WHITE, Richard, 1820 Settler
National Archives, Kew CO48/46, 279
Truman's Court
July 28: 1819
My Lord
Its my intention if I can be permitted under the regulations of the present offer of His Majestys Government to embrace it as a settler in the new colony in the Territory of the Cape of Good Hope, its not from and [sic] disaffection to the Government of my country that I wish to take the advantage of this liberal offer, and I would not emigrate to the finest country on earth unless it was under the immediate protection of the British Government and its Laws, but the vicissitudes of Providence have brought me from affluence to poverty, and altho' I have very respectable connections, and one son and a son in law both Commission Officers in his Majesty's Naval service yet I have not since my misfortunes in life been able to support my family which consists of my Wife and twelve children, seven of the youngest now on my hands. I therefore purpose taking two Children under 14 years of age with me.
Believe me My Lord that I have strong claims on his Majestys Government and have had the honor of a Commission as Lieut & Paymaster in the Gosport & Alverstoke Volunteer Infantry consisting of six Companies in which Corps I served during twelve years of the war, I therefore trust any appeal and application will meet your Lordships approbation and at the same time I should wish to be informed whether the intended Vessel to convey the settlers will receive on board such implements of husbandry as may be necessary for Agriculture &c and when its likely the settlers will be required to embark, and if it is not pressing too much on your Lordships indulgence may I ask where the new colony within the Territory of the Cape is intended to be formed, and if on a Navigable River and what distance from the Cape.
I am My Lord
Your Lordships most obedient & very humble servant
Richard WHITE
PS Please to address me
Truman's Court Cornhill
National Archives, Kew CO48/46, 361
No. 3 Truman's Court
Aug 17th 1819
Agreeable to the Circular Letter of the 17th Ulto I now beg to offer myself to proceed as a Settler to the Colony in the Cape of Good Hope and to take under my direction nine able-bodied young men as Agriculturists, Carpenters, Masons &c for whom and myself I am ready to make the required deposit. I intend taking out the necessary impliments of husbandry and other necessaries to enable me to establish myself there. I should therefore wish to be informed what distances from the Coast the Settlers are to be located & whether on a Navigable River, or not, as a facility for the conveyance of necessary impliments and for the shipment of produce to the Mother Country and also for the supply of our wants from thence, and I am conversant with the Dutch language. I shall not only have an advantage thereby, but may also be of infinate service to my fellow Settlers and to His Majesty's Government.
I am Sir
Your most obt hble servt
Richard WHITE
National Archives, Kew CO48/46, 389
[Addressed to: W. D. ADAMS Esq]
No 3 Truman's Court
Aug 23rd 1819
I wrote you in reply to yours of the 9th inst with a request that you have the goodness to make an application to Mr MAYO, Solicitor to the Board of Excise in my behalf, as an extra Officer to be employed at one of the Hop districts which would not interfere with my arrangements for the Cape of Good Hope as it would be all November ere the Ships would Sail for that Colony with the Settlers, and that if I could obtain two months employment it would be of infinate benefit to myself and family. I also made another request for any [Cast] Clothes which I so much needed, and as I have not received any answer from you since, I am fearful that my importunities have given offence. If so I am truly sorry for it, but I hope you will not atribute my zeal in my applications to any personal motives, I was in hope to have (thereby) done something by the labour of my own hands for the support of my family and which it is one of the bitterest visitations of Providence to be deprived of, and altho' I have made every effort in my power in every conceivable direction and have had the satisfaction of knowing that on the score of Industry, Sobriety or Integrity no objection has ever been made to me, yet I have found it utterly impossible to obtain any kind of situation. For this reason alone I have determined on availing myself of the offer of Emigration which the Government at present affords.
I have written to the Colonial Department offering myself and nine other persons under my directions agreeable to the Circular Letter of the 17th ulto to which I have not yet received any reply and as the applicants are very numerous I am fearful unless some friend will make a personal application in my behalf to Earl BATHURST our object, plan & views will not be attained. I particularly mentioned that as I was conversant with the Dutch language I flattered myself I might or could be of some service to the Settlers in the new Colony particularly in their intercourse with the Dutch settlers already residing there in the immediate vicinity of it. May I therefore request it as a favor your seeing Mr GOULBURN or Earl BATHURST on the subject that in the event of any being allowed to go out under the regulations, I may have time to make my arrangements with my friends here who have offered me the assistance to enable me to establish myself.
I am Sir
Your obt hble servt
Richard WHITE
[Transcriber's note: William Dacres ADAMS, personal secretary to William PITT (the Younger), was a Commissioner of H.M. Woods, Forests and Land Revenues]
National Archives, Kew CO48/46, 412
No 3 Truman's Court
Aug 31st 1819
In conformity to your Letter of the 20th instant I now beg to tender you a List of the Persons who I intend taking under my direction as Settlers to the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope agreeable to the regulations and terms specifick in the Circular Letter from the Colonial Department of Government, with an assurance that I am ready to conform myself and to comply with all the conditions upon which His Majestys Government have been pleased to afford Lands in that Colony.
I am Sir
Your most obt hble servant
Richard WHITE
List of Number, Names & Age of Men, Women & Children
William CHASE, 35 years
Elizabeth CHASE, 32 years one family
John CHASE, 12 years
Elizabeth CHASE, 10 years
Edward CHASE, 30
James HUMBY, 24
James SMITH, 21
Joseph GAUNTLET, 19
Henry WILLIAMS, 23
George GRAY, 18
William COLE, 20
Thomas CURRIE, 22
John WHITE, 16 my son
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