate of Pieter Fredrik DUSING, will sell by public Auction on Friday, the 29th instant, at 11 o’Clock in the Forenoon, at the Store of Mr H. ROSS, formerly the property of said DUSING, situate at the bottom of Bree-street, 28 excellent Stukvats.
Cape Town, 14th January, 1830.
J.T. JURGENS. Trustees.
THE Undersigned will sell by public Auction, on Monday, the 18th instant, at the Place of Jacobus STEIN, at Saxenberg, 1000 very fat Sheep, 200 He-Goats, and 50 capital trained draught Oxen, on favourable conditions.
N.B. The Sale will commence at 10 o’Clock precisely.
Under the Insolvent Estate of Andries George Hendrik TEUBES, LATE OF Cape Town, Master Mason.
On Monday, the 8th February, will be sold by the undersigned Trustees, at the Place called Dassenberg, situate in the Cape District, near Groene Kloof, 86 Sheep, Goats, and Lambs; 8 Waggon Horses, 1 open Horse Waggon, 2 English Ploughs, a Harrow, 2 Saddle-Horses, 2 young Stallions, 10 Cows and Calves, a large lot of Building Timber, Household Furniture, Culinary Utensils, Farming Implements, Smith’s Tools, viz. 2 large Anvils, a pair of Smiths’ Bellows, Hammers, Tongs, &c Carpenters’ Benches. Vices, and every other description of Carpenters’ Tools, and what further may be offered.
On Thursday, the 11th February next, at 11 o’Clock in the Forenoon, at Green-point, at the Dwelling House at present occupied by Mr. Andries TEUBES, adjoining the Place of Mr. David DE VILLIERS, all the valuable moveable Property and Slaves, belonging to that Estate, consisting in Chairs, Tables, Bedsteads and Bedding complete, Dressing Table, Toilet Glasses, Writing Desk, Bureau, a lot of large-size Picture Glass, Crockery Ware, Culinary Utensils, an open Cart, a Horse, some Poles and Planks, &c. &c. &c. and the following clever Slaves, viz.:
Solomon |
Of Mozambique |
labourer |
53 |
Jantje |
ditto |
herdsman |
40 ½ |
Francois |
ditto |
labourer |
43 |
Goliath |
ditto |
ditto |
43 |
September |
Ditto |
ditto |
73 |
Phlip |
ditto |
butcher |
43 |
Castor |
of Batavia |
mason |
48 |
Lakey |
of Bengal |
ditto |
43 |
Thomas |
of this Colony |
coachman |
58 |
George |
ditto |
21 |
Abraham |
ditto |
taylor |
38 |
Rodielje |
ditto |
housemaid |
43 |
Romina |
ditto |
ditto |
60 |
Sonti |
ditto |
11 |
Delphina with her children Damon, 7 1/2 years Mina, 5 years Pamela, 2 years and 2months |
ditto |
ditto |
33 1/4 |
F.G. WATERMEYER. Trustees.
Of the Farm PERSEVERANCE, Zwartkop’s River,
By the Master of the Supreme Court.
Master’s Office, 21st January, 1830.
On Saturday, the 13th February, 1830 at 11 o’clock, A.M. precisely,
WILL BE SOLD, ON THE PREMISES, before the Resident Magistrate of Uitenhage,
ALL that valuable and desirable Farm, situate on the Waggon Drift at Zwartkop’s River, now in the occupation of Mr. W. L. VON BUCHENRODER, measuring 1,582 Morgen, and 300 square Rods of Quitrent Land, -the whole being well supplied with water, viz: -
4 Morgen laid out in Garden Ground, well planted with Fruit Trees, and enclosed.
12 Morgen of arable Land, under Irrigation;
300 Morgen of grazing Ground;
1266 Morgen of Thicket, fit for Firewood.
Together with a Dwelling House, and sundry Out-buildings.
This property is to be sold under Process of the Supreme Court, in a Suit between The Lombard Bank, Plaintiffs, and Wilhelm Ludwig von BUCHENRODER, Defendant; and may be viewed any Day prior to the Sale. Conditions of Sale may be seen in the Master’s Office, Cape Town, and may be obtained at the Offices of the Resident Magistrates of Uitenhage, Graham’s Town, Graaff-Reinet and Somerset.
CLERKE BURTON, Master of the Supreme Court.
Master’s Office, 20th January, 1830.
In the Matter of Gysbert REITZ, Agent of Hendrik Schalk BURGER, Sen. Plaintiff,
Versus Jan RUTGERS, Defendant.
A Meeting of the Mortgagees and Sureties of the above-named Defendant, will be held before the Master of the Supreme Court, in the Grand Jury Room, at the Public Buildings, Cape Town, on Saturday, the 13th of February at 10 o’Clock precisely; for the purpose of determining whether a certain House and Premises, situate in this Table Valley, Eastward of the Castle and the New Market, Blok B. No. 6, the Property of the above named Defendant, shall be sold; and if so, to settle the Conditions of such Sale.
Clerke BURTON, Master of the Supreme Court.
In the Supreme Court, Master’s Office, 21st January, 1830.
In the Matter of Maria Johanna VAN REENEN, Widow of Abraham Frederik SCHIKKERLING, Insolvent.
An Application having been made to the Supreme Court by the above-named Insolvent, praying that the Deed of her Rehabilitation may be confirmed by this Court, - It is ordered that these Creditors who have not given their consent in writing to the said Deed, do appear before the Master of the Supreme Court, by themselves, or their Agents duly authorised, on or before the 29th day of February next; and shew cause, if any, why the said Maria Johanna VAN REENEN, Widow of Abraham Fredrik SCHIKKERLING, shall not obtain the said Deed of Rehabilitation, pursuant to the form prescribed by the late Worshipful Court of Justice.
By Order of the Court.
Clerke BURTON, Master of the Supreme Court.
THE Honorable Sir John WYLDE, Knight, Chief Justice, and other the Judges of the Supreme Court of the Colony of Cape of Good Hope, do hereby make known:
That Jacobus Abraham ERASMUS, having been summoned by Public Edict to appear this Day in Court, either in Person or by Proxy, in order to purge his second default, and further to hear such claim and conclusion as his Wife Machel Margaretha SMIDT might think proper to make against him, for a dissolution of the Bonds of Marriage, - to answer thereon and further to proceed according to Law, without any Person having appeared on his behalf, in consequence of which the said Machel Margaretha SMIDT, by her Advocate, requested the third default, with the [profit] thereof, and a [fourth Summons by Edict, ex superabundanti……..]
THE Liquidation Accounts and Documents, &c. relating to the under-mentioned Insolvent Estates, viz: -
Fredrik Carel HEFFERT,
Hermanus Arnoldus EKSTEEN,
The Widow of the late Johannes Marthinus HOLTMAN,
Johan Marthinus LOUWRENS, and
Bernhard Willem OPPEL, Junior.
will lie open at this Office for the inspection and examination of the Creditors, and those concerned, agreeably to the 44th, 45th, and 46th Articles of the late Sequestrator’s Instructions, for a term of six Weeks from Thursday, the 28th instant.
Office of the Commissioner for adjusting the Affairs of the late Sequestrator’s and Joint Sequestrator’s Department, 21st January, 1830.
F.S. WATERMEYER, Commissioner.
THE Undersigned, duly qualified, will hold a public Sale, on Thursday, the 28th instant, of the Effects of the late J.H. DE VILLIERS, J. Hs. and his surviving Wife Anna Catharina BERNHARDI, consisting of a House and Premises, situate near the Church, in the best part of this Village, planted with 10,000 Vines and some Fruit Trees; also, Household Furniture, Kitchen Utensils, Farming and Store Implements; male and female Slaves, who are not sold on account of any fault; the purchase money of whom may be retained at Interest; likewise will be sold, such other Goods as may be offered on the Day of Sale.
Paarl, 12th January, 1830.
J.W. LOUW, q.q.
N.B. The House and Premises are in the mean time for private Sale; and, if desired, 15,000 Guilders may be kept at Interest, under Mortgage of the said House and two Sureties.
THE Undersigned being about to leave the Colony, hereby gives Notice, that he has appointed Mr. W. DE JONG, of Worcester, his General Agent, to whom he has delivered all Papers in his possession, to be returned to the Parties concerned.
Worcester, 20th Jan. 1830
UIT DE HAND TE KOOP, voor rekening van Mevrouw MACCARTHY, het groot en gerieflyk Huis in de Roeland-straat, voormaals behoorende aan Kolonel BIRD, geschikt tot een Woonhuis voor eene respectable Familie, hebbende alle verwischte gemakken. – De Koopschat kan, met nitzondering van een klein gedeelte, onder geode Securiteit of Intrest blyven. – Voor byzonderheden vervoege menzich in de Boomstraat No. 8.
Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s Hair-dresser, &c.
BEGS respectfully to announce to his Friends and the Public in general, that he has re-commenced in the above Line, at no. 11, Long-market Street, corner of Grave-street, - where he hopes by his usual attention to Business, to merit a share of public Patronage. Apartments are fitted up for the accommodation of those waiting on him.
At Oaklands, near Simon’s Town, on Tuesday, the 19th January, 1830,
by the Rev. G. STURT, A.B. Colonial Chaplain:
Marcus Freeman BROWNRIGG, Esq. to Miss Maria Caroline BLAKE.
In St. George’s Church, Graham’s Town, on Monday, the 7th Dec. 1829,
by the Rev. W. CARLISLE, M.A. Chaplain.
On Saturday, the 12th Dec. by ditto,
Edward JUNNE, to Selina TARR.
On Monday, the 21st Dec. by ditto,
David HUME, to Margaret PINE.
Isaac DEUDMAN, to Jane FLINN.
In the English Church, Cape Town, on Sunday, the 17th January, 1830
by the Rev. G. HOUGH, M.A. Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A son of Mr. George KILGOUR, baptized William.
In St. George’s Church, Graham’s Town, on Sunday, the 6th Dec. 1829.
by the Rev. W. CARLISLE, M.A. Chaplain:
A daughter of Peter Upton TRIPP, Esq. baptized Ellen Sarah.
A daughter of Piet and Alberta YONKER, baptized Petronella.
On Sunday, the 13th Dec. by ditto,
A son of Jan and Elizabeth NEL, baptized Lewis Franse Jacobus.
A daughter of Lewis and Catharina NEL, baptized Sarah Louisa.
A daughter of Jan Christoffel ELS, baptized Christian Phillip.
A son of Nicholas and Cornelia SWART, baptized Jacob.
On Thursday, the 24th Dec. by ditto,
A son of Benjamin and Margaret NORDON, baptized Mark.
In the English Church, Simon’s Town, on Friday, the 15th Jan. 1830,
by the Rev. G. STURT, A.B. Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of James DUNBAR, Esq. baptized Anna Maria Matilda.
A son of Mr. James GRIGGS, baptized William Joseph Parry.
Jan. 14. A daughter of Thomas DENNIS, named Anne Eliza, aged 1 month and 14 days.
20. William BALL, pensioner, aged 42 years.
21. William GRANGER, aged 26 years.
In de Nederduitsche Hervormde Kerk, op Zondag den 17 January,
Een zoon van Rudolph Johannes MULLER, met name Rudolph Johan Jurg.
Een zoon van Johan Josephus DAROZA, met name Johan Wilhelm.
Eene dochter van den Heer Adam Fredrik CARSTEN, met name Fransina Fredrica.
In de Luthersche Kerk, op Zondag den 17 January,
Eene dochter van Georg HOFFMAN, met name Maria Elisabeth.
Op Woensdag den20 January,
Eene dochter van Paul STADLER, met name Maria Johanna Wilhelmina.
15 Jan. eene dochter van den Heer Johannes Albertus MUNNIK, met name Johanna Sibella, oud 9 maanden en 3 dagen.
16, een zoon van Carel Ferdinand HOFFMANN, met name Ephraim, ond 4 maanden en 8 dagen.
18, eene dochter van Pieter WEPENAAR, met name Dorothea Francina, oud 6 maanden.
Jan. 16. Arabian, ship, R. WILLS, from Calcutta 24th Nov. bound to Bristol. Cargo general.
– Passengers, for the Cape Rev. Mr. & Mrs. [ ]BERLEY; Miss IRVINE; Lieuts. MOORHOUSE and PHIPPS; and 1 child for England, Major MACKRELL, Mr. and Mrs. KING, Rev. Mr. & Mrs L[ ], 5 children, and 4 servants. – Brings a mail.
Spoke, Dec. 13th, the Albion, bound to Liverpool; and on the 14th December the Thalia, bound to Calcutta.
16. Constitution, schooner, H. DUNSTERVILLE, from Algoa Bay 12th [ ] for this port. Cargo Colonial produce.
– Passengers, Lieut. GOOD[AL], [ ], BIRCH, M. CROWLEY, 6 soldiers, 1 woman, and 5 children.
20. Amity, ship, J. GRAY, from Simon’s Bay 18th Jan. for this port with troops and stores as before reported.
Jan. 16. Sesostris, C. YATES, for Bombay.
19. Ligonier, (after returning.)
Jan. 17. Numa, G. WADE, for Rio.
Jan. 11. Frances Watson, S. BRAGG, from Simon’s Bay 4th inst. for this port. Cargo sundries. -Passenger.MR. W.R. THOMPSON.
This vessel was stranded on the 13th instant at 5 p.m. in a strong wind from the S.E.
LIST of such Persons as have taken out Licenses to shoot and kill GAME for the Season, - commencing 1st December, 1829, and ending the 30th June, 1830, - continued:
Major HARTLEY, |
Stellenbosch. |
C. ANDREWS, Jun. |
John GADNEY, |
Joseph HUBBARD, |
Uitenhage. |
Port Elizabeth. |
Edward FLAHERTY. |
LIST OF PRIZE NEGROES apprenticed from the J[erome] Victor, whose Indentures expire on the 31st January instant, 1830.
Names. |
To Whom apprenticed. |
Matook |
Kitumeni |
Zeffandam |
Bemeille |
Hevaitsa |
Leytiennee |
Col. BIRD |
Diamaro |
Civil Department. |
Ferrala (1) |
Mamampela |
Sarahaffat |
Leyzaff (1) |
Steeratz |
H.E. the Governor |
Etalo |
Ferrook |
H.E. the Governor |
Ferrala (now Jack), |
Piandre |
Imbala |
Immanala |
Toutoo |
Laymayta |
H.W. the Governor |
Leyzaff (2) |
Beffiaff |
Tumboola |
H.E. the Governor |
Leyzaff (3) |
Tekoomadind |
Thos. WHITE |
Manunga |
P.J. TRUTER, Jun. |
Vouva |
Leyzaff (4) |
Kilamarooa |
Indritika |
Indrasa |
sootsee |
Marooa |
Inqhite, |
Masoomandanqhi |
Ratsialyf |
Ratsarasaff |
Isaffa |
LT. CRUTWELL, 83d Regt. |
Rabooda |
Ranghita |
Col. NAPPER, 83d Regt. |
Ravola |
- Mc CARTHY, Col. Paymaster |
Salama |
Raffano |
Ratsala |
Sara |
Jappa |
Mentasana |
Iffara |
Yehala |
Zanaka |
Immaaf |
Ratsara |
CHARLES BLAIR, Collector of Customs.
NOTICE is hereby given, that the following Slaves are confined in Cape Town Prison, viz:
Jephta, Slave, belonging to A. VAN WYK, residing in the District of Worcester, imprisoned on the 15th instant.
Clara, female Slave, belonging to S. BURGER, residing in the District of Clan William, imprisoned on the 26th instant.
Those concerned are desired to release the said Slaves, within one month from this date, otherwise they will be liberated, and the Masters sued for the expense incurred during their confinement.
Police Office, Cape Town, 27th January, 1830.
C. DE LORENT, Superintendant of Police.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT Rachel, female Slave, belonging to the Widow BOTHA, residing in the District of Cradock, has been confined in the Town Prison since the 15th instant. – Those concerned are desired to release the said Slave within two months from this date, otherwise she will be liberated, and the Master sued for the expense incurred during her confinement.
Police Office, Cape Town, 27th January, 1830.
C. DE LORENTZ, Superintendant of Police.
Cape Town, 28th January, 1830.
IN Execution of the Judgments of the Supreme Court, in the under-mentioned Cases, the following Sales will take place, viz:
Andries BRINK, Dan. Son, versus Frederik Marthinus LINGEFELDER.
Francis COLLISON, q.q. John COLLISON & Co, versus the said Fredrik Marthinus LINGEFELDER.
On Tuesday, the 2d February, 1830, in Church-square, Cape Town, at 10 o’Clock A.M. of a male Slave named Moses, of this Colony.
ORPHAN MASTERS, administering the Estate of the late M. RYKHEER,
Widow of Marthinus Herm. LE ROES,
Daniel Tobias BRAND, C.P. Son.
On Monday, the 8th February, 1830. At the Defendant’s Place, situated in the Cape Downs, Cape District. Of Household Furniture of various descriptions, Plate and plated Articles, Kitchen Utensils, a Gun, Cart, Horse and Harness Plough, &c. &c.
William STEELE versus Joseph NEAVE.
On Wednesday, the 10th February, 1830, at the Defendant’s House, in Simon’s Tow, of Household Furniture of various descriptions, Plate and Plated Articles, Kitchen Utensils, Glass and Earthen Ware, a Telescope, Saddle Horse, with Saddle and Bridle, &c. &c.
Andries BRINK, Danl. Son. Versus Theunis Hermanus KARSTEN.
On Saturday, the 13th February, 1830, at the Defendant’s Place, situated at Zwartland, in the District of Stellenbosch, at 9 o”Clock A.M. of 2 Horse Waggons, a Bullock Waggon, an open Cart, 10 Horses, a Saddle Horse, 7 Mares, 4 Foals, 25 Oxen, 5 Cows, 2 Calves, 150 Sheep and Goats, a Saddle and Bridle, &c. &c.
J. STEUART, High Sheriff.
The Estate of the late Catharina Everdina VAN SCHOOR, Wife of Michael Angelo BIANCHI.
IN consequence of the Orphan Masters being summoned to appear before the Supreme Court, respecting a Claim to Freedom of certain Slaves found in this Estate, a Meeting of the Creditors, and other Parties interested in the said Estate, will take place at 11 o’Clock in the Forenoon of Tuesday, the 9th February, at the Orphan Chamber, when the above Parties are particularly requested to be present.
Orphan Chamber, Cape of Good Hope, 28th January, 1830.
J.J.L. SMUTS, Secretary.
THE Liquidation Account and Documents relating to the Insolvent Estate of the late Carel Willem TRAUT, will lie open for the inspection of the Creditors and those concerned, at the House of the first Undersigned, for the term of fourteen days, from Tuesday, the 2d of February next.
Cape Town, 29th Jan. 1830
R.J. VAN DER RIET, Trustees.
ALL Persons having any Claims against, or standing indebted to, the Estate of the late Jan Daniel RIEMER, are hereby requested to send them to, or discharge their Accounts with, the second Undersigned, within three months from this date.
Caledon, 26th Jan. 1830.
J.J. TESSELAAR, Executors.
ALL Persons indebted to the Undersigned, on account of Book Debts, during the years 1828 and 1829, are requested to discharge their Accounts on or before the last day of February next; as in failure thereof, he will be obliged to have recourse to legal means.
Swellendam, 25th January, 1830.
J. Cornelis EKSTEEN, M.Cs.
ANY Person found trespassing on the Estate of Thornlands, Buffel Jagt River, Swellendam, for the purpose of shooting, or otherwise, will be prosecuted with the utmost rigor of the Law, - of which this must be considered a sufficient Warning.
Sand Fountain, - Swellendam.
THE above-mentioned Place having been sold to Messrs. BREDA & Co. a public Sale will be held there on the 15th February next, when the whole of the Stock, Implements of Husbandry, &c. will be sold, consisting of Waggon, Riding, and Breeding Horses, most of which are from the Stock of the late Mr. D.G. VAN RENEN; Oxen, Cows, Merino Sheep, Waggons, Ploughs, &c. &c. Also, 2 excellent Shepherds.
A Credit of 6 Months will be given.
FROM the Place of the Undersigned, in the District of Beaufort, since July, 1829, the following Slaves : -
Roosje, of the Cape, with her five Children,
David, of ditto, 24 years old, the middle finger of his right hand stiff,
Salomon, of ditto, 14 years, slender made,
Saartje, of ditto, 19 years, no marks,
Lea, of ditto, 7 years, no marks,
Louisa, of ditto, 4 years, of dark complexion,
Lena, of ditto, formerly Slave of Mr. George MULLER, of Cape Town, has a pearl on the eye.
The above reward will be paid to the first Person who will apprehend any one of the above Slaves, and lodge him in the Gaol at Worcester.
MR. W.G. VENABLES having placed Mr. P.F. SIEGRUHN, from Cape Town, in charge of his Establishment at Palmiet River, begs to acquaint Farmers and others from the Interior, that a constant supply of Fresh Goods will be kept on hand, adapted for their consumption; and that the highest Prices will be given for every description of Produce, either in exchange for Goods, or for Cash.
MR. JAN MEIRING, being duly authorised by the Undersigned, sole Trustee of the Insolvent Estate of Willem Adriaan HANEKOM, Jurgens Son, will sell by public Auction, at his Dwelling House, in the Town of Worcester, on Monday, the 15th February, 1830, at 11 o’Clock in the Morning, for account of the said Estate. The following Slaves Belonging to the same, viz: -
Rasea, female, native of this colony, 22 years of age, Jamea, daughter of Rasea, born the 17th January, 1825.
Cape Town, 25th January, 1830.
PUBLIC SALE will be held by the Undersigned, on the 11th February next, at the Place Helderfontein, situate in the District of Swellendam, of the Effects of the late Jan Daniel RIEMER, consisting of waggon, draught, and breeding Horses, 2 slaughter Oxen, a Horse Waggon and Harness, a Cart, a Seine, Fishing Nets, and what further may be offered.
Caledon, 26th Jan. 1830.
J.J. TESSELAAR, Testamentary Executors.
In de Nederduitsche Hervormde Kerk, op Zondag den 24 January,
De Heer Pieter Johannes GROVE, met jonge Jufvrouw Cornelia Sohia CRUYWAGEN.
De Heer George LAURENCE, met jonge Jufvrouw Maria Wilhelmina BREUGEMAN.
Jason ADAMSE, Lyfeigene van Hermanus BOSMAN, aan de Paarl, met Rebecka Elisabeth DAMONSE, beide VAN DE KAAP.
Een zoon van Willem Fredrik BERNING, met name Willem George Fredrik Handel Logier.
In de Luthersche Kerk, op Woensdag den 27 January,
Eene dochter van Johannes Jacobus MOCKE, met name Engela Christina Paulina.
- Jan. een jong-geb. zoon van den Heer Sebastiaan Valentyn VAN REENEN, Fz.
27. Jufvrouw Sophia Elisabeth BRINK, oud 27 jaren, 9 maanden en 4 dagen. Huisvrouw van den Heer Johan Andreas BRINK.
In St. George’s Church, Graham’s Town, on Saturday, the 2nd Jan. 1830,
by the Rev. W. CARLISLE, M.A. Chaplain:
On Monday, the 11th inst. by ditto:
Fredrick LEE, to Anne POTTER.
At Rondebosch, near Cape Town, on Friday, the 22d January, 1830,
by the Rev. G. HOUGH, M.A. Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A son of Henry CLOETE, Esq. Lz. Baptized Henry Daniel.
In St. George’s Church, Graham’s Town, on Sunday, the 17th Jan. 1830.
by the Rev. W. CARLISLE, M.A. Chaplain.
A daughter of John and Maria AUSTEN, baptized Maria Anne.
A daughter of Jeremiah and Anne HONEY, baptized Frances.
A daughter of ditto ditto, baptized Kate Spicer.
Jan. 20. Thomas OWENS, aged 30 years.
22. Richard CRAIG, seaman, aged 24 years.
- William John Leindert KOOPSTAD, aged 13 months and 5 days.
Jan. 22. Patriot, R. GUILD, from London 22d Oct. for this port. Cargo sundries. – Passenger, Mrs. FLETCHER. – Brings a mail.
On the 1st Dec. saw a large ship inside the N.E. reef, off Bonavista, and she immediately disappeared.
23. H.N.M. Ship Pollux, Capt. EEG, from the Texel, 16th Nov. bound to Batavia, with Commodore WARDEBURG.
On the 6th Jan. spoke the Harmony, from N.S. Wales, bound to London, - all well.
25. Peter Proctor, brig, J. TERRY, from the Downs 26th Oct. for this port and Mauritius. Cargo sundries.
– Passengers, Messrs. HOME, and WEMYS and Mrs. JONES – In the Steerage, Mr. DONALD.
The Lonach, and George Home were about sailing for the Cape.
Jan. 22. Royal George, R. EMBLETON, for England.
23. Usk, T. LONG, for Algoa Bay.
- Diadem, W. WILSON, for England.
24. Valleyfield, J. JOHNSON, FOR DITTO.
- Le Mercure, M. JOLLET, for Mauritius.
- Kate, D. WATT, for Rio.
25. Amity, ship, J. GRAY, for England.
26. Warrior, ship, J. STONE, for Swan River.
- John, bark. J. DAVEY, for Rio.
Jan. 20. H.M. Ship Falcon. Capt. COLPOYS, for Algoa Bay.
FRIDAY, February 5, 1830.
DE Bestuurders van de Plaats Lichtenburg, gelegen aan de Mosselbanksrivier, voormaals het Eigendom van den Heer G.W. LOUW, zullen op den 10 der aanstaande maand February, op de Plaats zelve, per publieke Vendutie laten verkoopen, alle de daaropstaande Gebouwen, by separate gedeelten.
Ten eersten. – Een extra Voordeur en Kozyn, staande in het voorfront van het Woonhuis.
Ten tweeden, - dubbele en enkele Venster Kozynen, met lunne Ramen alle kompleet.
Ten derden, - Binnenkamer Deuren, met Kozynen.
Ten vierden, - De Plankenvloer, met Balken, zoo als dezelve zich bevinden.
Ten vyfden, - Ook zal worden opgeveild, een ruime Stal, al seen der Buitengebouwen, by separate gedeelten, dan wel het geheel.
Ten zevenden, - Voorts alle de andere Buitengebouwen, en wat verder ten dage der Verkooping zal wordeu aangeboden. – Zegt het voort.
Wagenmakersvallei den 28 January 1830.
WEGGELOOPEN, van den Ondergeteekenden, een Slavejongen, genaamd Alie, oud 16 jaren, heft een zwart plekje of zyn neus, gewezen Slaaf van den Heer J. BANTJES, van Paardenberg; by zyne vorige opdrossing heft by zich al seen Bastaard Hottentot verhuurd. – Die hem by den Ondergeteekenden bezorgt, zal goed beloond worden.
Rondeboschje den 2 February 1830.
In de Nederduitsche Hervormde Kerk, op Zondag den 31 January,
Willem STEENKAMP, Weduwenaar, met Catharina Arnoldina LOUW.
Een zoon van Johannes Hendrik LESAR, met name Nicolaas Johan.
Een zoon van Jason ADAMSE, Lyfeigene van Hermanus BOSMAN, van de Paarl, met name Cornelis Johannes.
In de Luthersche Kerk, op Zondag den 31 January,
De Heer Johan Godfried MOCKE, Jun. met jonge Jufvrouw Margaretha Dorothea CRUYWAGEN.
27 Jan. Jufvrouw Sophia Elisabeth BRINK, oud 27 jaren, 9 maande en 4 dagen, Huisvrouw van den Heer Johan Andreas TENBES.
29, de Heer Frans VELLNAGEL, oud 27 jaren, 7 maanden en 23 dagen.
29, een zoon van Charlotta VAN DE KAAP, met name Johannes Hendricus, oud 8 maanden.
1 Feb. Ernst KLUYSMAN, oud 40 jaren en 2 maanden.
In the English Church, Cape Town, on Friday, the 29th January, 1830,
by the Rev. HENRY G.P. COOKE, A.B.
Mr. John BRYANT, to Mrs Johanna HOGG, Widow.
In the English Church, Cape Town, on Monday, the 1st February, 1830,
by the Rev. George HOUGH, M.A. Senior Colonial Chaplain.
Mr. Jacobus Nicholas FRANCKE, to Miss Mary Ann BARTLETT.
Mr. Thomas CATTELL, to Miss Lavinia Cecilia PRITCHARD.
In St. George’s Church, Graham’s Town, on Thursday, 28th Jan. 1830,
by the Rev. W. CARLISLE, M.A. Chaplain:
William GRAY, to Elizabeth MARSDEN.
On Sunday, 31st Jan. Mrs. T. ELLIOTT, of a Son.
In the English Church, Cape Town, on Sunday, the 31st January, 1830,
by the Rev. G. HOUGH, M.A. Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A son of John ELLIOT, baptized James Wilhelm.
In St. George’s Church, Graham’s Town, on Sunday, the 24th Jan. 1830,
by the Rev. W. CARLISLE, M.A. Chaplain:
A son of John SULIVAN, baptized John.
A daughter of William and Frances WENTWORTH, baptized Emily.
A daughter of ditto ditto, baptized Caroline.
A son of Philip Fonford DUPRISE, baptized Petrus Jacobus.
A daughter of Hans Jacobus CUYLER, baptized Maria Susanna.
Jan. 29. A son of Mr. James Luke CHURCH, named James Fairbridge aged 14 months.
Feb. 1. James BASDON, aged 30 years.
Jan. 29. H.M. Ship Falcon, Capt. COLPOYS, from Algoa Bay 25th Jan. for this port. – with 4 men from the wrecked bark Frances Watson.
29. Thorne, bark, W. JOHNSON, from the Mauritius 4th Jan. for this port. Cargo sugar.
– Passengers, Mr. MABILLE and Son. – Brings a small mail.
The Capricorn and Albion were about to sail for the Cape.
H.M. Ships Tweed and Jaseur at Mauritius.
Feb. 1. Don Pere, M. CORDELIER, for Bourbon.
- H.N.M. Ship Pollux, Capt. EEG, for Bourbon.
2. Arabian, R. WILLS, for England.
- H.M.Ship Falcon, Capt. COLPOYS, on a cruize.
THE Undersigned, Trustee in the Insolvent Estate of the late Dirk Gysbert VAN REENEN, will cause to be sold on Monday, the 15th instant, at Zand Fontein, in the District of Swellendam, 4 Mares, belonging to this Estate.
Cape Town, Feb. 3d, 1830
R.J. VAN DER RIET, Trustee.
The Estate of the late Catharina Everdina VAN SCHOOR, Wife of Michael Angelo BIANCHI.
In consequence of the Orphan Masters being summoned to appear before the Supreme Court, respecting a Claim to Freedom of certain Slaves found in this Estate, a meeting of the Creditors, and other Parties interested in the said Estate, will take place at 11 o’Clock in the Forenoon of Tuesday, the 9th February, at the Orphan Chamber, when the above Parties are particularly requested to be present.
Orphan Chamber, Cape of Good Hope, 28th January, 1830.
J.J.L. SMUTS, Secretary.
NOTICE is hereby given, that Johannes Hermanus REDELINGHUYS, of Loop-street, Cape Town, and late Clerk to Mr. Advocate BRAND, LL.D. having made Application to be admitted an Attorney of the Supreme Court, as qualified and eligible to be so admitted, under the 148th Rule of the Court, - the said Application will be brought before the Court, on the 1st Day of next Term, (the 1st Day of March next,) unless Cause then or previously be shewn to the contrary.
Dated this 21st Day of January, 1830.
WORDT hierby narigt gegeven, dat de Slaven Roosje, Saartje, Salomon, Lea en Louisa, behoorende aan J. VAN BOSCH, van het Distrikt Beaufort, in de Gevangenis te Stellenbosch zyn geconfineerd. – De Eigenaar wordt verzocht dezelve binnen zes weken van dato dezer te lossen, vermits zy anderszinszullen worden ontslagen, en de gemaakte kosten in regten verhaald.
Bureau van den Resident Magistraat,
Stellenbosch, 5 February 1830.
A. FAURE, Jz. Resident Magistraat.
Cape Town, 11th February, 1830.
IN Execution of the Judgments of the Supreme Court, in the under-mentioned Cases, the following Sales will take place, viz:
Frederik STIETZ versus Fredrik Aegs. PETERSEN.
On Tuesday, the 16th February, 1830, in front of the Deputy Sheriff’s Office, in York Street, George Town, of a Gold Watch, a ditto Chain, and 2 ditto Seals.
Jan David STORM versus Christiaan Andreas STORM.
On Wednesday, the 17th February, 1830, at the Defendant’s House, situated No. 57, Strand-street, Cape Town, of Household Furniture of various descriptions, Plate and plated Articles, Kitchen Utensils, Crockery Ware, &c. &c.
EXECUTORS to the Estate of the late Stephen TWYCROSS, versus Andries Gustavus VON BRATT.
ON Friday, the 19th February, 1830, at the Defendant’s Residence, situated in the Village of Cradock, at 10 o’Clock, A.M. of Household Furniture of various descriptions, Plate and plated Articles, Kitchen Utensils, Crockery Ware, &c. &c.
Jacobus Wouter THERON, Executor to the Estate of the late Barend Fredrik LIEBENBERG, versus Barend Fredrik BURGER.
On Wednesday, the 24th February, 1830, at the Defendant’s Place called Gelukswaard, over the 24 Rivers, at 9 o’Clock, A.M. of a male Slave named Adonis, of this Colony, and a ditto, named Jacob, of Madagascar; also, the Buildings, (Opstal,) erected on the Loan Place called the Kopjes, situate on the other side of the 24 Rivers, in the Honingberg’s Flats.
Adam CARSTENS, q.q. the Estate of the late Josephus Johannes RENS, versus Petrus Juriaan TRUTER.
On Saturday, the 6th March next, at the Defendant’s Place, situated at Zwartland, in the Stellenbosch District, at 9 o’Clock A.M. of Household furniture, Kitchen Utensils, an open Horse Waggon, 6 Oxen, a Horse, 3 Mares, 133 Goats 485 Sheep, &c. &c.
J. STEUART, High Sheriff.
TO be sold, by Order of the Board of Orphan Masters, on Saturday, the 13th instant, at the House of the Auctioneer John BLORE, No. 4 Burg-street, the Effects of the late
Frans VILLNAGEL, and James CRAIG;
Consisting in Household Furniture, Wearing Apparel, Surgical Instruments, a Quadrant, and some books.
Orphan Chamber, Cape of Good Hope, 9th February, 1830.
J.J.L. SMUTS, Secretary.
NOTICE is hereby given, for the Information of those concerned, that the following Estates have been finally settled at the Orphan Chamber, from 1st January up to 31st December, 1829: -
Of the late Sophia Johanna SMIT, Widow Fredrik Gideon KOTZé,
------------ Elizabeth Catharina WATKY, Widow Sebastiaan ROTHMAN,
------------ Johannes Petrus MEINTJES, and surviving Widow Elizabeth Margaretha BOTHA,
------------ Pieter DIEMEL.
------------ Andries Johannes KUNTZ, and surviving Widow Anna Elizabeth KOK,
------------ Casparus Johannes MATTHEE, and pre-deceased Wife Cornelia Johanna SMAL,
------------ Johan Wilhelm Ludwich GEDHART,
------------ Hendrik Albertus SWART, and pre-deceased Wife Hendrina SWART,
------------ Anna Elizabeth LOUW, Widow David Schalk VAN DER MERWE,
------------ Adam Gabriel DE SMIDT, and surviving Widow Helena Elizabeth STADLER,
------------ Mara Geertruyda ESTERHUYZEN, Widow Daniel Francois LAGUERRENE,
------------ Alexander ANDERSON,
------------ Apollos of the Cape, formerly Slave of the Widow Jan Willem BARKHUYZEN,
------------ John FREELAND,
------------ Johanna Christina DREYER,
Of William Marthinus SCOTT, and deceased Wife Susanna Catharina CROWSE,
Of Marthinus Godfried DROSKY, and deceased Wife Anna VAN DER MERWE,
Of the late Pieter KROPP,
------------ Hendrik Philippus CRUYWAGEN,
------------ David BAARS,
------------ Samuel Eusebius HUDSON,
------------ Jan VAN SCHALKWYK, Jan’s son, and surviving Widow Cornela Maria ESTERHUYEN,
------------ Francis Gerrard POWLEY,
Of Johan William ETCHELL, and deceased Wife Margaretha BLAKE,
Of the late Johan Philip ANHUYSER,
------------ Petrus Johannes DE WIT, and surviving Widow Susanna Catharina UYS,
------------ Johannes Martin TROSKIE, and surviving Widow Susanna Maria Magdalena DIEDERIKS,
------------ Christina SMITH, Widow Abner Javens FEARBANKS,
------------ Jacobus BAN BEULINGEN,
------------ George WILKINSON,
------------ Albertus Johannes Philippus MEYBURG, N. Son,
------------ Jacobus Johannes SCHOLTZ,
------------ Fredrik Richard FETTLE,
------------ John DIGBY,
------------ Arend DE WAAL, Hs.
Of Franciscus PRYS, and deceased Wife Martha Elizabeth PONTY,
Of the late Jan Fredrik VAN REENEN, and surviving widow Gezina VAN BLERCK,
------------ Francois Jacobus DU TOIT, and surviving Widow Anna Jacomina LUTTIG,
------------ Hottentot MAGERMAN,
------------ Daniel of the Cape,
Of Johannes Petrus Jacobus PRETORIUS, and deceased Wife Maria Johanna STRAUS,
Of the late Hendrik Willem MEYER, and surviving Widow Johanna VAN DEN BERGH,
------------ John SOEKER,
Orphan Chamber, Cape of Good Hope, 10th February, 1830.
J.J.L. SMUTS, Secretary.
Office of the Commissioner for adjusting the Affairs of the late Sequestrator’s Department, 28th January, 1830.
ON Saturday, the 13th February next, at Eleven o’Clock, A.M. will be sold, pursuant to a Decree of the Supreme Court, bearing date 22d December, 1829, at Dr. OOSTERZEE’S Store, in Church-square, for account of the Insolvent Estate of Hendrik Cornelis VAN NIEKERK, Johannes Son, viz:
A female Slave, named Seronie, of this Colony, about 23 years of age, Sempstress, with her Child Caatje, born 1st April, 1827;
At the same time will be sold, for account of the under-mentioned Insolvent Estates, surrendered prior to the 31st December, 1827;
For account of the Insolvent Estate of J. Suasso DE LIMA, a Silver Watch, with Chain and Seals;
For ditto ditto of Dirk HAMMAN, Johannes Nicolaas Son, two empty Leauguers;
For ditto ditto of Fredrik Willem WOEKE, a Spirit Prover.
The usual Vendue Credit of the late Sequestrator’s Department, will be given.
F.S. WATERMEYER, Commissioner.
THE Liquidation Accounts and Documents, &c. relating to the under-mentioned Insolvent Estates, viz. : -
The late Telemachus MUSSON,
---------- Hendrik WIELLE,
---------- William WALTERS,
Johannes HARTOG, Paul’s Son, and
Geertruyda Margaretha COETZEE, Widow of the late Phillippus Hermanus ONKEN,
will lie open at this Office for the inspection and examination of the Creditors, and those concerned, agreeably to the 44th, 45th, and 46th Articles of the late Sequestrator’s Instructions, for a term of six Weeks from Thursday, the 11th instant.
Office of the Commissioner for adjusting the Affairs of the late Sequestrator’s and Joint Sequestrator’s Department, 4th January, 1830.
F.S. WATERMEYER, Commissioner.
Public Sale by the Vendue Department under the Administration of the Undersigned.
MR. Pieter ROUX, Pieter’s Son, will cause to be sold by public Auction, on Tuesday, the 16th instant, in the Village of Somerset, Hottentots Holland, five plots of Ground, situated there, with the Buildings thereon, and planted with about 15,000 Vines, having also a Garden stocked with Fruit Trees; likewise, Farming Implements, Fustage, Household Furniture, &c. 5 Capital Slaves, among whom are Waggon drivers and good Labourers, and what further will be exposed for Sale.
The Purchase Money of the Erven and Slaves may be retained at Interest by the Purchaser, on such conditions as will be made known on the day of Sale.
Vendue Office, No. 18, Kerk-street, Stellenbosch, 2d Feb. 1830.
DE Ondergeteekenden, Curatoren in den Insolventen Boedel Van H.O. EKSTEEN, zullen verder, ten overstain van den Meester, of van eenen Commissaris van het Hooge Geregtshof, op den ty den plaats reeds gemeld in de Advertentien, publiek doen verkoopen:
Zeker stuk altoosdarend Erfpachtland, gelegen naast de Plaats, Bergvliet, tusschen Wynberg en Steenbergen, groot 31 morgen en 511 vierkante roeden, waarvan de Kaart en Bezitbrieven, gedateerd 27 January 1830, op heden zyn bekomen.
Kaapstad, 29 Jan. 1830.
F.G. WATERMEYER, Curatoren.
DE Crediteuren in den Insolventen Boedel van Jan Diderik MOHR, worden verzocht op Maandag den 1 Maart aanstaande byeen te komen, het zy aan het Woonhuis van den Ondergeteekended, in de Kaapstad, dan wel by den Heer W.N. VOS, te Tulbagh, ten einde in overweging te nemen het door den Heer Abraham DE SMIDT gedaan voorstel, met betrekking tot zekere door opgem. MOHR tegen den Boedel van wylen den Heer Marthinus HOETS opgegevene pretentie.
Kaapstad den 11 February 1830.
D. KUYS, qq.
DE Ondergeteekende, op het punt staande naar Europa te vertrekken, heft den Heer F.S. WATERMEYER tot zyn Generale Gemagtigde in deze Kolonie aangesteld. Te koop, of te huur voor dentyd van een jaar of langer, het Huis en Erf in de Strandstraat No. 16, hetzelve is dagelyks te zien. – Insgelyks te koop, de Huizen in de Langestraat No. 118 en Klipvischsteeg No. 5. – Adres by den Heer WATERMEYER.
Kaapstad den 11 February 1830.
DE Ondergeteekende zal op Donderdag en Vrydag den 25 en 26 dezer maand, ter Plaatse Pikenierskloof, publiek doen te gelde maken, den geheelen Inboedel van Martha MOUTON, Weduwe wylen Abraham MOUTON, Sen. bestaande in Menbilaire Goederen, Bouw-, Kelder-, en Keukengereedschappen, 20 Trek- en Aanfokpaarden, 40 Trekossen, 100 Aanfokbeesten, 800 Schapen en Bokken, 5 Wagens, 1 Kar, en al hetgeen voorts ten dage der Verkoopingzal worden voortgebragt.
Clanwilliam, den 1 February 1830.
A.V. BERGH, qq.
DE Likwidatie Rekening en Documenten betrekkelyk den Insolventen Boedel Van Johannes Marthinus DE KOCK, zullen voor den tyd van 14 dagen, geredend van Maandag den 15 dezer, by den eersten Ondergetekenden ter visie van Crediteuren en Belanghebbenden openliggen.
11 Feb. 1830.
Corn. MOSTERT, Curatoren.
DE Likwidatie Regeningen en andere Documenten betrekkelyk den Insolventen Boedel van Charles TAYLOR, zullen ter visie van Crediteuren en Belanghebbenden, voor den tyd van veertien dagen, van Vrydag den 12 dezer, ten Kantore van den Procureur POUPART openliggen.
Kaapstad den 11 February 1830.
F. COLLISON, Curatoren.
DE provisionele distributie in den Boedel van Carel Ferdinand HOFMANN, Kaarsenmaker en Zeepzieder in deze Stad, zal ter visie van Crediteuren en Borgen in opgem. Boedel, ten Huize van den eersten Ondergeteekenden, voor den tyd van veertien dagen, gerekend van Zaturdag den 13 dezer, openliggen.
Kaapstad den 11 Feb. 1830
A. CARSTENS, Curatoren.
GEDROST, van den Ondergeteekenden, op den 3 dezer, een Slavejongen genaamd Caesar, voormaals het eigendom van den Heer J.F. REDELINGHUYS, groot van postuur, donker bruin van kleur, 2 voortanden uit zyn mond; was gekleed in een blaauw baatje en velle broek, en had een vale hoed op. – Edn ieder wordt verzocht hem in de Gevangenis te bezorgen; en die hem ophoudt, zal in regten worden vervolgd.
BYEENKOMST van Crediteuren des Insolventen Boedels van Isaak Tobias DE VILLIERS, Isaak Tobiasz. Wordt verzocht tegen Dingsdag den 23 dezer, ten Huize van den tweeden Ondergeteekenden’s morgens ten 10 uren, ten einde te aanhooren een nader door opgem. DE VILLIERS aan Curatoren gedaan verzoek, hoofdzakelyk inhoudende om den Boedel voor het grootste gedeelte tot geld te maken.
Kaapstad den 10 February, 1830.
J.D. WAHL, Curatoren.
On Wednesday, the 10th instant, by the Rev. B.C. GOODISON, A.M. Chaplain to the Forces.
Mr. Harry Remington HORNE, to Susannah Margaret, daughter of the late Captain John BLAKE, of H.M.’s 24th Regt. of Foot.
In the English Church, Cape Town, on Sunday, the 7th February, 1830, by the Rev. G. HOUGH, M.A. Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A son of Mr. Philip John GAUGAIN, baptized John Thomas.
A son of Mr. Edward WOOLLWARD, baptized Edward William.
A daughter of Mr. Edward SAUNDERS, baptized Sarah Eliza.
An emancipated female Child, baptized Rosina Johanna CREED.
In the Military Chapel, Cape Town, on Sunday, the 30th Jan. 1830,
by the Rev. B.C. GOODISON, A.M. Chaplain to the Forces:
A daughter of Private John SMITH, of 98th Regt. baptized Mary Anne.
At Simon’s Town, on Sunday, the 7th Feb. by the Rev. Mr. SNOWDALL
A son of Wm. HARTELL, baptized Johannes Andreas.
Also the following Adults: - Leonard KLYNN, Nicolaas PIETERSE, Martinus PIETERSE, Willem FELIXSE, Johan DAVIDSE, Elias DAVIDSE; - Hester WARNEK, Margaretha PIETERSE, Candasa FELIXSE, and Mietje RASMUS.
Feb. 8. George Henry MARSHALL, pensioner, late Serjeant, R. Artillery, aged 45 years.
In de Nederduitsche Hervormde Kerk, op Zondag den 7 February,
Christiaan Jacobus STEENKAMP, Weduwenaar, met Anna Maria Magdalena VAN ZYL.
Jacobus Andries HOLTMAN, met Jacoba Johanna BRAND.
Nicolaas VAN LOCHENBERG, met Elisabeth Susanna SMIT.
Een zoon van Johan Nicolaas COMBRINK, met name Petrus Wilhelm.
Eene dochter van den Hr. Johan George MULLER, met name Anna Martina.
In de Luthersche Kerk, op Zondag den 7 February,
Een zoon van Carel Joseph BECKER, met name Johan Christiaan.
2 Feb. Francois AGRON, oud 55 jaren, 1 maand wn 13 dagen.
4, Paul KANITSKUE, oud 67 jaren.
4, Een jong-geb. zoon van Carel MARBAGH,
8, Een jong-geb. zoon van Christina Johanna Berendina WALENDORFF.
9, een zoon van Wilhelmina SCHELTZ, met name Philip Andreas, oud 5 jaren, 7 maanden en 24 dagen.
9, Jonge Jufvrouw Geertruida Carolina HAUPT, oud 27 jaren en 6 maanden.
Feb. 7. Le Rabis, French ship, S. BELLIARD, from Nantz 17th Nov. for Bourbon. Cargo Mules. – Passengers, Mesdames HYVAN, and 2 DROULAT; Messrs. 2 PIGNOLET, MAILLON, PARSIN, CAPLER, SAVIGNON, PERICHON, DEBEAULME, KINIX, JOUVANCOURS, HERVE, and BOULAGE; and 1 servant. – Put in for water.
9. H.M.S., Falcon, Capt. COLPOYS, from Saldanha Bay 7th Feb. for this port, with a Detachment of the 98th Regiment.
9. Henrietta Clazina, (Dutch ship), L.F. HEYDE, from the Texel 24th Oct. bound to Batavia. Cargo sundries.
– Passengers,Lieuts. GONSENBACH, BISSCHOFF, and VAN RHYN; Mr. & Mrs. KOLF; and 200 Rank and File. – Put in for water.
10. La Belle Alliance, ship, J. FRANCIS, from Mauritius 18th Jan. for London. Cargo sugars.
– Passengers,Messrs. EDWARDS and HOLLAND, 1 servant, and 2 apprentices. – The St. Leonard sailed the same day.
10. Albion, brig, F. COLLINSON, from the Mauritius 18th Jan. for this port, in ballast. – Brings a few letters.
11. Flinn, E. PHILLIPSON, from London 17th Nov. for this port. Cargo sundries. – Brings a few letters.
The Lonach and Premier were about to sail for the Cape.
Feb. 3. Mary, R. STONEHOUSE, for England.
5. George, 1V. S. PHELPS, for Algoa Bay.
Cape Town, 18th January, 1830.
IN Execution of the Judgments of the Supreme Court, in the under-mentioned Cases, the following Sales will take place, viz:
Jan MEIRING, q.q. Jacobus NEL, Senior, versus Daniel LOUW, Adriaan Son.
On Friday, the 12th March next, at the Place of Mr. E.A. NEL, J.A. Son, called Rietfontein, situate in the Achter Hantam, of 498 sheep and Goats, 1 Ox, 1 muid of Wheat, and a Gun.
Andries BRINK, Dan. Son, versus Andries BURGER, P.Son.
On Friday, the 12th March, 1830, at the Place Houd Constant, situated over the 24 Rivers, district of Worcester, at 9 o’Clock, A.M. of 7 Oxen, 7 Cows, 3 Mares, a Saddle Horse, with Saddle and Bridle; 2 Stretchers, with Bedding, an old Waggon, a Carpenter’s Work Bench; a quantity of Smith’s Tools, 8 muids of Wheat, 10 ¼ muids of Oats, &c. &c.
J. STEUART, High Sheriff.
FOR SALE, or TO LET, a cheerful, airy, and healthy Cottage, with the Lands attached thereto, having every Convenience; situate at Green Point, near the Beach, adjoining the Place of Mr. P.A. POUPART.
Also for Sale, a large corner Erf, behind the Castle, opposite Musselburgh Monnt, and adjoining Sidmouth Cottage. The Terms are very favourable. – For further particulars, apply at the Gazette Office.
SOME evil-disposed Person or Persons having maliciously cut down and destroyed a great number of Fruit and other Trees (leaving them on the Ground), on the Place Grietjes Gât, adjoining the Palmiet River, the Property of the Undersigned; - and having forcibly broken down and destroyed several Frames, Window Shutters, &c. of the House and Buildings thereon, at present uninhabited. – A Reward of One Hundred Rix-dollars will be paid to any one giving such Information as will lead to the discovery and conviction of the Depredators. – Apply at Palmiet River, or to
No. 2, Castle-street, Cape Town.
17th February, 1830.
DIED, on the 15th October, 1829, at the Country Seat of his Uncle near the Hague, in the Netherlands, Mr. J.J. METELERKAMP, aged 24 years and 9 months, having completed his Ministerial Studies. – deeply regretted by all who knew him.
Cradock Town, 12th February, 1830.
DIED, on the 2nd January last, after a long illness, my beloved Wife, Isabella Maria RAUTENBACH, aged 67 years and 18 days; of which painful loss I hereby give Notice to Relatives and Friends,requesting to be excused the visits of condolence.
Nicolaas LINDE.
Tygerhoek, 30th January, 1830.
Door den Vendu-Afslager M.J. VAN DYK.
DE Ondergeteekenden, Executeuren in den Boedel van wylen Jacobus Js. ROHLAND, zullen op Donderdag den 4 Maart aanstaande, per publieke Veiling laten verkoopen, een bedouwd Erf, gelegen aan Tygerbergen, groot in zyn grond 10 morgen, en 23 kwadraat roeden, voorzien van overvloedig Water en bruchtbaren Tuingrond, en beplant met Vruchtboomen. – Voorts Huisraad, bestaande in Ledekanten, Katels, Bedden, enz. een geod Jagtfeweer, een Paardenwagen, Tuigen, een getal Paarden, en eene geode melkgevende Koe; Ploegen, Eggen, en hetgeen meer op den dag der Verkooping ter Tafel zal worden gebragt.
A.J. MEYBURG, Executeuren.
Tygerberg den 17 February 1830.
DE Ondergeteekende maakt by deze bekend, dat zyne dierbare Echtgenoot Isabella Maria ROUTENBACH, op den 2 January ll. Na eene langdurige ziekte, in den ouderdom van 67 jaren en 18 dagen , is overladen; - gevende van dit smartelyk verlies aan Nabestaanden en Vrienden kennis, met verzoek van rouwbeklag verschoond te blyven.
Nicolaas LINDE.
Tygerhoek den 30 January 1830.
In St. George’s Church, Graham’s Town, on Thursday, the 4th Feb. 1830,
by the Rev. W. CARLISLE, M.A. Chaplain:
George HOOKS to Hannah GREEN.
In the English Church, Cape Town, on Sunday, the 14th February, 1830,
by the Rev. G. HOUGH, M.A. Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A daughter of Mr. Frederick Samuel Francis ROESCH, baptized Clarissa TAYLOR.
A son of Abel WHITE, baptized Abel.
An Orphan, baptized Mary Ann BOTTOM.
In St. George’s Church, Graham’s Town, on Sunday, 31st Jan. 1830,
by the Rev. W. CARLISLE, M.A. Chaplain:
A son of Lieut. BOYES, baptized William Grayson.
On Sunday, 7th Feb. by ditto :
A daughter of Abraham WILD, baptized Mary.
A son of ditto, baptized James.
A son of Robert HORN, baptized Henry.
A son of ditto, baptized William.
Feb. 11. George WRIGHT, Pensioner, aged 54 years.
12. Walter REDING, Esq. Major Bengal Native Infantry, aged 42 years.
16. Edward ROBERTS, Esq. Surgeon, aged 38 years, much regretted.
In de Nederduitsche Hervormde Kerk, op Zondag den 14 February,
Karel Fredrik PRELLER, met Jacoba Petronella HEYNEMAN.
Pieter Abraham PEPLER, met Martha Maria LE RICHE.
In de Luthersche Kerk, op Vrydag den 12 February, met byzonder Licentie,
De Heer Johan Fredrik WRENSCH, met Jongejufvrouw Janetta Johanna VAN REENEN.
In de Nederduitsche Hervormde Kerk, op Zondag den 14 February,
Een zoon van den Hr. Johannes Andries BAM, met name Johannes Andries.
Een zoon van S.J. HOLTMAN, met name Johannes Christiaan.
Eene dochter van den Hr. Daniel ROSSOUW, Fz. met name William Fredrik RICHARD.
Eene dochter van den Heer Michiel VAN BREDA, Servaasz. met name Anna Fredrika Servasina.
Eene docther van den Heer Fredrik Jacobus KOTZE, met name Charlotta Carolina.
9 Feb. Wilhelmina Johanna DOESBURG, Huisvrouw van Johan Godlieb EELICH, oud 28 jaren, 7 maanden en 12 dagen.
12, een zoon van den Heer Johannes David JURGENS, met name Johannes Joseph, oud 3 jaren en 9 maanden.
13, een jong-geb. zoon van den Heer Christoffel Paul WOLHUTER.
13, een jong-geb. zoon van den Heer Albertus Petrus MEYBURG.
15, Johanna Wilhelmina SALOMON, oud 31 yaren, 3 maanden en 15 dagen.
16, een jong-geb. zoon van Andries Pieter DANTU.
18, Jufvrouw Helena Johanna VAN EYCK, oud 44 jaren, 10 maanden en 16 dagen, Huisvrouw van den Heer Thomas Jan BREUGEMAN.
Jan 13. St. Leonard, J. RUTHERFOORD, from Mauritius 18th January, for Cowes, for Orders. Cargo sugar.
– Passengers, Mrs. RUTHERFORD, and M[r]. SAUGUIN. – Brings a few letters.
13. Childe Harold, W.W. WEST, from Mauritius 25th Jan. bound to London. Cargo sugar, &c. Brings a few letters.
– Passengers, Messrs. CHURCHILL and SMITH, and Miss CHURCHILL; Venerable Dr. HAWTOYNE; Lieut. Col. SMITH; Captains FLOYER, WYLLIE, BADDELY, and F. & T. STALKER; Lieuts. BELL, MILLS and FENWICK; Drs. STUART and GREGOR; Quarter-Master TIMS, 5 children, and 2 servants; 57 rank and file, 10 women, and 17 children.
17. H.M.S. Falcon, Capt. COLPOYS, from Dassen Island 16th Sept. for this port.
– Passengers from the wreck of the Lady Holland, Mesdames STORY, DUFF, MAUN, and LASCELLAS; Misses BAILIE, WARBURTON, SAUNDERS, LIGHTFOOT, MOLESWORTH, M. & A. BYRN, and DUVALLE; Col. DE GRAVES; Capts. STORY, and PAULTON; Lieuts. WATSON and LEACOCK; Messrs. D[UFF ], LASCELLAS, ALLARDICE, DURANDE, and GIBBON; 2 servants, and 28 seamen.
The Mail is supposed to be lost.
DIED, on the 21st February, 1830, my beloved Wife Magdalena HAUMAN, born MOLLER, aged 72 years, 3 months, and 15 days, after a Matrimonial Union of 54 years, 3 months, and 15 days; of which painful loss in my advanced age, I hereby give Notice to Relatives and Friends, requesting to be excused the visits of condolence.
Fransche-hoek, 23d February, 1830.
Pieter Eduard HAUMAN.
DIED, on the 21st instant, Mrs. Egberta Sophia Petronella BERGH, Widow of the late G.F. GRAND, Esq. aged 48 years and 5 months; of which due notice is hereby given to Relatives and Friends.
Cape Town, 25th February, 1830.
Widow E. BERGH.
DIED, on the 21st instant, at the Place of Mr. H.A. LAMBRECHTS, Kleine Paardeberg, our respected Father, Johannes Tobias LOUBSER, Ns. aged 66 years, 9 months, and 26 days; of which we hereby give notice to Relatives and Friends, requesting to be excused the visits of condolence.
Nooitgedacht, at Kleine Paardeberg, 23d February, 1830.
J.A. LOUBSER, J.T. Sons.
WORDT hierby narigt gegeven, dat de Slaaf Christiaan, behoorende aan de Weduwe F.J. STRAUS, woonachtig in dit Distrikt, sedert den 11 dezer in de Gevangenis alhier is geconfineerd. – de belanghebbenden worden verzocht gem. Slaaf, binnen eene maand van dato dezer, te lossen, vermits hy anderzins zal worden ontslagen, en de Meesteres geprosequeerd voor de gemaakte kosten gedurende zyne detentie.
Clanwilliam den 15 February 1830.
J. VAN RYNEVELD, Resident Magistraat.
DE Swellendamsche Herfst Byeenkomst, zal op Woensdag en donderdag den 14 en 15 April aanst. Plaats hebben.
BERIGT. – William RUTHVEN, Sen. zal ten zynen Huize te Worcester present zyn, van den 15 tot den 20 Maart, wanneer diergenen welke aan hem veraschuldigd zyn, verzocht worden hunne Rekeningen te vereffenen; zullende dezuilken die in gebreke blyven, in regten worden vervolgd. – alle vorderingen tegen gezegden W. RUTHVEN, (die in het vervolg in de Kaapstad zal wonen, ) verzoekt men ter voldoening in te zenden.
BERIGT. – Rondgaand Geregtshof te Grahams-Stad.
Cornilius Bolton ALCOCK, Armee en Generale Agent, zal in het aanstaande Rondgaande Geregtshof te Grahams-stad en Uitenhage vaceren, tot het waarnemen van Zaken. – Zoodanige personen in Albanie, die hem wenschen te employeeren, worden verzocht hunne zaken aan den Heer J. LATHAM, van Graham-stad, te geven, die dezelve in gereedheid zal brengen om te worden gehoord.
Uitenhage den 19 February 1830.
OP DONDERDAG den 4 Maart, zal per publieke Vendutie worden vverkocht, voor rekening van wien het moge aangaan, op het Strand aan Yzerfontein, het Hole n Materialen van het Schip Lady Holland, gestrand aan de noordzyde van Dassen Eiland, zoo als hetzelve na ligt; de Bodem onder water; de Bovenzyden weegeslagen, en het grootste gedeelte van de Dekplanken, benevensdiverse Sparren, aan Dassen Eiland opgespoeld zynde, en zoodanige Materialen als op de Kust gespoeld zyn.
Alsmede, de ongeborgen Lading van gez. Schip, bestaande in Koper, spiauter, Juweelwerk,Kralen, Kunstwerktuigen, ruim 200 vaten Madera, Sherry, Port, Claret, en Koopwaren van diverse soorten, waarvan de uitvoer waarde boven de een-en dertig duizend Pouden Sterling bedraagt.
Het Hole n Materialen zullen eerst afzonderlyk, dan de Lading, en daar-na alles gezamenlyk worden opgeveild.
OP Vrydag den 5 der aanstaande maand Maart, in het Dorp de Paarl, voor rekening van den Ondergeteeden, van Huisraad, Zilver -, Koper -, Tin -, Glas en Aardewerk; alsmede twee jonge Afrikaansche Slaven; paardebare Sofas en Stoelen; en Piano forte.
Paarl, 22 February 1830.
NB. Een royal Huis, staande in de Breestraat, in de Kaapstad, alsmede eenige andere Huurhuizen, zoo te koop als te huur.
Publieke Verkooping door het Vendu-Departement onder administratie van den Ondergeteekenden.
MEJUFVROUW de Weduwe paul URIE, za. Op Woensdag den 3 Maart aanstaande, op het Dorp Somerset, (Hottentots Holland, ) publiek laten verkoopen, eenige Meubilaire Goederen, bestaande in Tafels, Stoelen, Kasten, Bedden, Porselein, Glas- en aardwerk, Keukengereedschap, enz.
Venue-Kantoor, Kerkstraat No. 18, Stellenbosch den 20 February 1830.
P.A. MYBURGH, Gz. Vendu-Administrateur.
At Oatlands, near Graham’s Town, on Tuesday, the 16th Feb. 1830.
by the Rev. W. CARLISLE, M.A. Chaplain:
A son of Lieut. Col SOMERSET, Commandant of the Frontier, baptized Henry George Edward.
In the English Church, Cape Town, on Sunday, the 21st February, 1830,
by the Rev. G. HOUGH, M.A. Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A son of Mr. John Chapman GOLDING, baptized Lawrence.
In the Wesleyan Capel, Simon’s Town, on Sunday, the 21st Feb. 1830,
by the Rev. Mr. SNOWDALL:
A daughter of Mr John GERREMAN, baptized Elizabeth Catharina.
Feb. 21. Mr. Edward HANBURY, aged 51 years, 1 month and 8 days.
22. A son of Francis STANLEY, named William, aged 6 months.
At Graham’s Town.
Feb. 11. Thomas EDWARDS, aged 22 days.
15. Samuel WILD, aged 22 days.
15. Sarah SANSOM, aged 13 months.
In de Nederduitsche Hervormde Kerk, op Zondag den 21 February,
Pieter Daniel LOCHNER, met Catharina Helena VAN DER WESTHUYZEN,
Een zoon van den Heer Jacob SCHULTZ, met name Jacob Adriaan.
In de Luthersche Kerk, op Zondag den 21 February,
Een zoon en eene dochter van Johan Georg WOLMARANS, met name Johan Daniel Hendrik, en Elisabeth Christina Gerhardina.
21 Feb. Mevrouw Egberta Sophia Petronella BERGH, Wed. wyl. Den Wel-Ed. Hr. George Francois GRAND, oud 48 jaren.
21, de Heer Edward HANBURY, oud 51 jaren, 1 maand en 8 dagen.
24, de Heer Johannes PETRIE, oud 67 jaren en 8 maanden.
24, Fredrik KETZ, oud 73 jaren.
Feb. 19. Lady Raffles, W. TUCKER, from Bombay 27th Dec. bound to London. Cargo sundries.
– Passengers, Mesdames LEIGHTON, FEARON, FLOWER, and RYBAT; Miss PRINGLE; Col. FEARON; Capt. DODGIN; Lieut. BRABAZON; Dr. PUDDICOMBE; and Mr. FLOWER; 14 children, 8 servants, 59 invalids, 5 women, and 10 children. – Brings a small mail.
The Isabella had sailed for the Cape.
20. Norval, brig. J. HARRISON, from Liverpool 18th November, for this port and Van Diemen’s Land. Cargo sundries.
– Passengers, Mrs. FOSTER, Misses BLAIR and McDOUGAL, Messrs. JACKSON, CUNNINGHAM, FOSTER, YATES, and WINTERBOTTOM. In the steerage, 30 Passengers. – Brings a small mail.
The James was about sailing for Swan River, touching at the Cape.
22. Caesar, ship, T.A. WATT, from the Downs 27th Nov. for Madras and Calcutta. Cargo sundries.
Spoke on the 28th, the Moira, for Madras and Bengal, sailed 9th Dec.; and the Vesper, for Mauritius. The Lonach sailed for the Cape on the 3d December. – No Mail.
Put in for anchors, having lost three at Madeira.
21. Flamingo, schooner, J. SCOREY, from Algoa Bay 16th Feb. for this port. Cargo Colonial produce. Passengers, Lieut. HUNT, Mr. LAING, and Mr. VALENTINE, and 6 steerage passengers.
21. William Glen Anderson, bark, D. McMILLAN, from Mauritius 30th Jan. for this port. Cargo sugar. – Brings a few letters.
The Retrench sailed six days before for the Cape.
24. Le Courier de St. Paul, P. FITAN, from Bourbon 31st Jan. bound to Nantz, Cargo sugar and coffee.
– Passengers, Mrs. CHAUVET, Miss LAGAROSSE; Messrs. CHAUVET, LAGAROSSE, and DASHERY; and 1 child. – Put in for water and refreshments.
24. Constitution, F. DUNSTERVILLE, from the wreck.
17. St. Leonard, J. RUTHERFORD, for England.
17. Peter Proctor, J. TERRY, for Mauritius.
17. Le Rabis, ship, S. BELAIRD, for Bourbon.
18. Childe Harold, W.W. WEST, for England.
18. H.M.S. Falcon, Capt. COLPOYS, for Dassen Island.
19. Barbara, J. DUNN, for London.
23. Patriot, R. GUILD, for Algoa Bay.
24. Lady Raffles, W. TUCKER, for London.
25. Henrietta Clasina, L.F. HEYDE, for Batavia.
Feb. 15. Dauphin, (American,) G.HUSSEY, from Nantucket 15th Aug. – Whaling. Cargo 650 casks. – Put in for water and supplies.
18. General Putnam, (American schooner.) W. LEWIS, from Newbury Port 16th October. On a sealing voyage.
– Passengers, Capt. E. DEWEY, of the American schooner Spark, of New London, also sealing off the coast to the northward. – Put in for water and supplies.
Reports, when off this bay, about six miles from the land, saw pieces of wreck. – spars, planks, dogvane, rigging and a short colour, pass his vessel, and picked up a box about 3 feet by 2, with the following superscription:- Rev. James HOUGH, F. LESCELLES, Esq. Moira. 19.8. Hold; - also the driving box of a gig, covered with plum-coloured cloth.
FRIDAY, MARCH 5, 1830.
THE Undersigned intending to remove to the Country, offers for private Sale, on favourable terms, his sub-stantially-built House and Erf, with a Store of 114 feet; under double Story, and a small Garden attached, in which is a Well with Water through-out the year. – This Property is well adapted for a Baker, or for any Trade. – The Dwelling House contains 7 Rooms, 3 Pantries, and Kitchen, and convenient Apartments in the Yard. – The conditions may be known on application to the Undersigned, No.15, Kerk-street.
Cape Town, 4th March, 1830.
DIED, at Walmer, on the 4th of November last, Mrs. Maria NAPIER, eldest Daughter of the late Chief Justice W.S. VAN RYNEVELD, Esq. – much and deservedly regretted by her Relations and Friends.
In de Luthersche Kerk, op Zondag den 28 February,
Daniel Hendrik Philip VAN EY, met Anna Fredrica BERNING.
Fredrik Josephus Heinrich DURR, met Dorothea Sophia Margaretha BROEKMAN.
In de Nederduitsche Hervormde Kerk, op Zonday den 28 February,
Een zoon van Lucas KEET, Mz. Met name Martinus Charles Gysbertus.
Een zoon van Melt Jacobus VAN SCHOOR, met name Jan Sebastiaan.
Een zoon van wylen Rachel VAN DE KAAP, met name Mattheus.
Eene dochter van den Wel-Ed. Hr. en Mr. Jan Hendrik HOFMEYER, Jz. met name Maria Johanna.
Eene dochter van den Wel-Ed. Hr. Christiaan Laurens HERMAN, met name Aletta Maria.
Eene dochter van Peter Clark DANIEL, Jr. met name Eliza Anna Barbera.
Eende dochter van Jan Roeland FRYLINCK, met name Dorothea Sophia.
Eene docther van Christiaan Johannes GRINJER, met name Sara Fredrica.
Eene dochter van John CLARK, met name Margaretha Antoinetta.
Ten zelven dage in de Luthersche Kerk,
Eene dochter van den Heer C.W.C. LANDSBERG, met name Emilie Henrietta Amalia.
Eene dochter van R. FLOWERS, met name Jeanetta Catharina Wilhelmina.
- Feb. een jong-geb. zoon van Johanna KLERSON, oud 11 dagen.
25. Jan Fredrik VAN CEYLON, oud 77 jaren.
26. Een zoon van Fredrik Lodewyk GAUM, met name Frits, oud 9 maanden en 11 dagen.
2 Maart, eene dochter van den Wel-Ed. Hr. Johannes Adriaan SMUTS, met name Margaretha Hendrica APPELDOORN, oud 10 maanden en 9 dagen.
4. Maria Petronella JACOBSE, oud 41 jaren, Huisvrouw van Rene Julien CLEMENT.
In the English Church, Cape Town, on Sunday, the 28th February, 1830,
by the Rev. G. HOUGH, M.A. Senior Colonial Chaplain:
A son of William Stolard COOKE, Esq. baptized Daniel JONES.
In the English Church, Cape Town, on Monday, the 1st March, 1830.
by the Rev. Jackson M. WILLIAMS, A.M. Chaplain on the Madras Establishment:
A son of Hercules TENNANT, Esq. baptized John Henry.
At Fort Beaufort,on Sunday, the 17th January, 1830,
by the Rev. W. WRIGHT, M.A.
Five daughters of Mary JACOBS, baptized Celia, Madeline, Elsje, Francina, and Allicia.
A son of Susanna DU TOIT, baptized John.
A son of Siggi, a woman of one of the native tribes, baptized Thomas Laudn.
A daughter of ditto, baptized Jane
A boy of one of the native tribes, baptized Charles.
Three children of Mary BUYS, baptized Ann, Floris, and John.
Two daughters of Catherine KIEWIET, baptized Catherine and Kate.
A daughter of Maritje VAN AARDE, baptized Catherine Becker.
A daughter of Leintje ABEL, baptized Catherine.
At the [Konap] Post, on Sunday, 24th January, by ditto,
A daughter of Richard WEBB, baptized Eliza.
A son of Catherine ALEXANDER, baptized Abraham.
A son of Dorothea ARIE, baptized Frederick.
A daughter of Rachel KIEWIET, baptized Anna.
Two daughters of Sarah BRUYNTJES, baptized Mary and Sarah.
A child of one of the native tribes, baptized Jane BOURKE.
Three children of Annette, baptized David, Catherine, and Daniel.
At Somerset, on Wednesday, 27th January, by ditto,
A daughter of Mr. Philip Rd. MARILLIER, baptized Frances Louisa Adelaide.
A daughter of ditto, baptized Harriet Elizabeth.
A son of ditto, baptized Frederick James.
A daughter of ditto, baptized Ellen Sarah.
A son of ditto, baptized Philip Francis.
At Fort Willshire, on Sunday, 31st January, by ditto,
A son of the late Edward CHAWLEY, baptized Joseph.
A daughter of John JOLLY, baptized Isabella.
A daughter of Captain FREUD, 55th Regt. baptized Isabella Keis[k]amma.
Feb. 26. Lieut. Henry HANSON, late Barrack Master of Cape Castle, aged 56 years.
27. Jane FELL, wife of Mr. John FELL, aged 59 years.
Feb. 26. Lonach, ship, R. COTGRAVE, from Portsmouth 2d Dec. for this port and Bombay. Cargo sundries.
– Passengers for the Cape, Mesdames PETRIE and THOMAS; Misses PETRIE and MORTON; Messrs. EATON, NICHOLS, and RUTHERFOORD; Dr. BAILEY, Rev. Mr. PORTER, Dep. Com. Gen. PETRIE, and 2 sons. – For Bombay, Misses JACKSON and GRANT; Capt. MORRIS; Lieuts. DAVIDSON and WRAUGHTON; Messrs. Dick. DICKENSON, MORRIS, CRAYCROFT, and HARRIS; and 5 steerage passengers. – Brings a mail.
Spoke to the Rambler, bound to the Isle of France.
27. Usk, brig. T. LONG, from Algoa Bay 21st Feb. for this port. Cargo colonial produce.
– Passengers, Mrs. LE HARPE and family; Mr. and Mrs. VAN DER KEMP; Messrs. NOURSE and ECKLON; 2 servants, and 2 of the crew of the late bark Frances Watson.
28. Resolution, brig, T. GOLDSWORTH, from St. Helena 6th Jan. for this port. In ballast – Brings a few letters.
28. Anarcharsis, ship, L. BERNARD, from Mauritius 7th Feb. bound to Bourdeaux. Cargo sundries.
– Passengers, Mrs. FORTY, Miss FORTY, Messrs. MAURE, CONSTANT, SALESSE, REGENT, CHANBY, GOSEIT, PASTOURELLE, (2) DUCOMET; Mesdames PASTOURELLE and DUCOMET, 7 children, and 1 servant. – Put in for refreshments.
28. Australia, ship, J. SLEIGHT, from London 22d Nov. bound to New South Wales. Cargo sundries.
– Passengers, Mrs. PHILLIPS, Miss LOCKET, Messrs. Samuel SPYER, WESTMACOTT, and JACOBS, 7 children, 1 servant, and 3 steerage passengers. –Put in for refreshments.
28. Moira, W. BUGG, from Portsmouth 10th Dec. bound to Madras and Calcutta. Cargo sundries.
28. Porcupine, ship, B. LAING, from Bombay 10th Jan. for a market. Cargo rice and sugar.
– Passengers, Captain and Mrs. HARRIS, 3 children, and 1 servant. – Brings a few letters.
28. St. Helena, schooner, G.L. HARRISON, from St. Helena 28th Jan. In ballast: has also 3 Chinamen. – Brings a small mail.
H.M. Ships Eden and Espoir at St. Helena.
March 1. Minerva, brig, J. WATSON, from Singapore 1st Jan. bound to London. Cargo general.
Put in for repairs, having sprung her main-mast in a heavy gale of wind, in lat. 11 south, long. 100 east.
1. Britannia, brig, R. RAMSEY, from London 26th Nov. bound to Swan River. Cargo sundries.
– Passengers, Messrs. KEURTON and DAVIS, Mrs. DAVIS, and 3 children, and in steerage 105 men, women, and children. – Put in for water, &c.
2. Le Gol, (French,) M. PALFREY, from Bourbon 8th Feb. bound to Havre de Grace. Cargo sugar and coffee.
Put in for refreshments.
2. H.C. Ship Minerva, G. PROBYN. Esq. from Calcutta 10th Jan. bound to London. Cargo general.
– Passengers, for the Cape, Lady and Miss FRANKS, and The Hon. Sir John FRANKS; - For England, Mesdma. CASEMENT, DELAMAINE, GRANT, LODER, and SANDERSON; Misses GRANT, SONBY, and GUNNING; Capts. SANDERSON and MARGRAVE; Lieuts. O’HALLORAN, CASEMENT, and FRASER; 11 children; 68 invalids, 2 women, and 2 children. – Brings a small mail.
2. Isabella, W. BOUCHIER, from Bombay 11th Dec. bound to London. Cargo general.
– Passengers, Lieut.-Gen. Sir Thomas BRADFORD, K.C.B.; Hon. Major R. MURRAY; Capts. PITMAN and SUTHERLAND; Lord HARLEY; Lieut. GREEN; Mr. ESCOMBE; Dr. ROBINSON; 2 servants; 51 invalids, 2 women, and 3 children. – Brings a small mail. – Died at sea, on the 14th Feb. Lady BRADFORD; and on the 9th Feb. Lieut. CALDER.
3. L’Amiable, P. LACROIZ, from Bourbon 7th Feb. bound to Nantz. Cargo Sundries.
– Passengers, Mesdms. Ruben DE COUDER, Brunet SULLY, and TRUBERT; Misses JASSET, NOFLET, TERNIERE, and VERPEAUZ; Messrs. ADAM, Ruben DE CONDER, HALLAY, Brunet SULLY, MOIZEAU, and 16 children.
- Put in for refreshments.
March 1. Le Courier de St. Paul, for Nantz.
1. Le Bordelais, for Bordeaux.
3. Thorne, hark, W. JOHNSON, for the Knysna.
3. H.M.S. Falcon, Capt. COLPOYS, for Simon’s Bay.
4. Caesar, ship, T. WATT, for Madras and Calcutta.
4. Flamingo, schooner, J. SCOREY, for Algoa Bay.
Feb. 28. H.M. Ship Pallas, Adolphus Fitz CLARENCE, Esq. Commander, from Calcutta 7th January, and Madras 16th ditto, bound to England.
– Passengers, Viscount COMBERMERE; Hon. Col. FINCH, Military Secretary: Capt. McCoen PERNAN, Secretary; Capt. ARCHER, Aide-de-Camp; Capt. MUNDAY, ditto; Lieut. COTTON, ditto; and 3 servants. – Brings a small mail.
The Fanny, Capt. BUNDY, arrived from the Cape, on the 20th Nov.
FRIDAY, MARCH 12, 1830.
ABSCONDED, from the Undersigned, on the 3d Feb. last, a male Slave Caesar, formerly belonging to Mr. J.F. REDELINGHUS; of tall figure, dark brown complexion, has lost two of his front teeth was dressed in a blue jacket, a pair of leather trowsers, and a drab Hat. It is supposed he is about Joostenberg’s Vlakte, or Stellenbosch. – It is requested that he be lodged in Prison; and those harbouring him, will be prosecuted.
DIED, on the 2d March, 1830, my dearly beloved Wife Sara Elizabeth VAN ELLEWEE, born CILLIE, aged 40 years and 6 months, of which painful loss to myself and four Children, I hereby give Notice to Relatives and Friends, requesting to be excused the visits of condolence.
Paarl, 8th March, 1830
Publieke Verkooping, zonder reserve, van 700 Schapen.
DE Ondergeteekende zal of Maandag den 22 Maart, aan Pampoenekraal, ter Plaatse van den Heer Jan UYS, publiek laten verkoopen, 700 Schapen. – De gene die boven de 50 Rds. Besteedt, zal een Crediet van drie maanden genieten.
DE Ondergeteekende zal op Zaturdag den 20 Maart, by den Heer P.J. WESSELS, Joosteenberg, publiek laten verkoopen, 80 uitgezochte jonge Trek en Slagtossen, extra vet, na aangebragt van Sneeuwberg.
OP Woensdag den 31 dezer maand, ter Plaatse van den Heer Roelof Petrus VAN DER MERWE, de oude, aan Groeneberg, van zynen geheelen Inboedel, bestaande in een aantal zeer bekwame en kapitale Slaven en Slavinnen, waaronder geode Koetsiers en Wagendryvers; Wynen, Vatwerk, Bouwgereedschappen, Huismeubelen, Zilverwerk’ mitsgaders een complete Smidswinkel, Ploegen, Eggen, Waggens, 30 Trekossen, 50 Aanfokbeesten, 30 zoo Trek-, Ry- en ongeleerde Paarden, 200 Schapen en Bokken, en hetgeen wyders meer ten dage der Verkooping zal worden aangeboden. – Zegt het voort.
Vendu Kantoor, Paarl, den 4 Maart. 1830.
NB. Die 500 Rds. En daarboven komen te besteden, kunnen het Geld onder geode Securiteit op renten houden.
In de Nederduitsche Hervormde Kerk, op Zondag den 7 Maart,
Adamus Paulus STEMMET, met Berrendina Elisabeth Magdalena RYKHEER,
Johannes Hermanus Lambertus COETZEE, met Anna Jacoba VISSER.
Op Maandag den 8 Maart, met byzondere Licentie,
De Heer George TWYCROSS, met jonge Jufvrouw Geertruida Catharina RICHERT.
Een zoon van Dirk Johannes COETZEE, met name Johan Hendrik.
Een zoon van Petrus Salomon WOUDBERG, Jr. met name Petrus Salomon.
Een zoon van den Heer Carel Johannes VAN DER MERWE, met name Carel Francois Johannes.
Een zoon van Hanna VAN DE KAAP, met name William Johan Jeremias.
Een zoon en eene dochter van Candaza VAN DE KAAP, met name Petrus Johannes en Rachel Petronella.
Eene dochter van den Hr. Pieter Hendrik LEY, met name Elisabeth Maria,
Eene dochter van Gabriel Christoffel BONTHUYS, met name Aletta Christina.
Eene dochter van Thamara VAN DE KAAP, met name Rachel Wilhelmina.
In de Luthersche Kerk, op Zondag den 7 Maart,
Een zoon en eene dochter van Lena VAN DER SANDE, met name Fredrik Christiaan en Christina Barendina.
Eene dochter van den Heer Friedrich SCHENK, met name Johanna Christina Margaretha.
23 Feb. aan boord van het Fransch Schip l’Aimable Créole, eene dochter van den Wel-Ed. Heer Jaques Sully BRUNET, met name Louisa Sully, oud 14 maanden, en alhier begraven den 5 Maart.
3 Maart, een jong-geb. zoon van Louis CAUVIN.
3, Carolina Aletta Maria WIID, Huisvrouw van Nicolaas Hendrik Everhardus SMITH, oud 35 jaren en 6 maanden.
4, Hendrik Jacob KUBE, oud 48 jaren en 4 maanden.
In the English Church, Cape Town, on Saturday, the 6th March, 1830,
by the Rev. G. HOUGH, M.A. Senior Colonial Chaplain;
Mr. Edmund Lombard KIFT, to Miss Caroline Petronella HECKRATH.
In the Reformed Church, by the Rev. A. FAURE, B.D. on Monday, the 8th instant,
George TWYCROSS, Esq. to Miss Geertruida Catharina RICHERT.
In the English Church, Cape Town, on Saturday, the 7th March, 1830,
by the Rev. George. HOUGH, M.A. Senior Colonial Chaplain.
A daughter of Mr. William Edward SCOTT, jun. baptized Eliza Sophia.
A daughter of Mr. John HARE, baptized Eleanor.
A daughter of Mr. George BRYAND, baptized Sarah.
A daughter of Mr. Jan MULDER, baptized Eva.
An adult slave of D.J. CLOETE, Esq. baptized Charles.
In the English Church, Bathurst, on Thursday, the 18th February, 1830.
by the Rev. W. WRIGHT, M.A. Chaplain:
A son of Joseph WEAKLEY, baptized Joseph.
A son of ditto, baptized John.
A daughter of ditto, baptized Ann.
A daughter of ditto, baptized Rhoda.
A son of ditto, baptized Benjamin.
A son of ditto, baptized Samuel.
A son of William ROBERTS, baptized William.
A son of ditto, baptized Henry.
A son of ditto, baptized Benjamin.
At Port Frances, on Sunday, the 21st February, 1830.
by ditto:
A daughter of William F.A. GILFILLAN, Esq. baptized Anna Frances.
A daughter of Joseph TURPIN, baptized Isabella Hensley.
March 4. A son of James LUKAS, named George, aged 3 years, 3 months, and 18 days.
7. S. PRESCOTT, Esq. Lieut. Madras Native Infantry, aged 25 years.
9. A son of Edwin MAUDE, Esq.
9. Lewis LE DONE, seaman, of the Lord Lyndoch, aged 20 years.
March 6. – Calypso, P. HUTCHINSON, from London 6th Dec. for this port. Cargo general.
– Passengers, Mr. C. BARTH, and 1 servant.
7. Lord Lyndoch, ship, J. BEADLE, from Madras 1st Jan. bound to London. Cargo sundries.
– Passengers, Mesdames WYNCH and WALKER, and 2 children; Mr. WYNCH, Dr. HARDING, and 3 servants. – Brings a mail.
On the 3d Jan. spoke the St. George, from Calcutta, bound to Liverpool.
7. Neptune, ship, J. CUMBERLEGE, from Madras 12th Jan, bound to London. Cargo sundries.
– Passengers, Lieut.-Col. And Mrs. SWINEY; Dr. and Mrs. ROBINSON; Col. HUNTER; Captains TIMBIEL, HOCKLEY, HAMMOND, HADGE, and DANIELS; Lieutenants DOWDALL and LUSHINGTON; Messrs. BYARD and GARROW; 6 children, and 3 servants. – Brings a mail.
8. Duke of Bedford, ship, W. BOWEN, from Calcutta 3rd Jan. bound to London. Cargo sundries.
– Passengers, Mesdames BEST, NEWITT, BELCHER, J.B. SWINHOE, J.H. SWINHOE, C.V. HELSDINGER, F.C. HELSDINGER, and E. HELSDINGER; 4 Misses BRAND; Dr. VENOUR; Captains BELL and LUDLOW; Lieut. HOLLOWELL; Messrs. 3 HELSDINGERS, SANDYK, and MEYER; 16 children, and 4 servants. – Put in for water.
8. Royal Saxon, ship, D.W. PETRIE, from Calcutta 4th Jan. bound to London. Cargo sundries.
– Passengers, Mesdames WARLOW and WORRAL; Major HARRIS; Captains HAMILTON, WARLOW, MEIN, and THOMSON; Lieut. BEGGE; 4 children, and 4 servants. – Brings a mail.
8. John, ship, B. FREEMAN, from Mauritius 13th Feb. bound to London. Cargo sundries.
8. Norden, (Danish ship,) T. BURD, from China 2nd Jan. bound to Hamburgh. Cargo teas.
– Passengers, Messrs. BELMANNER, LANE, SCOTT, and one servan.t
8. Victory, ship, C. FARQUHARSON, from Calcutta 16th Dec. bound to London. Cargo sundries.
– Passengers, Mesdames TUCKER and Farquharson; Miss MONEY; Col. CAMPBELL; Lieut. STANFORD; and 13 children; 30 invalids, 2 women, and 6 children. – Brings a small mail.
8. Fairlie, ship, J.T. FULLER, from Madras 16th Jan. bound to London. Cargo sundries.
– Passengers, Mrs. CRISP, Lieut. CUPPAGE, 3 children, and 2 servants. – Spoke to the Exmouth, on the 6th instant, from Calcutta, bound to London: and on the 7th, at night, H.N.S. Pallas.
9. Rapid, schooner, T. PATRICKSON, from Santa Cruz Bay 1st March, on a sealing voyage. Cargo seal-skins.
9. Achilles, bark, J. HENDERSON, from Mauritius 14th Feb. for London. Cargo sundries. – Passenger, Mrs. HENDERSON. Put in for water.
10. Aquila, brig, J. TAYLOR, from Mauritius 14thFebruary, for this Port. Cargo sugar. Brings a mail.
10. Clyde, ship, D.N. MUNRO, from Madras 10th Jan. bound to London. Cargo sundries.
– Passengers, Mrs. FRASER; Lieut.-Col SKINE; Capts. CAUSLADE and WILLIAMS; Lieuts. CAMPBELL and CLARK; Mr. WARLICH, and Dr. MELLIS, 3 children, and 2 servants. – On the 14th Feb. in lat 24.37.S. long. 58.54 E.spoke the Princess Charlotte, from Calcutta 22d December, bound to Liverpool. – All well.
10. H.M.S. Espoir, Capt. GREVILLE, from St. Helena 14th Feb. bound to Simon’s Bay. – Brings a few letters.
March 4. Flinn, E. PHILLIPSON, for Knysna.
4. Australia, J. SLEIGHT, for New South Wales.
7. La Belle Alliance, T. FRANCIS, for London.
7. Lonach, R. COTGRAVE, for Bombay.
7. Moira, W. BUGG, for Madras and Calcutta.
7. Anacharsis, L. BERNARD, for Bordeaux.
7. Le Gol, M. PALFREY, for Havre de Grace.
7. Minerva, G. PROBYN, for London.
7. Burong, P. ROUGH, for Batavia.
7. St. Helena, B.L. HARRISON, for St. Helena.
8. L’ Aimable Creole, ship, P. LACROIX, for Nantz.
10. Isabella, ship, W. BOUCHIER, for London.
March 7. H.M.S. Pallas, for England.
March 5. Patriot, R. GUILD, from Table Bay 23d Feb. for this port. Cargo sundries.
March 1. Hopeful, M.T. MALLER, for London.
3. George 1V. S. PHELPS, for Table Bay.
The American Whaling-ship Dauphin, having parted from her cables on the night of the 5th instant, in Saldanha Bay, is now on shore there, and will become a wreck.
FRIDAY, MARCH 19, 1830.
PLACE OF MR. ROELOF PETRUS VAN DER MERWE, Sen. at Groeneberg, of the whole of his Effects, consisting of capital male and female Slaves, among whom are good Coachmen and Waggon-drivers; Wines, Fustage, Farming Implements, Household Furniture, Plate; likewise, a complete Smithy, Ploughs, Harrows, Waggons, 30 draught, saddle, and young Horses, 200 Sheep and Goats, and what further may be offered on the day of Sale.
Venue Office, Paarl, 4th March, 1830.
N.B. Purchasers for 500 Rds. And upwards, may retain the Money at Interest on good Security.
DIED, suddenly, on the 17th instant, my dear Husband Christiaan Nicolaas GEYER, aged 40 years and 11 months, of which notice is hereby given to Relatives and Friends.
Cape Town, 18th March, 1830.
Catharina Margaretha GARISCH.
Widow C.N. GEYER.
UIT DE HAND TE KOOP, de Plaats genaamd Dwars in den Weg, gelegen naby Stellenbosch, beplant met 80,000 Wyngaardstokken, en allerlei soorten Vruchthoomen, hebbende goed Tuinland, en loopend Water gedurende het gansche jaar. – De konditien zullen zeer voordeelig voor den Kooper gemaakt worden.
Iemand hiertoe genegen zynde, vervoege zich op Maandag den 26 April aanstaande op bovegemelde Plaats.
Dwars in den Weg, 16 Maart 1830.
de Wed T. ROUX.
In de Nederduitsche Hervormde Kerk, op Vrydag den 12 Maart,
met byzondere Licentie,
De Heer George Menclaus PAINE, met jonge Jufvrouw Catharina Cornelia Christina PFEIFFER.
Op Zondag den 14 Maart,
Een zoon van Matthias LöTTER, met name Gysbertus Johannes.
Een zoon van Johannes Mattheus BRINK, met name Johannes Mattheus.
Eene dochter van Andries RUTGERS, met name Martha Lodewica.
In de Luthersche Kerk, op Woensdag den 17 Maart,
Eene dochter van Daniel NESER, met name Sophia Christina Willemina.
14 Maart, Dirk Corn. UYS, oud 13 jaren en 7 maanden.
14, Johan GODFRIED, oud 1 jaar, 4 maanden en 14 dagen zoon van Johan Godfied Gertenbach.
16, eene dochter van Kenne Nicolaas DE KOCK, met name Losia Margaretha Josephina, oud 1 jaar en 3 maanden.
16, Catharina ROOS, weduwe wylen Cornelis LIPPERT, oud 70 jaren, 2 maanden en 15 dagen.
17, Christiaan Nicolaas GEYER, oud 40 jaren en 11 maanden.
In St. Andrew’s Church, Cape Town, on Monday, the 1st March, 1830,
by the Rev. J. ADAMSON, D.D.
Mr. George HUDD, to Miss Margaret TAYLOR.
On Monday, the 15th instant, by ditto,
Mr. George ANDERSON, to Margaret Lititia BAISLEY, widow.
In the English Church, Cape Town, on Sunday, the 14th March, 1830.
by the Rev. George HOUGH, M.A. Senior Colonial chaplain.
A son of Mr. James JURY, baptized Alfred John.
In St. Andrew’s Church, Cape Town, on Sunday, the 7th March, 1830,
by the Rev. J. ADAMSON, D.D.
A daughter of Mr. R. BUCHANAN, baptized Sarah.
A son of Mr. W. BARTIE, baptized George Waldey.
In the Military Chapel, Cape Town, on Friday, the 12th March, 1830,
by the Rev. B.C. GOODISON, A.M. Chaplain to the Forces:
A daughter of the late John Bycroft BEST, Esq. Bengal Civil Service. baptized Frances Helen Bowen.
March 11. William STEPHENSON, seaman, aged 28 years.
Nov. 12. George 1V, S. PHELPS, from Algoa Bay 3d March, for this port. Cargo colonial produce.
12. Alfred, ship, T. HILL, from Madras 21st January, bound to London. Cargo sundries. -Passengers, Mesdames LAURIE and BREMNER; Colonels BRODIE and HATHERLY; Captains DREWRY, MORGAN, and SIMNOCK; Lieutenant BREMNER; STOKES and CAMPBELL, Esquires; Messrs. McKERRELL and SPRING; Miss HOWSE, 11 children, and 5 servants. – Brings a mail.
13. Sir Edward Paget, ship, J. CAMPBELL, from Madras 21st January, bound to London. Cargo sundries.
– Passengers, Mesdames FRITH, BRUCE, and ALLEN; Major JAMES; Captains WALTON, FOORD, and BIRRELL; Lieut. HUNTER; Mr. GORDON; and 3 servants. – Brings a small mail.
14. Catherine, B. FENN, from Madras 25th January, bound to London. Cargo sugar and piece goods.
– Passengers, Mesdames GRIFFITHS, Capt. THORPE, Lieuts, TULLOCH, and SAYERS, Cornet SCOTT, Dr. HERKLOTS, Messrs. OSBORNE and COX, 13 CHILDREN, AND 5 SERVANTS – Put in for refreshments.
17. Vittoria, (Spanish,), J. RAMIZEY, from Manilla 10th Jan. bound to Cadiz. Cargo sugar and sundries.
– Passengers, Col. Don Jove NEVADO; Lieut. Col. Don ACUNA, Lady, and 7 children; Lieut.-Col CORTES, Lady, and 3 children; Lieut.-Col MORGADO; Capt. GAY; Lieut. ANTRAN; Misses Dolores, Ana, Antonia MIVES, and Maria Parrenoi MORENO, and 1 child. – Put in for refreshments.
18. Sir Thomas Munro, R. GILLIES, from Portsmouth 1st Jan. bound to Calcutta. Cargo sundries.
18. Silence, F. JACKSON, from the Downs 14th Dec. for this port, with ordnance and naval stores.
– Passengers, Mr. CONWAY, - Brings a mail.
On the 16th Jan. spoke to the Augusta, from Antwerp, bound to Batavia.
March 11. Victory, C. GARQUHARSON, for London.
11. Norden, T. BURD, for Hamburg.
12. George, cutter, A. FONTENY, on a sealing voyage.
13. Duke of Bedford, W. BOWEN, for London.
13. H.M.Ship Espoir, Captain GREVILLE, for Simon’s Bay.
14. Britannia, R. RAMSAY, for Swan River,
14. Lord Lyndoch, J. BEABLE, for London.
14. John, B. FREEMAN, for London.
15. Norval, J. HARRISON, for New South Wales.
15. Neptune, J. CUMBERLEGE, for London.
15. Alfred, T. HILL, for London.
16. Cornwallis, H.E. HENDERSON, for Mauritius.
16. Rapid, T. PATRICKSON, sealing.
17. Achilles, J. HENDERSON, FOR London.
17. Sir Edward Paget, J. CAMPBELL, for London.
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