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Genesis - inhoud 2004 - 2022

GENESIS ISSUE 04 of 2022 (34 pages)

To all our members
by Alta Griffiths

Historic Pietermaritzburg Cemetery under threat
by Alta Griffiths
There are very few things that upset a genealogist more than not finding an ancestor’s grave, loved or not, except perhaps finding it neglected or damaged.Now, imagine hearing that the municipality in Pietermaritzburg (Mzunduzi) hopes to recycle
the historic Pietermaritzburg Cemetery because it is in the centre of the business district!

Next eGGSA Zoom Talk

Geheime op die oewer van die Liesbeekrivier
deur Alta Griffiths
Op die oewer van die Liesbeekrivier, met die Swartrivier wat digby aan die agterkant verby loop, is ‘n graftombe weggesteek tussen bome, reg langs die besige snelweë in Kaapstad. Anton Verwey het daarna verwys in sy praatjie oor sy Verwey familie. Die graftombe is ongemerk en ons het geen idee wie daar begrawe is nie.

Early British administration at the Cape
by Nigel Amschwand
In 1806 when the British invaded the Cape for the second time, it was an act of war, not colonisation. The British wanted to prevent Napoleon from using the Cape as a refreshment station between Europe and the Indies.

Grave Matters
by Riana le Roux

Why not try our jig-saw puzzle?

Groot Griep van 1918
deur Elmar du Plessis
Die griepepidemie van 1918 het wêreldwyd miljoene slagoffers geëis – na raming het die dodetal op sowat 20 miljoen gestaan, maar volgens sommige bronne kon dit selfs tot soveel as 50 miljoen gewees het.

The Castiglione South African War Cemetery
by Mauro Fogacci
The War Cemetery with the highest number of South African fallen on Italian soil is located in Castiglione dei Pepoli. Of the 502
soldiers buried in this cemetery, 401 are South Africans, 99 are British and 2 are officers of the 4/13th Frontier Force Rifles
Indian unit.

Model 1895 Mauser: P.J. Pretorius
by Drummond Corrie
I started my research on this rifle at the Anglo-Boer War Museum’s website. Specifically, searching for ‘Pretorius’ and ‘Vrijheid’. I found reference to a 23-year-old Jacobus Hermanus Pretorius, captured at the Zululand border, reported to be from
the district of Vrijheid. POW number 31065.


GENESIS ISSUE 03 of 2022 (33 pages)

Judith Susanna Hendrika (Judi) Meyer
It has been a month, and still it is with deep sadness that we place this notice in the GENESIS. Judith Susanna Hendrika Meyer (Judi) unexpectedly passed away on the 3rd August after a short illness.

Woesteheuvel,an isolated grave on a Westcoast farm
by Nigel Amschwand
Grouped in one corner of the graveyard were the graves of family members In the opposite corner was the grave of JJF Tolken.

History of the stations in Benoni
by Carol Gainsford
After the Anglo Boer War, (1902) a station/junction was opened on the RAND TRAM line from Boksburg to Brakpan to the South of Benoni, in order to serve the private sidings to the mines to the north, and the APEX stone quarry to the South.

by Riana le Roux

A visit to the Drostdy in Swellendam
by Alta Griffiths
In 1855 the former Drostdy was bought by the Steyn family and it remained in the hands of this family until 1939 when it was bought by the government of the Union of South Africa for the purpose of establishing a museum .The museum consists of a number of buildings; the Drostdy itself, the old goal and the trade yard (Ambagswerf).

Rhenish Mission Society in South Africa 1829-1965
by Calvin S. Van Wijk
The RMS officially operated nineteen formal mission stations in the former Cape Colony (later known as the Cape Province). The RMS missionaries excerted great influence in all of these areas

Mary Elizabeth Barber, 1820 Settler
One of the most advanced women of her time
by Pat Bauer
Mary Elizabeth Barber came to South Africa from England with her family when she was a toddler aged 2. Her father, Miles Bowker (1758-1839) was a sheep farmer with a wool-processing business in South Newton, Wiltshire. Miles His wife, Anna Maria Mitford (1782 – 1868)

Why not try our jig-saw puzzle?

GENESIS ISSUE 02 of 2022 
(56 pages)

Hoekplaas en sy Mense
deur Andre Simon du Plooy
Maryka Roberts verwys na die volgende: “Ons arriveer met die silwer sterre wat na aan die aarde hang; parafienlampies, olielampe; stilte indrink; moerkoffie in blikbekers; en brakwater vars uit die windpomp wat water diep vir jou gaan haal het. As die gedruis van die stad jou weer onderkry, gaan grawe jy weer tussen daardie herinnerings.” Die woorde pas mooi in by my herinneringe van Hoekplaas.

Killed by not so ‘Friendly Fire’ in the Defence of Mafeking
by Adolph A Landman
The loss of 24 lives on the day after Christmas 1899, incurred by the besieged garrison in attempting to take Game Tree Fort lying North West of Mafeking, spurred the senior military officers to meet. At the meeting held on 29 December, under the Chairmanship of Col RSS Baden-Powell, it was resolved to erect a memorial to honour their fallen comrades.[
Kaapse Argieftoer 2022
deur Kay-Ann van Rooyen
Die Kaapse Argieftoer het in Mei 2022 plaasgevind – met groot sukses – nadat dit twee keer uitgestel moes word weens herhaalde vlae Covid-19-infeksies en inperkings.

Ons Voorouers In Mauritius (1666 - 1710)
deur André Buys
Die meeste Suid-Afrikaners assosieer Mauritius waarskynlik met 'n eksotiese tropiese eilandvakansie in die Indiese Oseaan. Dit is egter nie algemeen bekend dat sommige van ons voorouers 300 jaar gelede 'n verbintenis met die eiland gehad het nie; party is selfs daar gebore. Sommige van dié voorouers was ook stamouers.

Why not try our jig-saw puzzle?

Notes on the Russel Brett Family
by Jan Grobbelaar
Francis Russel Brett was born in Charlton, Kent, U.K. in 1802. His parents were stated as Francis Russel Brett and Dinah Russel on his death notice.

Zoom meetings for 2022

by Riana le Roux

GENESIS ISSUE 01 of 2022 
(58 pages)

Van die Redakteurstoel – From the Editor’s Chair
By Judi Meyer

The position of women on the frontier
by Nigel Amschwand
In general, the position of colonial women in the 18th and 19th century was much as it was elsewhere in Europe and the Americas. Women were not allowed to vote and were not considered able to lead an independent life without the assistance of a husband or father.

Beplan hierdie jaar vir ʼn Argieftoer met jou Mede-GGSA-lede.

Goodbye, but luckily not farewell to our dear friend and treasurer, Carol Beneke
eGGSA’s treasurer for the past 10 years but unfortunately has had to retire from the committee due to ill health.

Jan Meyer
die nuwe eGGSA tesourier

Archive Tours
This year take an Archive Tour with your Fellow GGSA members.

Grave Matters
by Riana le Roux 

Model 1895 Mauser: S. J. Neetling
by Drummond Corrie
With such a pleasing honey coloured stock, one presumes that Neetleng wanted an impressive and neat style of carving to be done on his beloved rifle. A clue as to how the rifle might have ended up in Australia /New Zealand:

GSSA Awards
by Alta Griffiths
Maureen de Villiers – received the President's Extra Mile Award
Mertens du Plooy received the the Presidents Extra Mile
Carol Beneke was awarded the rank of Fellow

Mrs H. S. Ball’s recipe book
by Richard Ball
In 1885 my grandmother, Amy Adkins, who lived with her parents on a farm named Mount Pleasant at Fort Jackson, near King Williams Town, started compiling a recipe book. This was, presumably, to prepare for her marriage to Herbert Saddleton Ball which took place in February 1886.


GENESIS ISSUE 04 of 2021 (37 pages)

Van die Redakteurstoel – From the Editor’s Chair
By Judi Meyer

Researching Old Farms
by Nigel Amschwand
I do research on old farms and obviously come across the families of the owners. As far as I know there are no books to guide you in this research and by trial and error these are some of the methods that I use. The earliest records of colonial occupation are found in the Oude Wildschutte Boeke. The VOC never wanted to found a colony. The Cape was only intended to be a refreshment station for their ships trading between the Spice Islands and the Netherlands.

DNA testing for South Africans
by Linda Farrell
This article will give a short introduction to genealogy DNA testing specifically for people who have South African ancestry and/or people who live in South Africa.

The Early History of Groenrivier – The site of Nieuwoudtville in the Northern Cape
by Nigel Amschwand
The first white settler to farm at Groenrivier was Nicolaas Loubser who registered the place in 1742
The next owners were the Van Reenens.

by Riana le Roux

GENESIS ISSUE 03 of 2021 
(42 pages)

The Early History of Loeriesfontein
by Nigel Amschwand
I interviewed a farmer living south of Williston and during our conversation he mentioned that the true pioneers were the Basters[1]. It was they who trekked north over the Cape border, up towards the Orange River.

Behind the Castle by Jim Hislop
The early history of the place that was to become District Six, Cape Town

Zoom meetings
by Alta Griffiths
It is not unusual to see people logging in from all over South Africa, the Netherlands, Madagascar, Japan, the UK, Canada or elsewhere in the world.

Die oorspronklike plek van herkoms van die Suid-Afrikaanse van Stadens
deur Hennie van Staden
Daar bestaan verskillende aannames en teorieë oor die Suid-Afrikaanse “van Stadens” se oorspronklike plek van herkoms.

Boer or Brit: Families at War
by Alun Stevens
A few years ago, my wife found a reference online that indicated that my grandmother, Sarah Liddell, had been interned in the British concentration camp at Harrismith during the Anglo Boer War. My first reaction was that someone had made a mistake.
The Liddells of the story are the children of Joseph Plaskett Liddell and Eliza Greaves who went to Natal in 1861 from Bolton,

by Riana le Roux

The McGregors
by Nigel Amschwand
James McGregor was born in Perthshire in 1840 and arrived the first time in the Cape in 1850 with his brother Alexander
and the rest of his family. In his youth he spent six years in Australia during the gold rush.


GENESIS ISSUE 02 of 2020 (41 pages)

Van die Redakteurstoel – From the Editor’s Chair
By Judi Meyer

German Immigrants to the Cape of Good Hope:Geographic Origins and Statistics
by Jan Grobbelaar
The geographic origins of the German speaking immigrants who arrived in the Cape of
Good Hope between 1652 and 1806,

Van Staden dubbel en dwars
deur Peet van Staden
Die geskiedenis van nog een van Suid-Afrika se ou families, die Van Stadens, is nou op skrif en elektronies in die boekwinkel eskikbaar.

by Riana le Roux

Verdere Toeligting oor Pastoor J. L. Döhne
deur Ludwig Döhne
Addisionele inligting oor sy artikel “Die eerste Berlynse Sendeling in Kaffraria” wat in GENESIS UITGAWE 01 van 2019 verskyn het.

Zoom meetings
by Alta Griffiths
Our hope is to cover a wide range of topics so that there will be something of interest for everyone.
We are attempting to give our members the opportunity to join a meeting in their own time zones.

Who was Jan?
by Nigel Amschwand
Situated deep in the Onder-Roggeveld, southeast of Calvinia, are a group of farms that have been in the same family) for more than 250 years. Like many other farms, the original name is only shown on maps,that the locals do not need; or on the title deeds, that seldom change hands. The family is the Steenkamps.

Kommandant Jacobus Ignatius Rademeyer (b5c1)
by Hendrik Strydom
Jacobus Ignatius Rademeyer was a well-known heroic field commandant, justice of the peace, outstanding farmer and a prominent stud farmer of the farm De Klippe Drift, now Louterwater in the Langkloof.

Two books
by Nigel Amschwand
Now in the historical section of the eGGSA e-shop
Short history of the Onder-Bokkeveld
1847: Dispossession and Migration Population Movement in the North-Western Cape in the 19th


GENESIS ISSUE 01 of 2021 (60 pages)

Van die Redakteurstoel – From the Editor’s Chair
By Judi Meyer

Introducing the new Vice Chairman of eGGSA, Cornel Viljoen

Nigel Amschwand our new English Proofreader.
By Judi, Richard and Daan

Custom causing confusion: Catharina Petronella DE BEER
by Linda Farrell
We often encounter the re-use of first names by parents when baptising subsequent children after a child has passed away. This is a very common occurrence due to the strict adherence to family naming traditions especially in Afrikaans families through the ages. It is however not common to come across two siblings with exactly the same names, living well
into adulthood.

From beyond the grave
by Nigel Amschwand
How parents tried to influence the lives of following generations

Soutkloof on the farm Woesteheuvel in the Sandveld
by Nigel Amschwand
The house pictured on the cover of this issue was photographed by Nigel. Twenty two years later the house had sadly deteriorated.

Gainsford progenitor to the Cape
by Carol Gainsford
Edward Gainsford a shoemaker, born 1819 and baptised on 26 December 1819 in Lambeth, London. On 29 October 1840 in the St James Church of England, Westminster, London, he married his sweetheart Caroline Lefley who was born in 1818

The Heart-breaking Life and Journey of the Dina Geertuyda Fourie
by Hendrik Strydom
The Schoemansdal cemetery has a memorial stone erected for the Voortrekker leader General Andries Hendrik Potgieter, who died there. The names of the other people buried there are inscribed on a granite stone. The last entry is ‘Baby Chambers’ (she was only three weeks old).Her remarkable mother, Dina Fourie, had a most sad and most inspiring life of bravery and sheer will to survive. She simply never gave up. She was a little plump, with fair hair and with a most striking set of blue eyes and a heart of gold.

Claude Victor MALAN
deur Francois Malan
Ek het die foto-album van my pa ‘n bietjie herstel aangesien dit uitmekaar val. My oog val toe op ‘n foto van die 1918-1919 krieketspan van Punt Hoërskool, Mosselbaai waar een van die onderwysers, Mnr.C.V. Malan,

The Heights First World War 1914 – 1918
by Paul Els
All bases that were left behind by the British troops garrisoned here 1914–18 were donated to the Union Government; the Heights officially became the property of the South African Government. The actual leave-taking was a splendid sight, the troops marching from the Heights to Pretoria West to entrain, with bands playing and colours flying.

Argief terugvoer van ons lede / Archive tour feedback from members
Ellen Harmse
Die Gauteng “Archive Crawl” is nieteenstaande  allerlei Korona-beperkings suksesvol en met geesdrif afgehandel.
The Gauteng Archive Crawl was a huge success and with patience we worked well around/ Corona protocol.

The Refugee/Burgher Camp at Willowdam, Mafeking
by Adolph A Landman
The relocation of Boer refugees from the Refugee Laager at Mafeking to a place known as Willowdam, came about at the insistence of the Base Commander This Camp, initially under the auspices of the military was transferred to the civil administration and became a Burgher Camp of the Transvaal. But where was Willowdam?

by Riana le Roux

Nationaal Archief at Hague online
by Cornel Viljoen
During 2020 the Nationaal Archief (National Archives) in The Hague, Netherlands, started making their documents for the period 1652 to 1794, available for online research.


GENESIS ISSUE 04 of 2020 (72 pages)

Van die Redakteurstoel – From the Editor’s Chair
By Judi Meyer

The German Family of the Progenitor Johann Grobleben

By Jan E. Grobelaar
The family tree has been developed back to grandfather Hans who got married in 1625
The tree cannot be developed further back than 1617 as all church records prior to 1617 have been lost in a town fire.

By Pieter van Aardt
Suid-Afrika is ‘n land van konflik en stryd. Sedert die vroeë dae van kolonialisering was daar konflik tussen die Koloniste en die in heemse volke. Om nou na die verloop van soveel jare presies vas te stel watter lede van sekere familie by bogemelde aksies betrokke was, is byna onbegonne taak. In die loop van sy genealogiese navorsing het die skrywe ‘n hele aantal gevalle teengekom van van Aardts wat in die gewapende stryd betrokke was.


By Nigel Amschwand
When “corbelled’ was first used to describe these unique vernacular buildings in the Northern Cape is not known. At the time of their construction they were known as “roundables”
The era when the majority of the corbelled buildings were erected seems to span from the 1830 to 1880s.
The author has put forward a suggestion that the origin could be an 1820 Irish settler names John Coffee, a stone mason who lived in Clanwilliam.

Deur Izak Abraham (Brahm) Perold
Daar is heelpart vraagstukke en teenstrydighede in verband met die stamvade van die Perolds in Suid Afrika en sy seuns. Hierdie skrywe is ‘n poging om reaksie te ontlok van diegene wat dalk ander inligting het, sodat die geneaogie van die Perolds op ‘n goeie basis gebou kan word

by Riana le Roux

(Cover photograph)
The photograph was taken in 1909 and came from the Gribble collection maintained by the Drakenstein Heemkring in Paarl. Added is an extract of three paragraphs taken from ‘The carriages of South Africa’ by Tom Ryder 

GENESIS ISSUE 03 of 2020 (69 pages)

Van die Redakteurstoel – From the Editor’s Chair
By Louise Hamlyn

Cape Malay Stories
By Daiyaan Petersen
Growing up, I heard bedtime stories about my great grandmother’s youth in De Waterkant and Bo Kaap, and my great Grandfather’s tales of old farms in Vryburg and Kimberley where he was born. They were my prime inspiration to pursue the hobby of genealogy and family history research.

Deur Dan Strydom, Boston, Massachusetts
Een van die vreugdes wat mens kan ontvang uit werk op ‘n uitgebreide familienaam, is om nuwe lig op ‘n ”moelike” óú tak te werp.

For Those with no Memorials
By Alta Griffiths
Nowadays many people are cremated after death and have no memorial.

27 August 1851 – 17 April 1891

By Margaret Addis
Between thunderstorms and rain we made our way to the Newcastle old cemetery armed with a cemetery register. Luckily it did include entries for Thomas Sanderson. And right there was a grave where the headstone had broken off.

By Carol Gainsford
La Belle Alliance
... What happened to this floating piece of timber that brought my forefathers to the shores of the Cape in 1820?

Progenitor of the Grobler and Grobbelaar Families in South Africa

By Jan F. Grobbelaar
Johan Grobelen was an elder brother of Christian Grobler. It had been accepted by many that Christian and Johann were the same person and as a result Christian’s date of birth became the de facto progenitor as documented and propagated to numerous genealogies. I had always been sceptical that Johann and Christian were the same person, which motivated me to find and review the church books myself.

By Abrie de Swardt
As genealoog is die skrywe aangespoor om die navorsing van Dr. Daniel Craven oor die bydrae van familie tot sportprestasie en die kweek van Springbokrugbyspelers, verder te ondersoek.


Grave Matters
By Riana le Roux

Always Something to Learn
By Alta Griffiths

From: The South African Commercial Advertiser (Wednesday, January 14, 1824; No.II p.14)

Submitted by Guy Barker
Men once, were surnamed from their shape or estate. … Lewis the Bulky, Henry the Great, John Lackland, etc.,

What to do during Lockdown
By Riana le Roux
Ask all living relatives especially the older generation to complete the following questionnaire. 

GENESIS ISSUE 02 of 2020 (78 pages)

Van die Redakteurstoel – From the Editor’s Chair
By Judi Meyer

GABRIEL JACOBUS PIETERSE (6.5.1856 – 15.1.1919), Lindley
By Alta Roux
Ouma se foto-albums was haar grootste trots: sy het haar familie vir almal gewys en ek moes elke paar jaar die albums oor doen. Daar was ‘n pragtige foto van haar ma Grootouma Nennie, maar van Nennie se man was daar geen fotos.

JOSEPH PARKE KIDSON: My Great-great grandfather
By Carol Gainsford
His occupation was a Turner & Wagon Maker. He was a Freemason Member of the British Kaffrarian Lodge. The monument on his grave in King Williamstown – a life size statue of the venerable gentleman which has sat gravely for 60 years facing the rising sun – calls to mind those lines from Gilbert and Sullivan’s “Gondoliers”: In a contemplative fashion and a tranquil frame of mind….

Deur Dan Strydom, Boston, Massachusetts
O.J.O. Ferreira het ‘n baie interessante en insiggewende boek gepubliseer “Onder-Kouga: Bakermat van Gerbers en Ferreiras” Omdat my Ferreira-familie uit die Kouga kom, was dit éérs interessant om te sien hoe die familie in die Langkloof gevestig is en ontwikkel het. Die skrywer noem dan dat Johannes Theodorus Ferreira waarskynlik die eerste einaar van die plaas “Opkomst” was.

THE 1820 CARLISLE DESCENDANTS IN AFRICA: History continues to repeat itself.
Second article by John Carlisle
After a long and uneventful voyage, the Carlisle passengers of 15, with ages ranging from 12 to 39, berthed in Algoa bay on 20 April, 1820.The bare beach covered in military tents was a shock to the settlers, especially those with families, as the dense unwelcoming bush and gaunt mountains behind were a stark contrast to the beautiful Western Cape coast they had sailed past in the last few days.

By Abrie de Swardt
Twee van Suid-Afrika se bekendste persone wat op mediese en sportvlak die wêreld van hulle tyd aan die praat gesit het, deel in ‘n gemeenskaplike genealogiese agtergrond, te wete dat hulle voorouers van Gwayang, ‘n plaas in die Georgedistrict, kom.

By Martin Smith
It started when family history research revealed that my wife’s grandfather had been posted to India with his regiment and served in the “Tirah Expedition 1897” This led to a discovery of a whole new world.

By Ed Cock
STwo hundred years ago our ancestors, William and Elizabeth Cock, with two of their children arrived at their destination in the Cape of Good Hope to start their new lives in a country totally different to the one they had come from

Our online shop is available for downloadable items and membership

Stamboom van Frans Engelbertus Marx (1849-1919)

Deur Frans Mouton
Die Marx stamvader , Dirk Marx was afkomstig van Holzweller, distik Erkelenz, Rheinland, Pruise. Hy het in 1725 in die Kaap aangekom en was’ n soldaat in diens van die VOC tot 1731. Daarna was hy ‘n landbouer en jagter

Grave Matters
by Riana le Roux

From Liz Eshmade
This article appeared in The Girl’s Own Paper of 19 January 1895 under the heading Archaeology for Girls. Ancient as it may be, it gives a delightful insight into the beginnings of heraldry as we know it today.

By Carol Gainsford
244 Embarked: Gravesend, England 17 October 1838, and on 22 October finally sailed from the Downs, destination: Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. Wrecked: Mouille Point, Green Point Lighthouse, Cape of Good Hope on 19 January 1839. All the crew and passengers were saved.

For the Rugby Enthusiasts
By Anne Tiran

A Partially speculative biography and a brief Genealogy

By David Swanepoel
On a day in late 1929 Anna Swanepoel, 37, entered her chicken coop on the farm Tottenham, west of Heilbron, to collect eggs. This action proved to be fateful

By Terri du Plessis
One wonders if Maria Magdalena van Rooyen realised, when she wrote in her Bible 148 years ago, that her notes would be a footpath of discovery for her descendants in generations to come. 

GENESIS ISSUE 01 of 2020 (56 pages)

Van die Redakteurstoel – From the Editor’s Chair
By Judi Meyer

2020 AGM of the GGSA
By Alta Griffiths

By Beverley Young
The Bathurst Powder Magazine, built on Battery Hill to the north of Bathurst, is a stone structure with a domed ceiling erected by the military in 1821

By Annelie Els
The progenitor of the Buyskes family was a known Cape personality who bought the property Onderschuur (Westbrooke) in Rondebosch in 1822.

ESTHER HENRY (EATON) – A Heart-Warming Story
By Glynis Cox Millett-Clay
On 5 May 2018 a plaque was unveiled in remembrance of the Benoni Pioneer who was separated by law from her husband George William (Bill) Eaton in death.

Grave Matters
By Riana le Roux

HARRIET HEATHCOTE as mev van rooyen op dieprivier
Bydrae Anista van Huysteen
Ignatius Marthinus van Rooyen die alleen-eienaar van die erfpagplaas Dieprivier – die agtste van Gerrit van Rooyen en sy vrou Johanna Elizabeth de Buys

By Dr. John Carlisle
For all the twists in this story, the enigma of the name Hildred remains. How did Fred Carlisle, poor as a trekboer and living in a pondok, conjure up that name? Or was there a faint family memory that revived it after centuries?

Latest editions of the Cemetery DVD, Van Wyk Register and the Collection Familia 1964 - 2019

Deur Judi Meyer en Riaana le Roux

By Riana le Roux
The older generation refer to the British Soldiers as “Tommies” during the Anglo-Boer War as well as the two World Wars.

By Sue MacKay

A Useful Link


 GENESIS ISSUE 04 of 2019 (45 pages)

Van die Redakteurstoel – From the Editor’s Chair
By Judi Meyer

DAVID SCHALK van der MERWE 1944-2019

By Cornel Viljoen
My maternal grandmother, Agnes Oberholzer (nee Neveling), started me on this mazing journey of discovery. She would always tell me the most wonderful stories about her family and how they had shaped not only her own life, but that of our beloved country.

By Judi Meyer
34 Jaar  navorsingsmuur uitendelik plat geslaan. Kort  na die afsterwe van Pieter Frederick Ernst Marais het die skrywe en haar moeder begin om weekliks na die Pretoria argief te gaan om sy gesin se inligting te bekom.

By Judi Meyer
The hunt for the grave of George Sampson Keen buried Houtbosrand in 1912

By Charmaine Carstens

Deur Johannes Bosch
Die stamvader Johan Adam Hartman is op 2 Augustus 1728 in Anhalt  Zerbst, Rosslau gedoop. Hy was ‘n kunstenaar en onderwyser, en is deur die welgestelde Hoffman familie wat Libertas besit het, as privaat- leermeester aangestel.

By Glynis Cox Millett-Clay
William Tait, accepted a contract to give Princes Ave a ‘topping” of wet macadam.. The Princes Avenue contract was the start of a working life in road construction for him. William built roads throughout Benoni and practically on every mine on the East Rand and further afield in the Eastern Transvaal..

By Judi Meyer
Chitra Chen visited the grave site in the ‘Dutch Cemetery’, Pulicut, Thiruvallur and took a photograph of the grave of Anna Margaretha Moller.

By Ellen Harmse
Already in planning.

By Matthew Bode
Maternal great-grandmother, Elizabeth Sarah “Bess” Coutts, daughter of Elizabeth Susan “Lizzie” Masencamp. Bess remains a venerated figure in our family; she was grace personified, possessing a natural elegance and an air of dignity that many women aspire to.

By Sue MacKay
After completing the BMDs from the original newspapers at the National Archives in London the author then turned her attention to the settler correspondence.

By Richard Ball
Much to my surprise I discovered that DNA analysis is an interpretive discipline, not the exact science I had imagined it to be!  Not only is it interpretative, but the interpretation is likely to be modified as and when new markers are identified in the human DNA sequence which could be useful in such analysis. Thus, it seems, the interpretation can only be done by experienced experts who are up to date with current research and findings

by Riana le Roux

GENESIS ISSUE 03 of 2019 (64 pages)

Correction and Apology

Van die Redakteurstoel – From the Editor’s Chair
By Judi Meyer


Answers by Corney Keller and Jaco Strauss

By drae: Hettie Marais en Judi Meyer addisionele hulp Riana le Roux
Al wat die Senekel kinders van hul eie vader gehad het was 3 fotos. Judi kom te wete van die lang begeerte om oupa Lammie se graf te sien en te weet waar dit is en span kragte saam met Riana, om die droom te bewaarheid en sommer ook om die land beloofde sterfkennis, boedel en bietjie Senekel-lyne vir familie te gee.

By Alta Griffiths
The question on everyone’s mind seems to be, “GISA is gone. Now What?”

eGSSA Webshop
Three books added recently to the webshop

By Riana le Roux
Not much is known about his life or when and where he died. No records of marriage, children or his death have been found to date. He was a photographer, possibly residing in Barberton with his family, where he took many photographs in the area during the early 1900s.

Deur Charmaine Labuschagne
Die herinnering van die Oosthuizen gesin van die klein myndorpie, Blyvoorjitzicht in die destydse Wesrand, wat almal op dié dag in ‘n sinkgat met hul huis en al hul besittings verdwyn het, te vereer.

Grave  Matters
By Riana le Roux
We have just over 808 000 photographs

Benoni could always bank on this historic Building
By Glynis Millett-Clay
The association of Barclays National Bank with Benoni goes as far back as 1896 when one of Barclay’s ancestors opened the first bank in the area.

How to find the cemetery locations on Google Earth

By Annelie Els

Deur sy seun NJ Mentz in Julie 1949
Die more van die 18de (Januarie 1900) sien ons ‘n sterk Engelse perdekommando, ongeveer 800 man, optrek van die Tugela (hulle het na ons die brug opgeblaas het, ‘n pontoon of skuitbrug oor die Tugela gebou) in die rigting van die Vrystraat (Oliviershoek)

By Paul and Annelie Els
About 20 years before Pretoria was founded, the first Europeans to enter the Transvaal discovered a beautiful valley in the Eastern foothills of the Cashew Mountains.

By Sue MacKay
Marking the bicentennial of the 1820 Settlers. Hundred of Photographs uploaded to new section called Settler Places.

By Daan Botes
All postcards have been transferred to a new system and have been joined by a new collection of approximately 600 cards

GENESIS ISSUE 02 of 2019 (63 pages)

Van die Redakteurstoel – From the Editor’s Chair
By Judi Meyer

By Matthew Bode
As a boy of about eight with an unquenchable curiosity, I exchanged letters with my paternal grandfather’s first cousin, a high school principal and an avid family historian. One of many joys was the receiving of old family photographs

By Paul and Annelie Els
Armed with their own implements, men, woman and children descended on the Military Cemetery for a clean up. Cemeteries around the country are deteriorating, this team showed what can be done when everyone stands together. Where possible, photographs of all graves were taken and their locations recorded.

Deur Daan Hamman

By Brian Margetson
The story starts with Meindert Noome, a resident, teacher and shopkeeper of Zaandam, in Holland. The family were all in some or other business and were apparently successful. Their position in the community allowed them to help those less fortunate and those in orphanages. This was achieved by working with the Dutch Missionary Society.

By Annelie Els
No records have been found for his father other than the name in the baptismal certificate. A detailed archival search  but no trace could be found of the father, leading to the possibility that the father’s name was made up to cover an illegitimate birth.

Grave Matters  
by Riana le Roux

Deur Jean du Plessis
Die artikel van die Mahemsfontein begrafplaas (genesis 61 van 2018) van die du Plessis familieplaas en die vraag aangaande die onbekende persone se grafte, het Jean laat besluit om ons te help met die artikel oor sy pa en voorgeslagte.

By Ellen Harmse

By Christopher Fitchet
What started out as a quest to find my deceased uncles Frederick and Filipus Hefer has probably turned into an obsession.

Various Records, not Indexed on NAAIRS, but Available on FamilySearch.
By Linda Farrell

By Linda Farrell
Although Linda works full time and treats her passion for genealogy just as a hobby.

GENESIS ISSUE 01 of 2019 (64 pages)

Van die Redakteurstoel – From the Editor’s Chair
By Judi Meyer

Deur Dan Strydom
Met behulp van die uiters nuttige TANAP transkripsies van die OIK argrief , is dit nou moontlik om Susanna Groen vas te knop aan beide Nederland (Delft) en die Kaap.

By Glynis Cox Millett-Clay
A home from home in the heart of the mines. It’s position was admirable for anyone engaged on the New Modder, Van Ryn Deep and New Kleinfontein properties or for people working in Benoni, from which it was only a short walk.

By Riana le Roux
After looking at and comparing family photos with Oom Piet Erasmus from Vishoek, it was discovered that Oom Piet’s grandfather and the author’s great grandmother were siblings

By Judi Meyer

Grave Matters
By Riana le Roux

Deur Peet van Staden
Die spore van my halfvergete oupagrootjie is nou ‘n bietjie duideliker as toe ek ’n dekade gelede oor hom geskryf het. En dit is goed, want die soektog daarná het ‘n verhaal blootgelê wat vertel moet word.

Invite to Archive Tours

Deur Riaana le Roux
Indien enigiemand al die Snyman-familie nagevors het, sal jul weet daar was sommer heelwat van hulle in die Marico-distrik, Noordwes en ja, soos dit gaan, het hulle almal ook sommer dieselfde name gehad.

By Annelie Els
The family, as it appears on the South African Families (SAF) CD contains only the names of the children. Thus my search started here.

JACOB LUDWIG DöHNE (1811-1879)
Die eerste Berlynse Sendeling in Kaffraria
Deur Ludwig Doehne
Ons weet min van Döhne se jeug. Hy was een van tien van die tweede groep sendelinge wat na Suid-Afrika gestuur is. Daar was niemand wat vir die nuwe aankomelinge hulle plekke gewys het nie, en die instruksies van die Berlynse Sendingsgenootskap was baie vaag..

Deur Jean P du Plessis
Dié plaas was vir 116 jaar in die du Plessis familie se besit. Nogal ‘n prestasie in die kleine

By Nigel Uttig
As published on Nigel’s Random Thoughts.
I have always felt particularly sorry for those who joined up, knowing that they could be killed in action, only to die of an infection like enteric fever.

Die Genealogiese Genootskap van SA (GGSA) Projek – 1972 Kieserslys . The Genealogy Society of SA (GSSA) project – 1972 Voters roll

GENESIS ISSUE 04 of 2018 (52 pages)

By Alta Griffiths

Van die Redakteurstoel – From the Editor’s Chair
By Judi Meyer

Deur At Coetzee en Mariet Niebuhr (nee Meyer)
Ons vertel van die baie interessante Eeufeesgedenkalbum, wat 100 jaar lank by die NG Moedergemeente, Bloemhof, Noordwes toegemesel is.

By Riana le Roux
The grave of geologist Hans Schwabe in the Kgalagadi Transfrontier National Park.

Bydrae Francois Malan

By Annelie Els
Ouma Siena was the great granddaughter of the formidable Hans Dons de Lange of Blood River

Deur Daan Botes
Diego Cam was die eerste Westerling wat sy voet aan wal gesit het en het al in 1484 ‘n kruis geplant by Kaap Kruis, Noord van die huide Swakopmund.

Why do we photograph graves for genealogy purposes?
By Riana le Roux

Genealogical Institute of South Africa
Media Statement on the dissolution of GISA

GRAVE MATTERS – Feedback and thank you
by Riana le Roux

Hoe eGGSA se grafte-traNskribering nuwe familie toevoeg
By Judi Meyer en Riana le Roux
Die eGGSA grafteprojek het al oor die jare tot baie van ons lede en lesers se redding gekom, met die genealogiese mure, wat net nie wil verkrummel nie.

By Glynis Cox Millett-Clay

Deur Anrie Hoogendoorn-van Dyk
Cornelius van Dyk verskyn in sommige bronne byvoorbeeld SAF, SAG en Pama 1981 as ‘n moontlike van Dyk-stamvader. Waarskynlik het hierdie bronne bloot die inligting uit die 1890 geslacht-Register der Oude Kaapsche Familien gespog en –plak, want hulle bevat almal dieselfde inligting

CATHERINE DUNN – Brief History and Gravesite
By Gavin Peckham
The on-line accounts of the life of John Dunn containing various discrepancies and generally say very little about John Dunn’s first wife, Catherine.

A useful documentary source for the18th century Cape.
By Richard Ball with many thanks to Corney Keller for advice and examples.
A Series of documents in the Cape Archives which have been found useful in establishing details in some of genealogical research are the Acte van Bewijs, also known as Acte van Uijtkoop.

GENESIS ISSUE 03 of 2018 (36 pages)

Van die Redakteurstoel – From the Editor’s Chair
By Judi Meyer

By Liz Eshmade
Who was the woman and what do we know of her?

By Drummond Corrie
Who is the oldest person in Lichtenburg and its surround? Is there anyone who is over 96 years of age? Well uncle Joseph J. Corrie, of Burgersdorp, last week, on February 25, had his 97th birthday (Article from the Noordwester dated 4 March 1960)

Deur Trudie Marais
‘n Geskiedkundige klein dorpie geleë aan die hange van die Kologha berge.

Sasolburg Cemetery Photographed
By members of the Vaal Triangle GSSA Branch

Grave  Matters
By Riana le Roux
All is well and still booming

Airing the Field of Benoni
By Glynis Cox Millet-Clay
The first flying field or civil aerodrome was established about 1920-1930 when Northmead had a few houses. The aerodrome was adjacent to it.

By Riana le Roux
I knew almost nothing about the South Africans in the Korean War but then stumbled across a War memorial plaque at the Union Buildings in Pretoria on our website, which sparked my interest.

Deur Die Redaksie

Baie mense verkyk hulle soms aan ons begrafplaas fotograwe en wonder seker ”wat doen die mense?” Die medewerkers beleef egter ook baie keer hartseer, veral by ‘n kinder- en ‘n gesinsgraf. Maar soms is daar ook komiese deel, waar ‘n foto net gennem moet word, soos in die geval van die Skilpad gesinnetjie.

GENESIS ISSUE 02 of 2018 (57 pages)

Van die Redakteurstoel – From the Editor’s Chair
By Judi Meyer

Sad times for eGSSA – Obituaries

Deur Charmaine Cartens
Kort Lewensskets van Werner Carstens

By Alta Griffiths
600 postcards donated by Ann and David Tiran

By Ellen Harmse

Dr Andrew Kok Vereer

By Riana le Roux

By Corney Keller
I mistakenly believed that Christina de Bruijn was Petronella Steven’ grandmother. Once I started seriously looking at Petronella Stevens I soon discovered they were not related at all

By Gavin Cowley
GSSA Reward Speech

Nuwe Tendense by die Merk van grafte
Deur David Swanepoel
Oor die jare is verskeie metodes en material gebruik om grafte aan te dui en te versog.

Grave Matters  - Feedback and Thank you
by Riana le Roux
Since 1 January 2018 we’ve already added in excess of 15 000 photographs.

Books and CDs Newly added to the Shop
The du Plessis Family in South Africa
Die Heese Omnibus
Die Vosloo – Nuttige Landsburgers   Deur Daniel Jacobs

Deur Dan Strydom
Sy het as Voortrekker in die laat dertiger jare van die negentiende eeu Natal ingetrek, en in daardie tyd haar man Johannes Strydom verloor. 

GENESIS ISSUE 01 of 2018 (51 pages)

Van die Redakteurstoel – From the Editor’s Chair
By Judi Meyer

GENESIS Regstelling van Dan Strydom
Fout in die gesinsregister van Jacob Strauss in die November genesis.

Alta Griffiths

By Charlie Els
This is one of those cases where, when one gets older and becomes interested in researching your ancestry you regret not having asked the appropriate questions when you had the opportunity.

HELENA BEYERS VAN DIE KAAP - haar voorouers en nageslag.
Deur Dan Strydom, Lincoln, Nebraska
Met ons werk aan die Strydom geslagregister, is daar in die agtiende eeu nog ‘n paar droë takkies, wat nie duidelik omskryf word nie. Een van hierdie is dié van Helena van die Kaap, wie as ma van ‘n seun en dogter van ene Pieter Strydom, se afkoms nie duidelik is nie.

GSSA Argieftoere 2017-2018

By Shelly Baker
Will the next generation be proud to say the words. “I am the family genie”?

Deur Piet van Aardt.
Die van Aardtstamvader, Gerrit Jansz van Aart, het in Augustus as matroos aan boord die Reijgersdaal  in die Kaap aangekom.

By Riana le Roux
South Africans are still appreciated to this day in Italy for saving a small town’s civilian population rom total annihilation after the massacre of its townspeople by Nazi SS during World War 2

By Carla van der Spuy
Kort na die Tweede Wêreldoorlog, doen Maria Magdalena Jordaan die ondenkbare. Sy trou met ‘n Engelsman en vertrek kort daarna saam met hom na die verre Engeland toe.


Grave Matters
Riana le Roux

‘n STRYDOM-SKIM UITEINDELIK TER RUSTE: Catharina van Aardt se eerste man – Jan van Straaten
Deur Dan Strydom, Linoln, Nebraska
Die van Aardt genealoë het van Christoffel de Villiers se dae af vir Catharina van Aardt beskryf as weduwee van Jan Strydom, en hertrou met Willem Abraham de Klerk

Sue Roderick

Deur Corrie van Biljon
Die plaas Sterkspruit, in Schoemanskloof is onder in die kloof, langs die Krokodilrivier en naby die skool en winkel te Boshalte. Die Stols huisie waarin hulle gewoon het, staan vandag nog en die familiebegraafplaas, is ook op hierdie grond.

By Carl Schulenburg
This book covers the Hermansburg Mission, Origins of the Schulenburg family in Germany and more.

GENESIS ISSUE 04 of 2017 (45 pages)

Van die Redakteurstoel – From the Editor’s Chair
By Judi Meyer

Correction and added information to the Abraham Family Article

Alta Griffiths

OLIVE SCHREINER: A brief chronological overview of her exceptional life
By HendrikStrydom
South African writer and feminist.. Intellectual, authoress, feminist, suffragist, confirmed pacifist, political activist, humanitarian, who opposed racism in whatever form and denounced social injustice.

MY OUMA ANNA – deel 2 en slot
Deur Willa Truter
Liefe was nie ‘n romantiese draaiboek, wat rondom soene en drukkies, opgekrul het nie. Ook nie eens om die woorde vir man of kraai te uiter nie. Liefde was ‘n aksie, jou alles gee. Kos op die tafel, skoonversogde klere, ‘n goeie opvoeding en daarin het Anna Elizabeth Jäneke, my ouma, baie goed geslaag.

GSSA Tour to the Western Cape 2017
By Pat Bauer

By Johannes Eckert Moolman
The author had gathered information on the ancestors of his wife and decided to preserve the information for their descendants before it became lost

Huldeblyk aan Maria-Lou Roux
By Marthinus van Bart

GRAVE MATTERS – Feedback and thank you
by Riana le Roux

Genealogie en Familie oor Kontinente – Altyd die soeke
By Judi Meyer
Die skrywe en familie het ure, dae, maande in Pretoria argief deuregebring, begrafplase besoek  om hul Marais en Marnewick familie na te vors.

Deur Dan Strydom, Lincoln, Nebraska.
As deel van ‘n voortduurende skoonmaak proses van ons databasis van die Strydom familie het ‘n Jacobus Johannes Strydom, gebore in die laat 18e eeu, al lank die aandag getrek – een van die enkele ongekoppelde Strydom van voor 1800, wat ons nog nie kon plaas nie

Deur Marthinus van Bart
Wie was hierdie mense werklik:

GENESIS ISSUE 03 of 2017 (61 pages)

Van die Redakteurstoel – From the Editor’s Chair
By Judi Meyer

Deur Alta Roux
Dis die jare 1890 in Libanon Wek is skaars. Kos is skaars en gesinne is groot. Brian Joseph Abraham (of liewe Ebrahim), grofsmid (blacksmith) en sy vrou Mirsheen het ses kinder waarvan ons weet. Hulle is in die landelik dorpie Macdouchie, Libanan gebore.

By Ada Meiring (nee Berkowitz)
Discovered first hand the miracle of DNA to Knock down brick walls

Grave Matters
By Riana le Roux

By Alta Griffiths
Photographing of Family Bibles for eGSSA Collection.

Deur Carel Johannes van Breda
Die stamvader van die Sleigh familie in Suid- Afrika was Luitenant Francis Sleigh RN. Offisier in die Britse vloot, afkomstig vanaf Middelsex in Engeland.

By Basil Royston
This article is about three photographs of two South African Roystons progenitors: William Robinson Royston and his son James Frederick Royston.

Hulp Gesoek met Identifisering van Anglo Boere Oorlog Grafte
Deur Herman van Niekerk

By Carol Gainsford, nee Stockton
Bertram George Stockton’s dream about Jan Smuts Airport after aviation pioneer Major Miller crashed on their farm between Kempton Park and Elandsfontein when he was a young boy of seven years old.

Deur Willa Truter
Liefe was nie ‘n romantiese draaiboek, wat rondom soene en drukkies, opgekrul het nie. Ook nie eens om die woorde vir man of kraai te uiter nie. Liefde was ‘n aksie, jou alles gee. Kos op die tafel, skoonversogde klere, ‘n goeie opvoeding en daarin het Anna Elizabeth Jäneke, my ouma, baie goed geslaag.

Replica of National Monuments Council Emblem in Glazed Ceramic to Replace Stolen Bronze Emblems

The bronze heritage emblem of an officially declared National Heritage Monument, St. Stephen’s Church on Riebeeck Square was hacked from the façade by metal thieves.

By Deon Fourie
Discussing the village from which the French Huguenot families that travelled under the leadership of Pierre Lombard,  two of whom were David and Louis Fourie

Deur Pieter van AARDT
Die verandering van slegs een letter in ‘n van kan groot verskil maak en taamlik verwarring skep, veral as sterfkennisse van meer as sestig jaar gelede, die enigste bron van inligting is.

By Margaret Gundry
In the 1970 at the Swaziland border post it was found that Mr George Smith was travelling on his wife’s passport as he was unable to get one. He had no birth certificate, did not know when or where he was born and had no idea who his mother was!

A www Catalogue for the Genealogist 2009-2017  .  ‘n www Genealogiese Katalogus 2009 – 2017
Dr Marthinus J.S.Jordaan
A catalogue to give structure and guidance to the genealogical researcher when it comes to the search for relevant sources

WOLFHART, WOLFAARDT en al die verskillende spellings
Deur Richard Wolfaard

A Tale of Two Brothers
By Hannelore Cilliers
This research came about by an attorney from Germany’s request. At first, contact was made with descendants from the wrong brother, and eventually a lead was found on the Internet, i.e. Masadi Diruwel, a great great-grandchild of the correct brother

Deur Felicia Fourie
Saterdagmiddag in Hopetown is ‘n verlatte plekkie.  Die skrywer onthou dat haar oupa van Hopetown gekom het. In die verwaarloose begrafplase neem dit nie lank voordat sy die graf van J.H.J. Vlok . Haar eerste verassing!  ‘n Groter verassing is die graf van sy eggenote direk lansaan. Susanna Magdalena Vlok gebore Bronkhorst.

GENESIS ISSUE 02 of 2017 (40 pages)

Judi Meyer

CWGC Hosts memorial for four WW2 SAAF airmen lost when their plane crashed on Mt Kenya in 1942

Ontmoet die nuwe Begrafnisbriefie projekoödineerder
Deur Wilma Jnsen van VUUREN

Grave Matters
by Riana le Roux
The gravestone photograph collection has passed the 700 000 mark!

Saamgestel deur Charlie Els, Pretoria, Maart 2011
Volgens inligting wat die geskiedskrywer en genealoog Dr. N.A. Coetze ontvang het van ene Mnr. Ernst Kutzer van Weenen is alle Kutzers woonagtig in Oostenryk en Duitsland en Coetzers/Coetsers in Suid Afrika, afstammelinge van Hans Georg Kuzer wat in Sestiende eeu saam met die Hertog van Lavenburg in Reichstadt aangekom het en aangestel was as Administrateur van die Reichstadt Kasteel.

By Richard Ball
Those with British ancestry are advised to keep an eye open on for portrait miniatures. From time to time portraits come up with names and dates written on the back.

Deur David de Klerk

By Riana le Roux

GISA Nuus.

By genesis editorial team
Probably the first female to fly a jet. First Officer Rosamund King Everard-Steenkamp was the subject of a talk given by CWGC archivist Andrew Fetherston in May.

Deur José Gaie
Versameling van Anglo-Boere Oorlog Africana wat ontstaan het as gevolg ‘n algemene behoefte vir die bewaaring van Afrikanerkultuurskatte, ten bate van die Afrikanertoekoms

Brag Column - Spog Kolom

GISA News 

GENESIS ISSUE 01 of 2017 (67 pages)



GSSA National AGM 2017 - GGSA Nasionake Ajv

Beaufort- Wes se eerste erwe
Deur Riana le Roux
In 1818, is die dorp geproklameer deur die landmeter J.L. LEEB.

By Gail Röthlin
Recorded dying 1914, 1918 and finally 1955.  This anomaly proved worth investigating to correct official war grave records

Deur Charlie Els
Ander as meeste ander SA families, is die Potgieter stamvader Harmen Jansz POTGIETER van Nordhorn, Wesfale, Duitsland wat in 1674 as ‘n soldat in diens van die Verenigde Oos-Indiese Comanjie (die VOC) in die Kaap aangekom het, se voorouers in Duitsland so ver as 7 geslagte terug nagevors tot 1400’s

Brag Column - Spog Kolom

Deur Pieter van Aardt
Deel 1 – Willem Adriaan van Aardt1812 – 18??
Deel 2 – Frans Johannes van Aardt.23.09.1845 – 24.09.1900

From Liverpool to Australia
By Edward Dash
This extract is of journal entries describing events from 9-24 September 1853 when the ship called at Cape Town for re-provisioning before continuing to Melbourne. Edward Dash was aged 34 at the time.


Deur Drummon Corrie en Martina Louw
Twee administrateurs van FTDNA Kaaps-Hollandse DNS Stamouer Projek, het onlangs navorsing gedoen om die matilineêre Stammoeder van drie van die projek se mt-DNS bydraers, te identifiseer. Hulle mt-DNS uitslae het aangedui dat hulle almal afstam van ‘n halogroep U4 stammoeder. Bron navorsing het al drie DNS dydraers se matrilinere voormoeder geïdentiseer as Anne Souchay afkomstig uit Frankryk

Given by Prof Otto Terblanche
Historians and those doing genealogy research have a lot in common. Whether you are researching an historical topic or compiling a family tree, in effect you are trying to complete a jigsaw puzzle.

Grave Matters
Riana le Roux
In January we started off with 646 800 photographs and to date it is in excess of 681 00

Why genesis?
by Colin Pretorius
Reprinted from the first issue of genesis, March 2004

GENESIS ISSUE 04 of 2016 (45 pages)


Branch News – Tak Nuus

By Charles Els
Progenitor of the du Plessis Family in South Africa

By Riana le Roux and Daan Botes
Acknowledgement to Willem Kotze of Keetmanshoop and Gondwana
Agnes Hill’s grave

By Fanie Buys
Esther Band ‘n bekende naam in atletiek. By die 1952 Olimpiese Spele in Helsinki het sy goud gekry

By Keith Meintjes
James Powrie born 23 July 1813 at the Castle, Cape Town, the first child of Robert Powrie of the Royal Artillery and his wife Esther Deacon,

By Riana le Roux
272 Jaar oue Bybel met ‘n indrukwekkende geskiedenis.

Deur Fanie Buys
Na aanleiding van  ‘n aantal foute in Omnibus 8 & 9 het Fanie dit goed gedink om ‘n kort uiteensetting te gee van Barend Buys se kinders

Results of the 2016 Postcard Competition
By Daan Botes
267 entries received. Competition for 2016 is winner is Olga Birch

By Georgie Shaw (nee Tooley)
William Alexander Emslie was the eleventh child born to George Emslie and Helen (nee Long) was killed in France a month before Armistice Dayi n 1918

by Talita Loftie-Eaton
‘n Brief in die Calvinia museum het die skrywer se aandag getrek, Sal dit nog ‘n raaisel wees wat onopgelos gaan bly?.

By Felicia Fourie
A Story of her maternal Grandfather, Albert Caskie Doyle, and tracing his other family in France

By Charle Els
The analysed DNA of his wife showed that her South African maternal line ended with Catharina de Beer the progenitress of the Blom family in South Africa.

Grave Matters
Riana le Roux
In January we started off with 646 800 photographs and to date it is in excess of 681 00

GENESIS ISSUE 03 of 2016 (60 pages)

By Corney Keller and Richard Ball

eGSSA Facebook page
now 2084 likes

Bydrae deur Ellen Harmse

Daan Botes
This moving story by Willem Kotze, a keen researcher living in Keetmanshoop.- Albert en Carolina LEMCKE

Colin Pretorius
Die eerste deel van BK De Beer se  “Agter die Magalies

Die transkripsie van Cape Town Baptisms 1743 – 1756 is nou volooid.

Voortrekker Dope tot die eGGSA BDM databasis bygevoe.

Chris from Australia looking for a friend’s grave.

High Hopes of Scottish Emigrants? from the Isle of Tiree to the Cape of Good Hope in the second half of the 19th Century
By Gail Röthlin Kreuzlingen, Switzerland
The Cape Colony offered men opportunities. Some seized them and made their fortune; some died in the attempt; and some just grew old in Africa. Among them were McLean, McArthur, McCallum, Carmichael and Flora Norquay born Brown, who each have a different story that starts on Tiree and ends–mostly–in Africa

By Andre Schalkwyk
Die Suid Afrikaanse stamvader Theunis Dirkse van Schalkwyk, gebore in ongeveer 1645.


Bydrae deur Annelie Els
Anthonie *** CIERENBERG (s.o. Antonie CIERENBERG & Bartje DE VRIES), ∗ Probably Zwolle, Netherland ±.1835, † Robertson, Cape Colony 30.11.1878

Read about the dif?cult ?nal years of Willem Adriaen van der Stel’s rule marred by civil dissatisfaction and unrest, and his succession by Louis van Assenburgh

deur Johan Basson, Pretoria

Post Card Competition eGSSA – 2016

by Riana le Roux

Bydrae deur Dan Strydom, Lincoln, Nebraska
Bykans 40 jaar gelede het ek begin soek na my Natalse voorgeslagte en afgekom op een van my oumagrootjies, Elizabeth Katharina Cecilia ZIETSMAN, * 3 Maart 1849 in die Umvoti distrik in Natal, en oorlede 7 Maart 1932 te Volksrust

GENESIS ISSUE 02 of 2016 (56 pages)



Judi en Daan

Brag Book
Elsabe van den Berg Venter – on eGGSA Facebook

eGSSA Facebook page
now 1913 likes

eGGSA Document Library
Helena has generously contributed her collection of Estate documents

Riana le Roux
Murder or manslaughter in Carolina? “The Legend of Breaker Morant is Dead and Buried”, written by Charles Leac

Isak Bosman
Danksy ’n onblusbare aanvraag, word ’n beperkte herdruk van die Bosman- en Dippenaar-boeke nou gedoen

Voortrekker Dope tot die eGGSA BDM databasis bygevoeg
Cornel Viljoen het goedgunstiglik 'n bydrae van sy transkriberings van die Voortrekker Dope, FK 2290 in die Pretoria Argiewe, 'n foto koepie van 'n vroeër transkribering deur onbekendes van registers van Natal, Vrystaat en die ou Transvaal, vanaf 1837 tot 1850, tot ons beskikking gestel


CRAEMER 1832 – 2015
Hierdie dokument is saamgestel deur Hester Salmina Magdalena Pretorius Gebore de Bruyn, nasaat van die Craemer Familie in Suid Afrika. Bygestaan en geformuleer deur Shaldon Julius-Pretorius.
Vervolg van Genesis 50
deur Petro Coreejes-Brin

Daan Botes
Willem Kotze of Keetmanshoop kindly shared this article with us, ? compiled by Jana-Mari Smith in 2009
The puzzle of a broken cross and a desecrated grave, whose owner could not be identi?ed

1.   A Piece of History discovered
2.   A Zulu war
Two wonderful articles and interesting photos were contributed to us by Rev. Graham Beckett from the well-known St Helena Bay

Grave Matters
by Riana le Roux
Once again I am amazed at the number of photographs we have received. Not only did we add to the bigger cemeteries, we also added quite a number of new farm and rural cemeteries.

by Maureen Snittler
Reminds me once again why we need to get the photographing done before many others disappear. It really makes it seem worthwhile.
as told by Jenny Balso    
Added  information about the weird man who wore a uniform and was feted and given freedom of the City of San Francisco. Emperor Norton of San Francisco

Ervarings van Kommandant Gottlieb Christiaan VENTER gedurende die Xhosa Grensoorloe
Daan Botes
Die artikel is nie vir sensitiewe lesers nie – dit beskryf sommige oorlewingsgevegte in redelike “detail”. Daar word gepoog om sover moontlik die oorspronklike manier van vertel te behou. Waar ?? is, is die skrif onleesbaar.

Interesting Websites
eGGSA website updates
Strydom Familie
Familiebande by Letty Riding

GENESIS ISSUE 01 of 2016 (58 pages)
Alta Griffiths

Corney Keller  has started the transcriptions of the Cape Town NGK
The burial register of Christchurch (Anglican), Grahamstown, 1877-1917, has been transcribed

Judi Meyer

Gribble Collection
From Drakenstein Heemkring in the Paarl
The name is an umbrella term for all the photographs curated by the Drakenstein Heemkring.

With regard to adoptions
By Dennis Pretorius

eGSSA’s Facebook page
has now reached 1735 likes.

Bydrae deur Hendrik Strydom
Dit is Suid-Afrika se bekendste en grootste bewoonde eiland in SA se grootste en langste rivier, die Oranje.

In his amazing book A Group Photograph, Before, Now & In-Between – A History and Art Project,? Andrew Tatham researched the families and ancestors of all 46 men in group photograph of the of?cers of the ? 8th Battalion Royal Berkshire Regiment over a period of 21 years.
On page 37 are the details of Lieutenant Leslie Herman BERLEIN
Jennifer very kindly has given us permission to re-publish her article on Julius Berlein, and kindly provided the accompanying images.
C June Barnes
Linda Farrell

Can anybody help please
Search for and photograph a grave in the Braamfontein cemetery, JHB.
Wie kan help met die dame op my foto? Bydrae deur Kitty Potgieter

CRAEMER 1832 – 2015
Hierdie dokument is saamgestel deur Hester Salmina Magdalena Pretorius ? Gebore de Bruyn, nasaat van die Craemer Familie in Suid Afrika. ? Bygestaan en geformuleer deur Shaldon Julius-Pretorius. Vervolg van Genesis 49
Posted on eGGSA facebook by Liz Eshmade

Bydrae deur Pieter Taljaard
Jemima Cornelia Visser was ’n leerling by die Eunice Dames Instituut 1870 – 1875. Sy trou in 1880 met  Dr. Otto Krause te Fauresmith, Vrystaat.

eGGSA Postcard Competition
Daan Botes

Bydrae deur Pieter van Aardt
Vir die Vryburger, Gerrit van Aart en sy gesin, was die Kaap, voorwaar ‘n simbool van Goeie Hoop

’n 1820 Setlaar-roete Toer 9 – 10 April 2014
Trudie Marais
‘n Groepie van 19 vriende het saam met my en Tinus ‘n 1820 Setlaar-roete toer onderneem. Nanaga Kerkie, Salem, Die Gush Kerk, Metodiste Kerk, Grahamstad, St Michaels en St Georges katedraal, The Old Provost, Camera Obscura, St John’s Anglican Church, Toposcope, Clumber, Port Alfred, Alexandria, Skoorbek

Aardrykskundige Woordeboek – Nederlandse stede en dorpe
Die Aardrijkskundig woordenboek der Nederlanden (1839-1851) is 'n reeks van 14 boeke deur A.J. van der Aa en is digitaal beskikbaar
Ook nuttig is die Schatkamer der Nederlandsse Oudheden; of Woordenboek, behelsende Nederlands Steden en Dorpen, Kastelen, Sloten en Heeren Huysen, ... (ens.) van Ludolph Smid
Grave Matters

'n Genealogiese en historiese perspektief van die Swanepoel familie
Bydrae deur Colin Pretorius?

by Riana le Roux

GENESIS ISSUE 04 of 2015 (45 pages)
Judi se Geselshoekie.
A great genealogist and historian passed away – Eckhard von Fintell

eGSSA Facebook page
now 1607 likes

Readers/Members seek advice
A letter from Sarah Blake
Looking for Cyril Folliott Montgomery Barton

Genealogy Archive Tours 2016
Craemer 1832-2015
Hester Salmina Magdalena Pretorius
Vervolg van genesis 2015-3

Ons sê totsiens aan André en Claude Jooste
Die Sontags van Venda
Daan Botes
Duitse geestelikes wat talle stamvaders van Suid Afrika en Namibië

Die van AARDT Famiestaaltjie (deel 1)
Bydrae deur Pieter van Aardt – Hierdie e-posadres word teen spambots beskerm. Jy benodig JavaScript geaktiveer om dit te bekyk.
Die stamvader Gerrit Janzoon van Aardt, sy vrou Levijntje Theunis van Gend aan die Kaap gevestig. Wie is hulle, vanwaar is hulle en wanneer en waarom het hulle alhier voet aan wal gesit?

Bydrae deur Jeanette Clements
Contributed by Jeanette P Clements, née Kruger

Grave Matters
Riana le Roux – December 2015
As usual, a great number of contributions were received during the past couple of months. We’ve received quite a few farm cemetery photographs from all over the country, so please have a look if we haven’t perhaps placed a photograph of your elusive ancestor’s gravestone.

Findings on the BERTRAM Child
by Heidi Morgan
Research on Rev. George Morgan (1798-1880) and other church ministers of the Cape of Good Hope.

du Toit
van Rooyen

GENESIS ISSUE 03 of 2015 (39 pages)
Judi se geselshoekie
Brag Book
Going that extra mile
By grave photographer Maureen Schnittker

eGSSA Facebook page
now 1407 likes

Readers/Members seek advice
A letter from Louis Mackin
South African Newspapers

Craemer 1832-2015
Hester Salmina Magdalena Pretorius
Vervolg van genesis 2015-2

Daniel Cornelius Boonzaaier (1865 – 1950)
By Lea Duckitt
A very well-known South African cartoonist and was famous for his caricatures of Cape politicians and celebrities at the turn of the 19th century.

Brick Walls
Valentine Sebastian JAMES born in Darling in 1858 By: Dawn James

Die BRITS Lyn – 5de Geslag en 6de Geslag
Deur Magda Streicher
Verhuis as jongmense vanaf die Koup omgewing na Klerksdorp, Potchefstroom, Stilfontein, Wolmaransstad en Machavie.

Grave Matters
Riana le Roux
During the past three months we have received large batches of photographs from several contributors.

The Little Grave by Shani de Villiers
Mense onthou trein- en busongeluk Treinramp eis kinders se lewens.
Looking for Graves Paulina Engelbrecht in Stellawood and Susanna Maria Linton in Redhill cemeteries
Another Lovely Stellawood Cemetry Story by Ivan Beal

Ivan Beal’s Story
Morkel – A Remarkable South African Family by André T Morkel

du Toit
van Rooyen

GENESIS ISSUE 02 of 2015 (70 pages)
Judi se Geselshoekie
Brag Book
Elsabe van den Berg Venter – on eGGSA Facebook

eGSSA Facebook page
now 1310 likes

The Mystery of Joseph Seddon
By Richard SeddonHierdie e-posadres word teen spambots beskerm. Jy benodig JavaScript geaktiveer om dit te bekyk.
One unreliable family story goes that Joseph’s family in England were in the tea or coffee industry and were quite successful. Another goes that he was a cousin of Richard John Seddon, the prime minister of New Zealand.

Craemer 1832-2015
Hester Salmina Magdalena Pretorius
Vervolg van genesis 2015-1

Waardenburg Syndrome
By Dudley Wang B.Sc, M.B B.Ch (Rand), DMidCOG, DCH, DAvMed
In 1951 Waardenburg described “A new syndrome containing developmental anomalies of the eyelids, eyebrows and nose root with pigmentary defects of the iris and head hair and with congenital deafness” in 114 Dutch patients.

Stamboom van  Johannes Petrus COETZER b1c12d10
Nagevors deur Aletta Catharina Sophia Coetzer Riding
My belangstelling in genealogie het Junie/Julie 2011 begin vlamvat na my bywoning van ‘n aanbieding daaroor by die Ceres Museum.

Magdalena Maria LAUBSER (1886 – 1973)
By Lea Duckitt
Laubser and Irma Stern were widely considered to be responsible for the introduction of Expressionism to South Africa.

GOUGH (Military) Descendants
Ireland & many served/lived in South Africa

Brick Walls
Sara Maria Grundlingh (born Kelbrick) that was married to Daniel Jacobus Grundling (Born 1884).
Stephanus Jacobus Minne, died possibly Senekal or Ficksburg where they had a farm. born 24/6/1864, died 15/2/1928.
Anna Marnewick

Die BRITS Lyn – 11 Geslagte
In hierdie uitgawe, die eerste 5 geslagte – Deur Magda Streicher
Die stamvader Hans Jacob Brits (Johannes Jacobus) is ongeveer in 1662 gebore en het in 1682 vanaf Stein (naby Nurenberg) in Duitsland na SA geimmigreer as vryburger en soldaat.

Grave Matters
by Riana le Roux
As you all might know by now, from January 2015 I have taken over the Cemetery Project from Alta Griffiths. I feel very fortunate to be part of such a friendly and helpful team and hope I can live up to your expectations.
Ghost Town Cemetery Namibia - A cemetery close to a deserted diamond mining settlement between Conception Bay and Meob Bay, where diamonds were mined in the early 1900s by the Germans.
Browne : Thompson Gravestone

My Grootjie en sy/haar dinge
eGGSA facebook - Annelie Els met die puik idee vorendag gekom om die span te vra om foto's van hul grootjies
Christiaan Mauritz van den Heever – 1842
Jan Johannes Marais – (1881 – 1964)

Ervarings van Kommandant Gottlieb Christiaan VENTER gedurende die Xhosa Grensoorloe
Daan Botes
Die artikel is nie vir sensitiewe lesers nie – dit beskryf sommige oorlewingsgevegte in redelike “detail”. Daar word gepoog om sover moontlik die oorspronklike manier van vertel te behou. Waar ?? is, is die skrif onleesbaar.

Interesting Websites
eGGSA website updates
Strydom Familie
Familiebande by Letty Riding

GENESIS ISSUE 01 of 2015 (88 pages)
Chairman’s Welcome
Alta Griffiths

Lea Duckitt and Judi Meyer

Judi se Geselshoekie
Genealogiese Hulpmiddels / Genealogical Resources

Extracts from the Walter Skinner Journals  
David Skinner
Walter Edward SKINNER a station master on Cape Railways in 1874

Familiestaaltjies uit die ABO
Pieter Taljaard

’n 1820 Setlaar-roete Toer 9 – 10 April 2014
Trudie Marais
‘n Groepie van 19 vriende het saam met my en Tinus ‘n 1820 Setlaar-roete toer onderneem. Nanaga Kerkie, Salem, Die Gush Kerk, Metodiste Kerk, Grahamstad, St Michaels en St Georges katedraal, The Old Provost, Camera Obscura, St John’s Anglican Church, Toposcope, Clumber, Port Alfred, Alexandria, Skoorbek

My DNA Test –
Jaco Strauss
As promised, here is the DNA that I used to explain DNA testing to a friend a while back:

New DNA Device Invented
Jacob Hendrik Pierneef (1886 - 1957)
Lea Duckitt
Pierneef painted Africa. His landscapes were different from anything seen in paint before.

Die Europese Herkoms van Hendrik Venter
Kobus Venter
Die herkoms van Hendrik Venter en sy voorgeslagte se verhuising, binne die Heilige Romeinse Ryk vanuit Deventer, Nederlandse Laaglande na Hameln, hedendaagse Duitsland

Samuel Marriott 1873 – 1919
Peter Wright
His story with reference to the letters he wrote his family in England

van der Walt Family Bible
Charlie Els
The bible allegedly belonged to Commandant Tjaart Andries van der Walt (*30.8.1903, +10.3.1929).
During the Anglo Boer War it was in possession of his father, Hendrik Johannes Douw van der Walt.

Schimper(s) – Schemper(s) – the Missing Link
Annelie Els
For continuity the surname `Schempers` has been used.

Een Dorp Sterwe Sodat ’n Ander Kan Lewe
Amor Olivier
So moes Burgerville sterwe sodat De Aar kon lewe!

Brick Walls
Amy Agnes Cooke (Wright)
Katerina Esterhuysen, originally of Aberdeen in the Cape.

Family mystery that needs to be solved
By Wilma Greyling
Old ancestor Frans Edward O’Brien – apparently changed his surname from O’Brien to Prins (we don’t not know why!) when he arrived in c.1796, from North West Ireland (apparently from Caledon).

eGGSA Postcard Competition
Daan Botes
The postcards shown were submitted by the winner of our Postcard Competition, Annemie Lourens.

Assegais, Drums & Dragoons by Willem Steenkamp
The Untold Military History of the Old Cape 1510 – 1806

Grave Matters
Alta Griffiths
Our Cemetery Photo Project has a new leader and we would like to welcome Riana le Roux.

GENESIS ISSUE 04 OF 2014 (68 pages)


June Barnes and Judi Meyer

Judi se geselshoekie.

Stamouers/Progenitors - Top Ten Count-Down

Annelie Els
Johannes PRETORIUS (eers Joannes Preatorius)
Friedrich Both (later Botha) * Duitsland 4.3.1653

Andreas Oelofse - Subsequent years (1690 onwards)

by June Barnes in collaboration with Richard Ball and Corney Keller

The Old Burial Grounds

Alta Griffiths

Grepe uit die lewe van Margaretha Jacoba Brits (nee Brits)

Magda (Brits) Streicher.
Ouma-grootjie se lewe bring nostalgie

The Stone with the Riddle

Paul Brown
We received an email from Paul Browne in response to a note we posted on the website to say that we do not know how to interpret the surnames.

Treasure Trove - Zimbabwe Death Notices

C June Barnes
Finding Zimbabwe Death Notices 1904-1976 and Death Information records 1890-1977 at Family Search

Finding death information in Australia and New Zealand

Leith B Woodall
Access to information on deaths in this region varies by country, state or territory. There is a time limit on what is available but these limits are not uniform. are very effective research tools. or have Australasian material available,

Finding death information in the United Kingdom

C June Barnes
Apart from,, and FamilySearch the most useful search tool for finding information about deaths in England and Wales from July 1837 onwards is

Stamvaders en Stammoeders 5

Daan Botes & June Barnes
Die artikels wat ons voorgelê het oor Stamvaders/Patriarchs is uitgebrei om Stammoeders/ Matriarchs ook te dek omdat daar skynbaar nie voorheen enige diepgaande gesprek daaroor was nie.

Matriarchs and Patriarchs

Daan Botes & June Barnes
The articles which we have presented on the subject of Stamvaders /Patriarchs were extended to discuss Stammoeders/Matriarchs as it seemed that they had not previously been examined in any depth.

Afsluiting van die 50 jaar Feesvieringe - Conclusion of the 50 year Commemoration

Alta Griffiths
Die 50 jaar GGSA fees is die naweek van die 7 en 8 November 2014, tydens die Nasionale
Uitvoerende Komitee (NUK) vergadering, in Bloemfontein afgesluit.

Brick Walls/Slaan die Muur

Tweede huwelik van Isaac Daniel WIGGILL – gebore 18 Sept 1848 te Bathurst
Earle families of South Africa.

eGGSA Postcard Competition

Daan Botes
Received 430 postcards entries. Congratulations to the winner …………. Annemie Lourens.


Voortrekkerleiers en Trekroetes - dr Jan Visagie
We Fear Naught But God - author, Warrant Officer 1st Class (retired) Paul J Els
The Nepgen-Pretoius Research Notes

Genealogiese navorsing t.o.v. die Kruger en Van Manen familie – by Jeanette Clements

Eerste Vryswartes In Stellenbosch - Dr JL Hattingh

Grave Matters

Alta Griffiths
We are hoping to have 600 000 photos on the web by the end of the year. The majority of the photos have been marked and are just waiting to be moved to the public site.

GENESIS ISSUE 03 OF 2014 (60 pages)


June Barnes and Judi Meyer

Judi se geselshoekie

June’s Snippets

Stamouers/Progenitors - Top Ten Count-down

Annelie Els
Hendrik Venter was born circa 1660 Hamel, France. 
Louis Fourie gebore 1669, van Pointaix, Dauphine

Treasure Trove - Baptism Records eGGSA

Richard Ball
We are extremely lucky to have the baptismal registers from the first establishment of a permanent minister at Cape Town in 1665. These are the records of what is today known as the Nederduits Gereformeerde Kerk (NGK).

Birth information in Australia and New Zealand

Leith B Woodall
If you have a subscription, webpages such as are very useful research tools. Findmypast.comor, which are also subscription sites, have limited Australasian material available, FamilySearch is a free database,

Birth information in the United Kingdom

June Barnes
A very comprehensive starting point is, excellent for establishing parishes, church records etc. county by county.

Andreas Oelofse - the missing years (1688-1690)

by June Barnes in collaboration with Richard Ball and Corney Keller
The children of Andreas Oelofse. It appears that those listed in “SA Genealogies” vol 7, Genealogical Institute of SA, Stellenbosch, 2002 were not consistent with the records and demanded attention.

Stammoeders en Stamvaders

Daan Botes & June Barnes
"Die oudste geïdentifiseerde manlike lid van die betrokke familielyn wat eerste in Suid Afrika aangekom het, , ongeag in watter land hy gesterf het.

Matriarchs and Patriarchs

Daan Botes & June Barnes
The oldest or most senior named or known member of the family line who first arrived in South Africa no matter where he died.

Ons Graf Soekery

Magda (Brits) Streicher.
Ons het geweet dat ons oorprong Familieplaas, Weltevreden net buite Standerton geleë is, maar waar?

Die Driefontein Begraafplaas in die Heilbron-distrik

Koos en Janet Lourens
Omvouend in die golwende Vrystaatse vlaktes, 16 km suid van Heilbron, lê die pragplaas Driefontein.Hier in ? netjiese kerkhof rus drie generasies van die Roos-familie wat die plaas sedert 1911 bewerk en gekoester het.

Brick Walls

John GREGORY, married in Jhb to Jane MILES (born abt 1877in Willowmore, Cape?, died 1905 Jhb),


• A History of the Markham family
• History of the Markhams of Northamptonshire
• Markham memorials
• Genealogical Memoranda relating to the family of Markham
The Boer War Memoirs of Daniel Jacobus Steyn Geldenhuys -Heidi Lovelock
Nauhaus: A Remarkable Missionary Family - Frieda & Michael Honiball

Grave Matters

Alta Griffiths
The photo project is still growing nicely! We have received numerous small donations in the last

Postcard Competition

Daan Botes reports that to date he has received 650 postcards.

Last Word

Cover image: Walter Montague KERRfrom British Library flickr collection 
The Far Interior: a narrative of travel and adventure from the Cape of Good Hope across the Zambesi to the lake regions of Central Africa, etc - Author: Walter Montague KERR.

GENESIS ISSUE 02 OF 2014 (74 pages)


June Barnes and Daan Botes

Family Treasures Competition - Facebook

June Barnes
The Facebook (FB) competition/free draw inviting readers to share their Family Treasures. Letty Riding was the winner with her photograph of four generations with the name Philippus Jeremias Coetzer,

Stamouers/Progenitors - Top Ten Count-Down

Annelie Els 
Pierre Jacob from Calais was a French Huguenot
Dirk Coetzee (COUCHÉ) was born 1655 in Kampen, Netherland
Estienne NEL, gebore 1669, van Dauphine, was 'n Franse Hugenoot

Marriage at the Cape

Richard Ball
All couples wanting to marry had to appear before ‘The Huwelikshof’ (Marriage court) and satisfy it that the individuals concerned were free to marry and that they were not within the forbidden relationships. If the court was satisfied, it would issue a marriage licence which allowed the minister to perform the marriage.

Finding Marriages in the United Kingdom

June Barnes, find my past and The Genealogist are very effective research tools if you have a subscription.
Family Search is a very good first port of call. FreeBMD - a freely searchable index of the births, marriages and deaths indexes

Marriage information in Australia and New Zealand

Leith B Woodall are very effective research tools if you have a subscription. or has limited Australasian material available, although this might improve in the future. FamilySearch has limited information, but is worth looking at and monitoring because records are being added regularly. This is a free database.

GGSA National Executive Council (NEC)

Congratulations to the newly elected NEC. We wish you all the best for 2014, we know that you are facing a whole lot of new challenges.

Golden Banner Awards

The Merit Award has been given a new name – it is now called the GSSA GOLDEN BANNER award. Congratulations to the winners of the category: Corney Keller and Daan Botes both from eGGSA Management Team


Alta Griffiths
The Maseti database is a government initiative containing reference numbers of Deceased Estates held by the Master of the High Court in the various provinces and not yet transferred to the various Provincial Archives.

Familia Editors

Richard Ford retired after 9 years in the position and Johan Pottas took over as Editor in March.

Beyond the Gravestone - 1820 Settlers

June Barnes and Leith Woodall
Facebook page dedicated to the 1820 Settlers.

Stammoeders in Suid Afrika

Daan Botes en June Barnes
Daar was ‘n behoefte om erkenning te gee aan die oudste vroulike lid in die famile wat die land
binnegekom het en na baie bespreking, word die twee rolle van kulturele en biologiese “moeders”
nou geherdefinieer.

Stammoeders in South Africa

Daan Botes and June Barnes
There seems to be a need to recognise the oldest or most senior biological female progenitor and
after extensive discussions the two roles of cultural and biological “mothers” are redefined:

Pit Stop: Hendrik Frederik Klopper

Corney Keller
31 August 1714 in the Stellenbosch marriage register of the Dutch Reformed Congregation1 reads “Hendrik Klopper van Hoorn, wed:r, met Catharina Bota van Cabo jonge d:r.” (Hendrik Klopper a widower from Hoorn, and Catharina Bota a spinster from the Cape).

Die Verhaal van Truus Bot

Jan J Booysen
Jan Bot(a1) (*20.12.1856)(†14.9.1943) is as enigste kind uit die huwelik (x7.3.1856) tussen Willem Bot (29.12.1816) (†29.8.1887) en Jaapje Ophof (*30.10.1830) (†23.9.1911) gebore. Hy het sy eerste lewenslig aanskou aan huis van sy ouers in die voorstad Charlois te Rotterdam.

Brick Walls

CHILCOTT Herbert James b1880-d1953
CHILCOTT Phoebe Elizabeth b1888-d1979
Johann Carl Christian Binneman(n) (Bindermann) arrived in RSA in 1789.


Iron Fist from the Sea by Douw Steyn and Angel Söderland.
We Fear Naught but God by Paul Els
Evidence! Citation & Analysis for the Family Historian by Elizabeth Shown Mills
And we never saw him again: The Boer War Memoirs of Daniel Jacobus Steyn Geldenhuys" by Heidi Lovelock"

GSSA’s Outstanding Publication Award

Alta Griffiths
The criteria for the Best Publication award are written up in the GSSA constitution
Two Winners are: From Manchester to Albany and Beyond by Peter Kirkman
The Viljoen Familieregister by Prof Christo Viljoen.

Grave Matters

Alta Griffiths
We would like to share the success story from the small town of Christiana, in the North West with you.

eGGSA en Museumdag

Trudie Marais
eGGSA en die Humansdorp Museum het gesamentlik ‘n Genealogiese uitstalling in die Fountain Mall op Jeffreysbaai gehou.

The Last Word

Photograph: from Letty Riding
Four Generations of Philippus Jeremias Coetzer

GENESIS ISSUE 01 OF 2014 (72 pages)


June Barnes and Judi Meyer

Chairman’s Annual Report

Alta Griffiths

Stamouers/Progenitors - Top Ten Count Down 8

Annelie Els
Pieter ERASMUS, an immigrant from the Netherlands, came to South Africa in 1693
Jan Smit from Maastricht
Jacob KRUGER gebore 28 Julie 1690 in Sandenbeck, Prignitz distrik, naby Berlyn, Duitsland.

Treasure Troves 1

The 1820 Settler Correspondence - eGGSA web site, for ease of reading, letters of each writer have been collected together on one page. Transcribed by Sue Mackay 
The 1820 Settlers to South Africa Web Site - Maintained by Paul Tanner-Tremaine,
The South African Settlers Resource Site - no details of who runs the site

Treasure Troves 2

The eGGSA Passenger List Project - Natal Immigration Board's lists of immigrants 1850 to 1911 (for more
details please see Immigration Records in the Pietermaritzburg Archives Repository )
Sharon Warr's web site of a number of passenter lists to South Africa - unfortunately no
sources are provided.
Ship's Passenger Lists Hamburg-South Africa, by J H Schubert.
The Hamburg Passenger Departure Lists 1850-1934, by Joe Beine

Slaves at the Cape

June Barnes
A lot has been written about the South African slaves. This article can only scratch the surface and is therefore intended to be a brief background to the subject, relating some interesting bits and pieces and hopefully whetting the appetite to investigate the subject.

Stamvaders in Suid Afrika

Daan Botes
Die oudste lid van die betrokke familielyn, wat eerste in Suid Afrika aangekom het, ongeag waar hy gesterf het”.

Progenitors in South Africa

Daan Botes
The oldest member of the family line who first arrived in South Africa".

Early South African Immigrants from Around the World

June Barnes
South Africa has a very rich and diverse population, representing nationalities from all around the world.

Beyond the Gravestone - 1820 Settlers

C June Barnes & Leith Woodall
In this issue we are adding links to images and/or more information about the graves of 1820 Settlers.

Louw Wepener

Simon du Plooy
Die gesinsamestelling van Louw Wepener soos weergegee (waarskynlik) uit SAG verkry is nie heeltemal korrek nie. Johan Pottas se navorsing het inligting wat vraagtekens plaas oor die korrektheid van die SAG inligting.

Was Theunis Dirkz really a VAN SCHALKWYK?

Ockert Malan 
Collaborative Translation
In his article, "Family Through the Ages, The Van Schalkwyk, Family" Leon van Schalkwyk states that the first mention of the Van Schalkwyk ancestor at the Cape is found in the Resolutions of the Political Council of 10 April 1665

A Response to Ockert Malan’s Criticism

Leon van Schalkwyk 
The article published in the May 2013 issue of Genesis was not meant to be in the style and fashion of an academic treatise with hundreds of footnotes. It was not the author’s intention to discuss and correct the statements of other authors.

Brick Walls

CHILCOTT Herbert James b1880-d1953
CHILCOTT Phoebe Elizabeth b1888-d1979
Ivan Barralet from Amanzimtoti who died in 1982.

Bookshelf - New eBooks

From Diaspora to Diorama: The old slave lodge in Cape Town. - Robert Shell
Reg en Onreg: Kaapse regspraak in die agtiende eeu – HF Heese

Grave Matters

Alta Griffiths
In December 2013 Natal Midlands branch joined by eGSSA members in the Commercial Road cemetery in Pietermaritzburg. We did not manage to photograph all the graves. By midday it was so hot that we had to abort the mission.

The Last Word

Cover Image: Jan van Riebeeck
Source: British Library Photo Library on Flickr
The Cape of Good Hope and the Eastern Province of Algoa Bay -Author: John Centlivres CHASE

GENESIS ISSUE 04 OF 2013 (47 pages)


June Barnes and Judi Meyer

2014 GGSA and eGGSA Festivities

Andrè Heydenrych

Judi Meyer and Lieve Geuens
Andrè Heydenrych, a man with a great heart, passed on. He has finished his race on earth and ran up to the winning line, with the golden lint.

Treasure Troves - eGGSA Web Pages - Part 2

Richard Ball
South African Records transcribed

Finding Photographs and Maps at the Archives 1

Annelie Els
How to find photos and maps housed at the different Archives.

Militêre Navorsing

Paul Els
Daar is twee hoof Argiewe vir die SANW (Suid Afrikaanse Nasionale Weermag).
1. Die Dokumentasie Dienste,
2. Die Personeel Dienste argief, 

Watter Susara Susanna Smuts?

Daan Botes
Jan Abraham SMUTS (1840-1921) van Uniondale se tweede huwelik was met ‘n weduwee ELTZE wat oënskynlik die skoonma van een van sy seuns was. SAG vertoon nog ‘n dogter Susara Susanna wat ook getroud was met ‘n ELTZE.

The Henry-Steyn Trek of 1895 – Keeping it in the Family

C June Barnes
Participants of this Trek to Rhodesia. The joint leaders were John Henry (1829-1900) an Englishman aged 66, and Johannes Gerhardus Frederick Steyn (1836-1973) aged 59.

Beyond the Gravestone - Louw Wepener

C June Barnes
Commandant Louw Wepener hero of the Second Basotho War died in the Battle of Thaba Bosigo 15th August 1865.,

Definisie van ‘n Stamvader in Suid Afrika 2 / Definition of a progenitor in South Africa 2

Daan Botes
Die oudste lid van die betrokke familielyn wat eerste in Suid Afrika aangekom het ongeag waar hy gesterf het”.
This definition makes the following true:
• A person remains progenitor of his descendants who stay in the country if he leaves South Africa

Brick Walls and Stumbling Blocks

Susanna Magdalena Bouwer who married 29 April 1821 at Swellendam to Johannes Esaias Engelbert Oosthuizen?

Feedback and Follow-ups

From Edward Bourhill
'I was fascinated to read your article in Genesis Issue 39 in May 2013 about the The Children's Friend Society…'

Boek bekendstelling te Westonaria 19 Oktober 2013

Judi Meyer
Westonaria VLU het besluit om meer te wete te kom aangaande die Anglo Boere Oorlog en het ‘n uiters geslaagde byeenkoms in die Westonaria Biblioteek aangebied.


Lucas the Boer - by Caroline F. Archer
AmaBhulu - The Birth and Death of the Second America - [Kindle Edition] - Harry Booyens

New eBook

Four Months Besieged - the story of Ladysmith

Grave Matters

By Alta Griffiths
This year we are s6ll slaving away but are hopeful that we will reach the 550 000 target before the end of December.

The Last Word - Thaba Bosigo

Photo credit - Sam J Basch
The detail from the back of the Louw Wepener Memorial.

GENESIS ISSUE 03 OF 2013 (67 pages)


June Barnes and Judi Meyer

Treasure Troves - eGGSA Web Pages - Part 1

Richard Ball

Was Theunis Dirkz regtig ’n VAN SCHALKWYK?

Ockert Malan
In sy artikel, “Familie deur die Eeue, Die Familie Van Schalkwyk”, Leon van Schalkwyk merk hy op dat eerste melding van die Van Schalkwyk-stamvader aan die Kaap, die aantekening is in Resolusies van die Politieke Raad vir 10 April 1655

‘n Paar Opmerkinge oor die Kritiek van Ockert Malan

Leon van Schalkwyk
FAMILIE DEUR DIE EEUE: DIE FAMILIE VAN SCHALKWYK -Die bedoeling van die artikel Mei 2013 uitgawe van Genesis was nie bedoel om ‘n akademiese verhandeling te wees met honderde voetnote nie.

Beyond the Gravestone - Rev. John Philip (1775-1851) 
C June Barnes
The gravestone of the Rev’d. John Philip triggered my curiosity and prompted me to find out more about him.

Family through the Ages: The Family of Van Schalkwyk

Leon van Schalkwyk
It is a well-known fact that Teunis Dircxs Schalckwijck, is the ancestor of the South African Van Schalkwyk family. The tantalizing question is, from where did he come?

Treurspel in Windhoek, Namibia

Daan Botes
Tydens my onlangse besoek in Windhoek het drie identiese grafstene, langs mekaar in die Gammams begraafplaas, my opgeval. Die sterfdatum van die vier persone op die grafstene was dieselfde.

Knysna Historical Society

Philip Caveney
Research into historical farms/farmers between Mossel Bay and Plettenberg Bay.

The Afrikaners: Perhaps Africa’s Most Enigmatic Tribe

Farrell Hope
When one sets off on a road never travelled before, one would do well to expect surprises. Although what I have written and concluded below regarding my journey into my genealogical past may not be entirely a surprise to some of you, it was an epiphany for me.

Esterhuyse Familie Inligting

Joan Esterhuyse (neé du Toit)
Die skrywe soek op eGGSA vir inligting oor die Esterhuyse familie en kom op ‘n grafskrif
met volgende inskrywing af:
Joan du Toit * 1946 † 1980
Braam * 1976 † 1980
Ria * 1979 † 1980.
Onmiddelik besef sy dat die inskrywing kan net as gevolg van een of ander ongeluk wees en dat
almal in dieselfde ongeluk moes gesterf het.

Family stories that are passed down – fact of fiction?

Leith B Woodall.
Something which fascinates about genealogy is the oral history, and trying to establish what is fact and what is fiction. When we are children we often hear stories about our forebears – our oral history.

Definisie van ‘n Stamvader in Suid Afrika / Definition of a progenitor in South Africa

Daan Botes
Die stamvader (progenitor) van ‘n familielyn breedweg gedefinïeer as: “Die oudste lid van die betrokke familielyn wat eerste in Suid Afrika aangekom het”.
From time to time unusual circumstances arise which raise several questions about the definition given above.

Brick Walls and Stumbling Blocks 

John Robert Gilchrist died in East London, South Africa 1913.
Andries Johannes Lubbe, en drie van hulle nog getroud met Maria Petronellas --- ek is nou al heeltemal deurmekaar.


The Concentration Camps of the Anglo-Boer War - Dr. Elizabeth van Heyningen
Incredible Tretchikoff - Boris Gorelik

New eBooks

J A Heese's "Slagtersnek en sy mense (Slagtersnek and its people)

Report: Genealogy Workshop in Grahamstown

Alta Griffiths
eGGSA hosted a genealogy workshop in Grahamstown

Grave Matters

Alta Griffiths
We managed to take 3200 photos at the cemetery in Grahamstown.

Member Profiles - eGGSA lid Talitha Loftie-Eaton

Daan Botes
Wie is Talitha Loftie-Eaton? Afgetrede onderwyseres, woonagtig in Swakopmund, kranige atleet, stel belang in Suidwes geskiedenis, ‘n Gewillige lid

The Last Word - Cover Photo

Frank and Sara Hope. Frank a Lithuanian Jew, a smous, a peddler, travelling by horse and wagon to the farms in the Transvaal. Sarah, an Afrikaner

GENESIS ISSUE 02 OF 2013 (66 pages)


June Barnes and Daan Botes

Daan Sê …

June’s Snippets

That Fellow Eckhard von Fintel

Eckhard von Fintel
Eckhard von Fintel received the Fellow Award at the AGM. He kindly shares his entertaining speech with us here.

eGGSA Shines at the 2013 GGSA’s Annual Award Ceremony

Irregularities in Published Genealogies - Eksteen

Contributors Lea Herbst and C June Barnes
There are inevitably errors in the GISA published genealogies, South African Genealogies (SAG) 2005 and South African Families (SAF) 2012. The intention of this feature is to draw attention to the more significant of these and outline the error and correction with supporting documents and citations.

Hans Jurgen Kotze - die verlore seun

Scott H. Kotzé
Ek “bou” reeds die laaste 12 jaar aan die Kotzé familie. Min is eintlik nog oor dié familie van ou Saksiese afkoms geskryf en die Suid Afrikaanse tak verdien beslis meer aandag!

Treasure Trove - The Children’s Friend Society

C June Barnes
The Children's Friend Society (CFS) which was founded in London in 1830, as "The Society for the Suppression of Juvenile Vagrancy through the reformation and emigration of children". The Society was founded by Captain Edward Pelham Brenton and run by a group of wealthy philanthropists with the cooperation of the British Government. The object of the CFS was "to reclaim and provide for vagrant children found in the streets without any means of subsistence except by begging or thieving..."

Familie Deur die Eeue: die Familie Van Schalkwyk

Leon van Schalkwyk
Dit is algemeen bekend dat Teunis Dircxs van Schalckwijck die stamvader van die Suid-Afrikaanse familie Van Schalkwyk is. Die tergende vraag is, waar hy vandaan is?

Die Papiertjie, Portrette en die VermistePietersens

Daan Botes
Die goue nekhangertjie het ‘n portretjie met ‘n foto van ‘n man aan die een kant en ‘n vrou aan die anderkant. Die fotos is, volgens oorlewering, dié van Jan Smit en Sara Pietersen. Die hangertjie was in ‘n dosie met ‘n opgevoude papiertjie van ‘n klompie Pietersen name wat nie veel aandag getrek het nie.

Surgeon-Captain Matthew Louis Hughes LRCP, MRCS, DPH

June Barnes
The inscription on Surgeon-Captain Matthew Louis Hughes’ gravestone triggered the author’s curiosity into looking into the life of this man which was tragically lost at the tender age of 32 nearly 115 years ago.

The story of Heather BAM and her family …

Nantes Kruger
Heather BAM was born on 11 October 1891, the third child of Henry Arnold & Laura Blanche BAM
(born GAIN). She had one sister, Agnes Annie who married Dr Stanley F SILBERBAUER and two
brothers, Llewellyn Arnold and Cyril Turpin BAM.

Brick Walls and Stumbling Blocks

PARSONS family.
opsoek na die graf van Thomas Breen
trace CH Smith who was researching Herbert Walter Sherwin and Theresa
Alma Richards
Martha Maria Swart.
Walter William WOODWARD (1880-1952/4/3) of Ladysmith, KZN
LIilly Maria WOODWARD (1884/5/17-1969/4/26) (Born MELLIS) of Ladysmith, KZN,
who married Walter WOODWARD above in 1904 at Ladysmith
George Horatio MELLIS (son of George Gordon Ritchie MELLIS, born 1828, A b e r d e e n , Scotland)
Thomas Meikle and his Trek to Rhodesia?
Success Stories
Death for Christina Johanna Olivier born van Niekerk, found


VAN VOGELVALLEIJ NA VERRE LANDE - Dr. Marthinus David de Klerk
Genealogical Proof Standard: Building a Solid Case", by Christine Rose
New eBooks
The Rebel Record: Cape Colonial Rebels of the South African War
General Smuts and his Long Ride
Commandant Johannes Lötter and his Rebels
Commandant Gideon Scheepers and the Search for his Grave.

Grave Matters

Alta Griffiths
Target 550 000 Reporting back on our 2013 target: We only need another 30 000 photos then we are there!
Help needed!

Hartlam Festival 4

Alta Griffiths
eGSSA went to Hartenbos on 4th and 5th of May 2013 to participate in the Hartlam Festival. Our cohosts were the Southern Cape branch. Western Cape branch was there in spirit

The Last Word - Cover Photo

The Ladysmith Siege Museum, located next to the Town Hall, is considered to be the best Anglo Boer War museum in the country.

GENESIS ISSUE 01 OF 2013 (68 pages)


June Barnes and Judi Meyer

Judi Sê …

Judi Meyer

June’s Snippets

C. June Barnes

Women and Gender Relations in the Afrikaner Community – part 2

Hermann Giliomee
What role did European women play in this? Before this question is addressed one must also look at some other factors at work. The first factor that was at play was the cultural influences.

Treasure Troves - War Museum of the Boer Republics, Bloemfontein, South Africa

Compiled by Vicky Heunis
If you are doing Genealogical research regarding a family member who participated in the Anglo-Boer War, the War Museum is definitely the place to do research. It has the largest Anglo-Boer War Collection in South Africa if not the world.

Thomas Ball – Lord Mayor of Cape Town 1898-1900

Leith B Woodall and C June Barnes
The story of how a young man from a working class background in England has migrated to a new country and made good. Thomas Ball born in England - successful businessman - served first as a member of the City Council, and in 1899 becoming the Mayor of Cape Town,

eGGSA en die Petrolkannetjie

By deur Daan Botes.
Spekulasie oor die oorsake van dood wanneer grafskrifte vir eGGSA ontsyfer word en die somtyds
onverwagte uitkoms daarna.

eGSSA and the Fuel Container

By deur Daan Botes.
Trying to uncover the circumstances around the causes of death when trying to decipher gravestone inscriptions for the the eGGSA graves project and an unexpected outcome.

Bastiaans Family – the First Three Generations

Contributors: Richard Ball, C June Barnes, Daan Botes, Jansi Syfert.
A thorough examination and interpretation of the information in the documents and references. 
François Bastiaans, SV/PROG, [his name is also written as Francisch Bastiaansz or Bastiaanz], arrived at the Cape of Good Hope before 1671 born about 1650/55 maybe in Armentières, Nord-Pas de Calais,

Bethulie Konsentrasiekamp Gedenkteken

Bydrae deur die Henning Familiebond.
Die engelbeeld wat by die Bethulie gedenkteken gesteel, maar gelukkig teruggevind is. Die oorspronklike beeld word nou in die museum in Bloemfontein bewaar, terwyl ‘n replika by die gedenkteken in Bloemfontein opgerig is.

Brick Walls

Stella Papadaki, Nikos Papadakis and Vasilios Papadakis were born and lived in Ladismith South Africa.
Henry Richard Moss born in 1886. He was in Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape


"Genealogical Proof Standard: Building a Solid Case", by Christine Rose
My reminiscences of the Anglo Boer War:
Sekretaresse vir die Verwoerds
The Swiss at the Cape of Good Hope, 1652-1971

Grave Matters

Alta Griffiths
HELP!!! 73966 Photos needed We are hoping to have 550 000 photos on the web by the end of the year. We only need 73 966
photos to achieve the goal.

Welkom Vanaf ons Voorsitter / Welcome from our Chairman

Alta Griffiths

Introducing Carol Beneke

by Carol Beneke
eGGSA Treasurer - doing what needs to be done to preserve today what we can for future generations.

The Last Word - Cover Photo - Emily Hobhouse

Emily Hobhouse was kindly supplied by the The War Museum of the Boer Republics by Vicky Heunis.

GENESIS ISSUE 03 OF 2012 (71 pages)


June Barnes and Judi Meyer

Digging for Ancestral Roots

Sam J Basch
With his unruly grey hair and wildly gesticulating hands Mark Solms could be mistaken for a symphonic conductor. Having thrown himself passionately into a self-imposed world-class research project on his wine estate at Franschhoek, this owner of Solms Delta - formerly Zandvliet – while tracing its recent history to colonial times - it has been settled by humans for millennia. In this he is ably assisted by equally passionate historian Tracey Randle.

Familiestories - eGGSA Webwerf

Roelf du Preez
Graag bring ons onder julle aandag, dat ons besluit het om die familiestories waaraan ons werk, beskikbaar te stel.
Die webwerf is te sien by

Women and gender relations in the Afrikaner community

Hermann Giliomee
Hierdie artikel in Engel geskryf, argumenteer dat Afrikanervroue gedurende die eerste twee eeue van die nedersetting aansienlik meer regte geniet het onder die Romeins-Hollandse reg as wat die geval was met vroue wat onder die Engelse regte sorteer het.
Despite a significant advance in gender studies the history of women before the extension of the vote to white women in 1930 remains a neglected field. This is particularly true of Afrikaner women.

Die BROOKS familie van Marico

Yolanda SIM gebore DROST
William Henry Edward BROOKS, van Marico. Die groot vraag was natuurlik, "Wie was my oupagrootjie se ouers?"

GGSA Produkte Nuus/GSSA Product News 
Hendrik Louw.

La Rozette

Margaret Grundy
“French brig, commanded by Captain La Bordes. Wrecked near a little cove called Platboom near Brightwaters, south of Olifantsbos Point, on 19 August 1786 after the crew mutinied and ran her aground while on a voyage from Bordeaux to Mauritius with a general cargo.”
From Shipwrecks and Salvage by Malcolm Turner

Erfenisfees in Pretoria. GGSA en takke pryk daar.

Linda Lombard

Argiewe Toer deur Noord Transvaal weer ‘n groot sukses.

Linda Lombard
Die nou gevestigde argiewe-toer wat Noord-Transvaal elke jaar reël, het hierdie jaar ‘n paar hoogtepunte opgelewer. Dankie aan Simone Kay en die Wes-Kaaptak wat hierin ‘n groot bydrae gehad het!

Treasure Troves - The First Fifty Years Project

Delia Robertson
This project began as a private endeavour in October 1997 when my research led me to discover I had ancestors who were among the earliest settlers following the establishment in 1652 of the refreshment station / gestating colony at what had been known as Cabo de Boa Esperan?a.

Kry die Kleur van die Kasteel

Sam J Basch
Jaarlikse GGSA argiewetoer na die Wes-Kaap ook begeleide uitstappies na plekke soos die Kasteel insluit. Hierdie jaar was ons bevoorreg om as gids die bekende skrywer Dan Sleigh te hê.

Oudsoldaat kry Medaljes 24 jaar later

Alet Janse van Rensburg
Don Wessels (44) van Somerset-Wes het die Suider-Afrika-medalje vir diens buite landsgrense
asook die algemene diensmedalje ontvang. ’n Oudsoldaat van die Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Weermag wat sy sig en albei hande in die grensoorlog verloor het.

Brick walls

Millicent Lucy Jones, born 7th November 1897 in Alicedale,
JOHAN CHRISTIAAN BARNARD(T) gebore George, Kaap ca 1870 en oorlede 30/11/1956.

Grave Matters

Alta Griffiths


Welcome to our New Members



Sterrekundiges ontmoet eGGSA op AUS, Duitswes-Afrika (Namibia)

Daan Botes.
In die begraafplaas op Aus, Namibië lê die graf van CK de Meillion met inskripsie: “Captain C.K. de Meillon, Chief of the Rand Intelligence. Fell in Action at Aus Neck 22 Feb 1915” Wie was hierdie persoon?

GENESIS ISSUE 02 OF 2012 (66 pages)

Redakteur se Brief - Sub-Editor’s Note

Jud’s Japsnoet - June’s Snippets

Genealogiese navorsing oor die Suid Afrikaanse familie BARKHAUSEN en verwante families.
Cory Library for Historical Research and a Guide to Genealogical Resources
Margaret Roach Campbell was an Africana collector. Her collection was bequeathed to the University of Natal and is held in the Killie Campbell Library.
First Fifty Years Project - a work in progress headed by Delia Robertson. In the ‘Remarkable Writing’ section, Mansell Upham has contributed some very interesting articles.

Harry Booyens has contributed four articles:
1.God Bless the Good Ship China. A study of the voyage of the Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie ship China which sailed for the Cape from Goeree in Suid Holland on 20 March 1688 and the fate of a group French Huguenot passengers who sailed with her.
2.Jacob and Fijtje Cloeten "van Ut in 't Land van Ceulen" An examination into the origins of the Cape founding family of Jacob Cloete and Fijtje Raderotjes.
3.In Search of the Soul of the Afrikaner. For the past few years I have been systematically following a number of South African families through the history of the country, sketching the progress of members of those families who are my own ancestors and those of my wife. 
4.Ariaentje geboortig van Nieuw Nederlandt Ariaentje Sterrevelt was the first ever immigrant to South Africa to have been born in North America, and in this article Harry takes us with him on his search and discovery mission into her life and times.
Charlie Else has joined us with:
Die herkoms van Elsje Gerrits die moeder van die Els-stammoeder, Anna Maria Pieterse A revealing examination into the origins of Elsje Gerrits, the mother of Anna Maria Pieterse, progenitrix of the Els family in South Africa.
And Mansell Upham has added a 5th article:
Johanna Kemp - An enquiry into the ancestry of the Cape-born Johanna Kemp (c. 1696-1778) – wife of Jacob Krüger
(from Sadenbeck) In this article, which explores the origins of Johanna Kemp and her mother Cecilia Swerisse,

Feedback/Letters to the Editors

GGSA se splinternuwe President

Petro Coreejes-Brink, of te wel Anna Petronella, is in 1973 in Bellville gebore. Ek is aktief betrokke by die Genealogiese Genootskap van SA (GGSA). Ek is vanjaar reeds 10 jaar lid van die genootskap, na ek
in 2002 by die Wes-Kaap tak aangesluit het.

The British Concentration Camps Database and Website

By Elizabeth van Heyningen
British Concentration Camps Database [BCCD], now on a website hosted by the University of Cape Town.
Three groups of documents form the basis of the database. The first are the two primary death lists.
The second death list comes from the government gazettes. The most demanding source is that of the camp registers.


By C June Barnes
The Cape Herders – A history of the Khoikhoi of Southern Africa – Emile Boonzaier, Candy Malherbe, Penny Berens and Andy Smith.
The First People of the Cape – Alan Mountain
Hoe Zij Stierven - descriptions of the final days and hours of those who were sentenced to death and executed in the Anglo-Boer War
The Boer Version of the Transvaal War: An English translation of all Dutch Official telegrams received in Vryheid during Boer War up to the time when British troops occupied Vryheid".
ROUTES TO ROOTS – from Anne Lehmkuhl

Treasure Troves

The London Gazette - Treasure Trove of Historical Information
For more information about the London Gazette visit us at

Cornelis Johannes Coetzer Pienaar 19 June 1912 – 31 October 1978

By Caroline Balona
The story is about the second youngest child of Theunis and his wife Elsabe, or, “Oom Tonie” and “Tante Ella, Cornelis Johannes Coetzer Pienaar – Coesie

Brick walls

Jan Andries Jansen van Rensburg 12 Jun 1856 - 13 Nov 1903 (Born and died on Farm Modderkraal somewhere near Wolmaranstad).
Maria Magdalena Hendrina Elizabetta Esterhuizen
Dorothea Salomina NIEMAND, Born 4 Feb. 1875, Grahamstown, Cape Province, Fort Brown - Died 7 Jan. 1977, Johannesburg

Grave Matters

By Alta Griffiths
The cemetery project is alive and well. The photos are coming in, but we are in a serious need for more volunteers to help with the captions.

The Loss of Teuton - Simon’s Bay August 30 1881

By C. June Barnes
The Union Company’s mail Steamship Teuton ran aground and was wrecked at 7p.m. between Quoin Point and Cape Aqulhas on August 30th 1881. Of 272 passengers and crew on board only twenty-seven people were saved.


R.M.S. Titanic - South African Connections

C. June Barnes
22 Passengers and crew who had some possible connection to South Africa.

Eksklusief – agter die skerms by die AJV naweek

Deur Judi Meyer en Alta Griffiths
‘n Volledige verslag van die AJV naweek verskyn in Die Volstruis Nuus.

Wie was Wie in Genealogie? - Daan Hamman

Daan Hamman tydens AJV 2012 as GENOOT van GGSA aangewys

Relationships Explained – Cousins

Introducing the New Team members

ALTA GRIFFITHS Chairperson/Voorsitter
Alta Griffiths was elected to this position after the retirement of former chairperson, Richard Ball. The genesis team would like to introduce her to members.

GENESIS ISSUE 01 OF 2012 (49 pages)

Letter from the Editor


By Simon du Plooy
Die kortste pad van Jeffreysbaai, Potchefstroom toe is oor Knysna, George en die Barnards se vormalige plaas, Bergplaas 
Genealogiese Werkswinkel in George

Jud’s Japsnoet

Bybels wat gerestoureer moet word
Jaarlikse gedenkdiens by SAW van Herinnering – Bydrae deur Gert Opperman
Oorskotte van Ebo sterftes kan huistoe kom met u hulp – Bydrae deur Gert Opperman


Louis Petrus Volschenk gebore 5 Okt – oorlede 31 Aug 1954

The return of previous Bibles to South African Families

By Natalie da Silva
Quaker Laurence Richardson was requested to obtain information about the looting of Dutch Bibles. Daily News 7 Feb 1903 a notice read “ The Friends SA Relief Committee desire it to be known that they will be glad for the return, where possible, of Boer family Bibles which have found their way to England as Curiosities”

South African Passenger List

The London Gazette

Treasure Trove of Historical Information
For more information about the London Gazette visit us at

The Cape Family Research Forum

Opening up the ancestral past: The Cape Family Research Forum. Published with the permission of Saarah Jappie, the author.

Field Trips

By Alta Griffiths
Visit to the Franschhoek Huguenot Memorial Museum

Bloemfontein Stadstoer

Bydrae deur Johan Pottas – Vrystaat Tak

Coming Home

By Munadia Karaan
It was finding my true cultural roots, that I discovered a new pride in being South African. “Cape Malays” of Indonesian origin but at heart true South Africans

GGSA AGM/AJV 2012 Go Country

Grave Matters

By Alta Griffiths


GENESIS ISSUE 04 OF 2011 (54 pages)

Letter from the Editor

The Worroll Family

Leith B Woodall and C June Barnes
I searched the eGGSA gravestones site for the name Worroll and was rewarded with a relevant gravestone which started a voyage of discovery, to find out when she had moved to Southern Rhodesia and to trace the Worroll family’s movements from Manchester to Australia, then to South Africa and Southern Rhodesia.

Brick Walls

  • Harry John Buchanan went to South Africa in 1905, a single man. He was a widower when he married my Grandmother Millicent Lucy Jones in 1923.
  • Ouma - 'n nooi Rossouw en haar pa se name Daniël Johannes was. Haar ma was 'n nooi Elizabeth Wilhelmina Lombard. Sy het in Wellington groot geword en haar pa het daar geboer.
  • Frederick Jones, father of George Jones born in 1834, Kennington Surrey.
  • Nooi Marx. Haar pa was Frans Thomas Ignatius Marx.
  • Ouers van Gerhardus Stephanus Botha. Sy pa was Renier Jacobus Botha en sy ma was Carolina Potgieter. Hulle was woonagtig in die Groot Marico//Rustenburg distrik
  • Marthinus Benjamin Nieuwenhuizen (ook bekend as Hendrik Niewenhuise ook bekend as Marthinus van Niewenhuis
  • Nicolaas Albertus Smit(h) daar is twee SK’s by die Namibiese Argief van hom een deur sy seun en een deur sy skoonseun ingevul. My vraag is kon die van SMIT gewees het plaas van SMITH?
  • Isaac Bartholomeus van der Lindé die inligting wat bestaan is hy is in België gebore en studeer het saam in die Zulu oorlog in Natal geveg Potgieter trek gevolg was Skoolmeester in Groot Marico
  • Charles Worroll arrived in Cape Town from Australia, and I would like to be able to establish the date of his arrival.
  • Eliza Reed Neat(e) born c1814, daughter of William and Rhoda Neate, was described as having no nose.

Juds Japsnoet

DR ROELF RTJ LOMBARD Bygedra deur Rentia Landman
Stamvader Ferreira en nageslagte boek nou beskikbaar
Huguenot Society of South Africa
Nuutste inligting en bydrae aangaan die SAG – nou genoem SAF.
Voters Roll Project / Project S

Jaarlikse Noordwes kunsuitstalling/vlooimark

Bydrae deur Simon de Plooy - Noordwes tak voorsitter.

Shipping Records / Passenger Lists

Great progress has been made on this new project! More than 70 passenger lists have been transcribed.

Noord-Transvaal Argiewetoer weereens suksesvol

Bydrae deur Ellen Harmse

Naming Customs

The following pattern was regarded as an almost inviolable rule by the Afrikaners as well as by the Scots.

Afrikaner DNS Studie

Genetiese voorouer bepaling van die Afrikaner populasie in Suid Afrika: verband tussen stambome en genetiese inligting Hoofnavorser: Prof JM Greeff, Genetika Departement, Universiteit van Pretoria

eGGSA AGM/AJV 2012 Go Country

Invitation: GGSA Annual General Meeting Uniondale 16 – 18 March 2012

Symbols and abbreviations used in Genesis / Simbole en afkortings wat in Genesis gebruik word

GENESIS ISSUE 03 OF 2011 (52 pages)

Letter from the Editor

Carl Frans Werner Jahn van die King’s Hotel

Deur Esther Visser-Stieger
Die geskiedenis agter die ou King’s Hotel in Potgieterstraat, Potchefstroom

Stoffberg-wa op die simboliese eeufeestrek van 1938

Bydrae Hobbie Stoffberg 
Op 24 Mei 1934 het die Uitvoerende Raad van die Afrikaanse Taal- en Kultuurvereniging (ATKV) reeds besluit om ‘n spesiale aandeel te neem in die totstandkoming van die Voortrekkermonument. 'n Huldigingstrek in 'n ossewa op die Pad van Suid-Afrika - was die simboliese pad na nasieskap wat die Voortrekkers van die Kaap na Pretoria onderneem het. Die einde van hierdie simboliese reis sou met die hoogtepunt van die feesvierings op 16 Desember saamval wanneer die hoeksteen van die groot monument seremonieel gelê sou word. Uiteindelik het tien waens amptelik deelgeneem.

Juds Japsnoet

Hobbie Stoffberg co-ordinator for the Funeral Programs

Die soeke verby die ligpers plakkie

Bydrae deur Daan Botes
Hoe interessant kan hulp aan die begraafplaas projek van eGGSA nie word nie? Hier kostelike verhaal vertel deur Daan Botes, terwyl hy Alta Griffiths ewe vlytig help, het sommer in ‘n heerlike lekker storie ontaard.

Dertien Geslagte Labusc(h)agne

Bygedra deur Casper Labuchagne, Haren, Nederland
Afstammingslyn van Casper Jeremiah Labuschagne
Hoewel die naam in die ou tyd sowel in Europa as in die Kaap de Goede Hoop op verskillende maniere gespel is - Op grond van die feit dat die naam ontleen is aan ’n dorp in Frankryk, Labuscagne, of La Buscagne, kan ons met sekerheid vasstel dat dit die oorspronklike spelling is.

Shipping Records / Passenger

By Richard Wolfaardt
We are forever getting queries about shipping records, and thought we would address this need by transcribing the shipping records / passenger lists from various archives.

Dr. Shelagh Patricia Mary O’Byrne Spencer

She commenced her research on Natal Settlers in 1963 and in 1975 Shelagh started writing
the series of books “British Settlers in Natal 1824-1857”.
In 1992 Shelagh was awarded the ‘Genealogist of the Year’ title by the Genealogical Society of SA. In 2010 she was awarded an Honorary PHD by the University of KwaZulu Natal.
Last weekend at the AGM of the Genealogical Society of SA she was named a fellow of the GSSA.

Stamvader van die von/van Waltslebens in Suid-Afrika

Bydrae deur Leon Endemann - Hoofnavorser GISA Stellenbosch
In ‘n mate het ek my aanvanklik laat lei deur die oorspronklike handgeskrewe notas van wyle Dr. J A Heese. Maar na deeglike bestudering van die betrokke inskrywing in die huweliksregister van Colesberg van die stamvader se huwelik het ek tot die volgende gevolgtrekking gekom:

Grave Matters

By Alta Griffiths

Cornelius Hermanus Marais

By C June Barnes

In the article “Two Young Boers” which appeared in Genesis Issue 26, the author mentioned Cornelius Hermanus Marais, brother of Barend Daniel Marias. Barend Daniel and at least four of his siblings travelled to Southern Rhodesia around 1911, following in the footsteps of their older brother, Cornelius Hermanus.

eGGSA AGM/AJV 2012 Go Country

eGGSA is hosting the 2012 AGM in Uniondale. Article about how the town was formed

Symbols and abbreviations used in Genesis / Simbole en afkortings wat in Genesis gebruik word

GENESIS ISSUE 02 OF 2011 (78 pages)

Letter from the Editor

GGSA AJV Verwelkoming 11 Maart 2011

GGSA AGM Gala Function 12 March 2011

Juds Japsnoet

Konsentrasiekamp referaat dag.
A letter from the Northern Transvaal Branch to the family of their late member- Margaret Lodder
Michael Honiball told us that his mother is busy writing a book on the Nauhaus family
Jolige vrystelling van Alexander register. – Bydrae deur Johan Pottas

More Information on the Clay Family

HARRIET ELIZA CLAY – daughter of Richard & Harriet CLAY (nee METTHAM) who eloped and stole 31 pound from her father – see 27th Issue of Genesis. Married William FROGGATT Dec 1871, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, England (* 1848, Mayfield, Ashbourne, Derbyshire, England) ? 1897

Descendants of James Sinclair Brodie

Page 42-44 of Knight Genealogy 2009 - by Prof. Kenneth Knight
James Sinclair Brodie was born in Glasgow Scotland married Mary Cameron born in Glasgow Scotland.

GSSA Cemetry Project get awarded

By Alta Griffiths
The Western Cape Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport seeks to recognise outstanding achievements and contributions in the areas of Arts, Culture, Heritage, Language, Libraries and Archives Services in the Western Cape.

Taking heritage to the people

By John Deare - Pietermaritzburg (Natal Midlands) branch 
For a number of years the Msunduzi Heritage Forum has facilitated an annual Heritage Fair in the month of September. This year it was decided to reach a wider audience and with the assistance of Melanie Veness of Pietermaritzburg Tourism, a one day exhibition was held at Liberty Mall on the 24th September 2010.

eGGSA Web Site Updates

Ockert and Sasa Malan have contributed their transcription of the Stellenbosch burial records to the eGGSA web site 
Of these the Stellenbosch NGK (Dutch Reformed) church burial records 1765-1918 have been added to our searchable database and the images are available for each entry in these registers:
To remind you, we have searchable databases for the following records:
Baptism Registers 
Marriage Registers
Burial Registers

Nuwe Projek vir GGSA / New Project for GGSA

Die nuwe Begrafnisbrief-projek maak goeie vordering agter die skerms en sal binnekort op die nuwe GGSA webblad verskyn.

Grave Matters

By Alta Griffiths
Busy, busy, busy!! That is our gravestone project. No other words to describe it!

Le Roux Stamouers

Saamgestel deur Hobbie Stoffberg – Suid Afrika
Die Le Roux-familie in Suid-Afrika is afstammelinge van die Franse vlugtelinge wat in die sewentiende eeu uit Frankryk na Nederland gevlug het, en van daar deur die V.O.C., na Suid-Afrika gebring is.

Knight Family History

Généalogie de la famille CUENDET (tron des Maréchaux) / Genealogy of the CUENDET family (branch of Maréchaux)
Toinette writes: Ken, passionate genealogist that he is, has been urging me to
record my side of the family history. I do so admitting that my memory never was
very good and, now that I have turned 80, may not be very reliable.

GENESIS ISSUE 01 OF 2011 (45 pages)

Letter from the Editor

Boodskap van eGGSA Bestuurspan - Message from eGGSA Management team

By Richard Ball

Juds Japsnoet / Judi’s Allsorts

Colin Pretorius verskaf goeie nuus.
New e-books from Colin Pretorius
Noord Transvaal bied weereens die jaarlikse Argief Toer na die Kaap aan. - Bydrae deur Ellen
Links to useful Genealogical Web pages

Grave Matters

Contributed by Alta Griffiths
Gravestone target for 2011 - having 350 000 photos published on the web by the end of the year.

Resensie - Bannelinge in die vreemde

EGT Meyer, ‘n Boerekrygsgevangene van Lady Brand in die Oos-Vrystaat, met ‘n versameling van sy handewerk toe hy in Diyatalawa, Ceylon, ‘n krygsgevangene was.

How The Millet & Clay Families Connect and how they settled in South Africa Part 2

By Glynis Millett-Clay 
Going back to George Richard Hector Mettham CLAY and Annie PHILLIPS, (Genesis Issue 03 of 2010) not much is known about what their lives were like in Burma.

Taking heritage to the people

By John Deare Pietermaritzburg (Natal Midlands) branch
The Msunduzi Heritage Forum was formed in 2001 to co-ordinate the celebration of Heritage and strives to make its celebrations inclusive of all communities.

Review- Footsteps in Time

Paula Wiegmink, now living in Western Australia, has published a family history book FOOTSTEPS IN TIME. The
focus of the book is ostensibly a memorial to her parents Paul Hendrik FICK and Dorothy Blanche ROYSTON.

Guideline for Submissions / Riglyne vir bydraes

Leith Woodall

Born in Zimbabwe, started to work on my family history in 1984. She spent a year in South Africa in 1985, where she concentrated on her South African family, collecting oral history and visiting libraries. More recently working on both her family and her husband’s family which has entailed extensive research in both the UK and Australia as well as Southern Africa. Spending more time in the last two years – following new lines and consolidating what she had previously done.

Wynand André du Plessis

Wynand is gebore in Mowbray, Kaap as die tweede oudste van agt kinders, en oudste seun van Jacobus Wynand du Plessis en Philipina Dirkschen van Schalkwyk , op 24 September 1955. Hy stel in alle Afrikaanse vanne, vanaf Duits/Frans/Nederlandse herkoms belang, omrede hy glo dat die Afrikaners almal op die een of ander manier aan mekaar verwant is.

Congratulations / Gelukwensing

June Barnes 60th Birthday

GENESIS ISSUE 04 OF 2010 (48 pages)

The Editor

Japsnoet Juds

Genealogies Instituut van Suid Afrika/Genealogical institute of South Africa.
aar kom jy vandaan? Kry jou stamboom by e-winkel

Crew of Puma 164

by Neill Jackson
A Tribute to the Crew of Puma 164 (and its last 14 passengers) Shot down at Mapai, Mozambique 6 September 1979

A Tale of two Young Boers

by June Barnes
During an encounter with the British during the Boer War at Balmoral, Barend Daniel Marais, went back to help his injured younger brother, Diederick Jacobus Marais. As a result of his heroic actions to help his brother Barend Daniel was captured and was sent to St. Helena as a prisoner of war.
Five months after Barend Daniel Marais was captured, Johannes Daniel Jansen van Rensburg, surrendered to the British at Lydenburg. He and his family were received at Barbeton Refugee

Two families linked to one another when Catharina Wilhelmina Marais married Stephanus Petrus Jansen van Rensburg in Gwelo, Southern Rhodesia.

Grave Matters

by Alta Griffiths
Why recording both the register and headstones? Information in a cemetery register differs vastly to the headstones. The register should give you the details of the graves without markers. The headstone
photo’s pick up all those plaques and names, especially of those cremated, added to the stones which did not
go via the “office.?

Een Coetzee familie

Deur Jan Louis Venter
Coetzee is afgelei van Couché. Gerard Couché gebore Nederland, moontlik Kampen, getroud met Margaretha Claasdochter, moontlik ook in Kampen, Nederland gebore.

GENESIS ISSUE 03 OF 2010 (74 pages)

Letter from the Editor / Brief van die Redakteur

Juds se Japsnoet kolom

A letter asking how it came about that someone trekked from Cape Town to Pietermaritzburg to
Rustenburg, reminded the author of an aspect of our history that he’d researched four years ago. Contributed Francois Greeff 
Leon Endemann van GISA het die bydrae aangaande die SAG volumes gestuur.
Johan Pottas se bydrae aangaande die Nuwe Omnibus wat saamgestel word.

Boeke / Books

Knight Family History - Part 1

by Prof. Kenneth Knight
It is believed that the Knight history in South Africa began with Sir Arthur Culville Knight the probable father of Captain Arthur Knight of Grahamstown. But in spite of extensive searching the author has not been able to verify either the parenthood of Arthur or even the existence of Arthur Culville.

Hulp en Leiding met selfpublikasie

Deur Hendrik Louw
Hulp en leiding met publisering van u navorsing. Hoe kan GGSA navorsers en lede help?
‘n Groot verskil tussen VERSPREIDING & BEWARING en probeer hy soos volg dit verduidelik.
Wat is GGSA bereid om op hierdie gebied by te dra?
Aangaande drukkers – hoe en waar en wat- ‘n boek of CD die volgende antwoord
Waarna moet mens kyk ...
Is CD’s nie goedkoper nie?

The Republics South of the Limpopo

Genealogists have disagreed about place names where an event, for example someone's birth, took place. The trouble is that place names change. It is argued that a child could not have been born in Gauteng in 1868, nor in the Union of South Africa in 2004.

Batavia, Java – Jakarta, Indonesia

by Francois Greeff
Home to Matthias Greeff from 1674 to 1679
For more than a quarter of a century, the author had been searching for the name of the ship that brought him from Germany, or Holland, to the Cape. His search turned up something very interesting.

All Saints Winterton, Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa

by Gail Röthlin
Names appearing on Graves are listed in Alphabetical order and all gravestones were photographed. The images are on eGGSA website

How The Millet & Clay Families Connect and how they settled in South Africa Part 1

by Glynis Millett-Clay 
The MILLETT’s Come from Lostwithiel, Cornwall – the CLAY’s from Mansfield, England and - how they became one HUGE FAMILY.

Apartheid – My role in its downfall

by Colin van Rensburg
An Afrikaner’s personal journey through Apartheid South Africa

The missing Link

by John Schwartz
Johannes Jacobus SCHWARTZ *24.04.1871 †06.10.1932 and Johan George SCHWARTZ *27.04.1877 †25.03.1932. Looking for proof that these two were, brothers, and proof as to their father’s genealogical position in the SCHWARTZ family tree.

GENESIS ISSUE 02 OF 2010 (48 pages)

Letter from the Editor / Brief van die Redakteur 
Judi Meyer new editor

Kennisgewings / Notices

Egtheid te bepaal van enige familie

Decendants of Jacques Theron

by Gill Theron
Jacque Theron was born 15 May 1668 in Nimes, Languedoc, FRANCE - died 01 Dec 1739 in Land van Waveren (Tulbagh). The author has been working on her genealogy for 10 years and together with strangers who became friends compiled her Theron family tree

Robbertze Stamboom

A.M.M Tiran nee Pelser
Die stamvader van die familie Robbertze was Peter Robbertsz, afkomstig uit Neustadt, ‘n stad aan die Oossee in die provinsie Holstein, Duitsland. Sy naam word ook in SAG gegee as Pieter/ Pierre. Volgens E. Moritz, Die deutsche Einwanderung in die Niederlandische Kapkolonie, 1652-1806, is hy in 1655 gebore.

Stories of Botswana

by Dennis Blackbeard
Second Print by Marc Blackbeard 2009

All Saints Winterton, Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa

by Gail Röthlin
It seems no written record was kept of the building of the church. The early records and documents fell victim to the fire that swept through the church in the 1920s. Later records, including a detailed history of the Church from 1927 to 1963, painstaking compiled in 1963, were either mislaid or taken during one of the numerous burglaries.
Much of the information presented here was compiled by members of All Saints “Renew? group,

Descendants of James Ballantyne

Page 17-20 of Knight Genealogy by Prof. Kenneth Knight
James Ballantyne was born 1772. He died 1833.

Voorblad / Frontpage

Daniël Joachim Coetzee * 14 May 1859 † 16 January 1956 and his wife Catharina Maria Prinsloo *30
November 1860 †28 December 1934. 


Letter from the Editor / Brief van die Redakteur

Johan Hefer resigns as Editor of Genesis

Johan Anton Preis se Voor- en Nageslagte

Deur Johan Hefer
Johan Anton Preis is in Denemarke gebore en moontlik tussen 1850 en 1860, dalk 1856 na Suid-Afrika gekom. Die skrywer per toeval Johan Anton se ouers se huwelik informasie ontdek en met daardie informasie die artikel saamgestel.

The Progenitor: Johann (or Jan) Jürgen Hamman (ca. 1705-1787)

By Daan Hamman
There are three versions of the progenitors status in Germany before coming to South Africa.

The South African John Douglas Riddle

By Ferdie Jansen
Three men, all named John Douglas, emigrated from Scotland as settlers to South Africa in the early 19th Century. Which is the fouder of the Douglas family of South Africa?

Rachmann and Aulfes – Two Families from Hanover Part 3

by Joan M. Rachmann
The New Germany settlers were pioneers of Westville, New Germany and later New Hanover. This is the third instalment of the story of their hopes and fears, their problems in a new land and how they coped.

Yda Geertruida Hilegonda Pool

by Richard Ball and Ian Edwards
Ian Edwards joined eGGSA because he wanted to identify the ancestors of his great, great grandmother, Yda Geertruijda Hillegonda Pool.


The Genealogical Environment in South Africa

By Martin Zöllner

A back ground on the various Genealogical Organisations in the RSA. Included is a history and background of the GGSA as well as its mission.

The difference between genealogy and family history

By Francois Greeff

The author discusses the important links of family history and genealogy. The important point behind a genealogy is knowledge of the relevant Family History.

Die graf van my Voortrekker voorvader

deur Marthie Oosthuyse

Marthie Oosthuyse het die afgelope langnaweek spesiaal Drakensberge toe gegaan om besoek aflê by haar oupagrootjie, Marthinus Jacobus Oosthuyse, se graf.

Rachmann and Aulfes – Two Families from Hanover, Part 2

by Joan M. Rachmann

Three of my paternal great-great grandparents arrived in the first organised attempt to bring settlers to Natal. This is the second instalment of the story of their hopes and fears, their problems in a new land and how they coped.

Is Gerrit van der Linde die enigste van der Linde stamvader?

deur Louis Venter

Die storie van Isaac Bartholomeus van der Lindé gebore omtrent 1816 België. Hy veg die eerste Boere Oorlog in Natal en word later Boere onderwyser in die Marico Distrik.

Afrikaans girls in Norway

By Margaret Truter

Letters from Margaret Truter to Bonnie Sydow and Ann Tiran in response to an article in Genesis of October 2008

In Search of the Soul of the Afrikaner

By Harry Booyens

Tracing the refugees who arrived aboard the VOC ship China in 1688. His research has taken him to what used to be Denmark, Cleves, the Bishopric of Cologne, The Duchy of Savoy and to Provence.

eGGSA Website update

Richard Ball

The following have been added to the collection of Bible Family Registers:


Toetrede tot DNS Genealogiese navorsing

deur Jan Louis Venter

Genetiese Genealogie is addisionele inligting wat by ‘n persoon se stamboom gevoeg kan word maar is nie sonder beperkings nie.

Die Venters Wêreldwyd. ‘n Gevallestudie ten opsigte van genetiesgenealogiese navorsing

deur Piet Venter

Ons doelwit was, onder meer, om te bepaal of daar ‘n bloedverwantskap is tussen Afrikaanse en Duitse Venters.

Rachmann and Aulfes – Two Families from Hanover, Part 1

by Joan M. Rachmann

Three of my paternal great-great grandparents arrived in the first organised attempt to bring settlers to Natal. This group, usually known as the New Germany settlers, were pioneers of Westville, New Germany and later New Hanover.

Venter Familiebond

deur Piet Venter, Voorsitter: Johannes Venter Familiebond

Stigting van die Johannes Venter Familiebond en registrasie van ‘n Bondswapen en familiewapen


David van der Merwe

‘n profiel van een van onse eGGSA lede wie ook een van die vrywilligers is wat help om eGGSA aan die gang te hou.

Anna Greeff and the first van Dijk Family in South Africa

By Francois Greeff & Natanja Greeff

Investigation of the Van Dijk family began with an attempt to establish the cause of death of Anna Greeff, x Burgert Pietersz van Dijk.

Waar kry ek daardie boek?

deur Johan Hefer

Baie genealogiese informasie is te vinde in boeke. Ongelukkig is dit so dat as jy nie in een van die groot stede bly nie, en selfs daar, is dit baie moeilik om die boeke in die hande te kry. In hierdie artikel gaan ek ‘n paar gevallestudies gee en hoe ek die probleme opgelos het.

The Bestbier Family Tree

By Annemie Lourens Hierdie e-posadres word teen spambots beskerm. Jy benodig JavaScript geaktiveer om dit te bekyk.

This is the family tree of the Swartland Bestbier family. It is a shortened version of the family tree, mainly concentrating on the relations of the author Annemie Lourens.

Sharolyn Ruth Redfern (Nee Koch) - Member Profile

Re-inventing the Wheel

by Richard Ball,

'Don’t re-invent the wheel' - In an ideal world, of course, this would be good advice but often differences are discovered in documents and the printed genealogies. His investigation into one branch of the Koekemoer family is an example that adopting a published genealogy is not always wise.

Begraafplaas Opskrywing: Boetsap en Blesmanspos

deur Henry Northall

Boetsap is geleë aan die voet van die Ghaapse Berg en binne `n valley tussen twee rante en het sy ontstaan in die jare 1880 gehad.


Lance Roth – a profile

One of the key helpers in eGGSA’s archive document photographing service, gives us a profile of himself

Twice in a Lifetime

by Jeanne Helen Basson and Harry Booyens

Jeanne Basson traces her father’s war time experiences

Some London Resources for South African Researchers

by Sue Mackay

For anyone visiting from South Africa, keen to trace their UK roots or find out more about their South African ones, the National Archives at Kew (TNA) is a helpful and pleasant environment in which to do research,

Sue Mackay - a profile

DE WET or VAN DER STEL? That is the question.

by Uwe Kersandt

Jacobus de Wet, the man who started the De Wet lineage in South Africa. An interesting debate into the possibility of Jacobus de Wet being the illegitimate son of Simon van der Stel.

Pieter Wessels ‘n profiel van een van ons eGGSA lede

Wiggill South Africa Family Gathering

by Marielle Ford

Marielle planned a South African WIGGILL gathering, which she decided to host in Grahamstown and which she now can highly recommend.

From South Africa to Australia for Love

by Gloria Sheehan

The author traces her great grandmother’s Maryna Johanna VORSTER, roots back to South Africa.

The Glaeser Story – a family history

compiled by G W H Glaeser, born 1915

This is the last instalment of four. The first three parts, in the April, July and October 2008 issues of Genesis, took us from the arrival of George Wilhelm Heinrich Glaeser at the Cape in the early 19th Century to the late 1880s with the family settled in the Transvaal gold fields.


John Kruger gives us a profile of himself

The Glaeser Story – a family history

Compiled by G W H Glaeser, born 1915

This is the third instalment of four. The story is set out as a fmily tree with notes on some of the members. Part three is a continuation of the account of George William Henry Glaeser, 1852-1936. In the previous episode, in the July 2008 issue of Genesis, we left his son, Victor Glaeser, escaping from the British Army Camp from which he had been forbidden to leave without a special pass

Die 350-jaar Booyens Telfoonoproep.

By Harry Booyens, Vancouver

A rather amusing account by Harry of a telephone call to the church archivist in Garding, Germany looking for help in tracing Joen Peter BOOYENS

Can you Help?

From D C Ewan

An uncle named William John Ewan (deceased 1976) married a Hendrik Pieter Klerk Wessels. They had two children, John William Ewan born 1940 and a daughter Susanna Catharina Ewan born 1941. I have never met any of them, nor have I been able to trace them.

Robert Samuel Langford, an early Natal colonist

by Ian van Zyl

In April 1852, Robert Samuel Langford born about 1827 attended a meeting of his creditors in Pietermaritzburg, where he was placed under oath and gave a statement of how he had arrived in the present unfortunate circumstance of having to declare insolvency. His history and the statement he made provide an interesting insight into life in the earliest days of the Natal Colony.

National Heritage Day

Saturday 27 September 2008

The Western Cape Branch of the Genealogical Society of South-Africa (GSSA) held a family research exhibition at Holy Trinity Church, Paarl, Western Cape

The South African John Douglas Riddle

F A Jansen

The Douglas Family origin has long been held untraceable, but the origin of the surname itself is the Gaelic ‘dubh ghlase’, meaning ‘black water’, and is believed to refer to what became known as Douglas Water in Lanarkshire, Scotland Almost seven centuries after William the Fleming inherited his lands from his father, and consequently became known as William, first Lord of Douglas, three men, all named John Douglas, emigrated from Scotland as settlers to South Africa. During the second decade of the 19th century, between 1817 and 1820, one of these three Douglas immigrants (it is not known which) founded the Douglas family of South Africa.

40 Year Old Mystery Solved

Robert D. Watt, Rideau Herald Emeritus

Thanks to a lucky break, referral to a vital site operated by the Society, and the help of expert genealogists in South Africa and archivists in Scotland they were found.

The eGGSA Cemetery Project

by Alta Griffiths

In the Prins Albert Dutch Reformed Church cemetery, lies a man with three grave stones! He is Christiaan J. AVENANT 1886-1938


The Semi-Serendipitous Art of Genealogy

a profile of eGGSA member Harry BOOYENS

Who was Dave?

Alta Griffiths

Ann Tiran found this gravestone years ago at the entrance to the Sudwala Caves in Mpumalanga

Die Stidworthy Familie: ‘n Britse Setlaar Familie

deur Salomon Hoogenraad-Vermaak

Joseph STIDWORTHY was born in Totnes, Devon, round about 1789. He had settled in South Africa before 1826.

A Tribute to Andrietta Sawyer (Nee Penny) 1924-2002

by Alaine Kent

Alaine’s family tree as a tribute to her mother: Six generations from Andrietta PENNY to 1820 Settler’s Charles PENNY and Susannah BAGSHAW, their parents and sibling.

Belydenis van ‘n grafsteen-junkie

deur Alta Roux

Dit is ‘n feit dat talle genealogieë saamgestel en gepubliseer is sonder dat die samesteller ooit in ‘n begraafplaas was.

My Grandparents: Ivy Lilian MAISHMAN and Percy Melville HENWICK

by Becky Horne

My grandmother, Ivy Lilian MAISHMAN, was born on 16 Jul 1896 in East Ham, Essex, England. She was the 2nd daughter of Alfred MAISHMAN and Elizabeth HUMBER.

The Glaeser Story – a family history

compiled by G W H Glaeser, born 1915

This is the second instalment of four. This issue continues with the youngest son Egidius Benedictus was born 1890 on the mine at Poortjie near Klerksdorp.

The eGGSA Online Gravestone project - an update

By Alta Griffiths

It is with great excitement that we bring you an update on our project.

My Pet Peeve: pseudo dates

By Richard Ball

Many people seem unable to leave a person on their family tree without a birth date, never mind the fact that there is no clue as to what that date may actually be.


New editor of Genesis

New editor of Genesis - Douglas Clyde Ewan.

Changes at the Helm

The management of the eGGSA branch underwent a major change in March with the resignation of Colin Pretorius from the Chair when this position was filled by Martin Zöllner.

Heleen Sieuwke Lina NEL nee KNOPPERSEN

gives us a profile of herself

The Northern Cape Krugers: My Sixth Generation Grey Area - Johannes Nicolaas Kruger

by J N Kruger

When the author decided to research and record the history of his offshoot of the Northern Cape Kruger clan he thought it would be a breeze. Surely all one would need to do would be to solicit from family members, any documents, photographs or skinder (gossip) that could be used to provide a foundation for a family history document. Any blank areas could be filled with information from official government departments and by dredging the corners of my mind for distant memories, and that, as they say, would be that. But things are never that easy are they?

Watter weergawe?

deur Alta Roux.

This article takes a closer look at the different versions of a story that have been passed down through the years, and the problems confronting researchers even when consulting primary sources.

Can you help?

By: Julie Rowland (Pieterse)

I am researching my Dad's family, Pieterse. Jan George Pieterse born about 1834-1838 "Kaap Kolonie", married Anna Catherina Maria Blignaut born 14th January 1845.

The Glaeser Story – a family history

compiled by G W H Glaeser, born 1915

The first of four instalments. George Wilhelm Heinrich Glaeser was born in Hanover, Germany on 15 February 1785. He studied Medicine in Germany and probably due to the unsettled state of Europe at the beginning of the Napoleonic wars, emigrated to England where he obtained a commission as surgeon in the 60th British Regiment which was ordered to the Cape by the British in 1805.

A dream come true. The eGGSA gravestone photograph project

by Alta Gfiffiths and the Captioning Team

We would like to share this beautiful head stone with you. Will it not be a pleasure to work on the family tree if all the headstones provided us with this much information?


‘n Oupa wat ligte spore trap

deur Peet van Staden, Johannesburg, RSA

Occasionally one individual presents almost insurmountable problems. In this case a seventh-generation greybeard seems to have evaded most of life’s usual checkpoints.

Memories about my Ouma van der Merwe

By Colleen Thorne, Denmark, Western Australia

Die outeur se doel met hierdie artikel is nie om ‘n volledige genealogie van haar ouma te gee nie maar eerder om ‘n oorsig van haar lewe na die ABO te gee.

‘n Fotobeeld van Cornelis Gregorius Buitendag (1846-1934) en gesin

deur Salomon C.J. Hoogenraad-Vermaak[1], Pretoria, RSA

One could ask if it is sensible to publish an article on Cornelis Gregorius Buitendag. He is neither famous nor controversial, unlike the other Buitendag – Carel Hendrik, whose conduct indirectly contributed to the rise of the Cape Patriots against Governor Van Plettenberg.

Southern African Jewish Genealogy Research

by Saul Issroff, London, UK

Jewish links to South Africa started with the Portuguese voyages of exploration around the Cape of Good Hope in 1452.

Erratum: Issue 16

In our previous issue we placed an article by Andre Morkel about the search for Philip Morkel in 17th Century Germany. Unfortunately due to an editorial oversight one paragraph never made it to the final issue.

In Search of Mr Johnson, a Transport Rider

By David Curtis , NSW, Australia

Johnsonspos is not a village as people assume. It is indeed a farm that has always had a shop and a Johnson as the owner.

A Tribute to the women in our family

By Fay Lea, RSA

Maria Van der Spuy, grandchild of ‘Stamvader’ Melt van der Spuy, married a Danish ship’s captain Töger Abo and moved to Denemark. Maria’s granddaughter Betty Camilia Augusta Abo reversed her grandmother’s journey travelling to South Africa thirty years later.

Vir die CD- en boekrak Die Kruger-familie in Suider-Afrika

Barry Kruger, Queensland, Australia

Meer as vyftien jaar se navorsing word in hierdie nuwe cd wat deur die GGSA bemark word, opgeneem.

Can you help?

By Alta Griffiths, Durbanville, RSA

Labeling the photos from the De Oude Begraafplaas der Hugenoten in La Motte outside Franschoek turned out to be a real challenge.


Obsessie met C.L.J. de Villiers in die vreemde

by Tertia Watson (le Roux)

Around 1987 the author found a reference, in the index to a book in a Melbourne bookshop, to De Villiers, Christian Ludolph Johannes, Superintendent of Native Police (22.10.1837-15.1.1839).In the first part we met De Villiers, learnt about his origins, his link-up with the Cox family and his activities in Tasmania in the early days of that settlement In this issue we learn more about De Villiers’ activities in Port Philip and his role in the Native Police Force.

Searching for Philip Morkel in 17th Century Germany

By Andre Morkel

Tells of the youth and family in Germany of progenitor Philip Morkel who arrived at the Cape on the VOC returnship Oosterstein in 1708

Traditional Naming Patterns

By Keith Meintjes and Ariel Rudolph

This article discusses the traditional way of naming children, and gives examples of how it can be used to guide genealogy research.

What’s in a name?

By Maureen McCleland

The search for and finding the origins of the. The author tells of her search and findings in various archives and public records in Britian to confirm a repeated family story of the origins of the Loftie-Eaton surname

DE JAGERS: b1 Andries de Jager word b2

Deur Pieter de Jager

Stamvader Pieter Christiaansz de Jager getroud met Hermina Karelsz het 8 kinders gehad en tot nou is aanvaar dat hul oudste kind, Andries, b1 is. Die internasionaal bekende genealoog, Richard Ball [RB] se navorsing bewys het dat Andries nie b1 kan wees nie, maar b2 is. inligting vir alle De Jager-navorsers in besonder en SA genealogie in die algemeen.

From Orkney to the Cape - The Railway Link

By Morag Scott Michael

The story of John Nicholson Scott, born in the Orkney Islands moved via Scotland to South Africa where he worked for years for the Railways. In about 1911 the Scotts returned to Scotland and started a new life. The author shares her amazement that her grandson now lives in an area 4X great grandparents once lived centuries ago.

Vir die Boekrak - For the Bookshelf



In Memoriam: ME Pretorius

Deur Colin Pretorius

Maria Elizabeth Pretorius (gebore Van Heerden), * 15.12.1927, + 18.08.2007, O 22.08.2007

Requiescat in pace


Why I Love Genealogy

By Shirley Richardson

The author tells how the receipt of a letter that had been lying in a draw for years sparked her interest in genealogy. She also shares with us her visit to the Eastern Cape to walk where her ancestors had.

Beating the Brick Wall

by Francois Greeff.

How the technique of building puzzles and completing crossword puzzles helps solve his genealogy problems.

Putting Something Back

By Sue Mackay

Sue has received a great deal of reciprocal help from people in South Africa who have benefited from her transcriptions of the massive amount of letters connected to the 1820 settles which she found in the National Archives in London. Her advice is to try and put something back into the pot - ultimately it will reap you rich rewards.

Doop van die 7de geslag met die naam Adriaan Jacobus LOUW

Deur Hendrik Louw


By Richard Ball

The Dutch Weesmeisies (girls from an orphanage) have become part of the mythology of early Cape ancestry. As J.A.Heese writes [1]: 'Colenbrander and many other researchers into the composition of the Afrikaners attach much value to the fact that during Simon van der Stel's time at the Cape, quantities of Dutch orphan girls were sent to South Africa, in order to provide wives for the unmarried free settlers'.

This article covers how many such orphan girls there in fact were, and who their descendants are.

Protecting Your Hard Work

by Barry Kruger

In the property market, estate agents are often quoted as saying that there are three important features a property must have: location, location and location. This can be modified to apply to our genealogical research and the preservation of our information. There are thus three important tasks a researcher must do: backup, backup and backup.

Obsessie met C.L.J. de Villiers in die vreemde

by Tertia Watson (le Roux)

Die eerste gedeelte van ‘n informele vertelling van amper 20 jaar se pogings om die naam Christian Ludolph Johannes de Villiers op te volg totdat dit ‘n lewende persoonlikheid aangeneem het. Ek was nie net geìnteresseerd in die genealogiese gegewens soos geboorte op Stellenbosch in 1808 en sterfte in 1855 op ‘n plaas in Australië nie. ‘n Groot deel van die storie is die proses , hoe en waar.

For the bookshelf

'Bewaarders van ons erfenis' - additional booklets

In 2005 eGSSA announced that we had entered into an agreement with the Drakenstein Heemkring to market the first 14 issues of their 'Bewaarders van ons Erfenis' booklets on CD. The success of the CD led to a further six booklets being made available as individual e-books.

Each booklet covers a particular district:

15 - Beaufort (Wes)

16 - Cradock

17 - Colesberg

18 - Richmond

19 - Uitenhage

20 - Somerset (Oos)

21 - Albany

All of the above are available

Elektroniese Capensis 2002-2007 beskikbaar by die eGGSA webwinkel

Stella-family - Correction


Martinus Gerhardus OOSTHUIZEN b1c7 (1752 – 1838)

By Keith Meintjes & Ariel Rudolph

For the CD and book shelf

Met ‘n diepe verlange, deur Catherine Willemse, 2006

The people of Welgeval, by Botlhale Tema, 2005

Familia Omnibus CD, GGSA/GSSA

Unlocking the vault: Conversion to digital records

By Brittany Karford

People don’t have to wonder what lies behind the 14-ton vault door at FamilySearch’s Granite Mountain Records Vault (GMRV) facility. In as little as 10 years, much of its genealogical collection may be at their fingertips. The billions of names preserved on microfilmed records at the vault are and being converted to digital images that can eventually be viewed on-line

From Colin’s Desk

During March the management team mailed out a questionnaire to all current (2007) eGGSA members, requesting feedback on a few issues and also seeking suggestions to improve our services to you. We also asked for comments on the eGSSA's privacy policy and the making available of your personal data.

This month in history

By Anne Lehmkuhl

A few important events in April through the ages.

The GILSTAIN story

By Sue Mackay

My maternal grandmother’s maiden name was GILSTAIN. Her mother was Ellen Maria HOBBS, a direct descendant of Philip HOBBS, the 1820 settler, and thus quite well documented, but despite the unusual surname the GILSTAINs have proved a huge headache to research. Only recently have I been able to link up the various GILSTAINs in South Africa and prove that they were all related.

Hulphoekie / Please help

Descendants of Antoni STELLA

From Annatjie Tiran


Engela Elizabeth Helena Linde: Afrikaanse skrywer

Deur Martie du Toit.

I didn’t go it alone - the tombstone images

By Gail Röthlin. You might well ask why anybody in their right mind would voluntarily agree to undertake the task of reading the inscriptions and captioning nearly 25,000 images of tombstones - but volunteer I did.

Which Pieter Gous was Aletta Vorster’s husband?

By Richard Ball.

For the CD and book shelf

The Cotton Germans of Natal: the story of the Bergthiel Colonists and their descendants 1848 - 2006 by Walter Volker
Kinders van die Kompanjie: Kaapse lewens uit die sewentiende eeu, by Karel Schoeman
Transcription of the Estate Papers at the Cape (Tepc) CD, transkripsies van unieke materiaal wat in die Kaapstadse Argiefbewaarplek gehuisves word.

Matthijs Greeff and his Children

By Francois Greeff. Matthijs Greeff, the progenitor of the Greeff family in South Africa, and his wife, Susanna Claasen had nine children. Their youngest child, Adrianus, is not recognised by any of the genealogical authorities.

Tronk toe met ‘n ompad

Deur Alta Griffiths. Die verhaal van ‘n soldaat wat meer gekry het as wat hy op gereken het; soos dit opgeteken staan in die argief. Vertaling vanuit Hollands gedoen deur Loretha du Plessis en Rina Brink

Hulphoekie / Please help

Our Please Help section aims to help family researchers break down brick walls. This month, eGSSA is looking for help with its own brickwall. Readers are invited send in articles for inclusion in genesis.

The diary of Jacobus Wille

The 9th and final instalment of a series of extracts from the diary of Jacobus WILLE. The diary - written during his time in the Diyatalawa camp in Ceylon - was transcribed by his daughter Minnie POSTMA, and has been made available for publication here by Charlotte Esterhuizen. This issue covers the period July to December 1902


The Cronje Letters: Boer correspondence in 1881

Edited and annotated by Johan Pottas and Adam Yamey.

In previous issues we had a look at the letters the Cronje brothers wrote to Leopold Reichenberg, as well as at some of the personalities involved. In the final instalment of this series, we take a brief look at Pres JH Brand and Lerothodi, Paramount Chief of the Basuto.

Die Herinneringe van Johannes Hoogenboezem

In die vorige 2 uitgawes het ons kennis gemaak met stamvader Johannes Hoogenboezem en ook 'n

bietjie dieper gedelf in sy agtergrond. In hierdie voorlaaste uitgawe plaas ons die res van sy dagboek,

vanaf 1918 tot 1930. Die dagboek word met vergunning van Anneke Pelser (die agter-kleinkind

van Johannes Hoogenboezem) hier weergegee.

For the CD and Book shelf…

Kalaharijoernaal; by Willem D. Kotzé

A Tapestry of Lives - Cape women of the 17th century; by June McKinnon

No Place for a Lady; a novel by Ann Harries

The Lötter genes

By Francois Greeff.

There is some controversy about whether leadership and achievement are genetically linked to creativity and intelligence. Whatever the case may be, the Lötter genes could quite possibly prove to be interesting. The earliest fame achieved by a member of the family occurs in 1522.

Geen geheimsinninge geraamtes in die kas nie - net ‘n spook op ‘n stoel

Deur Martina Louw (néé van Breda)

The Diary of Jacobus WILLE (Part 8)

The 8th instalment of a series of extracts from the diary of Jacobus WILLE. The diary - written during his time in the Diyatalawa camp in Ceylon - was transcribed by his daughter Minnie POSTMA, and has been made available for publication here by Charlotte Esterhuizen. This issue covers the period February to June 1902

Spotlight on…

eGSSA’s Download Library

Hulphoekie / Please Help

Our Please Help section aims to help family researchers break down brick walls. Information placed here must be treated as unverified, unless specifically stated. The Please Help section also offers readers the opportunity to share research with other readers. This month a plea from genesis for your article contributions.

Gift ideas for & from the family historian

As the holiday season approaches, it’s time to start looking for gifts. The family historian can sometimes

be difficult to shop for. Here are some ideas to make any family historian’s day.


The Cronje Letters: Boer correspondence in 1881

Edited and annotated by Johan Pottas and Adam Yamey.
In the previous issue we took a brief look at Leopold Reichenberg, the recipient of a number of letters form the brothers Cronje. In this penultimate issue, we will look at a few of the other personalities listed in the letters.

Die Herinneringe van Stamvader Hoogenboezem

Verlede keer het ons kennis gemaak met stamvader Johannes Hoogenboezem. In hierdie uitgawe kyk ons 'n bietjie dieper in sy lewe in Nederland.

Making the most of paid researchers

By Eira Makepeace
This article aims to offer some pointers to those people who for various reasons cannot get to resource centres for family research such as LDS family history centres or archives and have to pay researchers. The article has four parts: defining the brief, finding a researcher, working with the researcher, and an example of good practice.

The Diary of Jacobus WILLE (Part 7)

The 7th instalment of a series of extracts from the diary of Jacobus WILLE. The diary - written during his time in the Diyatalawa camp in Ceylon - was transcribed by his daughter Minnie POSTMA, and has been made available for publication by Charlotte Esterhuizen. This issue covers the period December 1901 - January 1902

Stutterheim District Presbyterian Church: Communion Roll 1840-1841

Transcribed by Gail Röthlin

Vir die Boekrak / For the Bookshelf

1) Was ek 'n voël, dan vlieg ek weg; deur Etrese Buter-Pretorius.

2) Lord Methuen uitoorlê deur Genl. Koos de la Rey; deur G.A. van der Walt

Dating photographs for SA family historians, Part II

By Rosemary Dixon-Smith

Hulphoekie / Please Help

Our Please Help section aims to help family researchers break down brick walls. Information placed here must be treated as unverified, unless specifically stated. The Please Help section also offers readers the opportunity to share research with other readers. This month a plea for help with SCHOOLING and BOLTON.

This month in history

A brief look at what happened in the month of July from 1706 to 1999.


The Cronje Letters: Boer correspondence in 1881

Edited and annotated by Johan Pottas and Adam Yamey.
n the previous issue we looked at some letters written by the two brothers Hendrick and Andries Cronje - then living and farming in Rouxville district in the Orange Free State - to Leopold Reichenberg, a friend of theirs who had lived in South Africa, but was by then living in Bavaria. These letters described people and events that figured in the lives of the letter writers. We also provided biographical notes about the writers. In this issue, we will look at the recipient of the letters.

Die Herinneringe van stamvader HOOGENBOEZEM

Ons begin in hierdie uitgawe met die eerste gedeelte van die dagboek van stamvader Johannes Hoogenboezem. Die dagboek word met vergunning van Anneke Pelser (die agter-kleinkind van Johannes Hoogenboezem) hier weergegee.

Vir die CD-en Boekrak

Naudé kronieke - van Champagne tot Pretoria, deur Louis Naudé

The Diary of Jacobus WILLE (Part 6)

The 6th instalment of a series of extracts from the diary of Jacobus WILLE. The diary - written during his time in the Diyatalawa camp in Ceylon - was transcribed by his daughter Minnie POSTMA, and has been made available for publication by Charlotte Esterhuizen. This issue covers the period October - November 1901.

Hulphoekie / Please Help

Op soek na die ZIEHLS in Suid-Afrika

Illustrating your family history

By Sue MacKay
OK, so you have a filing cabinet stuffed with certificates, death notices, printouts from the IGI and mailing list archives and one of those horrible computer generated family trees. You even have a box of old photographs that you found in Grandma's house when she died.

In Memoriam: Mark TAPPING

10 May 1922 - 28 March 2006


The Cronje Letters: Boer correspondence in 1881

Edited and annotated by Johan Pottas and Adam Yamey.

In 1881, each of the two brothers Hendrick and Andries CRONJE, then living and farming in Rouxville district in the Orange Free State, sent a letter to Leopold REICHENBERG, a friend of theirs who had lived in South Africa, but was by then living in Bavaria. These letters, in Dutch / Afrikaans, remained in the REICHENBERG family, and are now in the possession of South African-born Harold HODES, a great-grand-nephew of Leopold REICHENBERG.

From the Newsdesk: Last Holder of the VC dies

By Anne Lehmkuhl

The last surviving South African holder of the highest British award for military valour, the Victoria Cross, died aged 89 in Harare on 29 October 2004.

American Missionaries in Zululand

By Dr. J.C. van der Walt

During 1835 a group of tweve young American Presbyterian missionaries arrived in South Africa. The six married couples were Aldin GROUT and his wife Hannah, George CHAMPION and his wife Susanna, Dr. Alexander WILSON and his wife Mary Jane, Henry VENABLE and his wife Martha, Daniel LINDLEY and his wife Lucy and Dr. Newton ADAMS and his wife Sarah.

The Diary of Jacobus WILLE

The 5th instalment of a series of extracts from the diary of Jacobus WILLE. The diary - written during his time in the Diyatalawa camp in Ceylon - was transcribed by his daughter Minnie POSTMA, and has been made available for publication here by Charlotte Esterhuizen. This issue covers the period August 1901.

Vir die CD- / Boekrak:

Die Kerk van Stellenbosch 1686-1963: AM Hugo en J van der Bijl se bekende boek “Die Kerk van Stellenbosch 1686-1963” (Tafelberg Uitgewers) is oorspronklik in 1963 gepubliseer, maar reeds vir geruime tyd uit druk. Die Historiese Genootskap van die Moedergemeente Stellenbosch het dié monumentale werk in digitale formaat op kompakskyf heruitgegee as No 2 in hul Palmkronieke reeks, met korreksies van ooglopende foute in die oorspronklike drukuitgawe.

Hulphoekie / Please Help

In this issue we are launching a new - hopefully permanent - section, in which we present some requests for help, together with some information researchers wish to share. Please note that while these questions may have been carefully researched, the same is not necessarily true of the answers.

Our first entry is from Keith Meintjes, who is requesting help on some aspects of the WAHL family in South Africa.

Ons tweede versoek is van Herman van Niekerk, wie op soek is na inligting wat hom kan help om ‘n belangrike deel van die VAN NIEKERK’s se begin geskiedenis in Suid-Afrika kan ontrafel.


Dating Photographs for SA Family Historians (Part 1)

By Rosemary Dixon-Smith

Genealogisch onderzoek in Nederland

Deur Cornelis Heystek

Vele lezers van dit blad hebben vermoedelijk voorouders in Nederland. Nu is het, als u in Nederland woont, eenvoudig om genealogische gegevens op te zoeken. In de Archiefwet is geregeld dat alle overheidsarchieven optimaal voor iedereen toegankelijk moeten zijn en ingezien kunnen worden.

For the Bookshelf:

Into Kokerboom Country: Namaqualand’s Jewish Pioneers:

This book tells the story, with many historical photographs previously unpublished, of the small group of Jewish pioneers who, like the kokerboom, dug their roots into the sandy soil of Namaqualand. They transformed their situation from penniless immigrants to established citizens. Their story spans 1851 to 1987.

A Rain of Lead – the siege and surrender of the British at Potchefstroom:

The story of how 213 British troops and civilians held it against the Boers for 96 days at the end of 1880 from a tiny, makeshift mud fort. The place was Potchefstroom, the old Boer capital of the Transvaal, which had been annexed and occupied by the British in 1877. The siege marked the start of the first Anglo-Boer War.

Martha – ‘n verhaal oor Martha Solomons:

This historical novel is based on the life of Martha SOLOMONS, daughter of a slave woman, Rebecca. Martha married Harry GREY, the black sheep of the House of Stamford. After the death of his cousin, Harry inherited the title, and Martha became the Honourable Lady Martha Solomons, 8th Countess of Stamford.

Sufferings of War:

This photographic record was compiled from photos chosen by Paul Alberts, which he digitally enhanced. The photos formed the basis of an exhibition which took place in Russia and will travel to other countries.

Voortrekker Plaasbesetting op die Transvaalse Hoëveld - 'n Versteurde Beeld

Deur Gert van den Bergh

Die Voortrekker besetting van plase op die Transvaalse Hoëveld is 'n beeld van verwarring. Hendrik POTGIETER se lakse beheer en tydelikheid van sy nedersetting was hiervoor verantwoordelik. Sy semi-onafhanklike houding het aanleiding gegee tot die aanstelling van 'n landdros om die Natalse Volksraad se gesag te verteenwoordig en ook 'n parallelle plaasinskrywingstelsel. POTGIETER se versoening met die Volksraad het die ongerymdhede met plaastoekenning aan die lig gebring, maar ook die Natalse stelsel van plaasinspeksie in Transvaal in werking gestel.

The Diary of Jacobus WILLE

The 4th instalment of a series of extracts from the diary of Jacobus WILLE. The diary - written during his time in the Diyatalawa camp in Ceylon - was transcribed by his daughter Minnie POSTMA, and has been made available for publication here by Charlotte Esterhuizen. This issue covers the period June to July 1901.

Colin's Corner: What's in a name?

Continuing looking into the meaning of names.


Wiltshire Settlers on the Weymouth (1820)

By Sue MacKay, 3 x great-granddaughter of Philip HOBBS, William BARTLETT and Selina HAYWARD

My branch of the BARKER family in South Africa

by Mark A Barker

Henry Albert BARKER alias William RICHARDS arrived in South Africa in 1887 from India. He was the only soldier proceeding from Burma to South Africa at this time – several other soldiers were discharged at this time and they returned to England.

For the CD- and bookshelf

An unsung heritage: The author describes the history and experiences of slaves and slave owners at the Cape. He recounts many aspects of cultural, social and economic life at the time.

The sunburnt queen

In 1737 a seven-year-old English girl was cast ashore after a storm in which her ship was wrecked at a remote spot known as Lambasi, on the Wild Coast. The girl was not alone, but the identity of the other castaways remains a mystery to this day.

Echoes of slavery - Voices from our past:

A collection of true stories concentrating on the last 30 years of slavery before emancipation in 1834 at the Cape.

Cape Dutch houses and other old favourites:

In this historical and photographic record, the author explores 150 old houses, paying tribute to the architects and craftsmen who created them. The historical architecture of the southwestern Cape is known as Cape Dutch.

The Diary of Jacobus WILLE

Part 3 of a series of extracts from the diary of Jacobus WILLE. The diary - written during his time in the Diyatalawa camp in Ceylon - was transcribed by his daughter Minnie POSTMA, and has been made available for publication here by Charlotte ESTERHUIZEN. This issue will cover the months of April and May 1901.

Die oorsprong en eerste geslag van die POTTAS / POTHAS / POTAS familie in Suider Afrika

Deur Johan J Pottas

Johann Simon POTHARST was van oorsprong van die dorpie Schwalenberg, 'n klein dorpie, in die voormalige koninkryk van Lippe, geleë in die hedendaagse distrik van Kreis, Lippe Nordrhein-Westfalen, Duitsland.

Colin's Corner - What's in a name?

More derivations and origins of names


Tussen-die-riviere Wildtuin: Momente & Fragmente

Deur Simon du Plooy

Hoog bo in die Drakensberge, meer as 3 000 m bo seevlak, nie ver van mekaar nie, ontspring hulle; die een eers weswaarts – dan suidwes, die ander een eers meer suidwaarts - dan wes om algaande nader aan mekaar te kom. Dit is die Caledon- en Oranjeriviere wat uiteindelik naby Bethulie bymekaarkom en ‘n driehoek in die ruwe doleriet- en vlaktewêreld vorm wat na eeue se “wildernis” en 130 jaar van “beskawing” sedert 1967 bekend is as die "Tussen – die – Riviere – wildtuin” van die Vrystaat Provinsie. In dié gebied het die eerste blanke inwoners voor 1840 ingetrek en die plase Klipfontein, Badsfontein en Truitjesfontein aangelê.

Die dood van Christoffel Petrus PRETORIUS in die Heilbron konsentrasiekamp

Hierdie transkripsie is van 'n brief wat in 1973 deur Emil Pretorius se vader W.J. PRETORIUS op klankkasset vasgelê is.

The diary of Jacobus WILLE

Part 2 of a series of extracts from the diary of Jacobus WILLE. The diary - written during his time in the Diyatalawa camp in Ceylon - was translated by his daughter Minnie POSTMA, and has been made available for publication here by Charlotte Esterhuizen. This issue will cover the months of February and March 1901.

The search for John WILLIAMS

By Mary Livingstone

Mary came across the story of John WILLIAMS almost by accident. It happened when she had hit a number of brick walls in tracing her LIVINGSTONE forebears, and was inspired to attempt a search for the forebears and family of her three-times great-grandfather, Robert POTE (1785-c1831), 1820 settler.

Vir die CD- en boekrak

Konsentrasiekamprekords van die Vrystaatse Argiewe

Holy Trinity Church, Belvidere, Knysna

This church, a beautiful example in miniature of the Norman style of the eleventh and twelfth centuries, was built by Thomas Henry DUTHIE, owner of Belvidere

estate from 1833 to 1857.

Colin's Corner: What's in a name?

The derivations and origins of eGSSA's management team


Some "Hidden" sources in Natal By Rosemary Dixon-Smith

Deeds & Wills at the Master’s Office, Pietermaritzburg Accessions Index at Pietermaritzburg Archives Early colonists moved from Point Cemetery to West Street Cemetery

Die geslagsregister van Petrus Jacobus PRETORIUS Deur Colin Pretorius,

fotos verskaf deur Roelf du Preez Petrus Jacobus PRETORIUS is op 21 November 1863 te Groothoek in die distrik Middelburg (Kaap) gebore. Hy word op 21 Januarie 1864 in die Gereformeerde Kerk te Middelburg gedoop. Sy handgeskrewe/versierde geslagsregister dui egter sy geboortedatum aan as 21 Januarie1863.

Giving meaning to family history research by June Barnes

I have often wondered why we become so obsessed with finding out who our ancestors were; where they came from; what they did ; when they did it and why?. There is perhaps a danger of it all becoming just a collection of dates and names, the object being to go back as far as we can - involving perhaps just a little bit of "one-upmanship"!

Myther Herkomsts HEURTER-familie definitief ontkracht? deur Leo Heurter

According to the Heurter family oral tradition we are descendants of the Huguenots, coming from France in the 17th century. This was also stated on a piece of paper found between old family papers, listing the Heurter family chain as starting with Frans Josef Heurter. According to these documents he is said to have come from the northern French town Cassel near Duinkerken.

Vir die CD- en boekrak

1. Merchant Pioneers - the house of MOSENTHAL, by Dolores Fleischer and Angela Caccia. Published in 1983 by Jonathan Ball Publishers Pty. Ltd. 2. Die Palmkronieke CD - Stellenbosch se doopregister van 1688-1732 is aan die einde van 2004 op 'n CD getiteld Palmkronieke No 1 uitgegee.

The Diary of Jacobus WILLE

Part 1 of a series of extracts from the diary of Jacobus WILLE. The diary - written during his time in the Diyatalawa camp in Ceylon - was translated by his daughter Minnie POSTMA, and has been made available for publication here by Charlotte Esterhuizen. In this issue we will cover the period November 1900 - January 1901.

The Reverend Benjamin Croft GOODISON by Patricia Frykberg

This article is part of one chapter in the Goodison family history. Benjamin Croft Goodison was my great-great grandfather and the only son of Benjamin Goodison and Belinda Sarah Wiggins.


Have you ever looked at one of those pesky estate notices and wondered how big a morgen really is? Andy Hall did, and the following is the answer he came up with.


Die kinders van Wessel PRETORIUS en Josyntgen Claesdochter VAN EGMOND deur Colin Pretorius

In die boek "Pretorius oor drie eeue, 1600-1900" (ME Pretorius, 1992), word dit op bladsy 1 gestel dat Ds. Wessel(ius) PRETORIUS en Josyntgen (Josyntje/Josina) Claesdogter sewe kinders gehad het. Jan Harm PRETORIUS sê in die artikel " 'n Ander weergawe van die herkoms van die PRETORIUS familie" dat Wessel en Josyntgen agt kinders gehad het. In 1955 het Dr. Willem PUNT in die artikel "Ouddorp - Bakermat van die Suid-Afrikaanse Pretoriusse", wat vir die feesvieringe in Pretoria geskryf is, melding gemaak van die "eerste drie dogters" van Wessel en Josyntgen - nl. Elizabeth, Aaltje en Catharina. Hoe nou? Waar pas hierdie kinders in by die sewe wat in die Pretoriusboek genoem word?:

News Desk

1. The last resting place of the 1906 rebel leader Chief Bambatha kaMancinza may remain a secret. 2. It has recently been announced that the SA POLICE SERVICES wish to renovate two of the historic structures on the site of the old Andrew McColm hospital, viz. "The Old Farmhouse" and "Pretoriushof". 3. Janet Melville received the D.F. du Toit Malherbe award for genealogical research from the S.A. Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns, primarily for her book on the VAN DER MERWE family in South Africa. 4. The University of Cape Town (UCT) recently celebrated its 175th birthday. UCT is South Africa's oldest university and was founded on 01 October 1829 as the South African College, a boys' school which also provided some tertiary education.

The DU PREEZ CD Reviewed by Pierre van Heerden

This excellent CD by MHC (Thys) Du Preez is the result of 35 years of part time research into the DU PREEZ family in South Africa and is a "must buy" for anyone interested in this family.

Die Hugenotevestiging in Suid-Afrika deur prof Christo Viljoen

Met die onlangse polemiek in die openbare pers oor die voorgestelde hernoeming van die Hugenotetonnel in die Wes-kaap, het die focus andermaal geval op dié unieke groepie vlugtelinge wat hulle meer as drie eeue gelede aan die Kaap van Goeie Hoop gevestig het. Hulle was nie koloniste in die gewone sin van die woord nie, maar inderdaad vlugtelinge wat (godsdiens) vryheid in ‘n nuwe vaderland gaan soek het.

Willem VAN WIJK of Sandwijk, Drakenstein,

died circa 1702, joint Stamvader (Progenitor) of the South African Van Wyk family and his children. Written by Richard Ball, based on his research among the original documents found in the Cape Archives. There were two Van Wyk Stamvaders, Willem van Wyk and Arie van Wyk. He writes about the first of these.

Op die spoor van Erich MAYER se oorlogsdagboek Dr Celestine Pretorius

Dit is bekend dat die kunstenaar Erich Mayer na die uitbreek van die Anglo-Boereoorlog in 1899, by die Boeremagte aangesluit het, by Mafeking gevang is en as krygsgevangene na St. Helena gestuur is. Hier het hy talle sketse en tekeninge van die Boere in die kampe gemaak, wat in my boek: Op St. Helena - vol van hartepyn, gepubliseer is (Protea Boekhuis, 2000). Ek het as gevolg van die navorsing vir die boek ontdek dat Mayer ‘n dagboek op commando gehou het.

Special characters - tips for Microsoft Word users by Colin Pretorius

A number of our contributors use Microsoft Word in preparing their submissions (in fact this is the preferred format). Although Word has been the industry standard for some years, queries on how to create special characters and effects abound. In this short article we hope to address some of those queries.

Book reviews

1. Punt van die swaard; by L.J. Bothma. Publisher: Protea Boekhuis. 2. Graaff-Reinet: An illustrated historical guide to the town; including Aberdeen & Nieu-Bethesda; by Tony Westby-Nunn. Publisher: Westby-Nunn Publishers cc


On the bookshelf:

New and old books of interest to genealogists 1. 'n Duitser aan die Kaap, 1724-1765: Die lewe en loopbaan van Hendrik SCHOEMAN; by Karel Schoeman. Publisher: Protea Boekhuis, 2004 2. Kites of good fortune, by Theresa Benade. Publisher: David Philip - New Africa Books, 2004 3. Echoes of slavery: voices from our past, by Jackie Loos. Publisher: David Philip -New Africa Books, 2004 4. Hill of the sphinx: the Battle of Isandlwana, by F.W.D. Jackson. Publisher: Westerners Publications, 2004 5. Gandhi's Prisoner ? The life of Gandhi's son Manilal, by Uma Dhupelia-Mesthrie. Publisher: Kwela, 2004 6. Meerlust: 300 years of hospitality, by Phillida Brooke Simons. Publisher:Fernwood Press, 2003

Die "Huisbeuring" van die PRETORIUS voorgeslagte in Nederlo/Neerlage

Die voorgeslagte van die PRETORIUSse in Europa was die SCHULTEs van Nederlo (Neerlage/Nederlage). Barend SCHULTE, wat later as Barend SCHOUT bekend staan na sy verhuising na Leiden, se seun Wessel sou later die van PR(A)ETORIUS aanneem. Hierdie Ds Wessel (ius) PRETORIUS was die vader van Johannes PRETORIUS, stamvader van die PRETORIUS familie in Suid-Afrika.

Eerste Vier Geslagte du BUISSONs aan die Kaap deur Alta Roux

Streng gesproke, was David DU BUISSON nie 'n Hugenoot nie. Sy datum van aankoms kon nie vasgestel word nie - sy naam verskyn nie op die monsterrolle van 1692, 1695, 1696, 1697 of 1700 nie, maar wel die eerste keer op die monsterrol van 1703, toe hy as inwoner van die distrik Drakenstein aangeteken word. Hy was dus nie een van die eerste vlugtelinge van 1688 of 1689 nie, maar het waarskynlik in 1702 of 1703 hier aangekom.

News Desk:

Genealogical news and heritage gleanings 1. Andrew McLEOD (66) recently earned his doctorate degree, with honours, from the University of Pretoria. His thesis deals with the psychological impact of the guerilla war on Boer forces during the Anglo-Boer War. 2. Boschendal, the 300-year-old wine estate in the Cape winelands, is at the centre of heritage dispute. The 2 240ha farm was recently sold for R323-million by Anglo American Farms to a consortium of foreign buyers, including Juan Bacardi (US heir to the Barcadi liquor empire). 3. The small Overberg town of Elim, which was started as a missionary station, celebrated its 180th anniversary in August. It was founded in 1824 when the Swedish Moravian missionary Hans Peter HALLBECK bought the farm Vogelstruiskraal. In May 1825 the Rev. Johann BONATZ, who led the missionary enterprise, renamed the farm Elim. 4. At the time of the 1860 centenary celebrations in 1960, discussions were held about a memorial in Durban to indentured Indian labourers. Today, the 1860 Heritage Foundation is still waiting. Foundation head Krish Gokool wants the memorial in place before the 150th anniversary in 2010 of the arrival of indentured Indians in the country. 5. In 1879, five brothers left Ghalah in the Surat district of India, aboard a ship bound for Durban. The COOVADIA brothers - Hoosen, Mahomed, Moosa, Salehjee and Suleiman - were merchant traders. Their descendants recently celebrated their roots at a gathering in Germiston. 6. Looking for burial sites of family and friends in Johannesburg is now easier. The city's Parks department has an launched on-line database of cemeteries in Johannesburg. The plans for the future include captured data going back as far as the 1880s. 7. One of the smallest minority groups in South Africa, the Zanzibaris, are returning to the land they were removed from under the Group Areas Act in 1961. The Zanzibaris are descendants of slaves from Zanzibar island in Tanzania and the Makua island in Mozambique. The land they have won back, after a claim process started in 1986, is in King's Rest on Durban's Bluff. 8. South African heritage authorities want tougher laws to stop people turning a profit from state documents that are of historical value. This follows the recent handover of the original 1961 arrest warrant for Nelson Mandela to the National Archives. The warrant, a state document, was bought by the banking group, Absa, from an unidentified individual who wanted to sell it to the Archives.

The Italians and the Voortrekker Monument by Estelle Pretorius,

researcher at the Voortrekker Monument It is not commonly known that the Italians were involved with the construction of the Voortrekker Monument. Apart from the fact that the initial construction, till after the placing of the corner stone (1938) was done by an Italian firm, Italians were also involved with the construction of the laager wall and the casting of the Anton VAN WOUW statue of the woman and children in front of the Monument. Furthermore the marble frieze was chiselled from Italian marble in Italy.

Kariega Baptist Church

The origin of the Baptist Ministry in the Kariega area can be attributed to an encounter between Richard BOWLES and Rev James MUNRO. These two men met at Vaalvlei where they outspanned their oxwagons.

A little humour:

Life in the 1500s How some of today's sayings and customs originated


Genealogie en die heraldiek deur prof. Christo Viljoen

Die meeste genealoë word een of ander stadium gekonfronteer met die vraag: "Hoe lyk die familiewapen van die familie wat ek navors?" Hierdie vraag is gewoonlik gebaseer op die aanvaarding dat elke familie ’n heraldiese wapen besit, dat elkeen wat die naam voer geregtig is om die wapen ook te voer, en dat al wat nodig is, is om die wapen te vind en daarop aanspraak te maak. Dan volg daar ‘n koorsagtige soektog na die "familiewapen" en word een of ander familiewapen summier geannekseer asof dit geldig is - veral in die geval van families waarvan die stamouers uit Europa afkomstig is. Maar die Staatsheraldikus is van mening dat die algemene Suid-Afrikaanse gebruik om dieselfde wapen te voer as ’n gelyknamige familie in Europa ongegrond en selfs onwettig is, veral in gevalle waar alle Suid-Afrikaanse lede van die familie dieselfde wapen sonder breuke voer.

Shaykh Yusuf:Tri-centennial Commemoration by A.M. van Rensburg

2004 will be the tri-centennial commemoration since Shaykh Yusuf’s remains were most likely returned from the Cape to Indonesia with his extended family, when they sailed on the 5th October 1704 on the ships de Liefde and Spiegel. This paper looks at the significance of Shaykh Yusuf with an overview of the history of his graves.

On the bookshelf: New and old books of interest to genealogists

1. Umvoti Mounted Rifles - new regimental history coming out soon 2. All Under Heaven, by Darryl Accone, published by David Philip, 2004, ISBN 0864866488 3. Die Kaapse Rebelle van die Hantam-Karoo tydens die Anglo-Boereoorlog van 1899-1902, deur Eben Nel, Bienedell Uitgewers, Pretoria

News Desk: Genealogical news and heritage gleanings

1. Honour for medical researcher: Dr. Geoffrey Dean (85) became well-known 1. for his research into porphyria, in mainly Afrikaans families. 2. South Africa’s first test tube baby, known only as the DE VOS baby, celebrated his 20th birthday in April 2004. 3. A rescue job, estimated to cost R5-million, is saving the Voortrekker Monument in Pretoria from water damage. 4. A last will made in 1920 is being challenged in court by the South African Education Department and the University of Cape Town (UCT). 5. The descendants of the French Huguenot refugees are not impressed by a proposal that would re-name the Huguenot Tunnel.

Discovering the slave wreck Meermin by Anne Lehmkuhl

The Dutch slave ship, Meermin, ran aground off the southern Cape coast 238 years ago after an on-board rebellion nearly succeeded. A project, funded by the Lotto, was recently launched to uncover her secrets. It is the beginning of a larger project to find slave wrecks around the South African coastline.

From the learning room:

Useful tips for genealogists Notes about downloading from NAAIRS Hoe om jou tydjie aanlyn by NAAIRS so kort as moontlik te hou (by Jaq Benadie, Durban and Coastal Branch, GGSA) Notes principally about downloading the National Automated Archival Information Retrieval System (NAAIRS) index displays as opposed to reading them online. In English & Afrikaans.

Colin’s Corner:

Words from our Branch Chairman


The Changing Face of Genealogy in South Africa by Martin Zöllner

The genealogical sphere in South Africa has changed substantially over the past number of years. This holds true for most aspects of genealogy, from the availability/accessibility of genealogical sources to organisational issues. The reasons for these changes are diverse and mostly due to external factors, e.g. financial, technological, political and demographic changes. Genealogists should take note of these changes, since they impact on personal genealogical research, as well as on genealogical organisations. The following contribution should be regarded as a discussion document, intending to place the changes in South African genealogy into perspective and to identify the resulting threats and opportunities.

Grandparents and family history by Anne Lehmkuhl

Grandparents can make family history come alive for their grandchildren. They have stories to tell, mementos to share, and they can pass on family traditions. Here are a few ideas to help you preserve and share the unique story of your family.

Lauder, Lammas and Hankey - Three places and three families by Prof. Charles V.R. Wait

On 10 Sept 2003 it was 220 years since the birth of James WAIT in Lauder, Scotland. This article traces the connection between JamesWAIT who emigrated from Lauder in Scotland to be the progenitor of the WAIT family in South Africa; Frederick KORSTEN, an early 19th century entrepreneur with a farm at what was to become Hankey in the Eastern Cape, and the DAMANT family from the Manor of Lammas in Norfolk on the river Bure.

GEDCOM Explained by Barry Kruger

In this article we will be delving into the mysteries of what GEDCOM is. Many users of genealogical software may have heard of the term or have seen references to GEDCOM on the menus of their programmes.

Family Newsletters by Anne Lehmkuhl

Family newsletters not only bridge the gap between the present and the past, but they also inspire pride in future generations by increasing our awareness of who we are. They help us remember those who came before and understand their pioneering spirits. Your family memories may not exist in a leatherbound book, but they will live within the historical pages of your newsletter.

Louw Pretorius van Rheeboksfontein deur Celestine Pretoruis

Terwyl mev. M.E. PRETORIUS aan haar boek oor die familie PRETORIUS in Suid-Afrika gewerk het, het sy my aandag gevestig op die feit dat die titel van die bekende skildery van Thomas BAINES van die interieur van Louw PRETORIUS se plaaswoning op Rheeboksfontein (1848)2 foutief is. Baines het geskryf dat dit die woning van Louis PRETORIUS is in plaas van Louw PRETORIUS. Wie was Louw Pretorius?


Op 'n Onmeetlikhied: Van Een Eindpunt Na 'n Ander - die Europese agtergrond en geskiedenis van die Suid-Afrikaanse Pretorius-familie, deur dr. Francois Johannes Pretorius. Privaat gedruk en uitgegee deur Makro Boeke (Edms) Bpk, (c) Prof Marinus Wiechers, 1997

Things aren’t always what they seem! Gerrit van Wijk (period 1700 - 1800) by Richard Ball

The generally accepted view has been that Gerrit VAN WIJK was the son of Arie VAN WIJK and Cornelia HELMS; that he was three times married, to Elisabeth VIVIER, to Maria PROVO and to Maria Magdalena EEKHOF; that he produced nineteen children between 1723 and 1764. My investigation of the extant church registers, wills, estate accounts and estate inventories has made it plain to me that there were, in fact, two men named Gerrit VAN WIJK, neither of them the son of Arie VAN WIJK and Cornelia HELMS.

Die ou Kaapse familie VAN BREDA

'n Verkorte en vertaalde weergawe van SCHETSEN UIT HET KAAPSE LEVEN van de 18e en 19e eeuw. deur J.H. Verduyn den Boer, 1929

Stoep Talk: Getting to know you

Martin Zöllner, GSSA President Richard Ball, eGSSA (Technical services) Colin Pretorius, eGGSA (Tak Voorsitter) Daan Hamman, eGSSA (Africa & Middle East Representative) Anne Lehmkuhl, eGSSA (Secretary)

Colin’s Corner:

Why genesis?

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