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Cape Frontier Times

Cape Frontier Times 1847 4 October - December

Tuesday 12 October 1847

Messrs Marthinus Jacobus POTGIETER and Oloff Godfried STOCKENTROM
Both of Uitehage
Beg to give notice that they have entered into Partnership as
Auctioneers and General Agents
for buying and disposing of property of every description by public or private sale – administering testate, intestate and insolvent estates – obtaining loans and inheritances – effecting transfers – collecting money – and to perform all such other business as may be entrusted to them.
Also, documents translated – the second undersigned being sworn translator.
Messrs POTGIETER and STOCKENSTROM hope, by very moderate charges, and the diligent, correct and prompt discharge of the trust reposed in them, they will obtain a small share of the patronage of their friends and the public.
Office at Mr. C. DE LA HARPE, next door to the well known boarding and lodging house of Mr. LINGERVELDER, Caledon-street, in this Village.
Uitenhage, Aug 7, 1847

Tuesday 26 October 1847

Sale of Superior Farm
In the Estate of Mr. Thomas SEPHTON of Thaba 'Ncha, in the Bechuana Land, deceased.
On Wednesday the 3rd day of Nov 1847, in front of the Commission Stores of Mr. Charles POTE, will be put up for public competition the Superior Farm called or known by the name of "Mantjes Kraal", situated in the district of Albany, in the Fieldcornetcy of Bushman's River, adjoining the farms of Messrs. Wm. McGEAR and DUGMORE, as also the Salem lands in extent 1,527 morgen and 216 square roods, being the place originally granted to Mr. Hezekiah SEPHTON, deceased.
The title deeds and conditions of sale may be ascertained on application at HAW's Agency Office, High-street.
For Self and Co-Executors
Graham's Town, 13th Oct 1847

Tuesday 2 November 1847

DIED in Graham's Town on Sunday the 24th inst, Martha Julia, the youngest daughter of the Rev. John LOCKE, aged 13 months. On Sunday the 31st October, Margaret Nutter, the third daughter of the Rev. John LOCKE, aged 3 years.

Waterloo Bay
Selling Off
Messrs McMASTER & PAKENHAM, being about to dissolve Partnership, beg to give notice that they intend being down at Waterloo Bay tomorrow the 3rd, and Thursday the 4th instant, for the purpose of effecting sales of the remainder of their extensive Stock at that place, at prime cost and charges, on liberal terms of credit.

Tuesday 9 November 1847

DIED at Fort Beaufort on Thursday the 28th October 1847, Charlotte HALLACK, wife of Mr. Russel HALLACK, and eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. SANDS, of Fort Beaufort, after a severe and protracted child-birth. Her loss has been severely felt by her relatives and all who knew her.

Tuesday 23 November 1847

BIRTH on the 19th inst, at Graham's Town, the wife of J.S. CHRISTOPHER Esq of a daughter.

At Fort Beaufort on the 15th instant, the Lady of J.E.K. GROGAN Esq, Barrack master, of a Daughter.

Fort Beaufort Hotel
Mr. M. BERRY desires to return to the public his hearty thanks for the invariable support he has received during the time he has maintained the above establishment. The universal kindness and attention shewn to him he trusts may be continued to his successor,
Mr. Thomas CHARLTON,
who has taken the whole of these extensive Premises, together with all the Furniture, Plate and Fitments, from the 1st January 1847.(sic)
Mr. BERRY begs those persons indebted to him to settle their accounts to that day, and that those to whom he is indebted forward their accounts to him forthwith.
Fort Beaufort, 10th Nov 1847.

Late of the Colonial Office, begs to tender his services for the Transfer and Mortgage of Landed Property, the preparation of the necessary Deeds, the negotiation of Loans, and other Agency matters of a like nature.
No.1 Strand street, Cape Town.

All persons indebted to the Insolvent Estate of the late Louis NORTON are requested to pay the same without delay into the hands of the undersigned, or proceedings will be instituted to recover the same.
By Order of the Trustees
Thos. JARMAN, Agent
A.W. BECK, General Agent

All persons indebted to the Insolvent Estate of the late Joshua Davis NORDEN are requested to pay the same without delay into the hands of the undersigned, or proceedings will be instituted to recover the same.
By Order of the Provincial Trustees
Thos. JARMAN, Agent
A.W. BECK, General Agent

Tuesday 30 November 1847

Mr. Thos. NELSON begs to inform his friends that on the 1st January next his business will be transferred to his son,
It being the intention of T. NELSON tp leave the colony in January or February next, he requests that all open accounts and bills due may be settled.
Graham's Town, Nov 13, 1847.

DIED on the 16th inst, of croup, Maria Johann UPTON, aged 2 years and 5 months, and on the 21st inst, William, aged 5 years and 5 months, Son and Daughter of Michael and Caroline UPTON.
Klip Hoek, Kaga.

Tuesday 7 December 1847

BIRTH at Graham's Town on 1 Dec 1847, the Lady of Mr. Edward PHILIPPS, of Glencraig, of a Daughter.

DIED at Graham's Town on the 1st Dec 1847, Mr. Johan BERTRAM, aged 72 years, an old and respected inhabitant of this frontier, deeply regretted by his family and friends.

DIED of Epidemic Fever, at Somerset, on Friday the 26th inst, Caroline, aged 20 months, and on Saturday the 27th, Maria, aged 13 years and 3 months, Daughters of G.E. JOSEPH Esq.
Somerset, 30th Nov 1847.

Tuesday 21 December 1847

DIED at Uitenhage on the 17th instant, after an illness of three days, Frek. Augustus ALCOCK Esq of that town, aged 33 years, leaving a widow and three young children.
21st Dec 1847

Tuesday 28 December 1847

Shipping Intelligence
Arrived in Port Elizabeth
Dec 19, Johanna, W. FALCONER from London 29 Sept. to this port. Cargo sundries. Passengers Mesdms WEYMESS, FALCONER, MULLENS and BAXTER, Captain WEYMESS, Messrs SIMPSON, NIGHTINGALE and DRIVER, 2 Children ad 2 Servants, 3 in the steerage.

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