ARMSTRONG, John, 1820 Settler
(see also correspondence of William SCANLAN and William PARKER CO48/45)
National Archives, Kew CO48/41, 152
Cove Cork Nov 7, 1819
We are desired by Mr. LEWIS, Egent of Transports, to request that your Honour will spake to Lord BATHURST to send him an order to hasten us that came from Longford as settlers for the Cape of Good Hope. We are hear after selling our small places to deposit £10 pounds and pay car hire we have not one penny to keep us from starving, 130 miles from home. Such as had money to bring them back went home again but we the under named men, cannot there go back or support our selves.
We are
Edward FORBES, a wife and two children
John ARMSTRONG a wife and child
Laurence ARMSTRONG, a wife and child
National Archives, Kew CO48/41, 166
Nov 25, 1819
Honourable Sir,
This is to inform your Lordship that we the Longford emigrants for the Cape of Good Hope came to Cove of Cork according to an order that we would be received on rashons on the 25 November 1819. We have applied to the Admirals office, and Egent of Transports who told us they know nothing about us. We most humbly beg that your Lordship will send the nesery orders concerning our rashons as some famileys after depositing there share of money and paying car hire, with expense of bringing there famileys 130 miles they have not one penny to keep themselves or famileys from starving in the streets of Cove after selling there small places they cannot have the fare to return home. We beg that your Lordship will send the nesery orders on rec't of this as we are in a miserable condition.
Be pleased to send the answer to the Agent of Transport
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