GRANT, Charles re William PARKER, 1820 Settler
National Archives, Kew CO48/43, 303
Dublin Castle
Aug 4th 1819
I beg to present to your W. PARKER, an Irish gentleman, who is about to proceed with colonists &c to the Cape. Have the goodness to assist him in his views. I am much mistaken if he does not make a very successful conductor of the new settlers. It is his object to procure the land most advantageously situated for the purposes of a new establishment. In recommending him and his designs to you & thro' you to Lord BATHURST I can assure you I proceed not only on private but also on public grounds.
Believe me
Yours very truly
[in clerk's hand: Appointment for Friday]
National Archives, Kew CO48/43, 385
Aug 25 1819
Dear Sir,
Mr. PARKER my particular friend will have the honor to hand you this. I make free to introduce him to yr. notice. Officially he will entreat an early communication with you connected with the views of Government towards establishing a settlement on the S.East coast of South Africa. My knowledge of W. PARKER's character induces me to recommend him to yr notice on public as well as private grounds & I trust to your kindness in finding for him an early interview with the Earl BATHURST who I have no doubt will discover in him many of those qualities calculated to render a settler in South Africa of sterling worth as well to the Colony as to the Mother Country. You will pardon the liberty I take in thus obtruding myself on your notice.
I have the honor to remain with sentiments of respect
Yr very obed't humble sev't
[illegible signature]
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