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Cape Frontier Times

Cape Frontier Times 1840 4 October - December

Wednesday 7 October 1840

Yesterday was married in "St.George's Church" by the Rev J. Heavyside, Mr. John George FRANKLIN to Emily, second daughter of John ATHERSTONE Esq, District Surgeon.

Dissolution of Co-Partnership
Notice is hereby given that the Co-Partnership heretofore subsisting between Henry Benjamin KISCH and Joshua NORTON, trading in Cape Town, under the style or firm of H.B. KISCH & Co, and at Port Elizabeth, that of Joshua NORTON & Co, has this day been dissolved by Henry Benjamin KISCH, having retired from all concern in the Business and Affairs of the said respective firm; in consequence thereof, all Debts due to, and payable by the same, will be received and paid by the said Joshua NORTON: those in favour or against the Firm of H.B. KISCH & Co, at Cape Town, and those in favour of or against Joshua NORTON & Co, at Port Elizabeth.
Dated in Port Elizabeth this 5th day of September, 1840.
Joshua NORTON & Co.

Wednesday 21 October 1840

BAPTISM in St.George's Church on the 18th inst, by the Rev James Barrow of Bathurst, a daughter of Mr. Wm. M. JAFFRAY, baptised Allison Elizabeth.
October 21 1840.

It being desired to obtain information respecting Frederick GIBSON, who Emigrated to this Colony from London in or about the year 1819, and first took employment in the neighbourhood of Cape Town, and was at times afterwards seen working on the roads:- it is requested that any person who may be able to give any particulars as to the existence or death of the said Frederick GIBSON, will favor the Undersigned by an early communication.
And should this reach the eye of the said Frederick GIBSON, he is recommended immediately to address himself to them, as they have something of importance to communicate.
Graham's Town
9th October 1840.

Wednesday 28 October 1840

BIRTH on the 21st inst, Mrs. G.W. ATHERSTONE of a daughter.

We have also heard that Mr. EDWARDS (who keeps a store at Port Retief), fell from his horse, whilst galloping, and dislocated his neck. Medical aid was promptly procured, but the unfortunate sufferer expired in a few minutes. He was, we are informed, much respected, and has left a wife and numerous family.

Wednesday 4 November 1840

DIED at Port Elizabeth on the 23rd October last, William Wescott, second son of Mr. Giles SANDFORD, aged 5 months.

Wednesday 18 November 1840

The Undersigned wishing to arrange his affairs, informs all Persons who are indebted to him that he has placed their Accounts in the hands of Messrs. SMITH & PARKER for collection, and hereby gives notice that unless all claims due to him be paid to the above firm within three weeks, proceedings will be commenced for the recovery thereof.
Dr.A.G. CAMPBELL begs all claims against him to be sent in forthwith to his residence.
November 9 1840.

Notice to Creditors and Debtors
All Persons having Claims or Demands against the Estate of the late Agatha Catharine POTGIETER, deceased, Wife of Jacobus Stephanus VERMAAK (Winterberg Division) are hereby requested to forward the same to the Office of the Undersigned, within Two Months from this date; and those Indebted thereto are likewise to discharge their respective Accounts.
Executor dative
No.3 Baird-street, Uitenhage
Nov 10 1840.

Wednesday 25 November 1840

Mrs. TOWNSEND, relict of the late Mr. E.J. TOWNSEND, begs leave to inform her friends and the public that she intends carrying on the business of her late Husband, at her house in Church-square, next door to Mr. COLE's – that she has just received a fresh supply of Silver Goods &c, and that she has the following Articles for Sale, to which she invites attention; Gold and Jet Ear-rings; Gold, Silver, Plated and Steel Thimbles; Emery Cushions; Gentlemen and Ladies' Gold Chains; Gold and Silver Pencil cases; Silver Fruit-knives; Superior Diamond Rings; Ladies' and Gentlemen's Finger-rings; a variety of Brooches, Gold Pins, Spectacles, Bracelet-snaps, Pearl, Coral and Jet Necklaces, Gold Lockets, Silver Snuff-boxes, Gold and Plated Watch-keys, Gold Seals, Silver and Plated Butter-knives, Silver and Plated Spoons, Silver Goblets and Mugs, Sugar Tongs, Silver Knife, Fork and Spoon (in cases), Plated Candlesticks, Cruet Stands, Waiters, Snuffers and Trays, Bottle-stands, Bread-baskets, Desert-knives, British-plate Tea and Coffee Service, Soup and Sauce Ladles, Table and Desert Forks and Spoons &c - China Ornaments and Mugs, Work-boxes, Desks, Dressing Boxes, Colour Boxes, Tortoise-shell and other Combs, Tooth, Nail, Hair and Clothes Brushes, Superior Watches and Clocks, Table and other Cutlery, - A variety of articles in Perfumery – Some good Umbrellas.

Notice of Partnership
John Henry HEATH, Attorney of the Queen's Bench and Supreme Court of this Colony, and Solicitor of the High Court of Chancery, and Notary Public; and Thomas OKES, Sworn Government Land-Surveyor – beg to inform their Friends, and the Public in general, that they have entered into Partnership.
Any Business committed to them in their respective professions will be attended to with despatch, and due attention to the interests of the parties.
NB Designs, Plans and Elevations made, Specifications drawn up.
Office at Mr. HEATH's Residence, Queen-street (Bathurst-street*)
Graham's Town, 29th Sept 1840.

Wednesday 2 December 1840

I, Thomas HARRIES, hereby give notice to all Shopkeepers and others, not to give credit to my wife, Jane HARRIES, as I will not be answerable for any Debts that she may contract.
(Signed) Thomas HARRIES.

Wednesday 9 December 1840

DIED at Graham's Town at the residence of Dr. MINTO, Cape Mounted Rifles, on Tuesday morning the 8th inst, in her 18th year, Agnes Scott, eldest daughter of the Rev W.R. THOMSON, of the Dutch Reform Church, Kat River. Friends will please to accept of this notification.
Graham's Town, 9th December 1840.

Wednesday 16 December 1840

DIED of the Croup on the 9th inst, aged four years, James Lenox, second son of Mr. David McMASTER Jun. of Somerset.

Notice is hereby given to all whom it may concern that Mr. Charles HOBSON, an Englishman, and formerly in the employ of Messrs. RUTHERFORD's, Merchants, Cape Town, and lately an inhabitant of Uitenhage, died at Worcester on the 2nd October 1840, of disappointed hopes and a broken heart, leaving two unfortunate children!!!

DIED at Graham's Town on Saturday the 12th inst, Jane Eliza, daughter of Lt. F. SMITH, 27 Rgt, aged 6 months and 8 days.

Wednesday 30 December 1840

Notice to Creditors
In the Insolvent Estate of Henry AUSTIN of the District of Albany
All Persons claiming to be Creditors under this Estate are required to take Notice that the Undersigned have been duly elected to, and confirmed in, the appointment of Joint Trustees of the said Estate; and that the Master has appointed the Third Meeting to be held before the Resident Magistrate, at his Office, Graham's Town, on Saturday the 9th January 1841, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, for the Proof of Debts, for receiving the Trustees' Report, and also for the purpose of giving directions to the said Trustees as to the management of the said Estate.
And all Persons indebted to the said Estate are required to pay the same to the first Undersigned, on or before the 1st January 1841, or proceedings will be instituted against them.
Joint Trustees

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